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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue, and now about the announced ones money, which can become less, someone has more, well, actually, oleksandrevka will tell the most important thing. good evening oleksandr, i would like to speak to you. thank you, vasyl, i congratulate the audience, really them. will
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decrease for many ukrainians, because in the next few minutes we will talk about the new light tariffs, where the money from the payments that we and you will soon pay will go, as well as the mood in ukrainian business, they have worsened, really, everything in detail in a moment, i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, business, what two kept for months in a row. optimism about its current activity worsened its expectations already in may, this was reported to the national bank, they conducted a corresponding survey, so the conclusions of such enterprises, for example, the construction industry, were influenced by a number of factors, primarily security risks: russia opened a new section of the front near kharkiv , began to prepare another offensive group not far from sumy, a shortage of electricity, an increase in production costs due to high fuel and logistics prices, these are the factors behind...
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according to the survey data of the national bank , the sentiments of, for example, the construction industry, trade enterprises and the service sector are deteriorating, they predict a decrease in turnover, the volume of purchases of goods for sale, and the volume of new orders for various services. well, indeed, i have been following the fact that for several months in a row , vasyl was looking at the bright future of ukrainian business, now the situation is deteriorating for many industries, well... the situation in the ukrainian energy industry also gives, well, such pessimism, because business understands that new tariffs for them as well, it is not known when there will actually be shutdown schedules, if these are emergency power outages, all this affects the profitability of ukrainian enterprises, yes, plus we perfectly understand that until we have full protection of the sky and objects, any repairs, any what forecasts and expectations can be destroyed by one missile attack in fact, well, really. the situation in the ukrainian
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energy system may worsen already this week, so consumption limits will be applied. this was announced by the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. for him in words, the problems arose due to the latest shelling of the energy sector, which took place on may 31 and june 1, as well as the removal of two nuclear power plant units for scheduled repairs. in addition, ukrenergo predicts that current consumption will increase, they say that the deficit cannot be covered. purchases from europe, so they are returning to schedules for supplying electricity to the homes of ukrainians. the next winter will indeed be more difficult for our country in the energy sector than the last one, the ministry of energy emphasizes. there may be no light in six of the 6 to 10 hours a day. now active preparatory work for the offensive continues. of the heating season,
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despite the latest rocket attacks by refia on energy facilities, the situation in the sector is under control, but the limitation of current consumption cannot be avoided, indeed today the experts talked about it, summing up the results of the previous blackouts, let's listen to the direct language, i am inclined to a moderately difficult winter , which maybe... will be more difficult than the previous one, 100% more difficult than our last winter to be exact, but in my opinion, just as guaranteed, before more predictable and more comfortable than the penultimate ones, because when i recall november, december, january 22-23, i will say that the next winter will be calmer, and let's talk about energy.
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negotiations between russia and china regarding the sila-sibiru-2 gas pipeline have failed, all because of disagreements over price and supply volumes, the financial times reports. they refer to their own sources. thus, the publication reports that moscow considers beijing's demands unreasonable. podnebesa asked to pay a price that is close to russian domestic prices, they are in the country aggressors are subsidized. well, also, china commits to buying only a small fraction of the planned annual power of the siberian force. well, vasyl, the situation is interesting. it seems to me that this is precisely where china is starting to dictate its economic terms regarding the purchase of russian gas, the pipeline of power to siberia-2, and so far the kremlin seems to be lashing out, but it seems to me that china knows what it is asking for. well , in principle, every day of the war, which exhausts russia economically and resourcefully, it makes it more and more dependent on china, here
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the only question is that russia does not want to stop it either, and what about china, by the way, these are not my statements, these are the statements of many western partners, is this war profitable? well, here is a word for gazprom, which... last year suffered a loss of almost 7 billion, well, the approval of such a project could improve its financial situation, but we see that the celestial empire is pressing and i think that for a certain discount china will still receive fuel from the aggressor country, but it will not bring such crazy income to the kremlin to continue waging war in ukraine, but these are rather cheap resources, they they will only strengthen china's economy at the same time, but they will leave russia, because this money will still be sent. for the war or for the purchase of those mobilized for this war, well , in no way to improve the situation in russia, temporarily, if only, well, let's continue to talk about electricity tariffs and where the money from the payment for kilowatts will go, we will talk about it with stanislav ignativ, chairman of the council of the ukrainian
