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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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unfortunately, as we can see, let's put it this way, we had a bit of a lull, fortunately, and now the strikes are starting again, not only yesterday, but also the day before yesterday, rockets were fired at odesa, warheads were still flying last night, trying to hit objects critical infrastructure, again my information is aimed at the port, at the port infrastructure, we will. fear that the plans of our enemies will, let's say, smash our air defense forces to pieces, and these plans will not be realized, but unfortunately, the enemy continues to terrorize ukraine and odesa, in particular, so i, as before i continue to talk about what needs to be done, must be done for our armed forces. to help ukraine, because, unfortunately,
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we cannot win without it, so i would very much ask everyone who has such an opportunity to donate, join the meetings and definitely help the armed forces of ukraine. we see that these shellings are bleeding the city. i read the information that there is a critical shortage of teachers in odesa schools, people are resigning, people are leaving. mr. serhiy, how does odessa deal with this problem? it's the end of the year, but the new school year is ahead? there were not enough teachers even before that, unfortunately, because we understand that in addition to shelling, there are also a lot of problems in our educational system, and we have seen these problems since the beginning of the coronavirus, and even before that there were problems with very low wages. and this, let's say, does not stimulate
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people to work in schools, because everyone understands that with these funds it is very difficult, let's say, to somehow exist normally, the fables that we were told about the $400 teacher's salary, we all understood a long time ago, something cossacks, and currently, unfortunately, our teachers receive very low wages, this is also one of the reasons why there is still a shortage and there are a lot of open vacancies, plus shelling, plus distance work, which also does not encourage people to work , because we understand that people who go to work as teachers, a lot of them go for the communication of this open, let's say, exchange of energy, and so ... not everyone is ready
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to work online with the same commitment as they were offline , the case of odesa ex-glory is sad, of course borisovo sent to the court, are they celebrating in odesa from this, i don’t know, there will finally be some bail set for a couple of million, so that the person can finally go to his estates in spain to live normally, according to my information, a bail of 12 million hryvnias was set, which would be paid, and immediately after that , the sbi detained mr. borisov again and sent him to the police again for a different case, in fact , the law enforcement agencies are working very hard in this direction, i know that there were a lot of searches in odesa, they searched like working premises, and personal, let's say yes, apartments, there are houses of people who worked with borisov in the times of boris. i know that
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a lot of, let's say, investigative actions are taking place in this regard, so in my opinion, after all, mr. borisov is threatened with, probably, let's say like this, a very unpleasant legal process, and for sure, after all, it will not end for he is positive, i have such an impression, but we cannot talk about it for sure, it is only an impression, odesa, it is literally like inspiration... there are some soldiers to earn money, because there is another one who invented scheme, or others, and they were already making men unfit for military service under these new systems, another multimillion-dollar scheme, is it being discussed, mr. sergey, in odessa, yes, yes, i am also talking about this scheme, there were also , let's say, work from the law enforcement officers, too... these
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people were detained, but according to my information , they are currently being investigated by the state bureau of investigation on two tccs. the city of odessa, let's put it this way, there are investigations going on there, we won't name which ones, so as not to reveal, let's say, there is a possible mystery of the investigation, but you know, in addition to that, there are many, unfortunately, there are still schemes for melting people abroad, legal and so on, it's not only in odesa, as we understand it, but here, let's say, the law enforcement officers are running, then let's hope that they will, let's say, work so actively. er, not only for this army, but in general for this corrupt component of mozhanovka throughout the country. well, we'll keep an eye out and talk about it on our airwaves, because people like that really discredit those who works in the tcc, according to conscience, and those who
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fought back and got to work in the tcc after severe injuries, and do not think about how to line their pockets there, but think about how to do everything so that ukraine... stood, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhii sizonko, a deputy of the odesa district council was in touch with us, then we will move to kherson oblast, in the meantime, you know, while i have one free moment, i will say that mick rain's column has appeared on nv, i am following in fact, his posts on the ukrainian war, a retired major general of the australian armed forces, author of books, including the transformation of the war, a cool military expert, and he says that, in fact, he evaluates the actual podsu... my little bit is the russian offensive, which has been going on, probably since last fall even, and says that the window of opportunity is six and a half years and which caused by a delay in the passage of the mobilization law, as well as with american aid, the door
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is closing for russia, and it is said that the russians have generally only achieved some success in striking the energy sector, taking advantage of the fact that ukraine lacked anti-aircraft missiles. currently, here, but in general, on the front, they advanced sluggishly and suffered heavy losses, and he says that this window is gradually closing for them, the main question is what will happen next, whether ukraine will be able to recapture the territories in the fifth, at the end of the 24th , at the beginning of the 25th, and this is a completely different issue that is happening in the kherson region, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council is already with us, mr. yuriy, good. good morning, i greet you, friends, was it such a morning for kherson oblast and kherson, sorry, connection, was this morning good for kherson, is it good now, well you know, every morning is good actually, because
