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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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i just wanted to read how they plan to develop crimea after deoccupation, the model of economic development of crimea after liberation from the russian invaders will be based on the formation of an archipelago of a new year-round tourist center, you see , they still left the resort, but in addition there will be ithap, the development of renewable energy and infrastructure development, these are the main ones. the main such narratives of the plan for the development of crimea after deoccupation, that is, tourism, green energy and infrastructure, yes, that is, we see that the approach is more modern, which, well, on in my opinion, it can give crimea the opportunity to feel more competitive and capable. and
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moreover, if they talk about tourism, they talk about year-round tourism, yes, that is , all-season tourism, we remember that in the past crimea was mostly visited by tourists in the summer and there were almost no tourists in the winter, and now the approach is that crimea has to be a tourist all year round, but for that it must first be de-occupied, in your opinion, i have heard such an opinion that after de-occupation it will not be possible only... crimea without protection and that, after all, it will remain militarized and the armed forces of ukraine will simply be stationed there, of course, and the naval forces of ukraine in large numbers, but will this not hinder tourism, or will this contradiction arise again between the tourist development of crimea and the development of crimea as a base for the naval forces of ukraine? well, i think that... the development
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of tourism there in crimea is such a more distant prospect, because, first of all , acute security problems have not been solved in ukraine, russian aggression has not been repelled, and almost 20% of the territory of ukraine is still under russian occupation, and we understand that that even after recovery territorial integrity of ukraine. the internationally recognized borders will still have unresolved security issues, first of all, this is demining, including various nature conservation areas where the rashists conduct training and which are used as platforms for launching rockets or rockets on the mainland of ukraine, this is a question of how to counter local... laboratory workers and
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traitors, questions like a wide range of questions that also arise from transitional justice, i.e. who to leave in the relevant position, who to fire, who to send to retraining, for example, there are discussions about local teachers, which teachers, there, for example, a geography teacher, or is she needed? should be dismissed, should it be left, and so on, because with regard to, for example, history teachers, here the question seems more than unambiguous, that if history was used as a propaganda subject, then it is clear that such teachers are subject to lustration, and such questions are very, very a lot, well, but the question of whether there should be a lustration or not an illustration does not arise, of course there will be an illustration, this the leader of crimea and mustafa...
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dzhemilov confirmed that after the deoccupation of crimea it will be necessary to carry out a lustration, those who came from russia will have to leave the crimean peninsula, and the people who remain will undergo an inspection, then there will be some transition period, as long as he can continue, mr. yevgeny, and this is my last question, how long can this period of verification, of those who remain, lustration and such a post-war transition, a year, two, five, 10, well, i think at least many months , and maybe several years, well, as the practice of other countries shows, who experienced armed conflicts or occupation, then it may be that there have been cases where two and three years, thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen yaroshenko, an analyst of a public organization. crimea-sos is a public organization
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that emerged immediately after the occupation of crimea by the russian federation, which still helps both crimean immigrants to mainland ukraine and crimeans who... remain under occupation, helps with documents, helps to study at ukrainian universities, helps to find themselves in mainland ukraine, and i am andriy yanitskyi, host of the beraber program together with ukrainian, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the crimean tatar tv channel atr, where we talk about life in the occupied crimea and talk about how the armed forces of ukraine are liberating. crimea, we have no shortage of news week after week, every week the armed forces of ukraine strike at the occupiers, at the enemies, so i have no doubt that crimea will be liberated and that we will win. we will win together with you. greetings
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, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. see this week in the collaborators program. how traitors of mariupol build careers under the occupiers. the sister city of st. petersburg gave mariupol to create an avenue. but which of the former ukrainian law enforcement officers became the pseudo-mayor of the city. we are part of russia, the city
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of mariupol is a russian city. greetings, i'm elena kononenko and this is a collaborante program about traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet. and went to serve the rashi occupiers. on february 24, 2022, russia begins a full-scale offensive against ukraine. aren't the fiercest battles taking place in mariupol? the russian army prefers to take control of the city from which our army threw them out like rats in the 14th year. the russians used multiple rocket launchers , rockets and launched air strikes, including aerial bombs. ukrainian titans held the defense for 86 days. and unfortunately, steel walls mariupol fell. the city has been under occupation for more than two years, teeming with ardent supporters of the russian peace, zhduns and state traitors. i will talk about some of them today. zaporizhzhia court sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. the occupiers appointed
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the head of the mariupol administration. they think that this is all you need to know about the personnel shortage and those who agree to work for rashka. we are part of russia. i hope that everything that is done in this city is for the good, with our right choice, the city will only become better, and one of the best will be in the donetsk people's republic. he is a native of vinnytsia, oleg valeriyovych morgun, he is 57. he has worked in law enforcement all his life. in the summer of 2014 , he was appointed acting head of the mariupol administration. ministry of internal affairs in donetsk region. according to his colleagues, morgun was the first of the mariupol policemen who, in may and june of 2014, provided information about dpr militants, and then directly helped in their arrest. i have a minister who knows everything. i reported every step i took, what i did.
