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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills. stacks
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of documents significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. returning to our conversation, as promised in the communication with us , a serviceman of the 47th separate assault brigade oleksandr, mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. about your direction of the front, we want to tell you about the area of ​​your responsibility, what has been the situation there in the past day? now the situation is quite stable, we hold the areas that were determined for us, the enemy is trying to storm, does not stop trying to seize our positions, enters there with both equipment and infantry, but for now there are no changes. we've seen some video from the 47th assault, including the one you can watch. many times on the rapid, it is
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about your work on bradley, and two, two russian armored vehicles, now we will try to show about this remote, but fast, rapid combat, in general, how is it difficult in the technique, how evenly is it in your direction, how much is it possible to work out technique-technique, do drone pilots still help more? now the situation is actually changing a lot, rebs are often used, so drones can not always fly there, although they are helpful, that is, no one will cancel drones, it is a very powerful tool, but mainly in this area, that is, we use groups in order to destroy equipment the enemy, well... actually
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, now we see work with bradley on v of russian armored vehicles, yes , yes, well, this is your video, actually, it is you, it is from drones , it is possible to record it like this, and we see videos from you from time to time, or just when combat work begins, there is necessarily a video recording of the work of drones 24x7. that is , we fly day and night in order to control our area, control the approaches, control where the infantry is standing, when there are any assault actions, defensive actions, that is why the drones fly all the time, at night as well as drones with a thermal imager at night, we look, we observe movement of the enemy by infantry equipment, we conduct our infantry, we conduct actions in the same way under the correction of drones, we conduct... in
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the correction of artillery, well, in general, i have to correct us, because we said that this is a mechanized assault brigade, 47 separate mechanized brigade, sir oleksandr, we are talking about drones, and we know that we also use them very effectively, not only the russians, and we will also show your video now about how to fight with drones against their mopeds, how popular is this use of drones among them now . for movement at the front, and does it make your life easier to actually hunt them, because there is no armor, nothing, in fact, they don't go that often, they had several attempts to drive in on our position on motorcycles, they don't know, what did they want to achieve in this way, honestly, it's so damn stupid to me, yeah, and they were all left there in the fields, some of them were just hit by the drones,
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honestly, i can't tell you, it's more probably the fpv operator to you can answer how much easier it is to offend, but the infantry is not bad copes, that is, the infantry can shoot ot... in this form of landing, so to speak, without any problems. if they don't ride motorcycles often, how often do they travel, in which way, which mode of transport do they choose? at the moment, they are the last ones there, the last time they drive there on a buggy, it seems to me that this type of equipment is most often used, well, it is lighter, faster, and i think it is cheaper. if we talk about losses, because they also burn, but before that, well , from time to time there they used armor, btry, bmp, sometimes tanks drove in there, and the infantry moved on foot, the prisoners we took were asked why you keep walking
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, they say because you burned all our equipment, well, i think they protect the equipment more than their personnel, precisely because they would prioritize movement with their feet. a few months ago , we saw all these braziers, where something is manually tied up, cooked, it looks like a chicken coop, after the third world war, and now we see more and more neatly and more nets and camouflage means and anti-drone shelters like that, do you also see this armored vehicle that the occupier starts, well, on an industrial scale with... to sew up protection, that's how they sew it up, because again, it's all a loss, that is, it's a loss of their ability, it's a loss it's the same in the monetary equivalent and the like, it's more difficult to restore the equipment, so they 're looking for ways to improve it all, well, on
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the one hand, it can look funny, it can look clumsy, but it often works, well, if it wasn't there and had to search if... approaches, exits, how to destroy this technique, again, it's funny from the side, but how did your brothers find the key, because you say that it is quite effective on the battlefield, in relation to drones, but as we can see anyway , which are stopped, we still see that it is lit, so some key has been picked up, that’s right, but understand that if we need to use conditionally for unprotected equipment... then for protected equipment, we need three or four of them, let’s skip it, that ’s how it is, it’s the same time, it is also additional calculations, it is also an additional resource, here is a plus to that, in general it is very complex,
