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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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influence russia and do something that will force putin to withdraw russian troops from the territory of ukraine? well, you have to understand that in parallel with this main front, where guns work, assault groups go, and so on, there are at least two other fronts, on which, yes, it is an information front. which we often talk about, but now we will put it out in parentheses, and the actual political front is diplomatic, and this peace summit, it should be considered as an element of this political, diplomatic war, confrontation, and in this in this case, the situation is such that here we are not talking about direct military actions, so not about... there is no clash
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of the opposing sides, but about a kind of maneuvers, that is, what we heard, china is very cautious about this peace summit, maybe someone will come, or maybe no one will come, joseph biden, most likely, will not be present at it, the brics countries are the same, well, not to mention russia, which no one invited there, they will also most likely be... maybe somehow symbolically present, or maybe symbolically not present, that is, these maneuvers, they have such a specific character of distant, well, such distant preparation, approaching the final direct confrontation, when they start talking about, the actual conditions of freezing the conflict, let's call things by their names, many people are already talking about this... the need for
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such a freeze, perhaps without any political conditions, perhaps without an understanding of how the situation will develop further, but here is the plan that is being outlined at the moment, er, conditionally speaking, in some neutral territory, somewhere in some country of the persian gulf or, as others call it, the arabian gulf, representatives of one camp will gather, representatives of ukraine and its western allies. of another camp, russia, china, and there they will agree on something already, so to speak, objectively, so this preparation, it, if we return to this thesis about three key issues, it seems to me that it solves such a tactical task, hold, the presence at this peace summit of the countries of the global south, the so-called, for which actually... not these points, food
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security, nuclear security, and humanitarian aspects, they are understandable and against which these countries of the global south, which take, well, conditionally speaking, a neutral position, they have no objections, that is, it is important for us that they still come and thereby testify that the peace formula of volodymyr zelenskyi, the ukrainian peace formula is acceptable to them, the situation will continue to develop, real negotiations will begin on what conditions, who will make what concessions, and so on, but against this background, mr. viktor, putin is trying to make everything, so that the same participants at the global peace summit , neither zelenskyi's formulas nor zelenskyi himself were taken seriously, because putin continues his ipso and talks about the fact that zelenskyi is illegitimate. the president of ukraine that
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his legitimacy has already ended, are these the arguments we are now hearing from the master of the kremlin about the illegitimacy of zelenskyi, or are they precisely aimed at convincing the participants of this peace summit that there is no point in discussing this peace formula, because in the end - in the end, as putin says, if there is a peace agreement, then there will be one to sign it with someone else, but definitely not for... well, just as zelensky said, he issued a decree that there can be no negotiations with putin, that is, they both put each other in illegitimate records, of course that's why these games of legitimacy, illegitimacy, can go well with putin, only there for some conditional uncle vanya, they are cut out, yes, for the domestic market.
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well, somewhere it is possible that they can cause some doubt among some unclear minds there in europe there or in... the global south, it is clear that the leaders countries are all more or less intelligent and everyone understands this in politics, and everyone understands that until we have a new president, this one will be legitimate, that is, yes, putin hopes there is, to sow doubt that, as they want to say, you know how they had a movie about ivan vasyliovych i'm changing my profession, their dream is that there would be something like a phrase from the movie in... the army revolted, they say the tsar is not real, but they really want our army and civil society to rebel and allies believed that the king was not real, but we were we all believe that he is real and not only that, he putin will not deceive any of the leaders,
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all the more so it is important for us there, yes, of course, that not only a certain number of constituents come, so that it is... countries, yes , and also a quality component to come from china, it would be desirable from the united states, not blinkin, biden himself, but from china, uncle xi, unfortunately, this will not happen, we will wait for him to at least be from india on a rendramody, so that there were representatives from indonesia, south africa, as i understand it, not brazil will come, it is very important to us, both quantitative and qualitative indicators, not just that the delegation will come. who will lead the delegation, it is desirable that the leaders of the country, and then it will really show putin that this dog of his with the illegitimacy of zelenskyi, she did not play, this card will be played, well, and most importantly, probably,
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that at this peace summit, ukraine already seized the initiative and started talking about the illegitimacy of putin, because despite the statements of putin and lukashenko, because they... with two voices simply talked about the illegitimacy of zelensky, that is, two self-proclaimed the presidents say something about the third party, who defends, and they attack, well, in principle, it seems that this would be a completely normal scenario for the upcoming global peace summit, after all, maybe the world had its say about the illegitimacy of putin, an important word, because everyone is talking about the fact that he is illegitimate, but here... the illegitimacy of putin, so far, unfortunately, no one has clearly, well, not fixed and said that he is a dictator, an authoritarian leader, or a person who seized power in russia. on this, gentlemen, let's put an end to ours conversation maksym rozumny, viktor boberenko, were guests of our program today.
