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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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the use of nuclear weapons, let 's exchange opinions on this in the format of a poll blitz, what do you think about nuclear weapons and putin, let's start with mr. viktor, please, i think that he is driven, he himself once said this, as if it were about his life story , that i once saw a rat that was cornered and it swam at people, i, by the way , also had such a case, i served when i was in the navy, i also saw... a cornered rat that swam, well, fought back , i think that cornered putin is capable of anything, that's all number for the use of nuclear weapons, but this can only really happen when, well, let's say, there, uh, we will knock them out of crimea, from donbas there, or it passes into their territory, this is the first, and the second, right there well, there may be another case of the executor, well, okay, putin says, i press. red button, but is
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there a major there who is sitting directly in the mine, will he release that bomb, because he has children, he does not want them to die, well , that’s right, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. maksym, er, i would continue this thought, me it seems that now putin is far from being in the status of that rat cornered, on the contrary, uh, how strange it is, after, so to speak, such a loud failure and embarrassment of the 22nd year, now putin, his regime , people close to him feel very good and plan to rule in russia for a very long time, i.e. the latest appointments there of the sons of kovalchuk, patroshev, the approach of the former governor dyumin to the kremlin, show that the regime is feeling good.
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very confident inside russia, and this external situation helps them manage the russians, the way they are now, that's why i think that now they are engaged in their favorite business, blackmailing, intimidating, but in reality, especially if they were warned about the consequences of using nuclear weapons, in reality they are not going to and are not ready to use them. thank you, mr. maxim. the main topic, gentlemen, over the past few days is the indecision of our western partners, and their decision, or no decision, or a ban on the use of their weapons by the ukrainian army on the territory of the russian federation. to date, fortunately, there are already 10 countries who formed their position, which they said that the armed forces of ukraine can strike with their weapons on the territory of the russian federation on a military basis.
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objects today it became known that poland allowed ukraine to use the weapons it supplies for attacks on russia, this was stated by the deputy minister of defense of poland. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg called on allies to lift restrictions on ukraine's use of western weapons. let's listen to what the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance said. it must be remembered that this is an aggressive war. russia attacked another country. this is a senseless violation of international law, according to which ukraine has the right to self-defense, which also includes the right to attack targets outside ukraine, including legitimate military targets in russia. mr. viktor, what could be the reasons why our western partners are so reluctant to give permission to use their weapons in strikes on the territory of the russian federation, they still... keep
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illusions for themselves that it is possible to come to an agreement with putin, and that too, but the main thing , that it is still a fear, especially as for germany, their establishment's fear of putin's bluff, including putin's nuclear blackmail. if we talk about germany and the states, then there are two different positions, if for the germans, the germans are... a pacifist society, after two wars, when the germans wanted to fight and march there, to conquer europe, they calmed down and now they are almost the most pacifist society in the world, and accordingly, scholz conducts politics, understanding what kind of society he represents, while biden , on the contrary, has a slightly different motive, he is afraid escalation, because he still developed as a politician... in the conditions of the cold war, when
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everything was possible, but without hot, you know, there, when it was only possible to uh... apply sanctions somewhere, put pressure somewhere , to pressure, to conduct diplomatic negotiations, to help the mujahideen somewhere, and others there, who fought with the ussr somewhere, competed all over the world, but if only a little bit without escalation, without crossing the extremes and the very red lines that they themselves instructed, and therefore they go through them long and hard, well eventually they will cross this red line as well, but every time... each crossing of a new red line is difficult for them. the united states is still being run by a cold war politician. mr. maxim, what are the consequences of this indecision, what are the consequences for the same western europe
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or for the united states of america? that is, this is the delay with this decision and the desire to outline some red lines that ukraine should not cross. well, during the second world war, the soviet union was given weapons, but they were not told not to hit hitler's bunker in germany, that is , there were no such bans, er, yes, such bans, they look rather strange, and er, well, at least from a moral point of view , definitely not justified, but i suspect that we have deal with such a specific situation. which is not spoken about out loud, but which our western partners have repeatedly hinted at, including publicly that even at the beginning of the war, well, full-scale war, between the west and putin and russia
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, red lines were established, let's call it that , that is, certain ones were established restrictions that... behind which there are certain threats and threats, they say, you do not allow yourself something, and we do not allow ourselves something else, as far as i understand, russia has promised not to use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons against ukraine, against of the armed forces, against the population, and we understand that nuclear weapons are not only a missile... on washington, it is also a tactical charge on some bunker near kiev, but surely someone promised something to someone, the americans to the russians, the russians to the americans, and here they are trying to adhere to it
