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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. in odesa, they are looking for a policeman who was swept into the sea by a wave. this was reported in the state emergency service. a 20-year-old lieutenant of the rivne police came with her colleagues to rest. during a walk on the coast, the girl was knocked off her feet by a wave. she fell into the water and hit her head. the next wave washed her into the sea.
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five residents of donetsk region were injured due to russian shelling, in particular, two were injured each in the cities of bilozerske and zalizne. - reported the regional police. during the day , the russians attacked the region almost 200 times, burning 12 towns and villages. 10 residential buildings, a boiler house, garages, vehicles and critical infrastructure were damaged. not a day goes by without victims in kharkiv oblast. at night , the occupiers attacked the recreation center in the village of dachne. a 45-year-old man died. he was an immigrant from the donetsk region. two more employees of the recreation complex, a man and a woman, were injured. the buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office reported. previously the russians launched five s-300 missiles at the village from the belgorod region. meanwhile, seven forest fires are burning in kharkiv oblast due to enemy shelling. the area of ​​more than 4,300 hectares is burning,
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the state emergency service reported . rescuers managed to contain five fires with a total area of ​​2,230 hectares, working under the constant threat of shelling. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson region, urged the residents of kherson not to go out unnecessarily. russian propagandists said that ukraine will allegedly organize provocations from the death of peaceful me. residents, therefore, one can expect that the russians themselves have such plans, - explained prokudin. it is the russians who have been ravaging kherson for a year and a half with all possible weapons, maiming and killing kherson citizens almost every day, hitting hospitals, schools, tens of thousands of people's homes. therefore, it is obvious that the only threat to the locals is the russian military, and it is from them that we can now expect terrible provocations. dear people of kherson. please, in the near future,
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do not move through the streets without an urgent need and be sure to respond to air traffic signals anxiety the head of the bank branch stole 169 thousand dollars. the fraudulent scheme was caught in kyiv. the official gained access to the client's currency account and copied her personal data. he passed the received information on to his accomplices. this was reported to the city prosecutor's office. one of the accomplices in peruka and. presented herself as the owner of the account with forged documents, the perpetrator exchanged the stolen currency and transferred more than uah 6 million to the false account. fraudsters withdrew part of the cash, and bought gold jewelry for the rest. law enforcement officers established that this is not the first attempt at theft. currently, perpetrators face up to 12 years behind bars. he spied on ukrainian defenders in the kharkiv region. security service. ukraine
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kidnapped another russian informant, he turned out to be a former employee of the local unit of the disbanded internal forces. the intruder tried to scout out the deployment points and movement routes of the ukrainian air defense forces. he also monitored the bases of the special unit kraken. he even used a monocular and a mini video camera for espionage. the law enforcement officers detained the traitor, him faces up to eight years behind bars. the special services also conducted. measures to secure bases of defense forces. ukraine exported 50 million tons of cargo in 9 months via the sea corridor. this was announced in the administration of sea ports. in total, 1,737 ships passed through ukrainian black sea ports. i would like to remind you that the sea corridor started working in august 2023. a historic triumph. for the first time, a ukrainian violinist.
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udovychenko won the competition named after queen elizabeth in brussels. this is stated on the competition website. he will receive a prize of 25 00 €. and they organize numerous concerts for him. in belgium and abroad. in addition, the ukrainian musician will have the honor of playing on a 1708 stradivarius violin, which will be leased to him for the next four years. the berry season is in full swing, strawberries and cherries are already being actively sold in the markets. prices
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have not increased significantly compared to last year, my colleagues will tell me whether they buy vitamins in the white church and where they bring the goods from. sweet and delicious strawberries together with cherries are already actively sold in local markets and stores. mostly seasonal berries domestic strawberries are brought mostly from odesa or cherkasy, sometimes even from the villages of biloserkivshchyna. chereshnya is more often from the mykolaiv oblast and transcarpathia. saleswoman polina says that this year the strawberries ripened several weeks earlier. the reason is the climate. you see the climatic conditions, which the sun, you see, is already transmitting. ecology, which is all for a month, here is june, july, we have may, june, july, the linden should bloom in july, the linden is already in full bloom, the selection of strawberries is wide, so the price difference, somewhere you can buy a kilogram for 100 uah, there are and for 85
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and even 70, cherries are more expensive, 200, 180 or 150 hryvnias per kilogram, slightly worse quality can be found for 130, the price also depends on the size of the berry itself and its ripeness, by the way, the assortment is mostly red, but we managed to find yellow as well. most buyers are afraid that the berries may be treated with chemicals, but the sellers assure that they are completely safe. she, you will understand, if it is not processed, then the tree also disappears, that's right, it's processed, well, in some reasonable place, that's right, so that people can eat it, in general... no we have a laboratory inspection every day, so please come. mrs. halyna brought home-grown strawberries from the village of ozerne. the second bucket has been poured all morning. he says that people actively buy vitamins, although the price sometimes bites. according to her forecasts, it may become more expensive, because
