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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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around september sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. espresso. events events happening just for. times and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood, antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio event with anton borkovskii at espresso. the information day of the tv channel in rozpala: it is coming and we are talking about the good news,
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yes, which is coming to us, so, dear tv viewers, so that you do not doubt, they say that the price of electricity is going up, yes, when we were assured that there would be certain moratoriums on the price increase and so on and so on, well, we immediately, you know, in the depths of our such of post-soviet souls, well, we felt that if we are warned that there will be a moratorium, then a price increase is being prepared, well, accordingly , this plan begins to be implemented, and now... oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, man and politician who in general, he fought like a lion, both for the tariffs to be fair or fairer, and because he, well, honestly said, let's dance because of what the cost of electricity is, and accordingly, then we will derive a certain formula, but specialists, so to speak, are connected with by representatives of the energy lobby, so-called various experts, but no, we have to derive it from
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market prices, and market prices are, you know, the average temperature in the room, somewhere in the czech republic they are the same, in norway they can be completely different and so on and so on so on, a complex pricing system, and plus we also take into account the level, so to speak, of salaries, pensions and everything else, and in general the structure of what is called the energy market of the developed capitalist countries of the european union, mr. oleksiy, please tell us, therefore, how long struggle, or was it possible to convince the representatives of the same administration, what was the formula, what is the cost in us, and what do we have to pay now, in particular, when this tariff increases in price, so, let's do it, first of all, as a professional person , i will comment on that happened literally 20 minutes ago, so our broadcast is right on the heels of it. of course, it
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is difficult to call it good news, well, i understand that you said it with sarcasm, but the first thing that happened was that on may 31, on the last day of the trial, the government adopted a resolution, changes to government decree, changed the mechanism of placing so-called special obligations on two state companies, energoatom and ukrhydroenergo, and obliged. these two state companies supply the population with electricity at the following price, for all categories, regardless of the volume of consumption, the price is set at 4.32, 4 hryvnias , 32 kopecks, this is with vat, for hostels, that is , where there is no accounting, where there there is a very difficult
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situation, there is a special price of 2.64 and a special discount for those who have it properly and legally established the heating is electric and it is exclusive, you understand, that is, no, not gas and electricity, i choose electricity, no-no, no, no, if only you have electricity for... if you consume you six winter months from october 1 to respectively 1 april, i.e. six months of the heating season, 200 kv for heating is sold for supplied as old. 2.64, everything above 200 kwh
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will be at the new price of 4.32, well, it's unpleasant, but it's realistic, and i see this in front of me. constitutes a decisive part of the government, now i begin to comment on how a politician, as an expert in public administration, a former minister, a deputy, and so on, you know, i sent a letter to the government at the beginning of the week, asked to invite me, as the first deputy head of the profile committee, to a meeting of the committee, government meeting so that i can ask a question, and moreover for ee... you will acquaint me with the rationale, well, as you understand, none of this was done, the rationale, as we have seen, i do not see, for the government meeting was not invited, well, as a result, i undertake to assert that the decision has been made, i
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i did not see the justification officially, what i saw unofficially, unfortunately, does not stand up to criticism, because there are numbers, well, taken from the ceiling, if realistic. to say, first of all, i was surprised by the cost price in energoatami, you see, there is some absolutely new hryvnia 70, i saw there some conventional market price of 7 hryvnias 47 kopecks, and like the market price for the population was 7.47, and we give you happiness and we will supply you with 4.32, well, this is a very primitive justification, it cannot suit me and i definitely think of my colleagues on the committee. advice, because i'm already five a colleague called with a request that i explain to them what to do next, of course we will demand a full justification, it must be analyzed, and frankly, after that the question will arise, what to do with it, you understand,
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here is this justification, if this is the first question, the second question that will arise is the main one, the government has convinced that this increase is for recovery. for myself, i want to find out who is the main beneficiary of receiving this money, because if i calculate together with you live on the air, look, the population consumes approximately 32-33 billion kv per year, raised there a little less than by two, by one, by one.7, that is, it is at least uah 50 billion, i think so. i think that this is additional money our energy system receives from the population, the key question for me is who is the main beneficiary of those 50 billion and what are they going to do for these 50 billion, and do you and i, as
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the payers of this, have control mechanisms to make sure , that is, a de facto hidden tax, so that is, we understand what will happen, we understand... we have a tragic situation with money, we in the state understand that what is called the introduction of an additional tax, no one would have swallowed it, and then such very interesting initiatives appear, to help our budget with the help of price increases, whether i understand it right or wrong, in principle i do not hide it at all, i once explained it together with my colleagues, when it was so the so-called market price for gas, remember how the two supermanagers, hypermanagers there implemented it? koboliv vitrenka, they said, the market price is happiness, it is in order for us to extract more gas, as a result we did not extract more gas, their wages and bonuses became exorbitant, of course, the expenses are exorbitant, but the budget really received additional revenues,
