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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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of ukrainian book publishing, i.e. , the greatest support for ukrainian book publishing was provided, as it sounds, by putin himself. and in principle, how do you assess what is happening with the ukrainian reader's interest in the book, did it increase during the war or did it decrease, if we are talking about the ukrainian-speaking, it remained at the same level, just the people i named. yes, those who read russian are gradually switching to ukrainian, they have no alternative in a paper book, because you can download an e-book through a vpn russian, but paper, you have no alternative, except pirates in odessa, kharkiv and petrivka, that is why ukrainian book publishing is experiencing a real renaissance with the beginning of the war and it is a sin to complain to publishers, despite all the shelling, emigration and so on, and by the way, it has grown significantly the export of ukrainian books to... europe and america, because a significant
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part of the people who read them left, but the people who left and read them are somehow interested in ukrainian books abroad, we may have such people, i will say it once again , that the export of ukrainian books has grown many times, that is it in our format from our own experience, the export of books through our channels has increased by at least 10 times, at least in e-books. can we say that people now read ukrainian e-books more? no, they read more, just in parallel with paper books, they read e-books, e -books used to occupy 10-12% and still do, that is, but sales have doubled over the past three years, both electronic and audio books, again this is it is due to the fact that people who read in russian switched to ukrainian, or are switching, well, except for the most stubborn ones. who would you
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now we would name those people in literary circles who may have appeared during these years of war in a completely new way, we can generally say that we have a literature that corresponds to this time, these 2.5 years of great war, and how can we publish and present this literature? you know, i don't want to say uh uh, let's say this, specify, because i'm an interested person, and i have a conflict of interests. yes, because in principle there were new names, ah, which were not popular, yes, the same larion pavlyuk, yes, the same dali and so further, that is, a constellation of writers, poets, who were military men, are military men, and it is possible, but i believe that the real literature that will compete with gengui, yes, it will appear after the war, that is, after many years. . after the war? i don’t know, because
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any life experience, extreme, needs rethinking, a calm, non-emotional approach, well, i think so, maybe i’m wrong, and your publishing house, it also sends books to the armed forces, as much as the people on the front now need the book as such, look, to the front, precisely to the front to zero, dozens of public organizations, publishing houses and so on are sent, our publishing house is atypical, our format is the printing house of the ukrainian reformation, yes... a community of people who are changing the country for the better, through enlightenment, yes, through the process of reformation, with which we were 500 years late, and we, long before the war, we are in four years, ah, our community gave the military eh more than 100 thousand books, and these are not books for the front , again, we have our program, yes, and half of this program is textbooks and statutes, orders, methods and instructions. yes,
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what should be printed by the state, the defense, this is how we make statutes with volunteer money, because in the first year of the war i had one statute for the battalion, yes, as it turns out, i borrowed it from the deputy commander, it disappeared under tragic and funny circumstances, i promised myself that we would provide the armed forces with at least the minimally necessary methodical literature, but half of them are books that develop, we are fundamentally thursday. year we formed a list of mastrit books, yes as in vespoint, which every officer, every sergeant who wants to move in the armed forces, career, yes, he should read them, and it is mostly non-fiction, it is not fiction, we have a list very similar to the books that future american generals read , then our mission is to form a new military elite, books for entertainment, there are dozens of organizations that sell fiction, entertainment books. and so on, this is
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also a necessary and huge work, but our profile, our profile, these are books that shape the personality of the sergeant and officer of the future general, intellectual, yes. and the second half is a concentration on the printing of what is really necessary to ensure the effectiveness of combat work, well, in fact, we are talking about those people who would like to connect their lives with the army in the post-war period, and not about those who wanted to forget about it after the war, like a terrible dream and never return to these things, not necessarily, you know, there are people who came, tens of thousands of people came as volunteers, leaving their companies, effective management and so on, and it is these people... now they form a largely effective middle link in the army, and the 140, 140 order, which synergizes us with nato standards, yes, it is needed from sergeant to colonel and beyond, well, in reality, the army is now
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forced to read professional books , including statutes, yes, and forced to read people who after the war will gladly return to peace work, but today they are in voluntary which they came on the 24th, in order to be effective, they must read professional literature, because troops without a charter - this is how a church without a bible, but from an economic point of view, that is why we have dugouts of different quality and different fortifications, because mostly russians are engaged in this by people who have 15-20 years of military service experience, chechnya, syria and not only , yes, and we have some... really motivated to fight, these are people who came to volunteer, because those people who were in the army with us, yes, these people came to the army not to fight, you understand, but on the other hand, this already 10 years of confrontation, but this is a long time to learn something in practice, look, i always said that donbass is our sudetenland, i was actually involved in
