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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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there, in particular, there, well, about the over-training of personnel mobilized there, forgetting about the training of brigades, what is the most important here from the point of view of real training of units for conducting combat operations? about foreign instructors first, they appeared not yesterday, in 2014, i myself underwent training three times in the british orbital mission in the training missions of the northern and southern joint command on... and this is the way of our partners, first, to express support to us without directly participating in hostilities, i.e. on 80% is purely military training, 20% is military-political politeness, accordingly, having received western models of weapons, we have to be taught by someone, someone something, how to use it, who will do it better than representatives of the countries where these weapons are...
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is produced, it is quite logical, for example, the instructions for the abrams tank are 200 pages of technical text in english, the experience of mastering f-16 aircraft says that this should not be done with our level of english, so the presence of foreign instructors is extremely important. concerning of our training system, in the 23rd year in the past, our partners trained 100,000 military personnel for us at their training base and with the help of their instructors, i have great doubts that the armed forces training system today is capable of training 100,000 military personnel, this is a colossal burden , which is unattainable for us today. and when we talk about the preparation of the brigade level and coordination of units in the format of a brigade, how important is this component. is important
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because i read foreign publications, they they say that not even all american brigades provide such a level, well, on a regular basis, how do we deal with this then, how do we train brigades? in europe there is no range where you can conduct tactical training with a brigade, at most a battalion with reinforcements and fire mortars, those who want to train on a larger scale are forced to go to the united states. to us on the sycamore, the issue of coordination of brigades, yes, there is such a thing, we have a wide lang, where this issue has been solved in an applied way since 2015, but let's talk about the fact that brigades in full force, the theory of a brigade combat tactical group, does not work for us, we do not have a brigade in full force fighting anywhere, maybe it is worth focusing on the training of battalions tactically. was and i would like to ask about
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the enemy. were we wrong when we predicted a large-scale mobilization there? because now we see that the enemy provides 30-40 thousand personnel there every month at the expense of economic forgers. are such rates a sign that the enemy is unwilling or unable to change the current format of the war with our state, and what can push the enemy to a larger-scale mobilization of personnel, the enemy recruits 25-30 thousand new recruits every month, accordingly, this allows him to cover monthly losses at the front of 20-25 and slightly build up something somewhere , respectively, to say that the enemy has the opportunity to significantly increase its component without mobilization. for conducting an offensive
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operation in ukraine, there are absolutely no such grounds. we see that the adversary in some regions is increasing payments for citizens who enter into contracts for military service. this is evidence that the recruitment system is experiencing serious difficulties and it is becoming more and more difficult to find new candidates for military service. therefore , i think that the issue of mobilization. the enemy has an opening and the decision will most likely be made based on the results of the summer campaign somewhere in the beginning of autumn, well, we were not wrong, and after this the question arises, which you sometimes hear in discussions about the fact that russia outweighs us in terms of mobilization resources, when it comes to about the war of attrition, how can ukraine compensate for this advantage and in what areas should solutions be sought? on the surface, there are two ways -
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this is the physical destruction of the enemy's manpower, and this must be done at such a pace that his equipment system does not have time to... replenish losses, and secondly, conducting, perhaps not very large-scale, fast-moving operations in all dimensions of combat space, on land, on water, in the sky, in the information space, to create informational and psychological pressure on the enemy, in order to intimidate potential candidates, to provide them to understand that nothing awaits them except death in ukraine, perhaps such a questioning will force... a potential recruit to choose life instead of money, mr. viktor, thank you very much for your, as always, professional, accurate comments, let me remind you that it was viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center of defense strategies, these were the main military highlights in the results of this day, and
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more international and economic news later on the big broadcast of vasyl winter. thank you very much to serhii zhorets, thank you to his guest. we will continue the great work, there is much more to come interesting and important information, we will talk about a lot, economy, international, events, weather and also sports from yevhen pastakhov, well, now let's donate to the armed forces of ukraine, so we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone on solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone simply. sky in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for
