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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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are responsible for the actions, then they continue, when there are abuses there somewhere in the construction of fortifications, of course, that it should be ordered for such, i know that an investigative commission has been created there, if there are such cases, then those responsible must of course be punished, then this there may be some conclusion from this, and then we can continue to talk, complain there, evaluate negatively, it applies to everything, and there... also an investigation regarding there units or fighters who left their positions somewhere and so on, if such cases there is, well, it is also necessary to punish for this is because order is needed in war, of course there are different situations, but if these actions are arbitrary, then there must be responsibility, and of course i have a negative opinion of the military, i have sometimes heard such slightly funny stories, but they are real life, there is something that cannot be done there. to produce a tree, but
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they need to make dugouts there, because it is someone’s there, it is of some state, so they are not given permission, it is necessary to go through various bureaucratic corridors there in order to agree on everything, that is, the authorities are in place would have to provide it all herself, do it herself, bring it and so on, many such issues have not been settled, and this creates difficulties, of course, it is good that they are building at all... the line of dispute, it is good that they started to do it in the end after all, with such heavy pressure, well , it is better late than never, and abuses must be, of course, such cases must be punished, responsibly, and mr. mykola knyazhetskyi, they mentioned this, in principle, it was a little bit too much, so m to say the least, all the various corruption stories, scandals,
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scandals, after all, us and blinkin, even when he was in ukraine, he said that ukraine should fight, in particular, with one of the foundations that exists in the russian state against corruption, do you think we can, well, in general, is it pique , and if this is a pike, will we be able to get out of it competently, well, first of all, there is no pike, because on the front, in fact, putin is already planning a war. he lost the war when we pushed them away from kyiv, from the south. now , of course, there is an unpleasant, difficult, dangerous situation, there are many different related problems with people, with the mobilization of western weapons, which has been delayed, but will come now, but despite all this, well, the russians do not have such an effort to destroy ukrainian statehood, so that it does not appear in them, and the same goes for everything one thing supports us, will support us and will continue to support us more. of course they are late. of course, if it had come
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on time, there would not have been so many victims, one may get the impression that it is beneficial for us to use the lives of our boys to weaken russia, which still uses, economically suffers from sanctions, from many other things, of course, but corruption will also be defeated, you saw now, there was a scandal in nabu, when shabunin announced today that they leaked information, among other things, to those who committed corruption in... construction , this was done by the leadership of nabu, and shabunin came out with a harsh criticism of them, this is all spilling out in the media, i think that all these corruption stories will be dragged on by the authorities for some time, restrictions on freedom of speech, corruption, but no one will give us money , if we we will continue in the same spirit, so we will definitely change, simply because we are dependent now on our western partners and there will be no trouble here, i think we will overcome all this, as for the investigative commissions, we boycotted the tribune until ...
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achieved the fact that the commission was created, the truth is that the majority there are, again, servants of the people, only one person from our faction came, how effectively this commission will work, i have doubts about this, because the most important thing in the commission is who is the chairman , he can demand documents, leave, press for information, to explain, and if there is a majority of 10 representatives of the ruling party, then there will not be any great successes, at the same time, there are no such fortifications that would not deter the enemy, why is another matter, such as mini fences. why they were not there, this is also a question in the north, when we talk about kharkiv, there are a lot of questions, but even mini-nuclear weapons cannot stop the enemy, they can stop him, direct him to our armed forces so that they suffer greater losses, in a word, all this is very important so that there is no corruption, but us we are defended by our armed forces, our heroic soldiers who are at the front, we are defended by western weapons, western support, and of course the question of mobilization is important. these and that
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there should be such a setting in society that it is still an honorable duty and that we should all shoulder to shoulder to jointly defend the country, and not to hide and hide from the fact that someone is not caught. at the same time, the ministry of economy must work efficiently, because now in big cities there is no one to repair the water supply when it is broken, because people were taken away, the amount of production at defense enterprises is decreasing, because people are being called up from there, then this is also wrong, and we need to take care of it, at the same time, people are booked here who have nothing to do with this booking, if they are with someone agreed, we still have huge queues at the border here in lviv oblast. and when you look at it, it's mostly young men crossing it, and in what way they're crossing it, so obviously we have to approach this all systematically, but i'm absolutely convinced that we we will win and everything will be fine. volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, mr. volodymyr,