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the war for 14-15 years, and from the first day of this war, so the 14th and 15th years, so to speak, this was a toy war, it was a good war'. with separatist groups, you don’t even judge it, but such an easy warm-up, and 10 years were simply lost, because in 10 years, if in 10 years the state did not print statutes for each platoon, which we are talking about, and the situation is the same, what about fortifications , what with weapons, what with professional literature, these are concentrations problems in society, what kind of prosecutors, what kind of generals, what kind of generals, what kind of economy , what kind of people, what kind of deputies, what number of statutes in the army, the number of textbooks in the ukrainian language in universities, then the problem of textbooks, what for the university, what for the army has never been around for 30 years, we don’t have a textbook on biochemistry in ukrainian,
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we don’t have a textbook on undergraduate biology, we don’t have feynman published in ukrainian, but we are now trying to fill this gap, so the first lecture on feynman’s physics will be literally in this but the state doesn't care, they didn't care for 30 years, that's why the result of the war so far, well, it always seemed to me that in ukrainian soviet times there were a lot of ukrainian-language textbooks, where did they go, vitaly, you were not interested, and you received your education in another university in the same one as me, it's just that you were registered in the first building, and i was in the second. in dasin shvernik and there everything was fine with textbooks, in ukrainian, in ukrainian society, ukrainian university textbooks practically, i ask, i please, i apologize, i studied at the university in dnipro, and all the textbooks i needed were in the ukrainian language, well,
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i have experience studying in ukraine, a lot, i have not so much experience studying in russia, because the last three courses, as you know, the time when you are not interested in textbooks, so i cannot agree here. no panetal, here i strongly disagree with you , because i know the situation, sorry, you can talk to anyone, from people who integrate biochemistry to people who are integrated into the world legal process, yes there are no textbooks, today i am talking to people from the national bank, we do not have economics translated into russian, we do not have a master’s book for banks, there was no kirnavolsh for 30 years, they translated it that year, yes, this is a master’s book for the management of economic ot... legal, legal sphere , i met with serhiy holovaty yesterday, the same problem, there is no biochemistry, scanavi, feynman for physicists, mathematicians, the same, there is nothing to run around, so maybe there is something in journalism, but in sociology panioto regrets that he has all his lectures
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i wrote textbooks in russian, it's top-notch - one of our political scientists, so i'm a sociologist, sociologist, sociologist, sociologist, yes, yes, that's it. he gave his lectures in russian and wrote his textbooks in russian and used russian in psychology, e.e. only in the last two years they started publishing classics, psychology, everything was in russian, there was no need to steam, engineering you have... there is a textbook on how to check the pretsform in ukrainian, there is not a single textbook, due to the resistance of textbook materials, well, one or two, then old-fashioned, but it is interesting, because in principle, it is itself higher education for how many years as a ukrainian speaker, he wants to say that people gave lectures in ukrainian at universities, textbooks were in russian, mr. vitaly, lectures in ukrainian were given in galicia and in half of the courses there in kyiv, and this is a real problem. even last year at the summer school in chemistry, olympiads and our children, their teacher of organic chemistry from kyiv
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is a very worthy woman, she started the lecture there with the phrase dear host, well, it was the year before last, so you do not know what the situation is in schools with by children, and when children ee good kyiv school for children who spoke ukrainian at recess, there was just bullying, i am responsible for you... i can say that because my child came to the kyiv school without knowing russian, so that was a problem, because with of the 33 children in the class , two and a half spoke ukrainian, he, his friend in principle, and the third with surzhik, because he is a moron, not because he is ukrainian, this is a kyiv secondary school, two years ago, this is a separate sad topic, i in the context of this situation, because i have four children who... at different times studied in different and very cool kyiv schools, the question arises as to how much this situation
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has changed, this is also a good question, i don’t know, we almost won the duel for the heads of the intelligent and capable adult population, that is , the point of no return has passed, but when in kyiv schools during breaks children will speak ukrainian, then i will say that the situation has changed irreversibly in... ukrainian, ukrainian schools? in schools with the ukrainian language of instruction, this is a school in which children and teachers speak ukrainian during breaks, as in kuban at the time, when i was small, children spoke russian during breaks and in lessons, ukrainian at home, so kubal surzhik, because they did not understand that the ukrainian language, kuban surzhik - is for home use, a real language, yes , the official language of the state and so on, this is the russian language . but now the opposite is happening with us, people
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speak the state language in lessons, at home in russian and during breaks, during breaks they speak russian with each other, in lessons not always, because there were a lot of cases among the children of my acquaintances, when the children had to enter into a discussion with the teachers , who said: can we? let's vote and we will teach the lesson in russian, because it is more convenient, it was in kyiv schools a couple of years ago. i know children who went out and said: you know what kind of flag hangs at our school, yellow and blue, so choose, dear ms. iryna, to teach us computer science in ukrainian, if you don't have a textbook on computer science, please, make a summary for yourself, this is the seventh grade, a kyiv school, there were such children, well, this is not really a question of children, it is a question of the state system, as the state system, to this... treats, if it tolerates, teaching another language in a school that is officially
