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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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and in the 14th year, that is, to create something that already happened 100 years ago, once in ukraine, when from kharkiv, then the bolsheviks went to kyiv, that is, they wanted to repeat all this, or is there still such a threat, well, something similar, when part of some elites, part of some military, part of some intelligentsia, will be part of such and such a similar plan. at some other point on the ukrainian land , will there be such a thing anymore, see in the 22nd year, there was such a danger, and medvedchuk told about it during his interrogation in the special services, he revealed the secret that in ukraine there was a group of old generals who had long been out of power, who were actually preparing. well, i don’t know
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how to declare myself there as some kind of rescue committee, i don’t know how it is, well, it’s roughly the same story as when nazi germany entered france and its part of the old generals allegedly took responsibility, yes, and there it announced that we were signing an agreement with the nazi germany about surrender. france, france was divided into two parts, this is such an option, russia was preparing for ukraine, and certain e circles, old, even old generals were ready to go for this cooperation. fortunately, nothing happened, not to them, not to the russians, and the only thing that i regret is that this information remained in the materials of the investigation, not even the investigation. and the materials were operational
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materials, and she did not get her due, well, her glare, because i would like to look into the eyes of those monsters who were going to divide ukraine and take over the functions of the junta. thank you, mr. general, another important question regarding the russian information and psychological special operations, they concern, in particular, the situation in belarus-ukraine. who cares about the border, because, as reported by the center for countering disinformation at the national security council, russia is trying to convince ukrainians of the possibility of opening a new front on the part of belarus, how likely is such a scenario? he is generally unbelievable, it is fantastic, while lukashenko is in power , one cannot expect an attack from that side, not because lukashenko is so gentle towards ukraine, but because it is simply... unprofitable for him, roughly
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speaking, he understands that entry of belarus into the war, he can issue no more than 50,000 troops, plus 50,000 security forces who may be there in the second or third echelon, 100,000 is nothing, it's an opportunity there, i don't know, capturing one settlement there or one ukrainian district, but these are such huge losses and. .. safe for him, this could be an opportunity from the ukrainian side to kill their oil refinery complex, first of all, this is also an opportunity for our belarusian comrades-in-arms to enter the territory of belarus and start a guerrilla war in their rear, and this is destabilizing the situation in belarus itself, when the coffins will go there, it is not russia that accepts any. this is belarus, it is
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mentally closer to ukraine, and they ask, says: why are we fighting with ukraine, and why do we have these graves in our villages, so lukashenko understands all this very well, and he will drag it out until the end. the last thing he did in the background of all these efforts to persuade him to participate in the war, he allowed a recruiting company on the territory of belarus for ex- servicemen. who served in power structures or in the army, recruiting in the armed forces of the russian federation, and he allowed it, he is the one who actually recruits openly, there are also official involved , not informally, but official belarusian forces are involved, uh, that is the only thing he now agreed, everything else is a fantasy, there is no strength, no means, no possibility. sir? generals, last week in the verkhovna
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rada, a part of the deputies who are part of the european solidarity insisted that the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopt its vote in the second. reading the bill on activity of the moscow church in ukraine, as mykola knyazhytskyi, one of the initiators of the ban on the russian orthodox church in ukraine in filia, says that there is an influential group of sympathizers of the russian church in the parliament, and they are doing everything to prevent this bill from being passed. let's listen to what knyazhytsky said. the law in no way limits the freedom of religion, only. demands to sever ties with the church, which calls for the destruction of all of us and has declared a holy war on us, because of that it is no longer a church, but just such a satanic putin sect, and the law is only that suggests that we simply break these ties, then they will be able to serve absolutely peacefully, eh, but they are strong, and the fact that the law is not
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passed indicates that within ukrainian society, if on our borders our enemies of ukrainian society are politicians, who let them in, open the door for them and don't let them get out of that door. and these politicians do not allow it to be put to a vote, because the majority faction, the leadership of the majority faction, are afraid of a split in the faction, because some people, as i have already said, are patriotic, want it to vote, someone does not want to, and they are trying to delay consideration of this bill as much as possible. mr. general, over the past two years, we have repeatedly talked with you on the air about the need to limit the activities of the roc branch, and this bill is already pending. half a year after the first reading, a few months, half a year ago , it was voted, in your opinion, what can move in this story with the existence of this church or the reformation of this church or, let's say, the proposal to those who run it
