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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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what else can the united states continue to do to support this, but i've been talking about this war since it started and it's impossible, looking at what ukraine has been able to do in the last two-and-a-half years, not to see the hand of the united states at every turn. we know for a fact that at the shangri-la security summit in singapore this weekend , volodymyr zelenskyi also called on the countries of the global south to join the peace summit and expressed his disappointment that he would not be there. representatives of china, whether beijing's position will affect the participation or not of possible participation of other countries in this summit? and as for pekiev, in general he invited all countries to participate in this summit, regardless of whether they support ukraine or not, and kyiv did this in order to hear as many opinions as possible from all possible countries regarding what they see peace for ukraine, only russia was not invited to this summit. the summit will be dedicated. three compromise topics, this is
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what the advisor of the president's office told us, these are three topics that are a compromise for all countries, regarding which all countries of the world in principle agree, it's nuclear security, it's food security, and it's also this human dimension, it's about prisoners of war, deported children and deported ukrainian civilians, which russia, whom russia continues to detain, and that these three issues, ukraine wants to hear opinions of all countries, how can peace be achieved in these three. the support of the countries of the global rooster is very important for ukraine, and that is why at this shangri-la summit there was a very powerful, there was a very powerful diplomatic representation from ukraine, because president zelensky personally went there to convince the countries of the global south to join this summit, to be represented there, and we specifically heard a statement from india that india will be represented at this summit, prime minister modi said that he will be there because he wants the world to hear the position of the global rooster. because of the position of india in particular. if
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we talk about this region in general, the financial times writes that there is a feeling of a certain war fatigue, and therefore some countries believe that the war should be ended, as soon as possible, regardless of what it will be this end but there is also an exception here, these are countries that have access to the south china sea, because china considers this region historically its own and makes certain provocations there, it seizes certain islands, builds military bases there, and this in particular affects the security situation in... in the security situation in the philippines, that is why the philippines actively supports ukraine in this matter. we also know that the participation of china was very important for ukraine, ukraine insisted that china join this summit, while china said that it will not do, in particular because russia was not invited to the summit, but recently we heard statements by president zelensky that china is even helping russia disrupt this summit and is persuading other countries not to come to it, to which china replied that beijing ... never
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fanned the fire, did not fan the flames and supports the initiatives of peaceful resolution of the crisis and attaches great importance to the summit, although he refused to participate. maria, very briefly, we know that other countries also say that they will not participate in the summit, because of their own the fact that russia will not be there, what does ukraine say about this? and dmytro koleba said that it makes no sense to invite russia, because russia violates all norms of international law, but they hope that russia will participate in the next peace summit. and in general, the summit is called to develop a common negotiating position and convey it to russia, we also talked about it with mr. oleksandr bevze, let's listen to his position, i'm sorry, we don't have this synchronization, but ukraine says that there have already been a lot of negotiations with russia, and it didn't make any sense, that's why russia is not invited to this summit now. maria, thank you for your explanations, maria ulyanovska was in touch with us, we talked about preparations for the global peace summit in switzerland. the permission
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of the united states to strike with provided weapons on the territory of russia will help ukrainians to better defend themselves against russian attacks, observers and military experts point out. however, the permission from the us does not apply to long-range weapons, in particular atakams missiles. such restrictions will allow ukraine to focus only on targets near its border with russia. should we expect that in the future the united states will expand the area where it will be possible to strike with american weapons, the white house communications advisor john was asked. kirby, here's his answer. i will not jump ahead of decisions that have not yet been made. as you well know, at every step of this war, as the war changed, the conditions on the battlefield changed, we developed and modified our support for ukraine. i would not expect this general approach to change in the coming weeks or months. let's see how the situation will develop and what ukrainians will need. look, who can blame
