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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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during the war, it is impossible to hold elections, and if it is impossible to hold elections, then first of all there will be external provocations regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian government and president zelensky himself, or rather, his services are warning about this, and russia is doing everything to show that he is not is legitimate, and putin says about it that it is obviously a complete delusion, because elections cannot be held now, and despite the fact that i am an opposition politician, for me the interests of the state always come first, and we are all a miracle. we understand that we cannot choose anyone, and a country must have leadership during war. another thing is that there should be trust in this leadership, and in such a situation this trust can fall, and in order to gain this trust even more, it would be positive to unite the entire political society. in what form can this be done? of course, the president should communicate with representatives of all political factions, involve all pro-ukrainian forces in cooperation, because we can... be the government
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or the opposition, when we know that the next election process will take place, and now such we do not have an understanding that there will be a next election process, because we are not thinking about elections, we are actually thinking about how to protect the country, and the government should take such an initiative simply in order to be more effective and to use opportunities as representatives of the ruling faction, and there are these opportunities, but there are not so many of them, we know how this faction was formed, and there were actually representatives of all opposition forces, it is possible. because i say once again that there is nothing to compete for now, if we talk about the offensive, well, i wouldn't have anyone here was not particularly frightening, it is obvious that the russians seek to stretch the front line and weaken our army, they simply have a greater mobilization resource and a greater financial resource, because they do not even conduct mobilization, they actually conduct economic mobilization, they pay people quite a lot to they've been engaged in combat with this... aggressor that they
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're hiring, and if they're recruiting somewhere around 30,000 a month, that's a pretty big number that allows them to replenish their losses, even with a small margin. we it's just that there are fewer people living in ukraine, and a lot of people have left the borders of ukraine, and our mobilization resources are much smaller, and we don't spend our finances, because we certainly pay ukrainian soldiers, but it would be possible to come up with some programs to support families, it is personal income tax that was once withdrawn from local budgets, which if they were given to places and some serious sums were paid to families, families, those who are mobilized for the army, then i think that people would have had more incentives to mobilize, to go to the defense of the homeland, it is extremely important, such things must be resolved if we are going to receive western weapons, because the biggest problem at the front is obviously people and weapons, so i think that we will be able to fight and defend the ukrainian land quite effectively and for a long time and... and this war it may
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drag on for a long, long time, i don’t believe in those, in the current situation, well, it’s not that i don’t believe, i’m not a military expert, it’s difficult for me to speak, it’s professional, but since i ’m a politician and i communicate with the military experts, i see no reason to think so about the fact that it will be so easy for the russians to approach kyiv again, to capture a significant part of the territory of ukraine, but here are exhausting battles where they capture one village or another village meter by meter. these battles can continue, ukrainians are definitely dying in them, in order to stop them, we need more effective weapons, regular, of course, more people, and therefore it is a problem for us, but we can say that we have already protected our statehood, in i have no doubts about this. well, let's talk about weapons and western weapons, we are witnesses, as in the world the discussion continues, different countries evaluate differently the possibility of using their weapons by ukraine against. of russia against
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the territory of the russian federation, where there are military facilities or important critical infrastructure facilities that provide for the russian occupiers. the president of france, emmanuel macron, shared a press conference with the german chancellor in germany, and supported the proposal to allow ukraine to strike military facilities on the territory of russia with western weapons. let's hear what macron said. how can we explain to the ukrainians, that we give them weapons so that they can defend their cities, but at the same time we prohibit them from hitting targets on the territory of russia, so we need to allow them to neutralize all military facilities from which missiles are launched in the direction of ukraine. at the same time , the ban on hitting other targets in russia, which are civilian objects, should remain. so when ukraine is being attacked from specific targets in russia, and we... really want to help them,