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the prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 630 00 uah, as of the beginning of our collection today we have 400,354 games. let's continue to collect, i believe that we will be able to close this long, but much needed collection. well, now we will talk about the zaporizhia direction, which i just mentioned mentioned dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhzhya city council, is in touch with us. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine, good evening. glory to heroes. let's start with how the day ended, i know that on june 1 the enemy struck zaporizhzhia. i think it will be possible to talk about the consequences, but in general, this is the age of zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia. the region precisely in terms of shelling, the humanitarian situation, well, and then we will talk about the intense battles that continue on the contact line, please, yes, mr. vasyl, the situation really remains as it is and it has been for a long time, yes, it is tense in general, when
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the enemy inflicts a minimum of 400 strikes on all populated areas, yes, in particular , what concerns the communities. e of the front-line territories that are located in that location, of course, in the past day, he hit 420 times, yes, when we talk about the fact that these eight settlements were subjected to these strikes, when he carries out airstrikes on novaandriivka over there, yes polivadnomu, when it 178 only uavs of various types were launched them there, as they always do on the holifield, malynyvtsi, and including, in particular, where they get, where they can. these settlements may be suffering and they are trying to attack our defenders with anti-aircraft missiles, yes, in the past day in particular, 15 such attacks have taken place in the settlements, again, this is a small skirmish, a bare field, where they are doing the most work dohans,
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including levadnykhs, and the most important thing is that they always have enough of it, unfortunately, and these are resources, this is precisely the artillery when they shoot, including tsetnohirs. er got this list, yes, what a little takmakka, work again, yes, everywhere they can, that's 224 hits, only they artillery struck in this past day, and that's not saying that yes, that what we have mentioned, on saturday, yes, that very night, there on the first day, the damn resolutes struck zaporizhzhia with this blow, as a result of which it was once again damaged. the building itself and its, so to speak , technical component of the dniproges and the dam from this moment on, it is now a problem for the citizens that it is not functioning in terms of transport connections and between
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the shores, because restoration and operational works are currently underway, all specialized services are engaged in precisely what is trying to restore and bring them to that point. .so that it was possible to drive through the mushroom, well, i understand that while the traffic is blocked, and you know, it is always necessary to refute it carefully. or strictly deny, as they say, that information, those rumors, which are a lot on the internet today in fact, we all live in a period when people get a lot of information either from posts, or from telegram, from facebook, someone somewhere said something, then it becomes overgrown with rumors, well, they say that, everything is all for dniproges, nothing will happen, his enemy finish, from what is possible, yes, what we are talking about, let me specify that what it is now for car connections, yes, for movement there between the shores, is closed, based on safety measures after all, yes, it
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is now closed, this information is open, that is, we can safely talk about it here, and this is a problem, and the fact that the rashists have arranged that the city is now subject to a traffic jam there, due to the fact that it is complicated in any case, when such a transport artery for the city is blocked, then of course it is a problem, but they are working on it now. specialized services, when there will be an understanding that, again, the second point, yes, what about criticality, we are not talking about criticality in terms of the fact that, like a dam, it stands up to the rascals, no matter how they want it, but in a sick head, to do something here and there, she stands and will stand behind thanks to our heroic energy workers, and to our glorious defenders, we hope that this situation will change qualitatively, we will talk about it later, but how? the simple question is that from a technical point of view, with regard
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to the generation of energy, yes, of course there is a problem here, but the problem is still with information, because it is obvious, mr. vasyl, for example, how do you say about the fact that yes, what was information, probably, if there were less of these outposts, and reports from that plan, from those broken engine rooms with , you know, such a strange location, yes, but still, with detailing, then surely... the rashists would have less understanding that they did not finish something there and it is necessary to repeat it there, who posts these vidos, that is, the people who have access there, who are theirs well, it is probably not difficult to calculate, well at least to have a conversation, the question, yes, mr. vasyl, yes, there is a question for those who regulate this precisely the possibility of whether it is necessary to advertise information or not, because, well, really , you know, it's such sensitive information, and obviously... well, probably not it must be advertised there, the most important thing is that dniprohesk, it is standing, it dams absolutely
