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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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there will be some document, some documents, you need to understand that this is both good and not quite good, i will explain why, because if there is no document, this case in general indicates that there were meetings to no avail, they wanted to talk heatedly, but the presence of a document, i will now ask you a question to myself, and what will the moscow führer, tehran... yatola, or the red chinese dictator implement this document? no, he will not fulfill it. just as they did not implement the resolution of the un general assembly of november 7, 2022, where there were cardinal and sharp demands to stop the aggression, as they did not fulfill the resolution of february 23, 2023, where they repeated these.
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in fact, the 10 points we are talking about, peace formulas, are included there, there is not only one position regarding ukraine's accession to nato, everything else is written there, so it is clear to me that 160 or 150 will gather, and although, as we remember, the un has 193 members, yes, maybe the pope will be there, rather it will be, and the universe will be there. patriarch, for me it's just a question, the universalist will be sitting patriarch and the pope, but the ecumenical patriarch will remember that in havana in 2016, the pope signed a declaration with the patriarch of kirill, not with the ecumenical patriarch, this will hang over this table, and the entourage, such as matteo zupi have long been in operational development of the fs. i mean the roman pope, well
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here are the details, because if you and i were to sit down, we would not have uttered all these details in a week that speak of what is actually happening in the world right now, everything that you and i are in the first part was spoken at the front, including her is connected with putting pressure on this forum, i.e. putin's activation at the front, this is the protuberance of aggression and the intensification of meat assaults, in particular in the north of kharkiv region, this is... so to speak, putin's attempt to disrupt the swiss forum, not only disrupt, change its content, please note that if you take the washington post, new york times, bild, guardian, delaser's career, everything that today writes, writes, writes, writes, writes, and at the end necessarily a paragraph, and at this time putin is preparing another, colossal, a huge offensive, no matter how much they are told about... there are two battalion groups, there
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is one battalion group, these are not the 200,000 who were near the borders in 2022, nobody is interested in this, and i do not condemn them, this their right to write what they consider necessary, we, in this situation, have to do our own thing, but this will affect the situation, including the content of the document that will be adopted, i am in favor of the next and not only such ... forums such as the un general assembly, where binding documents are adopted, in including at such forums as the global peace summit, some other resolution, statement, decree, whatever was adopted, but i know that these resolutions, decrees will have to be implemented by those who adopted them. and now it is a good question, but how to... make
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the moscow führer, the red chinese dictator, the fundamentalist ayatollah in tehran, this crested, chubby, kimchen, belarusian, this bull of the collective farm, then, the venezuelan madura, the syrian assad, to do these things, they they will not be accepted for execution, which is necessary for this, split connection between the stump and xijinping, from my point of view there is a universal tool for this, it is force. i will tell you my position like this: we are approaching a time when words do not work, then only force will work, the sooner, those who will go to the podium form, and the more of them will repeat, we need to form a joint force, we must... form a joint
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command and strike and defeat this evil. the greater their number, the faster we will find an answer to this question. mr. antin, well, two nations cannot fight for 7 billion or 8 billion population, well, it's unfair, well, don't we understand today that there is an iranian-israeli war, which is projected on the entire arab and african world, here there is a war in ukraine, after the aggression of the russian federation, which is projected on... . the whole european, american world, under such conditions, if everything ends only with a good text, but at the same time there will be conversations that will be in the context of what i just said, i will accept it as
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a positive result. moreover, actually similar performances, they should, as much as possible, be deployed after that by european means. through the world's mass media, to appeal, to persuade people, i cannot name them persons whose hands are covered in blood, there is no place for them without blood, because they are all cannibals, they destroyed so many people, they left so many dead that the word responsibility towards them, it is only a synonym. in one word: amputation. it is not for nothing that putin has now, in fact, started talking again about some istanbul agreements, but we understand that they are not are worth the paper on which they were not even signed, that is, we understand that these are empty papers that the russians flaunted, but
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it is not for nothing that putin has now spoken about this matter again, for what purpose do you think, mr. roman, this is a certain trade proposal with from putin's side, yes, because he again, again... returns to what was never signed in istanbul. mr. antin, these are just false maneuvers to bring down the mood that i am talking about in switzerland. this is a fake, the essence of which is simply to torpedo the necessary decisions that would lead really to the victory over this evil and gave the world a chance to breathe. this falsity, if you look at it since 2000. in the 14th year, it was traced in the tripartite contact group, then it is traced in the so-called position of china regarding the ukrainian crisis, it is even more traced in african peace proposals, even more it is traced in the position, yes the so-called position
