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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the main events of this hour, i'm naeva melnyk. russians killed a man in the village of veletenske in the kherson region. during the shelling , a local resident was on the street with serious injuries, he was taken away by an ambulance, but the man died on the way to the hospital, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokutin. in the kharkiv region, the russian army continues to increase the grouping of its troops, this is especially noticeable in the direction of strelech liptsi and in the vovchansk region. there are invaders throw additional floors. and brigades from other
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areas and training grounds. however, even these forces are not enough for a full-scale offensive and breakthrough of our defense, emphasized the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. as reported in the press service of the lut police brigade. muscovites try to gain a foothold in the houses, but the ukrainian fighters push them back and clean house after house. booking in action, on the portal. will launch electronic booking - reported deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko. in the department believe that it should be done as soon as possible. according to chornohorenko, this should be an automatic concession. quickly, without additional visits to the tcc. currently, the work is carried out by specialists of the ministry of economy and the ministry of digital affairs. it is expected that everything will work in four weeks. made men useless. a woman was detained in odessa. helped
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conscripts evade service for $900, she provided a complete package of documents from medical certificates to a temporary certificate of removal from military registration. the police detained the organizer of the scheme while receiving the first one a tranche of $500. now they are deciding the issue of choosing a preventive measure for her. according to the results of searches, in addition to funds , forged seals of various medical institutions and territorial units were seized. sc, conclusions of the vlk, copies of passports and draft records. she was informed of the suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine. for organizing the illegal transportation of persons across the state border of ukraine, the suspect may face up to 9 years in prison. more than 45,000 ukrainian soldiers performed defensive and combat tasks in international in operations in different parts
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of the world, they guarded important objects, accompanied convoys with humanitarian aid, destroyed snipers and evacuated people. where are our peacekeepers now, what were their most difficult missions, let's see. as an independent state, ukraine first joined peacekeeping missions in 1992. in just three weeks , the 240th separate special battalion was formed from volunteers. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. to bosnia ukrainian peacekeepers arrived on july 15, 1992 . they found themselves in difficult conditions. there was little food and fuel, and the bosnian serbs staged provocations and demanded to lay down their arms. in may 1995 , nato planes bombed several bosnian serb military depots. in response to this, they
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took peacekeepers en masse hostage, used them as human shields, including ukrainians. the rescue of the bosnians by jepi is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. on july 24, 1995 , the serbs began a massive shelling of the region, then the ukrainian peacekeepers started the evacuation. in three days, it was possible to get five to... people out of the city. during the three years of the peacekeeping operation in the balkans, 15 ukrainian soldiers died. another major operation of ukrainian peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. the ukrainians were fighters of the international coalition against which the guerilla war of islamic militants continued. in total, more than 6,000 servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine passed through iraq. 18 of them died. in
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the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operations in sierra leone in west africa. a civil war between the forces continued in the country. government and paramilitary groups. ukrainians exclusively helped victims of military operations. however, six of our citizens died during the mission. the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean, the entire crew died. in november 2018 , ukrainians were involved in the large-scale scorpion combat operations to destroy the units of militants, jihadists, that attacked the democratic republic of the congo. ukrainian for a long time the helicopter detachment was the only unit performing flying tasks in the region. the detachment transported dignitaries, medical and critical cargo, carried out evacuation, aerial reconnaissance and search and rescue
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operations. ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50,000 hours in the sky. the carriages carried almost 20,000 passengers and about 700 tons. loads in 2021 , representatives of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate joined the special operation in afghanistan. the mission began on september 16. at that moment american troops left afghanistan. however, ukrainians did not leave the region. the rescue operation nearly collapsed. in the end, our scouts managed to find and evacuate not only. citizens of ukraine, but also to save employees of international organizations. on september 23, the plane with the rescued people successfully landed in kyiv. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine continued to participate in peacekeeping
