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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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good health once again, mykola veresen is with you, ladies and gentlemen, we will be waiting for oleksandr krayev, director of north american programs of the council of foreign policy ukrainian prism has a name, and good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding us in it's saturday, thank you very much, congratulations, good evening to you, good health, so look, this is when, when the secretary of state of the united states... anthony blinkin says: shoot where you want, and the president of the united states, joe biden, says: don't shoot where you want, and shoot only well on by on ha with kharkiv oblast somewhere in the adjacent territories? did i decipher it correctly, that you can shoot, but the russians, but the united states will not admit that they see where the ukrainians are shooting, i always thought that this is exactly what diplomacy is, to say no, no, no, we are against it. and then say in zelenskyi's ear:
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let's shout, shout, wherever you see, go there and shout, what do you say? in fact, you are absolutely, you are absolutely correct, and in fact , before that, the american strategy was absolutely similar. remember what they told us in 22-23, they said that we do not support, do not sponsor, and do not encourage strikes by ukraine on the territory of russia, but as always, the most important thing comes after but, but we cannot forbid ukrainians to carry out such strikes. because these are the conditions of war, these are the conditions of direct confrontation, and therefore ukrainians can themselves choose valid targets where they see them. why did we have a conflict with them at the beginning of this year, almost, a kind of diplomatic embarrassment, because lloyd austin and jake sullivan said the same phrase, but forgot the second part. they simply said: we do not support, we do not encourage, we do not sponsor strikes. point. this part was missing, but we can't stop you. therefore, at the moment, the americans are back to...
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and have returned, they say again that yes, we cannot support strikes deep into russia, we ask not to use specific equipment there, but at the same time we recognize that ukraine is defending itself against russian aggression and has its own choose those goals that are necessary for her. okay, again about america, so the united states has confirmed participation in the summit peace, to the swiss, but it is still unknown who has already heard the delegation, in your opinion, mr. alexander, who can... lead the delegation so that it is somehow, well, noticeable, if it will be the third secretary of the embassy, ​​then somehow it will not be noticeable , if blinkin will probably be visible, well, biden definitely won’t be there, as i understand it, and maybe it won’t be right, because we need to raise money for the elections, no matter what happens with trump, for example, and not go around switzerland, so that they can re-elect the wrong person, choose the wrong person and not at all, there will be no money at all for ukraine. what
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do you say, who could it be, if we talk about biden, it is still too early to put a cross on him, because we remember how the americans gave weapons, how the americans organized biden's visits to warsaw and kyiv, this was always a message in the last moment, that is, literally a few hours before arrival, this is part of their information security, and therefore the fact that they refuse to comment on the potential participation of biden in this summit, in principle they say that most likely not, because there are plans and so on , it's... leaves, as always, room for maneuver, it is quite possible that they may change their minds at the last moment. as for the other options, well, mr. blinkin would be the perfect option for us, because vice president kamala harris, unfortunately, she does not show the activity that was expected of her, she is not as representative, as vocal as they say western diplomacy. lloyd austin, we see, he currently has certain doubts about both the scale of support for ukraine and the permission. in ukraine and so
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on, well jake sullivan, sorry, it was just bullying, given his doctrine of control, escalation, so we have basically two positive options, both of which are possible, it's either anthony blinken, the secretary of state, or president biden, still i would until the very end, until the very last hour before the summit, i wouldn't write him off, because after all, he's going to be there a few days before, at the g7 summit. well, look, i want something. to discuss with you, well, first of all, the vice president of the united states, as far as i am i remember the legislation of the united states works on the authority of the president, if ms. harris, the president does not assign something, then she cannot do it on her own, and nowhere in the constitution, nowhere in the legislation is it written that the vice president is responsible for such, such, such, such a branch, the president said, go to kambuchi, she should go there, or to ukraine, and secondly, this is literally last week i had a conversation directly with... i sat at a table with
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american professors or with a professor and asked: sullivan he is so so so no this tsyaka, he says: i have not seen this anywhere in america. such an enemy of ukraine and even an enemy of good russians, but in the american press, in american interviews, in analytics, it is not written anywhere, there is no confirmation anywhere that sullivan is spoiling the ukrainian game and the ukrainian victory, what do you say? well, let's start from the end, so why americans? hate sullivan what bad is he doing for america? on the contrary, he does everything great for america. america is less at risk of being drawn into a full-scale war with the russian federation. america is less risky to be involved in a nuclear conflict with the russian federation. america is not provoking china around taiwan. america
