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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the peace summit in switzerland, 0800 211 381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end program , we will sum up the results of this vote, well , of course, one of the key and main topics during the last week is the topic that russian propaganda , led by putin, the self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, is trying to promote, a person, legitimacy whose legitimacy is doubted by both the european union and the european council, but at least no other country has officially declared that they will not call putin the president, with the exception of ukraine, which
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suggests that putin is not legitimate president of the russian federation. so, putin has just started the implementation of the special operation, which was once talked about by the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense , general kyrylo budanov, maidan 3. it is about the fact that russia is trying to prove to everyone to the world that zelensky is apparently not the legitimate president of ukraine. and that there is no need to agree on anything with zelensky, because he does not have any powers after may 20, 2024, and so they put this story on a big information promotion, one of those who are trying to promote this whole story about the illegitimacy of zelensky is illegitimate president putin, he has once again declared that he is illegitimate. instead, the only legitimate authority
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in ukraine remains the verkhovna rada. let's listen to the kremlin elder. constitution. the constitution of ukraine provides for the continuation of the powers, but only of the council. the constitution of ukraine does not mention the extension of the president's powers. there is article 111 of the constitution. of ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact, the presidential powers are transferred to the speaker of the parliament, especially since under the conditions of the martial law, the powers of the parliament continue. as a citizen of ukraine, i do not like that the self-proclaimed president of the russian federation interprets the norms of the constitution of ukraine.
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i don't like it, but on the other hand, according to the current ukrainian legislation, the constitution and the norms of the basic law must be interpreted by the constitutional court. the opinion of the constitutional court regarding the legal conflict, the coalition that has now arisen, regarding the powers of president zelenskyi is officially absent, but we understand that there are two articles of the constitution that will be allowed. talk about the fact that zelensky will be the president of ukraine until a new, new head of the ukrainian state is elected, obviously this will already be after the victory of ukraine over the russian federation, putin mentioned the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and obviously, in this case, he wanted to draw analogies between what happened at the end of february. in the 14th year after yanukovych's escape from
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ukraine, then you remember, friends, that the acting president of ukraine was oleksandr turchynov, then the speaker of the ukrainian parliament. the current chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, in response to putin's statements that the only legitimate authority in ukraine is now the verkhovna rada, advised the russian dictator to be more careful read. constitution, but noted that among the deputies there are those who agree with putin's position. it is clear, said ruslan stefanchuk, that the russian narratives announced today are just as unpredictable, just as senseless. the only thing that is disconcerting is that some ukrainian, in quotes, ukrainian politicians, allegedly, as if preparing the groundwork, quote almost word for word the narratives expressed, in particular , within the walls of the ukrainian parliament. it's hard...
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to say who ruslan stefanchuk is talking about, but i know what is happening in the verkhovna rada of ukraine now there is a whole faction that was elected on the opposition party lists. platform for the life of viktor medvedchuk's party, which is officially banned in ukraine as early as 2022 in the month of april, but despite everything, these people retain their powers, these people are people's deputies of ukraine, and these people, despite everything, pass such important laws and bills for ukraine, and at the same time, they have access to state schools. these people who have information, and i do not rule out that they leak this information to the same russian federation, so when stefanchuk talks about the fact that there are separate ukrainian politicians in quotation marks, then he probably means representatives of the opz, who are very friendly,
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vote together with the monomajority for certain bills, friends, i want to remind you that in... in 2020 on in local elections to self-governing bodies in ukraine , more than 4,000 opz deputies were elected to various councils of various levels, to various self-governing bodies. so, as of today, there are no decisions regarding the annulment of the parliamentary powers of those persons who were elected from opz, i will remind you of this figure once again, it is huge, more than 4,000 deputies of various levels, plus the sharia party, which, by the way, is also prohibited by ukrainian law and the decision of the ukrainian
