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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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there are still a little less nato member countries, but in principle a consensus is being built, germany is already, so to speak, moving in the direction of giving the go-ahead for the use of its western weapons on the territory of russia for ukraine. also , america already has more signs that the joe biden administration is leaning towards it, but there are a few buts. first, ukraine can strike only at military facilities, secondly, only at those military facilities on the territory of russia, from which missiles are launched, drones take off, and manned aircraft. we, that is, those used for strikes on ukraine, in particular on ukraine, in particular on kharkiv. ot. one more point, ukraine cannot strike very far from the border, but only at military facilities on the territory of these regions, which are close to ukraine. and the latter cannot hit civilian objects, of course, and cannot hit russia's energy infrastructure. so a consensus is being built and more and more countries are inclined to give ukraine the right, the legal right to strike
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in response to military facilities on russian territory. natalia thank you rossyslav for your work. radio liberty correspondent rostislav hotin was in direct contact with us from prague. he followed informal meetings of nato foreign ministers ahead of the jubilee summit in july. ukraine may still receive an invitation to nato at the july summit in washington, but more effort is needed. this is the opinion of žigi mantas, a member of the lithuanian parliament and the former lithuanian ambassador to the usa. in an interview with maria ulyanovska, he explains what lobbying resources ukraine should use, tells how his country, which no one was waiting for nato, managed to convince the alliance. the russian strategy for this war in ukraine is changing from short-term, we will win ukraine in three days to long-term, they are preparing for it. at the same time, the usa does not have any strategy for the victory of ukraine, just as the european union does not have one. why so, which ones are there?
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damage, do you think officials see russia as a serious threat and why aren't they developing a strategy? the europeans have a plan. i met with the president of the european commission, orsulaja funderlajen, in vilnius for a day of europe she assured that ukraine is in her heart, it is her mission. lithuanians will preside in 2027. our ambitious goal is to complete accession negotiations with you then, so that ukrainians will join the eu in 2029. when we elect a new european parliament, new european commissioners, if washington works in harmony with us, and not in harmony with putin, xi or orban, then the goal of you becoming a member of nato in 2028 would fit perfectly into this calendar. before the official accession to the eu in 2029, i hope you will already have a nato shield, because it will be a waste of european taxpayers' money to rebuild. you, and then wait for another
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bomb from moscow, which will destroy all this. we need a shield, we need a sky covered by nato, we need a fence, an american fence, and then we can achieve stability and do business together. and then dictators like xi and other short-sighted radicals will learn the lesson that this cannot be done in the 21st century. and if you do that, you will be defeated like hitler, who was defeated in the 20th century. you say that europe has a strategy, but at the same time you have countries like hungary or slovakia that oppose aid to ukraine. you have many russian spies and agents working to destabilize the country from within. there is a big threat to european security because of this russian disinformation and various influences, and things are not really very stable. how can europe unite and fight against this, to actually be a democratic union without influences from. well
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, every family has its own marjorie taylor green, but it's not because it's a minority, it's friendly to russia has leaders who are nobody, they can harm their own country, they can sell their country to the chinese and russians, but we will not allow this, the most important and largest european capital with me. in january, i traveled here, trying to give lectures to the americans along with the british, the french, the czechs. spaniards and canadians. we did it not only with the baltic countries, in different configurations. brussels and the most important capitals are with you. this is the most important thing. we can still change the rules so that the hungarians do not block any decisions. and i think we will. but here in america, the white house is not with us yet. that's a big difference. so, if a democratic administration makes great speeches about freedom and democracy, and ends up making decisions that appeal to marjorie taylo green or orbán, then what is really going on with the white house. not
