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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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a separate mechanized brigade on atvs to evacuate the wounded, and i will also remind you that at 9 o'clock we throughout the country honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the russian army attacked kharkiv at night, the local authorities say that they hit a residential high-rise building, there are dead people, and people may still remain under the rubble, but the discussions about the state agency do not stop in the network ukrinform on... it’s like dark people from the authorities regarding how the publication should work, we can’t bypass this topic either, my name is oleg galiv, this is the svoboda ranok project, the chat under the broadcast gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and impressions, so comment on what you see . four people died, 25 were injured, this is the latest data from kharkiv, among them two children, such are the consequences of the night russian attack on the city. russian forces struck the city's novobarv district with several rockets. one of the rockets. entered the apartment building. about this
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told the national police, as well as the regional military administration. local residents, a man and a woman, died as a result of hitting an apartment building. several floors of one of the entrances were completely destroyed. another rocket hit the ground on the territory of shveino otsekha, as a result of which a security guard died. people may still be under the rubble, search operations are continuing. according to volodymyr tymoshka, head of the national police department in the kharkiv region. russian forces used tactics. of double strokes to to do the most damage, there was at least one strike at first, then after a short period of time, literally minutes, there was another strike, so i think that they aimed first, most likely adjusted, only then struck, based on the fact that it exclusively a residential area, then a sleeping area, and, most likely, the blow was once again aimed at the epicenter of the city so that in... these seconds
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, dmytro chubenko, the spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, joins the broadcast of svoboda ranok. i welcome you. congratulations. mr. dmytro, first of all sympathy kharkiv what are the updated data as of now regarding the victims and those who died as a result of the attack by russian forces on the city. the search continues. the poshu-rescue operation is not over yet. how many people can remain under the rubble and is there an understanding, in fact, how long it will take to dismantle these rubbles. as of now, we have four dead and 25 injured people, among the injured are two children aged about 12 years, search and rescue operations are ongoing and there is no understanding of the number of people, whether they are at all or not are under the rubble, that is, for this understanding, a full analysis must be carried out and only then will there be an answer to this question, in fact , russia... carried out an attack on the novobavarsky
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district with five s-300 or s-400 missiles beforehand, an attack on civilian infrastructure, on industrial zone, on residential buildings, actually shelling this civilian infrastructure is a war crime, which was qualified by prosecutors, together with investigators, as a war crime under the second part of article 438 of the criminal code of ukraine, a violation of the laws and customs of war. please tell me, this polypov. the nod, which was hit by russian forces, is it located somewhere possibly next to military facilities, or is it still an area of ​​the city where there are no military buildings? well, first of all, there are no military facilities nearby, and secondly, precisely because of the specifics of our region, the russians launch missile strikes on the entire territory of ukraine with the aim of intimidation.
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moral and psychological influence on the residents of ukraine, and in kharkiv, perhaps, this is more evident than in other regions, since we are a border city, and here they use not only dwarf missiles, but also... cheaper, more accessible for russia s-300, s-400 missiles, guided aerial bombs, which are less expensive, which are in larger quantities in the russian federation, which would are fired at a distance of up to 100 km and with these munitions they are very actively shelling the city of kharkiv and the kharkiv region, in particular, and there is no need to look for any logic in such strikes, no need to look for any motives, because... well, many journalists, many citizens of ukraine , foreign citizens, are trying to understand the logic in what the russians are doing, but there is no point in looking for logic, since there is none, in principle, and besides,
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when we look for some logical explanations, including when we try to analyze the situation and to some extent understand the enemy, in it is not necessary to understand the enemy in this situation, in this situation. it is necessary to fight with him, to go to his goal, victory, and in our direction of the work of the prosecutor's office, this is the documentation of war crimes and proving in the tribunal that the military and political leadership of russia is to be blamed, their conviction and prosecution responsibility the head of the regional military administration, mr. snyagubov, wrote that the russian army used a double-strike tactic, that is, at a time when medics, rescuers, and law enforcement officers were already working on the spot , a second strike was made. was there time or was there not time to somehow warn those who were at the scene that there might be a new arrival, how does it happen when there is constant shelling in kharkiv, and am i correct in my understanding that emergency personnel are there at peak times, both medics and law enforcement officers, they are not
