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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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more important will be the port through the kerch strait, which, of course, is the main supply route to the occupied crimea. the second goal of these strikes will be to hit the launch pads from which strikes are carried out on civilian infrastructure and the civilian population. russian aviation, which takes off from military airfields several hundred kilometers from the front line, plays a huge role on the battlefield. for example, only in april, according to president zelenskyi. 3,200 cabs, modified aerial bombs, were released across ukraine. cab in the direction. cab in the direction. yes, in our direction. it will not fall right here, now, but it will fall in our direction. this is the command observation post of one of the battalions of the 47th separate mechanized brigade in the pokrovsky direction. here they know about every such launch of aerial bombs and manage the battle online 24x7. well, it is already
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very difficult to count the assaults, during the time that we are here, we are holding our positions as much as possible, and how many of these assaults there were, you can count the number of brigades, the arashir brigades, we destroyed a large number of their equipment it is possible and probably why to go astray.
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by a large score, and they began to go around us on the flanks from the north, from the south and hit us already in the flank, so it is very difficult for us to hold on, we turn our battle formations a little differently, but they took us head-on, as they wanted to from the very beginning, they can't at all, because of the fact that they are hitting the flanks, it is difficult for us to deal with the issue, the equipment as such is now already in our direction, we stopped it, killed everything, but the infantry climbed up.
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covered it again? yes, yes, covered. if we tear it to pieces, we will be counted this is in the next world, it will be separate, it will be separate, i will try, so what to try, you have to do it, try, you have to believe in your strength, how many times i tell you, believe in your strength, i fell, but now you see, when you... . in order to inflict it on them as much as possible , we use the local areas as much as possible for the impossibility of advancement, because it is in our interests, our area, our land works for us, we use the swampy areas as much as possible, and overpasses, and such cities and bridges, that is, any that we use to our advantage, therefore apparently, that is what we are holding on to today, our brigade is holding on to this...
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direction, further than any other brigade, our tactics, unfortunately for us, they have started to accept it, but we already have a countermeasure to it , we are working on this, it is not so easy for them, probably, so again, returning to the beginning of the conversation, what we are holding directly we are holding, because we found the key to this promotion of them, despite the mass launches of russian cabs, in fact ukraine was the first to start. wat similar aerial bombs. it is about american gps- guided ammunition, which was adapted for soviet aircraft. there are enough videos of the strikes of these aerial bombs on the command posts of the russian army. a year ago, in an interview with donbas-reality, the chief of aviation of the air force of ukraine talked about the specifics of using jaydam in the conditions of a saturated russian air defense system. the rashists have such complexes in their arsenal as s'. 250, s400, they are capable
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of hitting the target, well enough, enough, but no more, in order not to fall into the zone. we chose such a combined option, we them we launch at a slightly shorter distance, but at the same time , 6-8 thousand languages ​​rise there for a very short time, it gave us the opportunity and harvest to strike, to have time to maneuver to escape from missiles launched by a cluster of su-35 or from the ground, that is, these oh... well, the golden mean that we use, that is, aviation can perform its tasks, but unfortunately, well, only there, well, 10, 40 by 50 km. from the same series of air bombs aasmhammer, to which france has committed to supply ukraine fifty per month,
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starting from january this year, but in general no neither french nor american aerial bombs have such a massive effect as russian ones. one explanation may be the limited number of launch platforms. russia obviously has a much larger air force than ukraine, even with some additional aircraft that ukraine has received. it is also evident that the number of bombs received from the event is limited. the third aspect is that such things are about the reconnaissance-strike circuit, that is... in order to use high-precision weapons, it is necessary to know where the enemy is and have its coordinates with an accuracy of plus or minus a meter, and know it online. drones are used for this, but again due
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to the enemy's superiority in the number of air defenses, the saturation of the rep, there is obviously a difficulty in ... detecting targets there at a depth of 50-70 to 100 km deep into the enemy for full spring strikes that's why i'm thirsty. for a long time, the most long-range western weapons in ukraine's arsenal were the british and french storm shadow and scalp missiles. their range of more than 250 km was adapted for launch by ukrainian aircraft su-24 is probably the most active... strangely enough, they were used last summer and autumn to strike targets of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. i think it's easiest to look at hymars and the effect this system had in the first year of russia's full-scale war against ukraine.