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operations on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle east, in the caucasus, and in many other regions of the world. under 58 ukrainian soldiers died during the missions. since 2014, most of our peacekeepers have become participants in the anti-terrorist operation in donbas, russia, which was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto, was an obstacle to participation in the peacekeeping mission in ukraine for foreign battalions. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian peacekeeping missions. despite this, ukraine joined. to save people in turkey, where a powerful earthquake took place in february 2023. due to a natural disaster more than 50,000 people died, tens of thousands were injured. ukraine sent its rescue team, humanitarian aid,
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sterling terminals and drones there, even though our state suffered daily from russian shelling. now ukrainian peacekeepers have to defend their homeland from russia. occupiers the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation continue to collect drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary pieces. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to move confidently forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. every donation you make. an important contribution to the support of defenders on the front line. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, ask you to join our gathering. nadrons and their components, which will help us in the future
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to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine, heroes. glory. iryna, a 25-year-old hospital worker, died at the front. the medical battalion of hospitalists of the ukrainian volunteer army reported the tragic news to sybukh. iryna joined the paramedics with the call sign cheka in february 22 before the full-scale russian invasion, she was a social reform manager. implemented educational projects in remote villages of donetsk region and luhansk region. on november 16, 2023, the president of ukraine presented her with the order of merit. iryna tsyboh did not live to see her birthday for several days. killed her during rotation on kharkiv direction, they will inform about farewell to her later. espresso tv channel expresses its condolences to the family and friends, glory to all heroes of ukraine. that's it for a moment , i'm telling you, see you at 15:00 ether
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espresso will be continued by my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii. be with us. eta. the information day is in full swing, in the next few hours we will analyze the main events of today, so we will actually involve our experts for this in order to analyze all the most important things together with him. there are many events today, so let's not, as they say, put it off for later. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, is already in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine. to the heroes. let's start with the statement that the first batch of projectiles with the czech
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initiative will arrive in ukraine in june, this was announced by the representative of the government tomas kupechnyi, this is the representative of the czech government on ukrainian issues, and we actually know that within the framework of this initiative the first arrivals have already to be in the coming days, they also talked about it in czech republic, are we now seeing signs that our army is feeling less and less... this lack of ammunition and we are now managing to equalize this parity, i mean that the difference between the amount that the enemy has and ours , it is already becoming smaller and smaller, well, the fact that we do not have such a critical shortage of ammunition, as it was at the end of the 23rd, beginning of the 24th year, then this is true, it is a fact, changes are already being felt in a positive direction, but anyway, until parity so far... uh, it's far, and in principle, we are now
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starting to receive ammunition, well, not that we are starting, we are already receiving the ammunition that the usa provides us, according to the aid that has already been unfrozen this year, and it was in may that we started to feel the arrival of the component of 155 caliber, 105 mm and so on from the usa, so in principle. s initiative, it will only strengthen these revenues and will really be able to bring us closer to parity in terms of the number of shots. mr. oleksandr, look, but regarding the shootings on the territory of the russian federation, there have been many more countries in recent days that do not rule out such a opportunities, but the main focus is now on the white house, on the decision of the united states and... the new york times writes that biden is thinking of lifting the ban on ukraine striking russian territory with united states weapons. do you
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think the question of when biden will give the go-ahead is a matter of time, or could there be any obstacles in the way of this approval? i think that this is a matter of time, because now there is quite a powerful pressure, not only of a political nature, both in zmi and in the analytical environment. the usa regarding granting such permission to ukraine, because well, we can recall 2022 or 2023 for such a large-scale discussion to take place on this issue, no, in general, any mention of the fact that we need to strike the territory of the russian federation with western weapons, it was immediately ignored at all levels, now the situation is completely different, we see how big the debate is now. on this occasion and how strong the pressure is even in the political environment, somehow