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they stop their work when, for example , an event like yesterday happened, when a high-rise building was hit and they came to rescue people, but they were really there yesterday. strikes already at the moment when the services were working on the spot, in particular there is one injured among the police officers who was already on the spot, provided help and was injured during this double strike, regarding the rules of security algorithms that are present at the place of work, i have all the details i will not report, but i will say that information about launches missiles, it is available and safety measures are applied. while working at such missile strike sites, because there is an understanding of double-strike tactics and the possibility of the russians striking again, and as to whether there was an alarm, i am not prepared to say at that
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time whether there was an alarm, but in principle the emergency services, especially the state emergency service, make maximum efforts at the sites of missile attacks for... operative liquidation of the consequences and rescue of people, if there is a really real, real threat, this does not apply to air alarms, launches strategic aviation, and this concerns real threats, when air defense servicemen provide operational information about real launches, the possibility of real missile strikes, then certain security measures are applied and for some time. based on the circumstances, it is possible to stop the consequences of liquidation, but yesterday the process of liquidation of these consequences was not actually stopped, when was there a second strike? i am not ready to tell you specifically about
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yesterday's events, how it happened, and we have one injured policeman as a result of this missile strike, and even when these safeguards occur. in the measures, there is no understanding of where the rockets will hit, so that ’s all, mr. dmitry, literally 30 seconds more for clarification, also, yesterday’s case, when there was a double strike, when the double strike tactic was used, according to the local authorities, it was done specifically in order for there to be as many victims as possible in kharkiv at the point of impact from the side of the russian federation? ah, as for what specific motives and goals the russians have, i can't say for sure, that's it again still. assumptions, what we see in the consequences are injured people, it doesn't matter what goals they pursued, there are consequences, this is actually a violation of the laws and customs of war and the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and in addition, a blow to the emergency services during the assistance to the injured, this is double , a double violation
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of the laws and customs of war, simple. thank you, dmytro, dmytro chubenko, spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, about the consequences of the attack on the kharkiv high-rise on the eve of the search and rescue operation. continues biden secretly allowed ukraine to use american weapons on the territory of russia. politico writes about this with reference to five anonymous sources, three of which. american officials, confirmation of this information from an american official, and voice of america journalists also received anonymously. true, these weapons can only be used for strikes in one direction, at the positions of russian troops near kharkiv oblast, from where they are preparing to attack ukraine, but the policy of banning long -range strikes inside russia has not changed. reported one of politico's sources. another edition of the new york times wrote that biden is close to changing his position and allowing the use of american weapons for... purposes in russia. the ukrainian authorities, as well as some american congressmen, are asking the us president to do this.
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nato secretary general jen stoltenberg also spoke in favor of such a decision. representatives of several european countries, such as france, germany, great britain, poland, denmark, the netherlands, the czech republic, latvia, lithuania and estonia, agree that ukraine should be allowed using their weapons on targets in russia. i noted that earlier the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, mark milley, stated that washington did not ask kyiv for anything. to use us-provided weapons to attack russia. in response to such discussions, vladimir putin said the other day that in the case of the use of long-range weapons in russia, serious consequences are possible and hinted at a global conflict. rostislav khotyn, an international viewer of radio liberty joins our broadcast in these seconds. rostyslav, i congratulate you, this is the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic during the meeting, commenting on the ministerial meeting that is currently taking place in the czech republic, said that the main goal will be an exchange of views on the upcoming nato washington summit in july, experts are already saying that
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ukraine will not receive an invitation to the alliance, so what ministers exchange opinions and how they plan to contain russia. well, and an interesting moment, given the information that has appeared, can the exchange of these opinions be somehow affected by the politician's statement that biden allegedly allowed the shooting of weapons western on the territory of russia, even on the territory bordering ukraine. well, really, oleg, they said that the president... let's not talk about it officially, but an order was allegedly given through secret channels, according to several sources, that ukraine can use american weapons on russian territory. as soon as nato secretary general jenes stotelberg was asked here in the chernin palace, where this informal meeting of ministers is taking place, how he feels about this, he said that ukraine should have the right to strike at the russian territory, but responsibly, i.e. what the american position is about now and the german ones, for example, which were previously wavering on this issue, now seem to agree, have removed reservations or are removing them. it is about the fact that ukraine can