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so. what are your hopes for ukraine from the upcoming nato summit here in washington. the vilnius summit was not very successful for ukraine. kyiv did not receive any road map or invitation or anything specific. we are starting negotiations on the association of ukraine with it would be a huge waste of a historic opportunity for the eu and america not to support these efforts with its new military plan. i mean nato expansion. just do it with the europeans. i have had this flag since i was in america. when americans and europeans do something together, no one can beat them. we are 25 times. richer and stronger than russia. russia is a puny little economy the size of spain pretending to be a global player. they are now spending all resources to kill you in ukraine. but we have already seen it, not only in russia. we saw this in hitler's germany. and remember that we started
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negotiations on accession in 1999, and finally pushed the americans to this decision only in 2022, at the end of our accession negotiations. so even if you... fail now, it will be a big failure for the american leadership, it will be another incentive for the autocracies to start new wars somewhere else, maybe in the caucasus, maybe in the balkans, maybe in some other place important to american interests , with each failed summit, where the americans will show weakness, and we will certainly face the retribution of autocracies, the capture of new territories and the loss of new lives. so, if the americans do not understand this, if they are waiting for a new pearl harbor, then it will happen, but we have to. to explain that it is pointless to wait for pearl harbor, it is necessary to act now. if the us does not use this historic opportunity and does not invite ukraine to this summit, let's start working with the republicans. i don't care who will save ukraine. remember that historically it was democratic administrations that disappointed us, including roosevelt. in
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our case, reagan and bush saved us. let's work with all the crazy people in this place, including the pro-kremlin people. let's try to explain it to them. let's. let's try to corner them, let's talk to everyone, including the biggest madman, and we'll win. it was an interview with maria ulyanovska with a member of the lithuanian parliament žigamantes pavillionis. presumptive us presidential candidates joe biden and donald trump say that america a strong armed force is needed. at the same time, biden emphasizes that the united states already has a strong army, and trump accuses the current president of the fact that biden seems to have weakened the americans. army and emphasizes that he will rebuild it as president. details in the story by oleksiy kovalenko and scott stearns. america has never asked its military to perform so many different tasks in so many
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places in the world at the same time - said president joe biden during a speech to graduates of the us military academy. today, american soldiers support the brave ukrainians in their struggle for freedom. our soldiers work around the clock to transport ammunition and equipment by land, sea and air. us commitments also include the middle east. the us air force delivered food to tens of thousands of gazans, and during the recent unprecedented iranian attack on israel, we rallied partners, including arab countries, to repel the attack. donald trump says that biden is leading the american armed forces into a quote insanely dangerous situation. our country is completely degraded, and we have a corrupt, compromised president, the dishonest joe biden, who is dragging us into world war iii, and that's what's happening. trump says biden should not risk war with russia or china. in a campaign video, he promised to make the us military
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fit for a foreign policy that puts america's interests first. i will ask europe to reimburse us for the cost of restoring our stockpile of weapons that we sent to ukraine. that's what... they should be doing now, but joe biden is too weak, him too much disrespect for that. biden says the u.s. military strengthens alliances and is an investment in deterrence. to protect our values ​​from terans, to protect peace, to protect freedom and openness. thanks to the armed forces of the united states, we do what america can do as an indispensable country, as the world's only superpower and the leader of democracy in the world. the us ministry of defense has calculated that i am recruiting now. strength is 40 thousand recruits less than planned. trump claims that the reason for this is the reluctance of americans to serve because of quote the politics of bias and biden's political purges. i will restore a proud culture and respect for the traditions of the armed forces. marxism
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will not be allowed, communism will not be allowed, and we will get rid of the fascists. the u.s. military notes that there are several reasons for the decline in recruitment, including a stronger economy that gives young people a chance. more opportunities outside the military. another potential reason is greater mistrust of state institutions from the generation born between 1997 and 2012. oleksiy kovalenko skot. stearns oleksii osyka, voice of america, washington. a group of american plastic surgeons has already visited ukraine several times, where they performed unique face reconstruction operations. there they met young ukrainian surgeons, for whom they organized an exchange of experience in the united states. about this program and what experience the lviv military takes over. in the usa in the story of iryna solomko and pavel terekhov.
