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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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let me remind you that we all remember those whose lives were taken by the russian aggression against ukraine, those whom we did not manage to save because of this war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the russian army continues its missile strikes on peaceful ukrainian cities in the rear, like this night, for example, attacking khmelnytskyi in particular. besides, the situation on the front is difficult in the pokrovsk direction, we will talk about this today. this is the freedom of the morning, my name is oleg galiv, and in the chat under the broadcast we give you the opportunity to share your impressions of what you saw, heard or experienced. russian troops advanced near netailovo, west of occupied avdiivka in donetsk region. this is reported by analysts of the deep state project. the american institute for the study of war says that the advance of russian forces is also near novopokrovsky. the ukrainian general staff reports that it is this section of the front, pokrovsky. trend is
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the hottest right now. even there a day earlier announced the partial success of the russian forces. the summaries for the last day refer to 23 combat clashes in the pokrovsky direction. the russian military is trying to break through ukrainian defenses, using attack helicopters and dropping aerial bombs on the positions of ukrainian forces. instead, the ukrainian general staff declares that stabilization measures are ongoing. but the russian ministry of defense writes about the tactical successes of their army. they also state that... that the occupying army is allegedly repelling attacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine. yes it is isn't that what happens in the pokrovsky direction in general. we are currently trying to find out with our guest. oleksandr shirshin, a serviceman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, joins svoboda ranok broadcast. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining. tell me, please, how difficult the situation is in the pokrovsky direction as of now and please describe the battles for the last day. from the fact that from... you,
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well, the situation is not easy, i cannot say that it is the worst of those that we had, with which we encountered, but we continue to resist, we continue to destroy the enemy, in the last day the enemy tried several times to break through to the equipment, and to various there bugs, tanks, bterras, bmp, here, but there had partial small successes there, if they call the tactical success of the capture half landing at the expense of four beters there and losing 50 of their servicemen there, then i wish them luck, that is, you are now talking about the fact that the russian army actually has no tactical successes in this direction, which we are talking about, pokrovsky does not have, in particular for the last day, well, if we say that capturing half of the landing is a tactical success for them, then maybe it is a tactical success for them, taking into account that they wanted to take kyiv there in three days. maybe they
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have such calculations, at the moment they don't have any big, i don't know, big success. tell me, please, the general staff mentions such a settlement as yevgenivka in this direction in its reports, they say that there are the most active battles, the most active attacks by the russian military, do you know what is happening around yevgenivka now, maybe in yevhenivtsi herself, what is there? yes, this is just one part of our plots, but here they are actively trying to break through. they launch a large number of infantry, a large number of equipment, but i say again, that is , they do not have such great success. regarding the ukrainian defense, from your point of view, from what you saw, you could understand there with your own eyes how powerful it is, because the russian army constantly wants to break through it in this direction, in particular, the ukrainian general staff says this, but everything anyway is it powerfully built in order to prevent the russian army from doing this? well , let's start with the fact that our defense, it is mainly built at the expense of our
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soldiers, at the expense of how much character the infantrymen have, in the command, to hold a certain area there, and i think that it is correct to evaluate it by the expense. that is, if we look at the losses of the enemy, the attempts, the number of attempts with which they tried to break through there, and evaluate the result they achieved, then i believe that the ukrainian military is showing itself quite effectively and enough forces firmly hold this line, if you analyze what the russian army has already been able to do on this part of the front and what it plans to do next, where are the russian forces moving in general in this direction, what route they want to take and to what extent... the number of forces is concentrated on the russian side in order to somehow reinforce this goal and move towards it, look, i think that the main goal in this area is, respectively, pokrovsk, it’s called the pokrovsk direction for a reason, but now it’s an intermediate stage, it’s there is admiration
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there or to cut the kostiantynivka-pokrovsk highway, so that it would be possible to develop success in the direction of kostiantynivka, yes, but they are trying to advance where... they succeed the most, somewhere someone is sitting there, or they find someone there, let's call it there is a stumbling block or a hole, and after that it is trying to develop in that direction, so you had another question, well, i will continue this question, actually you said about the routes and about what goal the russian army sets for in this area, that's what kabami blows are allows the russian forces to actually maintain their offensive, this is what the experts say, and the ukrainian general staff constantly declares about the cabs, such a difficult story for the ukrainian army, how it is possible to fight them and whether it is possible to resist these means at all, in particular in your direction, because there, i understand, the russian military is also using aerial bombs there very actively, so in the last few weeks , the intensity of the kabama strikes, it
