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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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is to stabilize the situation and push them out of the territory of ukraine, but we must be prepared that they may fly in other directions nearby, for example, to the northwest of kharkiv, somewhere in the direction of sumy, it is quite possible, and we will also talk about help, which we to expect from the world, from the west, how decisive they will be in their actions, but still we want to mention at the beginning of this broadcast, it is already ongoing in our country, of course, but it cannot... we can not mention those who give their lives every day for you and me, who die on this one war, and literally today it became known about a girl, iryna tsyboh, 25 years old, she served in the hospitalist battalion, iryna is a journalist by education, and today it became known that yesterday in the kharkiv direction, during rotation, she died, and in 2022 she joined the volunteer battalion. led a whole
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direction, she gave interviews, she spoke quite consciously and deeply about what is happening in our country, she understood these processes very well, and of course she said that she would like to be in a peaceful life, planting tomatoes, but must be in the war, because there was her place, and the most dramatic moment is that a year ago she gave her brother a letter, such a posthumous letter. which she wrote herself, believing that these words should remain, seeing, for sure, so many deaths around her, and one of the last words in this letter reads as follows: be worthy of the exploits of our heroes, do not mourn, be brave, but honor and glory people like iryna and all those who protect us in the east of ukraine, on our borders and gives his life. mr. mykola knyazhytskyi,
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i have the floor, and here, you know, somehow i would not like to build this bridge from iryna, who was a journalist, who left her job as a journalist, went to fight, but this week we also hear a lot and talk a lot about whether everything is fine with us with freedom of speech in ukraine, is everything fine with the way the media work, after certain materials, in particular on the ukrainian truth. well, let's not repeat it all, i think that the audience can read it, they know a lot, but what there is this discussion, conversation, and something needs to be done about it, obviously, it is floating in society, now we will add a representative of the servants of the people, but first i want to say a few words about iryna, because we talked today with yana zinkevich from the hospital battalion and expressed their condolences.
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she created this battalion, my colleague, as far as i know, during the evacuation , the car where iryna was was blown up by an anti-tank mine, and this became the cause of this tragedy, but yes, she was a journalist, she was an honest person, and we live in a society where such honor and self-sacrifice somehow coexist in us, alongside pettiness, with corruption, with some misunderstanding of the strategic processes taking place. when you asked this question, you probably meant what was happening in the ukrinform state agency, at least the ukrainian media wrote about it the other day, and of course, it is a shame, because they, in fact, it was a very high-quality agency, which despite the fact that it was state-owned, covered events objectively, was on the list of media that follow everyone standards, after the government and leadership changed there at the beginning of the year, they were obviously immediately dropped from this list. and then
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it turned out, and the ukrainian truth printed it, that they actually worked as blackmailers, for me it is so absurd, you understand, this is a large group of honest and responsible journalists, and when these journalists are visited by blackmailers in lviv, for example, or in ivano-frankivsk , where it is said, do not show military personnel who are dissatisfied with something, well, it is obvious that every citizen, military personnel who are victims of something, wants it to be better, he has something to criticize, state agencies say, don't show the military. what kind of cynicism do you have to have to write this? well, there were frankly funny things when it was written that when you talk about the quality of water supply, don't show those people who don't have water, or don't don't interview those people who don't have water, but it's not funny at all , this is all serious, due to the fact that we, here i see my colleague nikita potorayev, our co-chairman of our committee on humanitarian policy issues, and we together with nikita worked on the media law, and this law.
