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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. we will return to the air and we will actually start talking about the court process on the air. the espresso broadcast continues. thank you for sticking with us even after the ads ended. so, iryna farion and the trial. ms. irina, your reaction is, in fact, one of the first on the air, regarding yesterday's court decision, what are your next steps? my next steps should be. nor those who
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did it all. the point is not that the court had to recognize my absolute right. this is from the realm of axioms for conscious people. i understand that we also have enough unconscious people. but now all those who organized it in november under the lviv polytechnic should be punished. first of all, the rector should be punished, along with his bugs. all those who contributed to it, and a whole cohort of beings contributed to it, must be punished. i'm still very young. expressed, therefore this, this was facilitated by the ministry of education, comrade lisovyi, the direct successor of dima tabachnyk, the main plagiarist in ukraine, the main ignoramus in ukraine who gave up his dissertation, this person has no moral, scientific, pedagogical right to head the ministry of education, all these people have be punished, therefore the next process is a criminal proceeding against bobel and...
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it has already begun, i have already testified on this topic, that is, the decision i received in court is not at all what iryna farion calm down, the worst thing is to find the cause of this evil, in addition, i turned to the cyber police back in november last year to find out who penetrated my accounts, in particular, telegram channels, and who wrote unprecedented brutality on my behalf, and why... the relevant journalists of the relevant channels spread this brutal information, which did not belong to me, and in order for criminal proceedings to be actually started in this case, i had to seek this through the court as well, and just three days ago i received information from the investigator that finally my phone was taken into consideration, that is, i believe that in november, an unprecedented thing was done to me, the moscow ips. which
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was picked up by our mass media and our government, and under this our government and foreign mass media , the lviv polytechnic was also dumbfounded, that is, the academic community absolutely did not show proper solidarity, on the contrary, it showed its servitude, which was once demonstrated in the 37th year, in in 1972, when stus called to stand up as a sign of protest, when the film shadow was shown forgotten ancestors, then... a third of the hall stood as a sign of protest, they have done the same now, that's why you have my brother yaroslav gerasim sitting in the studio, i thank him very much, because he is one of the few who had the dignity and courage to stand in my defense, unlike so many others, but this court taught another very important lesson, the lesson that lay people cannot evaluate the judgments expressed by professionals, that is, if it is a statement, then it must work... linguistic expertise , and precisely
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at this court, the linguistic examination was successful, and we must finally realize the conclusion of this linguistic examination, i am addressing those people who will tell me later that i dined with someone there, follow the constitution, then there will be no insults, insults are a category , which has nothing to do with the person to whom claims are made that he offended someone, this is the problem of the offended, so it is very important to hear the conclusion about'. in the context of linguistic expertise. in statements iryna farion, there are no contexts that demean the honor and dignity of military personnel, by any, in particular linguistic feature, there are no calls for any forms of violence, this is what i was accused of by the representatives of this terrible, wild campaign against me raised in in november, with the sole purpose of politically clearing the ground for myself, that is...
