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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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the president, because now they say that you are this again, it is undeniable, but with certain people in the office , well, the whole story started with the president's office, you are talking about the president, we are not talking about the president now, we are talking about the office, where there are a lot of different people, so where different people, well, according to our information, there is another person, according to our information, who was involved in these... events, dasha zarivna, we know that, the strategic adviser to the head of the president's office, but that's all necessary, well at the same time, she denies all this, and in the comment of up, for example, that is, we need to speak out more here and still bring out the events, mrs. natalya, you know, this is the end of us, or maybe the pressure of the media will give, well, we have a great one, let's say. yurchyshyn, the chairman of the committee, maybe
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then create a temporary investigative commission, let them track it, because it is a difficult job, electronic, even some kind of, eh, where did these dark people come from, their path is electronic, who received them, well, this should also be investigated, because that's how we now we say everything conditionally, supposedly, but i would like to have, for example, such a tsk was created because partners are partners, but if this happens, it doesn't matter what our partners think about us or what russia thinks about us, it kills us as a european state. well, i hope that your vote will also be counted here for the creation of similar tsk and for the investigation of this case, only for. thank you very much, ms. natalya, for joining us, nataliya ligachova, the head of the media detector was with us, and in fact it is important to investigate, because when they say that, and you do not tell anyone about it, if there is a phenomenon, the facts are stated, then it is necessary to check, and the office of the president, again, is a huge structure where there are many people, and not everyone reports to the president on what they do, so the question is, what is possible, let the president ...
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understand and know , that in a country where there is censorship and prison guards, well, military censorship is one thing, where there are prison guards and someone's whims, well, this is definitely not what our heroes are dying for today, definitely not that, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we from ukraine, so let 's start, six people were injured due to the russian shelling of sumy oblast, the enemy attacked 16 populated areas of the region, inflicted 71 blows, the national police reported. the occupiers fired mortars, artillery, drones, multiple rocket launchers, and rockets, damaging two lots, two apartment buildings, six shops, two cars, the administration building, the education department, the cultural center, a restaurant, and a coffee shop. arukha also clears of russians, temporarily occupied by the enemy mariupol so-called
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primorye district department of internal affairs so-called the so-called dnr vodka was fatally tripled by the occupiers, the information about this is being carefully concealed, as the partisans point out, the drunkenness of the putinists increased, all because of depression against the background of great losses and constant fear, thanks to their love for the shackled local bottle, and the ateshivites managed to reduce the number of russian soldiers by four persons, including officers. until the 11th , a resident of sloviansk was sentenced to imprisonment for spreading information about the location of ukrainian units. according to the data of the donetsk regional prosecutor's office in on december 23, a woman intentionally spread information on a pro-russian telegram channel. there, she described in detail the locations of personnel and equipment of ukrainian servicemen, as well as the locations of national guardsmen and border guards. i also sent maps of the area with the necessary markings.
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military men who ran 10 km at the annual veterans' race in the american chicago returned to kyiv with suitcases and personal victories. as the boys say, it was difficult, but they are proud of the fact that they were able to overcome the distance. they admit that they are already planning the next charity races and marathons. at the moment i have a temporary prosthesis, on which i have been learning to walk for a month, and uh... i ran, ran, walked slowly, but i managed the distance, i'm very happy, i just want our boys to see this festival, and that's the main thing is that there is the largest community of ukrainians in america, who have historically been there, and there are a lot of those who are currently there during the war, and therefore it was necessary to show an example that our soldiers have strength of spirit, have energy, and even with the wounded, they run, and again
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it was loud in russia, they stormed tamaniya in the krasnodar territory, an oil refinery was targeted, it was attacked by drones - the means say. mass information. in the footage, the russians capture a drone, which they initially mistook for a corn plant. after the queues sounded, they probably tried to shoot down the aircraft, and obviously, unsuccessfully. a unique find in pechersk is under threat of destruction. in march of this year, local historians made a noise in kyiv, under the guise of repairs , they began to dismantle the foundations of the palace of the latter hetman of ukraine kyril razumovskyi. the wooden palace of the last ukrainian hetman stood on the current ivan mazepa street since the 1780s. the building itself was
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dismantled at the beginning of the 19th century. today , two buildings remain from it, one-story engineering services and two-story. in march of this year, the tour guide alla bondarenko reported that under the guise of repairs , the foundations of the razumovsky palace began to be poured with concrete, without conducting any archaeological research. they started work more than a year ago, well at least the fence has already been erected, so prof. and just a few months ago, it was in an active phase, that is, these underground works, pouring. foundations, pouring concrete, just to strengthen the foundations of the house, which are already there, and which were just found at that moment. historians and local experts have no doubt that the find in pechersk is unique, they say that