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gentleman's agreement, if you can say so with the robber, and behave in this way, on the other hand, if we say when... these red lines will be crossed, when it becomes disadvantageous for one of the parties, when one of the the parties are forced, or actually of their own free will, for their own gain, these red lines will be crossed, as for the western, so to speak, part of the contract, they are obviously not ready to allow it. the military defeat of ukraine, well, in this particular case, it is a breakthrough of the front, the occupation of large ukrainian territories, and so on further, granting permission to strike with long-range, accurate weapons at concentrations of russian troops, this is a preventive measure that allows
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this danger to be reduced, and if there is, and if putin has promised not to take over ukraine again, and, but will try to do it, i... i think we will be allowed to destroy his strike groups. well, by the way, putin, in response to stoltenberg's calls to allow western weapons to be used on russian territory, threatened to strike small european countries. let's hear what he said. representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember. before talking about the task of strikes deep into russian territory, mr. viktor, this is
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putin's rhetoric, this is the rhetoric of such a st. petersburg goblin who tries to blackmail everyone and is guided by principle. he talked about this publicly, by the way, about the fact that if a fight is inevitable, then you have to be the first, well, roughly, it seems that he is using this rhetoric and behavior now. what this behavior can lead to, he can just get in the jaw like any gopnik, well, i i think he balances his words just right and knows that no one will give him a right on the jaw, and that's why he says it every time, in a mode there like, be afraid of me, i'm stupid, i'm a damn fool, i'm contused, be afraid , i'm going to break everything now. of course, you don't need to be afraid of this, because it 's just a bluff and blackmail, he really
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behaves like a goblin, and the goblin should be charged to surrender, and not go by his words, because actually these are only words, but it was a game, it played many times and for years, that is, this method worked, and therefore it is his applies, while it will work at least a little, it works all the time. fewer and fewer, fewer and fewer people, the same macron is already declaring there that your words are historic, we will find our words, there will be our threats to your threats, and many politicians have stopped being afraid, but for now at least behave a little, they will do it, putin will use this method, it works, you already mentioned macron, and macron said that during the visit of volodymyr zelenskyi... to normandy next week, it will be obvious the plan for the possible deployment of french
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military instructors in ukraine was revealed, and macron commented on the previous statement of the chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi and said that the communication by the chief of the armed forces of ukraine was not very successful. let's hear what macron said. i have an opportunity when president zelenskyi goes to france next week for the opportunity to... host him, and then we will talk about it in great detail to announce what we are going to do. i will not comment on what was inconsistent and failed communications. mr. maxim, why is it obvious to our western partners that ukraine should not lose this war, and it is not obvious that russia... should lose this war, i think for them, i hope
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that for them it is obvious that russia must lose this war, but they imagine this loss a little differently than we do, that is, for them , russia is already losing, for more than two years russia has been losing and losing, losing and losing, unfortunately, this is happening in the background. ... such losses of ours as in kharkiv, as our daily ones losses at the front, but politics is such a cynical business, and when the losses of a foreign country or a foreign people can be, so to speak, well not to be neglected, to perceive them as reality, there is such, there is such an approach in politics, in international politics , as realism is called, here is this realism, it works in this case and... they are leading russia to defeat, as it seems to them, and for this all
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means are used not only, so to speak, a possible offensive or liberation of territories by ukrainian, ukrainian army, and what concerns this statement and what is there miscommunication, well the fact is that it is obvious that the leader is... a military man, and he understands that he can hardly count seriously on the appearance of a foreign legion or french soldiers on the front line, so he reacts in his own way realistically, yes , and macron is a politician, and he, so to speak, plays his party in the european union, shows himself to be a leader, decisive, courageous and so on, and between them, frankly speaking. or communication, in general i do not see any possibility, that is, they live in their own, each in their own worlds, and here, so to speak
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say, only, only an intermediary like the same zelensky, who will come to normandy and hear something there, say something after that, can establish at least some correspondence between what we hear from different points of view. thank you, mr. viktor, this is how our western partners are going to win. given russia's pace and aid to ukraine, and in general all these restrictions, red lines, are they not going to defeat it and everything will, well , from... happen until russia itself is humiliated in this war, and in some certain period putin will not start, he has already started talking about these so-called peace talks and about some conditions that russia has at these peace talks, we understand that for him peace is our defeat or, let's say, acceptance
