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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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roc, uoc, mp, and this is him, what he thinks, he tells people about it, that's what's the problem, and it shouldn't be, and even when legally they don't exist, then you can think whatever you want about what will happen in two years, but it is gone, so thank you very much for commenting on this important question, thank you for joining us, oleg slabospytskyi, a public activist was with us, we believe that the verkhovna rada of ukraine will be able to pass such a vote literally in a moment. news, good evening, we are from ukraine, well, here we go, at least eight people were injured as a result of the shelling of the russian shelling of leman in donetsk region, according to the head of the regional military administration , the occupiers shelled the city three times, damaged three two-story buildings and three administrative buildings at the landing sites, emergency services are working, the authorities are urging people to evacuate. and unfortunately,
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two people who died in the indomitable but long-suffering nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region on the day the russians attacked an ambulance with a kamikaze drone, the 54-year-old driver and his wife died wounded, in serious condition, the woman was hospitalized, reported the head of the region, serhiy lysak. unfortunately, a 52-year-old man, who was injured during the morning shelling, died already in the hospital. doctors fought for his life for several hours, but they could not save him. they were on the civil infrastructure of the city, residential buildings were damaged. and two people were wounded by the russians in the kherson region, the enemy attacked novodmytrivka from a drone, as the regional military administration said, as a result of dropping the explosives , the men received contusions. explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as shrapnel injuries of hands and feet. they were given help in the city for re-examination, but they refused. well, again, woe, woe
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, kharkiv, search operations were completed there, and as a result of the impact on the epicenter , it became known that 19 civilians were killed, 11 men, six women and two children, said serhiy, head of the investigative department of the national police in the region bolvinov. according to him, the majority were identified only after dna examination. specialists have conducted more than a hundred studies. specialists literally had to sift through the ashes to identify... 54 people were injured. let me remind you that on may 25, the russians carried out a vile, cynical terrorist act, they targeted a construction hypermarket with aerial bombs. employees and visitors of the store became victims of enemy terror. 710,000 citizens of ukraine removed her from warrantless search thanks to the reserve plus application, the deputy minister of defense of ukraine reported. kateryna
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chornohorenko. according to her, people had this status if they violated the rules of the military accounting or ignored subpoenas. then the territorial recruitment centers turned to the national police. the number of such appeals is almost 25%. many servicemen, whose data were not digitized in a timely manner, also received wanted status. the third camp for russian prisoners of war in ukraine. opened, as reported in the press service of the state project i want to live, they resorted to this because of the large number of captured russians and the actual blocking of exchanges by the russian side, representatives of the aggressor army can work in the camp, sports, go to church, there are still on the territory and what is on the territory and communicate with psychologists, it will probably not be the last such center that started work this year, the press service adds, well... really for
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an indefinite period now the russian side has suspended the exchange of prisoners, their commissioner on these issues said that ukraine constantly imposes some incomprehensible conditions, and of course ukraine imposes conditions, we feed your prisoners, give them some sports exercises, we give them work, prayers, a psychologist, what are ukrainians experiencing prisoners of war, we all hear when they come out of captivity, so we have certain questions, but i hope that it will be cleared. very often, unfortunately, but well, fortunately, it happens so, these unlocking happens thanks to our partners from all over the world. 3,000 dollars for peace in dnipropetrovsk region, law enforcement officers caught a group of extortionists red-handed, who forced the businessman to pay a debt that does not exist. in case of refusal, the man was threatened with creating problems and physical violence. the businessman was pressured psychologically, ordered transfer money through a currency exchange office. they will be detained there. perpetrators face
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up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. a 46-year-old resident of kryvyi rih organized the criminal business. and to implement his plan, he involved an acquaintance. the police detained members of the group while receiving funds, they were informed of the suspicion. fighters of the 130th battalion as part of the 241st brigade, the first of the teroboronov soldiers, who were awarded a combat flag by the president of ukraine. in 2022, the military defended ukraine in kyiv region and kharkiv region. in the 23rd held positions on the outskirts of bakhmut. battles in the kupian and oleman directions. since the beginning of this year, defenders have been serving near the tick. scouts of the 130th battalion received a tablet and drones from the zhivago all-ukrainian charity fund. this equipment already helps the defenders to destroy the occupiers and enemy equipment. soldiers of the 130th battalion.