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renewable energy association, doctor of technical sciences, he joins the conversation, good evening, good evening, glory glory to ukraine, heroes, ms. stanislav, mr. stanislav, well... the main motivation of the government for raising tariffs is the funds needed to restore the energy infrastructure destroyed by the enemy. several pundits have weighed in on the war money column over the past week, and all have said it's not the kind of money needed to rebuild the industry. why do you think this action was forced or not? i apologize right away to the audience in the studio, because my internet is constantly down. see if these funds which we if we collect from each of us, from you, two presenters, and all the others, then it will be about three billion
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hryvnias to restore the energy sector, we need 115 million hryvnias, that is, less than 3% we have, from these funds, so it is in general , as they say, there is nothing to talk about, that's why, these are very small funds to restore the power system, and never, these funds will not restore the power system, eh, we understand that these funds will go to one simple thing, they will come to e-e dilution of the big. the european tariff, for which we buy electricity, and the tariff for the population, which electricity is supplied, and that's why these funds will go to this balancing of the tariff, and that's all, thank you for such an assessment stanislav ignativ, thank you, well, let's move on to
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the consumer market, at the largest wholesale agricultural market of western ukraine, shuvar, there is already a blueberry of new harvest, but experts say that this year the berry. a third more expensive than last year, sellers somewhere offer 410 uah per kilo of blueberries, our belotserki correspondents learned about the berry season, in particular strawberries and cherries, let's see the plot, from which regions are fruits, berries brought, and what do we know? sweet and tasty strawberries together with cherries are already actively sold in local markets and stores, mostly seasonal... berries are domestic. strawberries are brought mostly from odesa or cherkasy, sometimes even from the villages of bilotserkivshchyna. chereshnya is more often from the mykolaiv oblast and transcarpathia. saleswoman polina says: this year, strawberries ripened several weeks earlier. the reason is the climate.
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you see the climatic conditions that the sun, you see, they are already transmitting ecology, which is all for a month. it's june, july, we have such may, june, july. in july. the linden should bloom, the linden is already in full bloom, the selection of strawberries is wide, so the price difference, somewhere you can buy a kilogram for 100 uah, there are also for 85 and even 70. cherries are more expensive - 200, 180 or 150 uah per kilogram. slightly worse quality can be found for 130. the price also depends on the size of the berry itself and its ripeness. by the way, the assortment is mainly red, but we also managed to find a yellow one. majority buyers fear that the berries may be treated with chemicals. instead, sellers assure that they are completely safe. you will understand, if it is processed, then the tree also disappears, that's right, it is processed, well, in some
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reasonable place, that's right, so that people can eat it, in general , we have a laboratory for it, it is checked every day, so please , come, ms. halyna brought home-made strawberries from the village of ozerne, the second bucket has already been poured all morning, she says, people are actively buying vitamins, although the price sometimes bites, according to her forecasts, it may become more expensive, because domestic ones will leave... and imported ones will remain, in your opinion, the price of strawberries did not rise this year, no, no, that year the first strawberry was uah 100, it even lasted a little longer, what, this tomorrow the price must be changed, because they have already brought in a lot of imported goods and they must be changed. according to agricultural experts, prices will depend on the quality and volume of the harvest, as well as on weather conditions and logistical factors. saleswoman svitlana assures them that they take it for granted. and strawberries, now the cherry is already gone, i think ishmael
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ugh, specifically you have transcarpathia, i understand it, ugh, people buy cleaner while the price is biting, in your opinion, you know, i have such a store that they take everything from me, thank god, they take a little bit of everything, they are in a hurry to enjoy the taste of traditional berries and people of belarus, are you picking strawberries this year or not? huh, and the price does not bite? well , it bites, of course, of course it bites, well , nothing for children is not a pity for grandchildren, well , the second time this season, ugh, we love it, it’s delicious, don’t you be afraid, maybe before the season has started, are there any fears, why earlier, now it is warmer, it seems to have become earlier, but despite the wide selection and excellent taste, you should not abuse a large amount of red berries, because they are an allergen, special... it is recommended to taste no more than 300-400 g per