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it's another day closer to victory, closer to peace, so it's good in any case, as for the shelling, well, unfortunately, they continue, as of tuesday evening. we had four people injured during the night, well, a little later , information from the hospitals will be compiled, whether there were any appeals to medical institutions, mr. yuriy, but actually because of the fact that kherson oblast and kherson are constantly being shelled and there are always wounded, are the medical institutions coping with with such a number of e-e patients, and even more so with such with such wounds, with such problems, with which people come? well. well, yes, the medical system, it was a priority from the beginning of the deoccupation, from the first days, the first thing that started working, it was fully in fact for our hospitals, and despite the fact that we had significant network losses, medical facilities were partially destroyed institutions that were partially
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looted, they were actually looted there, and now the network has been restored, but there, including at the expense of military doctors and... volunteer medical, international organizations that help, now people have access to medical services, we do not stockpile the wounded, in kherson oblast, as soon as the condition is stable, if there is the consent of the person, the consent of the family, medical evacuation takes place to other regions, where the person continues treatment and recovery in a safer place, and what about access to hospitals, to medical services, to pharmacies in the occupied territories? horror is happening in the occupied territories, because , first of all, the medical system there is at a very primitive level in the communities that are 20-30 km away from the dnipro, there is no access at all
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there are practically no medical services, there are practically no faps left there, there are not enough doctors, according to their reports, they have somewhere... 35% of the medical personnel from what is necessary, and the worst thing is that people who have not received russian passports issued a policy in russian. medical, they do not have access to medical services at all, even where there are hospitals, the occupiers are trying to solve this issue at the expense of doctors they bring from the russian federation, they work there on a shift basis for 3 months on average, but that’s the way it is, well, first of all, them not many come, and secondly, they do not solve the problem there, but very often, on the contrary , create it there , they... send most of the serious medical operations to simferopol, they do not do it themselves on the spot, it is not a close road to simferopol, 100% ,
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and there are cases when people went, even people who had a medical policy that they took out for the kherson region, and they were told that your policy is somehow not the same, either go to the kherson region again, or pay the money, and then you will to receive this medical assistance, such cases have been recorded. and also, you know, i read in salda, well, i read salda, it’s my sin, i know, well, but i’m still interested in what the occupation administration writes, and here salda writes that more than 500 tourists, appreciating nature, came from various regions of russia, moscow, saratov , crimea, also russia, everything is russia to him, to visit the reserve scania nova, and said. that by the end of the season there will be even more people, that there is actually something new in askania,
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today we watched, yesterday we watched a video like this taken from a drone, where, where, where, where roe deer move through a minefield, and it was filmed in infrared register, and you can see how those mines glow, and those poor animals are running on this minefield, well, yes, well, from time to time they get hit, in fact, because i saw it on that video, there were anti-tank mines, as far as i remember, but they also put anti-personnel ammunition, which works even on such animals, in fact there were not even close to such a number of people, they did, well, they tried to do so a lot. mass opening in the footsteps of askania nova, after
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the management was changed there, there is some kind of exchange animals, they tried to do with russian zoos, here are those who came on a business trip on the list, well, that is, they made a mass, and so that there were visitors, well , this does not exist at all, but what is happening with the kakhovsky reservoir? or with what was left of it, they say that about 150 thousand hectares of green vegetation grew there, plantations, it’s hard to call it, because i understand that some plants planted themselves, you know, life always wins, and really, well fortunately, such a terrible scenario, which ecologists too, has not been realized they said that there could be very negative consequences there, and now there is even a discussion among ecologists, whether it is necessary to restore the dam, or whether
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it is still necessary to preserve this biome that has been created there now, well, that will be another question. well, thank you very much for this conversation, yuriy sobolevskyi and i talked about what is happening now in the kherson region, we will move on now, and before that we will probably take a short break. stay with us. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country in the center of the main events, buy
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a camera at the points of sale of the press, your country is in the region where during the great patriotic war the foot of a soviet soldier stood, and we will not leave this region. with faith in the future, persistently, every day we make efforts to win and realize our dreams. overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge your victory, that 's what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne, chamber and organ music hall, come and watch, ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries. fm.
