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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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storm, scalps storm shadow can fly in, we're going to take a break now and we'll be back to talk, then i guess so more about times with our other guest. thanks to oleksiy hetman, who joined us and intrigued us a little. so a pause on the espresso tv channel. there are discounts, coco offers 20% discounts for voltaren forte in may. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads it would be even better with us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all that. in an informational marathon
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with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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yes, back to our conversation, i will remind you once again about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles, please join it, because this is the repair of armored vehicles in the combat zone, you see here the qr code, you see the invoice number, very important, the repair everything happens directly. zones on
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the contact line, bmp tanks, anything, what is fighting practically at the front and what is really our defenders are constantly in need, so please join us, half of them are already there with your help, and we really hope that it will be possible to close it completely and it will be much easier for our fighters to fight armed than here and there to watch how the russians try storm. and well, i really hope that our guest will be with us now, er, we will talk about chasivyar itself, because you saw on our map that the russians are trying to storm in this area, they entered it in certain places areas of the city, they try to go there, moreover also, well, they did not go very well.
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enough of such, well, fierce, i would say, assaults and advances, a little south of the temporary ravine, and in principle they succeeded there too, what they failed to do last time, i don’t know, for six months, probably it was ivanivsk and in klishchiivka pass, of course, in klishchiivka, our forces are located, the defense forces of ukraine on the heights around klishchiivka, and zvi, it makes for... russians staying in klishchiivka itself, well, you can’t even say that it is a populated place, it’s just , you know, ruins, that is, they are not very comfortable there, but they nevertheless, they are trying to storm there, but oleg kalashnikov, the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorunzhy roman dashkevich, joined us in principle, i congratulate you, mr. oleg, good evening, and i wanted to ask you what you actually ... now you can talk about the operational situation in
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the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, in particular , as i understand it, everything is happening near the temporal ravine, i have already told a little that the russians have been trying to... storm there all this time, but where are they now in fact are located our positions, that there is a canal preventing them, they were able to cross somewhere, they could not, what is going on, they could not cross the canal, they are trying to do it, but we stop them, and if someone does break through, then he is destroyed accordingly, but today we must note that they intensified the assaults precisely with mechanized ones. component, if earlier they used it less, that is, i would say so, they took care of the equipment more, but today they are trying to use such small armored units with infantry, of course, somewhere about breaking through our defenses, that is
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, both tanks and armored fighting vehicles are directly used, it should also be noted that the intensity of artillery fire has increased, that is, they have increased. on ours, precisely on the chasoyarsk vitinka , the number of direct shots from the barreled artillery and the number of mortar mortar damage increased, we still have to take it duai, because we are talking more about the medium- range artillery there, the mortars, which work directly at zero, play back very an important role both in defense and directly in storming actions, that is , the situation is as follows: i would say that the intensity is more intensified, and of course, they do not stop their attempts to attack where, in principle, they did at this time, this is a cliché, andriivka , the direction of ivanivka, the direction of bohdanivka, kalinivka and directly of course times. but the fact that they intensified,
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you say artillery mortar shelling, it means that they brought some additional forces there, or they brought the weapons themselves, that's how it can be seen. i.e. that's right they have such an accent, it can be understood that they started to spend more shells, that is, one gun there can fire 50 shots per day, but today it has already started firing 80-100 shots, that is, it can be said , that here they have increased the supply of bull, well, ammunition directly, that is, they still provide important ones. importance to our shade of the front, that is why he is trying to increase something so resourcefully, to say that the immediate number of art systems, i can’t say that, although at one time, when the avdiiv
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operation ended, some artillery units were indeed moved in our direction, well, we can assume that they just hope that some of our units were... removed with a time gap and a window of opportunity opened for them to storm, well, it is possible, except that we will not confirm or say anything about it now , but i think that they hoped that the kharkiv operation would be a distraction and a window of opportunity opened for them , i understand that this window of opportunity has not opened much in them, well, at least in the time gap itself, because so far, you see, they cannot advance there much, absolutely not. because the units did not roll over from here, those units that protect this direction, they stay in place, and as for the window of opportunity, i would also say that when they found out that america had unblocked our aid and it would already be coming to us, they
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intensified their assault actions also so that we wouldn't have time to be provided with everything necessary in the amount we need. and that's what they've been trying to er take advantage of, but as of today, that window of opportunity, as you say, for them, it 's closed. mr. oleg, please explain how dangerous the situation with the tick was, in general, because, well, before it was, well, let’s put it this way, well, i would call it a gray area after all, although there were some of our own subdivisions and everything now, one might say, in the clutches of our subdivisions. there is no fact, as if the russians managed to do something there more than usual, and for them this south is very important, because without it they cannot implement this, you know, their maneuver, if they were to cover the chasivyar, but what they strengthened there, what they still have
