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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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from 20 to 22 for espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. what are we going to continue with, and i announced today at the beginning of our conversation, our ether oleksandr morchivko and the important topics that he will raise, because these topics directly concern each of us. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, and congratulations to the audience, international aid will continue to flow. the state budget is a new figure, and whether it will strengthen the exchange rate, the dollar continues to appreciate rapidly, we will talk about this in detail in a moment, wait, i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, i'll start with a number important for the ukrainian treasury, ukraine will receive almost 8 billion dollars from the united states of america, the funds from...
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go to the state budget. this is part of another aid from the american government - said the head of our cabinet, denys shmigal. another 100 million euros will be provided by the european investment bank. this money will be directed to lending to small and medium-sized businesses. well, the business will not be disconnected from electricity only on the condition that it is available import more than 80% of the total. the volume of its consumption. the representative of the government in the verkhovna rada, taras melnychuk, told about it. previously, the share of foreign current was supposed to be from 30 to 50%. it depends on the season. the cabinet of ministers explains the complications of such conditions by the need to ensure the operational security of the unified energy system of our country under conditions of russian shelling. this can be done only by purchasing foreign kilowatts. from the countries
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of the european union directly. the state guarantees. the export credit agency of ukraine is starting to accept applications for insurance of investments against military and political risks, minister of economy yuliya sveridenko reported. direct investment insurance for businessmen and investment credit insurance for banks will be offered. the government official believes that this mechanism will contribute to the creation of facilities and new infrastructure, which are necessary for the development of the processing industry and the export of finished ukrainian goods to foreign markets, but there are difficult markets within the country, as the head of the parliamentary committee, danylo hetmantsev, says. he considers the tobacco market to be the most difficult, so the deputy reminded that he has been engaged in removing the wall and bringing order to this industry since... 2019, however, he still
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cannot overcome such an underground shadow sector. it is currently estimated at more than 20 million hryvnias of taxes not received by the state budget. let me remind you that the government has announced that they are increasing the excise tax on tobacco products, it will increase until 2028, and in this way officials hope to fill the state budget. the compensation program for farmers for land demining has started, now it's a farmer will receive 80% of the amount spent on demining services, the ministry of economy reported. farmers whose lands have already been demined by certified mine action operators can take part in the program. we are talking about the period from february 24, 2022 to april 15 of the current year.
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from today, such owners can fill out and submit an application to the center for humanitarian demining to receive funds. well, ilyane skhodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, joins us. good evening. good evening. well, here is a hot topic that we finally decided to analyze today, because we hoped that the hryvnia would hold its position against the dollar, but... for a long time , the american currency only shows growth both on the interbank market and on the cash market. please tell me to what extent this is within the range of the forecasted exchange rate, both by the government and the national bank, should consumers, as they say, worry now, or businesses that need more, unlike ordinary ukrainians, some american money. yours predictions? when the national bank announced large-scale currency liberalization in early may, in principle. it was expected that
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it would affect the foreign exchange market, and the main requirements, the main, let's say, the restrictions were actually lifted in mid-may, and there it was necessary to prepare certain... documents in order to make calculations for one's external obligations, as a result, right now the end of may is the peak of demand, the peak of demand for the currency, and what's happening right now is not within the scope of the forecast, this is a situational, very high demand, in particular, for example, i will remind you that a few months ago, large companies, in particular, those owned by akhmetov, pinchuk, others,... they made a request to the cabinet of ministers regarding the need for them to buy somewhere around 15 billion dollars in order to pay off its external obligations, loans, etc. at that time, the national bank responded with a refusal, it said that it would not make
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separate conditions for individual companies, but at the same time now just in the month of may, he made this currency liberalization and these companies went to... and accordingly buy currency, despite the record volumes of sales of currency to national banks, he, let's say this, still has a tendency to increase the exchange rate, and even today day we see somewhere around $40.6 on the interbank, and during this week, maybe even the middle of next week or until the end of next week will still keep... increased demand, gold and foreign reserves at the national bank are sufficient to meet this growing demand, after that, i am convinced, the national bank, when there will be no more situational demand, will enter the market and our dollar will fall somewhere around uah 40 per
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dollar, that is, in the area of ​​plus or minus 10-20 kopecks, why should you buy currency now, well, i wouldn't say, because it's just at... the difference between buying and selling currency, you 'll most likely lose, that is, now there is a peak, the level of the exchange rate today, which will hold, is 41 there is 41.20 kopecks per dollar, this is the maximum that will reach the closest week dollar, mr. yuli, but as i understand it, you expect that soon this situation will change and the dollar will essentially stop within the limits laid down in the state budget, that is... 60 kopecks. and this is essentially an expected indicator. yes, this is expected. if the national bank will not intervene significantly in the exchange rate setting, and before that it intervened, then the exchange rate will be kept exactly at the level of 40,
