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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. crimean tones from gur. at night, ukrainian scouts destroyed two enemy units. transport landing craft of the tunets type. our fighters attacked the enemies with the help of domestic maguura v5 naval drones. it was reported in the main directorate of intelligence. at the same time, russian opposition publications write about the sinking of another "mriya" boat. he was allegedly caught in the debris of a downed rocket near the kerch ferry crossing. the pilot boat sank, its crew apparently escaped. also occupation authorities announced damage to two railway ferries. of the automobile, i will remind you, residents
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of occupied kerch counted up to 20 loud explosions at night. on the air of the espresso tv channel , colonel of the armed forces of ukraine vladyslav seleznyov zapov assured that the consequences of this attack for the occupiers are very painful. their mission was to close all the infrastructure facilities on the territory of the black sea port from the sea, but we can see that they did not manage to protect even the sbv, although you are absolutely right. the enemy raised to the sky and aviation, and assault, and extermination, and helicopters were constantly watching in the sky, it didn’t help, this is important, because in this way we are gradually emasculating the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, because pay attention, the russians have no large ships left in the black sea region, only speed boats, but we are still gradually sending them to the bottom of the black sea. in the khmelnytsky region, russian rockets damaged energy infrastructure facilities at night.
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more than 10,000 consumers found themselves without electricity. as of this morning, half a thousand subscribers are still without power, ukrenergo reported. i remind you the occupiers attacked the area with drones and missiles. our defenders shot down more than 10 enemy targets over the region. and seven people were wounded in kharkiv during a night attack on the city. the enemy launched s300 rockets at peaceful residents, the regional police reported. destroyed two-story building. premises of heating networks in the slobitsky district, at least four passenger cars and a minibus were damaged by debris after the explosion, as well as a broken gas line and broken windows in residential buildings outside the myshlyan district. two more female collaborators were detained in kherson worked for the enemy during the occupation of the city, the security service reported. one of them is a former official of the kherson social insurance fund. she headed the so -called... social policy department of zagarbniki, and
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the second was a local resident who campaigned for kherson residents to vote for the region's accession to russia, those arrested face up to 10 years in prison. in poland, two belarusians and a pole are suspected of working for russian intelligence. the country's internal security agency detained them in wroclaw. as told by the general prosecutor's office of poland, men are blamed for organizing acts. sabotage, arson and sabotage in the interests of the fsb of russia. they received a reward from the aggressor for such actions. three detainees face life imprisonment for this. the usa will provide two packages of aid to moldova against the backdrop of threats from russia. this was announced by united states secretary of state anthony blinken. the first package of 50 million dollars will be allocated to support industry, the work of the government and the organization of democratic processes. separately, another
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85 million dollars will be directed to the development of the sphere energy, in particular to reduce dependence on electricity produced in separatist transnistria, which supports russia. in great britain, parliament was dissolved on the eve of the elections, which will be held on july 4. this was reported on the department's website. dissolution of parliament is standard procedure under british parliament law. must be dissolved 25 working days before the general elections. i would like to point out that the upcoming elections do not bode well for the pro-ruling party in britain. the conservatives are far behind the opposition labor party, so there is a high probability that ukraine's strategic partner will undergo a radical change of power and there will be a new prime minister. and in mexico, an unknown person shot a candidate for mayor of one of the cities in the state of guerre. it happened during a meeting with
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voters. the killer approached the politician from behind and shot him in the head. according to the prosecutor's office, the attacker was eliminated at the scene of the crime. during the election campaign. five mayoral candidates and one deputy candidate were killed in this state alone. blocked in the mountains. a group of 13 tourists lost their way in prykarpattia. this was reported in the state emergency service. 12 schoolchildren, high school students and one adult could not orientate themselves on the terrain in the area of ​​dzembronya mountain in verkhovyna district. the group was searched, and it was successful. without casualties. protect the soldier from the drone. over 8,000 portable and stationary electronic warfare systems were manufactured by the ukrainian company kvertus during the full-scale invasion. about the newest means that save the lives of our military personnel
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at the front in the story of our colleague emma stadnyk. trap in the air or means of electronic warfare. this invisible obstacle became unknown. these are devices that help in the fight against drones, they generate an interference signal, transmit this signal into space through the antenna and thus neutralize the drone. the main task of these tools is to prevent drones from completing their tasks and tools with this... since 2017, the ukrainian private company kvertus has been engaged in the development and production of drones and intelligence, and during this time has become one of the the largest manufacturers of these products. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has produced more than 800
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units of the rev. the kwertus range meets the most diverse needs of the military: from anti-drone guns and backpacks for infantry to stationary. protection systems of important objects. in our line there are portable means for soldiers who are on the move, such as backpacks, there are three types of them, a backpack from fpv and backpacks from skids. we also have stationary means for the protection of weapons and defense of command posts and boys in the trench and also we have universal means so that the boys can go out and close accordingly from all the existing ones. in addition to the theoretical part about how rebs work, the kwertus team made it possible for everyone to kill drones with an anti-drone gun, which is portable, easy to use, and can counter most drones at a distance of up to 3 km.