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thank you for waiting, we apologize for making you - a couple of minutes, wait until our guests finish, about the eastern direction, you know when it started. this operation of the russians in the kharkiv region, which, well, as we can see now, is not easy for the defense forces of our country, but nevertheless controlled, somehow the focus of attention from the eastern direction, pokrovsky there, or as it is called differently, he, he somewhat has shifted, so it is very important to hear from you what the situation is there, where the russians concentrated essentially all their offensives six months ago. resources have now been dispersed, more precisely, as they added, in the kharkiv region, because as far as is clear, there from the east they did not particularly transfer their reserves to organize an offensive in the kharkiv region. good evening, studio, good evening tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your
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broadcast, first of all, answering your question, i would like to say that it is not entirely possible to say that the attention of the opposition has shifted. from the east, from the south to the north, because the entire front line and the entire line of contact, which is actually more than several thousand kilometers long, is also a zone of active military operations, active contact, active combat confrontations, it is approximately 1000 km, it is expanding, due to events, due to the fact that the enemy is trying to advance from the north of the kharkiv region and the fighting does not subside either in the bakhmut region, nor in the eastern direction, nor in the southern direction. what my brothers tell me, well, actually our fourth brigade of the national guard the frontier is in firing contact every day, artillery units conduct counter-battery combat every day, battery duels take place, the enemy accumulates, the shelling does not stop, the enemy also conducts
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logistics, in particular artillery reconnaissance units, uav operators daily record both the accumulation of the enemy and the logistics of the enemy, and what ... the enemy's reserves are present, they are scattered nearby, and the further they are incarnated, the more reserves and the more the enemy accumulates, the situation remains, believe me, very difficult, and under the fact that the front line is holding, the enemy has does not succeed, despite the fact that they try in different ways, with different tactics, whether in small groups, whether with large groups, large assault columns, with the use of armored vehicles, both light and tanks to advance, every day the heroism of thousands of my comrades who do the impossible in superhuman conditions stop the enemy, defeat and most, including at least half of the enemy's attempts to advance, are defeated even at the stage when the enemy plans
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to accumulate, the enemy carries out some logistical actions, because all this is visible, and again after all, thanks to the uav pilots, it is visible. accumulation of the enemy, and a fire impression is made on them, both artillery and shock. what is the current situation with the combat personnel, what can you say, what do the military in your unit need now, how do you feel, what can ukrainians do to help you? we also want to thank the ukrainians who support the defense forces every day, every week, every month, in one way or another, and understand very well that this is, in principle, support for the entire struggle, support for provision, support technical means, we clearly understand that the most needed things on the front are technical means and means of logistics, well, in particular , cars, pickups, these are means of reconnaissance, uavs,
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copters, weapons of destruction, fpv, drones, attack uavs, and these are means of radio-electronic warfare , in addition, we clearly understand that the enemy improves every day, imitates a lot every day, copies, tries to develop even more, tries not only to copy. to accept from the defense forces, but also to improve and put on a more massive flow, so we clearly understand, that on a par with the successes of the defense forces, we have to counteract the possible successes of the enemy in the field of technology, but we clearly understand that technology protects the life of every ukrainian hero every day, for us, in particular for our brigade, the life of every ukrainian soldier, military, this is the highest value, and in general the need... the need for weapons, the need for means of destruction, the need for ammunition, because what is critically important for
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breaking the enemy's offensive capabilities, for breaking the enemy's connections is firepower and the ratio factor, and not only the amount of ammunition, but also the accuracy, efficiency, useful actually useful effect of this or that type of weapon or ammunition, because the concentration of density and accuracy of fire, it ensures that... we can break the enemy, defeat, push back, repel, suppress , and in general we clearly understand victories, victory is when the units are broken, as the enemy, as they were broken in the north of kyiv region, as they were broken by our brothers, heroes in kharkiv region, as they were broken in the kherson region, and every day, again, in fact, every repulsed attack is a victory for the defense forces, because the enemy plans for every attack for... he conducts artillery training, conducts artillery support, conducts detailed reconnaissance, we clearly
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understand that and hall, and eagles, and superkams in the sky over the east, over the north of the kharkiv region, tens of thousands of means of development, reconnaissance of the enemy, but despite that preparation, that logistics, those accumulated, those calculations and planning, which the enemy leads, which imposes offensive the actions he takes, despite this, the defense forces repulse most of the enemy's attempts to advance and attack, this is a victory in active defense, that is, every most battle ends in a victory for the defense forces, and this is the main thing, because it shows what we next are able to continue the struggle, although for this we need a lot of weapons, a lot of firepower, a lot of technical equipment, but one way or another, the defense forces are working on... thank you, volodymyr nazarenko, officer, ukraine will win, glory to its brave