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the palace of kyril razumovsky really stood on this place. it was immediately clear there that we are dealing with an object that is... brick by brick, by the way bricked, that it dates back to the 18th century, after that anton korob, he searched for information published in 1930 by such a famous kyiv expert fedor ernst, and it was clearly indicated that exactly on this site at... the end of the 18th century a palace was built, well, there was an estate with a palace that belonged to the last hetman of ukraine, kyril razumovsky. after the case was publicized , the cultural heritage protection department of the kmda
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issued an order to completely stop work on the foundations of the 18th century palace in pechersk district of the capital, but the developer has already managed to destroy the vault of the underground ravine. in addition, the construction work led to the appearance of cracks on all floors of the neighboring building. the construction that started there a couple of years ago and continues to, well, kind of damage our house, has led to the fact that the extreme part of our house has started to shift, the house is also on a slope, and the crack that goes through here even in my room, and it is also duplicated. from this side of the house, which was plastered, just a carpet - this is the solution to the problem in order not to think so hard, and this crack also goes along this wall and to the window. however, the suspension of construction work
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did not save the last residence of the hetman of ukraine. the kyiv department of cultural heritage protection has not yet granted the object the status of a monument. meanwhile, the remnants that are just... destroyed by heat and rain. i don't know what they are guided by, whether they are hedging, or they are delaying this issue specifically so that it, because it will not be resolved for a long time, these remains are in the open, now it is raining, they can simply destroy these walls and then there will be nothing to take into account. timur bobrovsky acted as the developer of the accounting documentation for granting the object the status of a monument. it is up to the advisory council to consider it and make a decision. how quickly she will do it is unknown, and time does not affect the benefit of the foundation. this is not the first case
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when the specialized city department for one reason or another does not grant protection status to monuments of history or archeology, in this case. we plan to contact the minister. of culture and information policy of ukraine should also write to the president of ukraine, because this is actually a unique find, a unique part of the ukrainian heritage of kyiv, therefore... therefore it is very important to preserve it and it is very important to leave it for future generations. public activists and local historians are also planning to create a petition to protect and preserve the unique foundations of hetman razumovsky's palace in pechersk. tetyana golunova, andriy vestyuk, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. well, it really is necessary, even if it is not in a very high-quality form, it is necessary it is to restore and leave one's history, well, because then there is no history. sights, what is the future of people who do not appreciate this history, well, but we appreciate both history and modernity, of course, and
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about the most important modern events that happened outside the borders of our state, yuriy fizryn is ready to tell, already next to me , yuriy, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, not only am i ready, but i will also tell you, in particular today about such, new information about western weapons that partners provide to ukraine, that is, where they can be shot, china again calls for peace negotiations, on... it's not even surprising, today the good fire was burning again. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. let me start with information about the upcoming peace summit, which is scheduled for june 15-16 in bürgenstock, switzerland. the united nations, a delegation from that organization will be represented at this. summit, un official representative stephane dujarric said this during a briefing,
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while he refused to answer the journalist's clarifying question about whose officials level will represent his organization, but specified that he does not know this yet and will inform as soon as he has such information. let me remind you that delegations from 160 countries and organizations were invited to the meeting in switzerland. so far, about 90 of them have confirmed their participation. well, he said another interesting thing about the fact that un representatives act as observers at such meetings, well , i would like the head of the united nations to come as such an observer, but he somehow seems to me like that lately or forgets about ukraine have you already forgotten about ukraine, because there are some standard statements about the fact that there should be peace in the whole world, and in ukraine in particular, the same, well, no. that this organization does not help us, but in the administration of the white house, in the administration of the current president
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of the united states of america, joe biden, they are not yet ready to say the same about who will represent the usa at the peace summit, but the level of ukrainian participation will not call into question their commitment to to finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully, the coordinator of of white house strategic communications, john kirby. with. mr. admiral added that joe biden's administration, including secretary of state antony blinken and the president's national security adviser jake sullivan, is actively involved in promoting the ukrainian peace formula and is working with other countries to put it into practice. the day before yesterday, i already told the world during the war that the world is about ukraine, forgive me, and that it would be better if i came from there. well, it would be best if the president of the united states himself came america's joe biden, it would be nice if
