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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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in the next hour, we will talk with our guests about the war in ukraine, about peace, as well as about what is happening in the world, and in particular with our partners in the anti-putin coalition, how western partners are currently considering the issue of granting ukraine the right to strike on the territory of the russian federation, 11 countries have already supported our position that ukraine has the right to strike at... military facilities and critical infrastructure facilities on the territory of the russian federation, there will be enough topics for conversation today, we will have three guests, this people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy goncharenko, sbu general viktor yagun and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the sea drones of the general directorate of intelligence magu'. destroyed
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two russian transport landing craft ks-701 tunets in the occupied crimea at once in order to neutralize our drones on the approach to the bay of vuska, the russians took combat aircraft into the sky 32 times, in particular su-27, su-30, su-35, mig -29, b-12, an-26 and helicopters k-2729 and mi-8. let's see. how magura destroyed the invaders' boats.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether you understand the reasons for a possible increase in electricity prices. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or. if you have a separate one
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opinion about the predicted increase in electricity prices, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv and have a smartphone or a phone at hand, please vote for the corresponding numbers if you think that the reasons are completely clear for the increase in electricity prices in ukraine 0.800 2110381, no 0800 211 382. calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is oleksiy goncharenko, national member of parliament of ukraine, president of the parie committee on migration and refugees. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. mr. oleksiy, let's start our conversation with another statement by the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov, who once again stated that russia supposedly wants peace. but only on my own terms
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i will quote putin's sharer. we have repeatedly said, in particular at the highest level, that russia remains open to negotiations, but it is necessary to clearly understand what is being said precisely about peace, not about a truce. it makes no sense to give the enemy a pause that he will use again to regroup and rearm. negotiations should be based on the principle of indivisibility of security and reality on the ground, he said. lavrov, judging by the rhetoric, mr. oleksiy, coming from the kremlin, what putin wants, putin, putin wants to destroy ukraine, his global goals have not changed at all, you and i understand this perfectly, but at the same time he must demonstrate to the world like a desire for peace. this is
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his task because he understands that the world does not want any war and putin is playing a game in which he is trying, it is absurdly out of character. to demonstrate that it is ukraine that does not want peace, that is the path played by lovrov and russian diplomacy, we must understand this and act accordingly, for example, when there was zelensky's comment about the so-called olympic truce, where he said that we it's not appropriate, well, i think so, it was a mistake, because putin should give up such things, because in the future it will all be used against him. saying you see, ukraine doesn't want any peace, that's all, they want this war, who do you help and so on, so you just have to understand that and not fall into this trap. but is this rhetoric related to the upcoming global peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16,
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because, well, putin constantly says that we are not against peace talks, but we do not know with whom to negotiate, because according to zelensky putin is a president who has lost legitimacy... on may 10 , 2024, he talks a lot about that the constitution, i.e. a person who has violated absolutely any international legal norms is debating the legitimacy of zelenskyi, i.e. they are trying to convince everyone before the summit that zelenskyi is an illegitimate president, and secondly, that russia wants peace, i.e. they are trying to outwit the entire world community, well, it is obvious that this is also said with the peace summit, this is a fact, unequivocally, because they really do not want a large number of countries to participate in this peace summit, and precisely those countries that is not today they are allies of ukraine, i.e. the countries of the so -called global south, but this is generally
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their game, after all, this game has been played for a long time, where russia seems to say, yes, we are ready for peace, in this way they shake the societies of other countries and give such a signal . that this is ukraine, it means that it is so bellicose, and if so, then why should we help it, that is why the fact that the peace summit is definitely also bothering russia, and it will do everything to prevent this summit from succeeding, unfortunately, well, objectively, i i'll tell you, my objective opinion, i don't really understand the purpose of this summit, in case china, brazil, the republic of south africa, and other countries are not there, because if ukraine's allies gather there again, well, they will say something again, that putin should leave, well, if, and then what, how for me, personally, the topic of bringing western troops into ukraine can be much more productive, as i think we should direct all our efforts to that, well, but
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a different path has been chosen there, it is important for ukraine to hold this peace summit, it already sounds true that biden's participation in this is being questioned summit, i think that biden will also go only to a successful summit, well... this summit, frankly, worries me, and whether we spend our diplomatic efforts and strength there, well, but that's already a story, probably already it is too late to talk about it, now it is really necessary to do everything to ensure that there are as many countries as possible, and russia will do everything to ensure that there are as few as possible and at the lowest possible level. well , president zelenskyi is just talking about the fact that almost 100 states and organizations have already announced that they will join the global peace summit. despite russia's efforts to disrupt this measure, let's listen to what zelensky says. and we are also preparing our diplomatic responses to russian efforts to weaken the peace summit, which will begin in two weeks.