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only be in the kharkiv area, only close to the border, not far into russia, only for military purposes, from where drones, missiles, long-range artillery strikes, from where they take off in ukraine planes that drop guided aerial bombs on kharkiv, that is, on military facilities in by no means civilian targets, by no means there... asked about ukraine's recent strike on the early warning radar of russia's strategic nuclear system in krasnodar krai, he said, avoiding a direct answer but saying that ukraine should use western weapons to strikes on russia are responsible, this was a quote, so the situation in terms of changing the american and german position is developing right before our eyes. the second point, which will be very much discussed here in kolar, is also this french initiative of emmanuel macron. about sending western troops to ukraine, now paris is forming a coalition, and this may be this initiative,
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the announcement of sending several hundred french military instructors as early as next week, so now a coalition is being formed, britain, the baltic countries, poland may join it, that is, those who that are ready now to send instructors not to participate in combat operations on the front line, but for instructor roles for demining, that is, such support functions. another issue, of course, is the preparation for... the washington summit, it looks like yestoton is taking the initiative of a rather large fund for ukraine, the number appears to be approximately this, according to sources in the western press, somewhere around 40 billion euros per year will be allocated by nato and the west for ukraine, in order for it to restrain aggression, as mr. stontelberg is here just now, that russia, moscow must know that we will support ukraine for a long time, as long as necessary, so that 40 billion euros per year will be possible, nato will take over your... at the tonkin summit all the coordination of aid to ukraine from america nato will already be the coordinator of this assistance.
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then another question: 2% of gdp for defense. now almost 2/3 of the alliance members will spend 2% of their gross domestic product on defense. another thing is that very strong signals are now being sent to ukraine before the washington summit to lower the bar of expectations regarding ukraine's membership in nato. it is not necessary to set very high expectations too high, so that later they will not be. them and not constantly talk about some kind of betrayal on the part of nato, so now the ukrainians are being asked to curb their appetites for membership, but there will be a clear political signal in washington that the future of ukraine... will be in the north atlantic alliance, and one more point, which is now being finalized here, since this is the last meeting of ministers before the washington summit, which will take place in july from 9 to july 11, and the candidacy of the next nato secretary general, who will replace jens stolterberg after 10 years at the head of the north atlantic alliance, is being discussed , a consensus in principle is already being built, it will be
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dutch prime minister mark rutte, but there is still one country that has reservations some po... which does not have a hundred percent consensus of all 32 nato members. this country is viktor orbán's hungary. oh this hungary. olezhe thank you, rostyslav, for such a detailed analysis of what is actually happening in the czech republic during the informal meeting of ministers and representatives of nato countries, as well as what signals ukraine will receive at the washington summit. thank you very much. rostislav khotyn, an international viewer of radio liberty from the czech republic, was in touch with us live. and should it be allowed? to beat ukraine with western weapons on russian territory, that's it our correspondents in european countries asked eu citizens. let's listen to the answers of people on the streets of warsaw, prague and brussels. i will only add that this survey is not representative, but only the personal opinion of those with whom rfe/rl spoke. yes, for what? for that, something like that. yes, because
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it is such a defense through an attack. they fire at strategic ukrainian targets. that's why russian lithuania is an oil refinery. i will not express myself because i am a pacifist. of course they have to smash them to pieces. with bandits no rules can be followed because thugs don't follow them themselves. it is difficult for me to say something on this topic. i would like the war to end and for no one to attack anyone. should ukraine attack? defend more effectively, and this is possible only when ukraine will be able to repel the blows it receives from russia, no one blocks its attacks on ukrainian soil, so why should it be the other way around? i think so, that would be
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fair, i don't know how it will end. should ukraine ask for permission to attack the military? targets on the territory of russia with western weapons. ukraine was attacked, so they have the right to defend themselves. i believe that if this weapon is delivered to ukraine, it is already theirs, and they can do whatever they want with it. i support ukraine, but i don't know what to do with western weapons. we are monitoring the situation, but so far it does not look positive. we have to support ukraine, and we agreed to it, but western weapons on the territory of russia, i don't know, it's a difficult issue, because no one knows how putin will react to it, lest it turn into an even bigger war.
