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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibra. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, moms. well, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. one on weekdays. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. every week, the saturday
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political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volhynia, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, appreciated the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs.
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winds up kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we keep the line together, hello friends, here we go, continue, thank you thank you for the 900 that you collected this morning for our military, we, meanwhile let's talk about the situation. works at the front with oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorundzhoi roman dashkevich. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. good morning. tell me, please, about the battles during the time of yar, what is happening there now, what is the situation there? well, if we take yesterday and today literally, then the enemy is trying to storm directly at the time itself, this is where the neighborhood is new. also strengthens its
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assault actions, this is the direction of ivanivski, bohdanivka, kalynivka, also constantly, leaves klyshkivka and andriivka out of his attention. today, it uses not only its infantry units, but more and more often includes a mechanized component, namely tanks, as well as armored fighting vehicles, because it still wants to have some gains, and to make gains only from one. although, well, it is impossible if it has strengthened the area, such as time, so it is now intensifying its attacks, more intensively, more intensively using the artillery component, directly, both barrel artillery and volley fire systems. if we talk about the donetsk, kramatorsk direction, what is the situation there now, from what you can tell? the situation is tense and difficult, but the enemy is really constantly with us. offensive
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actions, uses what he has at his disposal, here we can see him and the elite and partially mobilized and semi-criminal elements, however... nevertheless, our defense is still standing, we are destroying him, moreover, we must to say that we are destroying him pretty well here, he is losing a significant amount of both equipment and personnel. and what is it now? tactics in the enemy, why did they switch more to small assault groups? well, today he has switched to using more of a mechanized component, here, but directly the assault groups themselves. it remains small and it is like a platoon, more than a platoon, it is very rarely used like that in a company, because no matter what, but if there is a significant crowd, it is usually easier to hit it, and for today we can note that if earlier
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he didn't take care of his people, so today he stopped behaving so chastely and to his equipment, because after all , he does not have enough equipment, and nevertheless... he uses it and leaves it on the battlefield, and also, as i said, it strengthens the artillery component, that is, the number of artillery fire became somewhat significantly larger. if we talk about the opposition of the artillery, eh, how does the situation with our enemies look now and has it improved now? well, the situation is not easy, after the end. during the last operation, some artillery units were moved in our direction, but from now on, we already have considerable a greater number of shots than there were, so the counter-battery fight has become somewhat better, we
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hit his artillery installations, today they are represented more, they are trailer-mounted, towed installations, we have much less self-propelled artillery installations, well, it is impressive... directly like ours cannons, and of course our drones, kamikaze drones are working here, the situation is not easy, and yet we have it under control, no matter what happens now with the kaboms and the rszvs, how many are there, has the number decreased, if we take kabom, then before we could observe that it is precisely on our side of the front, especially at the time... he can use up to 30 cabs per day in number, and if we take literally for this week, well, it is a little more than 10, that is, the number of cabs used here has decreased, and he is trying to cover it up
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with the artillery component, because he used to use more cabs earlier because the artillery worked less, still with shells... as he brags there, they have a certain limitation, that's why we had cabs a constant phenomenon here, on today he also connected the systems of adhesive fire, they make an impression directly, as we know from the time gap, we can also observe thermobaric projectiles, he also uses them here, well, thank you very much, mr. oleg, oleg kolashnikov was with us... they spoke to us about what is happening now at the front from the first hand, well, now, we will take a break, we will continue to talk about what is happening in the sea, by the way, about the sea, you like tuna, yes, of course, everyone likes tuna , but that one is better, you know, no no in such jars, and the one that is fresh, and from
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the expensive one, yes, well, our scouts made fresh tuna, well, i don't know, the information has already been confirmed. that no, we hope that it will be confirmed, we will eventually ask our next guest pavel lakiychuk, the head of security programs of the strategy 21 global studies center, what he thinks about it, because they say, at least the interlocutor, the net league in the security and defense forces reported that as a result of the operation gur was hit by a boat of russian invaders of the tunets type, what should the boat be called tuna, well, it was necessary immediately, but what should it be called a crab? i don't know, maybe it's some kind of tulka, well, it's just muscovites, it's still mo, they have tuna or something? well, actually , it doesn't look like a tuna, a tuna is a big fish, and this boat is like a tuna, so it's more like a so-and-so, you know, a few, well , a few in tomatoes, a few in tomatoes, i
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hope it was in the tomato after the defeat and i hope that this defeat was, dear friends, we are going for a short break now, we will come back and continue, we will talk actually about this tuna. and not only. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how not to let the enemy tear us apart in a special topic about demographic challenges, an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov, landfill corruption, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and high-quality analytics, with the country at the center of the main events, buy at press outlets, camera, the country is located in the region where during the great patriotic war
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the foot of a soviet soldier stood, we are not from this region, we will not go, to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. champions league final only on mego. europe held its breath before the main match of the season. will real madrid end borussia's fairytale with lunin in goal? find out on june 1 at 22:00 exclusively on megoko. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on fenny steel 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. haven't you ever seen the classics in the underpants or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor. poli dir-dir, then why are we for peace? i remember betargin in the morning
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there will be no hangover, there are discounts represented by may discounts on the paforte knife of 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. pick up the wounded in time. from the battlefield, it means saving his life, gave a lift to bc, gave a lift to the boys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat.