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to the soldiers, they write to us in the comments, in fact, thank you for everything you do, take care of yourself, and this is always the case, when the military is asked what they need, they always first of all thank us ukrainians, pay attention to this, and everything we can, if we can help, there is no small amount, no small deed in support of our military and armed forces of ukraine. in general, it is true, we are doing our best, we are all making efforts for this victory, little by little and dynamically finalizing our broadcast, mr. gnatosh, i will say what do they need, they need drones, they are extremely intensively building up their aerial reconnaissance, they are forming battalion formations, these are some of our best pupils, well, they are talking about technology, they have paid attention, uh, i would like to go back to such a story as corruption, corruption, acid, it... and destroys to some extent provides freedom. the biggest
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problem of ukraine is traitors, and people always betray, and they wear embroidered shirts, and they speak different languages, and they work for the intelligence of not only the russian federation. in we have enough mankurts who represent the interests of other states, unfortunately, it is present as well, and the qualification from the point of view of legislation should be the same. we have about it. to think, i really want to see mr. shabunin, who avoids serving in the armed forces, who avoids these things, the scandals that are talked about all over ukraine, and there are many such heroes of his time and position, who in times of trouble, in a difficult time for the country, fled to london, fled to warsaw, fled, fled from behind the scenes, they did not go to fight for their beliefs, they banal... ran away, because a huge number among such grantoids are duck-hearted people, lions, they stand to the end,
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we believe in the future, we believe in victory, we fight for any rubber, no matter what, be that as it may, we want to bring such cunning people to light, and we want to see such speakers on the air, and look at them and say: "dear, where have you been, how was the fair in warsaw, what? there is krakow, coffee as good as vienna, how do you feel, people who talked about having to fight with by russians, it is necessary to destroy the enemy, to kill mosk. when moskal came, they ran away, some set records, some crossed the border in such a short period of time, how can someone not swim across the yew, you see, here is the problem, the problem is traitors, we must now set the trend for technology, for love for the motherland , and this is to be in a pixel or to be in a cartoon, this is heroism, these people
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should not lower their eyes, not get lost in the crowd, they should... walk proudly and everyone should want to hug them, approach them, say thank you, treat yourself to coffee, join the victory, join the preparation, do not be indifferent, you cannot run away from the war, it is like a shadow, it does not catch up, the war can only be stopped and it is stopped by victory, because otherwise it will be repeated and already fought back will be our children, the russians stole from ukraine... more than 200,000 children under the age of 18, 6 to 8 million fled to europe, let me be corrected, and the deputy said that there is an opinion that the world is ready to fight, to pull the strings from of the russian federation to ukrainians, but this is not an opinion, this is reality, because every year
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there will be fewer and fewer people who want to go back, and they are stealing, most importantly, they are stealing... the future of this state, if you want to help, help with weapons, help with willful decisions, help with people, provide means according to time and importance, f-16 planes a year ago could break the course of the war, at the very beginning they could even change the course of this confrontation. russia is getting ready for these things, we are doing an extremely important thing. we, we have to prepare people for this confrontation, because we teach our enemy, russia can put up to 20 million people under the yoke, for a second, with its own population, the population, they have a problem with this bottleneck in training, because at one time they destroyed their
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centers, they wanted to switch to highly qualified army, from... they don't have this possibility of a high-quality run, and while they are preparing this replenishment, this reserve of theirs is being erased in attacks, and it goes in a circle, in a circle, in a circle, in a circle, but in a direct confrontation there two forces in the same model, where there is a greater number, there it will be advantage, we must fight with technology, for this we need to attract these progressive things, implement high-quality communication, the same drones and... achilles operators are our cadets, and in our centers, conditionally, you can see their propaganda materials, formats besides, you don’t know where to join, you feel like a quality pilot, please, you won’t be used to plug holes there, you will be effective there and
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will do what you know how to do. , but quantitatively, well, in quantitative advantage in... the use of boards, they already have an advantage, because they have linear production, and we need to talk about it and understand it, and we also need to think about it and fix it, that's what matters , fighting traitors, fashion for intelligence, fashion for heroism, and that's honoring the guys who defend this land, that's definitely important, they need to feel needed, today i arrived in... uniform today i arrived in the form of you see me for that you awards, you for the first time in on our broadcast with awards, well, i just don't go out in public in this way, nowadays, because our lviv boys of the 125th brigade were covered with mud by a large number of mass media, although the boys held on to their positions with their teeth, they were put in