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all the political forces of the eu, the servants of the people and the voice of the people rebelled against me, because they thought that there would be elections in november, as a result they lost, but ukraine will win, but i i will finish the conclusion linguists examinations ferion's statements stimulate the desire to master the ukrainian language, a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and the purpose of the ukrainian language in the construction of the state and the mental growth and development of the individual. director of the institute of the ukrainian language of the national academy of sciences pavlo yukhimovych hrytsenko. that pavlo yukhimovych hrytsenko, whom i invited to the constitutional court when i was the subject of a petition demanding the constitutional court to cancel the law. kolisnychenko and i canceled this law, i will use exactly this pronoun, if i had not been in the parliament at that time, no one would have initiated this, because the then acting president and chairman of the verkhovna rada, turchynov, did not sign the resolution on the cancellation of kyvalov kolisnychenko's language law, that is, the language problem, dear
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society, has been going on since of that time, and we still have people who find excuses in the public space for the language of the enemy, it is on the verge of foul, it cannot be imagined by any nation in the world, that is why it is so difficult for us today to end this war with our victory, and there is one key to solving this problem, and i remember how we discussed this key to solving this problem with serhii golovaty, by the way, he recently had an anniversary, now he belongs to constitutional court, so the most important thing was to explain to this extremely distant society of ours. to free thinking, what is the russian-speaking population, and finally we have this decision, the decision of the constitutional court dated 07.14.21, and this decision is final and not subject to appeal, that is, when we talk with you about russian-speaking, it is a term that should
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cease to exist in our public space, and this is why, not because it is my whim, but because it is a decision of the constitutional court, and finally serhii golovaty is the voice. .. he worked on it, i know this, for 20 years, because he and i worked on the law that was submitted to the verkhovna rada in 1919, but was catastrophically distorted. therefore , today we need to hear this decision of the constitutional court and finally close this issue with russian speakers in a country that is at war with a state that has been destroying us since 1169. so, based on the objective state in which ukraine is now, in connection with the military. aggression on the part of the russian federation and its use of the language issue, because it is muscovites who use the language issue, our weaklings pick it up, and even more weaklings spread it? herein lies the problem. but back to the quote. the language issue as one of the tools
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of its geopolitical expansion. the constitutional court of ukraine emphasizes that the threat to the ukrainian language is equally a threat to the national language safe of ukraine, this is the fundamental formulation from which the understanding of what the russian-speaking population is, where it came from, finally emerges. pavlo yukhimovych hrytsenko, at the time when we repealed the law of the kivalov kolisnichenko, explained that this was a political concept that appeared in the kageby and communist offices of the then minister of foreign affairs andrey kozarev, with the aim of leaving the republic in the orbit of moscow's influence. that belonged to cheese, and this is what a long way you and i have traveled since 1989, until the decision of the constitutional court of the 21st year, in order to finally understand that we should not use this term, i quote: russian-speaking citizens of ukraine do not constitute a single-purpose
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social unit, such that as a group of persons or a circle of persons has the right to legal protection as an ethnic or linguistic unit- group, but there is attention. a political construct, and not a legal category to which the regime of legal protection guaranteed by the relevant provisions of the constitution of ukraine and instruments of international law may apply. the phrase, there are russian-speaking citizens an expression from the sphere of political rhetoric that has passed into everyday use, but it lacks not only legal, but also semantic certainty, therefore the decision. the court's opinion is absolutely motivated, because it derives primarily from linguistic expertise and derives from the formulations of the constitutional court, to which you and i go and have been going since 1989, when we still had the soviet language law. mrs. iryna,
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a clarifying question, will you return to your job at the lviv polytechnic, because ukrainians are also interested in this and we react in our studio, guests have a desire, a report. i'll be back, okay, thank you, mykola knyazhytskyi, first of all, i wanted to congratulate ms. iryna on winning the case, i think it's fair, because i'm involved in many political issues. sometimes an opponent of ms. iryna, i agree with her on many things, but the rule of law should prevail, and to fire a person for his beliefs in a democratic country is wrong, even if you do not agree with those beliefs, if the person conscientiously performs his job and works normally. second, what what i wanted to say is that ms. farion mentioned the eu, how did she think about the elections, nothing like that has ever happened, we were always firmly convinced that during the war, elections for... it is forbidden to hold, cannot be held and