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you need to understand that in addition to the fact that there are fp drones there, there are such things as mines, barricades, which deter the enemy and give us the opportunity to carry out some kind of damage. by another means, we see a lot of our own video from you, there it was blown up, there it was destroyed, there it was hit, and it is always so vivid with fireworks, usually when we ask our defenders about how such footage affects people, they say, that very often they actually want to join them later, i.e this is such a motivational video comes out, does it work in your case or is it actually? what affects recruiting, the fact that people want to come to you, apply to your team? honestly, i can’t answer this question for you, because i didn’t conduct an analysis, but i can say 100% that it gives confidence to the staff, and from here we can
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conclude that if the staff has confidence , they spread it somewhere , tell it, then it can create a certain motivation. for people who are now out of the armed forces. oleksandr, tell me, in your direction, this tactic of the enemy is preserved, how to jump in with anything as quickly as possible, in small groups, as they say, to linger and wait for the accumulation of sufficient strength, that is, because we saw it in many areas of the front, in your same, yes, yes, yes, they use the same tactic, to wedge themselves in somewhere. in the junctions between our positions and then accumulate, carry out assault actions, replenish the personnel, occupy the position and thus try to capture them. ugh, and a few more words about their personnel, how trained, qualified military personnel are they, are they some
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special elite so-called units, or ordinary ordinary people? there are different, differently trained personnel. so we came across, took prisoners who, well, are really powerless, that is, people who were sent there for meat, and there are specialists who can enter that... well, position, who can enter there in our conventional style, to replace our road, that is, to carry out some complex operation there, that is, you cannot underestimate a thief, yes, if they had enough specialists, if they weren't there, and we would have to make efforts, to say that they are one-and-done there, no, but you shouldn't be afraid of them, you have to do your job, continue to press, well, they use special equipment and on your site, in the fact that... there is always a bright one in telegram channels, it is when some
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uncle from deep africa sits and sings with an akhvetseri russian accent, did you capture any exotic specimens, no, in our there was no pity, mostly all from the territory of the russian federation, here, but also different origin, so i don't pay much attention to it there, mercenaries. were, will be everywhere, and it is important to understand that this is an enemy that must be destroyed, that must be defeated. and the russians and the mercenaries are equally fighting for money, but with the same passion? there are those who are fighting with the fire, there are prisoners whom we took, but we checked their messages there, we communicated with them there and they are charged with killing, smacking, smacking dill, as they say in their messages, so... there are enough of them, they are very zombified, in fact, very much, so with them you say, it doesn't fit in your head, how they
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could get to such things. oleksandr, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso, thank you for your service and salute to our brothers in arms. it was oleksandr, a serviceman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, we showed you a video of the work of our defenders, their brigades during this conversation. now we have a short pause, and then we will look at the other greetings of the front, through the eyes of serhii from hurets. stay with us. warning. total sale. garden trimmer kors unpack tv with a discount on everything from uah 799 only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use. very profitable. minimum effort, maximum result. hurry to order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful. mow with gas near fences, along
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affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick-up bc, pick-up boys, atv - this is the way from. zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. we are coming back, as promised, with serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting
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company defenseexpress. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, glad to see you. hero glory, good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. sir! and we see, in zaporizhzhia, one new section of the front, we see expansion at certain points in the north, what is the enemy playing now, does he want to increase the front line and is it too small? well, in fact, now the enemy is really trying to press in all areas, but if we look at the intensity of combat clashes, then this time... it was 60, if we take into account the message of the general staff, let me remind you that on peak days, starting there even since the kharkiv period of the offensive, there have been periods when there were 150 combat engagements per day, that is , now we see a drop in the intensity of the enemy's actions, which may indicate that, on the one hand, that he has suffered significant losses,