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spends less money on foreign wars. that is, really from the point of view of americans, sullivan does everything super well. sullivan is a great guy. simply from the point of view of ukrainians, and europeans, and...taiwanese and even israelis, sullivan shows weakness and sullivan does not give the americans the opportunity to be leaders, that is, indeed, in america, sullivan is perceived as absolutely normal, and this is understandable, because from the point of view of domestic as a politician, he does everything right. and with regard to vice president kamala harris, you know, there would not have been such a request for her to be active if biden himself had not been the most active vice president, just a few years before . biden, in fact, was fully responsible for foreign policy in the obama administration. and now, in his first presidential term, hopefully only the first, it was distributed that haris is responsible for judicial reform, for police reform, and in principle deals with internal issues, none of these reforms were carried out, she now she sometimes started going to summits and she
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is not accepted there either, because in fact, you rightly said that this is not written anywhere, the vice president does not have the authority anywhere, and under trump, under bush sr., under clinton, she would be perfect . which is just there just in case something happens to the president, but when you're the vice president of biden, who himself was the most active vice president of the last decade, well, then the questions arise, and what are you, i'm sorry, not working on? yes, there is still a belief that americans choose ukrainian president and ukrainian presidents, what's wrong, it's true, look, now about trump, so, on the one hand, you even said yourself that don't let... god, in short, you have a suspicion that trump's line about to help the country can finish. on the other hand, he said just the other day that he would bomb both moscow and beijing. the washington post quotes mr. former president. and
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if so, what would you say? yes, he is aggressive enough, or too soft in certain moments, very aggressive in certain moments. in the fourth there, well, he has a lot, he has a lot varied, but could he really change the position of the united states, not limit, and i mean change, i'm absolutely convinced that any president can reduce aid, increase aid, more missiles, less missiles, well it's almost domestic policy of the united states, it is already different there, other points of view are possible, but can trump say that i no longer help ukraine at all? "i generally want putin's victory, and let the dictator deal with all of eastern europe." well, he will not say it directly in such a text, but what he can change the position regarding ukraine is almost an established fact. he will change his position regarding ukraine, regarding taiwan, and regarding israel
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a dozen times, simply because he is a person who uses foreign policy topics for his own internal political advancement. now the key topic is key for him. the goal is to win the elections, because winning the elections means avoiding prison, because he will be able to get rid of all charges, winning the elections means correcting his economic and financial situation, which is now in he is far from the best, that is, winning the elections for him is a matter of survival, and now that biden shows his indecision on ukraine, as trump himself says, by the way, biden shows the weakness of the united states, of course trump will say that he would be different , of course he will'... joke about the fact that he bombed moscow, bombed beijing and so on, that is, everything he does now, everything he declares, is done in order to show his own strength, his own potential and at the same time show biden's weaknesses and problems, so yes, he can still do it change his position, he can still change it
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a dozen times, he is predictable in his unpredictability, that is why it is so difficult to work with him, and that is why the main problem with trump is for us, for our national allies, for allies in asia. in the middle east, it 's not that he will stop helping, on the contrary, he can give more, but the main problem is that we can't calculate it, he is extremely difficult to work with in this regard, because ... instead of you, the newspapers showed , where guilty was written in capital letters, that is guilty, he is guilty on all 34 counts of the charge, and then, and what is the guilt, the person is guilty, whether it is a criminal offense, whether it is an administrative misdemeanor, whether it is possible to be limited to a fine, whether it is necessary to sit, or , for example, if mykola september did that, he would go to prison, and trump, because he never went to jail, or vice versa, and mykola september
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can be jailed, or not jailed, and trump can be jailed, not jailed, can he become president and yes further. this group of questions, we have a whole two minutes, okay, then let's go blitz, yes, he will most likely sit down, if you take all 34 points of the minimum charge, this is a fine of about 400 million dollars and a minimum of four years in prison. if you take the maximum, it is about 136 years in prison, so the american justice system can experience him, but, here, the main question is, no, he will not be prohibited from running for office, a person, even if he is sitting and accused, even of criminal offenses, can to run for office in america, it's up to the voters to decide whether such a person will be president or not, and accordingly, why i said that trump absolutely needs to win, because even if he sits down, he can continue the campaign, there is a zoom. including some of his team and so on, but as soon as he wins, he can pardon himself,
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the president has such powers, that is, now the threat of impeachment is very, very serious for trump, as well as the threat of large fines, the decision will be made on july 11, and from that point on, this campaign will take a very different turn because actually, and i'll leave you with this intrigue, many trump voters and many republicans, this verdict from trump may turn away, and this... this is important, but why do you think so, because there is a version that, on the contrary , will attract and become more powerful support, because everyone believes that it is illegal, that it is flying political persecution, ai-i-i-i, i hesitated so much, and now they will imprison him, i will say , well , now i am definitely for trump, and indeed, those who already loved trump, those who were ready to stand for him and so, are now convinced that yes, trump must be saved, america is under threat and so on. but the elections will not be won by those who already support you, but by those who are on the neutral side, gray