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to join other churches there, to to protect ukraine from the influence of the russian orthodox church on the ukrainian orthodox church of moscow. patriarchy, i think there are a few points, the first point, as far as the verkhovna rada is concerned, it is exclusively publicity, that is, we just need to start collecting signatures regarding the introduction of this draft law for the second reading, and when is there every day or that every week there will be a publication of the names of those who signed under by this ee, and there you need 150 votes, i think that if they are signed. the signatories will be those who refused, and so and so and write, says this one refused, this one signed, this one avoided signing, and it will be about the same situation as once before the possibility of johnson's resignation in
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the united states senate, you know, when publicity gave its driving force, it concerns the verkhovna rada, only so, then we we will clearly know who is on the side. light, who is on the side of darkness, although we already know the names of those deputies, and as for society, here i think that unity is not needed, it already exists, society is disturbed by those things that are happening in connection with this activity of this pseudo-religious sect, what they create, how they behave, and you know, it is necessary... it was understood that a reaction is needed by the authorities, and it should be quite as tough, as, for example, in the baltic countries, where clearly they said, they pointed to the place of this church, the only thing that is necessary, really, i agree with the nuances of the law,
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it is not possible to enter all believers there, it concerns first of all the clergy who are actually there. in the agent apparatus of the fsb of the russian federation and is forced or wants to do or is happy to do what they they are told, and it must be taken into account that if we take unprecedented steps, our enemies will take advantage of this and will also reprimand , well, show that, look at the persecution of the orthodox, the persecution of christians, as it was in the states. there, the lobby structures spread lies, so everything must be clearly stated, no, no persecution of believers, but simply a ban on the activities of its church structures, which are connected to the aggressor country. thank you, mr. generals, for the conversation, this was viktor yagun,
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a general of the security service of ukraine in the reserve. friends, we continue our conversation live, and we continue our program, and not only live on the tv channel. espresso, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you understand? do you know the reasons for a possible increase in electricity prices? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments below video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you understand the reasons for the possible increase in electricity prices (0800-211-381), no, 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will summarize this. his vote, then we will be in touch with volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth
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convocation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start our conversation, mr. volodymyr, on this topic, which is already unfolding literally before our eyes, the permission of our western partners to strike the ukrainian army on the territory of the russian federation, as the new york times writes, the president of the united states of america, joe biden , is close to changing his position and give permission to ukraine to strike russian territory with american weapons, while, according to anthony blinken, the secretary of state of the united states of america, the biden administration can tolerate ukrainian military strikes on the territory russia, as washington will adapt and adjust its position depending on the situation on the battlefield. let's listen to what blinken said. we have not encouraged or permitted
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strikes outside of ukraine, but ukraine must make its own decisions about the best way to defend itself effectively. and we will make sure that she has the necessary means for this. our support to ukraine over the past two years has been adapted to changing conditions. the battlefields are changing as what does... and i'm sure we will continue to do so. mr. volodymyr, what are our people afraid of? western partners avoiding direct, direct permission to ukrainians to strike on the territory of russia? they are afraid of reality. and the reality is that when russia started to use against ukraine. iranian shaheda drones, and then north korean munitions, including
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ballistic missiles. this means that the war has entered a completely different stage, and any restrictions on ukraine's defense capabilities must be removed, because russia itself has internationalized this conflict, this war, and essentially the western world must understand time. always that russia does not understand any language other than the language of power. to date, 13 countries have allowed ukraine to use their weapons against russia: france, lithuania, latvia, estonia, sweden, finland, denmark, norway, poland, the czech republic, great britain, canada and the netherlands. minister of foreign affairs melanie jollii, this is a canadian minister, she says that ukraine can strike. the territory of russia with weapons that were produced, that were transferred, or rather, canada, let's listen to what she said.
