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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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loses and loses, er, unfortunately, this is happening against the background of such er losses of ours, like in kharkiv, like our daily losses at the front, but politics is such a cynical business, and when losses, of a foreign country or foreign people can be, so to speak, not to be neglected, to perceive them as a reality, there is such an approach in politics, in international politics, which i call realism. this realism works in this case and they are leading russia to defeat, as they think, and for this purpose all means are used not only, so to speak, possible offensive or liberation of territories by ukrainian, ukrainian troops, and as for this statement and what kind of miscommunication there is, well, the point is that it is obvious that... our head is a military man and
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he understands that he can hardly count seriously on the appearance of a foreign legion or french military personnel on the front line, so he reacts realistically in his own way, and macron is a politician and he plays his party in the european union, so to speak, shows himself as the leader of the race. what, brave and so on, and between them, to be honest, i do not see any possibility of communication in general, that is, they live in their own, each in their own worlds, and here, so to speak, only, only an intermediary like the same zelensky, who will come to normandy and hear something there, something after that will say, can establish at least some correspondence between what we hear from different points of view, thank you, mr. viktor, so... how our western partners
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are going to defeat russia, given the pace and aid to ukraine and in general all these restrictions , red lines or not are going to defeat him, and everything will go on like this until russia itself is humiliated in this war, and at some certain period putin will start, he has already started talking about these so-called peace talks and about some... conditions that has russia at these peace talks, we understand that for him peace is our defeat, or, let's say, the adoption by ukraine, at the official level , of the decision that part of the territory of ukraine remains under the russian federation, that we are not joining nato, that we are demilitarizing ukraine there, he talks about this and that last week he spoke, including being in uzbekistan, he spoke about the fact that, well, after all... it was ready in istanbul, there
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david arahami even initialed some piece of paper, which he calls an agreement for some reason. i think that actually the allies would like to defeat putin, yes, but suppressing it with sanctions, and as we know, with deep disappointment we can say that sanctions will not work. yes, if we wanted it, when they imposed sanctions, we thought that russia would die out very quickly, yes, but it did not die out, uh, unfortunately, uh, actually, again, everyone hopes for the experience of the cold war, when sooner or later the soviet union folded, it just could not withstand the pace of the arms race, uh, and hope that russia is the same, everyone thinks, everyone sees that ah, the european union is four times... prevails
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four times the whole, well, the european union prevails in terms of economic power over russia, yes, the united states prevails, well, who, it would seem, who should win in a protracted war, but it turns out that russia, which is the economy smaller than germany, or about the same, yes economies, well, less, still smaller, yes, but it produces much more projectiles and in... actually weapons, ammunition than germany, and germany cannot in any way switch there to military rails, reals, rails, to economic rails , and we see that russia, despite the fact that it is weaker economically, it gives out more shells, er, tanks and planes, so to speak, yes, and from this we must also say that the hopes of the west .