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authorities, and also the question, why representatives of both the sharia party and the opposition platform for life, are still in the bodies of local self-government. this big front, the big russian front, together with the fifth column of branches of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, feel absolutely normal, and it is they, it is they who can be the force that putin is betting on, because when they say that maidan 3 is possible in ukraine, they are obviously talking about the anti-maidan, about those people who have always been on the anti-maidan, who are ready during the war... to go to the streets of the cities and say that zelensky is not our president, and let us return yanukovych, because it turns out that he has not obtained his presidential powers for a year and a half, and the fact that in moscow they can think in the same way and draw the
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same conclusions, and even more, plan the return of yanukovych, i do not exclude at all, as well as well as viktor medvedchuk, that is... they can to land both the first and the second somewhere near the border of russia and ukraine and say: listen, the new leadership of ukraine, it can now sign some documents with russia and that this leadership is calling on russia to enter even more fully into the territory of ukraine, that is, the ukrainian authorities must dot the dots on... in the existence of this great fifth russian column, which did not disappear anywhere in ukraine. medvedchuk is now in moscow, he was replaced, of course, yanukovych fled in 2014 . in march of the 22nd year, when the fighting was going on
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around kyiv, yanukovych sat on the territory of belarus and waited for his time, as did oleg tsarev, who also appeared in kyiv. oblast entered together with the occupiers on the territory of the ukrainian state, so that this does not happen again, all those who were elected from pro-russian political parties, from opzh, from the sharia party, must leave ukraine from the ukrainian government, an end must be put to the existence of russian branches the russian orthodox church, otherwise, otherwise, we are in danger... there is danger, the danger of a major internal conflict, where are all these the listed forces, both political and religious , can play a decisive role, and this role can
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end very badly in the current situation for ukrainian statehood and for ukrainians to unite together in the fight against. russians, against this background, the foundation of the actor george clooney intends to seek from the european union and international crime. court to arrest russian journalists who are abroad and cover events in ukraine in a pro-russian manner. deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation, dmytro dmidvidev, said at clooney's initiative with threats: efforts will be wasted, our professional journalists will find him first. these are very attentive, highly qualified people, they are ready. communicate with him from behind from sunset to dawn to dusk, well, from
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sunrise to dusk, and in this story, of course, of course, we understand that there is the regime of vladimir putin, and there are those who are sycophants of this regime, and russian propagandists , who call themselves journalists, against whom the george clooney foundation wants to fight, they ... are fellow students of putin's war against ukraine, rather, complicit in the war of russia, putin's russia against ukraine, and sooner or later they will still have to answer for what they did, for what they said, for how they played along with the russians and vladimir putin personally, how they did everything so that the viewers of the russian... . gangster tv channels believed in delusions about ukrainian fascism, about
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ukrainian nazis pumped up by this russian propaganda, people came to the territory of ukraine, killed ukrainians, carried out genocide of the ukrainian people, and all this is the fault of these russian propagandists, and so we can only thank george clooney for his foundation taking on the challenge. those russian journalists, or rather, the fact that they initiate the arrest of russian journalists who are abroad and cover events in ukraine in a pro-russian manner, and of course, in the current situation, i cannot help but mention the actor steven seagal, this hero, movie hero, who received from... the order and called the event a monster. the russian dictator awarded
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him the order of friendship for his great contribution to the development of international cultural and humanitarian cooperation and during the award ceremony, the actor, who, by the way, has a russian passport and cooperates with the russian ministry of foreign affairs, repeated a number of russian propaganda fakes about the war and accused the west of... fueling the war. let's hear what steven seagal had to say. the war in which we are now involved was launched and financed by the west. this is a war between good and evil. all religions, all nations, all peoples must unite to get out of the control of this monster of a lying press. we need to educate and enlighten all those who do not see that what is actually happening well, this so-called actor, the so-called steven seagal, in
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principle, he should also be close to those journalists whom george clooney wants to arrest and hand over to the international criminal court, and he, he simply deserves to be responsible for the russian war against. of ukraine, because it is so blatant to lie and say that ukraine is evil, the greatest evil in the world, and russia is fighting this evil, well, this lie has its price, and sooner or later the international criminal court will also assess the work of this the so-called actor. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own. platforms on youtube and facebook, and we are conducting a survey on these platforms, we
