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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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illegal enrichment or connections with russians that detectives were looking for in lyudmila kropyvna's house? that there was no search, and according to what scheme did the servant of themis get an apartment for her parents in kyiv? father and mother lived like this in ternopil. on thursday , may 30, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in the new two. hourly format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. the tv channel's information day continues, so what are we going to talk about the situation with the dniester, the situation in some areas is simply tragic, right? dniester became bolder as he had never dared, and about this and other things, now we will talk with volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs, no, i’m sorry, now, now, now we will have so much, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, with we already have mr. volodymyr on the phone, mr. volodymy. congratulations, i congratulate
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you too, well, look at the dniester, what happened with the dniester, let's put it this way, in simple language, how energy affects this majestic and great river, well, what happened that certain blows were inflicted on the transnistrian hydroelectric power station, and as a result, we see the consequences. er, it is available when, when this river begins to flow, it means to flood, because the okrhydroenergo company was forced to take appropriate measures there, there was no other way out, but the main reason is precisely the shelling of the transnistrian hydroelectric power station, that is, if we understand correctly, such at a high price, now ukrainians are getting... light in
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to their homes, it is necessary to understand simply that we are now depleting this river in order to have light at home at work, well , including, because you know that, really, this is a big ecological disaster, not only for on this river, and on the dnieper in general, because you know what was destroyed, that is , last year, the kokhovskaya gs, and it is already there... which means that almost almost the forests are blooming in that place, and there are big bushes that look like forests, the same, if they bombed dniproges this year, too, for now, for now what is there, well, they didn't bomb the dam, they bombed the units, but if they had destroyed it in general and the dam, and it was absolutely probable, then there would have been such a huge, larger... larger disaster, which would
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have really affected the lives of dozens and hundreds of thousands of people, that is, we see that the rashists hit the hydroelectric power stations, no matter what, although it should be noted that according to the geneva convention on the war against it is forbidden to strike at hydroelectric power stations, because... it is also forbidden to hit civilians , well but they threw three or three cabs into the kharkiv supermarket with people, so here you can not appeal to any conventions, they destroy everything they can reach, but if we talk, for example, about this or that destroyed, i do not know part of the dam , somehow it is possible to restore this whole thing, who would have to pay for it, well , i don't know, pay there at the level of the ministry, or maybe it would be worth allocating some additional funding there. by means of
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a vote in the verkhovna rada, well, because, well , to see such a thing with the dniester and that's all, well, speech just no, you know, i can't answer your question exactly right now. because appropriate research is needed, assessments must be carried out, a commission must be assembled here, consisting of various experts, and energy experts, and ecologists, economists, they already have to solve this issue, so from my point of view it would be irresponsible, well, simply irresponsible to speak clearly now without appropriate assessment, without appropriate analysis, means what needs to be done. mr. volodymyr, look, we would also like to discuss with you in general the difficult situation in our, v our energy system, yes, in our life now there are blackouts, which we actually had even before last winter, this winter of misfortune
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we did not have these blackouts, but the enemy continues the energy terror, and actually destroys our energy system, if we talk about the current state of our power system, to what extent... it is now in a bad state and how long do you think we will have to restore it, because there are different expert opinions, some say that, for example, by august we will have outages in one form or another, in general deficit in ours the energy system can last for years, well , it really is, and if you evaluate the state of the energy system, then it is absolutely unsatisfactory, and not satisfactory for obvious reasons, because the energy system is not... it was not created for this, so that made an impression with ballistic missiles, there or drones or other military means, that is , of course, that the loss, even this year of more than 8 gw of power, led to the fact that
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the situation in the energy system is critical, and there is no need to have any big illusions that in for two days now, there are no outage schedules in ukraine, this is it... it does not mean that it will continue for a long time, that is, why did it happen, because we now, well, this week were put into operation, taken out of repair, put into operation of two nuclear units, but in the near future the new nuclear units will be taken out for repair in the planned, and in my opinion there are serious chances that they will resume the schedule of hourly outages. time, in july they will be large enough, since there is still a repair campaign here, on the peak repair company will face such a factor as an increase in consumption due to the heat, air conditioners, refrigerators, various refrigeration equipment, and therefore we can