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a condition for our granting to us is an application in the european union, and now we are in this process, and when we are in this process and at this time we see, and there is a ban on censorship, a ban. intervention of state bodies, i see, and for the european union it is important not only to adopt a law, but its implementation, and when the state itself, because it is state officials, changed this leadership, when the state itself does not implement these laws, then it itself acts against the european union and against of these rules, and when we say that for us so important is the support of the countries of the european union, both nato membership and european union membership, and they see what we are doing, what our state bodies are doing, introducing censorship, it definitely does not help. our support, this means that the people who initiated it are in the past, but the main thing here is that everyone is discussing whether matsuka was good or matsuka was bad, that is not the point, the point is that we became witnesses of a state crime, because censorship is a state crime, as well as ee
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obstructing the work of journalists, i know that our colleague yurchyshyn appealed to the prosecutor's office, but the prosecutor's office and the sbi should open a case, determine who... initiated these dark men, who restricted the work of journalists, on what grounds, because all these are criminal offenses, and about it needs to be said, we will be worthy of being in the european union if we act in accordance with the rule of law, it is good that journalists wrote about it, but the main thing is whether those responsible for what is happening will be punished, i think what should be done, of course, this is a state agency, my colleague potoraev and i had a discussion on another broadcast, today it happened, now i see it again. colleague, and he has his views on this, we will definitely discuss this situation at the committee, but there is, well, there is no state television anywhere, so we have public broadcasting, but there are state agencies, in poland there is a state agency, and a state agency in to a country waging war, it would be effective, but the law puts media in all
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forms of ownership and the constitution puts in everyone has the same requirements, whether there are requirements for state media or private media or public media, they are no different. censorship should be banned there and everyone should work in accordance with internal pluralism, here this is a direct violation of both the law and the constitution, so we will consider this issue in the committee and the ministry of mkip should answer, because this agency is in their department, the government should answer, so that this is a government agency, who initiated it and in what way did they allow it to happen and where are the safeguards so that there was no more like that. nikita poturaev, we include you in this conversation, your attitude. of this situation and in general, how do you feel about this leak of information that appeared, we must call the media in the ukrainian truth regarding the temniks who were in each region, and indeed there and there, if specific people were registered somewhere in the lviv region,
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who can talk on this or that topic or cannot talk on this or that topic, then somewhere there, like in dnipropetrovsk region, about problems with water supply to people in... who have problems with the water supply in this dungeon, they asked not to ask. colleagues, let me start by expressing my condolences to all lviv residents in connection with the tragic death of iryna tsybuk. today i had a meeting with the management of the national public broadcaster. we also talked about it, it is a great loss for both journalism and civil society. ms. iryna was a lvivian, so i... from the bottom of my heart, i also express my condolences to all lvivians, and actually, actually, moving on to this topic, it is clear that the topic is currently being discussed among the media
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environment, today i was at a forum organized by the public, there was also a very frank, very difficult conversation, where for the first time i actually spoke about the fact that... we must eventually complete the media reform, i absolutely agree with mykola knyazhytskyi, indeed we laid down in the law on media norms that apply to all media, regardless of whether they are private or state-owned, what is the form of ownership, but you know, i thought about it a lot, before my adventure in politics i also naively believed to some extent that, well certain things perhaps it is not necessary to regulate, but... from experience i see that perhaps it is still necessary, and so mykola leonidovych is absolutely right, there are state agencies, this is not a problem, but the problem is the way the management system is built, and this in the law on media, we did not
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foresee and could not foresee in reality, and if we talk about a systemic solution, in my opinion, the systemic solution is to finish the reform of the state. and where we decide that we will have state property, because, for example, nstu, which is a state joint-stock company, it is not there some kind of private, yes, this is... a broadcaster that, this is public broadcasting, which belongs to all the people of ukraine, exists in the form of a state, a state joint-stock company. we can do the same with ukrenform, i believe that there is a very clear solution, we can take the law on nstu, in its, first of all, the main part, and reform it according to the model of the form, in such a way that an independent supervisory board appeared there. an independent board, and will ensure, to ensure, excuse me, in this way... the work of ukrinform also, therefore, in accordance with all
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standards of journalism, that is, editorial standards and so on, but in general, in general, we see that everywhere there is, well, let 's say not even state property, because again, the form can be different, everywhere there are, let's say, some... cracks, yes, so , in order for some opaque processes to take place, then for some reason they appear there, and this, well, well, for me, look, when i looked at these dark people, well, this, this was very painful for me, well, because we are people of the older, older generation, we perfectly remember the dungeons of medvedchuk's time, mykola remembers, i remember, and this, well, it's a shame in in the 24th year, to see these... signs again is shameful, and this cannot simply happen, and indeed, we will certainly take our
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measures, we as a committee responsible for media regulation, but within the framework of regulation , this does not mean that for pressure on the contrary , regulation by regulation, in the sense that we are responsible for the media to work freely, freely according to the rules, but freely without government influence or any other influence, even so that the owners do not influence. on editorial standards and journalistic standards, so that the media are independent, therefore that because the state, the state, any, even the most democratic one, must be restrained, the restraints of the state, any are two, two main forces, powerful, that is, civil society and independent media, we must eventually complete the system of independent media in the country , and that's all, and so as not to be ashamed anymore, really... he is right that this is both reputational damage and great for the country, in