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voters, independent voters, they are mostly conservative people, conservative and liberals and republicans, but what is important to them, what is important to them is the constitution, the bible, their country, firearms, the standard set of an adequate person, and can you imagine that these people are going to vote for someone who didn't pay taxes, defrauded the justice system, cheated... the american people did not spend taxpayer money where this court has shown it, because all court records are completely open, that is, it is not a question of trump is good or bad, this is absolutely clearly proven by an independent american court , that this person robbed american taxpayers and did not pay taxes himself, oleksandr krayev, director of the north america program of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prisma was with us, now there will be advertising, after. .. we will go to paris, you and i will fly to paris after the advertisement. in the spring, many people went,
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so, it's 17 hours 48 minutes and 33 seconds on our watches, and as i promised, we have now flown to paris across the ocean of the united states to from washington directly to paris, to france, where oksana is already waiting for us. a ukrainian political columnist from paris. good hello, ms. oksana, thank you for joining us, thank you very much. good evening. my first questions are generally technological, i was here a little, as it were, somewhat stunned by the fact that the president of france visited the federal republic of germany on a state visit, and this is the first
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state visit in 24 years. i got confused here, because we see that they are constantly visiting each other, but these are working visits, some official visits , and, as you found out, a state visit, well, there is a gradation of what it is , well state, this is a very high level, there is also some kind of cultural program, they can go to the theater or some sports ground, or they can have dinner, lunch, breakfast there, and maybe it is necessary... so that there is a guard of honor, in short, a bunch of such conventions, but why, as a matter of fact, were there no state visits? well, there is just a small difference between a state visit and an official visit. a state visit is a visit exclusively of the head of state, and a state visit must necessarily end with a very important
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contract. and it can be an official visit just a visit of some minister, maybe... a visit of some group of parliamentarians, it must necessarily end with the signing of some agreements, which is very important that in a state visit the host party pays for this visit, but the most important thing in a state visit is the signing of an important agreement , and this agreement was really signed between france and germany, it actually concerns the security system of europe, well, what, well, the germans flew again, you know, again they pay from... the french, well, somehow, it’s somehow not very fair, one more thing technical, well, it's not technical, it's a political-terrorist issue, he was arrested in france, well... it's like he's a kadyrivet, that is, a citizen of russia or somehow related to russia, and he was preparing terrorist acts at the olympics, and this definitely worries everyone and
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ukrainians, and europeans, and the whole world, because the olympics is a global event, and then the question arises whether everything is ready, whether the special services are ready, whether there are reports from the special services, what we are monitoring, we are seeing, we are investigating, we will involve specialists , maybe we need some... pay specialists to come and reinforce, just in case say, anti-terrorist activity. what is known about this kadyrivets, how is he spelled, did he really cook something there and is there no kadyrivska network there? well, you know, the fact that it's being talked about means that the services are working, and that's the tip of the iceberg that we've seen. in fact, in the latest report of the minister of the interior of france, he emphasized that there were already 50 such attempted attempts , why he is called... in paris, it happened in the city of sentien, this is such a hinterland of central france, where
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football matches are supposed to take place as part of the olympics, and he was detained, or taken, let's say, in preparation for such terrorist attacks, which were supposed to take place during the actual football match. he still had a younger brother there, but the brother was released because there is nothing behind him... but this kadyrivets, as you say, he is accused of having connections with jihadists, and that he is under this terrorist attack was supposed to be carried out with the slogans of jihad, that is, we do not know, for sure, what it is russia, it could be jihad, maybe it could be the middle east, it could be any muslim countries, not necessarily the muslim part of the russian federation, i understood you correctly, yes, yes, yes, that is, they do not indicate that , what is this... some russian roots there, or is it some kadyriv people there, no, this is a person of chechen origin, but i want to tell you that there are a lot of them here, and a lot of chechens actually
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were seen in the agitation of all these pro-palestinian rallies that take place all the time in paris, so of course, well you know, they didn't take the hand, they didn't hold the candle, so it's impossible to confirm now, but we can assume that it's some kind of network, actually ee... of people engaged by the russian special services, who are under the slogans of jihad, and even pro-muslim slogans, yes they themselves can commit these crimes here, it is not excluded if the three of us did not hold the candle, god be with him, the main thing is that the french special services and counterintelligence of france hold the candle, i think this is more important than what we will hold, june 6 is approaching inexorably landing an amphibious assault, operation overward, in the 43rd, in the 44th year, there will be many delegations from many countries of the world, including the ukrainian president, as i understand it, will there be a delegation,
