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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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all the most important information as of this moment iro, we welcome you, we pass the floor and ask you to tell us briefly, what did you manage to find out about? marta, about the situation in different regions of our country, as well as more news will be in this issue, stay tuned. the 15th in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and now to the most important events. the russians killed two people in donetsk region, the head of the region vadym filashkin said about the morning shelling of mykhailivka of the novogrodov community. among the dead a 12-year-old boy, another person was also injured. the enemy dropped on the village. air bomb, and
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an hour and a half later repeated the strike. at least five houses were damaged. and a 71-year-old man was injured by enemy shelling in the kherson region. he has a contusion, bruised back, explosive and craniocerebral injuries. in the morning, the occupiers were caught on the main beam of bilozersk community, the regional military administration reported. enemy shells hit a residential building and a school. the facade of the educational institution is damaged. educational facilities and gutted windows the traitor, who was preparing a missile attack on the mykolaiv tpp, will spend 15 years behind bars, the security service of ukraine reported. according to their data, a 74-year-old resident of mykolaiv with pro-russian views was convicted. the russians recruited him in 2022, and promised a monetary reward for his cooperation. in the poltava region
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, the court seized the documents of military medical commissions. the national agency for the prevention of corruption suspected the leadership of the vlk of corruption. it is in this region that the largest number of unfit for military service is found. every fifth man who passed the medical board received this status. and every third person there was recognized as having limited fitness, the national health service reported. the investigation believes that the employees of the local vlk probably issued fake documents for bribes, and a pre-trial investigation is currently underway. the ukrainian military destroyed a division of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile complex in the belgorod region of russia. monitoring groups write about this, referring to reports in russian publications. earlier , the american edition of forbes reported that at night, on the night of june 1, the armed forces of ukraine struck... military targets on
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the territory of russia a few hours after the official permission of the usa. the netherlands will allow ukraine to use its f-16 for strikes on the territory of russia, the minister of defense kaisa olongren emphasized this in an interview with politico. the official made the statement against the background of belgium's position, where prime minister alexander de cro warned kyiv against using fighter jets in... russian airspace. according to golongryn, ukraine can hit military targets enemy within the limits of international law and the right to self-defense. nato exercises on joint air operations have begun in germany. this is one of the largest training exercises in europe, the bundessphere reported. about 60 fighters and other combat aircraft were brought in for training. in total, about 100
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military personnel from 11 countries of the alliance will take part in the exercises. preparation will continue until june 14. a fictitious charity fund collected 5 million hryvnias, ostensibly for children affected by the war. three members of the shanghrai scheme will be tried in the capital. according to the investigation, the perpetrators registered a charity fund and assured patrons that they were collecting funds for the needs of children. instead, the participants distributed the collected money between. themselves, and to disguise themselves, they sometimes transferred small amounts to charity. all three defenders face up to seven years in prison. the berry season is in full swing and the markets are already actively selling strawberries and cherries. prices compared to last year. did not
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increase significantly, do they buy vitamins in the white church and where do they get the goods, my colleagues will tell me. sweet and delicious strawberries. together with cherries , they are already actively sold in local markets and stores. mostly seasonal berries are domestic. polonytsa is brought mostly from odesa or cherkasy, sometimes even from the villages of bilotserkivshchyna. chereshnya is more often from the mykolaiv oblast and transcarpathia. saleswoman polina says that this year the strawberries ripened several weeks earlier. the reason is the climate. you see, the climatic conditions, which the sun, you see, transmit already the ecology, which is all in the city. it's june, july, we have such may, june, july, due in july the linden is blooming, the linden is already in full bloom, the selection of strawberries is wide, so the price difference, somewhere you can buy a kilogram for 100 uah, there are also for 85 and even 70, cherries are more expensive - 200, 180 or
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150 uah per kilogram, you can find slightly worse quality and for 130, the price tag also depends on... on the size of the berry itself and its ripeness, by the way, the assortment is mostly red, but we managed to find a yellow one as well. most buyers are afraid that the berries may be treated with chemicals, but the sellers assure that they are completely safe, you will understand, if it is not processed, then the tree will disappear, that's right, it is processed in some reasonable way, that's right, so that people can eat it, in general , we have a laboratory for it every day. check so please come. mrs. halyna brought home-grown strawberries from the village of ozerne. the second bucket has been poured all morning. he says that people actively buy vitamins, although the price sometimes bites. according to her forecasts, it may become more expensive, because the domestic one will leave and