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plus or minus 30-50 kopecks, maximum. that is , now we do not have fundamental factors, we only have a situational factor, the currency factor. implementation and increase in demand from on the part of large companies that need to pay off loans and pay dividends on their shares. well , the fact that the gold and foreign currency reserves, the international reserves of the national bank are now at a high level, seems to be more than 42 billion dollars, really adds to the peace, but i came across such an analysis regarding the shortage of american money in ukraine due to the purchase of electricity abroad, and also due to violations. trade balance, now there is less foreign exchange revenue, we sell less abroad, but we buy current, in particular, more, how does it affect precisely this situation, which is with the calculation of credits, how does it add to everything, as they say, oil to the fire? well, the first point about the negative trade
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balance, it has been negative for a long time, for the past year the negative trade balance amounted to more than 26 billion dollars, just then it would be worth letting go a little. exchange rate taking into account this situation, but the national bank , on the contrary, intervened accordingly in this situation and when it made a grand controlled exchange rate, as it said in september, the exchange rate fell below uah 36, that is, at the moment it was uah 35.9 per dollar, that is it is precisely the influence of the national bank on exchange rate formation, so we can say that today it is a negative trade balance that affects the exchange rate. it is compensated by the international aid that comes to finance the expenses of our budget, regarding the change in the electricity situation, well, we did not buy electricity for a long period of 2023, in fact, it started to be sold at the end
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of the 23rd year and was sold until somewhere around the month of january, then after the destruction of our thermal power plant there is a partial hydroelectric power plant, accordingly... we started to import, so it has its impact, but if you compare the size of the negative trade balance that we had in 2023 and at the beginning of 2024, it has decreased, so it adds a little bit to the situation, we, instead of in order to export, we import, but still this is a fundamental factor, but its level is not the one we currently see on the currency exchange table, after all , this situational factor, increased demand from large companies and banks in including which on... is trying to fulfill its obligations to its international partners as soon as possible, the national bank should
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make a certain limit on the amount of currency that can be bought by an individual company during one day, they did not do this, so now they have such significant pressure on the course. thank you for the conversation, yelyane skhodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network was in touch. vasyl, here is such reassuring information from an expert. don't rush, don't buy a dollar yet and don't make money for exchange offices, this is important, the exchange rate will stabilize, indeed it may not be the same as it was before this panic attack, in particular in the consumer market, but right now there is every chance that it will roll back in the coming days, the question is , that people don't particularly need to run to give up now, even though there are jugs, but you don't need to buy either, well, yes, because this is the kind of practice that always starts. somehow, several days in a row, at least, or a week to move, panic, consumers, well
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this is the information from the column about money during the war for today, a big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us, well , really, panic is never necessary, but in any case, people should know exactly what is happening, what are the prospects, not that much money. in the hands of the population, well, yes, if everything is divided, to be there, but if globally everyone rushed to the exchangers, of course, this could lead to certain fluctuations or certain such unpredictable phenomena, so let's keep a cool head, and listen serhiy rudenko, therefore we will find out now that the verdicta program will start at 8 p.m., what will be discussed. serhiy, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, today we will have only one hour of the verdict, during the next hour we will have as guests... oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, general viktor yagun and political expert volodymyr tsibulko.
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let's talk about how the coalition of determination is growing. we are talking about the fact that western partners are increasingly talking about the fact that ukraine can use their weapons in strikes on the territory of the russian federation. on today, 11 countries have declared their support. ukraine intends to strike military facilities located on the territory of the russian federation, so far there is no final decision from the united states of america, ukraine's key partner in this war. well , the most important question is whether the kremlin is able to implement its threats to retaliate against nato countries. well, by the way, in the future. i was watching the news today and biden said that
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if suddenly someone would use a weapon against nato countries, it will be perceived as an attack on any country that is part of the north atlantic alliance. and of course, we are all waiting for the results of the nato washington summit, which will take place in july. ukraine expects to receive from night of the atlantic alliance, there are some positive signals, and our western partners are also talking about these positive signals, to what extent these signals will be acceptable to us, and how much they will change the course of the russian-ukrainian war, let's talk about it with oleksiy honcharenko, in particular, with victor yagun, we will touch on the topic of maidan 3 of this special operation, which general budanov reported at one time that... the russians are trying to shake up ukrainian society by talking about the illegitimacy of president zelensky, whether