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later, in the same 14th year , the morgue himself was arrested for participating in a joint press conference with representatives of the terrorist dnr. everyone is interested, all strata on. the population of this half-million city wants order in the city, so that workers go to factories. after this speech, he was accused of signing a memorandum on order and security between the heads of enterprises, the city authorities and terrorists of the dnr. but the prosecutor's office released the morgue due to lack of evidence. having collected his children, he went to novoazovsk, which was already controlled by the so-called dpr. there, in 2016, morgun received a residence permit, then. citizenship of the russian federation and registered in taganrog. on august 23, 2017 , the zaporizhzhya court sentenced oleg morgun to 11 years in prison for participating in a terrorist organization. the case was considered in absentia. later in 2018 , the court of appeal of the zaporizhzhia region
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confirmed the decision of the previous instance and the verdict entered into force. and while in ukraine , morgun was missed by his bed in prison. he built in the temporarily occupied territories a new career. in the so-called dpr, morgun managed yasenuvata, then became the head of the illegal administration of the novoazovsky district created by the occupiers, but he did not want to stay in this position for a long time. so, when mariupol was occupied, morgun returned to the city. the recovery process is in full swing. all of russia is here. we do not live in those past memories of destruction. as a faithful dog, he was immediately appointed to the chair of the chief of the occupation police of mariupol, and then made the head of the city administration. these are our people, they have been waiting for us for exactly nine years. in the 14th year here there was a referendum. i was the police chief at that time. thousands of people were walking. cast your vote to join so that the russian federation embraces the entire donetsk
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people's republic. morgun did not stay long in the post of head of the mariupol administration. in november 2023, he was appointed acting mayor of the city. the election process is underway, these are fateful dates for our city and the republic in general, because it will be a new parliament, a new body of deputies, a new municipality within the russian federation. now this seller is engaged in the so-called reconstruction on the bones, involving russian officials for this, accuses ukraine of the fact that it bombed mariupol and is preparing the city for mass mobilization. in 2023 , morgon was suspected of collaborative activity on the page of the prosecutor general's office. after that, the case was referred to the court. he faces up to 10 years in prison. this is in addition to those 11 that he misses. given for treason and switching to the side of the occupiers in the 14th year. a good term
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is accumulating at morgun. i believe that sooner or later he will start serving real punishment. and this is an applicant to become a neighbor of the morgue on the runaway cell, ivan fedorovych, born in 1987, originally from donetsk region. in mariupol, he was known as the director of the city for people company, which since 2017 has taken care of the maintenance of residential buildings. prior to that, he was involved in housing and communal services reforms. and then worked as deputy head of the left bank district. city for the people of mariupol came to mariupol on a competitive basis. we will work with people. we are client-oriented. when mariupol was occupied, ukrainian ivan decided to become russian vanko. for the hospitable meeting of the occupiers in mariupoli vanka was appointed the head of administration of the zhovtne district. in this position, he took care of the city's restoration and restored russian names to the streets. together with the mariupol administration , a plan of measures was developed to restore the city - these are socially significant objects. however,
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this traitor was the head of the representative office of the governor of st. petersburg in the temporarily occupied donetsk region, after demonstrating his adaptability, he escaped and became a candidate for deputies from the united russia party. vanyushka won the election, so he sat down in the chair mariupol city council and headed the faction of putin's party there. a person is immediately visible. actively works for the deadline. today, the united russia faction and i planted about a thousand bushes, which the sister city of st. petersburg gave to mariupol to create a st. petersburg avenue. due to the fact that he voluntarily took up a position in illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territories, our law enforcement agencies informed vanka of the suspicion. he faces up to 15 years in prison, but who knows, maybe... instead of brick walls and metal grates, the gentle and comfortable polyethylene of a black
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bag will be much nicer for vanyushka. the young teterina sofiya mykolaivna also received her suspicion for collaborative activities. she graduated from mariupol state university, majoring in ukrainian language and literature. and after february 24, she began to fill the russian propaganda machine with fakes. the first day of the presidential elections of the russian federation started in mariupol. voters exactly. come to the polling station in the morning to cast their vote for the future leader of our country. now sofia works on the racist channel mariupol-24, tells in her stories about the restoration of the city destroyed by the occupiers, glorifies the russian federation and glorifies the enemy's army. at the same time, he is studying in the second year of a fake university that the occupiers created in mariupol, the so- called kuinji university. now he is already studying russian language and literature. today. in honor of the national holiday, constitution day of the russian federation , a quiz is held. all details on