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the domestic one will leave and the imported one will remain. in your opinion, the price of halves has not risen? no, no, that year the first half was uah 100. it lasted even a little longer, but the price should be changed tomorrow, because they have already brought in a lot of imported goods, it should be changed already. according to agricultural experts, prices will depend on the quality and volume of the harvest, as well as on weather conditions and logistical factors. saleswoman svitlana assures that they take both cherries and strawberries. now the cherry has already gone with, i think, izmail. ugh, specifically you have transcarpathia, i understand. ugh. people take cleaners while the price bites, in your opinion, you know, my store is such that they take everything from me, thank god, they take a little bit of everything. the people of bilotserki are in a hurry to enjoy the taste of traditional berries. do you take this year? aren't you afraid of strawberries? we are not afraid, we eat them,
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i am not afraid, i take them constantly from the first days. ugh. and the price does not bite? well, it bites, of course, of course it bites. well, nothing, it's not a pity for the children, for the grandchildren. the second time this season, ugh, we love it, it’s delicious, but don’t you be afraid, maybe the season started earlier, isn’t there a fear, why earlier, now it’s warmer, it seems to have become earlier, and despite the wide selection and excellent taste, you shouldn’t abuse the large the number of red ones, because they are an allergen, experts recommend tasting no more than 300-400 g per day. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. with this, i conclude the issue and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, stay with us,
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congratulations, friends, on the air of the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, for two hours. conversations about the most important trends of this week, about what awaits us in the next, about all the main problems of this day and events, of course, dmytro zhmaile, executive director of the ukrainian center. security and cooperation, we already have a connection. congratulations, mr. dmytro. greetings, sir vitaly well, the next strikes on oil refineries on the territory of the russian federation, does this indicate that ukraine can continue these strikes, despite all, so to speak, such careful warnings of our western allies? in my opinion, yes, we can continue them, because the demands that we make to our western allies, in particular regarding... permission to fire western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we have partially succeeded, but accordingly, it is not
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yet we want, we want to be completely free and use all the weapons provided to us as our general staff, our ministry of defense and the military-political leadership believe, so accordingly, as we strike by our developers, we implement a plan to methodically break russian logistics in order to break these ties from the russian rear and deep to the russian front. so i think that at this stage we will continue these strikes, of course, there is a constant negotiation process with our western partners, and given that, to be frank, we are directly dependent on the western aid, of course, all this is partly agreed, but we must understand that there is a larger diplomatic process, a diplomatic game, where we are trying to get ourselves, accordingly, more favorable conditions for us, therefore , accordingly, the russians are already starting to howl in social networks that they are finding tails from... munitions, highmars, most likely they will continue these strikes about the nfz, and
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russian propagandists are also already preparing the opinion of russian society that ukraine is developing and these drone strikes will continue, they can no longer do it to hide that these are no longer children, so we must understand that the phase of the war is currently hot, these two months will be hot, because the russians have seized the strategic initiative, but we will also use this tactic of a thousand cuts, so that in the end... disrupt all the logistics that the russians have built for themselves over the past six months. do you think that this is a strategic initiative, not a tactical one? as for punching deep dust? well, you say that the russians seized a strategic initiative, i always thought that it was something like that tactical initiative intercepted strategic. i'm just clarifying, i could be wrong. the russians are currently putting pressure on us, and so far we, well, we cannot go to active con... offensive actions, because they have accumulated forces and resources, we grind them every day, if
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western weapons and armaments are provided to us in full and we will really get everything that the western partners promised us, then we can say that in the fall we will be able to gradually seize the initiative, but to achieve this there is, of course, a lot, but. please tell me what you think takes place in the positions of the allies regarding strikes on the sovereign. territory of russia, you can somehow generalize it, and they have a general position, maybe some are ready, others are not ready, some are ready for us to be only along the russian border, the rest are further than the border, how to understand the situation, there is a certain apprehension, escalation, we have to understand that the russians pull out the card every time and rattle nuclear weapons, although what our intelligence records, that the russians are not currently taking real steps to use nuclear weapons, we see, as we saw with the beginning... of a full-scale invasion, this gradualism in the provision of western aid. we remember all these stories, how they didn't
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want to give us leopards for a long time, didn't want to give us cheetahs, how we actually conducted powerful information campaigns for measures to get this or that weaponry, and unfortunately, certain figures still maintain this position that in terms of phasing in all this aid, so we're actually seeing a continuation of that policy, but if the western allies are afraid of escalation, what... before the strikes on russian territory, we should not forget that the russians consider the territories occupied by crimea to be theirs for a long time, and we have not seen any extraordinary escalation, because the russians have in fact already used up everything, the only thing left is the argument of a nuclear strike, which they are unlikely to go for and it is unlikely that anyone in russia will carry out such an order, but you say that everything has been used, you believe that russia has no military and technical potential, so then why, say, the secretary of state of the united states... blinkin blames china in that he helped restore this potential? the russians are all the same, what we see