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thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program. let me remind you that throughout the broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you whether putin would dare to use nuclear weapons. now we will see the result. in our television survey, 31% yes, 69% no, on youtube we have a ratio of 29% yes, no - 71%. well, actually, these are the results of our live survey today, friends, let's put an end to this, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones dear friends, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00. come to the verdict, there will be a lot of interesting things, there will be many guests, we will talk about the most current things that are in ukraine and the world, bye, there are discounts, there are
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discounts in may on valeriana bolgarska pills, 10% in pharmacies, plantain ba... and savings. there are discounts, represented by koko, may discounts on voltaren forte, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important ones topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to find out. about the war right now and we will talk more about the war serhii zgurets with us and what the world is living and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please have a word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from
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yevhen postahov. two hours in the company favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready. to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. we are a project for smart people and those who care about espresso evenings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine,
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drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's get out, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world. project for of those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, and for the next hour and 42 minutes, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, the search for the injured and dead in kharkiv has been completed. unfortunately, we have a terrible figure: 19 dead,
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sumy oblast was also shelled today, we will talk about sumy oblast about the law banning the russian orthodox church in the verkhovna rada of ukraine and the decommunization of the names of settlements, but all this later, there there is also a lot of information from abroad and about money, very important information, but now i will give the floor to serhiy zgorts, because sweden is providing ukraine with record military aid, what exactly will the scandinavian brothers give us, serhiy, please tell me. greetings to you vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will report on the consequences of the strikes and on the historic package of military-technical assistance from sweden with unexpected, but badly needed aircraft, about it in a moment. i'll start the column with... a continuation of yesterday's reports of anti-aircraft missile strikes on the luhansk military airfield, today's
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satellite images from the planet labs company show that it was a well-aimed strike on the base of the new russian relocation complex nebo m. this is not one radar, as it is now mostly described, it is three three radars that work in different ranges, which er... have an integrated machine that ensures their interaction, and this complex is expensive, more than 100 million dollars, mobile, it was quite powerful , because it could also detect ballistic missiles type of aatakams, and cruise missiles and even aircraft of the stels type, in particular the f-35, and the detection of such typical targets could be carried out by these radars somewhere at a range of up to 600 km, there are not many such radars, so in any case this destruction extremely important, because it opens a corridor for strikes with our
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stormshadow cruise missiles, tactical attack cams and aircraft, and actually continues this wave of ukrainian strikes by the vatican against russian air defense systems and radars, against the background of which there is an increase in our opportunities in the field of aerial reconnaissance and not only. government of sweden. today, may 29 , announced the allocation of a record package of military aid to ukraine in the amount of more than 1 billion euros, and in terms of its content, this is a truly historic package, because it is about something that has never been mentioned before, it is about the transfer of two, let me emphasize, two long-range recreational aircraft detection, these are saab planes. 340 and these are actually avax-type aircraft that can detect
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aircraft-type air targets, cruise missiles against the ground and against the sea, there at a distance of more than 400 km this data can be transmitted to the command posts or immediately to the means of impression, whether it is an air defense system or to its own planes, well, for example, the same f-16s that we will soon receive, and moreover, these swedish planes can ... work in the conditions of the enemy's reb , they are designed for this, in principle, because they are combat aircraft with clearly defined functions, and let me remind you that such aircraft and... our military has sought to obtain detection of it for a long time, our defense express company participated in analytical support back in 2010 of the saab company, which at that time it was still offering such aircraft in ukraine, but then the ukrainian side wanted this detection complex to be placed on ukrainian-made aircraft of the an-140 type, then
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the swedes did not agree to this , and now we will actually get what... something that will significantly strengthen the capabilities of our air defense, we will talk about this in more detail a little later, and in addition to aircraft, sweden also gives us all its armored personnel carriers, pbv-302, these are actually armored personnel carriers, which are very similar in appearance to the american m-113, but this is actually a swedish development, the number of such battleships in... in the 18th year, the swedes had 180 units in combat stock, the warehouses were still within 600, so in any case a significant number of these battleships will be transferred to ukraine for strengthening of our brigades, which are now being formed, and