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russia will no longer be able to disrupt the summit, although it is trying very hard to do so, it is putting pressure on the leaders, openly threatening various states with destabilization, and this is... the consequences of the fact that the world has given the terrorist state too much time. unfortunately, evil knows how to adapt, now it uses its resources to divide the world and not give, force russia to peace, but with we already have almost 100 countries and international organizations joining global efforts. mr. oleksiy, what have you already said, and what will be a success for ukraine in... the finals of the global peace summit, what can be considered a success? this is a very good question, and it should have been asked before starting this whole story, how should i begin, so success for ukraine is obvious, which would be a success, and this is the participation of the key countries of the world at
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the highest level, relatively speaking, if is the leader of china, the president, coming to the peace summit? brazil, the summit is a success, obviously. that this demonstrates the complete isolation of russia, and then through these countries to press russia through sanctions, through economic pressure. that's what could be done and that's what could be achieved, but on the condition that these countries are not there, and you start right there, it sounds like 100 countries, that's very good, at what level, if it's 100 countries on at the level of the president, the prime minister, it is one thing, if at the level of some representative, deputy minister of foreign affairs, special envoy, it is a completely different matter, so well, as i said, from the very beginning i have questions about this whole direction. i 'm afraid that we shouldn't expect much success there, and in general russia only understands
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force, so i repeat that, in my opinion, a much more important topic is the appearance of western forces in ukraine, well, not only western ones, but the military of the civilized world, what the sooner they will appear, and in greater numbers, even if they do not go to fight with us in the trenches, but at least to train the ukrainian military, at least to conduct activities there, for example, cyber'. safety, air defense, a police mission, for example, on the border with belarus, in areas where we are forced to keep troops, because we expect opportunities there, possible russian attacks and provocations, this would already help us very, very much. mr. oleksiy, you mentioned about biden and the fact that his non-participation in this summit will obviously also shape the agenda of this summit and the representation at this summit. obviously, biden won't be there, he's on the campaign trail, another
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potential campaigner, donald trump, as written in the western press, allegedly said at a meeting there with some sponsors or people who will help him in this election campaign that he would destroy moscow if the russian federation invaded ukraine under. his time in the oval office, and he said that if he came to power, he would seek to stop the war in one day. how critical is the victory of one candidate or another candidate for ukraine now, that is, should we expect a radical change in america's policy in the event of trump's victory and whether it is better to rely on or bet on ... biden's victory and understand the predictability of it and what we have seen for at least the last two
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years. look, you should always try to influence what you can influence. we cannot influence elections in the united states of america, we cannot, neither by law nor by reality, and we should not. therefore, it makes no sense for us to rely on one or another option. we have to be prepared for both possible scenarios and a biden victory and... trump's victory, this is the task that we have to set before ourselves, which concerns in general, i would like to say, you said that biden will not be there in switzerland, well, that is not yet a fact, according to my information, the final decision has not been made , i think that biden will be determined literally there in the last days, well, before the summit, because it will be important for him who will be there, that is, relatively speaking, if xijin pin comes there, well, which i think will not happen, then there there will definitely be biden, and if he is not there. well, that's another story, and then who will and returning to the topic, who is better for us, biden
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or trump? no, here you can ska, well, once again we do not influence it, so it will be as it will be, with biden we more or less understand what will happen, on the one hand there will be support, but on the other hand there will always be some red lines in this support , this is not possible, we are not invited to nato, here is escalation, here this is already biden’s style, his team is obvious, obvious, their approaches to helping ukraine are obvious, the situation with trump can be, but with trump it is completely unpredictable, the situation can be as very bad, up to the point that support for ukraine will simply be stopped, up to super cool, when he will really just bomb moscow, by the way, i also heard, saw these news in the media that trump said this, and i am absolutely sure , that he said that, it completely fits into his, well, style'. in his vision of the world and in what he says, and i talk
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to a number of people who are close to his headquarters there, and i can tell that it sounds like he is really confident that he can stop this war in one day , another story, how it will happen and whether we will like it, well, we do not know, but, well , everything is possible with trump, and no one will tell you today what he will do, i... that even trump himself would not tell you now, actually, i think, he is not seriously thinking about the ukrainian-russian war today, he is thinking about his trial and elections, but what if he becomes. president, then he will decide this case. well, by the way, another such significant event will be in two months, the july summit of the north atlantic alliance, and in the press, in the western press is writing about the fact that zelensky was allegedly asked not to articulate the issue of ukraine's accession to nato during this summit, or not to insist on it. as ms.
