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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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the situation at the front? not a fact, not a fact, that is why we are now talking about pilot projects, we are talking about absolutely different projects, because every country has its own situation, if we take poland, it is difficult to imagine that poland will push out 30% of its active small businesses. and almost 50% of those who bought new real estate in poland over the past year, that is , for them, these are huge economic bonuses that they clearly do not want to lose, given the stagnation of their economy, if we talk about ireland, then there is a ukrainian... community integrated so much that already this year one of the ukrainian women becomes a deputy of the local parliament in one of the cities of rlandia, therefore the programs will be very different, they will be very specific, now this is only a stage, let's see what will work, let's talk with the ukrainian community, let's talk with ukraine, that is, it's still too early to panic that everyone is being pushed straight back into the war, it's just different formats of cooperation that are currently being discussed, and in fact it will all be resolved for quite a long time on... mr. oleksandr,
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thank you for the conversation, oleksandr krayev, expert of the council of foreign policy ukrainian prism was with us, we will take a short break, after which we will watch together with our guest, very sensitive, i would even say the material about ukrainian electricity or its absence. stay with espresso, we'll meet in a few minutes. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order toperick for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove.
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of pryszhnia, mom and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters, who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv. there will be some
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katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:50 p.m. on espresso. and well, today there will be power outage schedules across the country throughout the day, in fact, it all started at midnight. it is reported that there may also be shutdowns in those other hours when a shutdown is possible, this is provided that there will be a heavy load on the power system, and this will already be decided in each specific case. region, and in general, what we know today: the government increased the price of light to uah 4 and 32 kopecks per 1 kw. the new tariff will be valid until april 30 2025, and whether it will help our energy, which is constantly being destroyed by the enemy.
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let's see together in the plot. the increase in the electricity tariff for the population did not come as a surprise. massive missile and drone strikes this spring caused massive damage. energy, which only partially recovered after the winter before last, when the enemy made energy the main goal. in general, due to russian attacks, ukraine lost more than 6 gigawatts of capacity, the ministry of energy notes. winter is ahead. the event provides funds for repairs, but they are not enough. minister from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada energy minister herman galushchenko warned a week ago that price increases are inevitable. a decision will be made. in the coming week, i.e. until the end of may, and the issue is that the current level of tariffs, which is today, unfortunately, does not cover, especially taking into account the losses suffered by the energy system, during the week a number of media reported that the ministry of energy has completed the calculations and
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30 in may, the cabinet of ministers will approve new tariffs, 4 hryvnias, 80 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, if consumption exceeds 100 kw hours per month. on may 30, the meeting really took place took place, but the ministers did not consider any decisions on promotion. instead , prime minister denys shmyhal warned ukrainians that the absence of power outages for several days in a row is a coincidence of favorable circumstances rather than a positive trend. thanks to the solar generation, as well as the completion of the repair of two power units of nuclear power plants, scheduled shutdowns have been scheduled for several days. mercury is not used, but this does not cancel the need to systematically save electricity if a significant deficit is again recorded in the system, ukrenergo will be forced to return to blackout schedules. the hesitations of the cabinet of ministers caused criticism, in particular among people's
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deputies. oleksiy kucherenko, a member of the committee on energy and housing and communal services, wrote on his facebook page: indecision can be costly. dear. if the government is confident in its decision, and it is justified and necessary, then what can be the delay in its adoption. fear of responsibility, which can be fear if the decision is justified, sometimes rejection any decision has far worse consequences than the wrong decision. and it seems to me that this is exactly the case. on the last day of the month, may 31, the cabinet of ministers did vote for the resolution, but different figures were obtained in it. therefore, from june 1, the tariff for the population will increase by 60%, regardless of consumption volumes, and will amount to uah 4 32 kopecks. the preferential tariff was kept for consumers who heat their homes with electricity (2.64
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kopecks). if consumption does not exceed 200 kw per month. we are talking only about the heating period, that is, from october 1. until april 30. they kept the night tariff for all ukrainians who have a two-zone meter - 2 gr. 16 kopecks per kilowatt. prime minister shmyhal decided not to comment on the unpopular decision. the minister of energy limited himself to a short message on the ministerial website. raising the tariff is a difficult but necessary step. the goal is not to be left without light, to keep the system. we are facing a large-scale reconstruction, which requires huge efforts and funds, all this time the repair campaign continues at the generation, distribution and transmission facilities, those who cannot afford to pay for services from electricity supply according to the new tariff, will receive assistance from the state, targeted subsidies. from june 1, electricity
