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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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who does not see what is really happening? well, this so-called actor, the so -called steven seagal, in principle, he should also be close to those journalists whom george clooney wants to arrest and hand over to the international criminal court, and he, he simply deserves to answer... for russia's war against ukraine, because lying so openly and saying that ukraine is evil, the greatest evil in the world, and russia is fighting this evil, well, this lie has its price, and sooner or later the international the criminal court will also appreciate the work of this so-called actor. friends, i would like to remind you that... we are working live
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on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and on these platforms we are conducting a poll, today we are asking you about the following: do you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the peace summit, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video, we are interested to know your opinion, and remember that our media. the youtube platform needs support, so no please forget about likes, the more likes you put, the more chances there are that this video will be trending on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the peace summit (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382), all calls to these numbers are without... precious,
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vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, just yesterday volodymyr zelenskyi took participation in the conference held in singapore, and there they talked about the security that should be in the world and in particular in the asia-pacific space, a security forum called the shangri dialogue and the president. zelenskyi said that china is now doing everything to prevent beijing-oriented countries from coming to the peace summit in switzerland, which will be held on june 15-16. let me remind you that this summit is supposed to discuss president zelenskyi's peace formula, a formula that would allow ukraine to emerge from the current situation as a winner, a formula that... would allow
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an end to russian aggression against ukrainians, a formula that would force putin to withdraw his troops from the territory of the ukrainian state, and at this forum the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, spoke, and he stated that a war between the united states of america and china is not inevitable. let's hear what lloyd austin said. you know, war, or confrontation with china, is not inevitable or inevitable, so the leaders of the major powers must continue to work together to make sure that we do everything we can to reduce the opportunities for miscalculations and misunderstandings. not every conversation will be pleasant, but it's important that we continue to talk to each other, and it's important that we continue to support our allies and partners in theirs. official washington is still
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trying to find the right words and certain appeals to sidney pinya so that he does not participate economically or even emotionally support putin in his aggression against ukraine, and biden is now trying to convince. all that is better than its good cooperation with the united states of america, rather than some temporary preferences that china is currently receiving from the fact that russia trades with beijing, and tries to sell cheap energy resources and other goods produced in the russian federation to beijing. of course, in this story it is...
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indicative that china is not going to switzerland for the global peace summit, because it is not for nothing that zelenskyi talks about the fact that china is trying in this situation to respond... to other participants, potential participants of this summit, and to act so that they refuse to participate in this peace summit, but against this background we see that the united states of america is also trying impact the global peace summit in some way positively impact the global peace summit the president of the united states of america. biden will not be attending this summit, but camila harrison, the vice president of the united states of america, will be coming to this summit and speaking, kamala harris, please,
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will be speaking at this summit, and obviously it 's very important, besides her at the meeting there will also be national security advisor to the president jake sullivan and... this political political duo will set the tone at the upcoming global peace summit and we let's hope that, despite the skepticism that exists in beijing and among other potential participants of this summit, that ukraine will still manage to convey these to the representatives of the 106 countries that have already signed up. to participate in this summit, what does it matter to us, what can we convey to these representatives about russian aggression and how this war can be ended and that russia, as
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the aggressor, should be responsible for the resolution of the russian-ukrainian war . hungary also announced today that it will not choose to... participate in this summit in switzerland, peter szijjártó, minister of foreign affairs of hungary, said that this is a war between ukraine and russia, and those european politicians who are now trying to present it as the beginning of a war between russia and europe, they are very wrong, while viktor orbán, the prime minister hungarians at a rally of thousands on the eve of the european parliament elections in the code. called on europe to refrain from helping ukraine in the war with russia. let's listen to orban. now we need a big and bold action. we must win the european elections
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in such a way that the brussels bureaucrats in fear opened the doors of the city in front of us and hastily left their offices. it is clear that the elections to the european parliament are currently taking place in hungary and orbán is trying to win the support of his voters, but frankly speaking, the hungarians surprise me quite a lot, because they once suffered from the soviet union, from the soviet boot of the soviet soldier, and in this situation acting as a neutral observer, or... as people who support putin, it looks absolutely unrealistic and absurd, because in the current situation, both viktor orbán and peter sziarto must understand that putin