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expect quite serious outages, well , i am not talking about the autumn and winter period, there in general we have a huge power deficit, and we will not be able even... we won’t be able to restore most likely 30, 30 or 40%, if it is expensive in general, we are saying that it took a long time, how expensive it is, how expensive this equipment is, how expensive it is in general the equipment is available, how quickly it can be brought, in which countries such equipment is available, whether it is currently available, whether it needs to be manufactured, well, it depends on what is damaged. and how damaged, for example, if there are destroyed mashzals in dniproges, then it is years, yes, that is, it has to be ordered, manufactured, then installed, all this will take many years, yes, if we are talking about some equipment on main lines,
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main lines lines of high-voltage transmissions, then such a situation is possible there that it is possible and restore it quickly, yes, that is... maybe some transformer there is not so badly affected and if it can be restored quickly enough, it also applies to thermal generation, some power plants are completely destroyed, they cannot be restored, some power plants are there, so they there is some equipment left that can be restored, so everything depends on the power plant, on the level, on the level of it. its destruction in every level of repairs, mr. volodymyr, we understand that the russians, they did not start destroying now objects of our energy system, i.e. they approached the case quite carefully, inflicted criminal strikes on the objects, yes, then we had a certain pause, we heard many
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versions of the creation of some portable, almost nuclear reactors, small ones with the power of thermal plants and so on and so forth, i.e. versions. do you remember, about a year and a half ago there were many, and now we are entering a situation where the enemy continues to strike, i do not know whether they have figured it out, whether certain shelters have been built for some valuable equipment have they already installed the transformers that they promised to order back then, if you sum up, conditionally speaking, the debit with the credit, so what would have been, what should have been done, and what, for example, has been done, this is how critical the difference is between us, well, i can say only one thing is that our situation is unique, none of the energy systems of any of the most developed countries in europe would not have been able to withstand such blows... not long ago there would have been a deep blackout, and we have
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light today only thanks to, i believe, the heroic work of our energy workers , which work worked under fire and are working and many of them are injured, for the dead, so ukrenergo is also working, all energy and generating companies are actively working, that is, they are making some schemes, new recovery for... equipment and even today, if we talk about the transmission system, then there restored, well, almost 80% of what was destroyed, therefore, in principle, protection cannot be said that it did not work 100%, it worked, especially in the ukrenergo system, so, well, you yourself you understand that if there are accurate shots, then shots of these missiles and a direct hit of a ballistic missile into our hall, then
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no one and nothing will protect here, no equipment, no protection is possible, because the marz hall, you can imagine, it can be more than 25-30 m high there, and long there are more than 70 m, it is almost impossible to protect all of this, and mr. volodymyr, let me, we have very little time, but i would like your ... there is a reaction, maybe you have more additional information, rbc ukraine with reference to its sources, says that , that from june 1 the payment formula for the inheritance of services for electricity will change and the tariff for consumption of more than 100 kw will increase by as much as 80%, i.e. if a person consumes up to 100 kw per month, the tariff for him will remain as it is now 2.64 kopecks per kilowatt/hour, if more than 100, then accordingly, the new tariff will be as much as 4.80 kopecks. first of all, what do you think, will ncrikp really implement such
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a differentiation of tariffs, and actually this is done in order for people to save light, so that it would be unprofitable for them to use batoelectriks? well, this should be approved by the cabinet of ministers of the national committee of the national people's republic of china, and the meeting is today cabinet meeting is being held, and this issue will be resolved here, then we will see, but really this option is the most realistic today. and how effective it is, i can't say, the main thing is that the mechanism for providing monetary subsidies to those who need it should work efficiently, effectively, because if this mechanism is not created, and not just people , many people will not be able to pay according to this high tariff, and this tariff will be, well , if we are talking about justification, yes, i don't know what the cost of manufacturing this or that is, i don't know, there is a kilowatt
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of electricity, we understand that we operate nuclear plants that are the property of the state, so we understand that there is a welfare state, it is built a little differently , yes, here it turns out that they should, should bring out some other coefficients, well, i will tell you that we have already passed the stop of communism and... 50 billion uah were allocated by state companies to maintain a low tariff, now there are such opportunities there is no, first, for example, here is the unit of calculation, it is known in there is a public space, i haven't heard the question yet, its price is calculated based on the cost price of this or that unit of electricity, i understood, you see, you are still in the soviet paradigm, so to speak. price formation according to the state plan in the european union no one calls any cost price and
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there is none, there the price is formed either according to import parity or according to the market price, i.e. forget about the cost price, well, what is the market price now, now the market price in ukraine, the final one is for industry about 7.5 hryvnias. thank you, volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the rumzkov center. was in touch, we are now going on a short break, after it we will continue our information day, we will be with you for the next few tens of minutes, but stay with us, there is still a lot of interesting stuff ahead. thinking about a new mattress, but here 's what's stopping you, have you wondered what you're sleeping on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically.