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there these assaults were successful, how dangerous is it for us, how dangerous is this situation, well , it is such that it can be reversed... it cannot be reversed, what do you think about this? indeed, they strengthened this very direction, they threw there as motorized rifle regiments of the territorial troops, there we can... we can guarding two full-fledged brigades - 72 and 88 , their infantry, their storm z and storm b semi-criminal battalions are also there, if we take this direction, then in general it is our southern flank, precisely because klyshchevka, andriivka, and ivanovske are held, they cannot cover times as from the flanks, that is, this flank is still closed for them and... this prevents them from taking the semi-encirclement of times and trying to storm from several
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directions, and also, of course, it is the front, the front line, which is a combination between them, and of course, this flank is also important for them in order to carry out the same offensive actions, it is directly, like the pokrovsky direction and also the toretsky direction, which would be critical for our defense there, that is... to prevent the further advance of the enemy, you mean, right on this southern flank, klyschivka, andriivka, this is this area, what would be the most important thing to secure or strengthen there now from your point of view? well, if you take it that way, i would say so, because our brigade is an artillery brigade brigade and yet. until now it is recognized that artillery is a weapon of war and has a key, key role during hostilities, then
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i would say that of course these are projectiles, these are shots, i.e. in the quantity in which it is possible, because the infliction of fire damage is very dense, it deters the enemy, destroys him even before he begins direct offensive actions, well, if you take the battlefield directly, then mortar shots are also very important, and in general, any which one support that helps us maintain defense, stop the enemy and destroy, this also includes the latest it technologies, these are the same drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, i would also add any technical component here, the same reb, and of course we need to close here. heaven, so that we still had, if at least not an advantage, then that the enemy
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could not operate here at all. well, as far as i understand, klishchiivka itself is still located in such a lowland, and for now there are more such, well, let's say, the hills above it are still held by our troops, or not, or am i mistaken, explain this story a little, i know, it is just opposite, it is a height, the height from which bakhmu is controlled. but bakhmut itself is a city, it is really located in a lowland, so when we liberated klyshchivka andriivka, we created a problem for the russian units that were in bakhmut, we also created a problem for them for logistical communication - this is bakhmud-horlivka, also for that area, which is generally behind the railway, that is, the tick is still in this location, it is the dominant height, ugh, that is... in fact, it is quite critical, well such a place, which for us would still be
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desirable to fight back, as far as i understand, yes tactically, tactically yes, not strategically, of course, tactically yes, and i would not say that they completely took exactly this height, i would, i would so sure, you can't say that, not everything is so simple, our guys are there, they are holding on, it's really very difficult, because i... wouldn't be there, but the enemy in numbers is trying to us press, press, and they, like what we observed before, they really do not spare their people, personal warehouse, they attack them, as they were waved by them before, they leave, if earlier we could observe that during their attacks they tried to identify our firing points in order to hit them with fire from the same artillery, so on.. . today they try to somehow slip through, at least one or two people, to gain a foothold there, and then
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they attack these people again, let's say, only six or eight people can survive there, but for them this is already a success, even if two people dig in there somewhere, it is a success for them, that is, their losses are enough significant, but they do not pay attention to them and try to put pressure on us, and actually the chasivyar itself is interesting. tell us a little about it, what is happening in the city itself, how many people there are, now, are there still civilians there, how? how is all this happening there, well, the city itself, it is simply being destroyed today, destroyed by any means, before that we observed a fairly significant number of cabs being used, there were up to 30 to 40, but then we could recently observe the same as the reactive systems of the main fire are working during its heyday, that is, as a settlement itself
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, a priori, these are ruins, but if we take instead... the local population that remains there, according to official data, there were more than 600 of them there, for today i will not say how many exactly, because i am not sure that they can be counted now, because they are really there, they are really there, just as i had to observe it in bakhmut in my time, they are hiding there somewhere, there are such people who really expect the rutsky, this their rutsky... that cap they have here and there turns around, there are people who are left without any hope, because they really have nowhere to go, especially it is so dangerous that they are still sitting there and waiting, i am very grateful to oleg kalashnikov, the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade, who joined and told us enough, well