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touch, they put the starlinks, the russian slaves are the best in the world, they put... put this link, accordingly, the guys fought deaf and dumb, well , that is, they shot back, and the teams are heroes and the officers are heroes, well, that is, these are our boys, and we must always support them, and if not it was, to say, closed the mouths, they are ours, because only the same person in a pixel or in a cartoon can criticize these people, we must value our boys, we must support our commanders. they are ours, they are from lviv, and every serviceman should feel these words of support, whether it is the 103rd brigade, or the 80th, or the 125th, or? someone there from some units of the national guard of ukraine, they should feel this support of their land, their colleagues, well, townspeople, and not
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solve problems on their own, it is much it is easier for diplomats to talk when a powerful army is behind them, that soldier feels much better when he feels that behind him, behind him are people who are grateful to him. motivation does not appear for money, not for positions, not for titles, for the future of our children, this is what we stand for, support ours, appreciate ours, and this is what will allow us to better perform the tasks, and times are difficult, emotional words , i think it is important, concluding our broadcast, mr. grasim, if we have time on the espresso broadcast, buchyn will say, if not, then on youtube. let's talk, now everyone is talking about the fact that the americans are finally giving us permission to use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, in particular
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, the latest message from politico, it seems that there is already a secret agreement in the kharkiv region, but here we will rather not guess now whether there is is there a secret agreement, is there not that secret agreement, as you think, this process is already inevitable, or the russians and putin can somehow heal that europe. and that world with its nuclear threats and we will not be allowed to use weapons, or that's all, that's the line passed? no, but i myself, first of all, i want to say that i am not such, so to speak, a professional international expert, but in view of the information that reaches us from various sources, one gets the impression that this is intimidation, on the part of moscow, this nuclear blackmail, so to speak, it is not, it is no longer working, it is absolutely. changed to some other format, that is , our western colleagues already understand perfectly well that there will be nothing, no real answer, but they simply
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use this blackmail, so to speak, already in their so internal political, pre-election and other situations, that is, they are talking about small european countries that can afford to be afraid or not to be afraid, that is, it has already turned into such a diplomatic one. i hear something like that, and it's a bit unfortunate, because ukrainians are shedding blood for this, and they are fighting for votes in the elections, but again, they should understand, i think that europe is already getting to this point, that the voter is changing a little now , and votes, votes not only with ballots, but also with firearms, because yurai centola can come to a meeting with the leader of the european union and vote as he sees fit, and... this is the moment that worries european politicians in the first place, regarding how much and how ukraine should be supported and whether we should continue to be afraid of an imaginary,
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imaginary escalation from the side of moscow, so this process, in my opinion, will slide or shift more to the side of ukraine, 10 countries are now conditional, let's say, which have already officially given their consent to use weapons, now. it turns out that other countries give a conditional amount from the border to some there on 100 km or so, and this is a natural process, and it will continue to be, in my opinion, in favor of ukraine, the main thing is to have these weapons, and the main thing, well, look, we are talking about the subjectivity of ukraine at the international level, but not we forget that the subject guarantor, the main guarantor of the subjectivity of ukraine is the armed forces and defense forces of ukraine, only they are strengthened with each of their victories. position of ukraine at the international level, the second factor of our subjectivity is internal and internal unity in our country, if we are consolidated, when 86 percent or more
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ukrainians will be ready to go in a single stream, not to turn into, let's say, a conditional furrier, not to be a country of paradoxes, when the district court cancels the ukrainian spelling and the supreme court, by the way, i congratulate all of us on may 22, the supreme court cancels. the decision of the district court and the five-year transition period has already passed, and the ukrainians have legitimized it, it seems, imagine, this is not the russian empire, not the times of emskyi and valuyivskyi decrees, but the ukrainian district court is eliminating the ukrainian spelling, this is a paradox, we are talking about , how to etch yourself the moscow slave, and the deputy minister of education, reporting on the year and anniversary of the slovsk slave, and the deputy minister of education, reporting on the year and anniversary... attached a russian-language post to his tenure and believes that it best reflects his state of mind after the anniversary of his tenure in office, and then how can it be shown, you understand, the
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more... there will be these paradoxes, these paradoxes are very grateful such material for moscow propaganda, they will use the smallest, the smallest of our faults and the smallest and and that's the biggest such and such a range, which doesn't even fit within the framework of some common sense, so let's not be infantile, first of all, of course, we support the armed forces as much as we can, secondly, secondly, let's be informationally ready to respond to attacks. moscow, especially since in order to repel these attacks, we don't need weapons, we don't need any f-16s, we just need common sense and critical thinking and the ability to evaluate information and the absence of public hysteria, for this three dots we are broadcasting on the tv channel, we will meet next week traditionally at 21:15, every thursday the project is told by velikiy. thank you for being with us, take care!
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their assessment and. forecast of the development of events.


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