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we believe that there is a need to be in this matter ahead, because there are no red lines in russia. we must be sure that when it comes to the defense of ukraine, we are ready to help them and show that, despite everything, we are on their side. there are no conditions in canada for the supply of arms to ukraine, so we continue... mr. volodymyr, how will these permits change the nature of the russian-ukrainian war, and will they give an advantage to the ukrainians under the current conditions, given that our western partners have enough a serious, serious weapon that will allow you to strike 300-400 km deep into the russian federation. the main problem there were ukrainian troops, this is... first of all, strikes from the territory of the russian federation on peaceful
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ukrainian cities, and kharkiv is a particularly tragic story, and the sum is no less tragic, therefore, first of all, an adequate response must be given due to the task of strikes from the territory of the belgorod region or kurshchyna or oryol region or voronezh region or from rostov region . to strike these territories, we will not achieve this with ukrainian drones alone, especially since the russians are safely accumulating huge forces. on the border with ukraine, and we often do not have enough means to get their centers of concentration, life force techniques. the most important thing now is to break such long-range logistics, more than 100 km, and that reaches, and this will essentially collapse the russian front,
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because the shoulder of ammunition delivery will be too large. and most importantly, we need resources that would destroy the railway hubs on the territory of russia in the regions adjacent to ukraine. in addition, to this decision, which must be made by washington as well, because it is our main partner in the russian-ukrainian war, and it is clear that from biden's decision, a lot will depend on the biden administration , including for our other partners who are part of the remshtein conditional group that helps ukraine. until that moment, putin is trying to take advantage of the situation and still disperse this topic of the special operation under the conditional name of maidan-3, which general budan once talked about, that is, putin himself begins to talk and pedal the topic of zelensky's illegitimacy, begins to destabilize the situation
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inside ukraine, tries to destabilize, what do you think it's for? they need this one now a topic to convince our partners at the global peace summit that they are sitting at the table with an illegitimate president, in order to strike at zelensky and say: listen, he is an illegitimate president, so in principle we can use our weapons, hit the office there is there a president there, or is it another story, or is zelenskyi an illegitimate president, so there is no one? who to talk to at all and let's get out the legitimate yanukovych, who did not last a year and a half in the presidential chair, what is putin's goal in your opinion? well, first of all, putin is not not an elected leader, he is not the leader of the country, he is a usurper, secondly, zelenskyi is illegitimate
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from putin's point of view, only because putin does not give, because of his aggression, because of the war, he does not give opportunities to ukrainians. to hold elections, but ukrainians remember very well, well, they understand cause-and-effect relationships, it is not for putin to assess the legitimacy of zelensky, primarily for ukrainians to assess this legitimacy. ukrainians still understand that there are contradictions in the constitution, but to wage another war during the war, because i want to remind you, after all elections are a small war, and in this sense , we don't need additional... shocks during the war, but uh, i am surprised why zelenskyi did not take counter steps during this time, uh, which society needs, it means about uh a coalition government is meant, well , maybe even a government of national salvation, as petro poroshenko called it, because our
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parliament has already sat down, although the parliament is very clearly there... there is no legislative conflict, but there is indeed a conflict around the president, but objective reasons, i.e. war are not given opportunities to hold elections, but zelenskyi also needs to come to his senses and stop his usurpation, at least unblock more or less freedom of speech, which is what zelenskyi's partners have been telling him about for the third year. in particular, the ambassadors of the big seven to return the patriotic tv channels to t2 broadcasting, and in the end to be blamed for an absolutely thievish and lying single telethon, which in fact is no longer perceived by society, people turned away from him, with such expenses for
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the marathon, the effect of his activity is zero, you are talking about those threats. about which our partners are telling zelenskyi, because we know that the report of the state department for the 23rd year was precisely about the fact that some journalists suffer from persecution, that tv channels are turned off from t2, in particular espresso, direct fifth, and now here's another story literally unfolding before our eyes, the story of ukrinform, when the person who headed ukrinform. oleksiy matsuka, this is a person who was appointed director general of ukrinform on the initiative of the office of the president of ukraine, came there, worked for a short time there about... worked for six months, and now the scandal unfolds literally before our eyes, when the employees of this state agency talk about the existence of dark men, about
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the fact that there are certain instructions, how to work, who to work with, right now on the screen our tv viewers can see these documents that were sent on behalf of the general director of ukrinform to the headquarters, which... are all over ukraine, and these documents, these papers, they are very reminiscent of the era of medvedchuk and kuchma in the early 2000s, that is, we 24 years have passed since then period, and now i see the same story with the prisoners again, because i witnessed how this whole story with the prisoners unfolded then, how the journalists protested, how representatives of various channels came out in 2004. they repented on the maidan when there was an orange revolution, but this story is repeated again, why, mr. volodymyr, is this story repeated regularly with the prisoners,
