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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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the fault is that we will have these planes at all, and some of them already this year, will there be enough, no, will there be too many? no, i don't think it's that much to have parity in the sky with the russians, and i don't know if there will be restrictions on the use of these aircraft in the skies over russia, we'll see, but i think the use of any western weaponry on the territory russia is a matter of time. otherwise, this conversation is not about a just peace. well, today it became known that the united states of america also gave the go-ahead the use of our weapons on the territory of the russian federation, there is a certain limited range of these weapons that we can use, but obviously today is a significant day, and may 31, 2024 will go down in history as the day when the main... our partner in the anti-putin
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coalition, well, let's assume that this coalition still exists, the united states of america gave the go-ahead, and this too will obviously change the course of the russian-ukrainian war, and this sanitary zone, which putin dreamed of, will not appear until this side of the border, and on the other, that is, we will do it so that there will be a sanitary zone. andriy, how do you evaluate these decisions and in general what ukraine gains by receiving such a possible one. strike on the territory of russia, that is, we are moving the war, we have to move the war to their territory, there are already 15 agreements with nato countries, out of 32 nato countries, i hope that there will be more such agreements, and each agreement is very specific, there are written and financial obligations and obligations on weapons, this is not the budapest memorandum, where the obligations on... defense of ukraine in the event of
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attack, in my opinion, this is a beautiful framework, it will serve for a long time, there will be a change of presidents, but we will be partners of these countries, this is just a good diplomatic move, and i applaud the person who came up with this story to sign separate security agreements with each specific country, since it is not yet possible to sign a... such an agreement in general with nato, but unfortunately, the united states is not really there yet, we expect that the agreement with the united states will be the most impressive, the most powerful , and many more nato countries remain apart from such contractual relations, we also expect that these agreements will still be signed with other countries. eh, that is
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, we still have 17 countries ahead of us, i hope, regarding strikes on russian territory, we used to be able to strike on russian territory with our own weapons, and then one by one countries began to give their permission and use their weapons, this is extremely important, because it is difficult to fight, to defend our borders, when all the supplies of the russians are on their territory, and manpower, weapons, and they actually just are carried away from the border so that our missiles do not finish, unfortunately, we do not yet have such long-range and so accurate , so accurate weapons that we can counter this, it will really help us protect the borders and prepare for the liberation of crimea, for example, because we will be able to strike not only on the territory of the occupied peninsula, including the krasnodar territory, for example.
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what, what, actually, actually happened this night, because some critical infrastructure objects were attacked in the krasnodar region, at least, which served the occupiers on the occupied crimean peninsula. yanina, how do you assess what is happening, because , in fact, we are witnessing some such grandiose historical events, well, it just so happened, i don't know, for 30 years, i remember everything that happened and very... a lot, and today i was also impressed by all these decisions, regarding the fact that ukrainians can use weapons on the territory of russia, which means that the war is moving to a completely different, different level, if you can express your opinion in one and a half minutes, because we will have the end of the program. andriy has basically said everything, but i will add that this is indeed a historic day, in addition to the united states, there is also germany, we see, you know that phrase. which churchill said, that
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the americans think for a long time, hesitate, but in the end make the right decision, this is probably today, well, really, really very wonderful news, and what happened in sweden... the signing of these agreements, iceland, friends, almost 30 million dollars, the agreement is 24-28 years, in addition, we have an agreement with the swedes on the provision of specialized acc 890 aircraft, as well as the prospect of transferring aircraft to ukraine just39 gripen including the corresponding training, spain has also joined, combat vehicles, a large number from sweden, and we also have security agreements that involve many millions. aid and 977 million euros of military aid from belgium, i will conclude by saying that we need to hurry up with the european union, soon hungary will be in charge there, we literally have, as far as i know, a month to implement all those
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aid plans that the european union the present moment can give us, so it is time to take as much as possible, to demand more, i hope that we will continue to work in... from which point of view, respect to the ukrainian authorities and all the negotiators who participated in these projects. thank you yanina, thank you andriy, andriy yanitskyi, yanina sokolova were guests of our broadcast today. friends, we conducted a survey throughout the broadcast and asked you whether political censorship was justified in zma during the war. so, the results of the television poll we conducted are 9% yes 91. no. these are the results of the television survey. already during the broadcast a publication from the general director of ukrainform, serhiy cherovato, appeared. he said that the journalist who was summoned to the tcc was summoned even before his appointment as the director general of ukrinform. but the