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by ukraine, on the official equal decisions that part of the territory of... ukraine remains under the russian federation, that we are not joining nato, that we are demilitarizing ukraine there. he talked about it this week, while he was in uzbekistan, he talked about the fact that, well, it was ready in in istanbul, david rahami even initialed a piece of paper there, which he calls an agreement for some reason. i think that actually the allies would like to win. putin, yes, but suppressing with sanctions, and as we know, we can say with deep disappointment that the sanctions will not work as we would like, when they imposed sanctions, we thought that russia would die out very quickly, yes, but it has not died out, unfortunately, in fact, again, everyone
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hopes for the experience of the cold war, when sooner or later the soviet union ... the union bent, it simply could not withstand the pace of the arms race, uh, and he hopes that russia is the same, everyone thinks, everyone sees that yes, the european union is four times more powerful, four times the whole, well, the european union is superior to russia in terms of economic power, yes, the united states is superior, well, who , it would seem that who should win in a protracted war, but it turns out that russia, which is... an economy smaller than germany, well or approximately the same, yes economies, well , smaller, smaller, still, yes, here, but shells and actually weapons, ammunition produces much more than germany, and germany does not there is no way to switch to military rails, to rails, to economic rails, and we see
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that russia, despite the fact that it is weaker economically, it... puts more shells, tanks and planes on the mountain, so to speak, yes and from this it must also be said that the hopes of the west to economically strangle russia will not be played out, not only that, china will always help the russians with a trick, not so openly, but with a trick with technologies, machines, but maybe somewhere there they will transfer to ... korea, north korea shells, and korea will transfer its own to the russian federation, that is, the calculation that sometime in 2026, russia will economically lie down and ask for peace. the second aspect, the second aspect - allies, and here too it is, as it were, subjective, but with elements of objectivism. they
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are telling volodymyr oleksandrovich there, not on camera, on camera everyone will say crimea is ukraine. but not on camera they will say: volodymyr oleksandrovich, what will you do with crimea? you, for example, have a certain number of teachers for crimea with a population of three million, because you cannot teach them ukrainian language and ukrainian history to teach, but there are no ready specialists, do you have such specialists? and how will you, how are you going to take donbas there, well, you mean the agglomeration, yes, donetsk, makeivka, horlovka, where, in fact, there are stone jungles, where to fight, well... they will crush them for us like the russians bakhmut or avdiivka and that's why they are somewhere objectively somewhere subjectively pushing ukraine to the point that let's get to some kind of peaceful negotiating positions there, and zelenskyi, the poor guy, will be pushed for this,
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it is clear that it will be included little by little, we we know that all lines, including red ones, including... and ethical lines, they will also cross very hard, but they will be in any way. thank you, mr. victor. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the tv channel and conduct polls throughout our broadcast. we ask you this, will putin dare to use nuclear weapons? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own version of the answer, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up a smart. background or phone and vote if you think putin will dare to use nuclear weapons 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211. 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. another rather relevant topic, which will obviously
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develop in the next few weeks, is the forecasts of the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi regarding the deployment of new forces by the russians to the north. and ukraine, respectively the north, well, that is, in the west of the russian federation, in the southwest of the russian federation, gentlemen, why do you think the leaders of ukraine are talking about this possibility, that this group is concentrating in the middle of the night, that this group will somehow threaten the sumy region as well , and chernihiv region, why they. they say it in an interview with western journalists, and they don't tell ukrainians through the ukrainian mass media, or through some
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videos there, daily videos recorded by zelenskyi. mr. maxim, well, i think the answer is here obviously, because our leaders need military, financial and political support from western partners, and in order for these... this support to be active, it must be stimulated by some arguments, and the appearance of a new group ready for a new invasion, it is so so to speak, a serious argument, against the background of the fact that the war has become such a certain routine for europe, as it does not sound regrettable and sad for us, and while the war is there... somewhere for a widow or bakhmut or some village, for a worker and so on, it's like this, you know the informational background to which
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the european citizen is accustomed, and to which the european politician no longer reacts so sharply, that is why our leaders, they are looking for stronger arguments, and why do not they tell the ukrainian people about it, well... because the ukrainian people are busy with more important things affairs, so to speak, updates the data in the tsc, and so on and so on, and in the end, scaring one's own population with a new russian offensive is, well, at least from the point of view of strategic communications, it would be wrong. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. viktor, you live in sumy and accordingly, to see the reaction of people no, no no no... through the tv screen, how do we see how the people of sumy react to what umerov and zelenskyi say, how the townspeople and