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is civil society in ukraine so weak that those in power always try to somehow exploit the situation and create comfortable conditions for yourself, well , at least from the side of the state media, mr. serhiy, if you objectively evaluate such an informal majority in the parliament, then it is the majority of the former party of regions and the youth party of the party of regions, that is, the servant of the people is really a youth party, the youth organization of the party of regions, and opzh are the heirs of the party of regions, they vote together, and all the ancestral stains of the party of regions, which were laid in the early 2000s, have now manifested themselves in all their glory, so to speak. dungeons are generally such a black spot, and now against the background of the fact that ukraine has an association agreement with the european union, where ukraine
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undertakes not to create state media. with the arrival of zelenskyi, the bank slandered a whole pack of low-effective, expensive, state-owned media, which simply, on which money is simply stolen, finances are eroded, in return the audience... lost, failed, international, international platforms about failed completely, remember at least the story with kakhovskaya hess, it was an event on which you could build a super effective informational bomb, so to speak, at the aggressor, all this failed, instead, the country consumes huge, well, devours huge funds for a single telethon, and essentially creates, well... such a servile servile media, a servile media space that serves only the ruling party and zelenskyi personally , we see in
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the column who should not be mentioned when covering events, and we see a list of the party freedom, european solidarity, the power of communities, there, well, there they write the platform of communities, but european solidarity, as we can see, is actually blocked, the funniest thing is that even the deputies of the regional councils were not allowed, so to speak, to include their synchronicities in media reports, this is absolute barbarism, and this is an anti-european policy, it has been talked about for a long time, all those approaches to the media sphere, i want to remind you that what matsuka did was censorship, it is... it completely falls under the legal concept of censorship, as you know, censorship in ukraine is prohibited by the constitution, i want to remind you that
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censorship was introduced in essence long ago in 2019, the bank consistently pushed out alternative disagreeable experts from tv channels, political scientists, well, i’m not talking about politicians, politicians were generally taboo there, but a whole bunch of objectionable political scientists were also tabooed, so to speak, and here we have a story when, on the one hand, zelensky, by inertia, like a lizard’s fist, shakes and continues to say that we are going to europe, well , the western partners, the western europeans really want to see ukraine in europe, but the actions, the real actions of the authorities are... anti-european, anti-european, now the nato summit is expected, and of course, even shameful things for ukraine have appeared warning that only
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just don't... complain about granting nato membership at the washington jubilee summit, well , because you have to look at the state of the state, the state of freedom of speech and the rule of law, and all this does not meet any criteria of either the european union or nato, but no changes zelensky is not going to do, he continues to crush, so to speak, these markers. europeanness in ukrainian society, and this reminds me very much of the tragic history of georgia, now there is something like a sketch of a new maidan, we remember that the revolution the georgian rose started the chain of democratization of the post-soviet space, and now georgia has reached the point where it needs to make a new revolution. do you think we can
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go down the same path if we can briefly. yes, unfortunately, unfortunately, each and every day of zelenskyi's stay and this majority in power distances the european perspective of ukraine. well, but not only zelensky is shaping ukrainian politics and the agenda of ukrainian society, because we understand that many people are now with the armed forces, and in principle, these are the most active people, who are in ukraine, let's say, those people who always went to the maidan and, they understand... why they are there now and they understand that they will not just give the country to someone who wants to be authoritarian or a person who will to usurp power, it is true, but the bank's desire to somehow exclude these people from political life is obvious, it is even worth listening to andriy yermak's statements that the army should
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keep people in the army for a couple of years. lest they return to civilian life, and you think what is possible well, they hate to do it, but as soon as hostilities stop, political life will return, to the credit of european solidarity, last week she still renewed the blocking of the tribune, including that, that is, in essence, the renewal of full parliamentary life, or in other words, the return subjectivity. parliament in ukraine. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, throughout our broadcast we conducted polls and asked you about this, do you understand the reasons for a possible increase in electricity prices, they have been talking about this increase for the last week and today at the government meeting they were supposed to consider this issue, but they did not come to this issue or postponed the adoption of this decision.
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so, 23% of our tv viewers say that the reasons for the possible increase in electricity prices are clear to them, and 77% say that they are not, well, obviously communication between the authorities and ukrainians is needed in order to explain why tariffs may actually change for electricity during the war and explain the reasons, apart from those reasons which are of course due to the war and the destruction of our... capacities, friends, i will put an end to this, i wish you all good health, we will meet with you tomorrow, it was program verdict priviy serhiy rudenko, goodbye.
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will the united states allow their weapons to be used on russian territory? ukraine has been asking for this for a long time, but washington's position has so far been adamant, what can change this, we are talking about it on the bbc, live from london, i am yevgenia shedlovska. this question has already divided countries. nato, the united states is against, some european states are in favor, and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg is calling for a review of restrictions on the use of weapons that ukraine receives. it's time to do it, he said in an interview with an economist, he repeated it in brussels, in prague, his statements infuriated certain allies of the alliance. in general, each country that transfers weapons to ukraine determines the conditions.


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