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the imported one will remain. in your opinion, no the price of strawberries rose this year. that year , the first ladle was uah 100. she held on even a little. longer, than, the price must be changed tomorrow, because a lot of imported goods have already been brought, it must be changed already. according to agricultural experts, prices will depend on the quality and volume of the harvest, as well as on weather conditions and logistical factors. saleswoman svitlana assures that they take both cherries and strawberries. now the cherry has already gone from, i think, from mine. ugh, specifically you have transcarpathia, i understand. ugh, people take or? while the price is biting, in your opinion, you know, i have such a store that they take everything from me, thank god, they take everything in bits and pieces, even the people of belarus are in a hurry to enjoy the taste of traditional berries, are you taking strawberries this year or not? i'm afraid, i've been taking it constantly since the first days, ugh, but the price doesn't
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bite, well, it bites, of course, of course it bites, well, nothing, it's not a pity for the children, for the grandchildren, well, it's the second time this season. ugh, we love delicious, but don't you be afraid, maybe the season started earlier, don't you worry, why earlier, now it's warmer, it seems to have become earlier, and despite the wide selection and excellent taste, you should not abuse a large amount of red berries, because they are an allergen, specialists recommend tasting no more than 300-400 g per day. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and for sports news: a rugby fives tournament among schoolchildren took place in lviv. the competition was organized in the format of individual one-on-one duels. in total, almost 60 participants from eight schools of school teams took part in the competition. pupils competed for the championship in three rounds for
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olympic system. after the game, representatives of the rugby federation of lviv region awarded all participants of the tournament with medals and certificates. within the framework of the school league, we hold this tournament to encourage more children to play rugby and thereby replenish our ranks of the sokil team, the girls' team of lionesses, lionesses and future champions of ukraine. in rugby, i've been going to competitions for three years now, i don't set myself the goal of winning now, i'd rather set myself the goal of showing others. how to play correctly, because i'm one of the oldest here, and i want to show the right example, and i want to remind you about our collection people are converted into donations due to enemy shelling. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of
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drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we have to collect 2.5 there are almost uah 260,000 in accounts, so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. that was the news for this time, we will see you at 4 p.m., you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and stay with the espresso tv channel, then marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskiy continue the ether. we thank our colleagues and
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journalists, and of course, we thank our beautiful, charming irina koval for presenting those important events. there is still important news while we are talking about international situation, 107 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in the global peace summit. he stated this. presidential spokesman serhii nikiforov. i am quoting direct language now: at the moment, 107 countries of international organizations have confirmed their participation in the peace summit. we are talking about the fact that the philippines and singapore may be represented in one form or another. yes, let us remind you that the swiss government intends to hold a global peace summit on june 15-16, i.e. in less than two weeks, where the geopolitical clocks will be adjusted regarding russian aggression against ukraine. but will it succeed? to reconcile them, since both saudi arabia and china have said that they will not come, this is already an open question, but now
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it is not about that, now we will talk with serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, i congratulate my colleagues, well, a rather tragic event happened yesterday evening in odessa, a young policewoman from the rivne region, who came to odessa on vacation, unfortunately ended up in the sea, her under the time of the storm has washed away, and now they continue. search efforts, do you possibly have any updated information, has this woman's body been found yet? rescue, rescue and search operations, they are still ongoing, this is indeed the situation that has arisen, unfortunately, it is really tragic, so we have to wait until the end of these operations in order to voice information that will already correspond to reality, there are preliminary analyzes, but this is a question of course, to the investigation or to those people who know, let's say, well... this situation, but unfortunately, it really took place well, mr. serhiy, we wanted
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to ask you casually, well, we understand that this is , as it were, secondary news, but it is still about a specific situation in odessa , odesa region. on the one hand, we understand that there may be storms, right? well, i don't know what level the wave was supposed to be. on the other hand, there was also information that certain beaches in odesa will be opened. you have a word. well, actually there is such information, first of all, such an order, it will be signed. at the regional military administration, together with the military, there is relevant experience, which is the first for everything assesses the security situation in the city, in the district and in the odesa region, in general, as far as i know, we are talking about 20 locations, most of them are located in the odesa region, but again they will be determined according to the security situation, the relevant rules that must be followed by those or others. institutions or those locations that will be opened, because the safety of people is the most important criterion that must
