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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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one company, i won't name it, came up with a very cool idea: to convert an air-to-ground weapon into a long-range ground launch system. they did it as quickly as possible, we even reduced the testing of prototypes to reliability testing. after that, we sent this weapon to ukraine, but it did not work. it did not work for many reasons, including due to the operation of electronic warfare systems, due to the usual dirt and use from the ground, due to the peculiarities of the yes. application, due to the activity of russian and radio electronic combating the suppression of satellite navigation, taking into account the fact that the targets of such pumps, well, there are such stationary objects, well , conditionally the same stairs with ammunition, then the enemy is there, well, of course, it sets the maximum density of radio electronic warfare in order to shoot down a high-precision weapon, and as a result... well, a miss, a miss not by
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a kilometer, not by two, not by 10, the miss is most likely due to the faltering of its inertial guidance system, that is, conditionally up to 30 m, but due to a small gap, it already not effective for hitting such targets. in the summer in ukraine is waiting for the f-16, which means that the long-range capabilities of the ukrainian army can increase. first, many western weapons that are currently used by soviet aircraft will be more effective on a western fighter. secondly, if, for example, agm-158 jasm missiles with a range of 370 km, or even more, come along with the aircraft, this will become another tool for striking far into the rear of the russian army. jasm, this is a cruise missile, which is as similar as possible to storm shadow skype, and its reception simply. this is about the possibility of a task, well,
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let’s say this, more systematic strikes on the enemy than what was done, banal, due to the fact that there are more jasms, and repeatedly, the fact that the f16 should receive including dwarf missiles, then it is clear, but at the moment it is not known in which version even the f-16s will be, because there have already been talks about the fact that the f16s will be , well... undergoing modernization, namely this modernization, it should, if to say which one, well , firstly, what kind of radar station will there be, and what missiles will he be able to use. at the beginning of the 22nd year the longest-range ukrainian weapon is the old soviet u-missile, there were also a small number of vilham missiles, but their production never became mass-produced. all this is about a maximum range of 100-12. now the capabilities of the armed forces are much
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wider, but there are some nuances: firstly, if atakoms had arrived earlier, then perhaps the results of last year's offensive would have been different. secondly, the prohibition of the us to strike with american weapons at objects on the territory of russia significantly limits the potential of the armed forces of the russian federation, including against the background of the attacks of the russian army in the kharkiv region. these were donbas realities. i am yaroslav krechko, see you soon. hello, how are you there, it’s okay, slowly, they gave us nine new tanks, guess what, turn on the video link now, i ’ll give you a tour, come, we ’ll be here for another two weeks, i’ll tell you i'll go for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grohivka, i'll say that you're going to a student... they'll let you through,
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well, student, that's my call sign, right here near the station, i'll say that you're going to a student, dev' yah, thunderstorm, thunderstorm, here, student, student, today you don't observe information security, tomorrow. to you iskanders will visit. the enemy hears, watch. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. feast of neptune. ukrainian missiles hit an oil terminal in russia's krasnodar region. the prospects are presented. destruction
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of logistics that provides russian troops in the temporarily occupied crimea. can you beat russia? the united states allowed the limit. strikes by american weapons on the territory of the country of the aggressor, which other countries have joined the coalition of determination and why are others still delaying? chinese refusal. beijing has officially announced that it will not participate in the global peace summit in switzerland. are there prospects for a peace conference with limited representation of world leaders. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next hour , we will talk about war, about the world, about our victory, and about peace, and of course, about how the armed forces of ukraine are destroying the enemy now on the territory of the russian federation and
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destroying those objects that help the russian occupiers to fight in ukraine. we will talk about all this for an hour ours as a guest with people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine valentin nalyvaichenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how 75 ukrainian defenders returned home, they were on the russian border, in captivity, forgive me, this is the first exchange in a long time, among the rescued soldiers of the armed forces, the national guard, border guards and four civilians. they arrived home. mariupol, kharkiv, kyiv, kherson, donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya and sumy directions, let's watch this video, glory to ukraine,
