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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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my passport was taken away, then i didn't know that there was a possibility to leave, but i know that afey is thanks to the volunteers, and i just want to say that our power is in our hands and our opportunities, we let bad things affect us, so it's only our information space and only we have to protect it and keep a strong arrow. this is a fragment from the concert of ukrainian singer tina karol, at which the boy told his story, he was deported from... mariupol to russia, but he managed to return to ukraine. already this summer, the russian authorities are preparing to intensify the deportation of ukrainians children thus, strengthening, actually, i quote, another component of the russian campaign of genocide in ukraine. this is what they write at the institute for the study of war. analysts refer to the statement of the occupying head of the so-called lpr pasichnyk, who stated that the regions of the russian federation will accept a direct quote, more than 12 thousand children from the occupied luhansk region during the 24th fourth year. the children are planned
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to be taken to occupied crimea, russian vladivostok and primorsky krai. she announced the so-called vacation for ukrainian children as well as the russian occupation authorities of the kherson region. in the meantime, ukraine is working on the return of ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territory, they managed to return an 11-year-old boy, the son of a serviceman of the ukrainian armed forces. this was reported in the ministry of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. and last week , another 13 children were brought to the territory controlled by ukraine. they were previously in the temporarily occupied territories or were taken to russia, the human rights commissioner reported. according to dmytro lubinets, history returned ukrainian children are different. russia killed someone's parents, others' relatives tried to take them on their own, but could not due to the opposition of the russian federation. some simply dreamed of returning. some of the children returned today lost their parents, some parents wanted to return their bodies. however, the russian federation did not give this. i will emphasize once again that this... is announced in the office of the ukrainian
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shoemaker. dariya gerasimchuk, the representative of the president of ukraine for children's affairs and child rehabilitation, is already in touch with us. mine to you greeting. good morning. ms. daria, thank you for joining. i understand correctly, now it is possible to return ukrainian children not only from the temporarily occupied territories, but also from the territories of the russian federation, right? and definitely, both, and that, of course, is a very difficult matter, because, unfortunately, until now. one mechanism does not work, even though we have an intermediary country, i think everyone knows very well that it is qatar, but despite this , the return procedure is very slow, and what the russians are doing with the children in the occupied territories, this is nothing more than an assimilative so-called genocide, when the russians try to erase their identical belonging to the ukrainian nation, and that is why it is so important to take them to the territory controlled by ukraine, and we are doing it for this... it is possible,
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please tell me , the russian services that are responsible for these processes, how actively do they contact the ukrainian side or through intermediaries in order to return ukrainian children, or is this process with the russian side blocked as much as possible? no, of course, no one goes to communication with ukraine, the process is blocked as much as possible, if it were not blocked, the russians would immediately open a green corridor for children, for civilians, when we asked... and continue to ask for it, they never once agreed to humanitarian corridors for removal children, that's why they definitely block it as much as possible, and i wouldn't say that something new is happening regarding the removal of children, which is announced now, this is the continuation of the deportation process and the use of the method that they use most massively, this removal in the so-called russian recreation camps.
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different sources say different numbers of ukrainian children who may have been taken to the territory of russia or remain temporarily occupied in the territory public plane with which you operate data? unfortunately, we do not have exact numbers because the territory is occupied and we cannot know for sure what happened to this or that child, but on today we understand what the russians could have stolen. well, several hundred thousand ukrainian children, that is, it is approximately two to three hundred thousand children, and as for the personal data that we have, it is about 20 thousand children, and about which we became aware from various sources that we are looking for, but according to them we do not the fact of abduction has been confirmed so far, so we are looking for these children, what they are, where they are, and what is happening to them, we cannot say for sure, and if in russia, for example, the adoption process has already begun.