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we will talk with our guest about air defense means and the consequences of this swedish decision. ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, at one time deputy chief of the general staff, joins us of the armed forces of ukraine, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine. mr. general, welcome to the espresso channel. i congratulate you and the viewers of espress. i would first like to start by asking you to assess what new opportunities these aircraft will provide to our... air force and air defense means, what can we expect now? they provide an opportunity, well, the name of the aircraft, remote sensing and control, a very important element that increases the potential of control intelligence, which means that the potential of application increases, thanks to
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we are given the opportunity to shape the actions of these planes. a reconnaissance and strike complex that will work in online time, that is, in the current time. well, first of all, it must be said that these planes conduct reconnaissance, well, at ranges, say, up to 400-50 km, depending on the altitude, but it is done in the air, it is done on land, at sea, well, anything is possible you can see in front of you and the development of the water, even under water at some distance, and so on, that is, it is such a universal drain. reconnaissance aircraft, now that it conducts reconnaissance, it has great power, so detects targets, it can currently transmit these targets to our means of defeating the enemy, it depends on which targets are air, which means that it can be transmitted and used by a fighter jet, an anti-aircraft missile
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system, if it is on the ground, then, for example, artillery, systems salvo fire and so on. well, at sea, it means that it can be used in order to make impressions from the appropriate means, whether coastal defense, missile systems or, if it were ships, that is, this kind of possibility, at one time, in the last century, only we dreamed of, global developments of relatively elaborate shock complexes were made, maybe you, well , you know for sure that there were such tricks, but there was not enough, let's say, technological. where did it come from in order to implement it, it was expensive, large dimensions, everything else, now it is being implemented, we know that such means, aircraft are avah systems of the americans, moreover, it means in the structure of the armed forces of america, and they also supplied and nato countries, they used, in addition, a small such
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option was in the form, there is in hakai, it is a marine one an aircraft carrier option. when i was working on an aircraft carrier from the american general staff, it means that there were such planes, we studied their capabilities, and at one time i am behind, so the approach is related to the fact that we could not be given to us by the americans, well you see their positions are not decisive on this matter, and more decisive, the swedish ones, it is very good that this country is already nato, unfortunately, the americans do not allow them to transfer, there was a statement yesterday. and these planes were made by sweden, they were adapted to the gripens and together with the germans to the tauris, that is, it was such an integral, in relation to... what, and what will be the exchange of information and so on, there is a possibility of this kind, in general, even before the war, we had channels of exchange through turkey and through hungary
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for the exchange of information about the air situation, well , what is more, what we have, we could transfer, and the ovtel, that means, well, we could receive something there, something not quite, but now in connection, by the way, with the fact that even there a year and a half ago, shol declared that it was necessary... definitely in this ukraine will occupy a central place geographically and in essence of this system of anti-aircraft missile defense, that's why from a technical perspective, there are opportunities, it is very good that such aircraft are appearing, and they are adapted both to the k-16 and to the rypin, that is , here, as always, the question is, unfortunately... the decisions made politically by the americans and all this is possible otherwise, when they give us permission to start there, there is a small crew, 6-7
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people there, separate flight crew and separate operators, that is, from the point of view of the operators , it is like automated control systems such as we have there on the s-300 complexes there, more complex technical anti-aircraft missile systems and others, i.e. this training, which well needs at the level of... operation for several months, let’s say, and the effect is very powerful, it will give, because right here what else is the matter and in 16 depending on what weapons will be provided to us, there the europeans again allowed the americans, and this with approaches there is air, air, a missile, let’s say, most likely no further than 120 km, and the russians are now equipping it, maybe this is propaganda, but in my judgment 35. i would like in principle to continue this topic of political restrictions, because we, you mentioned about
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the americans, about the approaches the american side, and in this context i want to talk about kharkiv, the military leadership, the political leadership of ukraine says that patriots are needed to protect kharkiv from the point of view of the russian threat, while we saw publications there in bild, in other... media, that, relatively speaking, the germans, the americans forbid used to use their weapons to strike at the enemy and even in the airspace of the russian federation, the question arises, how then to create air defense around kharkiv, if restrictions are imposed on the same complexes patriots, what do we expect from our partners, is there any way out of this topic, well, first of all , we need to solve this issue in america itself, in our congress mcfaul, the head of the security committee, well, the republican criticizes the democrats, biden and his administration,
