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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. crimean tones from gur. at night, ukrainian scouts destroyed two enemy amphibious transport boats of the tunets type. our fighters attacked the enemies with the help of domestic naval drones. gur v5 was reported to the main intelligence office. the occupation authorities also announced the damage to two ferries, a railway and an automobile one. let me remind you that residents of occupied kircha counted up to 20 loud explosions at night. on the air of the espresso tv channel, the colonel of the zsu vladyslav seleznyov assured that the consequences of this attack for the occupiers are very painful. their mission this time was to close everyone from the sea. on the territory of the black sea port,
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but we can see that they were not able to protect even the anti-aircraft missile defense system, although you are absolutely right, the enemy raised aviation, and assault, and fighter aircraft, and helicopters were constantly waiting in the sky, it did not help, and this is important, because in this way we are gradually emasculating the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, because pay attention, in the black sea region, the russians do not have large ships there are only speedboats left, but we are gradually sending them to... to the bottom of the black sea. ukrainian air defense forces shot down more than 10 enemy targets in the sky over khmelnytskyi. at night, the occupiers attacked the region with drones and rockets, reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy tyurin. as a result of the russian attack, the residents of one of the cities were partially left without electricity, previously without casualties. and in general, during the night, the russian occupiers launched a missile-aircraft attack on military facilities and critical infrastructure.
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of ukraine. the enemy launched eight s-300-s-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles over kharkiv region, 11 cruise missiles, kha-101 from strategic aviation aircraft and 32 shaheds from primorsko-akhtarsk and cape chauda in crimea. our air defense forces shot down seven cruise missiles and 32 attack uavs within nine regions. in particular, seven enemy shaheds were shot down by ukrainian defenders at night in the dnipropetrovsk region. debris from one of them damaged a private house and power lines in the dnipro district, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. he also added that since the morning the occupiers strike in the nikopol district, drones targeted nikopol itself and the marganets community. the consequences of the attack are being clarified. seven people were wounded in kharkiv during a night attack on the city, the enemy fired s-300 rockets at civilians, and a two-story building was destroyed. networks in
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the slobitsky district, at least four cars and a minibus were damaged by debris after the explosion, as well as a broken gas line and broken windows in residential buildings in the ne myshlyansky district. the occupiers destroyed the children's equestrian school in malia danylivka on kharkiv oblast, the head of the community, oleksandr hololobov, said. he noted that masters of sports trained there, children studied and residents, animals, etc. rested there. employees of the educational institution were not injured. the horses were recently evacuated to chernihiv oblast. at least five powerful explosions rang out in the community at night. a residential neighborhood, shops and a hospital were also affected. in total , the russian army fired eight rockets from the territory of bielgorod in the city and region. and another 1,160 occupiers were destroyed by the ukrainian defenders in a day. and from the beginning of a full-scale russian invasion... the army has lost more than 560,000
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of its soldiers, according to the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. also yesterday, our defenders managed to destroy 10 enemy tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles, 35 artillery systems and one rocket salvo fire system. the data added by the general staff are indicative. russia is building up troops in the kharkiv region, but the forces of the occupiers are not enough for a full-scale attack. offensive and breakthrough, said the commander of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. for him words, in the north of the region ukrainian defenders have strengthened their defense with additional troops and reserve ammunition. because of this, the russian troops changed their tactics. they hit with artillery and guided aerial bombs. at the same time, it is now important for the armed forces to focus on the destruction of enemy bombers, drones and fire adjusters - the commander-in-chief added. and so that the losses of the enemy
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only increase, the espresso tv channel and the irena koval charitable foundation are asking you to join the collection for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth. the first party, which we plan to buy - eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. we have to collect uah 2.5 million with you. so, now on the screens you see all the necessary and all the necessary requisites in order to make a donation. health, we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes,
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two more collaborators were detained in kherson, they worked for the enemy during the occupation of the city, this was reported to the security service of ukraine, one of them is a former official of the kherson social insurance fund . she headed the so-called social policy department of the invaders, and the second was a local resident who campaigned for kherson residents to vote for the region's accession to russia, those arrested face up to 10 years in prison. weapons for ukraine. in the united states of america has opened a new plant for the production of projectiles. the company operates in the state of texas and will produce about 30,000 shells for 155 mm every month. guns, the new york times reports. to ensure the supply of weapons for the artillery, the pentagon last year set a goal of producing 100,000 shells per month. the new enterprise cost the budget of the united states more than 500 million dollars. the united states may adjust
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its position on allowing ukraine to strike its weapons against targets in russia. all will depend on the conditions on the battlefield. about this. us secretary of state anthony blinken said, the new york times writes. blinken once again emphasized that washington does not encourage such attacks, but ukrainians should decide for themselves how best to defend themselves. and in mexico, an unknown person shot a candidate for mayor of one of the cities of the state of guerrero. it happened during a meeting with voters. the killer approached the politician from behind and shot the politician in the head. according to. the prosecutor's office eliminated the attacker at the scene of the crime, during the election campaigns in this state alone killed five mayoral candidates and one deputy. countering the invaders in the ukrainian house is coming to an end, the exhibition "unseen power".