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fact remains that the person who testified about censorship in ukrinform is now summoned to the tsc and has to appear for a reconciliation of the data, well, we'll keep track. this information, that's all, i put a full stop, i say goodbye to you until monday, until 8:00 p.m., we will have yuriy lutsenko, don't miss this broadcast on monday. goodbye, there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may nadal hit cream 150 g, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. there are discounts. they are putting coco discounts in may on relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help understand the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front. this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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estoy porqué good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. we will summarize this evening, this day and this informative week. there are many today important and very sensitive information for each of you, including tariffs for... why the government does not say about this, but oleksandr morchevka will say how much more and when exactly we will
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pay. is it possible to hit hymers on russian territory? well, in particular on the border with kharkiv oblast, serhii zgurets will talk about it in detail. well, it is trump's fault that he expects the 45th president of the united states of america, what are the further judicial prospects of his difficult, yet not tragic, but dramatic story. more on this later. hours 40 well, we will talk about taxes today talk to a professional, let's find out how long this tax pressure will last, the ukrainian economy and ukrainian business, first of all, well, that's all for the next hour and 45 minutes, right now serhiy zgurets, ready for a duet, director of the defensespress agency and columnist military summaries of the day, sergey, i have a word for you, good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the debut used. neptune missiles on russian territory about the permission of the americans to use hymers against
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enemies in the kharkiv region and about the situation at the front and in military policy against the background of these decisions, our experts will talk about it in a moment. let me start with the fact that the ukrainian anti-ship missile p300. 60 of the neptun coastal mobile complex has been modernized and is now used for mass strikes on ground objects on the territory of the russian federation, this is the first conclusion that can be drawn from the events of tonight, and this refers to the fact that at around 2 o'clock in the morning according to the notification of the general the headquarters was hit by a ferry crossing and a transshipment oil depot in the sea. in the port of kavkaz on the chushka peninsula of the krasnodar territory of the russian federation. through this base, fuel
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went to the crimea, was used by the russian occupiers in the crimea and in the captured territories of the kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. the strike on the oil depot in the area of ​​the kavkaz port was carried out by several missiles of the neptune complex. there are reports that eight missiles were used at once. russian air defense equipment did not cope with this, although. reported that the krasnodar territory was attacked by five neptune missiles and 29 drones, and of course that all these missiles and drones were shot down, but in fact this, in my opinion, is the first use of neptune missiles against objects on the territory of the russian federation, the baptism of fire, this development, as we all remember, took place on april 13, 22, when a ukrainian missile sank the flagship of the black sea fleet , cruiser moscow, and since then this complex
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has been used more than once, in particular for strikes against the large landing ship konstantin olshansky, and then it was already clear that this missile was modernized, it has a longer range of more than 300 km , have an increased combat unit and an updated control and homing system. the developer of this complex is the state... kyiv consulting bureau luch, and that is precisely why the enemy so actively tried to destroy the facilities of this enterprise, but it is good that the actual main facilities were relocated to other places, and now, as we can see, this development is being produced in sufficient quantity in significant quantities to be used on the battlefield, it is manufactured by the cooperation of 20 ukrainian enterprises, it is the most technological and complex. part is just right homing activation head. the port
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of kavkaz, which was attacked, is actually the second busiest port in the russian federation. now we can see on the map where it is located, and before that, let me remind you that tomorrow there was an attack on the kerch ferry crossing, which is located just opposite the port of kavkaz, and actually it is... a sign of such systematic work, when this artery is cut, which provides the occupiers with the use of steam crossings and deprives the enemy of using its on... auto base, this blow was struck, i repeat with the use of ukrainian missiles, but such changes have already begun in the approaches of our partners in the use of western weapons, we know how heated the discussion was regarding the lifting of the ban on the use of western weapons, and now a number of publications and statements