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they succeed in creating this information bubble about the illegitimacy of zelensky. it is clear that all of us in ukraine understand that until the end of the war, until our victory, zelenskyi must be at the head of the state, because there cannot be any elections during the war. however, what goal does putin pursue in this case we will talk with general yagun and - political expert volodymyr tsibulko. we will talk about the problems that currently exist with democracy in ukraine, and in particular about the appearance of temniks in the state information agency ukrinform, those temniks, with whom we actively fought at one time during the time of leonid kuchma, and then periodically these temniks appeared during the time of the president already yanukovych,
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well, now ukrainian truth will be published. a long text that tells how the president's office tried to introduce censorship in to the state agency ukrinforum, what came out of this, in a word, this is how we will have a big conversation, starting with domestic politics and ending with the plans of world leaders for the future of ukraine, and i will emphasize once again that this future will be determined at two big summits, the first summit has. .. to be held on june 15-16 in switzerland, this is a global peace summit, and about 100 participants, representatives of 100 countries of the world, are expected there, the initiative belongs to president zelensky, and the washington nato summit, the anniversary summit, from which we are also waiting for results, in other words, today we will try to analyze
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the prospects and results, the consequences of these... summits and what it will give in the end for ukraine, in what perspective. vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, we will be on the air in literally 12 minutes, so stay tuned to espresso, don't switch, it will be interesting from now on, vasyl, you have my word. thank you very much to serhii, so serhii rudenko, his guests will be waiting for you at 20, well, you have already waited for lena chechenina and now i will introduce, introduce s... his colleague, but i was just going to introduce her, but she is already there somewhere, okay, now we will do this, we will find information about what exactly lena wants to tell us about today, obviously, something, as always bright and unexpectedly, culture is not only important, but also safe. currently , a large international forum is taking place in the capital, where ukrainian cultural heritage is being discussed, how
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to protect it and how will it protect us? lina chechenina, will tell you more, lina, good evening. glad to see your word. vasyl, good evening to each other. classified location cultural exchange forum, that's why i came to the book arsenal. it's just starting to rain here, so i'll tell you all about it in a second. well, really, we see a lot, i see now. a lot of people who are not really scared by the rain, because everyone came to look at the books, by the way, if we talk about cultural heritage, about its destruction, here is a whole stand with books that were destroyed by the russians in kharkiv, the kharkiv printing house by rocket, precisely at this forum, which is organized in particular by american donors, the issues are resolved,
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first of all, the preservation of cultural heritage in the conditions of war, what to do with it, how to protect these printing houses or what? how to convey the point of view that ukrainian culture is being destroyed, that it is not only genocide, that the russians are not only destroying people, not only ukrainians as a nation in general, but also our culture, any of our manifestations, and well, actually speaking, they also discussed documenting war crimes, because there are very big misunderstandings with this within the film community, because, let me remind you, the state film agency in its strategy wants to... and actually finance documenting war crimes, specifically by documentarians, filmmakers, but this is unacceptable, it should be done, for example, by the prosecutor's office, and therefore it is not clear how we can document all this, because if cinematographers will shoot crimes in their style, then, unfortunately, we
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we won't use them, we can't use them there in various international courts, this is a necessary question. to regulate, the forum also discussed how international donors can help us preserve our heritage, how to punish the russians at this stage, so far it is not very clear how, but it is clear that through various discussions and conveying a point of view and in general the use of culture as diplomacy, because with the beginning of a full-scale drowning, in general with the beginning of the russian on international platforms that ukrainian culture, there ukrainian cinema and literature and visual art are a part of european culture and... now this message is very relevant and it is absolutely accepted with understanding and that now i see on this forum exactly the same speakers who have come abroad, they also
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already understand absolutely that the ukrainian cultural heritage belongs to the european one and that is why they are interested in somehow saving it, protecting it and so on. a panel about cinema about film heritage. and it is also interesting, it seems to me that the media will be discussed first, we know that there are very big problems with the media now, dark people are returning, as we can see yesterday's scandal with ukrenform, and therefore i think that this issue will also be resolved somehow, and i will certainly be interested to hear about the popularization of our heritage of any and religious touch to religion as well, because the priest and andrii will come to speak. ribaruk, ihor ribaruk, i'm sorry, from kryvorivna, and he will tell, well, obviously this is how he was announced, how he was able to popularize all of kryvorivna, i
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don't know if it can be called religious locations, how he forced the community of kryvorivna, but he didn't, probably, but convinced her that cultural heritage is security, it's not only interesting, it's generally extremely important, and people themselves are interested in preserving it, well, actually, i think that such forums are very useful, i think they are on tomorrow will end constructively and with some correct decisions, well, i will probably go further, look at the book store for the opening and probably buy myself a few books from the publishing house viva, because i will remind you that ukrainians are now supported by the publishing house, because the books of this very publishing houses destroyed russian missile, so we... help the printing house to recover as well. elena,