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then i think we should let them do it. mr. mykola, what are our people afraid of? the western partners do not... willingly or not initiating the permission to hit objects on the territory of the russian federation with their weapons, they will allow it, and well, not all, many allow it, and we use these weapons when we aim at military objects on the territory of russia, but the absurd thing is that it is absurd to watch kharkiv being destroyed from belgorod and not shoot in response to the launcher in belgorod, you understand, well, it’s not war then, it’s not knowing what, it’s one thing when it was forbidden to... to do it when it was occupied a significant territory of ukraine, and we had to drive them out of this territory at the first stage of the war, and it was successful, and it was enough for us to destroy their logistics, which passed through the territory of ukraine, western weapons, i mean, but it is a different matter now, when they
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they are destroying our cities and shooting at civilian objects from across their border, it is simply inhumane to watch them destroy and kill our citizens and forbid them to defend themselves. but it will come to that, just as they didn't give us jewels for a very long time, then they gave them for a long time any other aid, american aid has been given for a long time, the f-16 has been given for a long time, they are thinking for a long time about nato countries protecting the sky, at least over western ukraine, in order to free up air defense capabilities for the east, their long thinking, of course, leads to our great sacrifices, let me remind you that in principle we are defending the whole of europe and the future of the democratic world in general, and this long thinking is killer, on the one hand extremely grateful... because without them we could not defend ourselves, that is true. on the other hand, it is not, not completely honest, or they think, exhausting to the end russia, so that russia itself comes to an economic crisis and no one says that they are involved in this, or do they have any other plans, someone
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may be really afraid of the use of nuclear weapons or some kind of response, but all these are completely false approaches, and i think that everything more people in the west understand this, so already now... most countries have permission to use these weapons, i think everyone will agree, i would like to remind our viewers that to date france has advocated for the permission to give ukraine the opportunity to use western weapons against russia, lithuania, latvia, sweden, estonia, poland, finland, the czech republic, great britain and the netherlands, that is, 10 countries have already given such permission, obviously the number of these countries will increase. one more question, mr. mykola, is... the washington anniversary summit, which is to be held in july, and today telegram writes about a link with a reference to sources that the nato allies asked the president of ukraine zelensky not to insist on ukraine joining the alliance in
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24 year, during the jubilee summit itself, i will quote what the publication writes, they are very skeptical about the future advancement of ukraine on the way to full rights. nato membership this year , the united states of america may not be as concerned as germany, but there are concerns about russia's threat to the rest of the alliance, the newspaper quoted its source as saying. how do you assess ukraine's prospects in nato, it is not just about the washington summit, at the washington summit, they can give another signal to the world, and first of all to putin, that ukraine will definitely be a member of the north atlantic alliance, so that he does not... well i also think we should be members of the north atlantic alliance and we must do everything for this, after all, this is a requirement of our constitution, but hey we, well , russia is still, of course, an aggressive gas station, as they once said, but despite
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this, it has quite a lot of weapons, and putin already now he is constantly giving signals that he is supposedly ready for negotiations, on the one hand, on the one hand, to trust putin never once. you can't, and of course, any negotiations now are an attempt by putin to freeze the war that will be against ukraine, because, i think, that, er, well, the ukrainian authorities are obviously not at this stage supports, but the talks are still going on and our membership in nato can definitely be a subject of negotiation, we must realize this for ourselves, of course we should not agree to it, but it will also depend on how the western governments will act, and they depend on their societies and russia for hybrid warfare and influence on their societies. spends huge amounts of money, we don't know how , for example, president trump will behave in the future. some say that russia is interested in him coming to power. he himself recently, again, as the press writes, states that he would have struck beijing and moscow long ago if china had attacked taiwan and russia
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had attacked ukraine as it did. therefore, predicting the future is extremely difficult. we have to do everything in order to become members of nato. it is true that high political standards, standards of political democracy, and standards of the absence of corruption must be demonstrated, because membership in nato is not only military criteria, it is also criteria. with democracy, as well as membership in the european union, so it should not be forgotten, it should be demonstrated such leadership that it will be very difficult not to take us into nato, and all societies will support us, the societies of those countries that influence their politicians, and russian propaganda will not help in this, so far this russian propaganda, unfortunately, unfortunately , is working successfully, and we do not know what will happen, because after all, we are commenting on a publication in the press, a publication in the press is not... an official political statement, we must wait for official political statements and continue to fight for ukraine to become