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they will not try to stifle russia economically, not only that, but china will always help the russians, not so openly, but with under heavy technologies. with tanks, but maybe somewhere there, they will transfer shells to korea, north korea, and korea will transfer its shells to the russian federation, that is, its calculation is that sometime in 2026, russia will economically lie down and ask for peace. the second aspect, the second aspect - allies, and here, too , it is somewhat subjective, but with elements of objectivism. they tell volodymyr there. oleksandrovich, not on camera, on camera everyone will say that crimea is ukraine, but not on camera they will say, volodymyr oleksandrovich, what you will do with crimea, you, for example, have a certain number of teachers for crimea with a population of three million, because you cannot use them
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to teach ukrainian language and ukrainian history, and there are no ready specialists there, you have such specialists, but how will you , how are you going to take donbas there, well, you mean the agglomeration, yes, donetsk, makeivka. where , in fact, is the stone jungle, where to fight, how are we going to chop them up, like the russians bahma or avdiyivka, so they somewhere objectively, somewhere subjectively push ukraine to what is there let's still come to some peaceful negotiating positions, the poor zelenskyi will be pushed for it, it is clear that it will be... a little involved, we know that all lines, including red ones, including ethical ones lines, they will also pass very hard, but will be in any way. thank you, mr. victor. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel and conduct surveys throughout our
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broadcast. we ask you this, will putin dare to use nuclear weapons? yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own version of the answer, write. please in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think putin will dare to use nuclear weapons (0800-211-381, no), 08 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. another topic is relevant enough, which is obvious, obvious. but will have its development in the next few weeks, these are the forecasts of the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi regarding the deployment of new forces by the russians in the north and
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ukraine, respectively, in the north, that is , in the west of the russian federation, in the south- west of the russian federation, why gentlemen. in your opinion, the leaders of ukraine are talking about this possibility, that this group is concentrating in the middle of the night, that this group will one way or another threaten sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, why do they say this in interviews with westerners to journalists, rather than telling ukrainians through the ukrainian mass media, or through some videos there, daily videos that... are recorded by zelenskyi, mr. maksym, well, i think the answer here is obvious, because our leaders, from western partners, need military , financial and political support, and in order for this support to be active, it
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must be stimulated by some arguments, and the appearance of a new group ready for a new invasion. this is, so to speak, a serious argument against the background of the fact that the war has become such a certain routine for europe, no matter how unfortunate and sad it sounds to us, and while the war there is going on somewhere for a widow or bakhmut or some village, for her works and so on, this is , you know, the kind of informational background that i am used to. the european citizen, and to which the european politician no longer reacts so sharply, that is why our leaders, they are looking for stronger arguments, and why do not they tell the ukrainian people about it, well, because the ukrainian
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people are busy with more important matters, so to speak, renewing data in the tcc and so on and so on, and in the end to frighten the own... population a new offensive by the russians, it would, well, at least from the point of view of strategic communications, be wrong. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. viktor, you live in sumy and accordingly. to see the reaction of people no no no no through the tv screen, as we see how the people of sumy react to what umerav and zelenskyi say, how the locals and the residents of the sumy region in general react to such warnings and such warnings, there is no panic in sumy , that's for sure, not only that, these kinds of throwaways, they, well, people are already used to them, yes. to which i always said
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and what about a single marathon, they say, people answer me, so who is now in a single marathon of faith, my colleague rightly said that a strategic communication failure, and even wolves, wolves cry all the time, only when the wolves come, then no one will believe and listen, they do not trust the authorities, they do not trust the authorities, they are looking for additional sources of information. well, well, for example, i always willingly explain that the 21st century is a war without a word out of the blue, it can't be like, out of the blue, hitler attacked stalin there or one more thing, here if to transfer one brigade, yes there are 4-5 thousand people somewhere conditionally from one of the rostov training grounds there, somewhere under a judge here to kurshchyna and near sumy, well, i judge. in russia, it is already 40 km 36 to the border and 4
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km further to suja, so to send a brigade to suja, it takes several echelons, because there will be a tank battalion there, that’s 20 tanks, and some vehicles are needed to deliver them he would have fuel and a set, then there will be three more motorized... them too, well, that is , it is several echelons to overturn one brigade, 500 people, you can imagine, well, it’s 400 people, let the brigade be full-blooded, yes, you can imagine how many echelons are needed to overturn a 300 thousand army, well, this is completely nonsense, they only have 600 thousand now, even less than 600 thousand are in ukraine now, half a million contingent, where will they take another 300-strong army, where will they take it? shafts, how they will transport her, there is such a word as a satellite, satellites, and not only