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are asking you today, do you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the peace summit? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below the video, we are interested to know your opinion, and remember that our media platform on youtube needs support, so don't forget. .. please about likes, the more likes you give, the more chances this video will get trending on youtube. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you agree with zelensky that china can disrupt the peace summit (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. literally yesterday, volodymyr zelenskyi took
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part in a conference held in singapore, where they talked about security, which should be in the world, and in particular in the asia-pacific region, a security forum called the shangri-la dialogue, and president zelenskyi spoke about the fact that china is now doing everything to prevent beijing-oriented countries from coming to the peace summit in switzerland, which will take place on june 15-16. let me remind you that this summit is to discuss... president zelensky's peaceful formula, a formula that would allow ukraine to emerge victorious from the current situation, a formula that would allow an end to russian aggression against ukrainians, a formula that would force putin to withdraw their troops from the territory of the ukrainian
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state, and the secretary of defense of the united states of america spoke at this forum. austin, and he stated that a war between the united states of america and china is not inevitable. let's hear what loyt austin had to say. you know, war, or confrontation with china, is not inevitable or unavoidable, so the leaders of the major powers must continue to work together to make sure that we do everything we can to reduce the opportunities for pro'. not every conversation will be pleasant, but it is important that we continue to talk to each other, and it is important that we continue to support our allies and partners in their interests. official washington is still trying to find the right words and certain
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appeals to sidzen pinya so that he does not participate. either economically or even emotionally did not support putin in his aggression against ukraine, and biden is now trying to convince xi that better, good cooperation with the united states of america is better than some temporary preferences that china now receives from the fact that russia trades with beijing and is trying... belongs to beijing sell cheap energy resources and other goods produced in the russian federation. of course, in this story it is indicative that china is not going to switzerland for the global peace summit, because it is not for nothing that zelensky says that china is trying
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to answer other participants, potential participants in this situation themselves. and act so that they refuse to participate in this peace summit, but against this background we see that the united states of america is also trying to influence the global summit in a certain way peace, to positively influence the global peace summit, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will not participate in this summit, but camila. arrison, the vice president of the united states of america, will be coming to this summit and speaking, kamala harris, sorry, will be speaking at this summit, and obviously it's very important, and in addition to her , the president's national
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security adviser, jake sullivan, will be at the meeting, and this is a political one. er political duo will be setting the tone at the upcoming global peace summit and we will hope that after all, despite the skepticism that exists in beijing and among other potential participants of this summit, that ukraine will still manage to convey to the representatives of 106 countries that have already applied to participate in this summit, that in what should we that we will be able to convey to these representatives about the russian aggression and that in what way it is possible. to end this war and that russia, as the aggressor, should be responsible for the resolution of the russian-ukrainian war. hungary also announced today that
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it will not participate in this summit in switzerland, péter szijártó, minister of foreign affairs of hungary, said that this is a war between ukraine and russia, and those european politicians who are now trying to present it as the beginning of a war with russia. against europe, they are very wrong, at the same time, viktor orbán, prime minister of hungary, at a rally with thousands of people on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, once again called on europe to refrain from helping ukraine in the war with russia. let's listen to orban. now we need big and bold. chinok: we must win the european elections in such a way that brussels bureaucrats in fear opened the doors of the city to us and hurriedly left
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their offices. it is clear that the elections to the european parliament are currently taking place in hungary and orbán is trying to win the support of his voters, but frankly speaking, the hungarians surprise me quite a lot, because they , at one time, suffered from the soviet union, from the soviet boot, the soviet soldier, and in this situation to act as a neutral observer, or as people who support putin, it absolutely looks unrealistic and absurd, because in the current situation, both viktor orbán and peter sziarto must understand that... putin will not be satisfied with ukraine and will not stop in ukraine and the following countries where he will be, where his army will be, it will be hungary, well and