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the mariupol-24 tv channel. teterina's case has already been directed to court for collaborative activity, the traitors face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of all property. perhaps her skills in glorifying enemy power structures will somehow come in handy in a ukrainian prison. for such lackeys and embezzlement, the escorts will be kinder, and the supervisors will get an extra portion of balanda. will give out sofia, start getting used to her taste already. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or. just on facebook together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what
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the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. modern history has no white spots, moreover, some events are documented literally to the second. everyone who has a smartphone, in one way or another, contributes his element to the great mosaic of history, systematizing this entire mass of information is difficult, but possible. so unlike the second world war in vietnam
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or afghanistan, the modern russian-ukrainian war is quite well documented. and rewriting its history will be very difficult. my name is rudenko. this is a review of the official military video. and i deliberately emphasize this word official video. because in the conditions information war, the sending of fakes and evaluative judgments, due to the pursuit of views and reposts, precisely official sources in these conditions provide, albeit to a certain extent , censored, but reliable content. however, it should be remembered. that just telling about the war is only half the battle, no matter how cynical it sounds, even about the war it is necessary to tell interestingly. the kupyan direction is considered one of the most difficult, although on the other hand, it is easy now. however, units
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of the 43rd separate mechanized brigade withstood enemy pressure for a long time, inflicted he suffered losses and were able to... instantly improve their tactical position. it is worth noting that such successes are the result of constant training, in particular with the involvement of specially invited instructors. watch the next video from the series openly about the war on the youtube channel of the strategic committee of the armed forces of ukraine defenders of independence. and a small note: the 43rd separate artillery brigade and the 43rd separate mechanized brigade are two different formations in the armed forces. you need the commander to have a father's heart, i'm just saying that the problem is your child love, always love, so that she does not commit, bad or good, when i see that i need to raise my voice, or reprimand, or somehow punish, without humiliating her
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, in no case, in no case personally no , i can also encourage military service. when i see that a person tries, shows initiative, there, well, or there he risks his life, then there will be an appropriate attitude towards this person, and in the future also, most importantly, combat training and combat readiness, these are the two components that, behind which there is one big word, victory on the battlefield even in the conditions of the training ground and tire, the weapon works in quite extreme conditions. i think there is no need to explain that in the conditions of active hostilities, the intensity of wear and tear of any weapon increases exponentially. and if the weapon goes out of order even because of some small thing, then in the conditions of war it can end extremely badly. yes, indeed,
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a serviceman should know his weapon and be able to carry out minor repairs. however, not at all... the damage can be repaired in the field, because you need a special tool or even workshop. the video from the 14th brigade of the national guard of ukraine is about such a weapons workshop, and most importantly, about people. people with golden hands, who day and night, without holidays or weekends, give damaged or broken weapons a second life. and if it weren't for the war, it would be possible to joke that weapons are tired of killing, but in reality, weapons are tools. if the enemy uses weapons to invade other people's territories, then the ukrainian defense forces use them for protection. churupovd, bulgarian woman.
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to feed it so that it shoots, because there is a riot, well, how often does it hit, it doesn't work , i welded a couple of points on the machine and put it, sawed it with a blade and it continues to fire, but i think that while the car is starting, a suitcase arrived... everything threw a screwdriver , brushes, batteries, threw the bulgarian away, got into the car and drove off. the air defense forces of ukraine turned out to be a dark horse, the efficiency and effectiveness of which surprised not only ukrainian civilians, but also many western experts, and some russian pilots were simply hit by it. what is more difficult, to shoot down a plane or a helicopter, which ones do you have? cases, russian pilots launch missiles at their own infantry, how many enemy aircraft are on the combat account of the unit, which aircraft the commander wants to shoot down and who should be in the cockpit at that time.