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in fact, semi-drones are very good, there are already more of them, but the enemy is outnumbered by at least five times, and our guys need protection, protection as trench positions. and, for example, these are assault actions or evacuation, i.e. they are also now very actively used precisely on medevacs, i.e. for evacuation, and as practice shows, for the enemy it sometimes becomes one of the first goals, the event protecting a soldier from a drone was organized by the always ukraine charity fund and the iron lviv technical cluster , it was they who gathered the military, volunteers, representatives of charitable foundations, etc. in fact, we are the ones who are called to carry out the tasks and orders of the military, because they are better than us, it seems, they know what they need, they are
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on the front lines, they are users, yes, but in order for this work to be as effective as possible, exactly such measures and a maximum of technical information are needed, because when a person is educated, he... knows what is present on the market, then he is in able to choose the best for their conditions, because in fact, the lives of fighters and the quality performance of combat tasks depend on such technical means today, the distance to you is 800 m, the height is 130, fu, its price, the satellites have fallen and are turned off, the control is over . breaking through, ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. for now, this is all the news i have, see you tomorrow, take care!
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today's program includes a verdict with serhiy rudenko, an escalation in... in the north, russia is preparing an information and psychological special operation to open a new front with belarus, is the russian army capable of launching a real offensive? in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast. survive next winter. ukraine's partners allocate international aid for the restoration of the ukrainian energy system. will it be possible to compensate for the damaged capacities with development green and distributed energy? outright sabotage. public organizations accuse the parliamentary majority and the leadership of the council of blocking the draft law. about the prohibition of the moscow church, which actually restrains the restrictions on the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will have people's deputies on the air. mykola of ukraine knyazhytskyi and oleksiy kucherenko, as well as military expert mykhailo samus. in the second part of our program , political experts maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko will also join the invited guests. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the fighters of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade stopped the enemy offensive near novomykhaivka, several tanks and... six armored vehicles of the attackers remained on the battlefield, never reaching positions
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of the defenders, another 80 occupiers were eliminated, let's see how it was. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own. platforms youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us there live,
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please take part in our survey. today we ask you this question: will putin dare to use nuclear weapons? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if your answer is not so unambiguous, yes, no, you want to give an extended answer to this question, please write in the comments below this video. well, for those watching us on tv right now, there are phone lines if you think putin will dare. on the use of nuclear weapons 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 30082 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. our first guest is mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada subcommittee on cultural policy. mr. mykola, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. hello, thank you for the invitation. mr. mykola, let's start with the information, rather alarming information, which
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the supreme commander-in-chief, the minister of defense, says about a possible russian offensive in the north and that the russians are trying to gather a large group there, well, as i understand it, for the attack on sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, that's how in your opinion, under these conditions, the authorities should act on the consolidation of efforts, including the ethical consolidation of efforts, because we understand that the war is clearly moving into the next phase, during which political consolidation, and consolidation in ukrainian society, although both zelenskyi and umyerov talk about this possible offensive in interviews with foreign journalists, perhaps it is still necessary to somehow work with the domestic audience and explain to them more what awaits ukraine... many different issues , of course we need unity because we are at war and because it is obvious that
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it is impossible to hold elections during a war, and if it is impossible to hold elections, then first of all there will be external provocations regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian government and president zelensky himself, or rather there his services are warning about this, and russia is doing everything to show that he is not legitimate, and putin is saying this, which is obviously a complete delusion, because the election cannot be held now, and despite the fact that... i is an opposition politician, for me state interests are always in the first place, and we all perfectly understand that we cannot choose anyone , the country must have leadership during the war. another thing is that... there must be trust in this leadership, and in such a situation this trust can fall, and in order to gain this trust even more would be positively unite the entire political society, in what form can this be done? certainly, the president should communicate with representatives of all political factions, involve all pro-ukrainian forces in cooperation, because we can be the government or the opposition, when
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we know that there will be the next election process, and now there is such an understanding that... the next election process in us no, because we are not thinking about elections, we are actually thinking about how to protect the country, and the authorities should take such an initiative simply in order to be more effective and to use opportunities, as representatives of the ruling faction, and there are these opportunities, but there are not so many of them, we know how this faction was formed, as well as representatives of virtually all opposition forces, it is possible, because as i say once again, there is nothing to do now to compete, if we talk about the offensive, well, i would not particularly scare anyone here, it is obvious that the russians seek to stretch the front line and weaken our army, they simply have greater mobilization resources and greater financial resources, because they do not even mobilization, they are actually doing economic mobilization, they're paying quite a lot of people to fight these