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on the other hand, that he is now regrouping, although at almost... there are a number of areas of the front, in particular the pokrovsky direction, the enemy continues to concentrate the main efforts, what about other directions, then there, if we are talking about any enemy advances there, then we are talking about tactical advances within a few hundred meters, beyond which the enemy pays a very high price if we if we take into account the results of the enemy's losses according to the statistics of last month, then they were the largest during the entire period of hostilities, it seems that they crossed the line of 38 thousand destroyed occupiers, if later... in which case we understand that now in view of the arrival of ammunition, first of all to the armed forces, the situation becomes such that it is possible to inflict significant losses on the enemy, and this just significantly reduces its offensive potential there. mr. serhiy, we want to say the footage from the time of the yar, and the footage is impressive, impressive, because in fact the russians are constantly open fire
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they are constantly shooting, and despite this, the ukrainian maxpro is driving, and... it is driving, it is literally speeding, but even in these shots it seems to me that the speed is quite high, for such a place, for such a section, because these are actually city roads yar times, our defenders are carrying out a combat task, and this is a black swan, this is an impactful black swan, they published this video, they write that they are going to first save the wounded and bring ammunition, that is, several tasks at the same time, please comment here ... as far as it goes the professional and high-quality work of our defenders is shown in these shots, and in general, the technique was also very interesting, because mines and projectiles were placed very close to the car, and it did not hide, well, really, i think that this video demonstrates such a symbiosis of the combination of of three components, these are the capabilities of armored vehicles,
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the skill of our military, and actual character, because we can see all these factors. in this video, it's an american max pro machine, which is really built for combat in the conditions of ambushes, in conditions of uh, dense mining, and now we see that this machine is heavy enough, but it moves there at the maximum speed according to the technical parameters up to 100 km/h, here i think a little less, but very fast, we see that the enemy is trying to aim mines at... our car, it's not, it doesn't work, but even close blasts, as we can see, don't affect the ability of the car to move, for me it's really a no-brainer. sense and important capabilities of the machine, because mines create debris, usually all the machines that have wheels there, they suffer from artillery, so
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that the wheels fly out and this almost immediately minimizes the possibility of pressing, here we see that even in this situation, close -by mine explosions do not affect the attack as a machine, and this indicates that, well, luck, and skill and... . technical characteristics on our side, and actually here is a very important operation, it is exactly the evacuation of the wounded, because this is the most difficult mission, because, relatively speaking, to get the wounded out quickly, this is what comes to the fore now, we say there about the possibility robotic platforms, but we see that in extreme situations, only such machines with our military make it possible to quickly carry out ritual operations and ensure the life of our military, yesterday, the day before yesterday, i watched, worked out, rocket-propelled salvo artillery on shebekin and on and
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around, this is already the territory of the russian federation, and we understand that this is a short distance, although it is quite effective, but i am interested in a long distance, because it forbes says, at least i saw them first, which was right after it sounded. what can be beaten with american weapons flew to belgorod, and this is what fors writes, that it was the hymars, as of now, a little more is known, that is, how we will actually scout and destroy military targets on the territory of russia, and how far apart from belgorod, if we can use mars beat? well, you first mentioned shobykino, it is a settlement just outside belgorod and... there were other reports, in addition to shepikino, there were reports about such a settlement in the north, it is just outside belgorod, about 80 km from kharkiv. and
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there it was just reported what was there the russian air defense system has been destroyed, i think that really the use of hymars there with a range of up to 80 km is now the most far-reaching arm at the disposal of our armed forces, which can already carry out strikes on ... such important targets of the enemy, we are talking about means of impression like c -300 with which the enemy is shelling kharkiv at command posts at ammunition storage sites and these components can really improve the situation with the conduct of defensive operations by our armed forces, the question of attacks that have a range there within 300 km, in fact it turns out that the ban remains. although some russian airfields are located right in the range of these