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will not be satisfied with ukraine and will not stop in ukraine, and the next countries where he will find himself, where his army will find himself, will be hungary, well, other countries. of eastern europe, not understanding this or not remembering this, it is dangerous for the future of eastern europe, including hungary. well, for ukraine , the curtailment of democracy or an attack on freedom of speech is dangerous. for just a few days , we have been watching a scandal that is connected with yes so-called temniks u'. state agency ukrinform, oleksiy matsuka, former general producer of freedom and tv channel dom, came to manage it for a few months, and actually after his departure from the information agency it became known that during
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his management of the agency, so-called dark letters were sent to journalists and editors, well that is, this is such a circular, it was brought to the attention of journalists who can be taken as commentators, who cannot be taken as commentators, in what way to do all this, and that is enough. there were recommendations about what the former the military should not be included in certain topics, regarding commenting, if there are any communal problems, then it means that representatives of local authorities should not be included, and these documents, which you just saw on the screen, were made public, and a scandal broke out, because actually during the war one of the heads of the agency is trying to... and this is not military censorship, this is ordinary censorship, with which we once fought back in the days of kuchma and
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tried to fight the dark men brought into the ukrainian media space by viktor medvedchuk, or rather political technologists from of russia, who worked with medvedchuk, they tried to control the ukrainian information space in this way, what happened now, it... reminds me of the story of the secret police, and this whole story with the temniks of the time ended with the fact that in 2004, representatives of several of tv channels went to the square of the orange revolution and apologized to the audience for lying on the air. now none of those who managed ukrinform together with oleksiy matsuka have... apologized for what happened, instead the head of the parliamentary committee on freedom
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slova yaroslav yurchyshyn sent a request to the prosecutor general's office regarding the situation in ukrinform, according to him, the introduction of such darkrooms is a very dangerous signal from the authorities. let's listen to what yaroslav yurchyshyn said. the facts described in the ukrainian truth may indicate that there were attempts. to introduce political censorship in a specific information agency, on the positive side, journalists would not have succumbed to this pressure , as a result, the management of this media center itself has to be changed, that is , the attempt itself was unsuccessful, but from the point of view attempts of individual representatives of the government of the gas station. let there be some locally censored approaches, well, this is a very dangerous
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bell, but by the way, in the current situation, we have to remind you, our dear viewers, tv viewers, how in april 22 , three espresso fifth tv channels were turned off from t2 the channel is direct, and by now it is almost the third. a year has passed for the third year, no one can give an answer, and why exactly we were turned off from t2, why they limited the spread of our signal and what the ukrainian authorities are afraid of, why espresso is one of those tv channels that is in to this blacklist, obviously, which was compiled by the office of the president of ukraine, why are we not in t2. why do we have to remind our
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viewers and our authorities every time that we need to be returned to t2, because we do not carry out anti-ukrainian propaganda and agitation, we are a pro-ukrainian channel, but they don't let us in and threw us out of the tv space in t2 and that's it, no we did not receive any answers. how did we not get a reaction to this scandal in the ukrainforum, because, unfortunately, no one wants to take responsibility, because freedom of speech, the existence of independent media, who can relay a different opinion, this is part of the requirements of our western partners, who, when providing aid, financial aid to ukraine, are oriented on whether there is freedom of speech in ukraine. whether there is not, whether journalists are respected here, whether journalists are not respected here, these
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markers, these indicators are quite clear and understandable for western politicians, for those who support us, i would not like that along with this we lose this opportunity, the opportunity to speak freely and lost freedom of speech, or questioned the conquest of the orange revolutions the revolution of dignity and the russian-ukrainian war, because the price of freedom of speech and the very high price of being free now in... in ukraine, well , there is another discussion that has been quite actively discussed in the media space over the past few days, this is a conversation between by the well-known ukrainian journalist, espresso tv host vitaly portnikov and russian publicist yulia latynino on youtube feigin, and
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during this discussion portnikov broke down. latin's attempt to prove that ukrainians and russians once built together empire, and there was allegedly no oppression of ukrainians in it. portnikov was persuasive in this discussion, and latino usually, representing the russian people who are aggressive towards ukraine, the russian people who believe that there are no ukrainians, and that everything that happened before... 2022 or 2014 was joint the desire of two peoples to live together, to build something in a common space, portnikov's timely punctuation of the pseudo-history and the manipulations used by yulia latynina in this discussion,
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they caused a positive reaction in ukrainian social networks, very... there were a lot of responses to this discussion, if you haven't seen this discussion, you can watch it either on mark feigen's channel or on vitaly portnikov's channel. another topic that is relevant enough and that will obviously have its publicity is fortification or the construction of fortification structures in the regions, a week ago the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed a decision on the creation. temporary special commission, which will study the circumstances of the construction of fortifications in the east and south of ukraine, and this the topic arose immediately after the russian invaders entered the city of vovchansk in the kharkiv region, and there were many complaints that
