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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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when mariupol was occupied, the ukrainian ivan decided to become a russian vanko. for the hospitable meeting of the occupiers in mariupol, vanka was appointed the head of the zhovtne district administration. in this position, he took care of the city's restoration and restored russian names to the streets. together with the administration of mariupol, a plan of measures was developed to restore the city - these are socially significant objects. however, this traitor was the head of the representation of the governor of st. petersburg for the time being. occupied donetsk region, after demonstrating their adaptability, vtek also became a candidate for deputies from the united russia party. vanyushka won the election, so he took a seat in the mariupol city council and headed the faction of putin's party there. immediately, a prominent person is actively working for a deadline. today, the united russia faction and i planted about a thousand bushes, which the sister city of st. petersburg gave to mariupol for the fact that
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he voluntarily took a position in the illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territories, our law enforcement agencies informed vanka of the suspicion, he faces up to 15 years of imprisonment, but who knows, maybe instead of brick walls and metal bars, the gentle and comfortable polyethylene of a black bag will be much nicer for vanyushka. she received her suspicion for collaborative activity. yuna teterina sofia mykolayivna. she graduated from the mariupol state university with a degree in ukrainian language and literature, and after february 24 , she started fueling the russian propaganda machine with fakes. the first day of the presidential elections of the russian federation started in mariupol. voters come to the polling stations from the very morning, to vote for the future leader of our country. now sofia works on the rashist channel mariupol-24, tells in her stories about the recovery from
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occupiers of the city, glorifies the russian federation and glorifies the enemy army. at the same time, he is studying in the second year of a fake university that the occupiers created in mariupol, the so-called kuinji university. now he is already mastering the specialty of russian language and literature. today, in honor of the national holiday, the constitution day of the russian federation, a quiz is being held. all details on the mariupol-24 tv channel. case teterinoy has already been referred to court for collaborative activity. traitors face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of all property. perhaps her skills in glorifying enemy power structures will somehow come in handy in a ukrainian prison. for such lackeys and snooping, the escorts will be kinder, and the supervisors will give out an extra portion of balanda. sofia, start getting used to her taste already. it was a program of collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook,
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let's send all the traitors together to follow the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. lubomyr huzer was born in lviv during the interwar period. in 1944, his family left soviet ukraine. the future patriarch grew up in the united states of america, where he received a religious education. ukrainian at that time. the greek catholic church was banned in the soviet union. in 1977 , cardinal joseph the blind secretly ordained three bishops for the ukrainian churches, one of which became huzar. it became known about his ordination only 19 years later. cardinal lubomyr huzar returned to his homeland after the declaration of independence, in 2001 he was appointed head of the ukrainian greek catholic church. togolita. and for the first time in the history of ukraine
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, pope ivan paul ii came to lviv, and huzar was also involved in his visit. and then his beatitude lubomyr advised president leonid kuchma to invite the pope to ukraine. then only the lord god knows, and a narrow circle of people, what obstacles there were before at the last moment, so that the pope and... ivan paul ii came to ukraine, but his word was final: "i'm going." and he came to ukraine. one of the main tasks of lubomir huzer at the head of the church was its revival and spread in all regions of ukraine. it was under his leadership that the church formally ceased to be galician or western ukrainian, and gained national significance. then the throne of the head of the church was moved to the capital and construction began. of the patriarchal council, it was very
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difficult, and there were many difficulties, many there were obstacles, even from the side of the people of kyiv, who were persuaded to create obstacles, but he... never persuaded others there to shut their mouths, to disperse them, he went out to them on the square and said, thank you very much for what you are doing for us very good advertising, after the death of pope ivan paul ii in 2005, lubomir husar was considered as one of the contenders for the papal throne, but husar refused this idea. in 2011, vladyka huzar publicly announced his resignation from the post. head of the church due to health problems. however, he continued his church and public activities. on the 20th anniversary of the referendum on the independence of ukraine, huzar initiated the creation of the initiative on december 1. the participants of the movement called for the development
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of the ukrainian state. and two years later, in 2013, at the height of the euromaidan events, cardinal huzar, despite his poor health, often went to the center of the capital. i remember, people did not know how to react, whether they had the right to defend themselves or not, i remember that situation, and he came out with representatives of initiative 1 december and said that when the government treats people like this, people have a full moral right to protection. with weapons in hand, it was a nation that protested from the bottom of its heart, said: enough is enough for us, we have to be ourselves, we have to be people, our task is
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to transmit whose ideals, starting from the cradle, for tens of years he remains a moral leader for of a whole generation of ukrainians, respect... for the archbishop is called a social phenomenon by eminent ukrainians. he never flaunted his universities, his knowledge, their titles. this already testified to his great humility, decency of humanity. because at times there were cases where the blessed lubomyr of bright memory said: well, you have three or four diplomas, it's just so much to take in a frame and hang on the wall. co, when you don't have. good contact with people, it is in vain, people are smart, there are people with experience, but people with a conscience, this is an extreme, extremely rare phenomenon, and in this sense lubomyr guzzar is an absolute unique, due to a serious illness, patriarch lubomyr died on may 31