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it is harmful to conduct it, i talk about it on all airwaves, as do all other representatives of our political party, and i have not heard from anyone, except russian provocateurs, that elections should be held in ukraine now, it is simply physically impossible, even being in opposition to this government, i would like its change, but i understand that now it is impossible and our party understands it as well. the next definition, which farion spoke about, was the definition of the court process where i participated on behalf of the verkhovna rada, because of the opposition. the bloc, the former, challenged the adoption of the law on legislative support of ukraine on the ukrainian language as the state language, and they precisely argued that this law limits the rights of the russian-speaking population, and we, together with serhiy holovaty, also communicated and worked on this definition, i from this reason in court spoke, together with mr. hrytsenko, who advised us when we adopted this law, as well as on previous laws, he really worked too. and this is really a fair decision, here i completely agree with ms. farion. and lastly, i have this advice for ms. farion,
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and for many others. mrs. irina, do not use telegram, it is a russian network, you will definitely be hacked there and will definitely be used against you. on the contrary, it is necessary to urge anyone not to use this network, because it is not controlled by ukraine in any way, and there are many provocations that take place there, so for the future just do not open a page there, you will be shown on tv. there are other social networks, you are a bright, talented speaker, you will be heard even without russian networks, thank you, but in this russian network, as you say, everyone is there, there are representatives of the government, there are their officials, i criticize this government for this, me there is no in this network, you understand, well, that is, we will leave there, as an alternative opinion, because we say veliky lviv is also there, everyone will stay, but there is an audience there, not quite, look, when we go there, when we are present there, then we are... that's why i submitted the relevant
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draft law that the state should control it, but you are still not a state structure, but people who are state structures, state institutions, institutions that use public private information, such as banks, and famous people, people who are politicians, these people should not be there. because this will legitimize this russian network, ms. irina, you have the floor, but if possible briefly, because the military is also waiting on skype from the east out of respect for them, well, very in short, regarding telegram, i have the same complaints about facebook and instagram, because when this unprecedented moscow attack was carried out against me, which was picked up by our mass media, i was also blocked on facebook and instagram and i will form... hate speech , and when we now hear from the national council that we must
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not name our enemy with the help of the appropriate lexical units, i get the impression, i get the impression that we are going back with you to 1972 and 82, when our language was under the absolute crosshairs of the censors , so no it's only about telegram, it's about the general assessment and attitude to the information space of ukraine and, in particular, to those social networks that you and i use. thank you, iryna farion, linguist, people's deputy of ukraine, was on skype with us on the seventh convocation, while we are establishing contact with the military, i have a question for ms. kuzyk, you know, we have such a serious discussion in the chat, but one of our regular viewers are required to talk about penguins, well , we will probably not talk about penguins today, we understand this scandal, but also about mobilization, everyone is concerned about this topic in one way or another. this is already the second week after may 18, when
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the new law on mobilization came into force, what do your comrades tell you, what information do you have, the situation with mobilization in our country is now improving, it is not changing at all, it is getting worse, well, in fact, i will tell you yes, when the guys ask for something from the front, but once it was drones, more about... the guys talked about transport and so on, of course it remained, we continue to talk about it, but many of my brothers, often to me people need to speak, that is, there really isn't enough people at the front. they are needed, and sooner or later many of us who haven't been there will have to go there, so i always say to my friends, people who are in our fund, some have already won, some think they are planning to soon too, let's go we will study, because who knows what will happen next, so i don't want, you know
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, for us to come and not know anything, in fact, i often visit the training ground, i see mobilized... guys, er, and i will say, we need to study in advance, you don't have to wait for summons, you don't have to wait for someone to call you, well maybe he'll catch, maybe he won't, maybe i'll go, maybe i won't go, eh, we all must be able to protect ourselves and our country first of all, and the most important rule is to survive, that's why we really need boys and girls, we lack this at the front , be that as it may, well, i'm with... mobilization, that is, roughly speaking, developing your opinion in this way, if we talk about the need for armaments, then, let's say, they are less urgent now, no, it is also necessary, but well you understand, if we buy a lot of drones and a lot of slaves and there will be no people to work with, well then it is not necessary, it will definitely happen, that is why there is an urgent need now, it is in most units, everyone
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needs additional people, and i am not saying that everyone should go to... the first line, in the infantry, or to be an attack aircraft, there are a lot of staff positions, we there are not enough lawyers, financiers, accountants, that is, the rear must also be kept there, and even those it experts are not enough, well, that is, not all people can fight and not all know how, and accordingly they can be used in the rear, so they are needed, whether please, i have always named three... things that must be eliminated in order to people again, as in the 22nd year, became morally ready to defend their homeland, the first is to determine the term of service, this is what is necessary, this is what deters, this is what lowers our combat capability, to be in the status of unlimited service, if someone asked, if