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the 110th separate mechanized brigade posted a video dedicated to the brigade's anti-aircraft missile platoon on its official youtube channel. now, as always, we will show a small fragment of this video. i remind you that you can see its full version by scanning to... and we work from scratch, from a dozen destroyed enemy aviation is on our account of the unit, the infantry enters the shelter, and we go out on the contrary, under these nurses, it
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launches, and there is already 80% that the rocket will hit everyone, to our delight, when they catch the gava, we don’t mind either, often they practice away from their positions to zero, and it is clear that they are afraid of getting closer and then they hit. may 2022, the battle for siverskyi donets, more precisely, for belogorivka, dozens of units of destroyed equipment, broken pontoon crossings, desperate attempts of the russian army to force the river, strikes by manned aircraft and drones and literally tens of thousands of artillery shells per day. a moment of history. as of the beginning of may 2022 before. western artillery had only just begun to enter ukraine, so the armed forces of the russian federation had a critical advantage both in terms of the number of barrels and the number of shells. taking advantage of this advantage,
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the russian command planned to create a bridgehead in belogorivka for an offensive against the north. but the plan of the russian general staff was not implemented accordingly. in the area of ​​bilogorivka, the enemy was opposed by various forces units, in particular paratroopers of the 80th airborne and storm troops. brigade and a video that was recently published on the official page of the brigade tells about these events. we were sent there as part of the rtgr company and plus my battery. we arrived somewhere in the area of ​​bakhmut, stood there not far away, and waited for an order, and at a certain moment the plans changed and we were ordered to advance to the area of ​​the crossing, well, for the company, infantry, well, the airborne assault unit was ordered to advance to the area of ​​toi.
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firing positions there in that area and began to practice. let's go back from history to today, but territorially we remain in the same place. previously, there was a reserve here with unique flora and fauna and clean air. now the red-book plants of the silver forest are mowed down by shell fragments, and instead of rare wild birds , drones are densely swarming. the situation is such that the position is clearly visible thanks to the drones, but the occupiers, using their drones, are also watching the ukrainian military. the first presidential
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brigade of the national guard of ukraine. burevit posted on her official youtube page of videos dedicated to the operation of drones in forest conditions. this is an ordinary patrol. in all of this , i'm trying to see the moving heat signatures, it's something like these tiny, tiny white pixels, which we call poders. as long as our target sees any movement, if we see a group that is moving, yes, plus, we transfer the data to ours, and then they already work on it, forms are made on 3d printers with the help of volunteers, we also bring our bc, well, to rework it under something else. a person gets used to everything and can
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survive in any conditions, survive and , making some effort, build comfort and coziness around him. of course, this statement has a lot, but love is the most acute feeling that helps one feel human in war, helps one live and breathe. when you know that they are waiting for you at home, you are not afraid of bullets or mines, nothing is scary. these are the words of the chief sergeant of the 68th anti-aircraft missile battery. oleksandr fell in love with valeria, a girl from a city near the front, and later he confessed to her. this is how a new ukrainian family was born. the official page of the separate 68th hunter's brigade reminds all its viewers that the army is served by useless robots and living people. and these people, in addition to duties and skills, have desires and feelings. therefore, we, as a whole creative team, wish the young people victory. i am
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already a wife. we met in the mykolayiv region, i was not yet serving in the 68th brigade, i was serving in the 12th separate rifle battalion, and our unit came to help in the defense of such a city as voznisemsk. after our boys repulsed the offensive in the mykolaiv oblast , voznisensk, we retreated to such a village , brother. are and stood for protection, at the approach to its nuclear power plant, yuzhnoukrainskaya as, and stood in this village for a very long time, and already all the people who lived there in this village, they became like relatives, we began to communicate with each other, and the boys, who served with me in my rifle tank, they introduced me to
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this beautiful girl. yes, when announcing this video, i specifically emphasized the fact that living people serve in the army, because as it has been said more than once, the army is a section of society where all people are different, with different views on life, different levels of prosperity, different levels of education and different civilian professions. and that is why the content generated by the defense forces of ukraine is also very diverse. from serious analytics, the story of sharp in the format of video from the scene of events, to training courses and beautiful love stories. so every viewer will find something they like. i encourage you to like this video, and if any stem is close to you, subscribe to the official channel of the relevant formation or unit. if you think that some brigade or battalion has been neglected, write about it in the comments. because this is not the final, it is definitely not
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a parade, it is an official military review. video. see you next week. goodbye. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are looking for 14-year-old oleksandra kozlova from the kharkiv region. information about the girl's disappearance came back in june 2022. the child was last seen in the city of vovchansk. where
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oleksandra can be now is not.


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