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of the pope, well, things like erdogan's peace plan are just a fake, and the reference to a document dated february 2022 , mr. antin, and approved documents in international relations, which are not signed, they can drown more than one and heat up more than one nation in the world, but no one ever appeals to them, because this is just waste paper, this falsity that this butt, a bald moscow man, breathes, it lives in everything... what is called russia, and it is necessary to understand that at this time, in the current situation, the words are finished, the conversations are finished, and to continue to reflect on this falsity, well, i understand,
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you know, i have already gone through a lot in the negotiations processes from this falsity to this to say, if someone does not understand this, then it is his tragedy. we understand how kremlin diplomacy works, they can bypass us and try to look for certain negotiators in the west, for example, alternative forces of the deep state in the united states, we understand that there are upcoming elections and so on, in the european union, and this would all be done behind the scenes, we understand that great britain itself is also heterogeneous, although in public everything will be very clear, specific, democratic and so on, and behind the scenes there are different currents. they can pass us by yeah well, i would also like to eventually get a normal number of long-range weapons and the corresponding permission and license for their use, i am not saying against some civil-military facilities there, no, against specific military facilities, in particular, as,
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for example , military airfields of the russian federation, or places of logistics management and concentration of the command staff of their troops, well, as much as possible, they are shelling us, state secretary antony blinken says that it would be good to change the american concept of permits, anyway, for now everything is on place, and the aviation is where it is, so to speak, at the is, that is, not at our military airfields covered by additional patriot systems, here is this design, it is also very worrying when for the first time, for the third time since "this discussion appeared, i studied the transcript very carefully, looked at everything i said, and i want to give some explanations here, why there is no wrong position here, let me put the question to... everyone, and yes, the correctness of ukraine in that she insists that
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she be given the necessary weapons in order for her moved the war to enemy territory. strategically, it is an absolutely correct position, but at the same time, mr. antin, dear listeners, pay attention to the second position, the position right here: give air defense systems, give anti-aircraft systems and... nato should shoot down enemy air objects over the territory of ukraine. three positions. now congressman mcconnell says: ukrainians cannot be limited in their desire and plans to fire at the enemy's territory and relevant objects. he is absolutely right, because it corresponds to the strategic plan of moving the war to enemy territory. and the secretary of state. blinken answers him: we do not restrict the ukrainian
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side from using weapons at its discretion. we recommend the ukrainian side not to do this due to tactical approaches. i will explain why. because blinkin says: you will first provide your population with infrastructure, together with us, with air defense systems and pro systems. do not put them at risk, then do the first, second, and third, because if you do not have the necessary complex of the population protection system and infrastructure, and you will fire at the enemy's territory, in response he will fire at you more and more actively every time, as a result, this will lead to an increase in casualties. and growth, destruction of infrastructure. mr. antin, many
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specialists miss this nuance in the emotions of war. it is clear that it is easier to cut out certain words, to take them out of context. therefore, mcconnell and blinken are right. there are several questions here. mcconnell's position, what's more? the desire to help ukraine, or in... the election campaign, which is more in blinken's position, plan to help ukraine, attention, or continue the dialogue with moscow? you and i can count it only from the point of view of analytics, because we do not have enough data. we don't know when mcconnell and donald trump are talking, and we also don't know how the problems of international space are solved today. station between washington and moscow, in what way is the dialogue on
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implementation conducted today, because it has failed, and this is a danger, how is the dialogue on the issue of the nuclear balance, because it is also done, in what way, we do not know how often the tube of direct communication between washington and moscow is being picked up, that is, we cannot be initiated, because just as the american congressman does not know what is done in the... broken house, you and i do not know what is done in the bank, because i was there , was there for a very long time, was under many presidents, and i can compare what sounds on the air and what actually happens in this environment, it is in individual cases, well, completely different things, so here is what shows today situation, she says: this is about such a principle: let's first ensure everything that concerns the safety of the population, infrastructure,
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and then we will solve the issue of transferring the war to the territory of the enemy, there is no contradiction here, there is only the correctness of the strategy and the need to clarify the tactics in the implementation of this strategy. this is the same as we discussed with you on the first question. if... you planned personnel changes, then you should have provided informational support for them, and not , after carrying out the personnel changes, let the dog down and start... harassing those whom you have just appointed, what have you done? thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important, honest analysis on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny was currently working on the air of espress, more interesting information can be found on his personal youtube channel, and you will also
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find no less information on to the espresso youtube channel, watch espresso, and leave it. informed. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this days take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if any european integration fails. us, then we will be in this limbo just an infinite number of times. but why does the supreme court of justice leave unscrupulous judges in their posts. i bought it for what, but i sold it. congratulations, this is a program of judicial control, and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. how a new ukraine is being formed judicial power, and is it really possible