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shelters, our allies, yes, who will see everything, any movement of one echelon, dozens of echelons are needed here, that is, it is absolutely true, that our leaders in this way want to intimidate, intimidate the west, but i think that the politicians there are aware of the situation and do not do such a thing, and therefore it is not fair to the allies to tell a banal lie. about some mythical 3,000 and say this to your people, yes , we have barbecues, we had barbecues, and now some people are being intimidated, and i will tell you that i work in one of the projects and we deliver such construction kits for the victims households, i visited all the front-line communities, all 20 front-line communities sumy region, i will tell you, there is no such thing as fear there. well, they even take children out of the five-kilometer zone, and that's right,
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i support the government here, but there's no panic, there's no panic, but today i was in bilopil for fortune-telling, i didn't see any panic among the people there, even though the whole area is being shelled there time, and it is clear that children, well, most people took their children with them, yes, that is, mothers went with their children, but let's put it this way, city halls are functioning, shops are working, well, that's it, thank you, sir. well, we will monitor this situation and accordingly, will the statements be repeated, well , at least, if there is already a real threat, i think that both zelenskyi and umera will definitely tell ukrainians about it publicly, let's hope that the current statements are still connected with an attempt to convince of our western partners, that their weapons should work on the territory of the russian federation, and accordingly these... groups, which are not insignificant there, some are standing on the other side of the border behind
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yunokovka and beyond bilopyllia and other, let's say, border settlements points, so that they would simply be defeated before they enter the territory of the ukrainian state, because then what is the point of using weapons when they will trample the sumy region, the chilikopisariv region. well, accordingly, to enter from different cracks of the russian-ukrainian border. one more topic, gentlemen, is relevant enough and it will obviously be even more relevant. in the next two weeks, on june 15-16 , a global peace summit begins in switzerland, and zelenskyy once again stated that at this the summit is considering only three points so far: nuclear, food security and the humanitarian sphere, and, the president says, we must work out the details and then
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hand over to the russian representatives, all three issues, after that, according to the president, it depends. .. from the actions of russia, we will move on to other points, if three will work, then the others will work. mr. maksym, do you think that this global peace summit will change the course of the russian-ukrainian war and its main finale, to what extent our expectations can coincide with opportunities or with the mood of the world community, to influence russia and do. something that will force putin to withdraw russian troops from the territory of ukraine? well, you have to understand that in parallel with this main front, where the guns work, the assault groups go and so on, there are at least two other fronts, on which, yes, this is
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the information front, which we often... talk about, but now we will take it out in parentheses, and the actual political front, diplomatic, and this peace summit, it should be considered as an element of this political, diplomatic war, confrontation, and in this case the situation is such that here we are talking rather not about direct military actions, so not about a direct confrontation. parties, and about peculiar maneuvers, that is, what we have heard, china is very cautious about this peace summit, maybe someone will come, maybe no one will come, joseph biden, most likely, will not be present at it, brics countries yes, well, not to mention russia, which no one invited there,
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most likely they will be there too, maybe somehow symbolically present, but... not symbolically present anymore, that is, these maneuvers, they have such a specific character that they are far, well, such far-off preparation, approaching the already final direct confrontation, when they start talking about the actual conditions of freezing the conflict, let's call it a spade, many are already talking about it, about the need for such a freeze, perhaps without... political conditions of some kind, perhaps without understanding how the situation will develop further, but here is the plan that is being outlined at the moment, uh, relatively speaking, in some neutral territory, somewhere there in any in the country of the persian or, as others call it, the arabian gulf, representatives of one camp will gather, ukraine and its western
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allies, representatives of another camp, russia, china, and there they will agree on something, so to speak objectively speaking, this preparation, if we go back to this thesis about the three key issues, it seems to me that it solves such a tactical task, to maintain the presence at this peace summit of the countries of the so- called global south, for which these are actually food items. .. safety, nuclear safety, and humanitarian aspects, they are understandable, and against which these countries of the global south, which take, well, conditionally speaking, a neutral position, they have no objections, that is , it is important for us that they still come and thereby testify that the peace formula volodymyr zelenskyi, the ukrainian peace formula