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vice president kamela harris came, well, thirdly, i'd like to see secretary of state anthony blinken at this peace summit, and jake sullivan, joe biden's national security adviser, well, that's just as well , if he comes, well, despite everything he does, who is he to make any statements there. and put forward something, so i really hope for joe biden's decision. the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic called on the event to create a strategy containment of russia. mr. lipavsky said this in an interview with the euracts publication before the start of the meeting today with colleagues from nato countries, nato member countries in brussels, and at the same time added what he meant. according to him, deterrence includes the continuation of support to ukraine, but not without... a systemic one, as was the case until now, but a more integrated strategy at the level of the north atlantic alliance. at
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the same time, the head of the czech foreign policy department added that, unfortunately, there is a consensus within nato on this issue there is not, and some countries, says minister yan lipavskyi, are very skeptical. well , unfortunately, not only vasyl and i, but also you, the viewers who watch the world about ukraine column, know very well. you know which countries he meant, and unfortunately, one of these countries is a neighbor, slovakia, sorry, the czech republic, well, it's hungary, and we know about it, and it's slovakia. and we also know about it, unfortunately, we know. but german chancellor olaf scholz is in favor of allowing the ukrainian armed forces to use weapons transferred by the west for strikes deep into russia. this was written by the political publication with reference to sources in the bundestag. the released information does not provide
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any details, but according to it, the head of the german government is in favor of using western weapons. shelling military targets in russia, while the day before, the official representative of the german cabinet, steffen habersteit, said that the bundesrat cannot answer whether ukraine has the right to carry out such strikes, according to him, this is part of confidential agreements between the partner countries, that is , firstly, some kind of confidential negotiations, negotiations are ongoing regarding this issue, and secondly, who knows. the world about ukraine the day before, remembers how i said about the very, well, so veiled, strange, but interesting statement of the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, in which he did not directly say that he was not against the use of german weapons for such shelling, but the protest said , that ukraine has the right to self-defense in accordance with the un charter, and this
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self-defense does not exclude or prohibit such the use of western. weapons, so it seems that it is true, and it seems that we get this permission from germany, and maybe even vasyl, we get taurus, well, who knows, but maybe they would allow us to fire at targets in russia. ukrainians themselves should decide what to do with weapons received from the west, received from the west and how to use them, british prime minister rishi sunak said in an interview with the times. according to him, he is proud that his country was one of the first to start giving the armed forces of ukraine long-range weapons and everything so that the ukrainians, this is his quote, could defend themselves. well, here's another short quote: how the ukrainian forces will act is their business. well , in continuation of the british theme, today
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another significant event took place in the british parliament, it was dissolved, but it was dissolved. just before the early parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for july 4 this year, on the main page of the parliament's website it is written: now, i quote: now there are no members of parliament, every seat in the chamber hromad will be vacant until the july 4 general elections. and here, of course, many experts have a question: why exactly on july 4, why exactly on the day of independence of the united states of america, is it a coincidence, or is it so deliberate in order to show some combination of anglo-saxons and anglo-saxons , i don't know, well, but maybe it's really a coincidence, and here is the statement of the secretary general of nato, jens stoltenberg, kyiv has the right to defend itself, and we have the right to help it
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to realize, to realize it, in particular by means of an attack. on legitimate military facilities in russia, he said in an interview with the spanish newspaper langvardia, according to him, some allies have never even prohibited it, and he mentioned great britain as an example, and then explained what he meant : ukraine has long been using british cruise missiles to attack legitimate targets on the territory of the aggressor country. well, that is, why is there so much about this particular ban for the second time and, in the end, even this week from the beginning. i say, but because it is very important for us, because such a permit will really help us to effectively defeat the enemy and his forces in the territory where he is gathering them, in order to then invade our territory and use these weapons against, in particular , civilians, in particular in the kharkiv region, that is why it very, very important, i
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still hope that this ban will be lifted, but if we have... such positive news from europe, from nato, from the european union, then nothing has changed in china. the celestial government continues to speak out and guess what? for peace settlement of the ukrainian crisis. yes, precisely crises. the minister of foreign affairs of the country wang yi said this during a video address to the participants of the conference russia and china, cooperation in a new era, which will continue today and tomorrow in moscow. at the same time, he stated. that the official beijing here maintains an independent position and added that the world is now growing unstable in the field of international security, and it is russia and china that are the countries that should contribute to ... consolidating the efforts of the global south and stand up for justice, this is how one said to the soviet film, ot zalivaet, say, first of all, to defend justice in