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of a child taken out of the territory of ukraine, then such it's much harder to get the baby back, right? but looking at the age, because we understand that if it is a child of an older age, if it is a teenager. who finds a way to inform the ukrainian side where he is, then of course, well, such a child has much more chances to return, if we are talking about small children, then of course it is extremely difficult, this procedure is certainly not completely illegal, and it is never will not be recognized, and if such facts become known to us, then of course we will return the child to the maximum, and well this procedure is not official, this should have been one of their questions, what you yourself have already raised in our conversation, about the fact that, for example, older ukrainian children, they can write to the ukrainian side themselves and when they find such an opportunity , and how often they write, so you can tell some, perhaps from recent stories, which i don't want to say impressed you, because i think, dealing with this topic, every story is impressive, but who, for example, write and
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tell their stories trying return to ukraine and looking for all for this way, i will not comment specifically on how they write, where they write and... how it happens, because it threatens the safety of those children who are currently still in the russian federation or in the temporarily occupied territories, here it is important to remember that we need to be as quiet as possible, but it's extremely difficult for children to do because they're being followed, their phones are being tapped, and everything they 're doing is being watched, so it's extremely difficult, and unfortunately it happens enough. but there were cases more than once when we returned the child after the child has reported where they are, but it doesn't happen super massively, because unfortunately we 've only returned a few hundred children so far, well not even a thousand, so it's
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really hard as hell. tell me , please, how are other states involved in the return of children? for example, from the latter, if i am not mistaken, ombudsman lubinets mentioned argentina. i may be wrong, and due to what actually manages to be successful in this process, that is, it is some separate agreements of third countries with russian by the way, how does it happen? today, it is extremely important for us to unite all possible states of the world around the procedure of returning children and in general around this crime, because otherwise we will not be able to put pressure on russia, otherwise we will not be able to prevent such crimes in the future and in others countries, not only in ukraine, but we are doing everything to unite the world, that is why there is a fourth point in president zelenskyi's peace formula, which speaks of the return of all prisoners of war and deportees, including children, namely ago
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to support this clause of the peace formula , a coalition for the return of children was created, in which a coalition of states led by ukraine and canada , and until recently... the head of the delegation, returned from argentina and chile, where we went with children, well, not with children, but young people, who are already 18 years old, who were kidnapped by the russian authorities, and we also had a lot of advocacy meetings in argentina and in chile, in order for these countries joined the coalition and are happy to say that... a powerful ukrainian team was able to convince argentina to join this coalition, hopefully chile will be the next country. so yes, we do the best we can. to date , the action plan of president
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zelenskyi, which is called ua, continues its work, and all necessary in ukraine, international organizations also joined that plan. we are doing everything to develop some effective mechanism for the return of children. i thank you for being you joined in and talked about the current situation. daria gresamchuk is the authorized representative of the president of ukraine for children's rights and child rehabilitation. we talked about children taken to the territory of russia and those children who remain in the occupied territories and how ukraine returns them and tries to involve other states in this process. kyudei international human rights documentary film festival. and tomorrow, may 31, it will start in kyiv. the theme of the festival is built around the russian-ukrainian war and relations between ukraine and russia. in general, the audience 62 films from 34 countries will be offered. in addition, as part of the festival , the rights now rights program will host a living library - these are open conversations with the participation
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of experts, artists and veterans united by the experience of the struggle for the preservation and restoration of ukrainian national identity. the organizers also promise a bridge from the front in a living library for communication. ukrainian defenders, medics, volunteers who are in the war zone will come out . during the festival, there will be readings about the territorial and cultural occupation crimea, literary music as a component of national culture, culture. policy regarding the occupied east, modern ukrainian art and ukrainian cinematography. radio svoboda will show the documentary silent deportation, about how the crimean tatars are being pushed out of crimea, how russia is once again leaving the crimean tatars homeless. yuliya kovalenko, the program director of the festival, is joining our broadcast right now. congratulations. we are adjusting the sound with julia, we will literally be back in a few seconds. i will only remind about the fact that radio liberty will show the film silent deportation, the theme