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is acceptable to them, the situation will continue to develop, and the real ones will begin. for what conditions, who, what concessions will be made and so on, but against this background, mr. viktor, putin is trying to do everything so that the same participants of the global peace summit , neither zelenskyi's formulas nor zelenskyi himself were taken seriously, because putin continues to do his own thing and talks about the fact that zelenskyi is the illegitimate president of ukraine, that his legitimacy has already... expired, are these the arguments that we now we are hearing from the master of the kremlin about the illegitimacy of zelensky, or do they have the exact goal of participation? to convince the dreamers of this peace summit that there is no point in discussing this peace formula, because in the end, as putin says, if there is any peace agreement, then it will be
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to sign it with someone else, but certainly not with zelensky, well, just as zelensky said, he issued a decree that there can be no changes with putin, that is, they both put each other in these illegitimate records. of course, this is what these games are for, legitimacy, illegitimacy, they can go well with putin only there for some conditional uncle vanya from ryazan and for the domestic market, well, somewhere it is possible that they can cause some doubt among some unclear minds there, well, in europe whether there or in the global south, it is clear that... the leaders countries are all more or less reasonable, and everyone understands this in politics, and everyone understands that until we have a new president,
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this one will be legitimate, that is, yes, putin hopes there is, to sow doubt that, as they want to say, you know, they had a movie about ivan vasyliovych changing his profession, their dream was that there would be something like a phrase from the movie, the army revolted, they say the tsar should not insist. but they really want our army and civil society to revolt and the allies to believe that the king is not real, but we all believe that he is real and little moreover, he putin will not deceive any of the leaders, all the more so it is important for us there, yes, of course, that not only some quantitative component came, so that it was 100 plus countries, yes, but also a qualitative component, so that... from it would be desirable if blinken came to china from the united states, not from biden himself, but from china , uncle xi, unfortunately, this will not happen, we will
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wait for at least one from india to be on the road, so that there are representatives from indonesia, south africa, well i understand that brazil will not come, it is very important to us, and quantitative and qualitative indicators are not it's just that a delegation will come, who will lead the delegation, it is desirable that... the leaders of the countries, and then it will really show putin that his father and pso with zelenskyi's illegitimacy, she did not play, this card will be played, and that's the main thing , apparently, at this peace summit, ukraine has already seized the initiative and started talking about the illegitimacy of putin, because despite the statements of putin and lukashenka, because they just talked with two voices about... about the illegitimacy of zelensky, that is, two self-proclaimed presidents, something they speak about the third, who defends, they attack, well, in principle, it seems that this would be
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a completely normal scenario for the upcoming global peace summit, after all, maybe the world had its say about the illegitimacy of putin, an important word, because everyone is talking about it , that he is illegitimate, and this illegitimacy of putin so far, unfortunately, no one has clearly... well, no one has recorded and said that he is a dictator, an authoritarian leader, or a person who seized power in russia. on this, gentlemen, let's put an end to our conversation. maxim smart, viktor boberenko, were guests of today's program. thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program. let me remind you that throughout the broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you whether putin would dare to use nuclear weapons. now we will look at the results of our television survey 30. 1% yes 69% no on youtube we have a ratio of 29% yes, no 71%. well, actually
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, these are the results of our live survey today, friends, we will put an end to this, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and yours dear friends, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, come to the verdict, there will be many guests... there will be many guests, we will talk about the most current things in ukraine and the world, bye, what is bakhmut? bakhmut is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says. but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day.
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listen to yours. camera. your country is located in an area where during the great national war foot of a soviet soldier. and we are from this region. let's not go, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly.
1:59 pm
yes, they gave us as many as nine new tanks, guess what, turn on the video link now, i 'll give you a tour, come, we 'll stay here for another two weeks, i'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grohivka , you will say that you will be admitted to the student, well, yes, student, then my call sign is that, right here near the walls, citizens of grozny, i will say that you will be allowed to go to the student, yes... today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy, listen, watch out.
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greetings to all espresso viewers, it's time to learn about the main events of the hour, i'm a nerd. russians killed a man in the village. veletenske in the kherson region, during the shelling, a local resident was on the street with serious injuries and was taken away by an ambulance, but the man died on the way to the hospital, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokutin. in the kharkiv region, the russian army continues to increase the grouping of its troops, this is especially noticeable in the direction of strelech liptsi and in the vovchansk region, where the invaders are transferring additional regiments.


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