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guys, glory to ukraine, return. thank you very much, we congratulate our defenders who returned home and the families who waited for their brothers, husbands, grandfathers
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and those who were in captivity. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe. to our pages on these platforms and take part in our vote, today we ask you the following: is political censorship justified in mass media during the war. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own version, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that political censorship in the army during the war justified 0800 211-381, no 0800 211-382. calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. so, today's guest is a people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn novachenko. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, nice to be back in your studio. thank you. mr. valentina, how would you
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answer this survey, we are asking our tv viewers whether political censorship in zma during the war is justified, whether it is justified or not? no, not justified, because censorship. which operates, military censorship operates during martial law, simply put, the main censor is the general staff, that is, explaining to our tv viewers, to disclose any information about the location of our armed forces, about our military, about our weapons, about how air defense works, of course, you can't, that's where censorship works, and here we all have to help the armed forces not to spread any such information, videos or other information , everything related to the political right. life, corruption, and so on, as they were exposed, they should be exposed, and here i categorically deny that it is alleged that someone forbids people to tell the truth, no, moreover, no one forbids people and the authorities to tell the truth, so no apologies, under during the war, it should be just such an honest dialogue, well, that is, there should not be temniks,
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of course not, if someone again, you know, introduces, returns to the old temniks and to such old ideas from the time of yanukovych, then what is the good in that? since the time of kuchma, mr. valentin, let's start our conversation with today's special operation, or rather the special operation that lasted several days, regarding the destruction of logistics, which ensures life. presence of russian troops in the temporarily occupied crimea, according to preliminary information a comprehensive attack was made on substations and power supply networks, as well as stocks of light petroleum products in the krasnodar region of the russian federation. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine confirmed the damage by neptune missiles to the ferry crossing and the oil terminal of the kavkaz port in the krasnodar region of russia. the sbu drones also struck a complex of long-range radar detection of the ied sky in... temporarily occupied crimea, worth about 100 million dollars, well, we see that actually, judging by the weapons
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with which our defense forces strike at territory of the russian federation, so far we are managing with our weapons, in the event that our western partners allow us to use, strike with their weapons, how much this radius of destruction will expand and how much there is... the prospect of crimea turning from a peninsula into an island from the point from the point of view of logistics. it is necessary to understand that this tragedy has come today, and you and i, let us be the first to inform the tv viewers that national security, the national security council of the united states of america has clearly given permission to our armed forces of ukraine, to our general staff, for the use of their weapons, american, including for the protection and for impressing the purposes of the military of the russian federation and... on its territory in case of attacks on ukraine, verbatim, this is the representative of the us national security council, michael
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carpenter, who voiced it, i know him personally, he and other american specialists visited him more than once in the premises of the national security council, which, you know, is located near the white house in washington, and our american partners, you know, did not think for a long time, they studied the arguments, which i am represented, and we represented, as the ukrainian side, and i think this is very important. a decision is possible today, that finally the national security council of the united states has taken such a step, the first step, i think, but has taken it, and i will very briefly explain, sergey, what is the importance, because this is actually the beginning of a break in the war and in the situation that will now be the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine. the impression in crimea, of the objects you named, is to deprive the enemy of eyes and ears, to destroy their radars and any other correction guidance stations. their terrorist missiles for us, the first and most important thing is the security
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of the lives of ukrainians, and of each of us, moreover, it is the security of our defenders, because the russians hit with missiles terroristically and on peaceful cities and on our military training centers and on our military, that is why such permission is now given by the usa to strike on prejudice and on russian territory, and why is it important to destroy their own enemy targets on russian territory, where the state is located? war against us, russian, the one who operates, fully controls the military and terrorist activities, in rostov-on-don, where all the logistics are located, their, i know, there are tanks, gas stations, everything related to transport, all their military, so-called logistics, as well as the krasnodar region, the rostov region, that is, along ours, as a rule, southern borders, now the weapons that come from our international partners with a range of up to 300 km mean. that our armed forces will push back, repel and destroy military