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as planned there a barrier, and even an artificial such an obstacle, it is fully working, it is currently working on the restoration of traffic on it, well, no one says the only exception is yes that there is some kind of restoration of its capacities in terms of electricity generation, because it is not currently being discussed. in general, because after all, well, it was destroyed, work is underway on this, but there is an overstatement in this whole situation, which is obvious, probably, in the highest military and political leadership of the country, of course, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that such objects must still be better protected and covered with everything possible for a very short time, but still , are the fortification works going on, because we are trained... by kharkiv region, well, and again i will say it again, if a parliamentary temporary investigative commission has been created, there are obviously questions
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regarding the construction of the fortification or the purchase prices of materials in kharcha, that is , there are obviously some questions, and this now gives an understanding that it is necessary to check other regions, on that the enemy is also targeting the points of his own groups, and he is definitely targeting these points at zaporizhzhia, without clarifying any, without knowing any details, just whether there is an understanding that the work continues and it continues adequately, so that it does not fall apart later... this is just such an example already known, the dragon's teeth are in a chaotic state by the road, yes, mr. vasyl, without detailing, but let's say that the situation has changed qualitatively, it's not that there is some kind of nonsense there, you know, the statement is there, or mine some kind of personal, and this confirmation with words right there of our defenders and, once again, of the residents of those near-front territories, the situation has changed qualitatively, but that does not mean that control is not needed, of course what you say or should? of course, this should be fully controlled at all stages, so that it does not happen on the side as in kharkiv region, and with
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eyes, with all the leaked information, how it all happened and purchases and the like, of course, no one says that this is being done , we do not have this, according to the information we have, it is being built in zaporizhzhia, effectively, qualitatively, and it can be noted qualitatively that during this time the situation has changed qualitatively, but there must be control clearly in this area. and in the future this process must continue, and i will ask one more question, it concerns the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, we still have literally a minute, even more. and magate does not have access, it is the organization that actually controls nuclear energy around the world, there is no access to important areas of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which are actually responsible for nuclear safety, this is a statement rafael grossi, the head of the magat, and also the plans to restart zaes, they say in the magat that it is dangerous that the enemy is planning there, switching the armed forces to russia, well, to russia and to the occupied
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ukrainian territory by the russians, temporarily occupied, meaning crimea, first of all, it was about that, what does it mean to restart zs? then reconnect and launch in other directions, cut off from our power supply, how risky it is, and here, because you know, few people are talking now, somehow a lot of other things are happening, but threats to the armed forces, you know, it is sleeping, sleeping, supposedly, but one wrong move, one mistake, and it can be worth much more than any offensive or pro-front, it can simply infect a huge territory and then a lot of questions. unfortunately, it will be removed altogether, well, mr. vasyl, you know, it is difficult to say about this situation here, because it is extremely complicated, because , unfortunately, the rashists are still there starting from the end of the 22nd year, after a full-scale invasion, as they hijacked this important, this critical energy facility, the nuclear
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power plant in the energy donation, yes, they didn't unfortunately, they leave this patient of theirs. to reconnect it precisely to the energy system there, but you know, in this situation, when these same racists, those people there, well, i don’t know how to call them people there, yes, but these individuals, yes, who are driving recently there are these detachments of the same kadyrivites who are setting up shooting ranges there, yes they are there, well they want to shoot there, then before that they were doing something there or doing sports there , running there, yes they are already there, they start shooting right in all these buildings on the territory. one of the energy blocks, yes, and these same people, supposedly, well, not people, we have already decided, they are trying to work again on restarting it, of course, it is very, you know, the situation when something suddenly went wrong has terrible consequences, but in the grand scheme of things, you know, without any technical details, but let's note