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other eastern european countries. not understanding this or not remembering this is dangerous for the future of eastern europe, including hungary. well, for ukraine , collapse is dangerous. or an attack on freedom of speech, literally for several days we have been watching a scandal that is connected with the so-called secretaries at the state agency ukrinform, oleksiy matsuka, former general producer of freedom and tv channel dom, came to manage it for a few months, and actually already after his departure from it became known to the news agency that during his management of the agency , so-called temniks were sent to journalists and editors, well, that is, this
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is a circular that was brought to the attention of journalists, who can be taken as commentators, who cannot be taken as commentators, in what way it should all be done , and quite strange there were recommendations about what former military personnel should not be taken... to certain topics, regarding commenting, if there are any communal problems, then it means that representatives of the local authorities should not be taken, and these documents, which you just saw on the screen, were made public, and a scandal broke out, so that in fact, during the war, one of the heads of the agency is trying to censor, and this is not military censorship, this is ordinary censorship, which we... used to struggle with back in the days of kuchma and tried to fight the dark people brought into the ukrainian media space by viktor medvedchuk , rather political
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technologists from russia who worked with medvedchuk, they tried to manage the ukrainian information space in this way. what happened now actually reminds of the story with those. and this whole story with the temniks of its time ended with the fact that in 2004, representatives of several tv channels went to the square of the orange revolution and apologized to the audience for lying on the air. now none of those who managed ukrinform together with oleksia matsukaya have apologized for what happened, instead the head of the parliamentary committee... on issues of freedom of speech yaroslav yurchyshyn sent a request to the prosecutor general's office regarding the situation in ukrinform. according to him, the introduction of such dungeons is very dangerous. a warning
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signal from the authorities. let's listen to what yaroslav yurchyshyn said. the facts described in the ukrainian truth may indicate that there were attempts to introduce political censorship in a specific, actually, information agency. on the positive side, journalists did not give in to this, if, this pressure, yes. as a result, it is necessary now. change the management of this media center itself, that is , the attempt itself was unsuccessful, but from the point of view of the attempt of some representatives of the authorities to introduce, even locally, some censored approaches, well, this is a very dangerous bell, but by the way, in the current situation, we have to remind you, our dear
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viewers , viewers, how in april 22 , three tv channels espresso , the fifth channel and direct were turned off from t2, and until now, it is almost the third year, the third year has passed, no one can give an answer, and why exactly we were turned off with t2, why did they limit the distribution of ours signal and what the ukrainian authorities are afraid of, why espresso is one of those tv channels. who is on this black list, obviously, which was compiled by the office of the president of ukraine, why we are not in t2, why we have to remind our viewers and our authorities every time that we need to be returned to t2, because we do not
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conduct anti-ukrainian activities. propaganda and agitation, we are a pro-ukrainian channel, but they don't let us in and threw us out of the tv space in t2 and that's it, we didn't get any answers, how did we get them, and now we are reacting to this the scandal in ukrainforum, because, unfortunately, no one wants to take responsibility for freedom of speech, the existence of independent media that can rebroadcast a different opinion. this is part of the requirements of our western partners, who will accept the provision of aid, financial aid to ukraine, is oriented on whether there is freedom of speech in ukraine or not, whether journalists are respected here, or journalists are not respected, these markers, these indicators are quite clear and understandable for western politicians, for those who support us, we would not like to be together
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with... we were losing this opportunity, the opportunity to speak freely and we were losing freedom of speech, or we were questioning the conquest of the orange revolution, the revolution of dignity, and the russian-ukrainian war, because the price of freedom of speech and the very high price of being free now in ukraine. well, one more discussion, which... has been quite actively discussed in the media space over the past few days, is a conversation between the famous ukrainian journalist, espresso tv host vitaly portnikov and the russian publicist yulia latynina on youtube feigin, and during this discussion, portnikov completely destroyed latinina's attempts to prove that
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ukrainians and russians. they once built an empire together, and there was allegedly no oppression of ukrainians in it. portnikov was convincing in this discussion, and latynina, of course, representing the russian people who are aggressive towards ukraine, the russian people who believe that there are no ukrainians, and that everything that happened before 2022 or 2014 was... the common desire of two peoples to live together, to build something in a common space, portnikov’s timely dots over pseudo-history and manipulations used by yulia latynina in this discussion, they caused a positive reaction in ukrainian social networks, there were a lot of comments on...


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