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your place awaits you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed made, there will be walks, swings. and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you... already somewhere near, half the battle is knowing how hard
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it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you sooner, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than family, we are... a nation united around you friends, we are back on the air, and now i will tell you, you know, there is a skatir samobranka in russian fairy tales, eh, there was also a stove, this is ivanushka the fool on it, she drove, that stove, what was it called, self-propelled, there is still a bath free float samoydka, samo, self-propelled, the word
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russians came up with such a know-how, this is a bath that floats across the battlefield, and in that bath they packed something and somehow drag it, but i’m not trying to understand whether they made some kind of wheels for it and on some batteries, it goes on i don't know which one the remote control, did they still tie her with some laces and... who are they pulling her, our fighter made this video, this happened to him in the frame, but it is not known whether that bath got to this, but you see how ... in a word , those russian soldiers probably include all kinds of russian fairy tales, they listen to them and come up with such ingenious inventions as a self-propelled bathtub. dear friends, i also want to say that you do not forget to notify, there is a qr code here, the card number will also appear on the title, here it is already,
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you see how quickly everything is happening, because our military really needs atvs. and these atvs are not some kind of self-propelled bathtub, these atvs will help them save lives and will deliver ammunition to the battlefield, they will not have to resort to any such inventions that muscovites make. in a word , support them with hryvnias, it doesn't have to be a huge donation, but donate, because without your help our army won't cope, moreover, it's not us, we're not actually helping them, they do a great deal for us. business for us everyone and for ourselves, and we simply thank them for this in this way. well, in the meantime, we will talk with pavel lakeychuk, the head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, and in addition, the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine. mr. pavle, we congratulate you. good morning, glory to ukraine.
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glory to heroes. mr. pavle, first of all, we wanted to ask you about what is going on in the occupied area. something is happening in the crimea, say the russians, that the kerch bridge was blocked, that the ferries were damaged, that the sea was raging or something? well, tonight the russians fired missiles at ukraine, flew to vinnytsia, to khmelnytskyi, it is clear that they need to, but the otvetochka arrived at once, it was very loud both in dzhankoi and in kerch. and there is still information, there is no information yet that our successes may be much wider, we will wait for official information regarding kircha, i was very happy with this news, after all, we are all talking about the kerch bridge, about the crimean bridge, when it goes to the bottom , but the russians
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are transferring troops, not only through the crimean bridge. but also in other ways, then the large amphibious ships that we send to the bottom from time to time are becoming fewer and fewer, and the main thing is the crossing of port kavkaz port crimea. the russians, after the opening of this dorobl through the kerch strait of the bridge, they bankrupted it, decided to embezzle it, and then, when the war began on a large scale, they realized that... you can't trust most, and they are trying to restore communication, well, not that they are trying to do more, they found several ferries, pulled them over, and most of the military cargo goes through port kavkaz, port crimea, and just then port kavkaz arrived at port kavkaz, this is a signal to moskolota that
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their crimean bridge will soon follow... roma there , pro-russian bloggers say that it's okay, the windows in the superstructures of the ferries are flying, well, i i will explain to you that the windows in the superstructures of the ferries are not the windows that are in the fiberglass bags, it is completely different, and if the windows flew, then it means that the superstructure flew, and this is very good news. i have been waiting for her for a long time. corvette, hetman, ivan mazepa came out for testing. how do we we see how russian, even small boats, do not feel safe 1000 km from ukraine. and how can we protect such a whole corvette? well, not yet, for now it is
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under the jurisdiction of turkey and the manufacturer's factory. and the turkish government is responsible for its security, while turkey demonstrates itself as its intermediary country, a moderator country, and if the russians try to destroy our ship, which is being built at a turkish shipyard in a turkish port, then let's see what kind of relations there will be... putin and erdogan, this there will be such a powerful blow not so much to the armed forces of ukraine, because the ship that is being built, it still cannot strengthen our e. defense potential in any way, a blow to the image of turkey, a blow to the image of erdogan personally, will be extremely powerful, so will putin decide to such a thing, well, i’m not convinced, on
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the other hand, it’s also very nice to actually see a picture of the ship, especially with part of the armament, at least we can see the artillery armament on it, i don’t know yet whether... the issue with the main strike complex has been resolved , and these should be either our neptunes, or harpoons, american ones, well, let's wait for news, good news, some countries are already ready, allow, or urge to allow ukraine to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia, on russian military facilities, accumulations of military equipment and manpower on the territory of russia, and ... but, for example, when poland allows it, then in principle, what is good for us, can we beat the polish, for example, that is, that they