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conditions when we are under monitoring, well, it's called a chest, which means, at the same time, under the monitoring of the european commission , observance of fundamental freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of the media are fundamental freedoms, we want to get to europe faster, and faster we can just get into trouble with such... no, i'm sorry, tricks with bad ones, it's even a joke, mr. poturaev, in your opinion, why is this was possible at all because everything you say is true, we agree with that, it should be like this, it's very sad that it is, we didn't expect to see the darkmen either, because it seems to me that since the beginning of the full scale invasion ukrainian journalists work very carefully, well, extremely carefully, because we understand the weight of each spoken word, especially on live air, how it can be interpreted? people, and that is why we are on this broadcast, well, we start the broadcast with this and
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talk a lot about it, because the audience is now sitting, watching and thinking, well, why, why are they talking about it, and this is important, because if people do not will have objective, honest, normal, complete information, well, it will be extremely problematic for our state, why did it become possible? look, it's, well , let's face it, so we don't know it yet the excess of the performer, as they say, or it... really came from somewhere above, so, because in fact, what else bothers me in this situation? up refers to unnamed sources. i can say, i heard that something happened in ukrinforum not so long ago. well, but again, people didn't want to talk about it openly, because i personally know journalists who left there. well, you know, in our profession, well, again, you, well, i, i, i trust people. people said we are leaving. because we don't like the processes that started there, okay, you you you listen, well, you don’t advise there, well, go to
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the press conference, if the person doesn’t want to, i hope that people will speak after all, because yaroslav yuchyshen wrote a statement, it’s good that the prosecutor’s office will investigate, well , it’s clear that there is a fact, they should start an investigation, but if people remain silent, we cannot remain silent, you see, this is where we find ourselves, today valery pekar wrote about it... in his post on facebook, we found ourselves in a difficult situation, when we understand , what is at stake, what is at stake is our state and our nation, we... we restrict ourselves in a certain criticism, but this creates a very dangerous circle, but i want to say something else, i want to say something else, i want to say something that mykola knyazhytskyi and i, unfortunately, remember very well , it always ends badly, because today you are trying to somehow
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influence journalists, tomorrow you are writing temniks, the day after tomorrow, so... you have, well , by the way, today i spoke with yuri mikolov, we were together on that forum, on that panel, his case is already being reclassified as hooliganism, you understand, yes, let me remind you, it means that people came to his house, it means that they broke the door, it means that his mother almost had a heart attack, what kind of hooliganism, what kind of hooliganism, they plastered the door there, so threats and so on, uh , so you continue to do, then this happens to you, you don't necessarily do it, but this happens to you, then, then, what happened in 2000, in 2000, then you journalists are killed, and it’s not the same, by the way, because not only gia gongats died then,
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there were also victims among journalists, but that's what it's all about... it always ends, and i really want to hope that conclusions will be drawn from this story, that those who, uh, did this, will be held accountable for it, and nevertheless , the truth will be told about what happened there, and how from the side of those people who worked, or still work at ukrenform. as well as from those people who no longer work there, because the truth in this story is very important, only the truth and only the light can somehow insure us against the fact that, god forbid, god forbid, found ourselves again in the situation of 2000, about which i, mykola knyazhytskyi, and other people of our generation, unfortunately, can
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say a lot. if... your position really corresponds or will correspond to how the ukrainian authorities will act in the future in relation to this situation, then it will not be so bad. nikita poturaev, the servant of the people, was on our broadcast at the start. mr. buchyn, i have a question for you you see, this week, ukrainian society is discussing the need and presence of this russian measure in ukrainian information on the one hand. spacious, we understand that now we are recalling these debates between portnikov and latynina, at the same time we are talking about the dungeons that exist for ukrainian journalists, let it be only on the example of one information agency ukrinform, but for some reason i am in those dungeons, if they are true, then that appeared on ukrainian pravta, i did not read about russian liberals with whom it is possible
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to communicate or not to communicate, what narratives are possible or not, we heard about... ukrainians, we read about ukrainian military personnel, ordinary citizens, don't you think that somewhere here we are twisting that vector in a completely different direction when we have an enemy , even in the person of liberal journalists who, unfortunately, listen to half of ukraine, and we say that let's not communicate with the residents of dnipropetrovsk region, who do not have water, well, such an example, i completely agree with you, really, we are now, it seems to me , that all society without exception, and especially media. who should work to convey information that, firstly , will be true, that will not be an element of violation of freedom of speech or an element of violation of democracy, that will not call into question our status and our desire to build a democratic legal state, and on the second hand will, let's say, contribute to our victory, i want
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to point out in this context that the absolutely correct vector that mykola leonidovych said is... that a very key issue is the question of responsibility for, as a condition that such things shall not be repeated, it is a well-known truth that unpunished evil returns worse, or returns stronger, therefore, accordingly, if no one is held responsible for it, it is clear that it will inspire, or at least it will not scare others away, to repeat such things, or on the contrary to make them more rigid, that is why this archive is important, and i will honestly say that i have doubts, if we are talking about the fact that this is a state structure, that everything will go so smoothly, well, at least now it's on the air for us mr. nikita poturaev also said that he is of such a position, but for some reason it seems to me that in practice it will be a little more difficult. i will emphasize once again that we all really have to work for our victory, but at the same time, well , that is, we have to work and the priority should