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you don't want to make your parents disabled, look for a partner. as well as with some defects, well, that is, to fool the time to fool one's nation. the second moment, the rules of the game are established, if an agreement is made for some kind of financial security, a person enters into a contract, the rules must be in front of him were held, but not entered, there were figures of uah 50.00, then they began to change, then daily wages, then barges, but the rules change during the war. and the third point, which is definitely important, is... if you have decided on a specialty, you enter it and you are engaged in this craft, this business, these three things will be corrected, the number of applicants will immediately increase by an order of magnitude, secondly, it will happen now, but why then , well, we, i’m sorry, i’m interrupting you, we just have, maybe unofficial information, that actually this, well, this formula, when a person goes and knows how much he can
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to fight, well, now the general staff itself cannot support it, because it understands that, well, in principle, demobilization is in time. a full-scale invasion is impossible, that's how to find it, he gave one advice to the general staff: release the centurions, release the people who volunteered in the first 100 days of the war, that's how it started, their number is not so significant as to shake this balance, but it will definitely allow to return to the people from the war as heroes, to walk among the townspeople from... among their fellow villagers with their heads held high, i.e. the one who conquered, the one who defended his beliefs, the one who was not afraid and went to defend his land, his relatives, the future of his children, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the provision, simply with deep convictions. a large part of that public signed contracts, a large number
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of people will remain in the army in the future, but these things will simply be renewed. come out, you know, how the wind blows, the wind of change, and it will allow people to believe that again, there are rules and they can be followed, an initiative that awaits ukraine in the future, with maria berlinska, well, that is, together with victory drones, we will start a project on the format of training people who will be ready to sign a contract with some units or power structures. to pass the service, they will be provided with high-quality training, we are training in the uav sector, well, behind our shoulders , more than 13,500 pilots have been trained for various... services of departments, units, and they will also be taught high-quality tactical medicine, the basics of engineering, communications, people, accordingly, after passing these necessary trainings, these courses,
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sign a contract, enter the bzvp, a training center where they deepen their knowledge, and they go into the departments that they chose, that they determined, not that they were driven into or that the merchants there chose them, but where would they like to spend? and to serve next to the one with whom you want to serve, in order to be able to qualitatively perform your main duty, to defend your homeland, this is what will happen in the future, this is what i will ask you to follow, because you you know, i said that victory has a godmother, a name and preparation, and these things must be taken into account, and emphasized and financed as much as possible, just let's ask the fighters how the situation is now in... the east, yuriy fedorenko is with us, the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman
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ivan sirk. mr. yuriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory. we know that you are in the kharkiv direction. share with us what 's the situation now, what's missing, because, well, we 're here in the studio, of course, discussing what we own, after speaking with... but we still want to hear from you live more. the answer will probably be divided into two parts: the first part is about the operational situation. at the moment, the enemy had success on two fronts, this is vochchansky, in particular the shooter's deep, deep, sorry, but on this front , the defense forces managed to fully stabilize the situation, that is, the enemy had no further advance, the defense forces. managed to make improvements to knock the enemy out of a number of occupied positions, at the same time, despite the fact that the enemy carries serious sufficient losses, he has the opportunity to replenish his losses with manpower from the reserves,
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and accordingly, the enemy uses all available weapons to make a military impression on our advanced positions and front-line cities and villages, in particular, on the locations of personnel, where the enemy potentially understands that we can be located, as for vovchansk's weather, the situation there is much more complicated. there are active street fights, it is as convenient as possible for the enemy, because when you prevail over the call of force, the introduction battles in residential buildings, from a tactical point of view it plays to the advantage of, and in this case the enemy, also those areas that are sufficiently fortified, where the defense forces were able to normally occupy the necessary sectors, are affected, unfortunately, by the enemy's aviation and other means of fire, particularly with a thermobaric... component, but somehow the defense forces manage to gain ground, and it's definitely not an easy ride for the enemy. as for what
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is missing: the first is the political will of our international partners to implement everything nomenclature of weapons on the territory of the russian federation. specifically, in the kharkiv region, we are fighting the consequences, not the cause. we must beat the enemy in the areas of his concentration on the territory of the russian federation, and knock out his firearms and means there. electronic warfare, anti-aircraft means that cover their aviation, in particular, and also these are the s-300, s-400 installations, which the enemy system uses to bombard the city of kharkiv, unfortunately, there is no exercise on them yet, i emphasize so far, make an impression on the territory of the russian federation at the expense of firearms, with which these impressions can be made, and also additional means of fuel, in particular, our unit under favorable weather conditions with powerful batteries. works with various means of bepla of the shock type of action, and in belgorod itself there are successful cases of destruction of both equipment and manpower of the enemy in the areas