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the white house will not be able to ignore it. well , we know that the election campaign is also going on now, and trump has already realized that the situation and in general, the topic of ukraine, it is a win-win for him as well, because his latest statements, they are also quite radical, and we did not even expect this from trump, so i think it will be to our advantage when this one happens, you know. a battle between biden and trump, who will compete with each other, and this is very cool, if only ukraine will benefit from it. but i would also like to ask you about these foreign french instructors, about whom everyone is now talking, but the information is quite scanty, it is in the public domain, have they already arrived instructors, will they arrive at all, what do you actually know about it, i think that there will still be representatives of foreign... countries of the same france, but when we say
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instructor, instructor from what, what is the question, that is, there is many industries, specialists from which we need, and on the other hand, the countries of the north atlantic alliance, even france, despite the very active position of emmanuel macron, they are also quite careful in their steps, even emmanuel macron, so if we talk about. .. instructors, then they can be specialists from humanitarian demining, for example, as an option, or they can be air defense operators of radar complexes, rebs , and so on, that is, it is not necessarily specialists in carrying out any assault operations in urban conditions, there are combat operations, and so on, it can be precisely from such industries, but we also need them very much, look, another piece of information that has now started to be discussed quite actively in ukrainian society is the transfer
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of a radar aircraft by sweden to us, which ukraine currently does not have, so tonight the russians again trying to... attack starokostiantyn, as you know, this is one of the airfields, yes, it is there, all these things that are happening now around how the russians are now trying to hit staro kostiantyn, the fact that sweden is handing us a radar plane, information about the supply of f-16 is heard more and more often and they say that they will be here, these are all signs that they will really be given to us soon, i associate it with this, because... the russians are no longer for the first time striking at starcon, in principle, it seems that they are they are trying to disable all the infrastructure that is there, first of all, they are trying to disable the runways, that is, this is their main goal, damage to the infrastructure itself, and not the fact that there may be, for example, already at 16 or
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something else, and the fact that sweden before... gave the largest aid package in the entire period since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, and this aid package included the long-range radar reconnaissance and observation aircraft, this really indicates that this moment , when we have f-16, he already close, it is so close that we can already feel even this roar of the f-16 engines, and the saap-340 is not just like that, it appears in the zf-16 component, it will precisely help them for the purpose of guidance, for a more effective the use of a range of weapons, long-range missile weapons, for example, such missiles as the ayim 120 amram d, so that at maximum distances it is possible to destroy russian aviation, or the agm158 jesm, this is
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a cruise missile of the same type in fact as ... shadow and scalpidge, so they will be able to you will be able to use them to e strike both in the temporarily occupied territories and, if there is an appropriate permit, in the territory of the russian federation, and therefore all this is really happening at the same time. mr. oleksandr, i would like to move to the front line, sirsky says that the russian occupiers are increasing the number of troops in the populated area. points of strelecha liptsi and vovchansk in kharkiv oblast. we know that now the situation there seems to be under control, yes, but the enemy is still present there, advancing slightly, and our defense forces were able to stabilize this front. on the other hand on the other hand, there are also signals that there is an accumulation of troops near sumy oblast. do you now see
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a threatening situation regarding possible offensive actions in the north of our country? well, if he speaks. about the sumy region, such a threat does exist, but here it must be understood that their potential now, which they have concentrated, is four times less than that which was in the belgorod region and which was the result of hostilities in the kharkiv region in the border strip, and therefore, for sumy oblast there really is a threat to kharkiv oblast of the same operation scenario as in kharkiv oblast, but in first of all, again, this is... the border strip, this is the biggest threat to the villages and settlements located near the border, which are in the gray zone, and i repeat, the potential is four times smaller than in belgorod region. mr. oleksandr, but the situation in the pokrovsky area looks very, very serious. i just now opened
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the deepstate map and i see how much the enemy is actively advancing ocheretyn, umans there. so untayled, in general, this whole lane is quite active, and the enemy there, unfortunately, has some success. how can you now describe the situation that is currently happening in the pokrovsky direction? the russians continue to keep there the most combat-capable units from the center group of troops, which they took there back in october 23rd. this, by the way, also affects the capabilities of the russians in the lyman region. the direction of offensive actions, so the most combat-capable brigades are now in the pokrovsky direction from the center group of troops, they are trying to create a security buffer on... the southern flank from ocheretino, that is, on the left bank of the river vovcha, as well as the reservoir