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president zelensky for wanting more funds and more opportunities to use those funds, as his country continues to be under attack, esp. against the background of russia's so far consistent efforts to endanger kharkiv, one of their most important cities in the north, and that is why we are not stopping, we will continue to have these conversations with the ukrainians, of course we will, and will this lead to additional changes in policy, i cannot say at the moment, but we will not turn away from the needs of ukraine and we will continue to try to develop our support, depending on the development of the situation on the battlefield. meanwhile, despite the western sanctions, russia continues to use western microcircuits in drones and missiles that destroy ukrainian cities. among the components found, in particular, there are many parts from the united states. however, what is the us doing to counter this and are export restrictions effective here? oksana betartenko
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asked the us deputy secretary of commerce metio axelrod. their interview follows. despite the export restrictions, russian tanks are still running. planes fly, are these restrictions succeeding in destroying russia's war machine? there is some success, but absolutely more needs to be done. i was in kyiv in october together with representatives of the us department of justice and the fbi. we talked about how american components, including microelectronics and semiconductors, continue to find their way into russian missiles and drones found on the battlefield in ukraine. we are trying to attack this problem from all sides sides we are working with the department of justice and other law enforcement agencies on criminal charges against the procurement networks that ship these western components to russia. we have already made more than a dozen such accusations, we also maintain a list of organizations, before sending goods to companies from this list,
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you need to ask for permission from the ministry of trade. since the beginning of the war, more than 900 companies have entered such a list, including 250 outside russia. these are the countries where the goods go, which then go. to russia, but your question is good, why despite all these efforts, these goods are still coming, we are doing everything we can and continue to try to stop it, but these semiconductors are widespread enough and are in many places around the world, so we need to act from all sides, and we have achieved certain success. the russian government is paying twice as much for microelectronics and semiconductors as it was before the war. if the goal is to make it more difficult for russia to wage war, then one of the ways is to increase costs. they are forced to... constantly redesign the networks , we continue to do everything we can, but we have to purchases, they go to paris countries, more expensive and less reliable, so we like iran and north korea, whose goods do even more for us and other countries to further limit access to these goods. did you
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mention cooperation with prosecutors, were there arrests in these cases? yes, yes, arrests and sentences. in what ways is russia? in various ways , the russian government has historically created procurement networks to circumvent sanctions and export restrictions. i think now they have activated the networks they used in the past. everyone knows it is not possible to deliver directly to russia, however, when it comes to microelectronics and semiconductors, these are chips, so to speak, of a lower level. they are quite common, their circulation is unlimited in most of the world. for example, these chips can be sold from the us to china, but when they get there. china, there is no law in china that prohibits the sale of these semiconductors from china to russia. how to track microchips that go to third countries, or are produced in third countries, and then reach russia via china or central asia. we work with the government
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of ukraine and partners on cases when we find missiles and drones, open them and see american components inside. we will receive the following information from the ukrainian government about the markings on these chips. then we can take that information and go with it to the american companies and say: this is what we found, and it helps the companies to find out how the chip got from their production to a russian missile or drone, it depends on the batch number, other markings, sometimes they physically need a chip, it's more complicated, but sometimes on based on the photo, they can research their own networks and foreign buyers. russia, china and other countries create many shell companies to beat the sanctions, there are enough of them. hard to keep track of, do you do it? yes, we do, and it's very difficult, because when we bring criminal charges against axes or companies, or put them on the sanctions list, of course there is a risk that they will create new companies, shell companies, but to create such shell companies takes
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time and money is not a silver bullet, it does not solve the problem, but if the goal is to create as much as possible for russia, then we need to knock out shell companies when we discover them. how do you assess russia's attempts to create its own production of microchips? as far as i know, from open sources, they have not achieved much success, in other words, the main problem... according to the kyiv school of economics, if the west stops supplying microchips to russia, 90% of russian weapons will stop, do you agree? i don't think that we can make sure that absolutely no semiconductor in the world gets to russia, it would have a tremendous impact, but i don't think it's a useful approach to export restrictions in general, not just semiconductors. there are too many, they are produced in too many countries in the world to completely cut off supplies, that is not the goal. if