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, a lot of interesting and new things, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, our time is up, we will meet: in a week, well, we still have a lot of news, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, my name vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spressoy tv channel, for the next hour and 45 minutes we will be with you, i, you colleagues, we will talk about the most important things, oleksandr morchavka will have a lot of important and interesting information today. what will happen to taxes, is the dollar more expensive, is there a limit and what should the ukrainian economy actually prepare for, today we will measure the average temperature in the ward together with our expert, yuriy fizar, you will be told a lot of important and interesting information from outside ukraine, and serhii zgurets will tell more about how many boats were actually hit by the armed forces of ukraine with a nighttime attack
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by surface drones. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. hey vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the attack of our drones on russian qatar, about ammunition for ukraine from a new american enterprise and about the production of modern weapons already at our defense enterprises, what is new there, about it moment. tonight, may 30, operators of the subdivision group. the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense ukraine struck another successful attack on the enemy using kamigadze magura v5 naval drones. the target of the attack was russian vessels in the vuzka bay, the black sea village of the occupied crimea. at first, there were reports that the enemy had lost
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two boats, a type of submarine, then it was reported that the enemy's losses were actually twice as large. and what is interesting, the enemy tried to... somehow counter such a massive swarm attack by our drones, using helicopters and even raising aviation, but to hit these drones of ours failed, and in principle this attack was successful, but in any case the impression is that our drones should be equipped with missiles that are capable of attacking russian helicopters in the same way, i think this will be another intrigue in the use of our drones in the future . we carried out these attacks with ukrainian developments. but it seems that the ice is slowly melting, the ice is breaking in the issues of permission to use western weapons for strikes deep into the territory of the russian federation for military purposes, or for purposes that affect the aggressor's ability to conduct hostilities. already 12 european countries, especially those bordering
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russia, as well as the nato leadership emphasize the need for such a step, but the situation in... the main thing depends on the united states and germany, which for a long time did not consider such an agreement, although now the situation is really starting to change, literally yesterday there was a press conference of us secretary of state antony blinken in moldova, and he first repeated the thesis, which we already know, that the united states does not encourage and does not support strikes outside ukraine with american weapons, but ukraine should make its own decisions about the best way to effectively protect its capabilities, we have already heard, but there is still such a new detail related to air defense equipment, binkin said. that
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there are no restrictions on ukraine's use of air defense equipment supplied by the united states to shoot down russian missiles or russian fighter jets over russian territory, if they pose a threat to ukraine, - said the united states official, i hope that this will then turn into practical steps, and likewise from the side of berlin there are also some changes, because on tuesday german chancellor olaf scholz said that... ukraine can use weapons provided by germany within the framework of international law, and this can be interpreted as such a certain important step in the direction of lifting restrictions from berlin, but in any case, we understand that practice is the main criterion of truth, and i think that everything goes to the fact that ukraine will effectively use both patriots and long-range weapons systems, in accordance with our... needs on the battlefield, without further ado publicity, but the main effective thing is that it will actually satisfy the armed forces and our partners, at this time the united states
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is accelerating the production of ammunition for weapons that are needed by the armed forces and the american army itself, it is about 155 mm caliber ammunition, and the new york times announced that these munitions will be manufactured... in a new plant in texas, and interestingly, the production volume of these munitions will be 30,000 rounds per month, and in the long run, in the 25th year, this will allow the united states to reach production of ammunition 100,000 shells per month or 1.2 million per year, but in the 25th year, these shells will be supplied not only to ukraine, but will go to restore the united states' stocks. let me remind you that today the united states has supplied us with 3 million large-caliber ammunition. now our optimal
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need is 200 thousand per month or more than 2 million per year. the european defense industry promises to deploy capabilities within 1 million munitions by the end of the year. united states by the end of the year. will make about 800,000, and in fact this means that one way or another there is such a certain race in the production of ammunition in europe, the united states compared to the russian federation, which also now intends to have an ammunition production rate of about 2.4 million ammunition per year by the end of the year. and here, by the way, the czech initiative is important, today the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic announced that of the following. month, ukraine will receive czech ammunition, that is, ammunition purchased on the czech initiative somewhere in the amount of 50-100 thousand ammunition per month, and
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this will be an important addition to the american assistance, in particular in the field of the same ammunition, and when we talk about foreign-made ammunition, about the development of other countries, one way or another we understand that we still have to bet on our own. and how exactly our defense industry is developing, primarily private defense industry, we will talk about the example of the unification of the technological forces of ukraine, this unification combines the capabilities of several dozen of the most advanced technological private enterprises that manufacture unmanned systems and robotic platforms, and means of protection, and what is happening with our enterprise, we will talk with... our next guest joins us is kateryna mikhalko, this is the executive director of the association of technological power of ukraine, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear from on the espresso channel.
