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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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large-scale protests continue in tbilisi at a time when the georgian parliament overrode the country's president's veto of the law on foreign agents, which, according to critics, could negatively affect the country's european course and bring georgia closer to russia, so what are the chances of the opposition and will the protests lead to revolution, we are talking about it for the next 15 minutes on the bbc, jafer umerov is working in a studio in london. despite mass protests and appeals by european politicians, georgia took another step towards rapprochement with russia. in this footage, a peaceful protest near the parliament in tbilisi after parliament... overrode
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a veto of the controversial law, which critics say is pro-russian because it is similar to the one that allowed russian authorities to persecute dissidents, the law on transparency of foreign financing, a presidential veto previously imposed by the head of state of georgia, salome zorabishvili. for this, the deputies needed 76 votes, 84 voted to cancel the veto. that is how many deputies are represented in the parliament. the ruling party georgian dream, that is, the ruling party that is trying to push this law, had enough votes to override the president's veto. why does the law attract so much criticism? solome zorobishvili called it russian both in essence and in spirit. and she firmly said that the law should be repealed. but why? its official name is the law on transparency of external influence. according to it, all non-governmental organizations and associations, in which foreign funding
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makes up more than 20% of annual income, must be registered as organizations carrying out the interests of a foreign power. all stages of consideration of this law were accompanied by large-scale protests in the country's capital tvilis, which often ended in clashes with the police and arrests. but people continue to gather near the parliament building with georgian and european union flags. by the way, both the eu and the usa have already reacted. a little later, the protesters call on the authorities to abandon the law, they insist that this law is repressive, and according to bbc correspondent raikhan dimitria, who follows the situation in tbilisi, their mood is gloomy. the ruling georgian dream party overcame the presidential party vetoed after many hours of discussion. we were here in the afternoon and around 7 in the evening they finally voted and defeated the president.
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veto. the participants of the protest watched the last minutes of the discussions here, in the square near the parliament. and when the voting results appeared on the big screen, of course, they were booed. i can say that now the mood here is rather gloomy. people are very disappointed that the government has refused to listen to them despite weeks of protests against the law. what will happen next? then the procedure will take about 80 days, the law will be sent to the presidency for signature. it will be published later. as we understand, it will take several more months before this law is enforced. shortly before that , the president of the country, saloma zorobishvili, who has pro-western views and who promised this law, spoke to the participants of the protest and expressed her solidarity with them. she said that georgia's future is in europe and called on protesters to channel that anger and emotion into the october vote. a few days ago she offered all opposition parties of georgia to unite, and now they are talking about the october parliamentary elections. as for the referendum,
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they hope that if the entire opposition unites under the slogan georgia in europe, they will be able to defeat the currently ruling georgian dream party. the law drew sharp criticism from the eu, which warned of the possibility of ending georgia's integration into the community. let me remind you that georgia received the status of a candidate for eu membership last december. but in connection with the final adoption of the law on foreign agencies, the head of the european council charles michel said that the issue of georgia. raised at the next meeting of eu leaders, and the white house warned that the us would impose sanctions against the georgian authorities if they suppress the opposition and non-governmental organizations. us state department spokesman matthi miller said the ruling party's actions threaten relations between washington and tbilisi. by passing this law, the ruling georgian dream party further distanced the country from european integration and ignored the euro-atlantic. aspirations of the georgian people,
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who for weeks took to the streets and spoke against this law, the ruling party's actions and anti-western rhetoric threaten georgia's democratic trajectory, its future economy, and jeopardize relations between georgia and the united states. at the same time as in brussels, washington urged not to adopt a law that threatens to restrict freedom of speech and does not correspond to european values, the prime minister of georgia rakli kubahitsi insists that the law is european because it is based on transparency and accountability. critics of the law call it russian, but the authorities of georgia claims that they were not inspired by the russian law, american'. by the way, russia says the same. however, the americans passed such a law even before the start of world war ii in 1938 to combat nazi propaganda. and in the usa it is used extremely rarely. in 50 years, only seven cases of violations reached
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the court, only one of them was sentenced. but the ruling party of georgia insists. the law only provides for the submission of annual financial declarations by non-governmental organizations. and those who receive funds from abroad. let's let's listen to how the prime minister of the country, irakli kobahice, comments on the adoption of the law. the highest representative body of the country, elected by the georgian people, acted in accordance with the will of the georgian people and created the most important legal basis for strengthening the state sovereignty of georgia. this law means progress in all aspects. first of all, this is a very serious step towards the depolarization of society. seen many cases where the european union demanded this, and one of its particular institutions actually financed the polarization in georgia, and could not do it transparently. today, a new law ensures that artificial polarization in georgia will no longer be financed abroad. this law is