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a ukrainian-language school, that's how it looks, the child can't only the state, masaryk did not tolerate it, you see, in the czech republic the situation was much worse than in ukraine, and the social superiority of the german language was significant , well, the german language was much more powerful and had much more rights to be, let's say, the dominant language than russian... these are slavic languages ​​and the degree of degradation of ukrainian was not the same as czech during masaryk's time, but masaryk became 10- 15 years, to turn the czechs into czechs, not czechs, yes, who were ashamed of their czech language, and we have 30 years, we walked in that desert, we climbed some radioactive dumps and looked for wires so that copper could be extracted from them and sold, this applies to all and akhmetov and village raguls, do we have any at all? opportunities to turn the situation around economically with all these publications, given that it is clear that the expenditure on all these publications, and
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given the economic situation in the country, will only increase. listen, on against the background of the money that is thrown into the under-education in ukraine, yes, how ineffective it is, in order to ensure the entire educational process in universities, including the military, this is... very funny money, it is a couple of percent of what is buried in land, just education reform, it should actually be a component of changing textbooks. from russian to ukrainian, and you don't need to print all the rubbish of ternopil professors, you just need to translate normal textbooks in every field, it's ridiculous money on the background what is being spent now is only a few tens of millions of dollars, it is not billions. thank you, thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav kyrychenko, entrepreneur,
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philanthropist, founder of the art agency nashformat, was on our air. and we talked with him about what is happening in ukrainian business book publishing, first of all, in educational book publishing against the background of today's book arsenal, which has finished its work, these are just very important remarks so that we understand what i would call an icebreaker of ukrainian literature and scientific, technical, educational and popular, there are still such problems that... can be said to be existential for the ukrainian state. we're going to break for a few minutes now, but please stay with us, we'll continue after this break. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin gel - 15% in travel pharmacies, you and savings.
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find out about the main threats to the unity of society in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. how not to let the enemy boil us in a special topic about demographic challenges: an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov, corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and high-quality analytics with the country at the center of the main events, buy at press outlets. what discounts represent unbreakable discounts on mevycar ic, 10% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from scratch. we encourage
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everyone to donate to the zero to life fundraiser for atvs for the 93rd brigade cold ravine on... your place is waiting for you, the lights stay on, for dinner, what you love. a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings, and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes,
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they cry for you, for you... we are not surrendered, because they knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home... "when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that has united around you, we continue the political club program
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on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, an important plot today, these are the statements of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, who is currently at the shan gryla dialogue summit in singapore. from there, he is supposed to go to the philippines, which is also an important country, simply because it is an ally of the united states in region, and the statements of the ukrainian president on this forum at his press conference, they have already shown that in principle... the leadership is not waiting for any kind of interaction with the leadership of the people's republic of china. a few days ago, the president of ukraine called on the president of the united states, joe biden, and the president of the people's republic of china. sidzempin to visit the peace forum in switzerland above lucerne, and now it has become absolutely obvious that there is some hope that not
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only the head of the people's republic of china, but in general, one of the representatives of the leadership of the people's republic of china will come to switzerland at all, no one has such a hope, and the president started talking not even about the participation of the chinese in this forum, but about the fact that they are systematically disrupting this summit, trying to... lower the level of participation in this summit of the heads of states of the so-called global south, pressure is put on these states that they either reduced the level of their representation or did not attend the forum at all, and of course, this is not the policy that the ukrainian leaders could expect from china, and i hard to understand where such baseless hopes come from, where there is no understanding of the extent to which this war and ukraine's defeat in this war correspond to china's global interests. people's republic, but less is better now than never, because we see that china, of course, in coordination with its ally the russian federation, has launched
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a real diplomatic offensive against ukrainian efforts, not just a disruption of the summit in switzerland, we and you we understand that the summit in switzerland cannot lead to any real results because the war can be stopped only russia's negotiations with ukraine, russia is not interested in these negotiations, it is interested in the destruction of ukraine. statehood in the shortest possible period, but if there will be a long period, then vladimir putin is ready for that as well. but it is very important for putin that during this operation to destroy the ukrainian state, as he believes, it will end in his triumph, that there are no diplomatic victories in ukraine. and china picked it up. this chinese plan, which was made public after a multi-day diplomatic tour of the ministry's special representative of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china lihui, dept. the country of the global south is, by and large, a plan to freeze the conflict, a plan which, according to the plan of its authors, should allow russia to accumulate efforts, normalize its own economic