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aggressors that they're recruiting, and if they're somewhere around 30,000 people... they're recruiting every month, that's a pretty big number that allows them replenish their losses, even with a small margin. we simply have fewer people living in ukraine, and a lot of people have left the borders of ukraine, and our mobilization resources are much smaller, and we do not spend our finances, because we certainly pay ukrainian soldiers, but it would be possible to come up with some programs to support families, the same personal income tax that was once withdrawn from local budgets, which would have been given to places and paid out some serious sums. families, those who are mobilized for the army, i think that people had more incentives to mobilize, to go to the defense of the homeland, this is extremely important, such things must be resolved if we are going to receive western weapons, because the biggest problem on the front - it is obviously people and weapons, then i think that we will be able to fight and defend the ukrainian land quite effectively and for a long time, and this war can generally
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drag on for a long, long time, i do not believe in those in the situation that exists, well, not that, i do not believe, i am not a military expert, it is difficult for me to speak, here professionally, but since i am a politician and talking to military experts, i don't see any reason to think that it will be so easy for the russians to approach kyiv again, to seize a large part of the territory of ukraine, but here are exhausting battles where they capture meter by meter, there is one village or another village , these battles can continue, they definitely have ukrainians are dying, in order to stop them, more effective weapons are needed regularly. and of course there are more people, and therefore it is a problem for us, but we can say that we have already protected our statehood, i have no doubts about that. well, let's talk about weapons and western weapons, we are witnessing how the debate continues in the world, different countries evaluate differently the possibility of using their weapons by ukraine against russia, against
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the territory of the russian federation, where there are military objects or important ones. e-e objects of critical infrastructure, which provide the russian occupiers. the president of france, emmanuel macron, shared a press conference with the german chancellor in germany, and supported the proposal to allow ukraine to strike military facilities on the territory of russia with western weapons. let's listen to what macron said. how can we explain to ukrainians that we are giving them weapons so that they can defend themselves? their cities, but at the same time we forbid it to hit targets on the territory of russia, so we need to allow them to neutralize all military facilities from which missiles are launched in the direction of ukraine. with the ban on hitting other targets in russia, which are civilian objects, should remain. so, when ukraine is being attacked for specific purposes in russia, and we really want to help it,
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i think we should let them do it. mr. mykola, what are our western partners afraid of, not allowing, or not initiating permission to hit objects on the territory of the russian federation with their weapons? they will allow it, and well, not all, many allow it, and we use this weapon when we aim at military facilities on the territory of russia, but the absurd thing is that it is absurd to watch kharkiv being destroyed from belgorod and not fire back at... the installation in belgorod, you understand, well, this is not a war, then, it’s not knowing what, it’s one thing when we were forbidden to do this to do when a significant territory of ukraine was occupied, and we had to expel them from this territory at the first stage of the war. it was successful, and then it was enough for us to destroy their logistics, which passed through the territory of ukraine, western weapons, i mean, but the other thing now is whether they have any
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other plans, maybe someone is really afraid the use of nuclear weapons or some kind of response, but all these are completely wrong approaches, and i think that more and more people in the west understand this, that is why most countries already have permission to use these weapons, i think it will be from everyone, i will remind our viewers.. . that to date france, lithuania, latvia, sweden, estonia, poland, finland, the czech republic, great britain and the netherlands have come forward to give ukraine the opportunity to use western weapons, that is, 10 countries have already given such permission, obviously the number of these countries will increase. another question, mr. mykola, is the washington anniversary summit, which should take place in july, and today by telegram. writes about e-links with reference to sources that nato allies asked the president of ukraine zelensky not to insist on ukraine joining the alliance in
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the 24th year during the jubilee summit, i will quote what the publication writes: they are very skeptical about the further advancement of ukraine in on the way to full membership in nato this year. the united states of america may not be as concerned as germany, but there are concerns about. the threat of russia to the rest of the alliance, the publication quotes its source, how do you assess ukraine's prospects in nato, it is not only about the washington summit, at the washington summit they can give another signal to the world and first of all to putin that ukraine will definitely be a member of the north atlantic alliance so that he does not. well, i also believe that we should be members of the north atlantic alliance, and we should do everything for this, after all, it is ... our constitution, but eh we, well russia everything yes, of course, an aggressive gas station, as they once said, but despite this, it has quite