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logistics for 300 km, and the enemy has no other, that is, that is why i say that this actually means a break in war, and this decision of our now american partners, it is actually important primarily for the situation at the front, and now it is definitely better for our armed forces. let's listen to what the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blick, said. and actually he confirmed that the administration of the president of the united states of america gave ukraine permission to strike russian military targets with western weapons. we listen to blinken. over the past few weeks, ukraine has approached us and asked for permission to use the weapons we provide for protection from this aggression. including russian troops, which are concentrating on the border, and then attack ukraine. and this... the request went to the president, and as you heard, he approved the use of our weapons for this
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purpose. our support to ukraine during these years has been adjusted to what ukraine needs. we will adapt and adjust, and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our interaction and will continue to be so. mr. valentin, you said that this will begin to change the course of the russian-ukrainian war, and obviously it will affect the rest of us. western partners who hesitated for a long time and thought, and if the americans do not give such permission, well , the germans, and they were thinking about whether to give permission for the use of their weapons on the territory of russia, we and the germans are a separate story there, of course it is... a world war and this atonement for the sins of previous generations of germans obviously prevented scholz from unfolding as well as how they could have done it, but in this story so far they are talking about americans talking about limited use, that is, some certain radius must be allowed to quote in addition
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to your quote and your experts who have already cited, i would talk about michael carpenter, he is a representative of the national security council. and we have already discussed with you, because i know him personally, and here is his quote, which just came out, that when he was clarified, this permission will apply and it is possible to use american weapons not only in kharkiv region to protect kharkiv, for example, sumy region , our other regions, his answer was verbatim, it extends to the fact that ukrainians can defend themselves, period, that is, you and i, further quote: yes, it is across the border against russian attacks coming from there. i'll be honest, i've known him for more than one year, he's such, you know, a long-term specialist, he's an ally and a long time of president biden, that is, i think that this is a deep and deeply studied decision by the national security council, that is, it turns out that the sanitary zone, which he wanted so much putin, he gets on the other side of the border, 100%, and the main thing here is that you mentioned
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germany or other countries, we needed permission and our armed forces of this country and now we are changing to the weapons that are available, it's simpler, there are atakams, there are hymers, missiles with a range of up to 80 km, that's what we need, we need a permit, if there are no german missiles, for example, taurus, then why do we need a permit, we need, you know, like here and now, both the weapon and the permission to use it, maybe there will be taurus after that, that is, i think, here i will tell you that with the germans, it is a certain myth that everything in germany, especially those in the parliament and in the government , there is a coalition, you yourself know very well. it turns out that they all hesitate, no, on the representatives who are included in the government coalition, represented in the government, for example, the green party, well, i have not personally negotiated with them more than once, they come to kyiv, they clearly said that we support, we are exactly that faction, that part of the government that is in favor of not not only to hand over taurus missiles, but also to help the armed forces
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use them against precisely the military facilities of the russian federation, from where russian planes take off and then launch terrorist missiles, missile strikes on ukraine, that is, on airfields, on the carriers of these same terrorist missiles. i i think the greatest value and greatest weight is the decision of the american and other partners, who now allow us to strike with their weapons at military facilities and russian attacks, to strike at places where there are terrorist russian planes, missiles and guidance systems. well, obviously, after this situation. in the kharkiv direction will also change, but as of now, and before the statement of blinken and officials in washington, what was said by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi about the situation in the kharkiv direction. the opponent continues to increase the grouping of their troops in the direction of the main strike of strelecha liptsa and in