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gave us something that can be far away, well, crabs, for example, well, that’s it not necessarily, it means rockets, but takmes, which hit hundreds there kilometers, this means heavy artillery, sweden, if poland or sweden give consent to use their weapons, it means that the same swedish archers or polish crabs can strike at the russian border, this is already a plus. let's go a long, long way step by step. the muscovites , meanwhile, clearly already feel the danger that is looming over them and foresee, perhaps, ... permission for ukraine to strike at long distances from other countries, and now they are building protective hangars for airplanes as far as 300 km from
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the border with ukraine, if suddenly we are allowed, or what will we reach there in these hangars? first of all, not only foreign weapons are already reaching, we are quite successfully dealing with strikes deep into russia. at a distance of more than 1,000 km already, literally, in orsk and beyond the horizon rs, russian sprn, anti-missile attack systems, it is more than 100 km, and our drone flew there and worked quite successfully, they say that the americans, what they are worried about , that... the ukrainians have been so fast and efficient for two or three, probably three already, two for sure, the third is in question, these systems
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the russian anti-missile attack is being destroyed, well , this is our contribution to global security, in fact, the weakening of the russian nuclear potential, and this is a pain point for moscow, therefore, if we ... strike, then we will strike. as for those pictures, satellites, pictures of russian airfields where they put finnish storage facilities, these duralumin hangars to cover the planes, well, it will help something, it's more a psychological factor and a reconnaissance factor, we, we don't know if there are planes there or not , that is, not... uh, not like that an element of uncertainty, but these are not at all the shelters that are used in modern armies, that is what our
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partners require of us in preparation for the transfer of f16s, these should be concrete shelters that protect against direct hits from air bombs or missiles, and duralumin obviously won't help here, but... you know, mick ryan published a column, it was translated, reprinted by hb, and mick ryan, a retired major general of the australian armed forces, a military expert, and he says that the russians failed to make the most of this window opportunities that appeared in them through the delay of american aid and the delay of mobilization in ukraine, here they are advancing , advancing sluggishly and bearing great losses, nevertheless he notes that on such an informational front, ukraine now looks much weaker than two years ago, it does not succeed , and he gives various reasons why this is so and why it is actually very important,
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and here... one of them, of those reasons, in his opinion, is that the first reason, the main reason, is that the absence is a clear ukrainian theory of victory, and which would be clear western politicians and the public? well, as far as the window of opportunity is concerned, it is not russia that could not, did not take full advantage of that window... the opportunities that it received, or we provided it, together with our partners, beyond our will, it is that the armed forces of ukraine did not give she should take advantage of this, this opportunity, because the whole world has been watching for these six months, how will ukraine cope without american weapons. it was very difficult, it was extremely
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difficult, but we persevered. and this, this is actually a trump card, this shows that even if some of our partners will try to push us to peace on putin's terms, uh, by limiting the supply of weapons, well, that doesn't mean that we will agree to such terms, and ryan, ... is also somewhat devious, actually, it's not ukraine does not have a strategy for victory, and this strategy and the definition of what our victory is, under what conditions the war should end, is somewhat disconcerting, diverging in its vision with a number of world leaders, european and american, including those who,
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actually saying, get interested. in the truce, which prompt us to a truce on putin's terms as soon as possible, and when they say that any war ends with negotiations, this is not true, and this is a message for ukraine: start negotiations as soon as possible, come to an agreement with putin, but our political leadership, our military are ready to fight... to find ukraine to the end, and our goal is the liberation of our land, there is such a difference in vision, so it is not necessary to say that we do not have a vision and theory of our victory, we are fighting for this, we have both theory and practice, this is what our armed forces are fighting for at the front, this is what ours is fighting for
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diplomatic all ee... the international front, which is preparing the same global summit of peace, peace, and in which our enemy is very worried, the enemy understands that the window of opportunity, it is not only shrinking at the front, it is shrinking in a broader plan as well . well, thank you very much for this conversation, we talked about what is happening now at the front. and what is happening in the black sea, also pavlo lakiychuk, the head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine was with us, dear friends, thank you for responding to our calls for donations, because these donations of yours help save the lives of our military, we collect for atvs that help evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield, precisely in order to reduce the number of casualties in our army , and now at 9 o'clock, i
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will remind you that we all... remember those whose lives were taken by the russian aggression against ukraine, those whom we did not have time to save, because of this war. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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