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of their concentration, therefore, in order to fully reverse the situation at the front, first, political will is needed to use a number of means, second, need to during for two months , the nomenclature of weapons and ammunition, which was declared in the package of military aid from the united states of america, arrived as intensively as possible. and also additional - this is personnel training, i managed to hear a little of what you said in the studio, i completely agree with the previous speaker that training is the basis, the achilles battalion is interested in the fact that we have exclusively trained personnel participated in hostilities on the front lines of combat, why? because a trained warrior, he can effectively to carry out a combat mission, and this means saving the lives of those he covers, saving his life, his brothers, and what is the most important thing to convey over time? experience in order for young recruits to gain the necessary experience in the short term, therefore enough time should be devoted to training, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all ukrainians
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, the ukrainian nations, for the fact that the system... continue to support us, friends, precisely because of you, we have that critical minimum of the necessary armament of ammunition in order for us to systematically be able to work both day and night, to knock out the enemy from our land. mr. yuriy, i want to clarify one thing, as far as you can talk about it, the situation in half, or rather half-destroyed vovchansk, how is it there, has it been possible to completely knock out the occupiers from this city, which they essentially almost destroyed? no, it was not possible and in the near future this direction cannot be fully implemented, because the enemy is quite active, as i said earlier, is building up reserves, tough combat operations will continue for some time, but the main thing is that the tactical intentions that the enemy set before themselves, the full occupation and the formation of a bridgehead for the further passage of our grouping of troops, i think that the enemy will not be able to realize it, but at the same time, one way or another
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, the intelligence data... they say that the enemy there are enough forces to try to cross the state border lines in some other direction, it can be sums, it can be another direction, corosi, it is definitely more visible, and accordingly, the enemy has enough manpower and equipment to continue to keep in intensity those tricks where he had partial tactical success, accordingly the task of each of us, now the audience is watching this video, and they think the defense forces, well done, we are also working here ... style, but for the global course of hostilities, a lot who thinks that nothing specifically depends on him. i will say, friends, it depends on each of you, on you, your hard work in the workplace, paying taxes and donating even 1 hryvnia to the defense force, this is what enables us to be effective in this war, therefore, believe me, it depends on you whether ukraine will win or not, and i am sure that we have no other choice, and ukraine will definitely
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win. words. support and thanks are left by our subscribers on the youtube channel, says velikiy lviv, they write it in the chat, so we pass them on to you and really thank you for what you are doing, keep it up, yuriy fedorenko, commander of the battalion of attack unmanned aviation complexes achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirk, truly one of the already legendary brigades, and we have all of them legendary, what they do is extraordinary. we are proud of this and thank them that they still find time to go live, communicate with ukrainians, talk to us and explain certain things. andriy libych, we would like to hear from you and from the military in general, from the veterans, because we know, on the one hand, we see such heroic people as yury fedorenko and all those who fight for our country, but inside we are apart from information policy , in addition to the existence
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of the russian world, we, we continue... we are hiding the fact that, you know, on the one hand, there somehow it has not been conclusively proven that there were serious embezzlements of funds on fortifications, in particular in the kharkiv region, but we read about those tenders where the wood was sold for three or more times more than the conditional price or much more expensive than it could be found , in principle, like the military, when they read all this and realize that you know... someone sacrifices his life or health, and someone, despite everything, tries, i am very careful, we are not a court , and theoretically trying to make money from it, such difficult times for the state, well, i'm more in general, i will say that there is a lack of such order and responsibility at times, you know, there is a lot of chaos, and when people are not responsible for
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their actions, they will continue. when there are abuses somewhere in the construction of fortifications, of course, it should be ordered for such, i know that an investigative commission has been created there, if there are such cases, then those responsible must, of course, be punished, then this may be some conclusion from this, and so we can continue to talk, complain there, evaluate negatively, it applies to everything, and there too investigation into there under. or soldiers who left their positions somewhere and so on, if there are such cases, well, it is also necessary to punish for such, because, well, order is needed in war, of course there are different situations, but if such actions are arbitrary, then there must be responsibility, and of course, i have a negative opinion of the military, i have sometimes heard such a little funny stories, but they are real life, where you can't do it.


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