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and record is that their ranks are running out, with the strengthening of actual cooperation and the introduction of china as a full-fledged player in this war, this is of course a threat if russia convinces that in ukraine there is actually a struggle between two worldviews and two systems, autocracy and democracy, then of course it will worsen our situation. china does provide all these semiconductors and electronics. which russia is now trying to obtain for its own in a reduced form due to the circumvention of sanctions defense forces, but at the moment we cannot say that china has already started full military aid, this has not happened yet, so when i actually talk about my forecasts, i say that in order to achieve success, we there is still a lot to be done, but also a lot of challenges, but now they are talking about the fact that the united states maintains a ban on air defense missile strikes on the territory of the russian federation, do you think we will be able to achieve the lifting of these restrictions? i think that
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yes, we will be able to achieve, because the portions of aid that we receive, unfortunately, while which is not enough we see that gradually. this russian offensive is decreasing a little, its intensity, they are exhaling, but considering that we do not reach parity in terms of any type of weaponry, in terms of the number of ammunition, in terms of the number of personnel, then in fact our western allies have no choice but to gradually remove all prohibitions and warnings, because if we do not resort to any more extraordinary steps, then withstand such an onslaught, taking into account ... that the russians do not spare their people, it will be very, very difficult, so i am sincerely convinced that this is another conviction will be lifted, a few weeks ago there were a lot of skeptics that we would be allowed to use western weapons at all, our main ally, i mean on russian territory, but we now see that the first step in this direction has been taken. can we say that the west also began to play with russia
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in the escalation that russia has always used to strengthen its position in this war? i don't think it's an escalation, i think we need to understand more here, well my subjective opinion that we are not getting weapons yet in order to win or even seize the initiative, for now it is the ammunition and weapons that we are getting so as not to die, so that somewhere there are no such significant changes in our line defense, so i don't think it's a game of escalation, i'll remind you that the blows we inflicted on the occupied territories are for the russians just as blows, blows on theirs. territory, so there is no escalation here, these are steps for us to hold our defense line and nothing more. ot in general, the offensive in kharkiv region, in your opinion, is it really a desire to seize some specific territory in kharkiv region, or was it primarily an attempt to withdraw our main forces from donetsk region and luhansk region? i am convinced that this was an attempt to actually stretch our forces, plus we all have
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to understand that the strike on kharkiv oblast was accompanied by a powerful informational and psychological operation, all of our social networks. were buzzing that there might be a threat to kharkiv, many skeptics were buzzing that we were not ready for this, but i will remind you that from kharkiv to kharkiv, to the district and to the border along different roads from 30 to 40 km, if we really weren't ready, then the russians would have been counted hours already at the district and we would have had to stop them there, so we were preparing for this, but taking into account , we don't forget that the hottest directions are pokrovsky in the first place, followed by the kurakhiv and seversky directions, there the russians... continue to press because they announced several times in the 22nd year and even earlier how they must finally capture the territories of donbas and they are not from this plan they refuse, that's why the kharkiv direction stirred up ukrainian society and our western partners so much, but still, it was done more to stretch forces and to sow panic, if they, having accumulated their
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reserves, and we estimate somewhere that it is about 50,000 men that they have not yet brought into active combat, plus... troops are being transferred from training grounds from other areas of the front, they will try to make a similar breakthrough in sumy oblast, especially since there is information circulating in open sources that there are those in that group the so-called kadyrov units, from which there is little military sense, but they are skilled in war crimes, and this is actually also to strengthen this information and propaganda effect and to sow panic, so russia wants us to stretch our operational zone as much as possible, as much as possible stretched their troops in order to finally achieve breakthroughs in those areas that they prioritized, that is, you mean that even if they go to sumy oblast, it is also in order for us to transfer troops there to to protect the north, yes, it is donetsk that is an important key strategic goal for them, all these actions that they take are in order to stretch the power, sow panic and to the fact that
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the russians are now actively rushing about victories in their information space, about offensive. about how they aggressively seize all new and new territories, they now have this kind of victory frenzy, bravado, and they are now trying to squeeze everything out of this situation as much as possible, to seize the territory as much as possible while it reaches us western weapons, so yes, to stretch their forces in order to achieve success in their main directions of attack - this is their goal, in my opinion, well, as the vice-speaker of the state duma of the russian federation, pyotr tolstoy, said, they want to hoard coffee. their plans are not limited to the donetsk region, yes, but this is the first stage, which they have not yet completed, taking into account the losses they are bearing, and this has already overwhelmed them in half a year, those losses are combat losses. these weapons, which they are constantly uncanning, and the quality, if the quantity does not fall, then the quality of these weapons falls, plus they squeeze the most out of the contracts with their iranian satellites by north korea,