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a serious mechanism for ensuring depolarization, and we have very serious progress in this direction. if before the initiation of the draft law, the probability of starting negotiations on eu accession was zero. now this probability has increased significantly, i will not go into the percentages, but now the chances of admission have increased significantly. ultimately, our goal is to become a member of the european union by 2030. by the way, the country's president zarabishvili cannot once again use that right of veto and thus delay the entry into force of this law, and if she refuses to sign it, the speaker of the parliament can do it. more on what's next from the bbc's nina. protests in georgia have been going on for over a month and a half because of the law on foreign agents, are you currently in tbilisi, what is the current situation there? today there are no such large-scale protests, today there are no large-scale protests yet, but these protests are everywhere, they continue and this
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mood is felt throughout the city, and in in the future, protests are also announced, apparently, now the emphasis is shifting to the elections that will soon be held in the country, let me remind you, in october we will have parliamentary elections and already... probably this protest mood will increase. now there are some procedural points left. this law will be returned to the president, it is clear that she will most likely not sign it, but the head of the parliament can sign it, and it will come into force on the 60th day. influential forces, including the independent zmi, are already saying that they are not going to register under such a name offensive term, as leaders of the interests of a foreign power, and they will not obey this law and continue to work. and help people, but this law also provides for rather high fines, so it is not only russian in its essence and direction, as it is called in georgia, but they say that in georgia everything will follow the russian scenario in terms of the civil sector, and again after all, the elections, we have elections in october, it turns out that
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by september there may already be some fines, we have non-governmental organizations in the elections play a very important role, they are observers, so there is also a question, how will the elections themselves be held? georgia is now going through what ukraine went through during the revolution of dignity, at a very high cost to the ukrainian society, but still managed to change course. ukraine has chosen a european future. and what are the chances in georgia? surveys, which we often mention, show that the majority of the population of georgia is precisely pro-european, and i want to note that the authorities until now declare that they have a pro-european course, and georgia will become a member of the european in december of last year, by the way, georgia received the status, leaving behind moldova and ukraine, but the statements of western partners say the opposite, and if you look at these protests, the key role in them is played by the youth, students, of course, people of all ages come out , but the vast
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majority are young people, but the problem is that we have no confidence in the opposition either, it is very low, we need to broadcast this protest energy in order for it to be reflected in the elections. they emphasize tradition, appealing to these irritating topics. very often they spread exactly anti-western rhetoric. by the way, they also frighten georgia with ukrainization. that is, if for many what is happening in ukraine is close, it hurts, and many say that this is our war too, then the authorities say just the opposite, you must have heard this rhetoric, that they want to open in georgia... the second front, they are talking about the global war party, it is not clear who is there specifically, and
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more about the situation in georgia, we are talking with political scientist, director of the center for the study of civil society problems vitaly kulikom mr. vitaly, good evening. many compare the current situation in georgia with how the revolution of dignity unfolded in ukraine, how possible is a similar revolution in georgia , and are such comparisons even appropriate? well, georgia also has its... history of revolutions, changes of power, and the same saakashvili came as a result of street protests in the parliament during the parliamentary crisis and in fact the destruction of the previous president from power, and that is , there have already been similar processes in the history of georgia, but at the moment i wouldn't do it there are some tougher parallels, ukrainian realities 13 with many economic, flight... reasons, it was actually people were taken away from the choice, not just a choice, a vector, not
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like the future, as such, come on, there was even such a phrase that the decision mazarov crossed out my future, that's how they played on the street, in georgia the situation is a little different, they have the status of a candidate, they, their political party, the ruling political party talks about not... not rejecting the european course, without saying that they also by integration in europe, emphasis is placed on sovereignty, on non-interference in internal politics, on the fact that georgia wants to play the role of not, object, subject, including regional politics, and indeed there are many phobias that are exploited regarding the fact that we we want to preserve the gromanian peace and do not want the country to move along those paths. to which saakashvili pushed or what is happening in ukraine, that is
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, the external similarity of the situation in georgia now and in ukraine in 13-14, it is only external, internal, fundamental, tectonic the processes that took place in georgian society are taking place now, and took place then in ukraine, they are a little different, they have a different character and a different dynamic, and this is how i treat the previous speakers, that by and large now... these protests, which were long enough, i would like to remind you that these are protests which, although around the law on innoagents, but they continue long enough that since the month of march there has been a positive continuous mobilization of protest initiatives, people support this mobilization in the streets, but even on the streets, even the public sector, which does not trust the opposition, which criticizes the opposition and even some positional leaders of the flag... from the podium in march, for example, the head of strategy, nabeli
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vashadze was pulled from the podium at the rally, now the same youth , she repeats this thesis that this is not just a protest against the law, but it is preparation for the next elections and the elections as a referendum, the president of georgia solomeshvili also talks about the need to collect signatures by the same... young activists, she says that collect half a million signatures, bring it to me, i will initiate a referendum, and according to the constitution of georgia, 2000 signatures can trigger a referendum. such a president, she is categorically against it, thanks to vitaliy kulyk, director of the center for civil society research. thank you! so subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news, and we're back on the air tomorrow at 9:00 am, take care!