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you measure success like that, you will never achieve it. the goal is to worsen, complicate, make more expensive. it won't stop an army in a day or a week. that's not how it works. this will make it more difficult for russia to wage war against innocent people in ukraine. it was an interview with oksana bedrotenko and the deputy minister of trade usa meghew axel rodo. watch a longer version of this conversation on youtube. voice of america and read on our website. the news of donald trump's conviction for falsifying business documents caused a furious reaction in the united states. the indictment of the former president immediately began to be used by the headquarters of both trump and joe biden to campaign for voters. however , it will not be so easy to sway those americans who have not yet decided, analysts say. iryna shynkarenko and veronika balderes will continue the topic. donald trump can become
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the first us president convicted on criminal charges, however, his popularity during the election campaign does not decrease, - says one of his lawyers. the trump campaign apparently broke records for campaign fundraising, including tens of thousands of new donors within days of the sentencing. i think the american people see this conviction for what it is, and we certainly hope that the appeal will allow us to overturn it. during the trial, prosecutors argued that that trump falsified business records to illegally influence the results of the 2016 election , which he won. a guilty verdict will not help trump politically, especially with african-american voters, says maryland governor wesmoor, a democrat. what resonates in society, in general, is to have a person, to have a president, as we have a president. biden, who is really focused on our future. in an exclusive interview with the fox news channel
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, trump reflected on the possibility that on july 11, he will be sentenced to prison or house arrest. i don't know if the public will tolerate it. i'm not sure the public will tolerate it. i think the public will have a hard time with that. you know, a certain moment can become a turning point. biden's headquarters published a fragment of the interview with the signature of quotes on the x network. convicted felon trump suggests there will be violence if he is placed under house arrest. while us president joe biden is expected to stick to his thesis that no one is above the law, his staff can do anything more likely to use trump's conviction to criticize the presumptive republican presidential nominee, says susan stokes, a political scientist at chekaka university. his desire to use his. power and influence to avoid prosecution, one would expect them to focus on it. in addition to working with his own
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electorate, the trump campaign should adjust its strategy to attract other voters, stokes adds. maybe to women from the suburbs who might be hesitant about what to eat to do in november 2024, you need to give some reason not to pay attention to this verdict. both are expected to be presidential contenders this month. will continue to flirt with undecided voters ahead of the first presidential debate, scheduled for june 27. iryna shynkerenko, veronika belders and glesia from voice of america, washington. and we end the issue with a conversation with andrii khlyvnyuk, the leader of the boombox band, who recently visited north america with a charity tour in support of the armed forces. the artist himself with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , he also joined the ukrainian army, how
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he combines music and the army and how his experience in show business helped him in the war, buboks leader ivanna pidborskyi told. andrii, congratulations, you are on your second tour of north america, first full-scale war. yes, how the charity tours have changed in these two years, no way. changed, all the same wonderful people come to the concerts and do everything they can to support her boys and girls at the front. no, i don't feel the legacy. activity, i thank people for this, you speak before the diaspora, do you have the same feelings as you spoke, for example, before ukrainians in ukraine, the further from the front, the more bloodthirsty the audience is, what do you
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mean, what with the dead man, death-dealing, with voices like mine just now... it's a little funny, because when fat guys of prime age shout death to the enemies abroad, and all these screamers, you think, well, okay, of course death to the enemies, but we somehow a little far from that place, that is, you have to keep in mind that people who are abroad... they are no longer abroad, in the rear, it's all the rear, there are no borders, no borders, they have already disappeared, for them it's just something like that, that's something, that's something, otherwise, there are some other people, there are some knights without fear, somewhere there they fight 24x with their golden swords with orcs,
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you are definitely the same knights and without the same fear. like those who do this work, working as an artist, especially on foreign tours, is not easy, but defending ukraine is far from easier, and you combine these two roles at the same time, how easy it is to work as an artist, compared to the front, it is nothing. it is so tiring, but this exhaustion is nothing compared to what is happening, let's say, on the front lines. here, i want to point out right away that i am not, i do not fight on the front line, the specifics of my work is the second line, here, and we are not fired upon by enemy infantry, only artillery and drones, do you
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track that somehow your musical experience with such a past, if... what can you say life helped your new role that you mastered after february 24? did not help me experience, not so much the experience of a musician, but the experience of logistics in ukraine, and the fact that in 20 years i got many, many acquaintances, those people grew up with me, and now in any region of ukraine, in the city, i can. .. it is easier than a person who has never been there to find what is necessary there, but how has your feeling changed when you perform, we just rush as if it is the last concert and get the maximum enjoyment from what we do on concerts, it's pure rock and roll has already started, now ukrainian concerts