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vitaly panchenko, a military surgeon, works in a hospital and performs reconstructive surgery. we, since 2014, when the russian invasion of ukraine began, we we work with injured patients, but since the 22nd year, we have faced the problem of very difficult patients who need very difficult reconstructions. surgeries to restore the upper and lower jaw, restore the face and restore the nose and function of the nose. mykola senyuk, his colleague, who in particular deals with facial restoration. with the beginning of the war, the injuries became voluminous, extremely voluminous and require reconstructive surgical interventions to restore functions, aesthetics and improve the quality of life of our wounded. mykola in the spring and vitaly received. states. oncosurgery
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of the head. this is a major surgery. long-term surgical and operative interventions. and more substantively, we worked in cadaver laboratories, together with corpses, together with teachers who showed us, we repeated. today we had facial reconstruction surgery, that was it. patient with paralysis of the facial nerve, we restored her facial expression and replaced the defect on the face, we took a nerve from the right lower limb, which we moved to the face, in ukraine such operations are rare, because reconstructive surgery in ukraine, unfortunately, is at a low level, and our task, as young specialists , is to implement the most complex methods that will allow the patient... to live and function well. the internship of mykola and vitaly in the united states is due to the team
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of american surgeons who came to ukraine for the first time in the fall of 2022 to operate on the wounded. bruce moskowitz is one of them. he is a famous plastic surgeon in new york who has his own practice. he tells that together with vitaly in ukraine, his team managed to restore the wounded nis. patient with explosive trauma, he lost his nose, his eye sockets and orbits were broken. book in the bridge of the nose, i was involved in the reconstruction of the middle part of the face, the support for the nose, the fixation of the eye sockets, as part of the team that created the nose. this is a very complex, multi-stage operation. moskowitz says that the bone for the nose restoration was taken from the wounded man's rib. treatment is long-term. the second operation was carried out in april 2023, when the face-to-face project team traveled for the second time. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , american doctors and'. sisters came already three times, the fourth trip is planned for october, each time they conduct up to 40
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extremely complex operations. we worked 12-14-16 hours a day, starting at 7 and finishing at 10, sometimes later. we operated for 5 days in three operating rooms. i was torn between them, because i was personally involved in 75% of the operations. it was a great team effort. some patients need a second and third operation, but we... when the muscovite doctor went to ukraine, he did not yet know that he had ukrainian roots. by chance, on the way to ivano-frankivsk, he learned that the city chernivtsi, where his grandfather emigrated from, is ukraine. my great-grandfathers are buried there in the cemetery. my grandfather came to the us in 1903, he was 13 and alone. that's how i found out that i'm partly ukrainian. organize trips. to ukraine american surgeons and nurses are helped by the public organization razom, julia
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shama, the coordinator of this direction. he says that cooperation between ukrainian and american surgeons began even before the full-scale war, but after february 2022 they receive many requests from american and canadian surgeons who want to come to ukraine and help. we are already working with several such medical groups, which decided to visit ukraine regularly and... so that it would not be such a one-time visit. our partnerships, they have become long-term programs. in addition to trips to ukraine, moskovits also collects funds for the purchase of medical equipment for ukrainians. colleagues, he already managed to collect 400 thousand dollars, part of the funds we collected went to purchase equipment, in particular microscopes and surgical microscopes, they are expensive, 1.75 dollars mykola and vitaliy say that these microscopes allow to perform complex face reconstruction operations, moskovets adds, he was impressed by his ukrainian colleagues. they are
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incredibly hardworking and smart, but they lack experience and training. this is how the idea of ​​training young ukrainian surgeons in the usa arose. shama says, one of the training centers was a university clinic in oklahoma. they even changed the rules there for the sake of ukrainians. they are the first to be able to grant our doctors a temporary license, which means that this is already moving from observership, that is , observing how everything is performed, to the fact that our surgeons... go into the operating room and assist. last year we supported seven internships, and this year we have already supported seven internships. oklahoma, they can, they accept three students, ah, every three months, so they have that number planned for this year. well, we will
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see further, they want to expand their specialization, this time, this year they accept. surgeons, plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, but they already want to expand for neurosurgeons and possibly for some children's specializations as well, and mykola and vitaliy say that they have gained extremely important experience in how to perform highly complex face and neck reconstruction operations, which are still rare in ukraine, but they hope that the development of medicine and their experience will allow to develop this direction and return the wounded to a normal life. of course. must do our work, now this is the formation of the core of the nation, and we are one of its representatives, if we survive in this for the next 5 years, then we we will preserve the core of the nation, before the trip to the usa, i was in the donetsk region and carried out combat missions, so, in principle, upon
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returning, we will fulfill our duty, defend ukraine. to restore our patients. from new york irena solomko, pavlo terikhov, voice of america. and the very end, a story about a publisher of comics on the topic of the russian war against ukraine from lviv. the story of bohdan córdoba goes beyond the story of comics, because it contains a complex family story of resistance to russian aggression, more dramatic than any fictional scenario. bohdan was met by omylyano shudlyak and yurii dankevich. this group of people are volunteers who conduct training in tactical medicine in the fresh air. in fact, they are writers and editors creating a video documentary for their new comic book project called the resistance. these will be illustrated instructions of basic skills and knowledge for the military based on the marching protocol, which describes the correct first aid algorithm on the