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the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. maidanchyk, where everyone gets the floor and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save him life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded compatriots. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on atvs. for the 93rd brigade , a cold ditch in the direction of chasiv yat. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, the evening has already begun. yes, so we now
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move on to the analysis of the international community. serhii danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, will be in touch with us. glory. to ukraine, mr. serhiy, we welcome you. good afternoon, glory to the hero, i congratulate you. well, we understand that, of course, the main attention of all experts is currently focused on the preparation for the international peace summit in switzerland. we understand that our ukrainian experts are now extremely actively analyzing what is happening with permits for the use of foreign weapons on enemy territory, but we are also aware that extremely important events are taking place. now in the middle east, so the situation with recognition, not recognition of the palestinian republic, as they said classics, opinions are divided, spain recognizes. there, someone does not recognize. what do you think are the processes currently taking place in this regard and will this have a certain consequence for stability in the middle east, yes, what will it
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mean, in particular for the state of israel? well, these are mostly symbolic actions, you have to understand. to date, about 145 states out of 192 represented in the united nations have recognized the state of palestine. by the way, ukraine recognized it a long time ago. and the reaction of the minister of foreign affairs of the state of israel to the recognition of the palestinian state by norway, ireland and spain, as if this is something that will completely turn the world upside down, yes, as if this is something unseen, well, sorry, 145 states, that is , the absolute majority of states in the world already recognize it, this is the second time, unfortunately , isn't it happiness, for whom this recognition means nothing... for the palestinians except for moral satisfaction and increased international pressure on israel, but netanyahu is in such a situation now that
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everyone is putting pressure on him, even maloney, the prime minister of italy, which is known to be quite a right-wing politician who was friends with natanyagu, now they speak about him quite critically, if not disparagingly, that is , he has lost the support of even those political... leaders who belong to the same political spectrum as him, one, the vision of the world as a result of his actions, but this does not affect the situation on the ground and the readiness or unwillingness of the israeli government to take steps that would lead to the creation of the state of palestine. yes, mr. sergey, we would also like to clarify your position and your opinion regarding the not... recent strike on in rafah, where there was actually a town of civilians, there are 40 dead, and now turkey is even calling a meeting of the un security council regarding this
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case, the united states demands an investigation into this fact, netanyahu said that it was an unfortunate accident, we understand that the situation is close in the east, it is already turning into some kind of, you know, protracted, slow process, which we are now seeing, unfortunately, also in the territory. states, these are all the things that are currently happening in the middle east, do you think that there are really prerequisites for this conflict to somehow go to conclusion, will it still be such an exchange now, yes, yes, i am saying this in quotes with respect to israel, and in fact , now all sorts of different parties, different countries will try to take different positions, and it will turn into such a very long and protracted conflict. and it would all have ended a long time ago if the united states, first of all, but also european and middle eastern countries had not tried to stop
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netanyahu. i assure you, the idf has enough strength and resources to end this a long time ago, they would have demolished everything is just on its way, since they, unlike ukraine, are not fighting with a regular army, but with a paramilitary formation. if hamas had not strengthened institutionally in the last 10 years, that is why the operation has been going on for so long only because israel still sometimes, sometimes manages to force it to follow the rules and laws of warfare. what is it all about, well, obviously, after the rafah sweep, i don't see no... and it will be, mr. serhiu, it will be, because the states are also very ambiguous about all this, they say, let israel show how they are going to do it, will there be any risk to civilians, you see, they states