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a lot of weapons, and putin is already constantly giving signals that he is supposedly ready for negotiations. on the one hand, you cannot trust putin in any way, and of course, any negotiations now are an attempt by putin to freeze the war, which will be against the... country, because i think that, well, the ukrainian government is obvious does not support it at this stage, but the talks are going like this, and our membership in nato can definitely be a subject of bargaining, we need it for ourselves realize, of course we should not agree to this, but it will also depend on how western governments will act, and they depend on their societies, and russia spends huge amounts of money for hybrid war and influence on their societies, we do not know how will behave in the future, for example, president trump, some say that russia is interested in him coming to power, he himself recently, again, according to the press, declares that he would have struck beijing and moscow a long time ago, if china attacked taiwan
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and russia attacked ukraine the way it did, that is why it is extremely difficult to predict the future, we must do everything in order to become nato members, although we must demonstrate high political standards, and standards of political democracy, and there are no standards. corruption, because membership in nato is not only military criteria, it is also criteria related to democracy, just like membership in the european union, so we must not forget about it, we must demonstrate such leadership that we are not taken into nato will be it is very difficult, and all societies will support us, the societies of those countries that influence their politicians, and russian propaganda will not help in this, so far this russian propaganda, unfortunately, unfortunately, is working successfully, and what will we do.. . we don't know, because after all, we are commenting on a publication in the press, a publication in the press is not an official political statement, we must wait for official political statements and continue to fight
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for ukraine to become a full member of nato, and that talks about this never end. did not stop, they cannot stop, therefore that we have already been promised, the question is what the next steps should be. mr. mykola, explain to us one more situation that is developing around the law on... banning religious organizations originating from the russian federation, this draft law has been under consideration for more than six months, the first reading has passed, the second reading will not be discussed, because we saw that european solidarity was forced to block the rostrum and demand from the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk to take the blame at the conciliation. the council put it to a vote and this bill was included in the agenda. representatives of a number of ukrainian public organizations have already called on people's deputies to urgently
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adopt this draft law. and in their statement , they emphasized that it is not only about this draft law, but also about the resolution on the decolonization of the names of settlements in ukraine. in particular, this statement of public organizations refers to the following: in recent weeks , some of the actions of the ruling party look more like inconsistency and outright sabotage. it is about the blocking of the monoblock in the verkhovna rada of the draft law on the banning of the russian orthodox church and the resolution on the decolonization of population names. points, is there any conscious explanation and logical explanation why the monomajority does not want to vote for this bill, and why a number of public organizations are called outright sabotage? well, i am grateful to public organizations for their active civic stance, for the support they constantly provide to building a strong ukraine, strong in the literal sense of the word, when all these russian
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the influences within our society, metastases from the cancerous disease in the person of russia will be thrown out of there, so we only thank them, well, you said monomajority, well, monomajority does not exist, there is such a majority, it is no longer completely mono, because it is joined by factions of the former opzzh, which they insist that they do not vote for it, otherwise they blackmail them into not supporting the government, those laws that the government needs, and in the pro-government majority, the majority of deputies there are really patriotic people who are ready to vote for it, but there is also... quite an influential group of sympathizers of the russian church, who got into the parliament with the help of the russian church, and who are doing everything to prevent the law from being adopted, the russian church has a lot of money, it also buys journalists in order to distort the norms of this law, and experts, a lot of people who do not really realize what they are doing, some of them are even patriots, but just people who do not realize what they are saying now, because the law in no way
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restricts freedom of religion. only demands to sever ties with the church, which calls to destroy us all and declared a holy war on us, because of that it is no longer a church, but just such a satanic, putin sect, and the law only offers this, just sever these ties, then they will be able to serve absolutely peacefully, but they are strong, and the fact that the law is not passed proves that within ukrainian society, if our heroic armed forces stop them at our borders, then within ukrainian society there is the politicians who let them in opened. they have a door and they don't let them knock on this door, and these politicians don't let it be put to a vote, because the majority faction in the leadership of the majority faction is afraid of a split in the faction, because part of the people, as i already said, are patriotic and want to vote for it, someone does not want to, and they are trying to delay consideration of this bill as much as possible. well, let's hope we see this legislation passed in the next week or two, because it really is a question of the future
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of ukraine. and national security, including. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation and for the inclusion. it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work on the air of the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and that is where we are conducting the survey today. today we ask you about whether putin will dare to use nuclear weapons. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, write. please comment below this video if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote the relevant numbers are on your screens: 0800 211 381, if you think putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote.


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