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the vovchansk area by transferring additional regiments and brigades from other directions and from training grounds. however, these forces are currently not up to... enough for a full-scale offensive and breakthrough of our defense, obviously, obviously, after this decision of our western partners, the situation both in the kharkiv direction and in sumy will also be completely different, because of course, that's why i said that this is a breach of war, any professional military man will tell you ukrainian, i trust them that now or these russian groups, which are accumulating, gathering and so on, will be destroyed, or the enemy will be forced to drag them away and remove them. at a distance of at least 100-200 km from the ukrainian border, and this is definitely in favor of ukraine, ukrainian security. well, that is, let's explain to our tv viewers, those who are in kharkiv, in particular, that with the use of these weapons, they will no longer be able to fire with artillery systems, and the s-300, c200 will also be forced to remove,
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just like today's tragedy, another , on unfortunately, which happened in kharkiv, these are two c300 systems that were released. rockets and killed more than five people, this is only today, before that 19 were killed in the epicenter, also kharkiv, this is missile terrorism, but from those empty installations that they simply pulled up under the border, the russians, knowing that the ukrainians still do not have permission to hit them with western weapons right under the border, now they know that they will be destroyed for sure, and what can be moscow's answer, and it is, there is, this answer, they started. and their answer daily and nightly: they threatened our western partners that these countries are very small there, if you want, we can accommodate you, no one is threatening. don't be afraid of them, secondly, they took them seriously, but not at all with the reaction that moscow expected, seriously, because they seriously began to respond and help ukraine, well, let's take
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today's events directly, yesterday, the northern countries, sweden provided two saab radar detection saab is a huge technical aircraft with radar location detection completely, it's just how russian soviet a50s, those a50s, do you remember the ones that destroyed ours? armed forces with drones and not only, russia lost, and we gained, and this is a revolutionary decision, any air defense specialist, officer of our air defense will tell you that there was no such thing, and now it is, and now let's continue to our tv viewers, tomorrow june 1st is the start of summer, which means the v16s are coming in and will already have, including airborne systems on these saab planes for radar. early detection, guidance and more effective work, that is, with ears and eyes , there will be universal fighters with ukrainian pilots, and we expect the first two or three squadrons as soon as possible in order to
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start covering kharkiv, sumshchina, and so on. why do you think our western partners did not do this earlier, that is, did not grant such permission, considering the fact that last year, for half of the year on the 23rd, the russians were quite active there... they tried to hold on to the occupied territories of kherson oblast, zaporozhye, well donetsk and luhansk is a matter of course, and well, obviously, then it would also be quite effective and correct to provide such a weapon. what were they waiting for? i think that they were not ready and are not ready now, any country, except now us, we are at war, they are not at war after all, and they were and are, they, i from my personal negotiations, let's go with the american a partner more precisely, until you present all the arguments, until you explain, and so on, the answer was always , when will your specialists learn, and how will they master it, and how with permits, how with a foreign language, how with
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knowledge related to guidance radars and so on and so on, because their defense systems, well, simply put, the same hymars, well, remember how much in advance ukraine sends training groups to the united states of america , including the same patriot, even in... during the trip to arizona, the ukrainian military went to study in this us state to use patriot systems, i.e., here we are looking for specialists, we study in parallel, and our partners in the anti-putin coalition find or do not find those types the weapons that we need and are being transferred, of course the ideal situation would be if, firstly, we had these systems before the war, and secondly, to have... specialists who could use them, this did not happen, so ukraine at the same time and learns, and defends, and receives from international partners, but i am
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still a supporter of such a, you know, pragmatic approach of moving, receiving, learning, moving forward, not sitting and not complaining: well, if they gave a little earlier or a little later, given here and now we take and use, nato countries have the right to help ukraine protect its territory from attacks by russian aggressors. this was stated by jen stoltenberg, secretary-general of the north atlantic alliance, commenting on the discussions on granting ukraine permission to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, let's listen to stoltenberg. we must help ukraine defend its right to self-defense, and that does not make nato allies a party to the conflict. it was like that in february 22, it was like that last year and it remains like that. and escalation. well, russia escalated by invading. to another country and russia has escalated the situation in recent weeks by opening a new front where it is attacking ukraine from inside russia, and of course to think that ukraine should not respond