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good evening, thank you for the invitation. i would like to add optimism, and i hope that in comparison with last year, the volume of production of defense products at your enterprises is greater in comparison, i say with last year, is it really so? indexes is there anything that can be said, at least in percentages, about these indicators? of course, compared to last year, a larger number of private manufacturers, weapons, military equipment, drones, the same ammunition appeared, this is of course a positive dynamic for our country, because it is very important to have our own defense business inside the country, but i would separate the issue of capabilities manufacturers to make products, as well as our ability as a state to buy them. of course, i want to work on the second point so that the indicators are better, that is, i am talking about the volumes or the potential of manufacturing defense
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products at enterprises. of the defense industries, which are included, in particular, in your association, are larger than what the ministry of defense or other authorities order today. procurement, also not all products are needed by our army here and now, and since exports are still not allowed for defense products, and there are challenges with this. of course there are manufacturers, they feel this difficulty, that part products are not bought by anyone. and has it finally been possible to switch to three-year contracts with the main customers, so that our enterprises have the opportunity to somehow plan their strategic actions regarding the purchase of components and other components for the expansion of production? here we are very grateful to the ministries that they heard us, the industry heard them.
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and i know that both the ministry of defense and the ministry of strategic industries are currently working on regulatory projects to make such long-term procurement possible. none of these projects has not yet been adopted or voted on, but i hope that in the coming months a model will appear, according to which the state will be able to purchase weapons for several years to come. panikaterino, what are the main problems that concern our manufacturers, in particular, regarding booking personnel, because literally last week or this week there was a fireplace resolution that allows you to simplify the booking of employees of the defense-industrial complex, but this is a resolution, as it happens in practice, what are the risks? i am very grateful for this question, because, well, in general, the problem of reservation is the most significant for manufacturers at the moment, so legally it looks like the defense sector can reserve 100% of its team, but in fact,
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unfortunately, it is not... yes, because in a certain number of employees, the documents are not updated for various reasons, eh, and we conducted an internal survey of companies, and in fact 90% of the companies that are part of our association lost up to 30 employees, because when these people went to update the data in the tcc , formation centers, they were immediately mobilized, sent for training and it is not possible to return an employee back to production, this is a serious problem, because... these specialists are narrowly specialized, to replace such a person, sometimes it takes 3-4 months, at this moment production can be completely blocked, the capacity companies to produce, they are reduced to zero, uh, and this is a significant problem that currently there is no mechanism by which a person can update the data and be sure that he will not be mobilized, even if he is
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an employee of a company that has.. . state an order for the manufacture of weapons, what is the way out, because literally i saw a message that the ministry of defense plans to make an addition to this application reserve plus, which, conditionally speaking, will allow in such a remote format to provide reservations, is this a way out or is it possible that there still intermediate steps, any suggestions from your companies? ee , our position is that the reservation of opk employees is 100%. teams should take place in fact, not just legally, how can this be achieved? first of all, give an automatic postponement to a person updating data if she is an employee of a defense enterprise, to create a mechanism by which she cannot be mobilized here and now, if she is making weapons that our military needs, also, well, you asked about the reserve plus an appendix,
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an appendix in itself and renewal. there cannot be a reason for reservation, of course, the reason for reservation is the employment of a person in the company, and then approval in the lists for reservation, previously it was handled by the general staff, now it will be the ministry of defense, so it is necessary to enable all employees of the defense industry to safely update data, so that they are not mobilized, if it happens through a mobile application, that is also a solution, we will be grateful if it is really so, and then to recruit these people, because of course, to win... we need a strong army , but the army needs weapons, if we take away people from the military defense sector, we simply will not have our own weapons and we will win longer. ms. kateryna, what is the current relationship with the ministry of defense regarding speeding up the testing process, supplies for support or armaments, because with various enterprises different estimates, some say that the process has accelerated, others say that the situation has not really changed.


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