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that is, as a result, you and i paid an additional energy tax on gas, but in fact, for me, this is a new price structure on the energy market, it is... some extraordinary energy tax of an extraordinary state, you understand, well, unfortunately, i state that this is happening, there is not enough money, well, this is the way they are collected, i even roughly understand how many billions the budget will receive from this, probably it will receive up to 10 billion directly, then we have to figure it out , well it's all right, who among us can effectively invest and master such large funds? that it will be the construction of new stations, the purchase of equipment, the number of supervisors should be reformed, perhaps this is how the supervisory boards justified themselves, increasing the number of supervisory boards for all installations, the supervisory boards will not forget themselves, i assure you, and the management
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of energy companies, which receives insane salaries, they are crazy, they, unfortunately, do not have it, i state this unequivocally, they do not have it, and this will now become the case for the population. for the population it's going to be an added irritant, very serious, they don't understand what they're doing, you know, because when you find out really about the salary in the energy companies, and that's in the background of the under... they're trying to hide it, i don't want any of them right now to offend, because there in every company
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, every controlling link receives, but there cosmic salaries, these are really declared by representatives of the state... there to the lviv deputies, you are there to me 100% will be allies, we are writing a request to the government right on tuesday, we had a meeting there, we are writing a request to the government, let them show us all your expenses, bonuses and income of the governing body, we will simply accompany this process. because it cannot be cynical, if it is really money for iron, for repairs, laborers, electricians, yes, so that they can work there and repair and so on, that is one thing, well, if it is fattening these boys and girls, well, you understand, i, well, i know, the salary of the supervisory board of one of the members of naftogaz 5,000 hryvnias a month salary, well, a person who is not responsible for anything, believe me. uah 5,000 per month, 6 million per year for the management of these
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top-top companies, their salaries are much higher, well, a vivid example, if we are talking about ukrnafta and ukrttatnafta, $500,000 per year in each company, a million dollar top manager one receives, well , let's face it, maybe he is a good manager, very expensive specialists, you know, some such specialists are too expensive, maybe some. and super super expensive specialists against the background of how much our military receive, yes, how many majors, cadets, brigades, commanders and how many privates are there, let's compare it, this is madness, it must be stopped radically, radically, you understand, and now there will be such a tense situation, i can already feel it, but i i always told them, guys, you may be good leaders, although i have many questions, because we saw your uniqueness, we saw everything in koboliv, this is for... and what about the day-night tariff,
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well, it remains, i am not here, well, it definitely remains, it’s one hundred percent, it can’t be any other way, i’m sure it’s still in this table i don't see it, because i only have one page, but this is the decision of the nkrkp, this is what is being established, and they can't change it now, well, let's remove this powerful tariff, well, it will be madness in general. they must then be shot, you understand, because the entire state policy today must be to correctly balance consumption in advance, and it is clear that the night tariff there must be 50%, i am generally convinced that it is necessary immediately for household consumers who consume large volumes, well, conditionally there is 1000 kv, or maybe 500 or more, you need to be sure, for them to force them to... establish not even three zones, but hourly accounting, so that
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they pay the full market price for peak hours, look, there are still villages, hamlets and so on, small businesses, well, i confess to you, this is my kest , a pensioner, yes, he was under occupation at one time, he has a mill, he helped people grind grain, and accordingly the electricity was on, people baked. bread for myself, because there was no delivery, and accordingly, whether the needs of the village residents will somehow be taken into account, that is, who will not drive cryptocurrency there, there is no they will mine, they don’t have any special means there, well, very often in the village, well, if there is one or another such business at the minimum level, then it must be supported and protected, and i don’t know if they will simply not bend, well look, we are talking to you now about household tariffs, yes. business is business, if he is a fop or an enterprise, he lives a different life, let’s go, he may not
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like tariffs, but he sells his products at market prices, and we see the prices are not cheap, yes, that’s right, so let’s we are today in first of all, let's take care of the one who is not protected, well, first of all , there is no step on this step, you understand, they just won't grind like that, well, we understand that, if a person does not have a pensioner, that's the most important thing for me. in the village, in the village, a person grinds grain, yes, so that fellow villagers could grind grain for bread, bake for themselves, yes, during a full-scale invasion, it was very, very difficult. it's true, because people didn't go, well, there were shellings in the chernihiv region, there they hit a grain truck, for example, and let's go on, let's be honest, we are about grain, let's talk about grain, let's talk about grain, i want about a pensioner, you understand about us, we understand how many they have, yes, tens of millions, yes, we understand what kind of pensions they have, well , this is, first of all, the main concern is who
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something is doing works with fingers hands he will somehow sell do he will get out sorry. in this situation, it will be difficult to get out, because as long as there are working hands, there is health, then the story will be like this, pensioners are a key issue, especially if they conditionally have extra footage, that is, if they will not have there should be enough subsidies, because the subsidy is calculated on the social standards of housing, they are small enough, there conditionally for, however, how much there will be somewhere around 35 m, it seems there, well, you understand, if there are extra meters, the subsidy will not be for... and this subsidies, and consumption norms, they will drop out, those who are on the edge will drop out, how will they survive, this is the key question, little is provided for, everyone has a lot, we had literally four minutes, well , excuse me for interfering so much, we wanted i would like to ask you what happened to dniester, that's it