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it brought significant success and, i think, in many ways facilitated the liberation of kharkiv and kherson. evaluating scalp and storm shadow is a bit more difficult. we've certainly seen some serious ones. strikes on important strategic facilities in occupied crimea, such as the headquarters of the black sea fleet and a pair of navy ships of russia ammunition depots and command posts behind the front line were also attacked. this is a very targeted strike campaign as these systems are limited in number. stormshadow scalp is a cruise missile, a tactical cruise missile, designed to hit point targets. which are usually buried, that is, this missile is the answer to the question of how to knock out command posts, communication nodes, and we must understand that we are always talking about a complex, that is, for example, by destroying, thanks to strikes and attacks from the russian
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air defense on the peninsula , then it is much easier, well, the possibility of penetration of cruise missiles appears, or penetration'. long-range drones, which are also actively used by ukraine. long-range weapons, around which there are many discussions, german taurus missiles. ukraine asked germany for them back in may of last year, but chancellor olaf scholz is still categorical. arguments, this will weaken the defense capability of the federal republic of germany, as well as the need to involve the german military to launch missiles. the taurus is generally similar to the stormshades and the scalp is an air-to-ground cruise missile. but with a range of 500 km, it is also better suited for targets such as bunkers or bridges. there is some concern about maintaining control over mission planning and target selection. the concern that without
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german oversight, ukrainian forces may take a very long time to master this technology, but they may also be able to use it in a way that at some point may not be in germany's interest. i think the concern is that the situation for the leadership of ukraine may change, and that it may lead to an irrational decision to... use the taurus in a way that the german government would not approve of, it's sad, in my opinion, there are good reasons to provide the taurus despite some risks, but i think the risk of russia winning is greater than the risk of supplying missiles to ukraine. returning to the weapons that ukraine did receive, it is necessary to mention the glsdb. in february of this year , russian resources showed a video from the luhansk region. on which you can see the characteristic details of the ammunition. the armed forces became the first
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operator of these high-precision bombs, which only recently developed. they are launched from haimars at a range of 150 km, but in general , almost nothing is known about the results of glsdb work. and the pentagon recently announced that one of the types of long-range weapons given to ukraine turned out to be ineffective. the company, i will not name it, came up with a very cool idea: to convert an air-to-ground weapon into a long-range ground launch system. they did it as quickly as possible, we even reduced the testing of prototypes to reliability testing. after that, we sent these weapons to ukraine, but they did not worked it did not work for many reasons, including due to the operation of electronic warfare systems, due to ordinary dirt and use from the ground, due to the peculiarities of the tactics of application. due to the activity of russian and radio-electronic
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warfare with the end of satellite navigation, taking into account the fact that, well, the whole fashion of such pumps, well, there are such stationary objects, well , conditionally the same warehouses with ammunition, then the enemy there, of course, puts the maximum density of radio-electronic warfare means for that to shoot down high-precision weapons, and as a result, well... a miss, a miss not by a kilometer, not by two, not by 10, the miss is most likely due to the error of its inertial guidance system, that is, conventionally up to 30 m, but due to the small gap, it is no longer effective for defeating such targets. in the summer , ukraine is waiting for the f-16, which means that the long-range capabilities of the ukrainian army may increase. first, many western weapons, which are now used with the help of the soviets. aircraft will be more effective on a western fighter. second, if together with
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planes will come, for example, ajm-158 jasm missiles, with a range of 370 km, or even more, this will become another tool for striking far into the rear of the russian army. jasm is a cruise missile that is as close as possible to the storm shadow skype, and getting it is simply about the ability to ... give, well, let's say, more systematic hits on the enemy than what skali, trivially, because jasms are more, and many times more, that the f16 should receive , including dwarf missiles, it is clear, but at the moment it is not known in which even versions will be f16, because there were already talks about the fact that the f-16 will be, well, undergoing modernization. namely this modernization, it should, if we were to say which, well, first of all, which
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radar station will be there and which missiles it will be able to use. at the beginning of the 22nd year, the most long-range ukrainian weapon is an old soviet missile, period. there were also a small number of vilha m missiles, but their production never became mass-produced. all this is about a maximum range of 100-120 km. now it is possible. guests of the zsu are much wider, but there are some nuances: firstly, if the atakoms had come earlier, it is possible that the results of last year's offensive would have been different. secondly, the prohibition of the us to strike with american weapons at objects on the territory of russia significantly limits the potential of the armed forces, including against the background of the attacks of the russian army in the kharkiv region. these were donbas realities. i'm yaroslav krechko, see you soon.