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this week, this day, were heard, first of all , when we talk about publications that... assess the change in dynamics, i will only mention the edition of the wall street journal, which today wrote about the fact that the usa allowed ukraine to use weapons, but gave details, it says that it is possible to use hymers multiple-launch missile systems, gmrs guided munitions and artillery to strike the territory of the russian federation from which the russians are attacking. however, this permission does not apply to the use of atakams missiles. let me remind you that we have several atakams modifications with a range of up to 300 km. when we talk about gmare ammunition, it is a range of up to 90 km, and in fact it is also said that this strategy allows the use of
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haimars of anti-community points, weapons depots, other objects on russian territory, which are used by russian troops for... for attacks on kharkiv oblast, there was a reaction from the ukrainian side, there was confirmation that such permission exists, both the president and the president's press secretary spoke about it, but in any case, even in this situation, there is such a certain aftertaste, because relatively speaking, if the enemy will advance, for example, not on kharkiv oblast, but on other areas in the sumy oblast or chernihiv oblast, will it be necessary to apply for permission again? and why, relatively speaking, not using attacks, that's why that, relatively speaking, the enemy uses aviation in its lithuanian airfields, which have a distance of up to 200 km there, and it is difficult to understand exactly from which airfield this aircraft will use its cabs, or to kharkiv region or to another city of ours, so in any case i hope , that this
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is only the first step before actually canceling the ban on the use of... as for air defense systems, there is also a detail, it was said in one of the foreign publications with reference to a representative of the pentagon that the united states never the states actually did not impose restrictions on the fact that air defense systems would not be used by anti-russian aircraft over russian territory, this is such an interesting detail for me, because we remember the publications in bild, where it was said that after the ukrainian.. forces there in the bryansk region last year used the patriot to destroy two russian planes and three helicopters, and after that there were calls to kyiv saying that we will not supply you with missiles patriots, if our weapons will be used in this way despite our limitations, so in any case the situation remains as if
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with progress, but these nuances, in fact, i think should be canceled and moved to the full. large-scale use of american arsenals, which in principle will absolutely correspond to the logic of hostilities. and then we are joined by valentyn badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer. mr. valentin, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, how are you? always very happy to join. yes. i would like you to express your attitude to this decision. of the united states to allow its weapons to be used in hostilities against the russian federation, what do you think about that , to what extent does it really add to our capabilities or not? well, during all these years of his presidency, biden was somehow so
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palliative in supporting ukraine, yes, he did everything half-heartedly, and actually speaking... that's why i tend to think that this permission, which took place at all, took place under the pressure of what his opponent, the political trump, began to outplay him with his unpredictability and the fact that he began to make such seemingly wild statements that he would bomb moscow and beijing there, but we all understand that the issue here is a little different. that today politicians like such a predictable, professional, perfect, like biden, yes, lose to adventurers on... putin and trump, yes, that's why biden seems to be stretched in such a tightrope, and on the one hand, he, i think,
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he realized strategic mistakes were made 23rd year, because these were, well, terrible mistakes of the biden administration, and these mistakes were only emphasized by the report of rent corporation, which issued only one figure for missiles, missiles that ukraine needs. for defense, 7,860 missiles are needed, god forbid, that there should be at least a thousand in ukraine with all stormshadow and scalp and french small guided missiles , etc. , that this did not happen in the 23rd year, that is why the supply of tactical missiles began. attack complexes, but now they are stuck in the situation of whether to use or not. it seems to me that he is still showing his indecisiveness and under the influence of this
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putinsky blackmail, and actually, if ukraine had been given a chance in the 22nd year at the end of the year, or in the 23rd year, within the year, then the situation would be completely different and... we would be, well, in a much better situation than we are now, now the question is whether biden will be able to return to the leadership in nato that he lost, well, certain to some extent because of trumpism because of trump, but leadership is lost, and that's it now, now politics prevails over any other things, so for ukraine this is a very significant cry... a call and it's a reason to think about what needs to be done faster their own missiles, let them be with stuffing,
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for example, american stuffing, for example, there will be components of some leading companies, either european or american, better, yes, and, but in the end, these will be ukrainian missiles, and no one will ask questions , why and how they are are used one more nuance , it seems to me that biden is afraid that the appetite of the ukrainians will grow, and in order for him to allow atacoms missiles to be used for strikes against russia, then the next, next request, the next demand would be to transfer tomahav, which has been talked about for a long time in expert circles and asked for ideas. over the fact that certain missile factories, in particular, are located at a distance of 1,500 km from the border, and in order to destroy them, it is precisely tamagawa complexes
