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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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the regional police there noted that the car was registered as part of military transport duty, the court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the form of detention with the right to post bail. after receiving an illegal benefit, the person involved was detained in a procedural manner and notified of suspicion under the third part of article 368 of the criminal code of ukraine. for this crime, the offender faces up to 10 years in prison. deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years years with confiscation of property. and again the problem is in odesa. property for the commander in exchange for combat payments in odesa, the state bureau of investigation handed suspicion to the commander of teroborona pivden forces, who forced subordinates to build him, not defense fortifications, a private house. according to the investigation, three soldiers worked for more than a year as construction workers to bypass the... chief and for this they received
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extra payments allegedly for performing combat tasks on the front line. the commander was informed of the suspicion of exceeding official powers for what he committed, he faces up to 12 years in prison. artem sytnyk was dismissed from the post of deputy head of the national agency for the prevention of corruption. the press service of the department informed about this at the zk. the reasons for resignation have not yet been announced. sytnyk worked in this position. since june 2022, among other things , the official was engaged in identifying the assets of persons involved in russian aggression, as well as monitoring the lifestyle of officials, before that he headed the national anti-corruption bureau. well, let's wait and see what artem sytnyk will lead now. ukraine understands that negotiations regarding the full membership of our country in the european union will not be easy. it remains one of the cornerstones. the issue
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of agriculture, especially as it relates to our relations with poland, said people's deputy from european solidarity mykola knyazhytskyi at the 10th international european forum, which began in the polish city of gdansk. it is necessary to speak openly about this now, since various polish political forces have directly stated that your country can block the integration of ukraine into the eu if the polish conditions, and the problem is that... during the nearly six-month blockade of the ukrainian-polish border, we heard that fulfilling the polish conditions means refusing to export ukrainian products to the common market of the european union, and then the question arises for all ukrainians, in what will ukraine's membership in the european union be like then. and in lviv, they said goodbye to iryna tsivokh, journalist and paramedic of the volunteer battalion hospital with the call sign cheka. she died on
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may 29, a few days before her 26th birthday hundreds of ukrainians, relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, comrades-in-arms and just residents of the city of leva came to see the deceased on his last journey. after the funeral ceremony , a farewell ceremony was held in the garrison church on the market square, after which people went to the lychakov cemetery to say goodbye and buried the heroine. such measures, they are very important for the struggle, and here... that there are conscious people, and they need to be remembered and respected, these are people who gave the most valuable life and time in life, that's my opinion, it's the least that we can to do, a man gave his life with, and we have to live our lives, we can because he just sacrificed his life, knowingly, made that choice and was an extremely cool person, and i think that's really the least... i can to do today,
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and thanks to the eternal memory and honoring of the heroine. the situation on the entire front line remains tense, however, thanks to the ukrainian defenders, they manage to put up a decent resistance to the enemy, about one of the battalions that performs special tasks on hot directions, kateryna galko will tell. when i was going abroad, a soldier told me, who, boy, are you leaving your country to, well, i had to, something was holding, it wasn’t scary, everyone is scared, the call sign is 45, the guy is only 19 now, he studied in britain last year and stood up for the defense of his country, almost immediately got into the kharkiv direction. the biggest thing,
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i can't even tell you what the biggest thing is, my first assault, we went in and it turned out. to volchanske near the first landing near the border, we got stuck there, there were two of us going there day, two days of storming, then there was chasiv yar, where the 45th was wounded, a shell damaged his leg, arm and face. now the boy is returning to his family, but he is not ready to say goodbye to the army forever. why do you want to return to the battlefield? to your boys, only to your boys. moreover, although the majority remained there even after the temporary spring, any situation, this is a war, is very scary, that's how i'm sitting here telling you, and it's very scary there. cheater, a junior sergeant, most recently served
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as the unit's commander. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russians visited many hotspots. chasiv yar, red mountain, cheerful valley. there are such moments. if not, you see, i’m still sitting in front of you for now, the guys have already buried, we, they say, weren’t waiting for you, and i’m not, i say, i’m back, well, they say, when they’re burying, it means i’ll live a long time, god willing, military man the husband's profession, machine gunner, firepower of the unit, but for several months now the cheater has also been responsible for his unit, he admits. russians learn this way, you have to admit it, for some reason to learn and in them, it's like the art of war there, let's say, hard, hard, it's better, you know, i'd rather be
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an ordinary soldier, not a commander. pysar, chief sergeant of the company, joined the army in march 2022. i don't see any way out, who but me, i have a family. i have children since when we started being shelled in the zhytomyr region, my child cried, i realized that it was time to go, it was time to really protect my family. the man was also lucky to survive in battles during the times of the ravine and the cheerful valley, and although he joined the army without any experience, first became a grenade launcher, and later already commanded a hundred soldiers. this noise in the ears, even to understand at the first bed, if you do not open a little. gate, you can already get a concussion, in fact it happened, only on the second shot. all these defenders are from a separate special purpose battalion of haidamaks. the tactical unit was formed in march 2022 and was attached to the first separate