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the exposition on the fifth floor of the building was dedicated to ukrainians who are making non -violent resistance to the russian occupation. the organizers of the exhibition demonstrate. the efforts of both individual citizens and entire groups in occupied territories. the works depict different forms of resistance, including creating communities, preserving identity and capturing it in art. crimes of the kremlin. the exhibition can be visited until the second of june. it is primarily to talk about the reality of the occupation, about what people are facing and to restore the subjectivity of people in the occupied, temporarily occupied territories, because we very... often hear about the occupied territories, and we forget that these are people and these are our people, brave, even sometimes just, you know, desperate people, well, if this is how they manifest their struggle, through symbols,
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stickers, inscriptions, and firstly, they remind the world that ukraine is there, and secondly, .. remind ukrainians that our people are there, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment to us your thoughts are important, be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, we will see you in less than an hour, then my colleagues lesya will be waiting for you on the air vakalyuk and andriy saichuk, don't switch, stay with espress. dear friends,
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we are returning to the ether, this is our final hour with andriy saichuk, with lesia vakulyuk, and we want to remind you that in this final hour you can still... you can make a donation to our defenders from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of less than uah 900 it remains for us to already have 1 million in our account in... monobank has another account in the private bank of the update, i will find out later, now the soldier who actually opened this account has gone to kharkiv oblast to help the military, brought help there, so dear friends, while our military is defending us, we are defending them by dropping our donations on atvs, that's what you're seeing on your screens right now, atvs that will assist in the rapid evacuation of... the battlefield a wounded soldier and in this way it is possible to save a limb or something more life,
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your hryvnias, your donations are very important, we need to collect as much as 4 million hryvnias in total, and we, i remind you, have already started the second million, we collected 300 00, and will be 2 million, it will already be half of the required amount sums, dear friends, this week is a bit difficult compared to our previous one. every week, well, but i still hope that viewers of espresso, people are responsible and understand how important it is to close this collection with their donations. well, in the meantime, we are adding yaroslav voydek, diplomat, expert, internationalist, to our conversation. mr. yaroslav, we congratulate you. good morning. mr. yaroslav, i will start with this, recently president zelenskyi said in an interview with the new york times that... raina is one of the most democratic countries in europe, but not less, it’s a little, probably sounds
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unconvincing against the background of recent scandals, in particular with ukrinform, where, as it turned out, direct control of the president’s office was established, and actually this became known precisely thanks to the intervention of the j7 ambassadors, whom ukrinform journalists themselves turned to in order to get at least some protection against arbitrariness. which existed, and actually, i don't want your comment here, i'm leading rather to something else about what he writes about, for example, general mick ryan, who says that ukraine, that ukraine stops, begins to lose on the strategic levels of the information front, since there are fewer and fewer understandable messages that would attract more western elites and voters, to produce, i don't know what this is connected with, well, according to himself, himself, for example, general
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mikarain, it happens because there is no , in particular absent, there is a lack of a clear ukrainian scheme for victory in this war, which western politicians and the public understood, because zelensky's 10 points, in particular, which include access to the borders of 1991, no one in the west believes in them. it's just a question here why continue to produce messages in which no one believes that we have, for example, the best democracy in europe, that we will go to the borders of 1991, you consider your interlocutors or allies idiots, this is hardly constructive trusting relations, unfortunately, is the disconnection of our political leadership from... the real situation in the world and the perception of ukraine in the world, by our western allies, first of all, the way
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russia perceives us, just some vassals that need to be destroyed, not even just conquer it we will not discuss it now, but if we hear from the president of ukraine that russia's war against ukraine is to blame for the west, which has some sort of bilateral agreements with russia, which supposedly is... then we should be won over, and the event was supposed to send us into a tailspin, well, how should our western interlocutors perceive it, or a statement that, if biden does not come personally to the global peace summit, which is scheduled for june 15-16 this year in a swiss five-star resort, then putin will give a standing ovation, i don't know how you can't be offended... by such statements, despite the fact that
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ukraine is holding back two years of full-scale aggression only thanks to our western allies, who are taking away these weapons, which they may need for other purposes and to ensure their own security, but and the americans and europeans understand that at this stage the most important thing is to protect ukraine itself, and that is why they give us this weapon, well, what can i say, diplomacy, it is a little not at the same level as it was, as it should be, that is, our diplomacy is experiencing a crisis today. not there are no more people who can tell the president or someone else, i don't know who else, that it's not possible to have a discussion like this now, i think that maybe there are some other undercurrents that say that the ukrainian elite, let 's call it, although in my personal opinion she is not like that, i am not