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of the crimean tatars, at this festival, and my colleagues, editors, cameramen from the crimea project are attached, in fact, they were the creators of this film, which has already received recognition at the international level, at festivals, who saw this tape, respectively, at the festival, this film will also be discussed and after that there will be discussions that will also unite the participants of these discussions around important topics, in the chat under the broadcast you can write your thoughts and impressions about what you saw, in particular write from where you look at us, it is interesting, we want to understand what the audience of radio svoboda is in order to understand for whom we actually wake up every morning and do our information projects, in addition, go to our other platforms, subscribe to them, for example, radio svoboda in telegram, on the x network, radio liberty on instagram, tiktok and others. various formats, informative and analytical, appear on the available networks on facebook, so that you
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can understand in simple language what is happening in ukraine and the world. i will remind you that today we talked about the situation in the pokrovsky direction in our broadcast, it remains difficult there, but the ukrainian military says that, despite the statement of the russian ministry of defense, the russian army has no success, not even tactical, and there are no correspondingly serious advances in the pokrovsky direction, it is not possible to break through the ukrainian defenses there, near with that to kharkiv. the situation remains difficult and, accordingly, the ukrainian military there continue to repel attacks by russian forces, but in the ukrainian administration in kharkiv oblast to the military administration says that it is possible that russia will try to somehow intensify its offensive actions in one more area in the kharkiv region, it is about the city of zolochiv, so they continue to monitor this situation as well. if you watch us from kharkiv region, it is important, write to us about it in the comments, here so that we understand that the topics
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we raise in our broadcasts are important to you, and write about the topics you want to hear , it is also important, because our correspondents work every day in various directions and for the military and for example in peaceful cities, in order to share various topics with you and explore them, we appear here on the air of radio liberty, on the youtube channel of radio liberty, as well as on the air of the espresso tv channel, whose viewers we also thank for the fact that every wakes up in the morning with the svoboda ranok program and gives us the opportunity to inform viewers of the espresso channel about what is actually happening in ukraine and the world. we are returning to the dogue days ua documentary film festival, where the main theme of this year's festival will be the russian-ukrainian war, and in the same context they will actually talk about the experience of the struggle for the preservation and restoration of ukrainian national identity. we have the program director of the festival with us. anyway, if you can, tell us about choosing such a topic, did you set yourself the goal
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first of all not to let the world forget about the events in ukraine or something else? i'm finally back, thank you, but the choice of this topic was, i think, quite obvious given the fact that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the russian-ukrainian war, and i still it is unfortunate that among some of our foreign colleagues, sometimes even inside the country, the phrase that the war lasts for two years, the war lasts for two years, the war lasts for 10 years, of which two years only lasts its full-scale phase, and it seems to me that it is very important to articulate this even at the level of language, and because if we do not do this, if we do not talk about the fact that the war lasts for 10 years, not two years, and there is a great risk, firstly to build such contempt in the middle. society to the heroes who protected us for all 10 years, and
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secondly, there is such a risk of giving extra space to russian propagandists, at the time when the time of trial will come, and to claim that all these crimes they committed against ukraine, starting from 2014 to 2022, and that was all ambiguous, because you yourself say that the war has been going on since the 22nd year, these are very important, extremely important things. i think that it is unnecessary to remind them, even in the form of such festivals and film screenings, and therefore, yes, for us it is also, in particular, such a cultural and diplomatic opportunity to... talk about in general the duration of this war, about its coordinates in which it develops, unfortunately, due to communication problems, we could not talk with you longer, we will continue this off the air, but i have to say that the most important thing, obviously, you managed to say: yuliya kovalenko , program director of dock yua, we talked about the film festival and what topics will be chosen at it, this is the freedom
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of the mornings, i thank everyone who was with us, traditionally at this time we see each other on the radio... and also the espresso tv channel . before meeting. thinking about a new one mattress, but that's what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. new mattress pad or bed linen only. will be able to improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we