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special forces brigade named after ivan bohun. people are more or less protected here. everyone treats you well, adequately, and humanely, yes let's say first of all, the guys here are good, brave, and in case of anything, they will pull out in any schedule, if they don't twist and if no matter what the situation is, they will cover and the commanders will give the okay to go and take it. for more than two years of full-scale war, the boys and girls went through almost all the hot spots and became one of the first in the armed forces to face the wagnerites. now the haydaks are back in position, protecting ours. borders and deter the onslaught of russian invaders. kateryna kalko, serhii bulanenko, tv channel espresso. yes, well, we continue, there are still many interesting and important things ahead. i remind you, this is a big ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zema, and yuriy fizar joins me, he will talk about events outside ukraine. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you,
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vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us. the world about ukraine is breaking into a new information week. today, in particular , about those who will come, who are not going to go to the peace summit until... well, at least for today , it is proposed to deprive hungary of the right of veto under it's time to vote in the european union, but lukashenko knows who can stop the war in ukraine. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. us president joe biden does not want, does not seek a conflict with russia and does not want to start the third world. war, and therefore, before deciding to allow the armed forces of ukraine to use american weapons to strike military targets on the territory of the aggressor country, he consulted with his advisers. this was stated by the strategic communications coordinator of the white house security council, john kirby, in an interview
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abc television company. at the same time, the admiral listed the targets that can now be hit. these are military facilities, gun positions, and also permanent or temporary ones. the bases that russia uses to create the so-called buffer zone, about which the head of the terrorist country putin spoke a little earlier, and why... in the united states of america, they made such a comment, and because russia often hears accusations towards washington, about the fact that, well , you shouldn't have done that, or maybe joe biden just didn't fully understand what he was doing, but no, he understood, and it was considered the decision of the president of the united states of america to help ukraine defend its independence and sovereignty, well, i started with the united states of america with them and will continue, at the same time smoothly moving to the peace summit, which is planned in... bürgenstock, so the drum beat will go to the peace summit from the united states
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vice president of the country kamala garis, this became known from a message posted on the white house website. it would be better, of course, to be the president himself, but the president has a meeting with supporters on june 15, and also by donors in los angeles, it's such a pre-election meeting, but kamela harris is... not bad, i would also say, because before, i told you that they used to say that , for example, secretary of state anthony blinken, or joe biden 's national security adviser, jake sullivan, ah, and by the way, along with kamela harris , jake sullivan will also go, well, at least we know who will represent the united states, and that's a good choice, the representatives still representatives of another country will not be at this summit. about which i have already started talking about, this was reported by the journalists of the german news
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agency agentur. this is saudi arabia and the reasons again, the reason is the same again. the saudis do not want to go to meet, because the russians will not be there. according to published information, president volodymyr zelenskyi planned to visit riyadh on june 1 to enlist the support of crown prince muhammad ben salman. saudi arabia at this summit, well, but because of this unpleasant decision for us, that is, that the representative of saudi arabia will not be present arabia, our president has decided to postpone this visit indefinitely. well, it's a shame, of course, that the saudis won't come, because they also organized a similar peace summit last year and also tried to help us find ways to end the russian war peacefully, but here... well, strange, strange, to say the least, strange decision. well, the next decision for
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something, in fact, the lack of such a decision, actually does not surprise me at all. hungary has not yet decided whether it will participate in this summit in bürgenstock, switzerland. peter sijarto, head of the hungarian foreign policy department, said this in an interview with the belarusian ont tv channel. the main reason - he says in... pesti doubts the effectiveness of this meeting, while mr. cijarto added a quote. we believe that a peace conference has real meaning and gives the greatest hope for peace if both sides are at the table, otherwise, it is simply not needed. well , one more statement of the hungarian minister, which he made in an interview with a propaganda channel, this time a belarusian one. that's right european leadership. the union, says the hungarian minister, understands that his, that is
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, the eu's policy regarding the end of the war in ukraine did not work, they understand, says sijarto, but they do not want to take the blame, and mr. peter continues, it is the eu that is to blame for what is happening now . hungary should be deprived of the right of veto during the voting in the european union, and for this the leadership of euros'. this issue should be carefully studied, such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of belgium, ajalyabib, in an interview with journalists of the european bureau of the publication politico, according to her, the main reason why hungary cannot be allowed to promise a solution is its position on ukraine and its double permanent blocking of all european peace initiatives. next is a short quote from mrs. lyabip. europe is now forcefully moving forward, and some states alone, especially - take a blocking position and use the right of veto.