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i would like to express my gratitude to the all-ukrainian charitable fund from the intelligence of the 130th battalion. very important, for the instant, for the instant transfer to us of the drone, which we desperately need in donbas, glory to ukraine, to the heroes glory. well, really, it is very important if there is an opportunity for our fighters, because they actually help us, and save our lives today and our state. may 29 is the international day of peacekeepers of the united nations organization. during the years of our independence, more than 45,000 ukrainian servicemen performed defensive and combat tasks. in more than 25 international operations in different regions of the planet and in 18 different countries of the world, guarded important objects, accompanied convoys with humanitarian aid, destroyed snipers and civilians were evacuated. where are our peacekeepers now, what were their most difficult
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missions? let's see in the plot. as an independent state, ukraine first joined peacekeeping missions in 1992. in just three weeks from volunteers. the 240th separate special battalion was formed. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. ukrainian peacekeepers arrived in bosnia on july 15, 1992 . they found themselves in difficult conditions, there was little food and fuel. in addition, the bosnian serbs staged provocations and made demands lay down arms in may 1995, nato planes bombed several military units. of the bosnian serbs, in response to this they took peacekeepers hostage en masse, used them as human casualties, including ukrainians. the rescue of the bosnians by jepi is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. on july 24, 1995
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, the serbs began mass shelling of the region. then the ukrainian peacekeepers started the evacuation. in three days, it was possible to evacuate 5 to 10 thousand people from the city in... during the three years of the peacekeeping operation in the balkans, 15 people died ukrainian soldiers. another major operation of ukrainian peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. the ukrainians were fighters of the international coalition against which the guerilla war of islamic militants continued. in total, more than 600 servicemen of the armed forces passed through iraq. of ukraine. 18 of them died. in the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operation in sierra leone, which is located in western africa. the country was in the midst of a civil war between the forces of the central government and a paramilitary group. the ukrainians were exceptionally helpful
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victims of military operations. however, six of our citizens died during the mission. the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean, as before. died in november 2018, ukrainians were involved in the large-scale scorpion combat operations to destroy units of jihadist fighters that invaded the territory of the democratic republic of the congo. for a long time, the ukrainian helicopter detachment was the only unit that performed flying tasks in the region. the detachment transported dignitaries, medical and critical cargo, carried out evacuation. aerial reconnaissance and search and rescue operations. ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50,000 hours in the sky. lchiki transported almost 2,000 passengers and about 7,000 tons of cargo. in 2021
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, representatives of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate joined the special operation in afghanistan. the mission began on september 16. at that time, american. troops left afghanistan, but ukrainians did not leave the region. the rescue operation nearly collapsed. in the end, our scouts managed to find out. and evacuate save not only the citizens of ukraine, but also the employees of international organizations. on september 23, the plane with the rescued people successfully landed in kyiv. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine continued to participate in peacekeeping operations on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle east, in the caucasus, and in many other regions of the world. 50. eight ukrainian servicemen died during the tasks. since 2014, most of our peacekeepers have taken part in
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the anti-terrorist operation in donbas. an obstacle to participation in the peacekeeping mission in ukraine, for foreign battalions, was russia, which was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian peacekeeping missions. all of ukraine joined the rescue of people in turkey, where a powerful earthquake took place in february 2023. as a result of the natural disaster, more than 50 thousand people died, tens of thousands were injured. ukraine sent its rescue team, humanitarian aid, sterling terminals and drones there, although our state suffered daily from russian shelling. now ukrainian peacekeepers have to defend. native land, from the russian invaders. well, really,
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ukrainians, ukrainian peacekeepers, this is like a sign of quality in the world, they showed incredible bravery, skill, skills and human compassion, saving people, stopping conflicts, so a big thank you and i know the peacekeepers, all the peacekeepers, and i now add yulia to the conversation physical about events outside ukraine, he is ready to tell, yury, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today in this meeting, there will be a lot of information about this, again, a lot of information about whether such western partners will allow us to use their weapons on the territory of the aggressor country, poor trump, in every sense of the word and idiocy in russian, me my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well
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, let me start with this, another security agreement , this time with portugal, which was concluded the night before by president volodymyr zelenskyi and the head of the portuguese government, luiz montenegro. according to the document ukraine will receive a package of economic and military aid in the amount of 126 million euros in the 24th year. this document will be valid for the next 10 years. er, the agreement also obliges portugal to support the reforms of the defense sector of ukraine, while specifying that the priority will be to help and support ukraine's basic needs at one time or another. well, that is, so that you understand, they will ask the leadership of ukraine what is needed at some point in terms of some kind of financial assistance, military assistance, and they will give exactly what we most needed at that moment. ukraine is experiencing. perhaps the most difficult moment since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and ultimately