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said this before the start of the operation in rofah, but now the israelis control completely, for example, the border with egypt and already part rafah is being controlled, that is, what will it mean, it is already happening, it is already happening, there is a different matter, what do you like about it... do you like it or not, how to evaluate it from the point of view of cheering netanyahu or not cheering netanyahu, that is how we understand, well, a warrant has been issued, on it his soul, you know, it's serious in principle, but the question is, will it happen or not, will he get, so to speak, to the prosecutors? oh, i missed something, the prosecutor has yet requested a warrant from the court, the prosecutor cannot write it out on his own, i did not see it. well, maybe i missed something, is the court satisfied, about the assessment of the process, you understand, that is, if the prosecutor asks the court, well, accordingly, accordingly, these are very specific signals, yes
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signals. very specific, and netanyahu did everything to get these signals, let's be honest, and the probability that the warrant will be issued is there, but far from 100%, not even 50%. yes, we saw how the states and europe reacted to this, but everything is exactly the same, the probability is high enough that such a case exists, in any case, it seriously undermines the status of the state of israel, not the same. nyag causes specific damage to his country, and this warrant is, well, one of the consequences, relatively speaking, was this recognition by norway, ireland and spain, and one of the consequences is the recent statements of prime minister maloney regarding netanyahu, netanyahu is losing his partners, allies, minimally interested. people
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now, and is it a plus or minus for us? well, i don’t know, but if you take the balance, relatively speaking, positive from netanyahu for ukraine, or negative, at one time he maintained quite close relations with putin, yes, communicated and so on, then he seemed to leave, but i don’t i don't know if we received from the state of israel what we would need for our defense, we hear that a lot, but in dry residue, nothing, i’ll tell you a secret, we didn’t get a nail from them, in the 22nd year there was a sex hospital on our western border for a little while, and in two months they took it away, nothing else, well, there’s a little humanitarian aid there is five or ten times less than in saudi arabia, that's all, no weapons, this is an incredible
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story about how a year is no longer... a month, but a year, whether it is mounted or not an early warning system for missile attacks is being installed for kyiv, israeli, it is not completed, nothing has been done about it government, this is a pro-russian government from which we will get nothing, there should be no sentiments, not towards the state of israel, but specifically towards this government, if anatanyagu sits down, thank god, we will be better off, maybe with the next prime minister in we will have more constructive... relations, and how is it correct now to communicate with israel at the diplomatic level in order to, well, let's say so, not to create additional problems for ourselves, and we will not, we will not create additional problems for ourselves, through washington, communicate with israel through washington, yes we understand, well, that the american policy towards ukraine is, i think, it is more decisive, listen, well, when after october 7, as a sign of solidarity, president zelensky took such
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steps at a meeting with... israel and offered a solidarity visit, well, what is significant undermined our position in the arab countries since the 22nd year , my colleagues, and i too, have made enormous efforts to increase our support for ukraine in the middle east. all this was canceled on october 7. president zelenskyi took a human step in solidarity with israel, which we heard from jerusalem, no... it's time, we don't want to see you, we tried in vain, we don't need any relations with this government. thank you, serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, was on our airwaves and we thank him for the analysis, antin and i are finishing working for you today, but our colleagues will continue to work and be on the same wavelength with you, as they say , therefore, in just a few moments, anna yevomelnyk will be there with a fresh news release, and for
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today we say goodbye to tomorrow. see you in this one studio at the same time, it's all good, take care! the news team will tell you about the most important things on this. searches are being conducted at the odessa customs office and its posts, investigative actions are ongoing in the case of illegal grain export. this was confirmed to the public by the press service of the territorial administration of the bep in the odesa region, but the details were not disclosed. detectives of the bureau of economic security seize documents from rbc ukraine, citing their own sources, writes about four employees who received suspicion.


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