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a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. friends, my greetings, obviously people... what are engaged in the organization of various cultural events, at least in the capital, decided that kiyans and guests of the city have too much time, or that they can be in several places at the same time, so we just have a million events happening, now it's friday, from thursday, i i will tell you, probably only about two, but i think we will touch on others, of course,
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the first is the book arsenal, the book arsenal is such an event that used to have its first day, in particular, because people took photos these long lines to artistic arsenal, in some places, i know, there was one year when this queue almost reached the subway, something terrible happened, but now, well, obviously with the fact that buying a ticket, it somehow became a little more efficient, there are no longer such queues, but anyway, there are a lot of people every day, of course, and it has long become a tradition... a good one, when in general the leadership of the country comes and buys books, and in particular, petro poroshenko used to come, with mrs. marina, and now elena zelenska was also seen, how she bought different books, this it's certainly a good story for publishers, because those books that are bought by some generally public people, it's obvious that this is very, very good advertising, but i'll say
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the following, that of course you can come to the book arsenal for books. i myself bought, i think, five or six books, although it's like that, you know, like some kind of addiction to all this, some still come with huge bags, in fact, the prices there are such that you can order or buy these books just in not some kind of bookstore, but this is such a certain ritual, but in general for the book arsenal, of course, most people come for , firstly, communication, which is very important, and secondly, in order not only to buy a book, but also perhaps to get an autograph. to receive, well , a huge number of different events, you can walk and listen there in one corner they tell you about some literature of the 60s, here they tell you about some frank period there, here you see there, i don’t know, poets and poets come , read their poems, is there anything else there, or are they discussing something else, it is extremely always interesting and that is why
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there are many people in the book arsenal, so far one, one of one of the most crowded events at... this year's book arsenal was definitely the meeting with oleksandr teren, oleksandr teren budek, he is a military man, he is now a veteran, he is very popular, he runs the youtube channel vidval nih, we will watch his excerpts at length, now you can to see how many people came to listen to him, he wrote a book, he talked about his book, i really liked it, i am sure that many military personnel and their families will find it very good and right. alexander's positioning, as he talks about the military, in particular, he describes some everyday moments, because you know, i recently read a column by pavel kazarin, he wrote that... it is extremely important, in particular from the media, to see the military in the media, as well as ordinary people, because we, the media, in particular we also show them as
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such heroic people who are in some battles almost 24 hours a day, in fact, no, and this, too, this everyday story should be shown, both in your book and in your stories, and alexander does it, i will remind you that he was wounded near kharkov, and you see, in he has prostheses and he cares about the issue in every way. inclusivity and he's going to be our next bachelor, a hyper-popular show in the world that we have too, which is popular here too, it's usually been so glamourised, from my point of view, quite scandalous, quite manipulative, a lot of people have called it sexist, and here we learn that oleksandr teren, a veteran, will be the next bachelor, this is some kind of unprecedented story, it seems to me from the point of view of informational support. and mobilization of people with disabilities, inclusiveness, this is very good step, the tv channel stb said that the girls crashed the site on the very first day, because
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they sent a lot of applications to participate and somehow communicate with oleksandr teren, an extremely cool story and you can see how popular he is now, i don’t remember at all where in the world was a bachelor in general, where the main character, sex symbol... was a guy or a girl with a disability, it has to be seen, but i think that our format is almost the first, and of course, if this story will be discussed somewhere abroad, then here in our positioning is simply incredible. also one of the most popular stands at the book arsenal is the stand of destroyed books, i 'll remind you on the 23rd. in may, a russian missile in kharkiv destroyed, damaged, or rather, a large printing house, factor printing, it is the largest printing house, not only, one of the largest, and not only in
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ukraine, but also in eastern europe in general, an incredible number of books are printed there, mainly publishing houses vivat, but also of other publishing houses, and here we said in the past in our previous program that the managers of this publishing house say that maybe. if everything goes really bad, our film and book publishing will be reduced by 50% to 40%, this would be a big loss, but immediately people started to respond very well, as usual, they started buying books from vivat, other books that were printed in the print factor , we see now, by the way, it was a good idea to make of these blackened books, it seems that the russians destroyed 50,000 books there, to show them somewhere abroad... to make some kind of installation, a performance, it will be a strong enough story, especially if we we are talking about european and world intellectuals, they react very painfully to