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there were no fortifications in the way of the russians. censornet publication in an article about abuse. on the construction of the fortification, writes about companies with signs of fictitiousness, which received 270 million hryvnias for the supply of wood under classified contracts by the kharkiv regional military administration. i will quote the censornet publication. it is worth noting that against the background of other regional administrations, kharkiv this is just an example of transparency, because the performer was always indicated. of contracts, which made it possible to detect abuses only by the name of one-day firms, the publication writes, noting that similar information in other areas is classified, so abuses on fortifications can be even greater, in this story, of course, there will be many people
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who inflated prices or purchased goods at inflated prices. or estimated the amount of work at inflated prices, and obviously, obviously, law enforcement agencies will have to answer all questions about the fact that who and how earned on these fortifications, with the participation of which high-ranking individuals were involved in this, who should ultimately answer? for this, because in the current history, of course, we are talking about the lives of our soldiers, those who defend us, and it is very important to put an end to the history of fortifications, because in the end there is justice, and it is worth fighting for,
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about this is actually what our colleagues from the publication are talking about... well, from june 1, friends, ukrainians will pay 64% more for electricity, 4 uah 32 kopecks per kv, instead of 2 uah 64 kopecks, the old tariff remains only for consumers with electric heating, and then only during the heating season, we had on the air last week... oleksiy kucherenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, who clearly understands what is happening now in the energy sector, he says that the funds received from the payment of tariffs. the government plans to direct generation restoration, which is approximately uah 50 billion per year, 85% will go to
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energoatom, the other 15% to ukrhydroenergo, and he says that there is a question in the rational distribution of funds, which actually we all together with you, friends, we will pay, starting from june 1, 2024, we will listen to oleksiy kucherenko. ukrhydroenergo is destroyed, it is very powerful, indeed, there is much to repair there, starting and so on. there was no destruction in the energaats, there were no destructions in the venegaats, and therefore the question arises, how exactly will this money further down the chain get to the fortifications. energy and for the repairs of those companies that suffered the most, you and i know the victims, the state company ukrenergo, these are transformer
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substations, powerful, this is oblenergo, the operators distribution systems, primarily kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, kyiv odesa, dnipropetrovsk oblast and so on, these are network companies, and the third is heat generation. and then there was information that on tuesday , june 4, the deficit in the energy system is forecast throughout the day, its volume will be higher than on monday. the reason for the increase in consumption is due to the heat and the decrease in import volumes, and the electricity consumption limits will apply for each region from zero hours to 24 hours. when the limits are exceeded. oblenergo will be apply hourly outage schedules for industrial and household consumers. it is clear that in the conditions of the war, and in the conditions of the destruction of the energy
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capacities of ukraine by the russian federation, we need to prepare for the fact that we need to save electricity. and it is clear that the next winter will be quite difficult for all ukrainians, especially for those who use more electricity, that is, and buy more light from those who do not have gas columns or gas, it is clear that it will be quite difficult, because, as experts predict will not just survive the winter of 2025, but we still remain optimistic, we will understand that ... um, this increase in electricity, which, admittedly, is not effective enough, effectively communicated by the government,
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it will give such results, and it will affect our capacities, energy capacities of ukraine, because in the current conditions, complain about certain enterprises that generate. energy facilities and deliver electricity to our residential buildings, which is somehow not unreasonable, considering that the blame for this all lies personally with the russian dictator putin, it is dictator putin who is doing everything in order to deprive us of electricity, and not only electricity, but also... additional supply, the goal is quite simple, to force the ukrainians to capitulate to the russian onslaught, and obviously, this
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is understood not only in in moscow and in kyiv, i understand this in the united states of america, so we hope for the help of our western partners, and i already mentioned that biden will not go to the global peace summit, but the information just appeared that ... that the white house explained that the absence biden's presence at the peace summit does not mean less support for ukraine, so we will hope for the support of our western partners, and first of all the united states of america, and that this support will allow us to survive these difficult times. on this, friends, i will put an end to our conversation today, now we will look at the results in... the poll today we asked you about whether you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the meru summit, 29% think so,
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71 %. no, er, now let's look at the results of the survey on youtube. 38% yes, 62% no. here these are the results of today's survey. i put an end to this. it was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko. we will meet tomorrow at 20:00, come, there will be a new verdict, there will be new guests, we will talk about the most relevant things, about what worries you, dear friends, bye... see you, take care of yourself and your relatives. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption
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means saving his life. bc ride, boys ride, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yaryk brigade in the direction of chasiv. greetings to all. the national team of ukraine begins a series of friendly matches before the euro. real madrid with andriy lunin will win the champions league. that's all today in football format. i am alexander vashchuk and andrii malinovskyi. andrew, hello. good afternoon, sachko. good afternoon to all our viewers. yes, in fact, what we have.


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