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day . lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. as we can see, transcarpathia is leading this season, indeed lokhina from transcarpathia, polunytsia, and we support the ukrainian producer, this is important. i will finish the column about money during the war. more to come, watch us. thank you very much oleksandr, but yesterday i bought a watermelon in the store, maybe watermelons are also brought from transcarpathia, it’s so striped, i don’t know if you can shake it or not, but it was tasty, at least you need to inquire about it, maybe transcarpathia has already thrown out the watermelons , as they say, on the counters, what information will serhiy rudenko and his guests treat us to today, we will actually ask him now, the verdict program starts at 20-0, what will be discussed, serhii, please. greetings vasyl, at 20:00 we start our conversation with
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the former prosecutor general of ukraine yuriy lutsenko, let's talk about the following, about how zelenskyy is organizing a global peace summit in switzerland, last weekend volodymyr zelenskyy flew to singapore, there was a fairly representative security conference with the participation of the united states secretary of defense lloyd austin on... the most important thing is that zelenskyy said that china is not going to the summit in switzerland, and all the countries that it has influence over, that is the global south, are also reducing their representation at this summit, or they are not going to negotiate or talk about peace at all. the main argument that there will be no russians at this peace summit is about what yuriy lutsenko thinks about this story and... how the chinese are now trying to outplay, or, let's say, to create an alternative peace summit with
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the participation of russia , we will talk about this during the next hour, well, of course, the top topic of all world media is the permission of the event for the use of their weapons by the armed forces of ukraine in strikes on the territory of the russian federation, more countries declare. their permission that their weapons can fly in the direction of the russian federation, this creates, of course, nervousness in the kremlin, in moscow they are talking about the fact that... that they will definitely give an answer to all this, but no matter what, here is this sanitary zone, about which vladimir putin once said, between ukraine and russia, it can appear on the other side of the border, that is, not on the side of the border with ukraine, but on the other side from the russian federation, that is, the belgrade, kursk region can
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turn into such a sanitary zone, therefore that all these weapons that are allowed to the armed forces of ukraine to use against... the occupiers are just hitting deep into russian territory, well, of course, another topic for conversation is the sharp differences that the western press writes about between kyiv and washington, the washington post writes that and ukraine and the united states of america have different views on how to fight ukrainian corruption, yuriy vitaliyovych lutsenko has quite a lot of... experience in law enforcement, how does he assess these differences and what do they manifest, and what do the latest personnel changes mean , in particular in nabu and nazk, we will talk about all this during the next hour, from 21:15 we will traditionally have an hour of comments on the events of the week on mondays. i will be
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the only one commenting and i will talk about the events that you... these events mean both for ukraine and the world, friends are waiting for you for two hours ahead, the great broadcast of vasyl zima continues, we will come on the air at exactly 8 pm, stay with us, vasyl, i promise you, thank you serhii, so at 20:00, and the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, well, today we will be able to see what the national team of ukraine will be like, it is officially starting to prepare for the euros. indeed , today we can see, estimate what the ukrainian national team can show, although, of course, not the main team, maybe our national team will not play without some, some key performers, but the opponent will be very serious, the host of the future euro, so about
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national team of ukraine, not only about the national team of ukraine, about the most important sports events in a moment in our column. so, there are 11 days left before the euro-2024 football tournament, today is the national team ukraine will play its first test match in preparation for the european championship, serhiy rebov's team in germany will play a test match against the future hosts, the hosts of the future euro, the actual national team of germany, this game is the first in the cycle of preparation for the big one. tournament the blue-yellow team started training in nuremberg a week ago. today's match will take place in this city. among the players present in the camp of the national team of ukraine , vitaliy mykolenko was not included in the application. obviously, this is due to the fact that the defender only recently returned to training after a serious injury he suffered at everton.