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to talk about a total renewal with confidence? experts notice alarming symptoms that can be behind... the whole reform, about all this today, but first traditionally, to the news: the company of the wife of the head of the kyiv district court of odesa, serhiy chvankina, bought an apartment in maidama for 310 thousand dollars, or almost 12 million uah as reported by investigation info, the apartment was purchased by the company of the wife of judge nela golubeva, however , her salary as a lawyer and teacher of the odessa law academy does not allow such expenses as wages. the judge himself. according to the florida company registry , golubeva opened a company in the united states that year in february. and in less than a month, the company purchased 105 m2 in miami, a few hundred meters from the coast of the atlantic ocean. previously, the public integrity council in its conclusion about the judge's non-compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics noted that the fortunes of chvankin and his family
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are of dubious origin. meanwhile, the press service of the kyiv district court of odesa published a rebuttal. information about purchase of an apartment in miami, noting that the property was purchased on credit for 30 years, however, the loan agreement was never published in court. also, the statement of the press service traces the alleged threat of lawsuits to the journalists who published the news about the real estate registered to the firm of judge chvankin's wife. the higher qualification commission continues to conduct interviews with candidates for the position of judge and with current employees of themis. assessing their integrity and professional competences, and although this is already an updated composition of the vkk, which was formed under participation of foreign specialists and taking into account high international standards, experts and public activists notice a decrease in the quality of conducting assessments. the commission is increasingly turning a blind eye to non-compliance. we reloaded the highest qualification commission of judges by 100%. expectations from them, and this is not only
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the expectation of ukrainian society, because it is a request to clean up the judiciary. it has been very relevant since the days of the maidan, since the revolution of dignity, and we have only just started this process, or have resumed, let's say, the qualification evaluation of judges, which it started back in 2015, with a new body that was supposed to finally free us from unscrupulous judges, and everything started as if it was not bad, but now the percentage of cases, the percentage of judges in respect of which the public integrity council made a negative decision, i.e. recognized them as unscrupulous, in respect of which it agreed higher qualification commission of judges today 38% of only more than 110 judges who have already passed the qualification evaluation, at least 62 had negative conclusions of the public integrity council, and more than half of them higher qualification commission, despite the dubious integrity, recognized them as suitable for the position and only sent 22 to dismissal, that is, in
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two-thirds of the cases, the higher commission of judges... throws into the trash all those facts and all those things that were found regarding judges, their dishonesty, their property, their previous solutions and so on. this is a bad figure, but a catastrophic trend, because if this continues, there is every chance that in a few months, not even years, the vkks will reach the figures of the previous vkks kozyakov, who was actually dismissed for failure of the judicial reform, when only 15 of the 300 judges who...passed the qualification assessment were dismissed. for example, the judge of pavlograd city district court of dnipropetrovsk region serhiy. grandmother in 2018, babiya's wife bought a toyota chr car for almost 800,000 uah. babii says that part of the amount for him was allegedly
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given to his wife by her mother, and he paid the rest. but in the declaration, the judge for some reason did not indicate either the mother's gift or his own. it was said: i i give the old one to my mother, and she helps me with you 50-50 50-50 to buy a new one. all! in 2013, serhii babiya's wife... took care of the shares of the ebrd public joint-stock company worth almost uah 110,000. according to the foundation, at that time it had no official income, the judge did not report such shares or income from their disposal in any of the annual declarations. my wife purchased these securities with her own funds, i had nothing to do with this operation, so i actually bought them for what, but sold them. and where did she get these funds? here in this, in this matter. the wife always had her own free funds. the public council of virtue draws attention to the connections of judge
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serhii babii with the current people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on legal policy , oleksiy demchenko. in particular, together they were the founders of a law firm and even jointly own an office with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped participating in. in the company, communication with demchenko continued episodically, on a formal basis, i am a member of the working group of the ukrainian parliament on issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which were created by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko. from 2018 to 2021, the judge and members of his family traveled to russia several times, according to the public integrity council. babii crossed the border with the aggressor country at least six times and returned to ukraine in less than a week. babiy himself explains this by the rules of border registration and allegedly