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well, let me remind you, journalists also reminded politicians about this, that it happened once in 2018, the issue of depriving hungary of the right of veto was already raised, but then it was not completed. perhaps mrs. lyabib, the belgian minister , will bring this matter to a conclusion, to a final conclusion. individual countries, despite the fact that they are gathering. attending the peace summit in switzerland may not actually want a ceasefire and an end to the war. an official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs said this during the briefing. and that is why, she says, the leadership of the celestial empire does not see the point in participating in such a meeting, according to her, china's position is not directed against any side and even more so directed against the summit itself, but in beijing , mrs. mao added, they want to see specific steps that can lead to specific results, while the spokeswoman for the chinese
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foreign ministry did not specify which countries she was talking about. well, she confirmed that china refused the meeting due to non-compliance with the conditions, and the chinese people's republic insists that russia should be invited to the meeting, as well as listen to at least the conditions and proposals that china puts forward for the meeting. and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky reacted to these statements, to the statement about china's non-participation in the summit, and he said on... accused the leadership of the celestial empire that they are making every effort to disrupt this summit altogether, instead they are proposing something that will look like this a summit at which russia will also be present. yes, well, i started about china with china and russia, of course i will continue, putin convinced xi jinping not to go to the peace summit in
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switzerland during his visit to beijing a little more than two weeks ago, the jury was informed about this with reference to his own sources according to the released information, this was the third of three main issues discussed during the meeting. exactly how, or with what exactly putin convinced all the dnepings not to go himself and not to send his envoys, is unknown, one of the reasons, named today, and which has already been talked about a lot, is not the participation of russia. how do they not understand that now calling russia to the summit is similar to the one that will take place on june 15-16 in switzerland, well, it is simply illogical to call the country that started this war in order to try to end this war with its participation, well, well at least i can't find any logic in this, and
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even if you hit me over the head with a hammer , i can't, and lukashenko, he always knows everything. as always predicts everything and as always he tells everyone everything: if the americans want, then the war in ukraine can be stopped tomorrow. such a statement was made by the self-proclaimed president of belarus oleksandr lukashenko following the negotiations with the president of mongolia ukhnayagin (khurel sukhom) in ulaanbaatar. according to him, this war is not needed by anyone, neither ukraine nor russia, and he spoke well about it knows, that's why... well, at the same time, the person who calls himself the president of belarus adds that instead the americans simply do not want this, and in the end want to drown russia in a sea of ​​blood, and added a quote from the self-proclaimed: fight with ukraine, and we in this time to deal with china here, this is the essence of their policy. well, i will also
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add about lukashenka, during the conversation with journalists. meeting with the president of mongolia , he was really distracted by the question that he was repeatedly asked about russia's relations with belarus, and one question in particular, why belarus is on the side, on the side of russia and continues to help it, he was twisting his ear there, explaining in his own style, and well , i don’t think, after those explanations, that mongolian journalists, and in the end not only mongolian, all those who were present at the remaining press conferences for... elected and even more so because they believed lukashenko. the military of the democratic people 's republic of korea has temporarily stopped sending bullets and balloons towards its southern neighbor, the country's deputy defense minister, kim gun-il, said. according to him, this was in response to the actions of south korean activists who have been sending
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bullets with propaganda leaflets to the north non-stop, and he added that since may 28. until june 2 , the dprk itself, that is, north korea, sent about 3.5 thousand bullets to the border areas and even to seoul, which carried 15 tons of paper and bio-waste, including even excrement. well, at the end of last week there was idiocy in russian, although there are a lot of such idiocies in russian, you can almost have such a column every day. but today idiocy in belarusian in the city. the mohyliv region of our northern neighbor organized a competition of civil defense formations. the program included a review of the costume and song contest, at which performances were performed by... in particular , the employees of the local branch of the state bank of belarus. this happened on may 24, i saw it only today, but frankly
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, i couldn't resist showing you this too. bank employees in corporate suits performed some stupid song about lukashenka, and so they marched with three. well, there are simply no words after such a thing. well, by the way this song, even about... didn't help them win. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow, and don't switch, because there will be more and a lot of interesting things in our future broadcast. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to... understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat of
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sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. who is visiting every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. this world will be judged by children. georges bernanos. according to the office of the prosecutor general, as of may 27, 2024. 548 children died and at least 1,351 children were injured of various degrees of severity. june 4 is the day