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that can hit from the ground that are needed, let's say in equipping the ground, the ground of the launcher up to 2,500 km, and this would suit the ukrainian side, well, extremely, that's why the situation is like this. adjust our conversation from the point of view of what then, do our goals in war coincide with our strategic partners, because relatively speaking, this approach of dosed military aid, or let's say, well, escalation management, which the biden administration has been following for a long time does not allow to provide us with the most effective use of american weapons and somewhat erodes ours. expectations from our partners, whether this dilemma can somehow be resolved in order to reach a deeper understanding with our partners, if it is
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ideologically possible from the point of view of the entire war. i absolutely agree that our goals do not coincide, and we can see that for biden, for the biden administration, the destruction of the putin regime is not really part of his plans, and it is still an event. there is no political solution regarding russia and putin's criminal regime, one positive step has taken place, we literally learned about it today, about this positive step, i mean china's refusal to go to be a participant in the peace summit in switzerland, and precisely because of the fact that russia was not seated at the negotiating table on equal terms, which was insisted on... beijing insisted, and actually, here is a very global contradiction, beijing and moscow
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want equal... relations, but if the western world allows these equal relations, then the value system of the democratic, democratic world will be immediately destroyed, that's why biden is now wavering, what to do, whether it seems that some negotiations are necessary, some consultations, and on the other hand, if you do it, as macron once did, then it will lead to practically uh... further, further escalation, further encouragement of moscow to destroy ukraine completely, so they, the western world under the leadership of the biden administration, are interested in simply preserving of ukraine, and the slow, slow exhaustion, the slow exhaustion of russia, moreover, it seems to me that they also
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involved great britain. precisely to such a scenario, because we know, as minister shabs recently said, that the economy of russia is designed for about 5-6 years, and for 5-6, after 5-6 years we will be able to destroy them, and this is actually predicted according to freud, as they say, yes, that the event is actually set for a long-term exhausting war, and for ukraine they leave no prospects. in order to destroy putin's regime. what to do under these conditions? under these conditions, there is only one possibility: to make the most of these security agreements or agreements on support in terms of military-technical cooperation, because this is the only such powerful source of obtaining technologies and creating technological advantages. already today, for today, after analyzing conversations,
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well, after analyzing all... insider sources on the front, i can say that about 50%, and this is information from the military, about 50% of military tasks are solved thanks to drones, despite the fact that that more than 80% of drones are lost due to the work of reps, and, including their own reps, but this suggests that the drone strategy and capacity building, including on... ground robotic complexes, maritime robotic complexes, gives his own, well, a lot important results, and we saw that when the destruction was reported, even on the night of may 30-31, the destruction of boats, landing craft of the black sea fleet, we saw a very interesting situation, that the russian side opened fire chaotically from all its
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possible, all possibilities of applications. but could not do anything, so the situation is that the mass use of cheap technologies can allow us to seriously, seriously deter the enemy, but what we lack now is the strategic component, which is to shoot down the enemy's missiles on his territory, as soon as we are shooting down enemy missiles on the territory of russia is the whole idea at once. will send the logic and strategy of nuclear deterrence to history, far, far into history, it will not work, because the destruction of a nuclear carrier on the territory of russia, in fact, cancels the intention to use nuclear weapons, and if this is so, then it will be possible to deal with russia as with a country that will lose a technological conventional war, and nuclear weapons will already be... behind
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the bars of this war, that's what we have to go to, in this way we can destroy the regime putin, this is our only opportunity to reach a stable peace, after the destruction of the regime, no matter how hawkish, let's say it like this, the regime will be different, and everything will be favorable for the whole world. and above all, for ukraine, the conditions to end this war through diplomatic means, because , well, unfortunately, there will be no other, there will be no option, that's how it looks, in my opinion. mr. valentim, thank you very much for your assessments, for your view of the situation that is currently developing around ukraine. let me remind you that it was valentyn padrak, the director of the center for army studies, conversion and disarmament, analyst and writer, and these were the main ones.


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