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operational-tactical missiles, and i think that this may be the next step, on the part of the united states, to lift the ban on the use of atakams, but in any case, now we rely on the use artillery, haimars, and these two components, well, that's good. show themselves on the battlefield and significantly strengthen the capabilities of our defense in these areas. how far do we now have the opportunity to push their aircraft away from ukrainian borders and what does it give us? well , the issue with aviation is primarily related to the use of patriot complexes, against the background of the conversation about lifting the ban, pentagon spokespeople began to say that there were no restrictions on the use of patriots before... did not exist, although i think that this is not entirely accurate information, we know the story when several russian planes and helicopters were destroyed by the patriot near the bryansk region, in the bryansk region,
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there were certain reservations from germany and the united states. now it is recognized that patriot complexes can protect kharkiv and destroy, relatively speaking, russian targets over russia in russian airspace, but this means that... the issue of patriots in the kharkiv zone is an extremely difficult operation, because we understand that the enemy will try to destroy the patriots, if they are placed there, they must be covered by the patriots, but in any case, for aerodynamic purposes , the patriot can work at a distance of 150 km, this means that at such a distance it will be difficult for the enemy to use the same cabs, so what usually the enemy uses cabs somewhere... from a distance of 50-60 km, so in any case the protective umbrella at the theoretical level by the patriots allows you to cover kharkiv from
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kaps, but i repeat, eh... it must be created a multi-layered protective air defense over kharkov, understanding the approach of russian means of impression within 25 km of khat, it is clear that the patriot protects kharkiv, another system protects the patriot itself from damage, and now i wanted to ask you more about the weapons of damage, literally about two samples of mornings. started in the swamps, they refer to the bbc and shout: france has decided, it is they about the stormshades, so they say, and the storm shadow scalp is much more than the attacks theoretically should fly up to half a thousand, that is, we do not have a short shoulder now, we now have a long shoulder to answer, when we talk about cruise missiles of western origin of the stormshadow type, which are actually there missiles,
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twins, then we are talking about a range of up to... 300 km, and we now have permission, preliminary permission of britain and permission of france. now i think that, after all, practice is a criterion truth, and we want to see in fact that this cancellation of the ban allows us to destroy targets on the territory of the russian federation, in particular, we are talking about the airfield, this is the main challenge, where russian aircraft are based. so far, we have used the scalp storm shelter in the crimea. if we start destroying airplanes there at the airfield of baltimore or at other airfields at a distance of up to 300 km there, then this will be an indicator that these permits have finally passed the practical use of weapons, and regarding the number, mr. sergey, do we have enough of these means, to really free all this space, all this territory? well, the question is about the number of heimers, rockets to
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heimers, we see that now almost all these munitions come in one package by attacks, we see that the same, the situation has significantly improved, we don’t have accurate data on missiles, i think that these are certain indicators of up to a hundred missiles that were supplied by france and britain, and we hope that these volumes will be preserved, although we understand that it is not easy for our partners, but this is a question including, well, the intensification of the production of these samples weapons on... mr. serhiy, there are photos from andrii tseplienko, a soldier, i want to ask you, he says that there is the first recorded appearance of the russian sau-malva in the kharkiv direction, he says that it is something like this, a medium hybrid was plucked from our sau bohdan, we can show it now, and you tell us how industrial production it is. did
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they really set up such long-range sao installations on an industrial scale? do not think that the industrial scale is a bit of an exaggeration, we know that in the 23rd year they completed the state tests of this sau malva, the range of the system there is about 24 km, despite the fact that, relatively speaking, our bohdana, there and the french caesar have a range of up to 40 km, with similar firepower there, so in any case we understand that there france, ukraine, started making their models, a little earlier, because we remember that sau was shown in 16, the russians started doing it in 19, so i repeat, this is not an average model, it's just the first, demonstrations of this weapon, this is important information, mr. sergey, thank you were with the audience espresso, expert analysis from the director of the information and consulting company
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defense express serhii sgurets. thank you. 9:00 a.m. is approaching, the time when we honor the memory of all those who died in this russian-ukrainian war with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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