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has decreased, and it has decreased normally, and in my opinion it is due to the fact that it was destroyed a few, landed several of their planes, in particular the 110th, which is in this direction, and the only thing we can resist with coffee is to plant their aircraft so that they are afraid to fly, yes, unfortunately, there is no other countermeasure against aerial bombs. please, in conclusion, the ukrainian side, the armed forces of ukraine, what they need most today in the direction you are in, and it is one of the hottest, and at least this is what they say in the general staff, it is the strengthening of human resources, it weapon reinforcement, i don't know that there more drones, what? what does the armed forces of ukraine need most in this direction today in order to not break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine? well, look, this is also a very complex issue here, in fact, there is no such thing as what you need most, there you need reinforcements in the form of people and weapons, and ammunition, that is, in addition to that,
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we need some kind of decision from our political leadership. we need support in the international arena from our partners. that is, what do you mean? when you talk about political decisions there on the part of the ukrainian leadership, that is, somewhere the views of the military on those who are on the ground are at odds with what, for example , the top leadership of the general staff thinks, or what do you mean, no no no, i mean i mean, what concerns the same policy of mobilization there, what concerns the training of personnel who arrive here, well, actually there are a lot of questions, but i understand correctly. the composition should be prepared better, yes, yes, in my opinion, it should be prepared, because then we are here we are already spending time to prepare the personnel who will leave, if there are still in place, well, this is their task, if their work, if they treat these things more
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responsibly, accordingly, we will be able to spend less resources on this here and perform better my work is already in place, i thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for joining in, telling me what the situation is? in fact, take care. oleksandr shirshin is a serviceman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. we talked about the situation in the pokrovsky direction, in the general staff they say that it is difficult there. the ukrainian military say that they are holding defense for the time being and actually do not confirm the successes of the russian army, as stated, in particular, by the russian ministry of defense. i will remind you that in the chat under the broadcast you can write your thoughts and your views. we are discussing various topics today. you have the opportunity to comment on what you actually see and what you know, including from. skovy mentioned the question of mobilization and the fact that the ukrainian side should treat it more carefully, write your thoughts on this matter, after all, this is a topic that, in fact, in the last few months has been an eternal topic for discussion on any airs and any broadcasts, and from some settlements of donetsk region they want to
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forcibly evacuate families with children , such a decision was made by the regional commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergency situations, - reports the donetsk regional state administration. especially from the city. and several other settlements of the community where hostilities continue, they plan to evacuate 364 children. in addition, the evacuation of children in a coercive manner can be introduced in two settlements of kramatorsk and. brovsky districts. the final decision on forced evacuation must be taken by the central government. well, continuing the topic of pokrovsk, in these seconds we are also adding serhiy dobryak to our broadcast, he is the head of the pokrovsk city military administration. mr. serhiy, my greetings to you. yes, congratulations. please tell us what the current situation is in pokrovsk itself, to what extent do you notice an increase in the shelling of the settlement and to what extent has the security situation become more threatening? yes, indeed, after. mavdiivka, the intensity has increased, let’s say this, if we
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had 77 shellings at the beginning of the great aggression, 25 of them only this year, that is, the intensity has increased, and how exactly do you record this, more flights for example, i don’t know, into residential infrastructure, or and this is exclusively residential infrastructure, all 78 of them, yes, that's right, but the last time it was a private house, a family died. well, the child was left alone, so tell me, please, how far we are in general i just spoke with the military about the situation in the pokrovsky direction, it is clear that the topic there is the advance of russian troops, it is after all to the military and the general staff of ukraine, what is the situation, but according to your feelings, according to what people tell you, how they feel , that the russian army is now close to pokrovsk, what recommendations can the military give you, as a local authority, what can be done, what can't be done, how to be safe, we have mandatory evacuation since february 24 , 22nd, so we are not, well, let's say yes and no