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international relations, justice in international relations is as if the official authorities in beijing turned to putin and said: "putin, you will end these hostilities on the territory of ukraine and withdraw your troops. second, china maintains an independent position." there is another thing that you are talking about that is confusing, that is, they first make some conditions, agreements with russia on the supply of weapons, veiled supplies, and then they talk about the fact that an independent position, well, two nonsense, and there was a plus statement from britain, where they say that china is selling lethal weapons to russia, after that the usa allegedly smoothed it out a bit, they say, well, non-lethal, but transfers certain equipment, but in any case the fact itself exists, that is, you are no longer independent, no longer for justice, because if it was for justice, that is why these weapons, or at least some part of them, maybe not lental, maybe they were given to ukraine so that, if you are for justice, let the ukrainians
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defend themselves, allow the ukrainians to defend their independence and their sovereignty, no, unlike the russians, so two lies in one statement, well, there were more lies, but it concerned ukraine in particular. the european union is morally responsible for drawing ukraine into... the conflict without giving them a clear plan on how to do it, the very word conflict he used, and as you can guess from the first sentence that these words were said by the prime minister minister of hungary viktor orbán, in an interview with the point publication, he also stated that if the eu leadership continues to follow this course and continue, then ukraine may be destroyed in general, followed by a short quote from the head of the hungarian government. under these conditions, the negotiations on its membership are over. first, it is necessary to specify its borders and population, but what he meant here, i do not understand at all, the fact is that the entire civilized world recognizes ukraine within its
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internationally established borders, so personally it appears to be another song to the tune of the kremlin. that is, orban is talking about clarifying borders. the whole world says that we know these borders, and russia violated them, and russia stole them part of the ukrainian territory, and orban continues to say his own. well, orbán's last statement, which i just spoke about, is very, unfortunately, similar to the statements coming from our northeastern neighbor, unfortunately. and this is what the minister of foreign affairs of this foreign country , sergey lavrov, said today in an interview with the riya novosti publication. he stated that the kremlin is ready for negotiations and that they have been talking about it for a long time. what's more, he even said that negotiations can be held even with ukraine. although previously the russian leadership, including putin, it was said that negotiations should be conducted with the usa and european countries, because they, they say, control ukraine. well , today is such a feint from lavrov, but
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at the same time he voiced a demand: future agreements on settlement, he once again called it the conflict in ukraine, should be based on the principle of equal and indivisible security, taking into account the realities on the ground. that is, to put it simply, the ukrainians give up their rights to the temporarily occupied territories, and then we from the bar shoulder will allow them to sit down at the negotiating table, which will most likely be organized by china, and which will be attended by ukraine and russia, so it is nothing new, and how is it not similar to the statement that also came from hungary from the prime minister of this country, viktor orban, but nothing. well, in conclusion , another magical fire in russia. once in moscow itself. in the eastern part of the country's capital, a production and storage facility caught fire. at first , the flame raged on an area of ​​2000 m2, then
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the burning area increased to 4000. the seriousness of the fire is proved by the fact that up to even a helicopter, a k-32 fire engine, 40 pieces of equipment and more than 120 firefighters were involved in its extinguishing, so it was assigned the third of five difficulty levels. through some at the time , the ceiling collapsed in the building, extinguishing the fire was also complicated by the fact that there was a flammable liquid in the room. well, the fact that this fire was in a warehouse , production and warehouse premises, they started to say later, at the beginning in the russian media of mass misinformation they said that it was not, it was a warehouse that had been closed for a long time, but if it had not burned so much, then maybe so and so spoke continued to speak. further, but he sees that closed warehouses, where there is nothing , cannot burn like that with such smoke. well, we are waiting for new fires, deservedly in katyusha
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. and that's all i have in the world section. everything about ukraine is only for today, there will be more tomorrow, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so do not switch. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients feminist uro helps. restore control over urination feminost uro, urination under control. champions league final only on megogo, europe held its breath before the main match of the season. will real madrid end borussia's fairytale with lunin in goal? find out on june 1st at 10pm exclusively on meego. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and
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asked the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi not to call for setting clear terms of ukraine's membership in nato at the summit of the alliance, writes the telegram. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenkom from now on in the new. in a two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine,
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what are we going to do, and i announced today at the beginning of our conversation, our broadcast oleksandr morchevko and important topics that he will raise, because these topics directly concern each of us. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, i congratulate the audience, international aid will still fill the state budget, there is a new figure, and whether it will strengthen the exchange rate, the dollar continues to appreciate rapidly, more on that in detail. we will talk in a moment, wait. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war. let me start with the figures that are important for the ukrainian treasury. ukraine will receive almost 8 billion dollars from the united states of america. the funds will be directed to the state budget. this is part of another aid from the american


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