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the germans will not be able to count on the players of real madrid and borussia dortmund, because they only played the champions league final on saturday. and actually. andriy lunin will also not play in goal for the national team of ukraine today. on the eve of the game , the coaches of both teams serhiy rebrov and yulian nagelsman talked about the special mission of football. i offer to hear. the german national team has a new coach. in my opinion, the team has become more disciplined, has good performers both in defense and attack. compared to our last match, german... germany added, shows the result, unfortunately they will not be able to use players from real madrid and borussia dortmund, but the germans have a wide selection of performers in every position. i am very glad that we represent ukraine in this difficult period in germany at the euro. this is a great pleasure for our players. it was very difficult. i think that now everyone will see ukraine, everyone
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will see the ukrainian flag on the euro. and, as you know, now ukraine is trying to become part of the family. i hope ukraine will be able to take some time off, regardless of the result of tomorrow's game and the euro matches, if possible. i really believe that football is the factor that can help people think about something else, at least for 90 minutes. you cannot and should not ignore what is happening. in this country, we will try to do our part to make it an interesting and good game, so that people in ukraine have these 90 minutes. today, the head coach of our national team, serhiy rebro, celebrates his 50th birthday . we congratulate mr. serhiy on his birthday, and we wish him a long good health and new achievements in football.
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and i will add that the ukraine-germany match will start at 21:45, kyiv time, and the game will be judged by austrian referee walter altmann. and we continue also about football, but about club football, the day before the full composition of the participants of the ukrainian premier league in the upcoming season was determined . so, veres beat the epicenter 3:1, the overall score in favor rivne - 4:2, and obolon in the match against the left bank was enough for a draw - 1:1. and in the first match, the brewers were victorious. let me remind you that ingulets from the town moved from the first league to the elite. petrov and lviv carpathians, kharkiv metalist 1925 and transcarpathian minai were downgraded. the new season in the ukrainian premier league
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should start on august 10. and then about tennis, selina svitolina was defeated at rolangaros 20-24. in the match of the fourth round , the ukrainian tennis player lost to the representative of kazakhstan, yelena rybakinia. match lasted two sets, 4:6 – 3:6. the kazakh woman has not yet lost a single game at the tournament. svitolina failed to repeat her last year's result at roland garros. then elina completed her performances in the quarterfinals. and svitolina is the last. ukrainian woman who was eliminated from the tournament in the individual category. in the quarterfinals of roland garros rybakina will play against the italian jasmin paolini. another takeoff of yaroslava moguchy. the ukrainian track and field athlete won gold at the diamond league stage in the capital. sweden, stockholm. maguchyk confidently conquered a height of 2 m, which was enough for triumph later, yaroslava tried to jump at 2:03, but after two unsuccessful
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attempts, they gave up. for yaroslava, this is the 14th victory at the level of the diamond league, as well as the first gold for ukrainian track and field athletes in the current season of the diamond league 20-24. and i will add that another ukrainian from the tribune, iryna heradchenko, got on the podium. we congratulate both our athletes with bronze. and on this positive note, we will end the sports column. i wish you a peaceful, quiet evening. stay with espresso. vasyl will continue the ater in a moment zama and natalka didenko. i thank yevhen pastukhov and i will only remind you that the national team of ukraine after independence, during its existence , has never won either in friendly matches or in official matches. the german national team, well, maybe today. we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment
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works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to transport mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone. pneumohydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630 uah. today we collected a little, only 200 were added, we have 4 2095 59 hryvnias. join me, i will introduce, say hello, introduce natalka didenko, good evening, ms. natalya, please have the floor. greetings vasyl, greetings, our dear viewers, we will now, of course , talk with you about the upcoming weather, about interesting, dangerous meteorological phenomena, well, about everything about... literally in a second, today we