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galicia listen to yours. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on a paforte knife of 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapon. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time
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means. to give him a life, a ride bc, a ride boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join nato in building a zero to life atv for the 93rd brigade cold ravine in the direction of chasiv yar. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly. so... they gave us nine pieces of the tank, guess what, now turn on the video link, i 'll give you a tour, but come, we 'll stay here for another two weeks, i'll take you for a ride, and not only on the tank, right here near to the wall in grozivka, if you say that you are visiting a student, you will be let through, yes, a student, my call sign is that, right
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here at the wall in grozivka, i will tell you that you are visiting a student, you will be let through, such a student. nine there, nine there thunderstorm, thunderstorm, here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy is listening, be careful. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our roll call, and while we are waiting for the appearance of our guest from kharkiv to tell how the night passed there, andriy has a story that he wants to share with you, not that the story that i want, i have, i have to share with you, this is the story that
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the ministry of justice wanted and shared with us, you know that in ukraine it is now allowed... to send prisoners to the front, and the corresponding there was a decision recently, yes, you know that lovko zaluzhnyi was a categorical opponent of this decision, he believed that it would undermine the morale of the troops, and this is also a bad practice, since we see that its, well, that is, it is such a tracing of those those practices are the russians, who actually use them as stormtroopers, as their cannon fodder. his prisoners six times, prigozhina himself and the so-called vagnelevs, here, well, but nevertheless, the decision has been made, the president has already signed it, and here's what you do, how, how, how does it look, on the 28th, 29th yes, yesterday about it was a message that the mobilized prisoners had already captured a russian, the ministry of justice reported, and the good people,
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maksym sovanevskyi, in particular, had already calculated that zelenskyi had signed the law on may 17, uh, decision. that the first two prisoners should be freed from punishment and sent to the front was on may 21, so now we have may 30, a week from now, because that was the message for the 29th, so it could only happen on the 28th, therefore, in 7 days, these two prisoners were the first, so they should have had time to be released, pass the vlk, combat coordination, get to the front and take a russian prisoner there. for seven days, what quick prisoners, very quick prisoners, or some quick system of recruiting prisoners into the army, well, or they captured, as maxim writes, while still in prison, then... this russian maybe so and so, you are going to speak ukrainian with us or not , you are not going to, we will take him prisoner, well , it must have been like that with the cellmate, dear
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friends, uh, what do you say here, what to say here, talk, let's go let's talk about kharkiv, continue our roll call, serhii zhukko, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, employee of the center for strategic communications and information security is already with us, mr. serhiy, good morning. did kharkiv and kharkiv oblast manage to sleep today? good morning, well, relatively speaking, during the night there were also explosions heard in the city, maybe five, maybe i 'm wrong, but something like this, when there are explosions in the middle of the night, what do you do, you stay at home, you go down, just kharkiv, it is constantly under explosions, i don't know, just when... kharkiv residents find time to to fall asleep in a human way, well, i don't know, actually speaking, uh, in principle, i understand that
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the majority of kharkiv residents, of course, that's all, let's put it this way, they're used to it, probably, probably, you can say that, see if, if god forbid, the muscovites will manage to take liptsi, slobozhansk. then we understand that they get the opportunity , as it was in the 22nd year, to fire barrel artillery in the city, well, probably not in the whole city, they probably won't reach the center, but again there will be shelling of the surrounding areas and dew, i think kharkiv residents think about this all the time, whether there are any but you personally have a plan, what to do with your acquaintances, friends, so really correct. you absolutely said that if, god forbid, the situation of the 22nd year will be repeated, if the russians are planning again and again, it is
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obvious to them, it is their task, to come again in july, damn it, it will open the possibility to strike from the barrel and jet artillery in the city already directly, it was this stay in these settlements in the 22nd year that gave him the opportunity to damage the northern saltivka so much. well, this applies, by the way, no only saltivka, it also reached the central part of the city, then they got there from various saus and so on, it was certainly not as often as in saltivka, but it also happened, let's put it this way, so of course, of course, that this kharkiv' they, well, let's say this, worry about it. and that is why our military is doing everything to prevent this, as for plans, well, it is difficult to say, it is difficult to talk about any plans, probably in such a case, if