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greetings, friends, the second part of the program is live on the tv channel. my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part we will talk about this threat to the sumy direction. a new front is turning in the north. why do the leaders of ukraine talk about these dangers with western journalists, and not with ukrainian society. coalition of determination. already 10 european countries have allowed their weapons to be used on russian territory. will putin dare to carry out his threats in response.
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constituent conference. at the first peace summit regarding will raise only three questions: will the global forum bring real peace to ukraine? let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are now watching us live there. subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you the following: will putin dare to use nuclear weapons? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no. write your opinion if it does not have a clear answer in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think putin would dare to use nuclear weapons (0800-211-381, no), 0800-211382. all calls
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these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our experts, political experts in touch. maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. and viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our conversation today. good health to you, glad to see you. so, gentlemen, as we ask our viewers and tv viewers whether they think. they that putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, let 's exchange opinions in the format of a poll blitz, about this, what do you think about nuclear weapons and putin, let's start with mr. viktor, please, i think that driven, he himself once said such things as about my life story, that i once saw
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a rat that was cornered and swam at people, by the way, i also had such a case... when i served in the navy, i also saw a cornered rat that swam and fought back , er, i think that cornered putin is capable of anything, including the use of nuclear weapons, but this can only be true when, well, let's say, there, er, we will knock them out of crimea, from donbas there, or it passes into their territory, this is the first, and the second, right there there may also be a case of an executor, well... okay, putin says, i press the red button, but is there a major who sits directly in the mine, or he will release that bomb, because he has children, he does not want they died, so what happened somewhere. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. maxim, i would continue this thought, i think that now putin is far from, not in the status of that
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rat cornered, on the contrary, how can it be. exactly after such a loud failure and embarrassment of the 22nd year, so to speak, now putin, his regime, people close to him feel very good and plan to rule in russia for a very long time, that is, the last appointments of the sons of kovalchuk, patroshev there, the approach of the former governor dyumin to the kremlin, they show. that the regime feels very confident inside russia, and this external situation helps them manage the russians as they are now, so i think that now they are engaged in their favorite business, blackmailing, intimidating, but in reality, especially if they were warned about the consequences
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of using nuclear weapons, in reality they are not going to and are not ready to use them. thank you, mr. maksym, the main topic, gentlemen, over the past few days is the determination of our western partners, and their decision, or no decision, or the ban on the use of their weapons by the ukrainian army on the territory of the russian federation, as of today, on luckily, there are already 10 countries that have formed their own the position that was said about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine can strike with their ... weapons on the territory of the russian federation at military facilities. today it became known that poland allowed ukraine to use the weapons it supplies for attacks on russia, the deputy minister of defense of poland said. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg called on allies to lift restrictions on ukraine's use of western weapons, let's hear what the secretary general
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of the north atlantic alliance said. it must be remembered that this is an aggressive war. russia attacked another country, this is a senseless violation international law, namely, according to it , ukraine has the right to self-defense, which also includes the right to fire at targets for... mr. viktor, what could be the reasons why our western partners are so reluctant to give permission to use their weapons in strikes on the territory of the russian federation, they still keep illusions for themselves that it is possible to come to an agreement with putin, and that too, but the main thing is that it is... after all, fear, especially, as for germany, the fear of their establishment, of putin's bluff, including and nuclear blackmail
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putin if we talk about germany and become, then there are two different positions here, if for the germans, the germans are a pacifist society, after two wars, when the germans wanted to fight and march there, to conquer europe, they calmed down and now they are more or less on their own. russian society in the world, and accordingly, scholz conducts politics, understanding what kind of society he represents, while biden , on the contrary, has a slightly different motive, he is afraid of escalation, because he, after all, as a politician was formed in the conditions of the cold war, when you can there was everything, but without any heat, you know, there, when only you could... apply sanctions somewhere, put pressure somewhere, conduct diplomatic negotiations,