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the entire russian war in ukraine, and therefore has the right to self-defense, which allows it to use western weapons to launch strikes on the territory of russia. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this in an interview with christian amanpour on the air of the american tv channel cnn. according to him, wars are always unpredictable, therefore the north atlantic alliance does not... expect a major breakthrough by the aggressor's troops, but the forces defenses of ukraine should still be able to strike back, even on the territory of russia. next, we will hear jens stoltenberg in direct speech. it must be remembered that this is an aggressive war. russia attacked another country. this is a senseless violation of international law. specifically, according to it, ukraine has the right to self-defense, which also... includes the right to attack targets outside ukraine, including legitimate military targets in russia. well, i said at
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the beginning that today there will be a lot about what, it seems to me, is also the case in the west reached a consensus and are preparing this decision to allow us to hit the russians on their territory in order to prevent them from entering our country. well, that's why, later you will see how many such decisions there are today. he said yes, president. emmanuel macron of france called on his european colleagues to allow ukraine to use the received weapons to attack targets on the territory of russia. he said this the day before in the evening during a joint press conference following the meeting with german chancellor olaf scholz in berlin. the owner of yelysetsky palace also emphasized that the transfer of long-range weapons to the ukrainian defense forces will not cause an escalation on the battlefield, as some in europe fear. well then, let's hear the master of the elysée
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palace, emmanuel macron, in direct speech. how can we explain to the ukrainians that we give them weapons so that they can defend their cities, but at the same time we prohibit them from hitting targets on the territory of russia, so we need to allow them to neutralize all military facilities from which missiles are launched in the direction of ukraine , at the same time should remain the ban on hitting other targets in russia that are civilian objects, so when ukraine is attacked from designated targets in russia, and we really want to ... help them, then i think we should allow them to do that. well , emmanuel macron said one more thing, volodymyr zelenskyi is going to visit him in paris next week, and as the french president said, he will, very specifically, this is his quote, say what the french authorities intend to do with this permission and in the end and in the future
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support of ukraine. well, during this one the meeting between macron and scholz was another very... interesting, well, intriguing, i think, statement this time from the mouth of the head of the german government, olaf scholz, i must say that it pleasantly surprised me, it was not so direct, but veiled, it seems to me that olaf scholz has also changed his mind, not to give us, not to allow, not to allow us to strike with our weapons on the territory of the aggressor country, let's hear the bundeschancellor in direct speech. according to... with international law, ukraine can do what it does, it is necessary speak frankly: she was attacked, and therefore she can defend herself. it is strange to me when some claim that it should be forbidden to defend itself, neither we, nor other european countries, nor friendly states on the international arena, have ever demanded this and
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will never demand it. of course, there are questions about what we do with the systems that the us supplies. france, germany and other countries. but all these states have established rules according to which the use of their weapons must take place within the framework of international law. well, so that you understood, earlier olaf schols said: "no, no, no, you can't use german weapons to strike, for example, in the belgorod region, or the kursk region, or the bryansk region." no-no-no, only for russians who are on the territory of ukraine. now he says, turns to international law and says that according to. according to international law, ukraine has the right to self-defense, and self-defense includes deterring the advance of the aggressor's troops precisely from its territory, that is, from russia, so it is possible that in the near future we will hear some more statements by olaf scholz, which i very much frankly, i want to. but the administration of the current president of the united states of america,
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joe biden, does not want the situation on the battlefield in ukraine to escalate. the official said this the day before during the briefing. the representative of the white house, karin jeanpierre, this is how she answered the journalist's question about whether joe biden is ready to lift this very ban, which i have been talking about a lot today. at the same time, she emphasized that american officials have not changed their position and are not going to allow it at the moment. next, a short direct speech, madam jeanpierre, we believe that ukraine should have everything necessary for self-defense, and this is our position. well, this is what she said today, yesterday evening kyiv time, at the same time, the washington post provides very interesting and , again, intriguing information, the military military columnist of this newspaper, david ignatios, who has very good insiders in the white house, reported with reference to his sources that butzim has changed
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joe biden's attitude to this permission, and perhaps the closest. at times it will also allow the use of american weapons for shelling targets on the territory of the aggressor country and all this is due to the change in the situation in the kharkiv region, well, at least that's what david ignatius writes, i really hope that it will be like that, at the same time he also noted that they will allow hitting enemy targets with non- long-range weapons, and only with short-range weapons, but... intensifies, what is the difference, the truth is, in order to fire at these terrorist troops who stand behind the fence on their territory, it will be enough even weapons that hit there, well, literally there at 30 -50 km. that's enough, so we wait for it, and by the way, there is quite a lot more in this article, i mean the washington post article by david ignatios, there is one more interesting piece of information: china's leader xi jinping was