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there is no elevator, you can lift it up the stairs without obstacles, just put it on the bed. remove the protective film and the mattress takes its shape. just call now and order camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. dear friends, we are back on the air, alesya vakulyuk andriy saichuk. as a reminder, we are working in this studio today until 12 o'clock and you are watching espresso, and this is an espresso marathon. and we will remind you. that in the first part of our broadcast, we told you about a self-propelled bathtub that muscovites invented and dragged it between positions, by the way, there were different versions of what it actually is, some said that it was a new robot from skolkov scientists, so the center of thought is so russian and thoughts, ugh, and it's like it's new russian carpenters are sitting there, and russian
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carpenters and those and carpenters and painters and bricklayers, all plasterers, with words they pulled in a tuna... and we thought, what happened to that vana, did they reach her goal, we had an idea that it was possible this is such an infantry tank, there were those during the first war, such an individual tank, in which a soldier with a rifle passed by, that is, under him, as if under this bathtub, there could be a muscovite, well, our military decided to check it too, they were interested in this video, but where is the ceiling? but where is it, well, let's check what's under it, and we checked, this bath is motionless, see something does not stand, something does not go. there, in fact , it turned out that it was such a simple crossing, that's why the rocks were dragged from trenches to trenches, bang , and didn't make it, and didn't make it, yes, so it doesn't go anywhere anymore, minus the bath and minus what was in the bathroom, in such the rocks, you know, they are looking at me like this, oh, he says, he is happy, he says, the ukris are already sick of the fact that our bathroom was bombed, listen, we are no longer interested in showing your tanks, they have already burned so many tanks, they have already
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burned 10,000 tanks, well, it's interesting, even something like an exotic bath, already even the bathtub can't move without our permission, so... dear friends, how did you like what happened to the russian bathtub, what our military did to it, and was there a stupid emilya sitting under it, here, here is a donation on the qr code, and the card number will now appear, and we will speak with lyudmila denisova, a human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. mrs. lyudmila, good morning to you, good morning. ms. ludmila, let's talk about the right to be released from military service during your term. state, who from mobilized for military service has the right to leave at such a time? well, this is practically five such reasons: the first is... according to age, in case of reaching the maximum age for military service, for whom it is 60 years, for those who are officers, it is 65, according to the state of health, if the conclusion of the vlk is
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that the military serviceman is unfit for military service, he is dismissed, or temporarily unfit with a review after 6-12 months, there may also be a finding of disability, it does not matter here. what group when this disability was established and for what reason or basis. the following are family grounds, family circumstances, other good reasons, also a military serviceman can be released from military service when he is returned from captivity, and the last one is when a sentence has entered, relative to a military serviceman and the punishment is related to deprivation or restriction of liberty, there are actually such... reasons for a mobilized person to resign from military service, not those on the contract that apply to mobilized people. and
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if we talk about these family circumstances, then can they affect in the same way, what exactly? these circumstances can also be divided into several categories. i would single out the first category for the perception of such relief. information that they are related to the presence, maintenance or upbringing of children. well, for example, if a serviceman has three or more dependent children under the age of 18, this is grounds for dismissal. if a serviceman has a child or children under the age of 18, but the second parent is absent, this is also a reason to. to release: the adoption of an orphan child or a child deprived of parental care - is under the age of 18, it is the basis, or
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established for such a child care, guardianship or patronage. another possibility to be released from military service is raising a child with a disability up to the age of 18, or supporting an adult child who is a person with a disability. in the first or second group, those who are raising a child with a serious illness, but without establishing a disability, still have the right to be exempted, but there is such a thing as this child no longer has, or this person does not have able-bodied persons who, by law, have the obligation to maintain it, that is, if there is a mother, then this child already has the father, the father is deprived of the opportunity. demobilize from military service. another category is when there is a need to care for family members,
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in particular, a wife, husband or father. now, the presence of a serviceman's wife, who is a person with a disability, is not a sufficient reason for dismissal. if this is the first or second group of disabilities, then it is necessary to conclude that such a person needs, either the wife or the father, the wife needs constant care, if the third group, then constant care is needed, and another condition is that for what reason this group of disabilities is established, for example, if it is established due to an oncological disease, then the husband will have the right to be exempted from of military service, as for parents, it also applies to the parents of the wife or the military himself... it is related, that one of the parents must be a person with a disability of the first or second group, need constant external care and