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battlefield. we keep the scenario real thanks to our friends in the military. who transferred his combat experience and direct combat, some cases in this comic. march has changed somewhat in ukrainian realities. the story starts with the guys going on a mission and different things happen on the mission, either you get injured or one of your brothers and you have a timeline in this story and you have to fight against time to save himself or his brother. in 2017, bohdan founded the ua comix publishing house and opened the first one. from his chain of comic book shops, which he calls sketchbooks. with the beginning of the great war, the team of publishing house 10 months worked, in particular, on the joint project inker, the result of which were 36 graphic stories about real events and real people in ukraine. it is not the same as drawing a fictional story about the war, some collective image, it is not the same at all, we are drawing
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about real people, about the living, here they are now. together with us, they shared their most painful, well, we watched this story of pro-kopenniks, fighters from azov live, they were just taken prisoner, and kateryna was just fighting for that they should be released, and her husband too, denys, and right in the middle of that story, well , when i was drawing it, a terrorist attack happened in olenivka. and i'm just worried about it, just sobbing, because well, he might not come back, we didn't know then how it would all end. the history of bohdan's family is no less impressive. his great-grandfather and father had the same name, yuriy cordoba, and also a common call sign. grandpa, er, named dad yuri after his father, and actually,
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if you look at the black and white photos of my great-grandfather and the color photos of my dad, they damn quite similar. yury cordoba, the elder, fought in the upa, his grandson started as a pilot in the soviet army. a fighter pilot, dad flew migs , but when... just as the company with afghanistan began to actively develop and what needs to be fought, na-na, na-na-na, dad resigned, he always joked that he helped disintegrate the union by eating its budget, because at that time about 4.5-5 million rubles were spent on the training of one fighter pilot, well, who there understands the economy of the ussr, or is interested in it, even if it is colossal money per pilot. and they produced about several thousand there every year. during that time, yuriy kordoma jr. returned to the army and at the same time took a pseudo-bass, the same as his grandfather upivets, who died in the distant 1947
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. since the beginning of the russian invasion in february 2022, an officer of the 24th brigade named after king daniel, cordoba bas has been fighting on the front lines. he died as a hero in april of the same year, near the city of liman, the northern gate of donbas. there were seven people, i was with... on dad, they were in a trench, they were attacked by the prevailing number of the enemy on the beters and they fired all they could, held the defense and such, gave the option to their guys to withdraw, they decided that they were going to accept the fight, they accepted it, fought as long as they could until it was all over, then they ordered fire on myself, from the records that i know of, each of them was seriously wounded, with such a command, your commander, your without... i will ask myself several times, he asked if everyone in okop agreed with this, everyone were in agreement, and they each received like what they told me,
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two packages of grates worked on them, so it's like just burnt earth, there's nothing left, they all left on their own terms, they also took with them as many enemies as they could take. bohdan was able to bury his father almost a year after his death, in march 2023, after his release. territory from the russians, it was possible to find a mass grave and conduct a dna examination. perhaps the story of two basses who, with a difference of 75 years, gave their lives for the ukrainian service of the voice of america. i am natalya leonov, good night and good morning.
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there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on stezifin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. there are discounts represented by the coco discounts of may on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. exclusively on the air of our channel. friends, politclub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between
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ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country as well. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. "the verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, with even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top
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guests, foreign experts, incl." from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv
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yar. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko, coalition of determination. the us does not
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approve, but does not object either the use of western weapons on the territory of russia. is the kremlin capable of implementing its threats of retaliatory strikes against nato countries? approaching without invitation. at the washington summit, ukraine will receive only another open door statement from nato. what changes in wording regarding the prospect of alliance membership might satisfy? kyiv. difficulties in organizing negotiations. moscow insists on a peaceful settlement of the conflict only on its own terms. what is the purpose of the russian special operation to promote the idea of ​​zelensky's illegitimacy. glory to ukraine. it program verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko.
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i congratulate everyone and wish good health to everyone. over the next hour, we will talk with our guests about the war in ukraine, about peace, as well as about what is happening in the world, and in particular with our partners in the anti-putin coalition, how western partners are currently considering the issue of granting ukraine the right to strike on the territory of the russian federation . 11 countries have already supported our position. that ukraine has the right to strike military facilities and critical infrastructure facilities on russian territory federation. there will be enough topics for conversation today. we will have three guests, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy goncharenko, sbu general viktor yagun and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. however, before we start our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the sea drones
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of the magur general directorate of intelligence.


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