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i think i shouldn't, because we see what the russians are doing, so i would allow the ukrainians to do whatever they need, because all this is already beyond the limits, that's my opinion. i think that this would be a justified response, which would be appropriate and normal given the situation, but the consequences of an attack directly on russian territory could be very significant, and we may not face them either in europe, or in the world, in general, with our allies, but i 'm afraid that... the answer will be much more cruel perhaps russia's reaction will be very, very violent, and it may apply to ukraine. this can have disastrous consequences. therefore, we must take into account the fact that civilians always pay, and we must be careful with the lives of civilians. therefore, we should not endanger the people who
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live in such countries. all means necessary for the defense of the country must be allowed. this is not an optimal situation, but it is a fair answer. i think there are still a lot of discussions and controversial positions in italy. but i think there is a fairly large majority population, which is for fair protection of ukraine. and i think the latest statements of the russian authorities and putin shed light on what needs to be done. and i think if germany changes its position. it helps in this matter. the threat to freedom of speech, censorship and the return of the dark men. these topics are now being actively discussed due to the publication of the material of ukrainian pravda, which talks about... the fact that after the appointment of oleksiy matsuka as the director general of the state information agency of the ukrinform agency, darkrooms with unwanted speakers appeared in the editorial office, the topic was investigated by my colleague kateryna
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nekrechcha, katya, hello, so what did you manage to find out? hello oleg, greetings to all our viewers, i will start by saying that this topic is actually wider and it is not only about the media community, it is worth paying attention to our viewers. i will immediately note that while preparing this material, we asked for comments from many speakers, including those mentioned in the ukrainian pravda article, not all of them responded, so we have what we have. the concept of temniks appeared in the early 2000s, and it is simply to explain the instructions from the authorities to journalists who topics, which speakers can be invited, and which cannot be invited to broadcasts. in this way, the government tries to influence the public's opinion about certain events. media experts hint that ukraine has returned to the past and the authorities are trying to control the media. i will briefly convey the essence of the material entitled all my own, how ukrinform takes control of the president's office. this article was published by ukrainian truth on may 29. according to the journalists of the publication, when preparing the material , they spoke with dozens of people in ukrinform,
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the president's office, the cabinet of ministers and media environment and made such a conclusion. the office of the president influenced the information policy, the information policy of the agency through the general director oleksiy matsuka. he said that he sent regional editorials, recommendations, which topics should be covered by correspondents in the regions, from whom to take comments. who are undesirable persons. the article also states that the new heads of the agency received much higher bonuses than the old employees . journalists describe his appearance there almost as a raider capture, and he was appointed, they say, on the recommendation of the head of the president's office, andrii yarmak. during the 7 months of his leadership , dozens of people left the agency, including ex-head oleksandr kharchenko, under whom ukrinform was included in the list of leaders in the ratings from... according to the results of monitoring of compliance with journalistic standards, and oleksiy matsuka announced the end of his work at ukrinform on 24 in may of this year, just
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a few days before the publication of the investigation by ukrainian pravda journalists. previously, he worked as the editor-in-chief of the state a tv personality, he is also the founder of the news agency novosti donbas and worked for radio liberty and was the author of programs on hromadskyi. matsuti's replacement was appointed as soon as the ministry of culture announced the appointment. serhiy cherevaty, the former spokesman for the eastern group of forces of the armed forces of ukraine for strategic communications, is the new general director of ukrinform. in order for this post to be held by a military man, on the eve of may 23, president zelenskyi signed the relevant decree. mr. cherevaty told me in an interview that he was invited to this job by the minister of culture and information policy, rostislav karandeiv. he did not feel pressure from the authorities, he could have refused his position, but he believes that this is part of the defense. to the state, so that the world does not forget about the war, what does it need to understand about the standards of journalism, the pot-bellied told me, and about freedom of speech, let's listen, i absolutely could have refused, that
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was it, there was no imposition, there was no pressure, coercion, no, it was, well, it was proposed in a very correct form and, in principle, it was outlined that there were issues, and which it is necessary to decide, i understood that and perhaps under... their circumstances i would not have agreed if it were not for the time of war. i say, i took it as a challenge and an opportunity to serve my country, and not any career growth there, i am not a fact that i would have agreed under other circumstances. ugh. and where did your name come from, your candidacy arose there in the ministry of culture, do you know, or in the office of the president, maybe? no, i don't know anything about the president's office, i know that we met the acting minister once at the strathcom forum. had, had, well, such... significant contacts with him, also with another deputy shevchenko, with some of the team, so how did it arise internally