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is there any discussion, is this discussion already closed regarding the possible possible arrival of the russian delegation, after all, russia is like an heir the ussr, and the ussr seems to be one of the participants in the anti-hitler coalition, what do you say? well, you know, it's very important. question, yes, because now i want to brag, yes, on behalf of all ukrainians present here in france, we believe that this is a great victory for the ukrainian community, so that the organizers of these events, i am not talking about politicians, yes, political figures, neither macron, nor any ministers, no, there was an organizing committee that said something in april that they would not invite officials from russia, but the russian delegation should have been invited, well, you can understand, right... the legitimate reaction of the ukrainians in france, this is where it started, you know, there was no discussion here, we were already here collecting flags, going to
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normandy, fighting, to organize a massacre, well, we were ready for anything, so that this would not happen allow, but as intelligent people, we wrote letters, appeals, credit should be given to the french intelligentsia, who also wrote letters about the role of ukrainians in the second world war, it turned out that 18,000 ukrainians took part in... with the permission of france, well, we they wrote all this, yes, that is, historians proved it to the french politicians, we wrote a letter to the president of france, the prime minister, the speaker of the parliament, and of course there were publications in the press. 1,800 ukrainians took part in the liberation of france, these are the ukrainians who emigrated to france after the revolution, or even earlier. some ukrainians emigrated together with degol's forces in his time before. great britain and they landed in this landing in the same way, that is, they were ground, ukrainians who took part in the ground operations for the liberation of normandy from the french side, so that
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they were a ground operation. and those who directly took part in the landing itself, but i want to tell you that here russian propaganda showed off that they had eight heroes who liberated normandy, but we ukrainians, we dug around, it turned out that five of these eight were ukrainians, so we didn't leave a single chance, we won't do anything with the russians, for them everything that is important around is theirs. yes, of course, but we are happy to state that together with our president , king charles ii, prince williams, joe biden will celebrate this victory, that is, such a company will come there, well, we simply cannot even imagine what the organizers were thinking when they thought that russians can be invited to this company, that is, absolutely legitimately, added for viewers, you certainly know about this, ms. oksana, that in addition to the fact that these were people in...
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contrary to the french , ukrainians from britain who lived in britain, ukrainians from canada, who are in canada, ukrainians from the united states, i did not check, also landed but there are rumors that there are ukrainians in australia, new zealand, it’s everywhere, there were all of them, somewhere 1.5-7, somewhere 500, 700, somewhere more, somewhere less, but this is a huge number of ukrainians not only from the eastern front fought with fascists, but also from the west... and north africa and so on and so on something like that, so, well, but the russians always say that they won the war all by themselves, and there was no america, france, england and so on. no, this myth no longer exists, we are breaking this myth now, and we hope that the further we go, the more we will break all these myths, and i am even now writing a book, which will be called the biggest geopolitical myths of
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europe , which should see the world in november. in france, so we are working on it, but if we have time, mr. mykola, we started with the franco-franco-german agreement, there, i don't know if you have already discussed it, there were very important points that are worth paying attention to, yes, yes, tell me, tell me, if you have a minute, yes, because that , what is important, yes , this is why this visit was still so important, we will remind you that france and germany, these are two countries that, in principle, together with great britain founded, they are the basis... the backbone of the european union, and why this visit was so important because for the first time germany and france sat down together and talked about the security challenges in europe that exist and they signed the most important agreement concerning the development of europe's defense industry, two important strategic directions were chosen, these are aviation of the future and tanks of the future, the french, the french did not
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like the fact that the germans... wanted to build anti-missile defense of europe on the basis of american patriots. the french agreed with the germans that they would together create a european program, a european industry, and develop a european european weapons system, because the french did not invest much in air defense, because they believed that they were engaged in nuclear weapons and they ensured the nuclear deterrence of russia of the soviet union at the time, but... that is why they do not have this system very developed, and the rest of the countries are under the umbrella of states, and they used american air defense equipment, the french will not be able to build the european anti-missile defense system, so they offered the germans, as the most powerful industrial country in europe, they offered, they did it together, and the germans agreed to it , thank you very much, oksana mylnechuk, a ukrainian political columnist from paris informed us, thank you ms. oksana, now there will be news
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after... there will be commercials, after commercials and news there will be mykola veresin, who will give the floor to the head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, mr. oleksandr shulza, and now the news. the identity of the ninth victim of the muscovites was established in kharkiv. not everyone had enough shelter in a belgorod place. but why did people march for peace in budapest? in the final issue , the news editor talks about the main thing. greetings to all who are with us. ukraine is ready to increase the supply of agricultural products to indonesia. and this despite russia's attempts to obstruct.


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