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a full member of nato, and that the conversation about it never stopped, they can't stop because we've already been promised it, the question is what the next steps should be. mr. mykola, explain to us one more situation that is developing around the law on its ban on religious organizations originating from... the russian federation . that we saw that european solidarity was forced to block the rostrum and demand from the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk, so that it would be put to a vote at the conciliation council and this draft law would be included in the agenda, representatives of ukrainian public organizations have already called on the people's deputies to urgently
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adopt this draft law, and in their statement they emphasized that it is not only about this draft law, but and on the resolution on the decolonization of settlements in ukraine. in particular, this statement of public organizations refers to the following: in recent weeks, some of the actions of the ruling party are more like inconsistency, on frank sabotage, it is about blocking the monobolesty. in the verkhovna rada of the draft law on the banning of the russian orthodox church and the resolution on the decolonization of the names of settlements. is there any conscious explanation and logical explanation why the monomajority does not want to vote for this bill, and why a number of public organizations are called outright sabotage? well, i am grateful to public organizations for their active civic stance, for this support they constantly provide, for building a strong. ukraine is strong in a direct way understanding of this word, when all these russian influences within our society, like
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metastases from a cancerous disease in the face of russia , will be thrown out of there, so only thanks to them, well, you said monomajority, well, monomajority does not exist, there is such a majority, it is no longer completely mono, because factions of the former opzzh are added to it, which insist not to vote for it, otherwise blackmail them into not supporting the government, those laws that the government needs, and the pro-government itself. the majority there, the majority of deputies - this is true patriotic people who are ready to vote for it, but there is a rather influential group of sympathizers of the russian church, who got into the parliament with the help of the russian church, and who do everything to prevent the law from being passed, the russian church has a lot of money, it buys and journalists in order to distort the norms of this law, and experts, a lot of people who do not really realize what they are doing, some of them are even patriots... against, but just people who do not realize what they are saying now, because the law in no way restricts the freedom of religion, only demands
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to sever ties with the church, which calls to destroy us all and has declared a holy war on us, because of that it is no longer a church, but just such a satanic putin sect, and the law only offers this, just sever these ties , then they will be able to serve absolutely peacefully, but they are strong, and the fact that the law is not being passed indicates that within ukrainian society, if our heroic armed forces stop them at our... borders, then within ukrainian society there is the politicians who let them in open the door for them and don't let them walk through that door, and these politicians don't let it be put to a vote, because the majority faction, the leadership of the majority faction, are afraid of a split in the faction, because part of the people, as i have already said said, they are patriotic, they want to vote for it, someone does not want to, and they are trying to delay the consideration of this bill as much as possible. well, let's hope that we will witness the decision. of this law in the next week or two, because it really is a question of the future
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of ukraine and national security, including. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation and for including me, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and it is there that we conduct a survey today, today we ask you about this, if you dare. on the use of nuclear weapons, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or tv. phone and vote, the corresponding numbers are on your screens: 0800 211 381, if you think that putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the results of this vote. next , we will be in touch with mykhailo samus, military
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expert, deputy director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, director of new geopolityk. research network, mr. mykhailo, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. let's start our conversation with two statements, statements by zelenskyi and minister of defense umyerov about the possibility of russian occupiers gathering in the north of ukraine and the apparent opening of a new front, i understand that in sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast or ... enough now, according to your estimations does russia have the resources to deploy hostilities in these two regions of ukraine, and is ukraine ready for this? well, in fact, the russian strategic operation continues, or, let's say, a new approach to the implementation of its own of a strategic operation to break through the ukrainian