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situation, build even more military enterprises, and then, when there are no major problems, inflict a deadly blow on ukraine strike in such a way as to reduce casualties among the citizens of the russian federation, who are supposed to inhabit the territory that will be cleared of disloyal ukrainians. some will be kicked out others will be killed, and this plan does not provide any security guarantees for ukraine. i am not talking about the territorial integrity of ukraine, it seems to me that nobody seriously thinks about it in moscow and beijing, because the issue of russia leaving these territories where the russian army is located is not even discussed, as we we understand this was the first phase of such a diplomatic offensive, a plan that was made public after these trips to lihue. was supported by president xi jinping of the people's republic of china and, what a surprise, by the president of the russian federation, one of china's biggest allies and partners, vladimir putin. then
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the next step took place, the consultations of the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of china with the chief adviser of the president of brazil, mr. amarim, and this is already a chinese-brazilian consensus. the next step, you see, everything is going according to plan, like a tank. this is china's message, which was sent to the embassies of many countries in the global south, and not only that the chinese delegation will not participate in the forum, on which will not have a representative of russia, because beijing demanded that ukraine agree to the presence in switzerland of the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergei lavrov, as observers believe it is him, lavrov himself was not going to go there and emphasizes that switzerland is not a friendly country. why go there? so it was such cynicism. but that's not all there is in these documents, which chinese diplomats send to the embassies
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of interested countries. they also require them to recognize the correctness of the chinese approach to the problem. that is, to agree with chinese-brazilian consensus. that is, you, even if you go, you must clearly tell them what a peace settlement should actually look like, so that you do not confuse your head with your peace formula. that they would suffer a devastating diplomatic defeat right in the forum. the next step: now we know that there was a report that president volodymyr zelenskyy was to visit saudi arabia to speak with one of the major players in the global south, the de facto ruler of that kingdom, prince muhammad, ibn samban, crown prince of saudi arabia arabia, which is also on good terms. and with the president of the people's republic of china , xi jinping, and with the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, despite all, i would say, important strategic relations between
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saudi arabia and the united states. prince mohammed, especially after this famous story with the murder of the journalist khashoggi right in the saudi embassy in turkey, a member of their club, a person who sincerely wishes them the best. and it turns out that before this visit of zelenskyi, they appear reports that saudi arabia is not going to participate in the forum in switzerland because there will not be a representative of russia, as it were. and here is the question again. and what the hell then, saudi arabia held such a summit with the participation of representatives of the western countries of ukraine of the global south without the participation of russia, somehow it did not invite anyone from russia to this meeting, and i can explain why, because saudi arabia is not interested in russia, it is interests china, the decision that saudi arabia is likely to refrain from participating in this
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shoes the tape was approved after it became clear that there would be no chinese delegation there, and now the refusal can come one after another, even from those who were still wavering or had already made a decision, and this is a real attack on ukrainian peace initiatives, and this is a real an attack on the very, very agenda of the summit, on the level of presence, because we still hope that the president of the united states can come. to this meeting, but even the president of the united states, when he looks at the situation and sees that many world leaders will not be there, and that it will be a forum by and large with the participation of western politicians, he may not understand what he should do there, and it's not all about our problem, it's not because we lost something, we didn't organize it correctly, it's just another war, but we even it seems that we do not understand that, apart from the war, it is real. in addition to
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the energy war, in addition to the propaganda war, there is also a diplomatic war, and our opponents, they know how to play these wars, because they are countries with a serious systemic, authoritarian mindset, countries in which diplomacy has always worked to destroy the enemy on his own field, and we forget about it all the time, and it seems to us that if we propose some initiative, then everyone will... meet an absolutely logical, well-thought-out, fair initiative, that who can say anything against volodymyr's peace formula greenery, it is based on the principles of justice, but politics is a great pity for us, it is not justice, but the art of the possible, in politics the one who has mastered this art of the possible wins, and who generally lives with this art of the possible, as with the air that he breathes, that's why politics is a profession, not an amateur, if
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we don't... understand that, if we believe that politics is justice and emotions, unfortunately, on the diplomatic front, on the information front, defeat after defeat awaits us, there , where victory seemed inevitable, and that is why it is very important that volodymyr zelensky called a spade a spade at this forum in singapore and clearly said what ukraine owes today to the people's republic of china, whose role was played by so many completely unjustified and ridiculous... all the latter, i would say years, it is not clear. thank you, friends, please stay with espresso tv channels, and we say goodbye to you, until the next meetings, good luck!
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who is close to politics? this is about politics, about the world, we are talking with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm and the head of the council for cooperation with ukraine pawel koval. congratulations! i congratulate you! i am maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor-in-chief of the sestry website. the key news from poland this week is the launch of a state defense program eastern shield. details of what the largest operation to strengthen nato's eastern flank since 1945 will look like were put on monday in the ministry of national defense of poland. let's try to analyze what are the key goals of launching the eastern shield and what poland is preparing for. this is primarily border protection, it is important because belarus actually functions as a part of russia. i always said that.


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