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the comparisons, that in fact, when the railwaymen try to get the tram, yes, when i go there... that's what they, if in the case they want to reconnect, they will want to to run this tram on more of these narrow tracks, at the same time thinking, well, we're still there we can manage the tram, we will do it, but technically it is not possible, because before the full-scale invasion, including the energy atom... there was no need to return our energy system there, including the energy system, which is independent, including yes, and i don’t think, despite the great upheavals that she suffered for this all the time, but she was energy-independent and she never had and will not return to their
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russian mr. dmitry, thank you very much, thank you for joining, thank you by comments, take care. myself, dmytro kerylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhia city council, about the situation with fortifications, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, enemy strikes on the dniproges, and now we are joining the conversation with oleksiy honcharenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, we will talk about tax increases, economic reservation, why it is, as they say , does not suit those who have to solve these issues. i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. i'll start with a quote from white house national security adviser jake sullivan re: during the briefing, that's more it was said before, well, but it is very relevant now, he says that in the war that ukraine is waging, if you do not have the economy to create resources or get your soldiers to the front line, such wars are not fought, it is a matter of livelihood of the ukrainian economy, raising taxes should provide more funds, please explain
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whether this is a logical idea in your opinion, whether it will give results, or are there other options, how to... act, let's start with the fact that taxes will increase, plus 25 -th year , taxation should also increase for fops, the right idea in wartime, the question is whether it is justified, well, i generally think that this is a wrong idea and not justified, our government simply completely lacks any kind of economic policy, just any, and if you think that if the cow is not fed, only more if you finish it, there will be more milk, well, that's my god. it won't be like that, and on the contrary, everything will be different, we'll just lose the cow and that's why it doesn't work like that, and how do they prioritize me. to be now jobs, job creation, because the main problem is that people worked, and of course, such steps as raising taxes have nowhere and never
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led to an increase in jobs, this is obvious, but you know, the question is what can be tried for, well, plus the big problem is that it is understandable for many enterprises, the mobilization is ongoing, they are losing employees, not everyone can find employees, they are reducing... production volumes are being reduced from so deductions to the budget, deductions for individuals, well, there are many , many of these problems, which are related to this , plus, since i was 25 years old, i already am said, they plan to raise taxes for fops, which, by the way, were opened, and are now actively being closed, in your opinion, what is important here, if it will work for some time, for some period, and is it possible to calculate at least that it will be presented the government for the understanding of the people's parliament and, therefore , the society, that there is time for it to work, and then it will be necessary to take some drastic measures again to save the situation, because actually it can lead to this, well, we
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haven't seen it yet, i haven't seen it no suggestions of any specific, clear from of the government, so for now these are some general conversations that are being conducted, perhaps public opinion is being prepared so simply, if only for people to get used to it, it is difficult to say, really. it is necessary to see some specific proposals in order to be able to react to them, but i repeat, my personal opinion is that today the most important task is not an increase in taxes, because it will not lead to an increase in revenue, but may, on the contrary , lead to a decrease in revenue and job losses, and it is the creation of those jobs that will ultimately create both taxes and we must absolutely follow this path, i am sure of it, there is one... also, as they say, it does not converge, on the one hand, the minister of defense rustem umerov calls on foreign entrepreneurs to invest, and entrepreneurs, or
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financial institutions, are applying to those people who actually have money, they can and do invest, invest in the defense industry of ukraine, this is important, we understand that, plus now a lot of defense products are simply not bought by ukraine, because there is nothing to buy them for, but it is worth investing, okay , at the same time representatives of defense enterprises again turn to the government with the fact that the mobilization of workers, which is ongoing, and quite often they do not have time to simply book them, well , we know these stories, it undermines the work of defense enterprises, that is, on the one hand , let's invest, on the other hand, we we can't work, because everything is not calculated to the end, how can things be put in order here, because i understand the booking of football clubs, the circus or something else, well, you can deal with it, without it you can live for the state, but without defense...