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speaking as an international person, but as a citizen of ukraine, she does not understand that... she is not the world, is not ukrainian-centric, and there are other problems, other conflicts in the world, such as, let's say, israel, hamas or china's armistice around taiwan, and therefore every aid, which comes to us, we should appreciate, because our boys and girls are really on the battlefield defending not only our state with you, but also europe and... and in general the whole civilized world, therefore, but it seems to me that since the removed leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, let's say the same minister kuleba, he is not an independent player, unfortunately, the office of the president and volodymyr zelenskyi personally decide, according to the constitution, in principle, the president should
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do, but the office is absolutely not in any way, it is not constitutional like that ... i would say, she this structure is not legislated, it is only supposed to be auxiliary in order to really assist the president in the performance of his functions, but now it has simply replaced everything, and therefore those people who are currently managing foreign and security policy are probably those who are not they do not listen to those who , as it were, ate the dog on those, to those diplomats. who have been engaged in diplomacy for dozens of years, including 30 years and more during the restoration of ukraine's independence, they have their own, i mean in our political leaders have their own thoughts about it, but it doesn't always turn out the way our leaders think. mr. yaroslav, but
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it is heard very often in the ukrainian media, including from the mouths of the first persons of the state. the idea that it is ukraine, it is the ukrainians who stand on the border and defend the western world from this black invasion, this horde called russia. so, how, like these arguments in the west, are they accepted or are they heard? i think when the full-scale aggression began in february of '22, there were other pre... and there was mistrust as to whether will the ukrainian army and the ukrainian people be able to withstand this aggression, you remember, kyiv in three days, all of ukraine there in a week and so on, and in the first days there were even such statements by, let's say, certain german
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officials that , what guys, get down to the bottom, so to speak, don’t waste your energy, in three days you will have a... completely different geopolitical situation, well, they didn’t say directly that russia would conquer you, but they made it clear, but now that ukraine has been defending itself for two years, and america and europe are helping us to do it. a very important factor is that really countries like great britain, first of all, france and germany, they realized that the next ones could be... poland, the baltic countries, they have understood this for a long time, and it is very important that western europe has now joined in helping to defend ukraine with weapons, with instructors who will now also be present on the territory of ukraine, or also to train our boys abroad in western europe, and besides, there are these statements that
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cannot be ruled out, as president macron says , what even a foreign... the french legion will also be on the territory of ukraine, although not all european countries agree with this, but if there are some troops of nato countries that will help us, say, somewhere in the rear or on the border, to hold the defense, then it will be for of ukraine is very good and will slightly reduce the load on our guys who are on the front lines. america can allow ukraine to strike on russian territory, at least that's what the washington post writes. this, when it can be and will not be something in the way? america does not want to give direct commitments and or straight instructions for these weapons to be used against the territory of the russian federation, other countries, let's say 10 european countries, plus canada, they have already officially
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stated that there are no reservations for the use of the weapons that have been transferred by these countries to use them on military facilities of the russian federation, it seems to me that... now there is less than half a year left even before the presidential elections in the united states of america, now it is not the biden administration that does not want an open text, it, as many analysts believe, i also think so, that she will not directly say that we allow you to hit the territory of the russian federation, but on the other hand, there is an understanding that ukraine must defend. this is how it should defend itself, it is the ukrainian military that will have to decide where and in what situation to use these weapons,
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i don't think that is true, although i could be wrong, and it will be good for us, if really literally the united states will allow it, although i don't expect it in the next few days, there are huge disputes, both in the administration and... in the congress of the united states of america, namely in the congress, many people are demanding to allow american weapons to be used on the territory of the russian federation. i also ask, mr. yaroslav, about the initiative of the european union, as if it exists, which bloomberg wrote about after this peace conference in switzerland, sometime in the fall , to try to put ukraine and russia at the same table and... and by the way, today lavrov, the head of the russian foreign ministry, once again said that russia is ready to sit down even now to sign some kind of peace treaty, but they