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we stop it, we don’t stop it, and we urge you to always do it in advance, well, as they say, planned, by the way, there were 86 thousand in the community, now there are 52 00, we see that exactly more than half of everything is in the community, but what about those people , which you come to? and talk about the fact that the situation is threatening, but in the pokrovsk direction it is getting worse, more intense fighting occurs when you explain it to them, how they justify the fact that they do not want to leave, and in particular, tell about those families in which for for example, there are children, how many such families remain in the shelter community, well, half of them are definitely prevalyueda, half of the children in our community, but we are more or less a rear community, let's say this, if it was 30 km away, now there are 23, almost plus me... minus, well, look, in the community and in the city, there are all heating services there, water thanks to the donetsk
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regional administration, our international partners, let's say, streets, all services are meant by the municipal police, the court, in other words, due to the fact that the civil infrastructure is working there at full capacity, people have no reason to leave. exactly, they live in their apartments, you know, there i flew to the neighbor, well, i passed there, somehow she is so detached and tight-lipped about her life, let's say, what should happen, what should be the reasons for - i don't know, to intensify the evacuation of your community even more, that is, this will happen when, for example, the russian army is there, well , probably in the future, we don't know how the events on the front will unfold, but it will get even closer to pokrovsk, or what are the reasons for implementing the evacuation? and so on, then already people
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are leaving en masse, let's say so, but now it is sometimes, when we talk about evacuation, we can often see that there are trains, buses, they continue to operate, these evacuation routes, how safe are they laid, or anyway , every time such an evacuation occurs ... it also a huge risk for you, for the local authorities who conduct it, there and for the military who do it, and ultimately for the people who try to leave, i say again, we are more or less a rear community, so we have if so especially there are no risks, let's say so, but we have a regional one the evacuation headquarters, the evacuation train is leaving from us, we have a shelter where we hold people, let's say, when they don't make it to the train and wait in this shelter for the... train, that is, there is hot food, psychological support, clothes,
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base, clothes bank, that is, as they say, all services, you can renew your documents before going on the train. therefore, we still have a planned evacuation, do you understand? if we are talking about the situation in ukraine, in general, it is very often now noted that, for example, in the rear cities, here it is somewhere closer there. from the front line, there is a problem with employees, the mayors of large cities say that, for example, due to mobilization in the country, they lack drivers on city routes, there is a lack of workers in other communal... spheres, especially men, please tell me what is the situation with your people, do you feel a problem, i don't know, there is a war that is getting closer and closer to pokrovsk, and this front line that is shifting, and mobilization processes, is there a shortage of workers in pokrovsk itself, maybe with medics, maybe also by men who have to provide the communal sphere, is there such a feeling that
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there is also a problem? well, i'm sure that i won't tell any news there, the problem is there... for example , there was always a lack of medical workers there, and there was a lack of family doctors, let 's say, as far as the coal industry is concerned, because we are a mono, well, let's say, a monocity, we depend on the coal industry, so there is also a shortage there, and not because it created mobilization processes there, i said, if we had 86 thousand people, then now there are 52, we just see an outflow of people, including... including men, that is, those who are leaving, that's right, yes, those who are leaving. i thank you, mr. serhiy, for joining us, telling us what the situation is, serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation in pokrovsk itself and in the pokrovsk community as well. well, russian troops are building up
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their forces in the direction of lyptsiv and vovchansk in the north of kharkiv oblast, they are moving there additional regiments and brigades from other directions and fields. however, this is not enough for a full-scale offensive and breakthrough of the ukrainian defense. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army oleksandr syrskyi wrote about this this morning in his social networks. he says that the actions of the russian army there are complicated by the strengthening of defense by the armed forces of ukraine, and the reserve of ammunition has reduced the offensive capabilities of the russian army. therefore, the russian army switched to the tactics of using artillery and cabs, and destroying drones, aviation, fire correctors are of primary importance in this. conditions, says syrskyi. meanwhile, the russian military in the north of kharkiv oblast may activate in one more direction, near the town of zolochiv, bogoduhiv district. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg synygubov. he says he has some concerns about this. and at this moment, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the main department of the national police in the kharkiv region, is already
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in touch with us and joins our broadcast. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. congratulations you. well, in the last two weeks. if i 'm not mistaken, this is already our second interview with you, because both vovchansk and kharkiv oblast are actively monitoring what is happening there, and we always communicate with representatives of local authorities and law enforcement agencies, so russian troops can start hostilities on another bridgehead of the kharkiv region, the head of the regional military administration stated this, i understand that you are not authorized to comment on military issues, but still, from the information that, for example, comes to you today from policemen who work there in populated areas, how difficult the situation is about the areas we are talking about and what. are there any additional plans for evacuating residents by the police? well, in fact , the enemy has really intensified its airstrikes in the last day as well, literally this night from 2:00 a.m. for 10 minutes, we recorded six hits, one of them was on the territory of the city