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so at least the capture of donbas, it is important for them to fulfill what they loudly announced to the whole world, and then to move on to other issues, snoring on the godfather and so on similar missions, you know, right away it is important for you and i to decide, we can say at this stage, i with... always believed that this seizure of donetsk region, which began back in 2013, as we all remember, that it is to a certain extent bridgehead measures, a bridgehead for the future attack on another ukrainian region, you now perceive it, i think it is also quite logical that this is no longer a bridgehead, but simply a desire to prove our ability, so to speak, we declared the donetsk people's republic, joined it to russia, let's at least take it away so we can say we've won, so the bridgehead turns into a... target now just because there's no other option? ee here is a difficult question, they need to fulfill what they have declared because there are
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extremely huge losses, we have to understand that, for example, to compare the previous wars of russia, there, if we take the chechen wars from the 90s, then we have to understand that the losses for half a million are ten times greater than the losses they had, so yes, it is necessary somehow to justify these losses, because we understand that the defeat is for russia. will be the beginning of irreversible processes on the territory of the russian federation, and they need to bring this matter to an end. regarding what you say, mr. vitaly, i completely agree with you, the russians will stop only where we stop them, they are not going to stop anywhere, not even on the territory of ukraine, if the west continues to provide us with help in this way , fearing that russia will not collapse, then it is clear that this movement will continue, but this step, as number one, they need... must be done to move on. well, aren't we exaggerating the possibilities, you know, if they are floundering in donbas for 2.5 years, i apologize, which poland, which
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germany can they reach. at this pace , 100 years must go. we must understand that the invasion itself and the first stages were his illogical, illogical in many ways. and the effect that they wanted to use in the crimean scenario, it about... failed, we have to understand that the machine that is launched in russia, that propaganda flywheel that works, that system of security forces, these are already things that are very, very difficult to stop, and only some extraordinary events on the territory of the russian federation, for example, prigozhin's rebellion, which took 5,000 thugs, but the whole of russia turned on its ears, we also remember the trenches that bathed near moscow, and the escape of the leadership and the capture of the headquarters of the southern military district, such things, yes, of course you can do them. lead, until such extraordinary things happened, until we received and achieve parity in western weapons and armaments, this whole machine will continue to work, and they
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will not say anything else, we will never hear anything else from moscow and krypl. thank you, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro zhmailo, executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was with us on the air and we talked about the latest events on the russian-ukrainian front and plans of the russian federation regarding of her further possible actions on ukrainian soil, both strategic plans and tactical ones, now we will literally break for a few minutes, but i ask you to stay with us, do not switch, because you and i still have important dialogues ahead, tingling, numbness or creeping ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you, a special complex of active substances dolgit antinevro helps in... to the usual things without tingling and numbness in the limbs dolgit antinevro capsules - help to your nervous
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from... 20 to 22 on espresso. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, with you vitaly portykov, our interlocutor volodymyr kopchak, head of the south caucasian branch of the center for army research, conversion and armament. greetings, mr. volodymyr. greetings, dear viewers. vitaly, how do you hear? yes, it's okay. so. let's try to understand what is happening after the georgian parliament overcame, absolutely predictable, by the way, the veto of president solome zorobishvili on the law on foreign agencies, the so-called law on foreign influence. how is the situation changing and what will happen in the future? well, look, the situation is developing absolutely according to plan, according to the strategy of the georgian authorities, we are talking about the fact that
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they... are confident of victory, which in their logic is that they will actually stop it or formalize the reversal of georgia from the euro-atlantic and european course of the country, if we take the retrospect, which will be now there will be formally absolutely lawsuits to the constitutional court, which are completely under the control of bezin ivanishvili, but no er... things that would cancel or roll back this draft law are now impossible, the protest is consistently preparing for further confrontation, and we gradually we are coming to a paradigm when the actual protest will go beyond the scope of canceling this law, because it is no longer a task that can be completed, and the transition to the format on october 27, when the elections will actually take place, is clearly in the hands of the authorities.
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they will have to be falsified, and now a political superstructure is being formed, we hope that it will be the only political force, the face, let's say, of the protest, er, and the protest will already defend the stolen choice from this formally political force and the georgian society, which does not want to return in the soviet union, and wants to continue the course in europe, now we are watching this process, i am absolutely convinced that the government did everything with its own hands, i would say so, i would say so, politically technologically, that it will definitely have to steal the election, it will have to falsify, and how about that how the street will react, how the political superstructure will react to it, we will watch it. solomy zorobishvili, the president, the president of georgia, she clearly formulated
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the future until the end of the year.


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