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ready to supply weapons to russia at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine . david ignatius was also told about this by sources in the white house, according to the information he released, because of this to mr. siu in march 22. the us secretary of state warned him that the united states would take retaliatory measures. after that, the columnist's sources confirm the calls. xi jinping refused direct arms supplies to russia and, according to the columnist, the chinese leader became very angry and instructed the former vice-premier of the state council of the people's republic of china liuhe to control the covert provision of military assistance to russia. in beijing, of course, all this was denied. rather, they called it outright misinformation, well, whatever you say, there are people who know how to surprise with their behavior and statements, and one of them is
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the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump. during the meeting with campaign donors, he said he would bomb moscow and beijing if russia and china invaded ukraine and taiwan, respectively. this was reported by the sources of the washington post newspaper, moreover, they also reported that he greatly surprised his donors with this. journalists of the publication do not provide any other details. i will remind you that the ex-owner of the white house, who has every chance to settle there for another four years, has repeatedly stated that he will be able to end the russian-ukrainian conflict, as it is called in russia, within 24 hours of entering for the position of president. eventually. and trump, this is often called a conflict, well, the rich also cry it again about trump, his wallet is so stupid that he has to spend
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money selling his property, for example, in order to pay the costs, all the costs of the lawyers who defend him in all four cases, he even had to sell one plane, this was reported by the american media. well, they said that it was a small plane from his fleet, although it costs a lot, 10 million dollars, and as we can see, donald trump's problems are serious. well , at least 90 balloons were launched on the eve from north korea in the direction of its southern neighbor. at the same time , the balloons that fell contained waste, including excrement and garbage, and not political campaign materials, as claimed in... the kenyans were informed about this at the general headquarters of the republic of korea, that is, south korea. the military was informed that they are taking all necessary measures, and also recommended
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to local residents: do not approach objects that have fallen and report them detection of authorities and police. it is also known that some balls are still hanging in the air. here , only one thing remains a mystery for everyone: what was the purpose for... to drop excrement, for example, on the territory of the southern neighbor from the balloons, why, because earlier in pyongyang they said that they would drop propaganda leaflets in you, the answer to that , that seol dropped propaganda leaflets on the territory of north korea, well, here they just realized that the leaflets will not work at all, so they decided that excrement will work, somehow or for worse, at least something from the series, well, unless yes, and in conclusion, so that you understand how... a rotten neighbor, who seems to live somewhere in the last century, we have from the east in the irkutsk region, and this is far in russian siberia, still russian,
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installed arttob' the object is dedicated to the exile not of anyone, but of joseph stalin to siberia. the stalin inscription was placed on the slopes of mount kitkai next to the village of novaya uda, where joseph stalin spent one and a half months in exile in 1903. the deputy of the legislative assembly of the irkutsk region told about it. of course from the cprf, well there is also a gazebo there, as local journalists say, it is even said that, or maybe they invented it, the devil knows, the murderer of hundreds of thousands of people liked to walk and even put a pipe similar to the one that he himself liked to smoke, and what’s more, there is also a museum in this village joseph stalin, i think of it as nova uda, but i'm curious, and all the residents there know that stalin is basically dead already, maybe she didn't get there. sick people and the problem is that there are still so many of their patients left there. well, that's it. well, on this i have everything in the rubric the world is about ukraine, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our
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more in the joints it is so piercing, it does not allow to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, good evening, we are from ukraine, so we continue, and now it is very important to talk about our money, because it directly concerns us, oleksandr moshevka is talking with me, oleksandr, congratulations, greetings to vasyl, today we are talking about ukrainian taxes, or taxes from ukrainians, from the ukrainian economy, which are planned by the government and when they will launch new mechanisms, about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. today we are talking about filling the state budget with taxes, which are going to be implemented
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in... they are talking about value added tax, in particular for fops, they are talking about increasing the excise duty, and they have even started talking about a second-hand tax. well, to us oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club, joins us, we will understand this topic. good evening. good evening, but i think that we were a little hasty with the second-hand tax, it will definitely not be there, although the latter will definitely appear. mr. oleg, well, really, talk. the fact that the state budget should be filled is important, but in what way, what options for filling the coffers within our state currently exist in addition to the tax burden? no, well, look, in reality, we have it, and by the way, we actively use it at the moment of domestic state loan bonds, for example, the minister of finance announced that during the war. authorities,
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the ministry of finance, the government were able to attract up to 13 hryvnias at the expense of domestic state loan bonds. apart from that, well , there are other ways, we have already talked about taxes with you, there is a radical way to fight against the shadow economy, but i think that this issue is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. i understand that all the methods that are available today, they require more rigorous control, stricter application, especially in conditions of war, we are also talking about the fight against corruption, we are talking about other methods, including, probably, first of all, the fight against the shadow business, mr. oleg, but the fight against the shadow, how much she could bring to the state budget if she really worked.


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