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regarding , that they do not give permission, regarding the fact that ukraine is given old weapons, but taiwan will be given only modern ones, taking into account the fact that, well, we know how america behaved when there was this ban regarding what we, that means, well... there, 300 million zagashniki were found somewhere in their pockets and supported, and the same israel was provided with the f-35, and provided two types of bombs, also provided in the course of this, and it is clear that the f-35 is many times more expensive than the old one in the 16th, here, but all this was happening, so it is definitely necessary to work at the military-political, diplomatic level, from the point of view of the possibility, well, what... there can decide on this matter, well, our old s300, but missiles are needed, there is a problem here , that is, we need a long-range complex if american
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patriots ban or go there french ones the same ones, the range is less, but all that the british gave was if they approved the use of weapons, but we see that this does not happen, despite this, that is, the americans still control this situation and... do not give such an opportunity, and then it should also be borne in mind that if they come over kharkov now, the russians have organized a very powerful intelligence system, and if these not -so-good maneuvers, not patriot anti-aircraft missile complexes, come, then there will be a separate hunt for them, and we see that they also formed their own separate shock complexes, which enter, you see, we are our... armed forces destroyed a52 units of the ill-22 from the same systems, because the russians deploy the a50m on two planes and on the ill-22, while the swedes have it done on
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one. because tech technologies are of a higher level, that's what it means if they can't use, that's why they use their arlan 10 and others and then hit with an iskander and it's all in online time, found online, reset unmanned points directly on the iskander battery, and those guns, we know examples when they hit our helicopters like that, for example, which were close to line of sight, well... a number of other objects, i.e. they also implement their reconnaissance-strike complexes without using 50, because they are afraid that they will be shot down, i.e. this is a counterattack, and it is necessary to cover if these batteries appear complex, but they will appear there if they can beat, that is , shoot down the same su-34 carriers on the territory of the russian federation, or beat again, well, with what, you can beat with scalps and moan. if
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the permits are in place before these su-34s take off, i.e. by warehouses of guided bombs at the airfields where they are located, i.e. yes or otherwise, taking into account what means we have, our domestic, unmanned strike devices, that means, and already the same attacks, you see, these are american weapons, so they, as they say, we do not promote their use, but responsibility... on the ukrainians, that is why this military-political struggle, let's say, is at work, mr. general, now we see a video of a russian eagle, which is actually one of the elements of this intelligence-strike complex that you talked about, and the question arises, how can we scale the destruction of these eagles, because there are not many messages, we see that they are going astray, can we shoot them down, what are the optimal ways
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to intensify our efforts, well... in this direction, we, we can shoot them down with surface-to-air missiles, artillery, with complexes, and here such intelligence is very necessary, information, how can it be from all drlo, drlv planes, that is, then we can shoot them down with planes, it would be even more effective if the f16 came in, at least, that is, that is, in this way we can... we can use systems of radio-electronic warfare in this regard, that is, there are, but they are changing, because the russians are working, adjusting, finding countermeasures to our means of radio-electronic warfare, and so on, but such means exist, it’s just a matter of scaling the impact on it, it is necessary to scale the means of appropriate anti-aircraft defense, and
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in this there is a question and... if we will now move from the north to the west, from the point of view of the concept that is now also being proposed by ukraine, and it seems that there is a preliminary agreement of poland, so far , a general political one, to use the complexes of nato countries, there in the west, to cover part of our territory, to what extent such a concept is technically feasible, do we have interaction, or is there really a political limitation here again? stand in the foreground, what do you think about this concept? unfortunately, it is already standing, because the poles offered, the americans do not give the poles such an opportunity, and the poles suffered and their people, we remember, died, and that is , russian air attack vehicles flew into the territory of poland and romania, as well , and that's why, you see, they are stalling, they pushed this issue to the summit
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washington's nato, and... which will be considered, why not earlier, it is not clear, but we actually proposed proposals in this regard at first for a large-scale war, that is why we will close the skies of ukraine, yes, they cannot with their own, let's say, with the presence of their military, let them provide the means, but here the question arises, whether from the territory of the same poland, the same romania, and when these means of attack flew there. russian, we also remember that they took to the air, well , they included their anti-aircraft missile complexes, long-range and radio reconnaissance means, and also raised in the air, fighters, both polish, by the way, f16, and american, that is, you can work with all of them, there are means at the appropriate range, there are technical possibilities in this regard, and it is also possible to solve this organizational issue, here...
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unfortunately there is a question


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