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will become more expensive for industry as well, by an average of 25%, which means that prices for goods and services will rise. a separate history of the waterworks. electricity is the main component of the cost of water supply. last year, the cabinet of ministers blocked the nkr's decision to raise water tariffs. however, to do it this year also means. introduce communal water utilities to bankruptcy. raising tariffs can help the industry survive massive enemy attacks, and better prepare for winter. but the increase in the price of electricity does not mean the cancellation of schedules, turning off the lights. the energy system suffered too great losses, especially in heat and hydro generation. ukraine stopped selling electricity abroad and, on the contrary, actively imports it from europe. however, even imports do not cover the deficit. at the end of the week, energoatom took out another
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power unit for repair, and the shortage in the power system increased, and blackouts resumed. in the summer and , most likely, in july, when ukrainians will turn on the air conditioners en masse, the situation may worsen, and then the winter will probably be even more severe than two years ago. we return to... teru and immediately involve oleksiy kucharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we looked at the material about tariffs, about electricity, we want to ask you about the justification for all this, we understand that prices will rise, some say war, some say, we understand that shelling, some are indignant, that is, people do not always understand why this is happening , but... the positions are different, and what do you say, you saw the rationale for that all those tariffs? the prices will not increase, they
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have already increased, it is already a fact, the resolution has been adopted and from june 1 the meter will charge us at the new price, i will just explain the basic things so that everyone understands, there are two models of pricing, one is the market model, yes, when the market is complete, and you come to the market there as a consumer and either... buy, trade, do not trade, buy, less, more and so on, well conditionally any market where you are meat, a bazaar there, even among stores there is a market, because if you do not like one price in one store, then you go to another and buy there, or don't buy if you don't have money, er, in electricity for the population, it happened for objective reasons, this is my belief, there was no market for the population and no market prices. it will still be a long time, you understand, well, taking into account the low level of income of the population, because
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the government's argumentation is the same: you see, we could set you the market price, and conditionally, it changes every day, but conditionally it would be at the level of uah 6-7 per kilowatt hours, but we do not give you the market price, but the regulated one, and then really, if the government regulates and undertakes to set this non-market price. and it is lower than the vindication, then at least he must give a justification, and it must be a very serious document with an electrical balance, with formulas, with prices, cost costs, and so on and the like, well , fine, but in this case, unfortunately, i i did not see such a document, because this meeting, like all others, the government conducts in such semi-conspiratorial conditions, i wrote a letter to the government with a request and demand to invite me. to the meeting of the government and familiarize them with these documents beforehand
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they didn't do that either, they just on friday at the last moment set this price, which you all know, 4.32, of course, i assure you that we will demand and do everything to check as much as possible and get all the documents and the government is not going anywhere, mr. oleksiy, but tell me, please... former deputy minister lana zerkal simply does not like it unequivocally and said, my reaction is like this, you know, when i am not shown something, i will always have a suspicion, something, and that is why i this situation, unfortunately, will be a function perform control from the side, as a deputy. mr. oleksiy, lana zerkal, the former deputy minister, recently said so on the air. that this is a lie, new tariffs, these schemes were already in the 90s, it’s me just
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taking a bite out of her, from this program, you can watch the whole program and hear all her arguments, she says that there is money for repair, restoration and other things , which support the ukrainian energy industry, our partners gave in huge amounts, part of those funds have not yet been used, and therefore to argue for the population that we give you... because we need money for restoration is a lie, that's what she said, is she right, look, vana dzerkal is a politician for energy today. she has a very, very distant relationship, despite the fact that she was even an adviser to the minister for a while, it was his mistake in my opinion, but that's his problem, eh, but nevertheless, if you put aside the lies, i don't i want to repeat it there, because somehow it is not correct, yes , yesterday you were an adviser to the minister there, and now
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you are already a lie, it is somehow not correct, but nevertheless, if there are arguments, then i can say yes, perhaps there are reasons for that, this is not just a bathroom mirror, it is of no use here, all reasonable, adequate, professional people, for the last month they have been discussing exactly how to control so that this money really goes to restoration, this is the number one task in this situation, i'm just telling you, i think everyone will be interested in order to make sure how our money is with you. and this is approximately an additional 50 billion uah per year, you and i will pay, you understand, the price of this issue is 50 billion uah per year, which the population will pay additionally, 85% of this money will go to state company energoatom, 15% of this money will go to the state company ukrhydroenergo. ukrhydroenergo is destroyed,
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it is very powerful, valid, there is much to repair there, starting. there was none, there were no destructions in the energy companies, and therefore the question arises, how exactly will this money further down the chain get to the strengthening of the energy system and the repairs of those companies that suffered the most. suffered, you and i know, the state company ukrenergo, these are transformer substations, powerful, these are... energy distribution system operators in the first place the next is kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, kyiv oblast, odesa oblast, then dnipropetrovsk oblast and so on, these are network companies, and the third is thermal generation, we have it as a state-owned one, it is centernerga, two stations were affected, zmiyivska and trypilska, as well as private, kids - that's a lot, well, these are stations in