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of kharkiv, this is the slovenian area under attack , the russians were there in... in the two-story administrative building of the utility company, however, this building is located next to residential buildings, there are more than 200 windows, these are residential buildings where ordinary civilians live, and seven people have sought medical help, among them one child, in addition, six five hits were on the territory of one of the higher which is located near the city of kharkiv, the enemy there... hit the premises of the dormitory, a fire broke out, the premises of the former non-working chemical laboratory, the stables, there was no one there, but the enemy, in that place, well , imagine five rockets s300, c400 were hit in one place, of course all kharkiv residents woke up during the night, it is audible, loud, and the enemy
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continues these terrorist actions, he constantly throws coffee at the city of vovchansk, the city of... livtsi, the city of kharkiv is constantly under attack, making normal life in the city of kharkiv and kharkivska impossible region regarding vovchansk itself, earlier, when we talked with you, we talked about the fact that evacuation was not possible from all settlements of the community at that time, it was about a week ago, as now, from where can your colleagues evacuate locals, from where not which parts, for example, vovchansk , make evacuation impossible at all, given the hostilities, but tell me more about this, well, in fact, it is necessary to understand that the city of vovchansk is actually a zone of hostilities, the entire city of vovchansk is dangerous for the work of the police, military personnel work in the city of vovchansk. they repel enemy attacks and carry out combat operations, the police, as of now, they enter or do not enter vavchansk, well, very rarely,
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people who evacuate, and the evacuation by us is being carried out even now, however, taking into account the danger, the police near vovchansk pick up people who evacuate either alone or with the help of the military, the police work with them, well, for example, over the last day more than 10 people evacuated from vovchansk, and so every day, i understand correctly when you say near vovchansk, that is , it is somewhere near the city. it happens differently, however, given the danger, vovchansk is now dangerous to enter and stay there, unfortunately we had a tragic event when its police cars were driving to take
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people who asked for help and they were attacked by fpv drones, and we have a policeman killed and a policeman injured. mr. serhiy, i must clarify that currently in the city of vovchan, given the difficult security situation, there are no ukrainian police officers, only military personnel. as of now , the police do not actually visit the city of vovchansk, in fact, they do not stop by, but they work near vovchansk and receive evacuated people near vovchansk. yes, you said that in the last day, in particular, 10 such people were evacuated. regarding the statements that you constantly receive from relatives, regarding people who could have stayed in vovchansk. as of now, how many of these are statements that relatives could have stayed there, they need to be evacuated or somehow helped, but i will tell you more in this direction. please, well there are currently over 10 claims from people saying that ours are there relatives, close ones, and there is a request to evacuate them,
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we are taking these statements into account, we are initiating criminal proceedings on this issue, we are starting to register and look for these relatives, but it must be understood that the city of vovchansk currently has major communication problems, people are not can contact their loved ones and relatives, in addition to them. the fate is unknown as of now, but we are keeping everyone accountable, and those people who are evacuating on their own, on their own with the help of the military to us, we are really working with them and collecting the maximum information about the events that are happening now in vavchansk and about the neighbors, who saw who, we are registering war crimes, we are investigating these war crimes, we are doing everything possible in order to both save people and record and investigate the war crimes of the russians, how many ? now there are people on such a record, i understand that the situation is dynamic and constantly changing, but here are the latest numbers, perhaps that you can provide, more than 10, more than 10. well, those people who were able to evacuate on their own, for example,
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from vovchansk, which later law enforcement officers evacuated to safer places, when they talk to them, what they talk about, when they left the city, for example, somewhere on those streets where there were already russian soldiers, how they behaved with civilians, how is it possible to record, it is not possible , the russians are committing war crimes against... the civilian population , are they not committing vovchansk? well, of course, the russian military are terrorists who kill civilians, and indeed we record a lot of war crimes committed by russians. in fact, the situation has not changed, and on the northern part of the city, the russians did not allow and do not allow civilians to evacuate to our territory. and they don't just do it with words. unfortunately, we have facts when russians kill. civilians for not obeying their orders and going in the direction of the ukrainian side, and this situation has not changed as of now, of course, it