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be fulfilled, and actually, i understand that now these are not just rules, these the military also work at the locations, because first they have to investigate the water surface, which is happening there, the more so, you see, today we have information about how the specialists of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed another gift from the sea . this is a mine that was destroyed by the relevant specialists. yes, mr. serhiy, we would also like to ask you about a rather scandalous situation: they built an estate for the chief and received military personnel as if at zero. the commander of the tro forces was kidnapped in odeshchi south. can you tell us something more about this situation? it's actually very negative, it casts such a, you know, well, it casts a shadow, actually a rumor. defense, and that's bad. well, in any case, this information, which should be commented on by the representatives of the sbi, they
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deal with this case, there is also a specialized prosecutor's office, as far as i know, deals with this case. let's wait for their comments, respectively, yes, the information has passed, or we will wait for those procedural actions, which, as far as i know, have already taken place or are happening yes, of course, well, we will wait for clarification of this information, but... for example, speaking, returning to the topic, for example, with the possible opening of certain beaches, it is understood, well, we understand it as a certain signal that the situation in odesa is becoming more stable, yes? we remember literally a year or two ago, how serious everything was, when we talk about the mining of the coast line, about closed beaches, about the increased implementation of various plans of security measures, and so on and so forth. now, as far as we understand, the situation has changed somewhat more predictable and simpler, maybe we are wrong. well, he said once again, this assessment
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will be given by the regional military administration and the military command of the highest level of the defense forces. who control the south of our country, if we talk about the security situation, well, let's remember, yesterday afternoon , the enemy hit the port infrastructure with a ballistic missile, previously we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, and again about the iskander m missile. this morning, odesa was attacked by a guided air missile, as the military say, she lost her battle capacity and fell into the sea, is also destroyed periodically. reconnaissance drones, of which there are extremely many operating in the south, well, for example, last day, if we take the south as a whole from odeshchyna to actually zaporizhzhia, then more than 200 such sorties were made by enemy reconnaissance drones, it is clear that this is also the collection of relevant information, and it is possible preparation for the next offensive actions, because the basic remains, unfortunately,
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unchanged, the war continues, so the security situation is also controlled. but well, it corresponds to the realities that exist today, and these point strikes are ballistic, they occur periodically in odesa, in the odesa region, and we see that the enemy is already attacking the port and port infrastructure with ballistics for the second time in a row. what is the current situation on the left bank of the kherson region, mr. serhiy, what is going on from there? the situation there is also under control from our side, because the bridgeheads are working, they are performing their assigned combat tasks, the enemy this... this day has already conducted several unsuccessful assaults, all these assaults were repulsed by our marines, the enemy has been hit again another loss, the drone troops are working very actively on our side, which is recognized by the russians as well, well, of course, those who remain alive recognize it, and the actual counter-battery combat of artillery, it remains the main type of introduction of
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hostilities, and there is a lot of information precisely from of the russian so-called zmi pro... you, who are there on the dnieper, exactly on the left bank, closer to the left bank, let’s say this, they once again tried to clear the island of nestryga, by the forces of the 61st separate brigade of the russian federation marines, and i will say yes, to be honest, their landing was successful, but the landing turned out to be underwater, i think that it is clear here what happened to these marines who were once infantrymen, mr. serhiy, but we would like to clarify something, so to speak, the specifics of their route to hell, that is , the forces of the brigade are quite serious, we understand that most likely they used some additional, i don’t know, river auxiliary fleet, some or the other, i don’t know, boats, how did the whole thing look, by the way , this island of nestryga, about which very many conversations, media-wise it is one of the main, one of the main locations, which
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today is in the field of view of the media and, of course, in the field of view of the military. as much as possible, we want to keep the appropriate silence, but what we can say, well, first of all, the landing party became underwater, it is absolutely true, this brigade, with its respective units, held this island of nestryga, which makes it possible to control today , including those the questions you are now asking about, namely, the enemy's use of subversive reconnaissance groups or landing forces, which operates on small boats on... boats, scooters, that is, everything goes into action, as they say, in fact, i can say, if very briefly and to report in military terms, explodes beautifully, explodes efficiently and effectively, and also replenishes the submarine fleet, ours are in control of the situation, i hope that the situation at this location will continue to develop in this way, very heavy battles,