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is in no way unreasonable because ukraine should be able to defend its territory. and the spokesman of the german government, steffen hebesch streit, said that germany had given ukraine permission to use german weapons against military targets. on the territory of russia, i will quote the spokesman of the german government. we agreed with ukraine that the weapons we supply will be used for this in accordance with international law. we are convinced that according to international law , ukraine has the right to defend itself against these attacks. for this purpose, it can use weapons provided in accordance with its international legal obligations, including those provided by us. mr. valentin, this reaction and this unity, could it be related to the fact that the americans and the british and their... intelligence directly said that china was helping russia, and it became clear that in this situation, well delay in granting these permits will lead to a major imbalance, and
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simply put, until the loss of ukraine, and just for now our western partners are quickly trying to solve those issues, which actually, well, arise in connection with the strengthening of russia by the chinese, their weapons. i still think that the main reason why the american, and before that, the british, and before that, our other international partners also granted permits for the use of weapons by the armed forces, are after all the requests of ukraine, our military and political leadership, the parliament here not sleeping most importantly, our military attachés, our professional military, armed forces and general staff, i think this is the main reason, the second is respect for the ukrainian resistance, national resistance, as such on the part of our partners in the anti-putin coalition, which is more than 50 countries, and these two factors were, and are, decisive for the position of china, iran, other countries, yes, this is negative, yes, it also encourages our
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partners to react more quickly, but i would not begrudge it. the importance of these specific factors to the latest decisions of the americans and now you have also quoted the germans about the permits for ukraine to use their weapons, and here it is very an important point is that the spokesman of the german foreign ministry and the federal republic of germany refers to international law, more specifically, let's clarify, it is the un charter, where the right of a nation to self-defense against an aggressor is directly provided for in the un charter, and we, ukraine, are co-founders of the united nations, and we we protect ourselves from not'. blocked aggression of the russian federation, therefore , from the point of view of international law, everything is on the side of ukraine. well, on this point, the vatican opposes ukrainian attacks on russia with western weapons, the vatican secretary of state said cardinal pietro parolin. he says that i think this possibility should concern everyone who cares about the fate of our world, it could cause an escalation that no one can control. the holy see, apparently, in principle does not understand that the escalation has been there for a long time, about which he says
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that... in the long run, that no one can stop that escalation, and if at the current point it is not started to stop it, then problems will go to the countries of northern europe via the baltic sea, and sooner or later they can also reach the vatican, of course, and this it is very easy to check, first of all, how many roman catholic churches in odessa have been destroyed and how many more will be destroyed, so we have a language to speak with the vatican, and we need to... talk about it, odessans can tell very well, and we are all, this, this is ukraine, the enemy, the aggressor, russia is hitting the catholics, as well as the orthodox in ukraine, as well as others, that is why the holy see and the position of the vatican, it is very simply checked, in kharkiv open a representative office, you can even put the flag of the vatican on it and to see how russian cabs in 15 tons
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of explosions fly into your flag and your representation. and immediately after that, the position will become clearer to the vatican and its spokespeople, so i think that we are doing everything right, and our partners support us, and why do you think that the vatican and the pope are rather, let's say, taking such an uncertain position regarding the russian-ukrainian war, they do not say that there is an aggressor, there is a victim, or there is a country that attacks, there is a country that defends, they constantly try to put signs of equality between ukraine. russia, come on, guys, you end the war, because this is not possible, there must be peace in the world, which prevents the vatican and the head of the church, what, what prevents saying that there is white, there is black, it is commercial interests, it is there, no i know, russian money, it's an effort to be good for 1/6 of the land where russians live, nothing
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prevents, from the point to the opposite. the crimes of the russian federation against, including religious communities, including against catholics and the catholic church on our territory, testify to the fact that both the vatican and the pope can and should have said a long time ago putin to stop the aggression, withdraw his troops and rebuild everything he destroyed. you can start with the reconstruction of temples, we are only in favor. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during our broadcast, we conduct a survey, we ask you about the following: is political censorship in the mass media justified during the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, and if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote. 0800 211 381 is if you believe that political censorship in the soviet union is justified during wartime (0800-2113).


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