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thank you very much, first she says about the classified location, and then i say that she will go to the book arsenal. well, in any case, we wish you success as a moderator of this forum. and now i will ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in hostilities in the solodarsk and zaporozhye directions. our soldiers work day and night in any weather in the so-called gray zone. this is a repair and restoration regiment and it is badly needed for emergency restoration and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, minibuses. such a seemingly simple thing, but it costs a lot of money. this minibus will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks needed for operational operations. repair of foreign equipment, our goal is unchanged 630 00 hryvnias, and now i look at how much we managed to collect, and i ask you to continue donating to the needs of the armed forces
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of ukraine, and i invite natalka dniudenko to the conversation to ask about what the weather is like will be in ukraine tomorrow, good evening ms. natalya, please, congratulations, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, now we will talk about the weather, may is already ending, so i wonder if it will be spring weather or summer, well, in a word, it's all from we fix it literally in a second. we are talking about the weather, or rather forecasting the weather, and i would like to start our meeting today with such a topic as trust in weather forecasts, more precisely, on which sites, which resource should be trusted, and in general, who should be trusted in such a complex and interesting and undeniably interesting for all mankind. without exaggerating the question, well, i want to say right away that there are many sites, and you yourself know this very well, with weather forecasts, but very often,
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unfortunately, in the pursuit of some sensations, even i would say, cheap sensations, the weather forecast is simply transformed some loud headlines, it has nothing to do with professionalism, unfortunately, and very often such forecasts even contradict each other, and you can, for example, study the forecast for one day. and on various sites there will be simply terrible cataclysms and synoptic sensations, and even mutually exclusive situations. well, also still very interesting about the long-term forecasts. i would advise you to trust, to be honest, because eh, approximate forecasts, they are developed by specialized specialists, they are very conditional, very approximate, there will be no practical benefit from this, i remember once... a farmer once said that if i knew the weather, i would be a god, well, this is a very accurate, very accurate wording, eh, who and why can you actually trust the forecast with... such a small
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advance, it's a day or three days, a trend, maybe 5-7 days, this is a very good statistic, to put it mildly, according to statistics, by the way, this is the weather for three days, well, for one or three days, up to 90%, and of course, avoid the so -called folk forecasters, all kinds of aphorists who make predictions using some ancient calendars, folk omens, unique author's own methods, that's all, as i say. from the evil one and you should only trust reliable weather forecasts, which are usually made by professionals, specialists, be very careful and trust in general in everything verified sources, and including synoptic ones as well, well, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a prognostic diagram, and from it it will be seen that tomorrow, as you can see,
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at the end of the day, such a one is expected. .. just a surge of activity, that is, a magnetic storm is quite noticeable, and who reacts to such a change in geomagnetic activity to such surges, as i already said, please take care of your well-being today, well , at least pay more attention to it, well and we pay attention to the highlight of our column, of course, the weather forecast and see what tomorrow will be like, well, and the next night, of course, traditionally we... we start from the western regions of ukraine and we will see together with you and together with the maps that there will be. so, in the west on the last day of spring in may, there will be short-term rains, thunderstorms, during thunderstorms, even a gusty strengthening of the wind is possible. the air temperature in the west will be so moderate, i would say, 22-25° of heat. in the north of ukraine, also tomorrow in some places short-term rain, thunderstorm, gusty wind during thunderstorm and air temperature 23-2.
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above zero, in the east of ukraine, if there are rains, they will be local, i.e. both rains and clearing, but as you can see, the heat is practically 27-29, and with clearing in luhansk region it can be up to +30. in the central part of ukraine, in most of the center, i would say, precipitation is not expected, but in some places, for example, in vinnytsia, there may be a thunderstorm, the air temperature is high, 24-28 degrees. tomorrow, too, in the southern part of ukraine. very warm, even to the point of heat maybe 24-29°, precipitation is not expected, but in odesa there is a chance of rain with a thunderstorm, and in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, may 31 , the air temperature is expected to be so comfortable, 23° warm, but there is a chance of short-term rain and thunderstorms, and do not forget that this kind of rain can occur now in the summer type, that is, it will develop very quickly and
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there will be a thunderstorm. don't be scared please uh and be prepared for unsettled but warm and very beautiful weather and of course keep a close eye on our updated forecasts on espresso channels. thanks to natalya didenko, by the way, in the comments they wrote that the most accurate weather forecasts from natalka didenko are wonderful, i want to say that you have already collected 388,200. we have 56 uah left, well, we need 630, another 250,000, i think we will be able to deal with this, thank you very much, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, well, in just a few seconds the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, stay with us, it will be interesting, good evening, we are from ukraine, today the verdict program with serhiy rudenkom
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the coalition of determination is expanding. the us does not approve, but do not object to the use of western weapons on the territory of russia. is the kremlin capable of implementing its threats of retaliatory strikes against nato countries? approaching without invitation. at the washington summit, ukraine will receive from nato only another statement about an open door. what are the changes in the wording regarding the membership perspective. alliances can satisfy kyiv. difficulties in organizing negotiations. moscow insists on a peaceful settlement of the conflict only on its own terms. what is the purpose of the russian special operation to promote the idea illegitimacy of zelenskyi.


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