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front, if since october last year the main efforts were aimed at breaking through the donetsk front. donbass in donbass, let's say, by leaps and bounds, by pressure, from a certain moment, somewhere in early may, the russians began to use a new approach, which consists in stretching ukrainian forces, stretching ukrainian reserves, and that is why they started their so-called big kharkiv operation, which in were carried out in principle with the aim, of course, of pulling ukrainian reserves away from donbas. and in case of success it is also possible the implementation of certain tactical and operational tasks, well, in particular, for example, in the kupyansk direction, if they managed to break through the front in the vovchansk area, but it did not work out, so they have the next, the next continuation of this tactic, this approach - this is stretching ukrainian
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reserves even further to the north, i will say right away that they have the forces to carry out, say... operations that could have a real operational success, a breakthrough of the ukrainian front, for example, in the supes or chernihiv regions, they have such forces now no, for this the russians need to either carry out open mobilization, or for a certain time to accumulate forces at the expense of their recruiting, using material incentives, incentives, but in any case , it is obvious that they will continue to try. to stretch the ukrainian reserves, because they cannot break through the front in donbas. let's listen to umerov himself, because i mentioned his statement, he is talking about the stabilization of the situation in the kharkiv region, about a possible new attack in the north of ukraine. let's listen to what the minister has to say defense of ukraine. their goal is to discover. a new
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front in the north to begin using all their manpower and firepower against us. they continue to realize their goal - to destroy the nation. they have up to 500,000 troops in the occupied territory, on our territory and near our borders. in addition , they want to increase this group by another 200-300 thousand. mr. mykhailo, as the appearance of a new site. on ukraine on the russian-ukrainian front will affect other areas of this front, in donetsk region, kherson region and zaporizhzhia, well, this is the intention of the enemy, that is, to stretch ukrainian forces and ukrainian reserves as much as possible in order to create conditions for a breakthrough in precisely those areas that are considered important for the russians, the most important from a political point
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of view, this is the donbas, obviously they would like to occupy the entire donbas, the entire donetsk-luhansk region. of course, it is possible to capture some parts of kharkiv oblast and zaporizhia oblast as well, but judging by the way it took place, for example, their big, so -called, so-called operation in the kharkiv region, er, which is not having the success they were hoping for, and in principle, it now looks like the ukrainian command managed to stabilize the front in the kharkiv region, without carrying out any... er significant transfers of reserves from donbas, it is obvious that the russians do not have significant success in donbas against this background either. the opening of another front concerns this one. the task that the russians set before themselves: stretching our reserves. from the point of view of the ukrainian forces, of course, this is another challenge, this is another challenge ahead by the ukrainian command, the distribution
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of reserves in such a way as to prevent the russians from breaking through the front, or it could be the south, donbas, or the same kharkiv direction. i can still say that, in fact, we must now feel and perceive. any section of the belarusian or russian border precisely as a front, as a front line, not considering that this is a calm border line that is drawn on a map, delimited and recognized by international law, in fact, russians consider these lines simply as a front line, and thus we we have relate to these borders, i.e. to ensure as much as possible the construction and... engineering support of the defense line, which should run completely along all lines of the border of ukraine with belarus and russia.
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andriy kovalenko, director of the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc, says that russia is building up an information campaign about a possible attack from belarus, but today the enemy does not have the strength and means to do so. according to kovalenko, the enemy's goal is to stretch ukrainian forces. and reserves, to quote mr. kovalenko, for this they will pump up the information situation, so that our command pays more attention to this direction, however , belarus is under constant surveillance - notes the head of the center for countering disinformation, well , but against this background, which is created by russia, we see how our western partners are working rather weakly in the direction of providing us . f-16 fighters, belgium has already promised that these aircraft in the amount of 30 fighters will reach ukraine by 2028, although i remember conversations in
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2023 when they said that the first aircraft in the ukrainian sky would appear in the spring of the 24 year, the spring is already ending, why are the western partners delaying the provision of ukraine... a fighter, well, if we talk about belgium, then belgium, on the contrary, is accelerating, because belgium should not, should not have given us planes in the 24th year, they talked about that the first planes might arrive on the 25th, early on the 25th, and now there has been a statement that maybe a certain amount will be transferred before the end of the 24th, so belgium is accelerating, and as far as i know that really such steps are taken by belgium as regards others countries that transfer to... f-16, as far as i know, the process is going on, and there is a multifaceted, parallel process of training ukrainian specialists, and pilots, and