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be security, but we should not do it to the detriment of freedom of speech and to the detriment of democracy, because we understand, and the situation that exists now, it shows very clearly how dependent we are on our international partners, how much our survival as of the state now depends on whether we will really demonstrate what we... aspire to and are a part of this western civilized world. and one more point that i would like to draw attention to in the context of the question you asked about the events in the north of kharkiv region and the fact that russia continues to strengthen its paramilitary groups, this is a problem, but i see something else here, i am here i see the other side, in my opinion, the fact that russia is starting to collect reserves indicates that all is not well in russia in the north of kharkiv oblast the way she wanted. we also know, at least indirectly, that russia already at the time of the hostilities was trying to capture at least the whole of vovchansk and already have the opportunity
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to fire directly at kharkiv itself with artillery, but it did not achieve this, we understand that russia is burning these reserves, in the war, there is a simple rule that whoever burns and uses the reserves faster has more chances to lose, so i understand that, after all, not everything is going as it should be in russia. and the fact that she will throw those reserves somewhere, it was, and it is obvious, and if she throws them where she has problems, obviously she won't be able to throw them in any other direction, so basically somewhere, well, let's say, two such things, on the one hand, we shouldn't relax and we should, let's say, prepare for that , that it will be difficult in the north of kharkiv oblast, and perhaps russia will open other fronts, and on the other hand, we must understand that now, in conditions where the initiative in russia is, unfortunately, on the battlefield, our chance is to maximize... . say, to physically destroy the enemy, and in this there will be a chance for our future victory yaroslav gerasyn, thank you. well, first of all, you know, i was a little surprised by
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the position of mr. poturaev, not the position, actually, the very form of how he reacted to this situation, because we heard several such impersonal sentences again, let's hope that this situation, it's on her... . but if a person is a representative of the government, he is a representative of the ruling faction in our parliament, especially if he heads the relevant committee, then i think that in this case his reaction should be that he will do this, for example, i will initiate, say, do i initiate some such platform or conversation format in order to at least confirm or deny this in order to see how much... this phenomenon is not just some local or small town, how much it is general for ukraine, and how much it is now a threat , and obviously, since it
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has already penetrated the information space, it is a threat, and i would like to thank the authors and presenters of the velikiy lviv program for not adding adjectives to the speakers, desirable or undesirable, that you simply invite people, according to the announced topic in program, we have everyone, who is for ukraine, everyone? desired, well, on the contrary, we really want to have the government, we always call representatives of both local and all-ukrainian authorities, however, they do not always come, they do not always have time, they do not always have the desire, but our studio is definitely open for this, because that's the only way we will have those decisions, talk about important topics with people who are also responsible, because we are also responsible, but there are people who make decisions, i want to hear from them, mr. hnatus, i will say two words, was not no... there was again, that is, the question is not in the dungeons, the question is that there were always venal skins who for money said what they were told to say, and there were those who had honor
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and dignity, had some of their own beliefs and could give up their position there, from their place in order to defend their values, this is how it is in the war, that is, people showed themselves to the fullest extent, and those who yesterday tore their shirts and talked about european values ​​at... detained summonses from the balconies climb down the gutters and run around the corners, and those who politely defended their land, that is, they with clear principles, convictions and some moral qualities of their own, it was, always is, it is, and i will not reveal a secret to you, i will tell you that they will, but whether to stick to these dark men or play according to other people's rules, it's everyone's choice, but i don't stick my finger in the door for them. true, that is, everyone is defined in his role in this play independently. you have probably already seen on our general plans, iryna farion, who won the court yesterday. against
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the lviv polytechnic, it was renewed on position, there should be compensation about whether iryna farion will resume her activities at the lviv polytechnic, what she thinks about this court decision, and in general, this is another important topic of our broadcast today, why this russian peace still does not disappear in our state , we will talk with ms. farion after the advertisement on the espresso tv channel. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. fm halychyna. listen to yours.
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urinary incontinence even during such a small load. make yourself known. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to natural feminost uro component helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under control. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two more hours to learn about the war, military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets and what the world is like. yuriy feder is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is next to me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news. alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening. leaders who
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have become talkative to many. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we are back on the air, and actually, we will start talking about the court process on the air. the broadcast of espresso continues, thank you for staying with us after the end of the commercial, so iryna farion and the trial. mrs. iryna, your reaction is, in fact, one of the first on the air, regarding yesterday's court decision, what are your next actions? my next steps should be for now.


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