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help the mujahideen somewhere, and others there, who fought somewhere with the ussr, competed all over the world, but if little by little without escalation, without crossing the extremes and the very red lines that they set for themselves, and therefore they cross them long and hard, well, eventually they will cross. red line, but each time each crossing of the new red line is difficult for them. the united states is governed after all a politician of the cold war. mr. maksym, what are the consequences of this indecision ? during the second world war, the soviet union was given weapons, but they were not told not to hit hitler's bunker in germany, that is
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, there were no such prohibitions. uh, yeah, those bans, they look pretty weird, and, er, well, at least from a moral point of view , definitely not justified, but i suspect that we are dealing with such a ... specific situation, which is not talked about out loud, but which has already been repeatedly hinted at by our western partners, including publicly, that even at the beginning of the war, well, this full-scale war, between the west and putin and russia , red lines were established, well, let's call it that, that is, certain restrictions were established. which, behind which are certain threats and threats, they say, you do not allow yourself
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something, and we do not allow ourselves something else, as far as i understand, russia has promised not to use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons against ukraine, against the armed forces, against the population, but we understand that nuclear weapons are not... just a missile at washington, it is also a tactical charge of some kind bunker near kiev, well, surely someone promised something to someone, the americans to the russians, the russians to the americans, and here they are trying to keep this gentleman's agreement, if you can say so with the robber, and behave in this way, on the other hand. year, if we say when these red lines will be crossed when it becomes disadvantageous for one of the parties, when one of
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the parties would... forcibly or actually of its own free will for its own gain cross these red lines. as for the western part of the agreement, so to speak, then obviously they are not ready to allow a military defeat of ukraine, well, in this particular case, it is a breakthrough of the front, the occupation of large ukrainian territories, and so on. e.e. granting permission to strike with long-range, accurate weapons at concentrations of russian troops is a preventive measure that allows this danger to be reduced, and if it is, and if putin has promised not to take over ukraine again, and will try to do it, i think we will be allowed to destroy his strike groups. well, by the way, putin, in response to stoltenberg's calls, to allow western weapons to be used.
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on the territory of russia threatened to strike small countries in europe. let's hear what he said. representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must realize what they are playing with. they should remember that these are, as a rule, states with a small territory, and with a very dense population this is a factor that they should have on... this is the rhetoric of such a st. petersburg goblin who tries to blackmail everyone and is guided by principle, he once talked about this publicly, by the way , he said that if a fight is inevitable, then you have to be the first, well, roughly , it looks like he
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's using this... rhetoric and behavior, what this behavior can lead to, that he can just get in the jaw like any goblin, well, i think he just balances his words and knows that no one will give him exactly on the jaw, and that's why he is says every time in the mode there is like, be afraid of me, i'm stupid, i'm damned all over the head , i'm contused everything. be afraid, i 'm going to break down now, everything is the khan's, of course, you don't need to be afraid, because it's just a bluff and blackmail, he really behaves like a gopnik, and the gopnik should be charged yes, ee change, and not go by his words , because actually these are just words, but it played, it played many times and years, this, well, that is, this method worked, and that is why he uses it
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as long as it works. at least a little, it works fewer and fewer, fewer and fewer people, the same macron is already declaring there that yours, your words are historic, we will find our words, there will be our threats to your threats, and many politicians have stopped being afraid, but for now even a little behavior, they will do it, putin will use this method, it works, you already mentioned macron, and macron said about... that during volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to normandy next week , the plan for the possible deployment of french military instructors in ukraine, and macron commented on the previous statement of the chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi and said that the communication by the chief of the armed forces was not very successful. let's listen to what macron said. i have an opportunity when president
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zelensky next...week goes to france on the occasion of the day to receive him, and then we will talk about it in great detail to announce what we are going to do. i will not comment on what was a miscommunication and miscommunication. mr. maxim, why is it obvious to our western partners that that ukraine should not lose in this war, and it is not. it is obvious that russia must lose this war. i think that for them, i hope that it is obvious for them that russia will lose this war, but they imagine this loss a little differently than we do, that is, for them , russia is already losing, for more than two years russia has been losing and losing .


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