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of commemoration of children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, at your church. because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we
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were surprised, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle. it's knowing how hard it is to win, and we'll do everything to hug you sooner, so when you're home, when we together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. good evening, we are from ukraine, well, we continue, and now about the announced money, which may become less,
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someone, someone more, well, actually , oleksandrevka will tell the most important thing, good evening, oleksandr, please have a word. thank you, vasyl, i congratulate the viewers, many ukrainians will really miss them, because in the next few minutes we will talk about the new light tariffs, where the money from the payments that we will soon go will go. we will pay with you, and also what sentiments in ukrainian business have worsened, indeed, all in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. the business, which for two months in a row remained optimistic about its current activity, already in may worsened its expectations. this was reported to the national bank. they conducted a survey. therefore, the conclusions of such enterprises, for example, the construction industry, were influenced by a number of factors, primarily security risks. russia opened a new section of the front near kharkov, began preparing another one
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offensive group nearby. from sums, a shortage of electricity, an increase in production costs due to high fuel and logistics prices, these are the factors that, according to the national bank survey, are currently worsening the mood, for example, the construction industry, trade enterprises and the service sector predict a decrease in turnover, the volume of purchases of goods for sales, volumes of new orders for various services. well , really, i've been following that for a few months. sat down in a row - vasyl's ukrainian business is like this looked into a bright future, now the situation is worsening for many industries, well , the situation in the ukrainian energy sector also adds to such pessimism, because businesses understand that they also have new tariffs, it is not known when there will really be shutdown schedules, if they are emergency power outages, everything this affects the profitability of ukrainian enterprises, plus we understand very well that we will not have full-fledged protection of the sky and objects.
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any repairs, any forecasts and expectations can be destroyed by one a missile attack, actually. well, yes, indeed , the situation in the ukrainian energy system may worsen already this week, so consumption limits will be applied. this was announced by the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. according to him, the problems arose due to the recent shelling of the energy sector, which took place on may 31 and june 1, as well as the removal of two blocks of nuclear... power plants for scheduled repairs. in addition, ukrenergo predicts that current consumption will increase, they say that the deficit cannot be covered by purchases from europe, so they return to graphs of current supply in ukrainian homes. the next winter will indeed be more difficult for our country in the energy sector than the last one, the ministry
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of energy emphasizes. light can... be at six, from 6 to 10 hours a day. active preparatory work is currently underway for the next heating season. despite the latest missile attacks by refia on energy facilities, the situation in the sector is under control, but the limitation of current consumption cannot be avoided. indeed, experts were talking about it today, summing up the results of the previous blackouts. let's let's listen to direct speech. "i'm leaning toward a moderately difficult winter that will probably be more difficult than the last one, 100% to be exact , more difficult than our last winter, but in my opinion, it's also guaranteed to be more predictable and more comfortable than the penultimate one, because when you think back to november,
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december , january 22. i will say that the next winter will be more calm. let 's talk about energy. the negotiations about the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline have failed. all because of differences in the price and volumes of supplies writes edition of the financial times. they refer to their own sources. so, the publication reports that moscow considers beijing's demands unreasonable. the sky asked to pay a price that is close to russian domestic prices. prices, they are subsidized in the country of the aggressors, well , china also undertakes to buy only a small part of the planned annual power of the siberian forces. well, vasyl, the situation is interesting, it seems to me that this is precisely where china is starting to dictate its economic conditions regarding the purchase of russian gas, the pipeline is siberia-2, well, so far in the kremlin, they would
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like to talk about it, but it seems to me that china knows what it is asking for? well, and in principle, every day of the war, which exhausts economic and resource russia, it makes it more and more dependent on china, the only question here is that russia does not want to stop it either, and china is this, by the way , not my statements, these are the statements of many western partners, is this war profitable? well, here is a word for gazprom, which last year suffered losses of almost 7 billion, well, the approval of such a project could improve such a material situation, but... we see that the celestial empire is under pressure, and i think that at a certain discount china will still receive fuel from the aggressor country, but it will not bring such crazy income to the kremlin to continue waging war in ukraine. well, but this is cheap, cheap resources, they will only strengthen the economy of china at the same time, but will leave russia, because this money will still be directed to the war or to the purchase of those mobilized for this war, and in no way will it improve the situation in russia, only temporarily. well, let's move on
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talk about tariffs. on electricity and where it will be directed.


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