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very heavy assaults, but the enemy also has certain problems, because these assaults, which turn out to be ... well, this is literally a hike in one end to the copsdon concert, and i'll be honest that the enemy must make a lot of effort to recruit people, now they are trying to do this, including the so -called russian elite, i.e. representatives of the relevant airborne assault regiments of the 104th airborne assault division, they are thrown into battle like a cannon meat, well , it is clear that many of them do not return, mr. serio, the situation in the area... the market, yes , where the bridgeheads of our fighters are, maybe there is some additional information on that? well, actually, i told you about it when i told you about these local assaults from the side russian paratroopers, uh... we don't see that there is a shock fist forming there in order to carry out a certain strike or attack on kherson, something that the enemy is trying to disperse as much information as possible, and
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he does it with such frequency quite often, now it was also added that there will be some provocations from the ukrainian side, the civilian population will be used for this, that is, the russian ipso works as much as possible to intimidate the peace... on the civilian population, especially since the enemy aircraft is working, it works not only advanced the positions of our ukrainian units, most often it works precisely on civilians, precisely on those territories that are located on the right bank in particular, as for those locations on the left bank, then the enemy is also trying to use aviation against them, and this applies to southern directions in general, like all the others, if we are talking about the operational zone of the group of troops. pro, which also operates on the left bank and operates on a part of temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia, is staromayorskoe, this is the orihiv direction, this is a vremiv ledge, this is fruitful,
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where the enemy also uses, by the way, unguided air missiles using their combat helicopters, that is, the air component is, well, let’s say this, the last one, the last trump card that is in russian hands, because infantry mechanized actions there do not lead to those... results that the enemy is counting on. thank you serhii brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was in touch with us. we are now going on a short break, after which we will discuss an important topic, this is the increase in light tariffs, so stay tuned by us, in a few minutes we will continue. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for hope. tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful, mowing the lawn
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near the fences along the li'. paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave the big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function, call now to order at a special reduced price, you just see how powerful our trimmers are, consult even with the thickest weeds and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy lawn sprinklers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience and a well-kept area, just order now light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only 799 uah. the offer is limited. call! well, the government increased the price of light to uah 4, 32 kopecks per kilowatt. well, i ran out of farms of a certain limit at home. and the new tariff will be valid from today until april 30.
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25th year, so now we will talk about this new tariff, and in general , we will talk about the situation in the energy sector with svyatoslav pavlyuk, executive director of the association energy-efficient cities of ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory, congratulations, congratulations, well, what, first of all, we offer now together to watch the plot prepared by our colleagues, which is devoted to we look together at the situation in our energy sector, including tariffs, and then analyze it. the increase in the electricity tariff for the population did not come as a surprise. massive missile and drone strikes this spring caused widespread damage to the energy system, which has only partially recovered from the winter before last, when the enemy made energy a primary target. in general, due to the russian attacks, ukraine lost more than 6 gigawatts of capacity, the ministry of energy notes. winter is ahead. the event provides funds
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for repairs, but them. not enough, from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, minister of energy herman galushchenko warned a week ago that price increases are inevitable. the decision will be made in the coming week, that is, by the end of may, and the issue is that the current level of tariffs, unfortunately, does not cover it, especially considering the losses suffered by the energy system. in the middle of the week , a number of media reported that the ministry of energy had finished. on may 30, the cabinet of ministers will approve new tariffs: 4 hryvnias , 80 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, if consumption exceeds 100 kv per month. on may 30 , the meeting did take place, but no decisions on promotion were made, nor were the ministers considered instead, prime minister denys shmyhal warned ukrainians that the absence of power outages for several days in a row is a coincidence of favorable circumstances rather than
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a positive one. due to solar generation, as well as the completion of two power units of nuclear power plants from repair , planned shutdowns of consumers have not been applied for several days, but this does not cancel the need to systematically save electricity, if a significant deficit is again recorded in the system, ukrenergo will be forced to return to the shutdown schedules. hesitation of the cabinet caused criticism, in particular among people's deputies, a member of the committee on energy and housing and communal services, oleksiy kucherenko , wrote on his facebook page: "indecision" can cost the country dearly. if the government is confident in its decision, and it is justified and necessary, then what can be the delay in its adoption? fear of responsibility, which can be a fear if the decision is justified. sometimes not making any decision has much...


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