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start our meeting with such an interesting and typically summer phenomenon as hail. many of us have already observed this hail just recently, it is a dangerous phenomenon, and now we will turn, well, to its characteristic, what is hail, let's remind ourselves, it is precipitation. precipitation in the form of ice spheres, ice cores, pereschuyu, spherical shape, or particles of ice. it is very interesting that precipitation in the form of hail is observed when the air temperature near the surface of the earth, the temperature is not lower than 20°, and of course, as a rule, in the case of thunderstorms or strong hailstorms, thunderstorms, well, it is clear that in the summer, and most often, the hail passes in a narrow strip, no more than 10 km, in fact, how the city is formed during the storm. in their powerful upward currents of air, precisely in the warm season, as i have already said, water drops fall to a great height, freeze, water crystals form on them, they increase in size, hailstones
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increase in size. and of course, as we often see from some reports, the sizes can be just gigantic to the size of a chicken egg, and hail can destroy crops and break trees, can damage roofs, houses, cars, and can even kill small animals, god forbid, and i learned such an interesting fact about hail, because we know about fogs, rather about frosts, when gardens are fumigated, they save the harvest, but in ancient times , people noticed that a very loud sound from... prevented the appearance of hail, and therefore, to save the crops, they rang bells or fired cannons , well, we probably won't shoot with cannons, we already have enough of all kinds of loud sounds, so you can, for example, ring the bells when there is hail. we are moving now to the review of geomagnetic activity, and now for your attention is a forecast chart, from which it can be seen that tomorrow at the end of the day there will be an activation, that is , geomagnetic activity will be more powerful.
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for those who react to magnetic storms, then tomorrow at the end of the day, be attentive to your well-being, and usually, maybe someone reacts earlier, so please listen to yourself, and actually we are already moving on to highlights of our column, to the weather forecast, and now we will see what it will be like in each region of ukraine, and we traditionally start with the western regions, so tomorrow in the west of ukraine. unsettled weather is expected, short-term rains, thunderstorms, during thunderstorms, attention, as i have already said, possible hail and gusty strengthening of the wind, and the lowest air temperature in ukraine will be 22-25 above zero, it will be warmer in the north, from 25 to 28 ° warm, but also the atmospheric front will cause rain, gale-force winds and hailstorms, therefore, be very attentive and careful, in the east
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of ukraine for... tomorrow the weather will be the hottest. the air temperature will fluctuate between 30-33°. it will be dry in donetsk region, but in kharkiv region and luhansk region in the afternoon or in the evening there is a possibility of short rain with a thunderstorm. unstable weather is also expected tomorrow in the central part of ukraine, the atmosphere will sometimes organize rain, thunderstorms, during thunderstorms there will be gusty winds and squalls, as i have already said, and the weather will be hot in the center from the 27th to the 30th. in the south of ukraine, tomorrow in odesa the weather will be unstable, difficult, with short-term rains, thunderstorms, during a thunderstorm, there is a possibility of squalls and hail, but finally the southern territories will be simply dry, sunny and hot, well, as you can see, these numbers 30, 32 are above zero, well , the air temperature in kyiv now is quite comfortable, moderate, tomorrow it is also expected to be in the range of 25-26°, but in
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the capital... rain, thunderstorms are also expected tomorrow, and in some areas there is a possibility of hail and gusty winds, such the weather is warm, even hot , will last until the end of the week, and from the next in the week of june 10, a significant cooling is expected, so we are warming up for now, but of course we pay attention to the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much ms. natalsia, even if readers write, turn off, turn off the light, then shall we watch espresso, well, maybe you will have internet, mobile, even if that, read books, it is also very useful when there is no light, take care of yourself and stay with espresso literally in a few moments, verdict by serhiy rudenko, goodbye and see you, good evening, we are from ukraine.
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. peacekeeping hundred. more than 100 countries have already confirmed their participation in the global peace summit in switzerland. was zelensky's attempt in singapore successful to involve as many countries of the global south as possible in the peace conference. untie the hands of the armed forces. more and more western countries are giving ukraine permission to use their weapons. on military facilities in russia, whether the united states will lift all its restrictions and how putin might respond. sharp disagreements about the future. the western press writes about the misunderstanding between kyiv and washington in the fight against corruption, which are still...


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