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not to have anyone else, nor those persons, for example, neither father, nor mother, nor husband or wife, nor children, nor grandchildren, nor grandfather, nor grandmother, who could take care of him, only then will he have such a right, and a third category, category i would single out the presence of... gave birth to a military serviceman of some status or rank, in particular , a military serviceman or close relatives have the right to resign from service, because a husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, or a relative, half-brother or sister, died or went missing. now deprived legislator of grandchildren and non-consanguineous parents, brothers and sisters of such... there may still be valid reasons for dismissal, such as pregnancy, being on leave to care for a child, and if
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there are spouses in the family. military service of the oba, and have a child or children under the age of 18, until may 18 , the father and mother of the military personnel themselves decided who would take care of the child, now only a military woman has such a right, and there is another important reason that needs to be emphasized , that for dismissal from military service may be based on... guardianship of a person who is recognized as incapable, and the disability of such a person does not matter, as it was before, and if a military serviceman was elected a member of the constitutional court of ukraine or a member of the supreme council of justice, he will also be have grounds for dismissal from military service. ah, dear lady, a reminder, first of all i want to remind you that the hotline of the ukrainian
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center for the protection of human rights is simple. is now working and you can call this number that you see on the screen, ask your questions, that you are worried about, or any problems that you are facing, we literally have two more minutes, i ask, ukrainians who have now gone to update their data in the register plus, in the new, in the new application for updating their data for tsc, military service the yazans faced many problems, in particular. 300 who have already updated, it seems like 1600, i don’t remember exactly, 300, yes, more than 700 thousand were wanted, and for the vast majority of them it turned out to be a false, false message, now they are trying to figure out what a person should do , if she sees that she is wanted, and then it turns out that she is not wanted, or is it, how to interpret it in general, what should be the actions,
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well, you know, practically now it may be connected with the workload, which is on this reserve plus what our men want to all update their data it's well first of all it's welcome that they want to do it yes they don't shy away from it to yes use there these days that are set but i think , that if later everything was found out that there is no wanted person, it is good, but i think that here... it is necessary, if the person was in other registers wanted, then it is necessary to find out in other registers how she is considered, well, for example, if she were wanted, it would definitely be in the register of the ministry of internal affairs, which conducts the search for people, well , that is, here, but you can simply, i understand that there are queues at the tsksp, but to go to the tsksp and do a recalculation there, the queues are really extremely
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long, we can even see that from these statistics. only 100,000 have so far been able to update their data, exactly one percent defending these queues in the tsc, a draft law has already been registered, i remind you, which plans to continue for another five months of validity of the update of all these data, especially since, in principle , already enough people have already registered to try to mobilize someone even from that number. panila, thank you very much for this conversation, lyudmylo denisova, human rights activist, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human affairs was. with us, dear friends, there are only a few seconds left before we start watching a newscast with a fresh selection of what happened in ukraine and the world, i want to tell you that we have about 15,000 left to collect by the tail, so that we already have a million in one of the accounts, well, there are somewhere around 300 thousand in the second, i will know about the update, i will tell you more, so join in with your donations and you can continue it after the release of the news, and for now we will actually look at
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what happened... in ukraine and the world, kateryna shiropoyas already knows and will tell you and us too. i congratulate olesya, i congratulate andria. so, let's talk about the consequences of the night attacks on ukraine, as well as what was burning there at night in the russian language. news time on... kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio on the espresso tv channel. more than 10 enemy targets were shot down by air defense forces in the sky over khmelnytskyi. at night, the occupier attacked the area with drones and missiles. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , serhiy tyurin. as a result of the russian attack, residents of one of the cities were partially left without electricity. energy workers are already working there. previously, there were no casualties. and in general.


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