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a simple, naive question, we hear a lot of versions, you know, the river has dried up there... that is, we have all already paid a big price for this, it is the price of war, you see, it is not necessary here, it is not necessary, it is not necessary to make the central energy dispatcher extreme, you understand , because he saved us and you, he provided us with electricity, if there are some crazy people there, everything is fine there, mr. oleksiy, that is, come on, it is necessary here, it is necessary, you understand, it is not necessary here, because tomorrow we will be responsible for environmental violations. director of the station that was bombed, because we will come, this is the video, you you know, there it is from mine, from my page there is this woman, a fortress and so on, look, below this place, here was the dniester river, always, yes, full of water, normal, which, spinning her dniester hess, she is nothing,
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eh, it's not enough that there was a drought, there really was a drought, this is an objective reason, but there were, there were... 10-20 days each, when the system was already short of energy, and we did not have the possibility of importing, and therefore the dispatcher the energy center gave the command to the manager of this station to dump water, and unfortunately, that station worked for a certain period in this mode, look, water carries a flow of 80 cubic meters per second, and skis 110 cubic meters per second, in order to give generation and ask the power system, you understand, so that there is no shutdown, of course, if every second 30 cubic meters more is discharged, the arithmetic is simple, count, the water has gone, and now it will take some time to fill it, but
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we can see the environmental consequences, they are negative, but what should be done... the dispatcher at the hydropower company in this situation, well, of course i don't, but we don't do it, we you we ask because you are very professional and you carefully approach such matters, mr. oleksiy, well, let's hope that the water will return next year, or maybe in the fall, we have to finish the conversation now, thank you very much for your frankness on the live broadcast of the espres tv channel, oleksiy kucharenko, people's deputy of ukraine spoke about energy, tariffs and ecology. yes, and now we offer you... to watch the story of our colleagues about 10 years of war, the movie of the same name, about this extremely difficult period of time, about modern heroes and about key moments of our history presented by espresso tv channel, the film, actually about 10 years of war, exclusive announcements and first impressions, we will show you in the plot further, for today we say goodbye to you until monday, take care and see you in
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etheris. 10 years of war, 10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that the ten-year history of the maidan is documented. to the present before the full-scale invasion, there are many documentary films, but such a clear, specific chronology of this particular period, well, there hasn't been one yet, everyone will see in this... film what they understand, or want to understand, and everyone will see something different, it was important to me in the context
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of a little reduced attention to show the western audience what is really happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of counter-propaganda with russian information... the voices of the ten-year history in the film became prominent ukrainians, a journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira volunteer ambulance corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named characters of this film, i.e. tyra, chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who gave
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the most for their tribe, and roman also gave his life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all events, starting from may and concluding with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, on the one hand it is so historical, it simply recounts the events, and on the other hand it is very emotional, because these events are recounted through the lives of people, and i think this is the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film... the world is in two versions: in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach a foreign audience and
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to show what path ukraine and ukrainians have overcome during this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by another film will be affected by this one, and those who were not affected by this film will... . will affect others, the main thing is that there is an author's view, that people see the war as a tragedy, that they see people in the war, and this is very important for the future. an american director of slovak origin became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film oleg harenchak. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of the usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the development fund. changes to the us embassy in ukraine. for us, this will be a film of memories, that is, when we watch these footage, we will think where exactly i was, around
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which corner i stood on the same square when those things happened, or when the boys were shot. so for us it's memories, but we didn't do it for just to remind the ukrainian of these 10 years. we did it to show this story and these stories. to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and highlights not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the eu visa-free regime, the creation of the ocu, and the adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions. the archival, never -before-seen footage impressed the most. i, since i live inside these events myself, as a citizen of ukraine, to say the least. never-before-seen footage with roman, when he began to remember everything
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his life, and especially from the year before the war, to be honest, i got goosebumps, i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, at tyra, at svitlana paevska, at the absolute frames of roman ratosh's chronicle. and i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, on the one hand, it is long, almost two hours, and on the other hand, it is timekeeping in one breath, our main task is to remember and prevent never to be repeated, the documentary film 10 years of the war is planned to be presented at the box office, at film festivals and, of course, on the espresso tv channel, with several more exclusive screenings to come.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk and this is news. the government has increased the electricity tariff for the population. starting tomorrow , a kilowatt of light will cost 4 hryvnias 32. the relevant decision was made in the cabinet of ministers. the new prices will be valid from june 1, 2024 until the end of april 2025. the day before, the government planned to introduce a differentiated tariff, consumers who use less than 100 kw would pay at the old prices of 2.60.


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