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technical personnel, and of course, the infrastructure on which the f will be based -16, because in reality we cannot simply bring f-16s to the territory of ukraine and immediately russian intelligence will determine where they are and will try, of course, to destroy them, that is, we have to create such an infrastructure. which would provide full protection of both the base and combat units application of f16, and this process is not easy, for the first time such systems will be placed on the territory of ukraine, it is a very complex, very complex process, but in any case, the first f16 will be in the near future, and by the way, the transfer of a long-range ai aircraft by sweden, that is, it actually analog. vaks, or, to be even more clear, this, an analogue of the russian a50, is an aircraft of editorial intelligence, and an aircraft, targeting,
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which will provide targeting, including for the f-16, that is, i am considering a decision about the transfer of such aircraft, including in the systematic preparation for the transfer of f-16 aircraft to ukraine and their effective use. what about the appearance of these? of ukraine from the transfer of these aircraft. well, if we now look at the nature of hostilities, on any part of the front, that is, it can be kharkiv oblast, donbass, zaporizhia oblast, and kherson oblast. the russians now have dominance in the air, using up to 100 or more cabs per day, and thus can ensure the advance
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of their attack groups. or other forces, no no quickly but gradually, simply destroying ukrainian defense positions precisely because of the use of the same cabs from the russian aviation, it becomes possible because we simply do not have the tools, for example, a fighter jet with sufficient missile, strike and radar capabilities, as well as a sufficient number, of course , of long-range missile complexes, such as patriot 16, change this picture, that is , potentially f-16s can drive away, roughly speaking, the russian aviation from the boundaries of the use of the same cabs, and this immediately will affect the situation on the battlefield, that is, the russians will be able to use only artillery, only strike drones, but will not be able to use cabs, which are now the main breakthrough, so to speak, by force on the battlefield. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, mr. during
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a speech at the nato parliamentary assembly in bulgaria, he said that the alliance's allies had not fulfilled most of their promises, which related to the supply of artillery shells, air defense systems and other types of weapons to ukraine. let's hear what stoltenberg said. the problem is that in recent months we have not delivered to ukraine what we promised. the united states spent six months. for the agreement of a new aid package. the european allies, who promised 1 million ammunition, did not deliver anything even close to this amount of ammunition for ukraine. mr. mykhailo, how would you characterize the reasons why our western partners, well, let's say this, are constantly delaying the provision of weapons to ukraine, they
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count on the fact that... at some stage putin will go for the freezing of military conflict or war along some lines and will have to negotiate a peace, albeit a temporary one, and they do not want to get involved in this war, or there are some other reasons, that is, our western partners are not keeping up with the military-industrial complex of russia, if you compare the potential of the members of the alliance on... nato and the russian potential, can we now say that the arms race that putin is leading, that putin is winning in this arms race so far? i wouldn't say that, in fact, putin is not winning, he is winning alas, the general situation, again not determination, but indecision and cowardice, i would call it that, of our western partners, it even now gives an opportunity to feel some
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advantage. of russia, that is, in fact, russia prevails now on the battlefield with the same ammunition due to the fact that it is possible to use such a conglomerate of north korea, iran, china, and everyone participates in this system, in their own directions, someone supplies kiran, for example, shock drones, some supply munitions like north korea, some provide. raw materials, microelectronics, supplies, other components, and in addition, provides money to russia, because russia sells oil to china, earns yuan, and then starts this system, it is these yuan that are spinning, which allow north korea to produce ammunition for russia, that is, i would not say, that the military-industrial complex of russia is doing so well, it is not at all the indecisive policy of our western
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partners who allow... to finance this system, to operate this system, and against this background there are really many reasons why our western partners cannot ensure that it is the effective functioning of the western, let's say, defense-industrial complex of this system. the united states had its own turbulence for six months, but i have the impression that while the united states was experiencing turbulence, the european partners were also waiting. for some reason, that now ukraine will suddenly surrender, suddenly ukraine will not last these six months and will start talking about negotiations, and then it will be possible, in principle , to freeze the war, to end it, and then it will not be necessary to launch the military-industrial complex at full capacity, no to support ukraine by spending billions of euros and so on, but ukraine flew by, the united states through again.


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