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the residents of the sumy region in general react to such warnings and to such caveats? there is no panic in the sums, that's for sure, not only that, these kinds of throw-ins, they, well, people are already used to them, yes , it was like that, it was on the slopes, but what will happen, yes, what will happen? i've always said that, and what's in a single marathon, they say, and people answer me, so who now in the only marathon of faith, my colleague rightly said that there is a strategic communication failure, and all the time even wolves cry wolves, then when the wolves come, no one will believe and listen, they do not believe the authorities, they do not believe the authorities, they are looking for additional sources of information , well, well, for example, i am always willing to explain that... the 21st century is a war without a word out of the blue, it cannot be like that out of the blue, hitler attacked stalin there or something else, here if to
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throw one brigade, yes, there are 4-5 thousand people, tentatively from one of the rostov districts there landfills, somewhere under suja here on kurshchyna and near sumy, well suja yunahavka and sumy there from from here from here, where i am with you now... i am talking to suja - it is already 40 km 36 to the border in russia and 4 km further to suzhi, oh, and so, in order to transfer a brigade to suzhi, it will take several echelons, because there will be a tank battalion there, that is 20 tanks, and some vehicles will be needed to bring him fuel and ammunition, then there will be three motorized battalions there, they too, well, that is , it is several echelons to overturn one brigade. 500 people, you imagine, but it's 400 people, let the brigade be full-blooded, yes, you can imagine how many echelons are needed to overturn an army of three hundred, well, that's
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in general. they only have 600,000, now less than even 600,000, ukraine now has a contingent of half a million, where they will take another 300-strong army, where they trained it, how they will transport it, there is such a word satellite, satellites and not only shelters, our allies, yes , who will see everything, any movement of one echelon, dozens of echelons are needed here, that is, it is absolutely true that our... germanych want to intimidate in this way, will threaten the west, but i think that the politicians there are well aware of the situation and do not engage in such a thing, and therefore it is unfair to the allies and to tell a banal lie about some mythical 3000, and to tell it to their people, yes , we have kebabs , then we had, and now, some kind of intimidation of the population, and i will tell you that i work in one of the projects and we
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deliver. such construction kits for affected households, i visited all the front-line communities, all 20 front-line communities of the sumy region, i will tell you, and there is fear no, they even take children out of the five-kilometer zone, and that's right, here i support the government, but there is no panic, there is no panic, today i was in bilopil for fortune-telling, i did not see any panic among the people there, although well, they are shelling there. all the time and it is clear that children, well, most people took their children, yes, that is, mothers with children went, but let's say this, city halls are functioning, shops are working, well, that's it, thank you, mr. viktor, well, we will monitor this situation and accordingly, will the statements be repeated, well at least, if there is already a real threat, i think that both zelenskyi and umera will definitely say this publicly, and to the ukrainians,
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let's hope that the current statements are still connected with an effort to convince our western partners that their weapons must work on the territory of the russian federation, and accordingly, these are the groups that are not insignificant there, some are standing on the other side of the border beyond yunokovka and beyond bilopylla, and beyond other, let's say, border settlements, so that they are simply broken even before they enter the territory of the ukrainian state, because then, what is the point of using weapons when they will trample the sumy district or the velikopyseriv district, and, accordingly , enter from various cracks in the russian-ukrainian border. one more topic, gentlemen, is relevant enough and it will obviously be even more relevant during the next two weeks, june 15-16 in switzerland.
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the global peace summit is about to begin, and zelenskyy once again stated that at this summit he would only consider three points, it's nuclear, food security, and humanitarian, and, the president says, we have to work out the details, and then we have to take all three of these issues to the russian representatives, after that, according to the president, depending on what russia does, we'll move on to other items if three will work, then... the others will work, mr. maksym, what do you think, will the course of the russian-ukrainian war, and its main finale, this global peace summit, change the extent to which our expectations can coincide with the possibilities or the mood of the world community, influence to russia and do something that will force putin to take it away.
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russian troops from the territory of ukraine? well , you have to understand that in parallel with this main front, where the guns work, the assault groups go and so on, there are at least two other fronts, on which, yes, this is the information front, which we often talk about, but now it is in parentheses let's face it, and actually politics. the diplomatic front, and this peace summit, it should be considered as an element of this political, diplomatic war, confrontation, and in this case the situation is such that here we are saying rather not about direct military actions, so not about...


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