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are interested in long-term peace, as it were. what do you think about it, is it really a realistic idea, should we sit down at such a table of changes, if it means a compromise and a departure from our positions that are currently stated. a lot can change before... in the autumn, let's say, in two weeks there will be a global peace summit, so -called, which is convened in switzerland at a resort, and the conference that will take place, it will not be representative enough , moreover, there from 10 points of the plan zelenskyi, whom we have already known since november 22nd, he goes around the international community, he was made public at the meeting of the twenty. still in the 22nd year, there are only three points left to discuss at this swiss conference, because there will not be a sufficient level of representation, we
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already know that president biden will not be there, or vice president kamela harris, or xi jinping , there will most likely not be the prime minister of india and modi, but the point is that it is necessary to involve as many countries as possible of the so-called global south, that is... 160 invitations have been sent to countries, president zelenskyi says that approximately 90 countries have already accepted and will participate, the president of switzerland says that 70 countries, it is not even the number of countries that is important here, but the level of representation and the level of decision-making that can be applied at this event, that is, i do not have such hopes for this swiss conference, it will be another platform, in order to talk really, how there can be some ways of settlement, and first of all all we need to stop this aggression, if russia
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stops it, then ukraine will be able to survive and recover, if this conference produces some recommendations, that's good, but i have higher hopes for, say, the same conferences of the 75th anniversary of nato. in washington, which will take place in july and where our president is invited, and if there is very little information about this eu initiative, about the autumn conference with the participation of russia and china, if these events, so to speak, they will be preparatory steps for that conference , which is planned for the fall, and again, which ones... will ukraine achieve on the battlefield with the same help of american and european weapons, then maybe what you are talking about will happen, and if not, then in september or october, too.. .
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to talk about the demands that russia will make, that is, to accept what happened on the ground and start from the russian point of view, it does not suit us. we will also ask you a little about the american elections, after all, donald trump has not declared here recently, first of all, he said that he will kill, hit both china and moscow, and in addition to all that, he will take the officials of elon musk, so... well, trump and musk are taken together, it somehow does not smile at ukraine at all, well, this is pre-election rhetoric, i would say about this statement that it is a very responsible - an irresponsible statement on a very serious topic, in addition to the fact that i comment on international events with you and once worked as a diplomat, i am also a professional translator, i hope that it will be
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published by the end of this year. the biography of ronald reagan, the 40th president of the united states in the 80s, already 40 years ago told his employees that he administration said: "listen, people in the kremlin, these old men of the kremlin, they really think that america is going to attack them, it will be very difficult for me to convince them that no america is going to attack the soviet union. now pro' sounded irresponsible, i would say, for american hawks, although this foreign policy topic is mostly of no concern to americans, but still such a statement when it is said that america will be ready to bomb moscow and beijing, by the way, there is a reaction from the state duma of russia, they say there, well, if we... don't take this
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statement seriously, but if it really comes to the point of bombing, then it turns out, this is a world war that will not leave anything alive on earth, so therefore, i would not make such statements even in the most heated pre-election rhetoric, and we only have a couple of minutes to briefly raise the topic, the russians are actively pumping out the story that president zelensky has completed... his powers as president, putin got in there said that now only stefanchuk is the only legal head of the state, it is clear that in this way they are trying to split ukraine and weaken the legitimate institutions of power, nevertheless, and, for example, in his editorial, a british economist, for example, writes that ukrainian democracy is important, and president zelensky must find some way to
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clarify this situation, then... zelensky currently does not mention this event even in his evening addresses, he could at least give some signal and explain that it's some transitional things, in your opinion, what can be communicated here and is it worth it? well, from the point of view of constitutional law, they are over, in my opinion, again, i am not a lawyer or a constitutionalist, but i studied at one time constitutional law, and international, public, and international or private law, and other... legal aspects , that is, there is still an opinion that now he is the acting president, and it is possible, if from a purely legal point of view, the decisions that are made and those international agreements, perhaps that will be now to come to terms with the participation of volodymyr zelenskyi, they will be able to be challenged in court later, of course, this is
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the situation that suits russia, but there is such a consensus supposedly in the west that zelenskyi will remain president until the 25th year, but then it will definitely be necessary to hold presidential elections, because, as you already mentioned, the surname is stefanchuk, he does not want to take on these obligations in any way, which, say, in 2014, after the resignation of president yanukovych, he took on himself, not even a fisherman, former, then the head of the verkhovna rada, and oleksandr turchyno was the president's deputy, so we will see how this situation develops in legal terms, there is a certain conflict here, but president zelensky, even if he is performing his duties...


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