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is very difficult for people to get out, people, people, in fact , they ended up being held captive as hostages by the russian military, and the russian military will continue to use our ukrainian ones people who ended up in hell as a human shield because ours can't. attack and do not attack civilian objects. every day, the russians drop up to 30 kafis on the city of vovchansk, destroying it with the ground, and in fact, destroying all living things and killing all living things. tell me , please, about vovchansk and you say that they do not carry out commands, they do not carry out precisely not to evacuate from the city, not to leave, that is , the russian military tells civilians that there is no need to conditionally evacuate from the northern part of vovchansk, people continue to do it , want to save. and in this way become victims of the actions of the russian military, right? yes, that's right, we have a registered case, we started investigating it as
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a war crime when... from the basement, four people tried to evacuate at the very beginning of this re-invasion, and the russians met them, when they told the man and the others: come with us, we will receive you in the basement, well, that is , at gunpoint, the elderly man refused and a russian soldier shot him on the spot with a gun in the presence of others people this is an example of what the russians are doing, it is an example of what the russian terrorists are doing, the military, who have now captured part of the city of vovchansk and are conducting combat operations there. mr. serhiy, i still have to clarify, maybe you have some other data as of now, in that part of vovchansk, which is controlled by russian forces, or where active hostilities are taking place, there may be minor ukrainians, that is, ukrainian children who did not have time
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to evacuate , no. we do not have such information, but there is information that people really are on in the northern part of the city of vovchansk, civilians may still be there, they cannot leave because of shelling and threats from the russian military and the actual killing of civilians on the streets by the russian military. and one more question i have will relate to the fact that in your social networks you wrote a little about the process of identifying bodies, for example, as a result of the attack on the hypermarket in kharkiv, from there the whole of ukraine and the whole world learned: about the story of little mykhailik, who took a dna test for , to be identifiable father, who worked in a hypermarket, there and about the last woman who was also found, if i am not mistaken, she was the manager of the garden center of this hypermarket, these are really terrible stories, terrible details, but i want to ask the following, this identification process, in particular, in kharkiv, it lasted almost 24 hours a day, non-stop there, today there are enough professional experts who can and do deal with these cases, or is the kharkiv police
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forced to turn to... other regions for help. in fact, we really have enough and security, and forensic security, and the appropriate specialists are sufficient. unfortunately, kharkiv oblast faced very large tragic events, and these events began with a full-scale invasion, de-occupation and work at the mass burial site in izyum. unfortunately, our experts already have a lot of experience in working with and following such events. it's very difficult for forensics, it's very difficult for investigators, but we understand the challenges and why we 're doing it, we understand how important it is people, first of all to understand who exactly and where exactly their relatives were, and to inform with great regret, and such terrible, terrible information that we found the body of your relative, that we identified him and that people already
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know what to do next.. . to act according to certain legal procedures, we are provided, we are ready for these challenges, and each of the investigators, each of the criminalists and in general the policemen, we do our work in our places and believe in victory, we support the armed forces of ukraine, and we are very supportive, we believe that the victory will be ours as soon as possible. mr. sergey, i thank you to you for describing the details of what is happening today in the kharkiv region, in particular what is happening specifically in the city of vovchansk, it is... it is important to talk about this serhii bolvinov, this is the head of the investigative department of the main department of the national police in the kharkiv region, a guest of our broadcast , russia, and then i got out myself for the help of volunteers, and when the russian military taps you on the shoulder and says that you have to, and you have no choice, and my
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passport was taken away, then i... i didn't know what was the opportunity to leave, however, i know, thanks to volunteers, and i just want to say that our power is in our hands and we allow bad things to influence us, so this is only our infospace and only we have to protect it and keep a strong arrow. this is a fragment from the concert of ukrainian singer tina karol, at which the boy told his story: he was deported from occupied mariupol to russia, but he managed... to return to ukraine. already this summer, the russian authorities are preparing to intensify the deportation of ukrainian children. in this way, strengthening, actually, quoting, more one component of the russian campaign of genocide in ukraine. this is what they write at the institute for the study of war. analysts refer to the statement of the occupying head of the so-called lpr pasichnyk, who stated that the regions of the russian federation will accept a direct quote, more than 12 thousand children from the occupied luhansk region during the 24.


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