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the situation worsens significantly, then as in the 22nd year in kharkiv less people than now well, it is obvious that this will not mean, i don’t know, some kind of defeat in the war and so on, but it would be a really preschool, very very preschool result, and... how is business reacting to it now, i read on kharkiv today about , that after the epicenter was bombed, the largest one that remained was probably such a hypermarket, and then in others too, in other shopping centers too, there is so little that, for example, some, some points are closing, shops are closing, for example, in the dafa center, here... also in nikolskyi, that is, such business activity is decreasing a little, because people are beginning to worry about whether it makes sense to work now,
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to go out, of course, i do not have any such statistics, yes, but after the shelling of the epicenter, for example, it was really noticeable, and that over the weekend in... entertainment shopping and entertainment centers, there were fewer people for the weekend and there are significantly fewer than usual, but it is possible, and of course, that this is a consequence of the shelling, the hypermarket toicent, and people, well, let's see what will happen next, maybe then something will be restored and so on, that's it, but of course what the russians make it quite conscious that the epicenter is not the first business object that they... destroyed only during may, you know that yes, that the next, one of the following days, there was an attack on a biscuit factory, before that there was a blow to the printer.
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the printing factor, before that there was a strike, it was at the beginning of the month at the meat processing plant, that is, this is a deliberate tactic of the russians to strike at business objects, at enterprises, at trade, well, at production facilities, at trading platforms , and this is pure terrorism, which is aimed at destruction on the one hand economic potential of our city and our region, on the other hand it's... terror against the civilian population and the killing of civilians, you don't know, it's hard to find something positive about it, if i may, the positive thing for me is that they are destroying what that they understand that they will not be able to capture, that is , this, that is, this is their realization that they will not be able to capture kharkiv in some perspective, i don't know, in the coming years, or
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maybe never, something. which we all really hope for, and it hurts, it's unpleasant, but, i already quoted mick ryan today who says that, in general, the russian, russian, this is a window of opportunity, which was caused by the delay in the aid of the united states, as well as the delay in the mobilization processes in ukraine, the slowdown, it is gradually closing, and we very much hope that the same f16 and other, other means of anti-aircraft and other defenses will finally be allowed. and kharkiv will face relief again. mr. serhiy, the last bells are ahead, how will it all happen in kharkiv. we saw the footage of the rehearsals of the school waltz, at the last bell of the students at kharkiv, and there was, there was this rehearsal very early, when, when there is silence and peace, how will it all look? to be honest, this is probably
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the last bell tomorrow. well, i don’t know how every school will do it, because we have children in kharkiv, well, most of them studied and graduated via distance learning, but some are underground, but this is a junior school, but we saw that their children were rehearsing right in in the center of the city to dance a waltz, so obviously she will try something. so beautiful to do somehow somewhere, but of course, we can't say when it will be, let's hope that we will again see some good, beautiful shots that will remind the world about kharkiv and all ukrainians about what kind of state we live in, but again, education - this is generally a very painful issue, because our higher educational
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institutions are facing challenges. kharkiv has traditionally been a city of higher education, a student city, and they are facing the fact that now some of our higher education institutions there have increased the volume of state license orders for students, but it is clear that many who will try to get an education already in other cities. unfortunately, it is sad, mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhiy zhuk. a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, an employee of the center for strategic communications and information security, was in touch with us, dear friends, we are completing our roll call and completing our first hour of the marathon, it is approaching 8:00 in the morning, which means that now we will watch a fresh a selection of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, our kateryna shiropoyas is ready and ready to tell you i congratulate lesya andria, in a moment i will tell you about
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the consequences of the night attacks. across ukraine and what is currently happening on the border between poland and belarus? news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. four people were injured in kharkiv during the night shift. attacks on the city, the enemy aimed missiles at critical infrastructure, the mayor of the city, ihor terekhov, said. there, the gas line was broken, the windows of the surrounding houses were blown out. the occupiers destroyed a historical monument in the village of mala danylivka in the kharkiv region, the head of the community oleksandr gololobov published a video of the fire and noted that it had burned.


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