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julian smith, the ambassador of the united states of america to nato, says... the decision of the summit will include new formulations regarding ukraine's desire to become a member of nato, the decision will not be identical to what was heard last year, well, it is meant in lithuania, the invitation of ukraine to membership will not be considered this time, it is not realistic, at the same time we will focus on providing the package support, which will make it possible to build a bridge to membership in the north atlantic alliance. at the same time, yen stoltenberg, secretary general of the alliance, is at a meeting in prague, where he is currently working. agreements before the july summit in washington says that ukraine can win the war against russia only under the condition of continuous strong support from nato. let's listen to what stoltenberg said. ukraine continues to fight bravely, but the challenges facing it are getting bigger and bigger. ukraine can still win, but
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only under the condition of constant, strong support from on the part of nato allies. therefore, at the nato summit in july, we ... plan to put our support on a stronger footing, including a greater role for nato in coordinating security assistance and training, as well as in multi-year financial commitments. mr. oleksiy, how do you assess ukraine's prospects at the july nato summit, and these statements by stoltenberg that ukraine can win, if ukraine can win, then they assume that ukraine may not win. mr. sergey, all options in the world are possible, and they are definitely considering all of them options, no matter how much we like it, but the world will definitely consider it, moreover, i will remind you that only the heroic resistance of the ukrainians in the first weeks of the invasion changed the world's vision about this, the world expected that ukraine would fall and was already thinking about what to do
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after that, and it was ukraine that completely changed these approaches and schedule, therefore... nothing has changed here, it is largely in our hands, we will demonstrate success, there will be one approach, we will not, there will be a completely different approach, regarding nato, for the key is to become us a nato member, without that, the only way, in my opinion, to ensure ukraine's long-term security, is to return to nuclear status, develop nuclear weapons and put them into service, i just don't know the third way, nato membership, or nuclear weapons... cool , or we won't have security, as far as i'm concerned, and what happened during this invasion could happen again at any second, so this is a key issue for us, they really don't want to invite us to nato at this summit, it's true, and this is the position primarily of the united states and germany, the key position is the usa, of course,
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but we have to fight to the end, we have to fight to the last, this is when i said... for example, about the peace summit, i doubt the effectiveness of these efforts, we are making efforts for it, but that there is 0.1% our chance, we have to fight for this 0.1%, because this is a key story, so fight, do not give up and achieve, they really say this word bridge, they, what will we show them , like this bridge that will connect ukraine with nato, it is necessary to ensure that it is specific, here there are pro... proposals specific to this group rasmussen, for example, about setting a date there, for example, that ukraine will be invited no later than july 28, this is a good option, that is, with some fixation of something concrete, and not just conversations, not just words, this is for it is a very important task for us, well, once again, there
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simply cannot be too much effort, everyone, everyone, everyone, every effort must be put into it. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the inclusion, it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work directly broadcast on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether you understand the reasons for a possible increase in electricity prices. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you watch us on tv, bring your smartphone or. phones and vote, if yes, then 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with viktor yagun, major general of the sbu reserve, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15
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. mr. general, good health to you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good health. mr. general, let's start our conversation with the special operation that general budanov once talked about, which had the code name maidan-3, and this special operation. according to gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine, it was supposed to begin after may 20, 2024, well, we see in principle that this special operation maidan 3 is played by vladimir putin himself, because he regularly says that after may 20 , zelensky is not the legitimate president of ukraine, in response to putin's statements that the only legitimate power in ukraine is now the verkhovna rada, the speaker of the parliament, ruslan styfe. advised the russian dictator to read the ukrainian constitution more carefully, but noted that among the deputies there are those who agree with putin's position. i will quote mr. stefanchuk. it is clear
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that the russian narratives announced today are as predictable as senseless the only thing that is disconcerting is that individual ukrainian politicians in quotes are ukrainian, allegedly preparing the basis, almost word for word, quoting the narratives expressed, in particular , within the walls of the ukrainian parliament. at the same time , political scientist petro lyschuk. believes that putin's public statements about the illegitimacy of zelensky are directed at a part of the ukrainian elites in the parliament and are a call to stage a coup d'état and seize power. to what extent do you think such a scenario is possible that putin, swaying the political elite, or representatives of the ukrainian political elite, can provoke some group of politicians to commit a coup d'état. well, er, ukraine has no experience. and there is no tradition of coup d'états or military coups, we don't have that cohort of people who are ready to go, well, take