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musicians, performances and... artists' exhibitions are for the first time aimed primarily at accumulating and delivering help, you may hate oceanelsa or there boombox or any other group that comes, but i will be very grateful if you go , if this is a so-called so-called concert, each of your tickets is a donation to a good concert. i read that when you go on tour and now we met on tour, there's always that little bit of guilt, is it there now? well, it's not that it's guilt, it's a feeling that you're going to get busy
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secondary work, yes, although it is very, very important. work, a lot of people come to concerts, it is important to be a cultural ambassador there, to collect donations, and we do it with means, to provide, to educate people, to apply these means at the front, this is now my main job, i need maximum attention now to all those who can, has the strength for it, to all those who are of draft age, to allocate about... i watched your interview about six years ago. and watched the interviews you gave now, visually it seems that you haven't changed, you were the same humble, but thank you, sharp-tongued, and at the
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same time with their principles and moral values, they remained so, and what do you think? i think i've become much more tactless, our modern reality, uh, with... tact has been taken away from us, let's say, you say what you think, and sometimes with words that you wouldn't use in a peaceful life. you often now give interviews, answer questions, especially now about the war, which question made you really think about whether to... enough i do and have done and plan to do, or this it is not enough and you need to do more,
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take more risks, put more effort into what you don't want, it's scary, then step over your fear even more, then what answer do you give yourself, as long as i have the strength, i will do, try to do more. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read the news, watch. informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. and on this we say goodbye to you.
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see also our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for trusting the voice of america in ukrainian. have a good night and a peaceful morning. see you soon. before meeting. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on citramon tablets, a gift of 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts , such as 15% discounts on urulesan in pharmacies psylansky pam and oschad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is
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big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. i am colleagues, let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war morchivka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhenyakhov to the conversation for two hours in the company favorite presenters about cultural news, our art watcher is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many, is already next to me ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in... hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their robots are our security with you. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. peacekeeping hundred. already more than 100 countries have confirmed their participation in the global peace summit in switzerland. was zelensky's attempt in singapore successful to attract
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as many countries of the global south to the peace process as possible. untie the hands of the armed forces. more and more western countries are giving ukraine permission to use their weapons to hit military facilities on the territory of russia. will the united states lift all its restrictions and how putin might respond. sharp disagreements about the future. the western press writes about the misunderstanding. between kyiv and washington in the fight against corruption, what acute internal challenges are still ahead ukrainian authorities. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our
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victory. let's talk. about the summit in singapore, where our president volodymyr zelenskyi participated, and how in singapore he articulated his position regarding china's non-participation in the peace summit, of course, we will touch on the topic of strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of russia with western weapons, the more western countries give permission to to use theirs weapons for the destruction of infrastructure in... uh , at the border between ukraine and russia, but already on the other side of the russian border, and of course, about the sharp differences that seem to exist between official kyiv and official washington. we will talk about all this during the next hour. however, before starting our conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the soldiers of the 53rd mechanized brigade of the malibu unit and the wing to hell of the 103rd separate brigade of territorial defense
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in... in the kursk region on the border with sumy region, smashed a column of russian invaders, part the equipment escaped, part of it was destroyed, let's watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages. take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you agree with zelensky that china can... disrupt the peace summit in switzerland, no, it's quite simple on youtube if you have your own opinion that goes beyond the boundaries unequivocal answer, please leave it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe and agree, or rather with zelensky, that china wants to disrupt the peace summit (0800-211-381), no, 0800-211-382, all calls on these numbers.


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