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incorrectly entered information into the system. the referee's file includes naboo's information, and the departure airport is indicated dnipro, arrival airport sharmershe, section of the russian border. have you crossed the border from the russian federation? no. did not cross this explanation fully satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council thoroughly studied his biography and found him unscrupulous. the ethical council, which was involved in the reform of the supreme council of justice, which, together with international experts, admitted that, more precisely , it did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, and in fact, the judge was recognized as unscrupulous. higher kolyvkom commission of judges on qualification assessment says. everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in the updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often, the higher qualification
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commission of judges turns a blind eye to the judges' removal of drunken drivers. the servants of themis use a common scheme of prolonging the term of consideration of a case, and then simply closing it because the terms have expired. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving. as a result we have there were accidents, including fatal ones, literally not so long ago a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunk pokidyok, sorry, driving a car whose rights were not taken away by the judge six months before, despite all this, the higher commission of new judges of kviliv recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of justice retained ada pedenko, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, who, according to the calculations of the public virtue council, actually granted amnesty to 21 drunk drivers. and alina goncharova, judge of the slavyansk city district court of the donetsk region, who closed about 100 cases for drunken driving. judge goncharova, who
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more than 50% of the cases she had for drunk driving were closed by the statute of limitations, that is, it means that most of the cases that you consider in this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the time limit simply expires. last year in november, the higher qualification commission. of judges and the public integrity council agreed on a joint list of markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, as well as the principles of their application. however, vkks, seems to have decided to ignore the arrangements. drunk driving are indicators written in black and white in the criteria, which are jointly agreed by the highest commission of judges and the public integrity council, which are indicators of dishonesty, that is, that is... other bodies have agreed that if there are such cases, it is dishonest, the decision opposes the decision of the same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification
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assessment. and therefore the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine will be under threat. there is a qualification assessment of judges one of the priorities. the reset of the vcks was one, there was number two, the reset of the vcks and the grp of seven points, which we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on accession to the eu. that is, in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then there will be no european integration for us... well, that is, we will simply be in this limbo for an infinite number of years in the status of a candidate and will surpass turkey simply by this parameter, which is already there 25 years so currently, the quality of the work is actually higher qualification commission of judges depends on whether the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and therefore the path to the european union. and for today, i have everything if you want to report corrupt judges or
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illegal decisions. message me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. we are looking for 15-year-old kamila neronova from the kharkiv region. the girl lived in the urban-type village of kozacha on the border with russia. at the beginning of the war, this settlement was occupied, but in september 2022, it was released, and about six months later, at the end of february 23, information appeared about the disappearance of kamila, where the girl may be now is unknown, maybe she was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe to russia. therefore, it is very important to find out at least some information about the circumstances
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of kamila's disappearance. attention to the photo: the girl looks about 15 years old, she has dark hair and brown eyes. so if anyone has seen camila or knows where she might be, please call the magnolia children's helpline immediately on 11630. calls from of any ukrainian mobile operator, free of charge. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service. in a telegram. we are also looking for 12-year-old vlad lyubechev, who went missing on june 1, 2023, and since then nothing has been known about him. a boy disappeared in the city of vovchansk, kharkiv region. if you know anything about him, don't delay and call us on the hotline at 116.30, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i emphasize that they are important.
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the search has any, even the smallest details, and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, it really helps a lot in the search, and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can recognize the child and give important information. and i also ask you to look at the photos of the missing boys and girls, which are posted on the website of the children's search service. if you recognize any of them, please call 11630. this is the magnolia children's helpline. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. it is clear that now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find have disappeared due to circumstances somehow related to the war. but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing due to running away from home.
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mostly boys and girls resort to this. in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive parental attention, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the child tracing service has prepared a series of tips for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is the parents' respect for the child. manifest. respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up, and what was normal in behavior with a small child is completely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example, and we cannot enter a room without knocking on a teenager, especially we cannot enter the bathroom when he's in there, you can't rummage through his personal things without permission, no you can read his correspondence, it all violates his privacy, violates boundaries.


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