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, well, a decision, acting as a minister, can consult with anyone, and he makes the decision, that's him he made the decision and he proposed it, and yesterday we outlined a range of tasks for the team, there were certain problematic issues and so on. ugh, i'm used to it, and this is exactly my advantage as a military man, that i'm used to working in subordinate structures, and here i think it's right, it legal field, and it is normal when you have a designated manager and you work with him within the limits set by the law. a military officer in the position of head of a non-military information agency, this fact caused a lot of criticism in the media environment, a military officer must carry out military orders, and the task of the media is to provide objective, unbiased information, said the director of the mass media institute. i use
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and will continue to use exclusively ukrainian and international legislation and my absolute pro-western convictions man, who am i, if journalists wanted to dig into my background, they would know that , for example, in 2003, i know that such dark people are not from some legends, in 2003, as a captain at the television and radio studio of the ministry of defense, i started a program with my colleagues security territory about nato, and we have the medvedchukov administration there , vasiliev is like that... they did everything and threw it off the air several times and threatened all kinds of things and other things, those who worked on this topic know very well, and even i made a publication in the newspaper the other day i was afraid then, thanks to larisa alekseevna ivshchyna, she then allowed it and supported it, so there is no need to convince me of this, i am an absolutely pro-western, pro-european person, tolerant, adequate,
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everyone who worked with me at the front... knows that i did everything so that the mass media , in addition to strict security restrictions, had the right to work, that's why i am, but i emphasize that i absolutely respect the opinion of the head of the institute of mass information, maybe she is right, we are a democratic country, we are not russia, and if a decision is made that i'm going back to another one position, i will say, thank you all for the work done, thank you that i was able to do something... whether or not i was able to do something will be determined by people, time will also determine, it is important that during the preparation of this material we asked for comments from oleksiy matsuka, representatives of the office president, in particular zelenskyi's press secretary serhii nekiforov, yermak advisor mykhailo podalyak, yermak spokeswoman dasha zarivno, and while no comments have been received, the head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, nikita poturaev, said that he does not think that because of the history of by ukrinform, the country is returning to the era of darkness and censorship, but in his opinion
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it should be ended. media reform and state media in ukraine should not exist at all. so, oleg, we, we are waiting for comments and are ready to provide our platform for this. yes, thank you katya. katryna nekrecha was in touch with us with all the information regarding the scandal with ukrinform. well, it should be noted that before the broadcast, our editors spoke with the senior adviser to the head of the president's office , daria zarivna, and she promised that she would comment as soon as possible. exactly this situation also agreed to talk with us, so we will monitor this situation, well, in these seconds, yaroslav yurchyshyn joins us, he is a people's deputy of ukraine from the voice, the head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech. congratulations. good morning. yaroslav, let's first of all give a brief summary of what you and your committee managed to investigate, in particular, the current state of the so-called darkrooms for ukrinform, were they there or not, if they were, who is directly responsible for this, and how is this responsibility share and between whom? and now
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we can only assume who is the ultimate customer of the recommendations, which can be quite clearly characterized as an actual influence, an attempt to influence the formation of a journalistic position, which in principle is prohibited in the criminal process of ukraine, in the criminal legislation, there are 171 articles that actually impose responsibility. on those who hinder the independent activity of journalists, and in this case there is every reason to believe that those facts that are publicly stated in the ukrainian truth and then confirmed by journalists, at least with one oblast from chernihiv that this is how they received such recommendations, that is, there was an attempt to introduce temniks, thank god, the journalists did not use these recommendations, as
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the colleagues from chernihiv actually say, and they trivially ignored them, but the very fact of the appearance of such recommendations , this is what the law enforcement agencies should first of all figure out, that is why our committee sent a request to the prosecutor general's office, and we are waiting for information and next week we will determine as a committee, where we will move further into these. case, and does the committee plan, yes, continue, continue, continue, yes, in fact , before the ukrainian truth appeared, there were rumors earlier that mr. matsuka was using rather strange approaches in editorial policy, but these were conversations that, in principle, should be responded to in some official way, it was difficult enough, but the journalists have now provided facts that should be evaluated.


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