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another, and indeed for defense enterprises today is a huge problem, it is the workforce, in general, the state should simply answer the question, and where today a ukrainian man is more needed in a trench with an auto atom at the wheel of a bulldozer that builds fortifications, at a defense plant that produces shells, drones, well, that is, this question must be answered, and there must definitely be a booking of those enterprises that are important, and not those that either got there through corruption, or it is simply unclear how. the issue of economy booking, i am here i talked to an acquaintance of mine, he has a business here near kyiv, it is quite good, he has... three employees, and he says that if these three employees are mobilized, i will not need the rest, we will stop, because no one has such skills and abilities the other one doesn’t, it’s very expensive and time-consuming to train these people, i
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can’t take abika when they say, hire someone for a job, well, you can’t hire someone for some job, and a large enterprise can simply stop, so it’s a question of economic booking, and you know , i voiced rumors that are discussed on the internet, and these are not rumors, these are statements of quite serious people who are engaged in business, economics, teach business, do business, i will not name their names, but they are quite conscious. leaders of public opinion, they say, they say that, of course, why economic reservation, even limited, limited economic reservation for certain really key employees, if someone wants to pocket the same money, why pay it officially into the budget , and people start to think, maybe someone really is just wants to make money, is this a violation of the principle of justice, and explain what the problem is and whether there is such hope for business, above all now for business, that before the discussion of economic... reasonable, understandable, worked out, prescribed, honest, they will return in the walls parliament, let's, let's give this, what is economic
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reservation, here i use this. if it's just about paying off the service with money, well, then it simply contradicts the constitution of ukraine, well , simply, well, then it turns out to be a war for the poor, the rich can buy off and that's all, that a direct violation of the constitution, the seriously rich can pay off even without economic reservation, well, i'm just saying, it's called corruption, so we must fight corruption, not say let's legalize it, but do the right thing.
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the bookmark is and is the driver of the president of the bank in the city of kyiv, well, that driver can easily receive 40 and 50 00 hryvnias. i have a question about who is more necessary for the economy of ukraine and who should be reserved and who should not. the price, the wage rate just doesn't work. your case, which you mentioned here an acquaintance of yours, an entrepreneur, well... that he has a large business that works, he should be able to book these three key employees that he has, no matter what their salary is, and it should be free for him at any in a way, neither corrupt nor in any other way, no one should take money from him, he should receive this quota and book these employees, actually everything, well actually that, but here again
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there must be work and it must be explained why this happens because you are absolutely right you can appoint, well, conditionally speaking, the director of the company can appoint his acquaintance to some position, he will not do anything in particular, receive the required amount of money and simply not be mobilized, a person who is really needed so that the pipes do not burst at any point , yes, but this should be spelled out again, i hope that they will return to this, thank you for the conversation, thank you for the professional, and for the professional comments, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, and i will just remind you once more jake's words sullivan, they are very wise. these words, in fact, he says that the united states is ready to support ukraine with weapons, ready, but listen to these words, but on the other hand, you cannot fight in a war, a war of aggression, which your neighbor has started and is waging on your territory, if you don't have the economy to generate the resources to keep your soldiers on the front lines, it shows once again that states, other countries are willing to invest in weapons, everything, but you have, you have to have an economy that works, without
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an economy that works wars are not... won it is very important to understand those people who very often make ill-considered, in the long run unsuccessful and fatal decisions for many of our people, this should not be the case, and when there is an interest in victory, and not in one's own pocket, then very correct decisions are made, and we have seen such decisions, by the way, and even from our president more than once, we hope, and literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from ukraine. well, the second hour of the great ether starts, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead, but now about the most important events, which happened as of this hour. unfortunately, the russians killed two people in donetsk region, including a child. the occupiers shelled twice a day from the village of mykhailivka, novohorodivsk community. the regional prosecutor's office was notified. two aerial bombs were dropped on the houses of civilians. one kab killed an elderly woman in her own home, and the other -


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