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responsibility and go out there, roughly speaking , only people who see the support of the people can go on stage here , that is, roughly speaking, the tradition of the ukrainian people goes back... centuries and it is called the eternal right. the eternal right is when the people come out and nominate someone, but by no means some one there kuhorta bayar, which can take power over itself. the situation is the same with the military, with the military it is much simpler, yes, there are problems, there are questions, but there are definitely no such realities in the sense that someone can, i don’t know, go out and wave checkers, and what, and what is next, from that that legitimacy. will not appear as any legitimacy, we now have a clearly explained situation due to the fact that
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our power continues, because according to the constitution, it is unrivaled, but the only thing there are nuances in terms of what is possible perhaps it was necessary to once turn to constitutional court to ask this question once... it's not always to discourage some people there from speculating, but at the same time, i just know personally because i talked, i used to be an adviser to the chairman of the central election commission, i'm very clear understands what elections are, presidential elections, verkhovna rada elections, they are now talking about the fact that power can be transferred to the verkhovna rada, but what will they say in the fall, when the term of the verkhovna rada ends? although the constitution clearly states that the supreme the rada loses its powers after the election of the next verkhovna rada, that's all. that's why all tsinosuci, they just don't have
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any pingunty with them. who are they designed for? well, yes, we have people who are trying to shake things up somehow, well, they are definitely not even in the minority, they are just somewhere there, it's called the percentage of errors. tell me, sir. general, how likely is the scenario that the russians will bring yanukovych back to belarus somewhere, they will say, well, he didn't finish a year and a half of his presidential term, he, how, how they say in moscow, as a result of a coup d'état, as they believe, he was removed from office, and they will say, well, he is actually the legitimate president of ukraine since 200 there in 2010, he did not complete his term, but we will be with him.. talk about peace, we will sign some agreements and conduct some dialogue, because yanukovych is someone for us, and zelensky is a nobody, let them sign,
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they lost this opportunity. in the 14th year, in february of the 14th year, the idea was very simple: to split off a part of ukraine, from the general of ukraine, precisely what they called novorossia, and to create another ukraine on its territory, and from there to attack all of ukraine, and one of the elements of this special operation was yanukovych's letter, which was then faked in his criminal proceedings regarding the invitation. to introduce troops, uh, that is, they, they roughly planned that the capital could be there, i don’t know, in donetsk, in kharkiv, and they announce that this is the capital of ukraine, everything else is captured by the rebels, i don’t know, collaborators there, eh -uh, and they, they need to be separatists, yes, they need to be knocked out, and so on this, and in this context there was a request from the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation to some countries. our
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neighbors, regarding the possibility of introducing troops in order to, well, take control of your lands historically, well, they kept silent about it, the slovaks kept silent, the hungarians kept silent, the romanians kept silent, and the poles said, we sharply rejected this proposal and said that it was is not only unacceptable, it is criminal, and only thanks to the poles we know that such proposals were presented to all... countries , that is, this opportunity to split ukraine and seize its honor and leave yanukovych as the leader of this part, they lost, one of the versions why they lost, because they gave up their idea to take crimea, well, to annex crimea, because yanukovych put there, he says, a demand, one of the demands, who says, leave crimea in ukraine, they
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say, no, no, no, it's ours. our territory and everything, everything collapsed on that, then they could not do anything, they only had donetsk-luhansk under their control, and that was the end of the whole idea, and they tried to renew it in the 22nd year, when they said that kyiv would be taken in three days, they didn't take kyiv, yanukovych had wandered off somewhere , where he was in belarus, he was there, yes , in belarus, that was the end of it, let them sign. they want, by the way, they want to invite, but, well, you remembered this story in 14 , at the same time, when yanukovych was fleeing from kyiv, he fled to kharkiv, and a congress of deputies of various levels was planned there, this was a remake of that , which was in the fourth year, do you remember when they held in severo-donetsk, and the same story was there, they wanted to create a pseudo some kind of republic both then and in the 14th year,
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that is, to create something that... it was 100 years ago once in ukraine, when the bolsheviks then went to kyiv from kharkov, that is, they wanted to repeat all this, or is there still there is a threat of something like this, when part of some elites, part of some military, part of some intelligentsia will be part of such and such a similar plan in some other point of the ukrainian land. this will no longer happen, look, in the 22nd year there was such a danger, and about it, during his during the interrogation in the special services, medvedchuk said, he revealed the secret that in ukraine there was a group of old generals who had been out of power for a long time, who were actually preparing, i don't know, to announce themselves there as some kind of...
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salvation there, i don't know , like this, well , it’s about the same story as it was when nazi germany entered france, and its part of the old generals allegedly assumed responsibility, and even there announced that we are signing an agreement with nazi germany on the surrender of france, france was divided into two parts, this is the one version. russia was preparing ukraine and certain circles of old, old generals were ready to go for this cooperation. fortunately, nothing happened, not to them, not to the russians, and, the only thing that i, what, what , what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, did not work out, not with them, not with the russians, that, uh, this information remained in the materials of the investigation, not even the investigation, but materials such as operational
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materials, and she... didn't get her uh well


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