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located there, their goal is to get to the left bank today, and they are trying to advance now in the umansky area in other directions on the southern flank, unfortunately, since they have a corresponding amount of resources concentrated there quite a lot. they have the opportunity to carry out such a step-by-step, but still advance, after they, according to their plan, as you can see, under their command, they will reach the left bank of vovchia, and they can start moving already directly on pokrovsk along the 05:11 route, or via the 0504 viaduct, there is also an option to cut this route, or they... will concentrate the main blow already along h-20 to the north, that is, not so much the pokrovsk direction as the turkish direction will be opened . and as for marinsky, this is a direction,
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krasnohorivka is now going, there we also see that the enemy has advanced, what do you think is his operational goal in this direction now, in principle , the russians have here... the main goal is kurakhov, well in principle, if we take the general one donetsk region, their main goal is to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region, this is their main such fetish plan, they use the main directions for this, this is kramatorsk, this is pokrovsky, and they are also intermediate tasks, this is an exit from... mar the yanks on the track to ugledar, that is, along this line from maryanka to ugledar, there is a complete access to the route connecting them, and in this way they
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cover, well, say, they completely align their line of battle and have the opportunity to press on ugledar at night, and therefore in this in this case, this is a continuation of this plan of advancing to... ughledar, well, and of course to the kurakhiv direction. chasivyar, mr. oleksandr, the chasiyariv direction is also one of the hottest, and there the enemy is now very actively using cabs in the cities of kramatorsk, drushkivka, and kostiantynka. we see that even to the very temporal abyss, the enemy is getting up gradually, but it is getting up. how do you assess the situation near the time ravine? it's a difficult situation, no one expected anything else, because there is a serious threat. the russians are also concentrated there on this bridgehead, although they are in a hurry very hasty with the pace
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of the offensive company at the time as they have catalyzed their offensive actions since the second half of may, their task now is to take control of the canal sector, this is the eastern part of the time ravine, for them it is very... maybe she it is fairly well fortified, but the russians use, massively use, corrected aerial bombs. in addition to this, in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, despite the fact that it is a height, there is still a lack of artillery components, artillery support, ah, for defensive actions so, these, these two moments, the russians make the most of, the fact that we lack artillery there, and the fact that they have a dominant presence. their aviation at the time that on the avdiiv bridgehead of the 110 ombr, i report, quite often i report on the destroyed
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russian aviation su-25 assault kyiv, then just in the area of ​​the temporary yaru, we will not receive such reports, therefore there is a critical lack of anti-aircraft components . thank you, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information resistance group, was eteri espresso, now. for a short break after it, we will continue our day, there will be an activation of the kharkiv deputy, we will find out about the operational situation in the kharkiv region and in kharkiv itself, so be with us in a few minutes, we will continue. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, the garden trim course from rozpakuy tv. order in time at a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences,
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verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present their own name project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio?
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we will find out. this sunday undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. we will never be in nato. the usa and germany asked the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi should not be called upon to set clear deadlines for ukraine's membership in nato at the alliance summit. the telegraph writes about it. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, how is the information day of the tv channel going? there are many events, both political and military. well, a significant part of our attention is currently focused on kharkiv and kharkiv region. artem is in touch with us now
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revchuk, deputy. kharkiv city council. glory to ukraine, mr. artem, congratulations. glory, congratulations ukraine, congratulations studio. well, another shelling, another criminal shelling. this time, well, at night, the enemy bombarded kharkiv oblast with either s-300 or s-400 missiles. this needs further clarification. in general, we would like to ask you about this northeastern part of the front, which the enemy recently opened. everything you can. well. see what concerns, well, i will start first with the front, thank god, the front is stable, it was possible to localize the enemy, it is even possible to recapture some positions here and there, our brave warriors are not disturbed here, the kharkiv brigades are involved, i am sure that my native pyatoslobozhan ha...


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