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the destruction of culture itself, because for them it is , well, i have heard more than once that when people are killed, it is a tragedy, it is tragic, they also grieve, but when culture is destroyed, for them it's barbaric, and when we show the destroyed... books by the russians, well, of course it will be an element of very good cultural diplomacy, i'm waiting for some such big project, i hope it will happen, but i'll just say that everything will be fine with the printing factor, because the management said that it should take approximately 4-5 months to restore the bookstore, so the howard buffett foundation volunteered to allocate money for the restoration of this bookstore, and so the chairman came. oleg synigubov of kharkiv ova said that yes, according to such optimistic forecasts, the printing house will be restored in 4-5 months, and i hope
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that the damage to our book publishing industry will be minimal, because we can now see how much ukrainians are passionate about their literature, books, how much bookstore opens, this industry is experiencing renaissance, like many other industries, in... in culture, so - i, too, by the way, hope that the owners of the entire holding and publishing house and bookstores felt the support of all ukrainians, because people really rushed to buy books and donate reconstruction of this bookstore. another big event that is taking place in kyiv is called somewhere ua. this is a big documentary film festival about people's rights, and there are always enough of them... in the program of various films, there is a separate program of ukrainian cinema, where you can to see various ukrainian films and see what our documentaries are currently filming about the war, they often shoot
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without... without state support, this is their own initiative, there is also a film by maryna stepanska, and you can watch it, well, these films are different, and i really hope that they will be released soon, in general documentaries at this festival and documentaries, in principle, this is a very good thing to expand your worldview, because whether we want to or not, we cannot go to different countries enough , no we can embrace ourselves. such frequent trips, especially now, and documentary cinema is a very good opportunity to see how people live around the world, what problems they have there, what political conflicts they have, all this, all this is shown by documentaries and ukrainian documentaries, in particular , i think that it is developing completely, completely in the right way, and the people who make ukrainian documentaries are not only talented, but they are also passionate,
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and so... now we can watch the tape peaceful people, which is what we call it in the international box office, it is called interception, you can hear it like that, it seems to me that this name is much more effective and accurate, the film actually tells about how we received conversations between russian military personnel and their relatives. their mothers, daughters, wives, girls, girlfriends, oksana karpovych combined shots from de-occupied places in ukraine, from destroyed buildings, as you can see, in particular, these are shots not only from the kyiv region, but from all of ukraine in general, there are shots from kharkiv, and on we hear the background of these shots here are these conversations, i think you have heard them more than once, you, i think, were shocked even at the beginning
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of the full-scale. now i already think that we are used to it and are not shocked, but there, well, i don’t even want to recount, these are very scary conversations, we can see from them that the relatives of these soldiers absolutely support this war, they, on the contrary, well, they say that , what to kill, there is a story when a military man says that a woman was walking with two children, i blocked her and his wife says that yes, of course, you are right... my beloved was drinking, she is also our enemy, they were also funny moments which connected mainly with the naitov bases or biolaboratories, relatives questioned everything there, the mother is all there, it seems, or anyone asks, well, what did you see there biolaboratories, all the cattle die in them, all the cattle die in ours, everything terrible is done there , but i will tell the truth that there are some such glimpses of something adequate, well, in these conversations
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there are literally a little bit of one. a woman said after listening to the story of a military man, she said don't call me anymore, the hall just exploded with laughter, and this woman, well, you can see that this is a young woman, she said, she is a lawyer, then she said that all this is happening, this whole war is happening because we all kept silent, we allowed all this, but the tape will be in the box office, i really hope, the tape was shown at various international events, at the berlinales, in particular ... as colleagues who were at the berlinales and saw the reaction of foreigners said, they were absolutely shocked and for many the picture of the world changed a little and this is also part of cultural diplomacy, and i think that peaceful people this movie is for foreigners, and not for us, because we will definitely be interested to see it too, but we know it all, and the foreigners who are still captive there of some thoughts that it's putin's war, that it's
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putin's war, that ... the poor russian people are suffering themselves, or some even say that the poor unfortunate soldiers are victims of propaganda, they were forced, this film shows a slightly different picture of them, and i hope that such a film will not be the only one, i i am very grateful to oksana karpovych and the entire ukrainian team, because it is such an international work, it is a co-production for the fact that such a film came out, it works very well from my point of view, and also... the film "you love me" with a question mark of toni noyabrova was released, it is very nice work, this is one of those movies on the list of movies about the 90s, because literally in a few minutes we, i will remind you, what other films about the 90s there are, there are a lot of them now, millennials rushed there in their forties to reminisce about their childhood, so and so now we see each other, the movie is coming out, and this one
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tape... about tonya, about such a teenager, it's just like that.


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