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dnipropetrovsk, you have them there in lviv oblast, you know, ivano-frankivsk oblast, vinnytsia oblast and so on and so on, in what. the logic of the government is to let 80% of the funds go where they are not needed, and a tiny part where the destruction is greatest, they also know these the results, they are not secret, look, there, well, everything is not so simple there, so, you understand, there is an extremely complex algorithm of execution by people with a very good education, it would be possible to tell how these funds should be redistributed further down the chain. because energa there takes these funds, then it releases part of it for its own needs, part of it will be paid to ukrainian energy, part of it will be paid to the guaranteed buyer, they will pay the ossr, and generation and so on, there is a complex chain, i can say one thing, there is no trust in in this situation, i have, i think, you have the same, me
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i don't trust anyone today, i tell you honestly, i want to check everything, and i will do everything so that... they reveal every day how this financial flow is distributed, as soon as they hide it from me, from my colleagues from different factions, they will hide the information and will not give me this information, there are rumors that they are starting schemes, manipulations, while i do not do this, because i have no suitable grounds for this, the only reason is that they did not show me the calculations before... and i repeat, for me, this is already a sign that, well, it is not a soft question saying, i don’t want to crush the degree further, and it’s hard for everyone now, so we have new conditions, the tariff is 4:32, at night, respectively, 2:16, save money, turn off the light, the same as i do, well, we all think how less
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to consume, well, how to consume less, but not fall into energy poverty, that is the key question for every family... in every household, in every house . mr. oleksiy, where do you think should be restored in the first place, we remember the incredible about kharkiv region, although the question is correct, see here first of all, they destroyed thermal generation, it is precisely because of this that we have a deficit today, yes, we do not have enough power, there is no power, there is no one to produce it, and accordingly , today we are in deficit with... we live at the expense of energy atoms and at the expense of imports and at the expense of solar stations, by the way, at solar stations as well, unfortunately, the enemy is starting to attack, this is very bad, because solar stations are now carrying a lot. a serious load, the sun is there, the weather is good, they take a large part on themselves, accordingly , decisions must be made immediately, or
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to repair the destroyed, there is a defect inspection for each object, the extent of damage is determined, approximate estimates and deadlines are determined, and you just have to make a decision, this can be repaired in 2-3 months, this can be done in... six months, and this in in two years, in one and a half, well, it probably doesn't need to be done, and the main question is, everything can probably be repaired, for this we need funds, and here, let's say, they found them, but the main question is different, we will protect these objects further, you see, there is no reliable system of air defense, well, you understand that these can be funds spent in vain or with little efficiency, and the second question, why... can now urgently build new generating facilities, these are not such large stations, this is this distributed generation
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relatively small installations, gas primary, gas turbine, which are as close as possible in the city and in the city center, in microdistricts, which can simultaneously generate electricity and heat for the needs of the city, for the needs of the territories, i assure you now that any businessman. powerful, who has production, is already starting to immediately buy and install this gas and gas plant so that its flight does not stop, i assure you that business in this situation is far ahead of the state in its decisions, gas turbine technology is a good thing, but but outside of the big cities, especially far from the front line, is there any kind of all-ukrainian incentive program? that is, what kind of preferential regime subsidies in order to decentralize, to make a large amount of small-scale solar generation, the surplus is simply
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to sell, and is there any government program for this? well, i'm sorry, all the mechanisms for solar have been launched a long time ago, the only thing is that there is no green tariff now, but now the economy is such that solar stations even at the market tariff are a good investment project with a payback. 5 years, i'm telling you now, but now that the price has increased, its appeal and relevance will become, as you think, mr. roman, much more interesting, i started this morning with the fact that, well, i already had miscalculations, i'm calculating now, how about me the roof to install solar panels, a battery, and accordingly, i will do it for sure, thank god, it allows
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me . it is more difficult, and organizationally, there is no land there, only on the roof is possible there, for this the neighbors have to agree, that is, it is more difficult there, it is definitely so, and that is why cities have to make their decisions, cities. was with us, they talked about energy, at this oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, goodbye, have a peaceful, safe day, don't miss the news in a few minutes, and roman and i will be back tomorrow. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv with a discount of only uah 799, only uah 799 for
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna works in the studio. fight. in odesa, they are looking for a policeman who was swept into the sea by a wave. this was reported in the state emergency service. a 20-year-old lieutenant of the rivne police came with her colleagues to rest. during a walk on the coast, the girl was knocked off her feet by a wave. she fell into the water and hit her head. the next wave washed her into the sea.


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