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in 2017, at the age of 85, he was buried in the crypt of the patriarchal cathedral, at the request of the faithful in february 2024... the beginning of the process of beatification and canonization of patriarch lubomir husar, that is, his recognition as blessed and holy, was announced. at the initial stage, it is a collection of information about the glory of holiness, writing a biography, a servant of god, and when collecting a sufficient number of materials that would confirm both the glory of holiness and a sufficient number of documentary ... biographies, we have, as well as at least two cases, where are the people believe, in their opinion, that it was a miracle, that is, we call it a supposed miracle, at this stage it is still difficult to say whether it can be called and cases that can prove these two things, theological and scientific, cardinal huzar
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remains the moral authority for believers of various denominations and religions, his sayings and teachings were dissected into quotes, one of them became a credo for millions of people. and remained the cardinal's dream until the end of his life. there are very few people in the world. and my, so to speak, dream, even my prayer, i will sincerely tell you, that i would be a person, a good, normal person. this world will be judged by children. george bernanos. according to the office of the prosecutor general, as of may 27, 2024, 548 children died and at least 1,351 children were injured of varying degrees of severity. june 4 is the day
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of commemoration of the children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. 10 years of war. 10 years. hardening of the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people, which directly influenced its progress. it is here that a ten-year history is documented, from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion. there are many documentaries, but there has never been such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, so far. everyone saw. in this film, what he understands, or wants to understand, and everyone will see
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something different, it was important for me, in the context of a slightly reduced attention of the western audience , to show what is really happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why this takes place in ukraine, especially in the context of counter-propaganda from russian... the voices of the ten-year history in the film were prominent ukrainians, journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira ambulance volunteer corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, the fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named characters of this film, i.e. tyra,... tatyana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly
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those people who gave the most for their tribe, and roman also gave his life. in the picture they tell about triumphs and defeats, about challenges and victories, about achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. all the events are there. starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, on the one hand, it is so historical, simply retelling the events, and on the other hand, it is very emotional, because these events are retold through people's lives, i think that's the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work continued almost a year the river will be released in two versions: in ukrainian and in english,
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because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have overcome during this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by another film will be affected by this one, and those who were not affected by another. this film will touch others, the main thing is that it is author's view, so that people see war as a tragedy, so that they see people in war, and this is very important for the future. american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and. by the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. it will be a movie of memories for us, that is, us when we watch it
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these shots, we will think about where exactly i was, at which corner i stood on the same square when those things happened, or when the boys were shot, so these are memories for us, but we did it not just to remind the ukrainian for these 10 years, we did it to show this history and these... stories to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, and the adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions, the archival ones were the most impressed, never never before seen footage. i, since i myself live inside these events, as a citizen of ukraine, what i said. that i discovered something so new for myself, i was impressed, no, but
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the completely unknown, never -before-seen footage of roman radchyk, when i began to remember his whole life and especially the year before the war, really touched me, to be honest, i got goosebumps skin, i sat, watched, i looked at all the beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana paevska, at the unconditional frames of the chronicle. that it has been 10 years, i have been part of these events experienced in the same crimea, on the one hand, it is long for almost two hours, and on the other hand, in one breath, the timekeeping for... the main task is to remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas, at film festivals and, of course, on the air of the espresso tv channel. and there are several more exclusive shows ahead. congratulations, friends, on the air of
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the politclub program on tv. with you vitaly portnikov, two hours of conversation about the most important trends of this week, about what awaits us in the next, about all the main problems of the day and events, of course. dmytro zhmaily, executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, is already in touch with us. congratulations, mr. dmytro. congratulations, mr. vitaly. well, the next attacks on oil refineries on the territory of the russian federation prove that. the fact that ukraine can continue these strikes, despite all, so to speak, such careful warnings of our western allies. in my opinion, yes, we can continue them, because the demands that we make to our western allies, in particular, regarding the permission to strike western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we have partially succeeded, but accordingly, this is not what we
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want, we want to be completely free and use all the weapons provided to us as our general thinks. our ministry of defense and the military-political leadership, therefore, accordingly, as we strike with our developers, we are implementing a plan to methodically break russian logistics, to break these links from the russian rear and deep to the russian front, so i i think that at this stage we will continue these strikes, of course there is a constant negotiation process with our western partners, and given that, to be frank, we are directly dependent on western aid, of course it partially reconciles everything. but we have to understand that there is a larger diplomatic process, a diplomatic game, where we are trying to get, respectively, more favorable conditions for us, therefore, accordingly, the russians are already starting to howl in social networks that they are finding tails from ammunition, highmars, most likely they these will continue strikes on refineries, and russian propagandists
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are also already preparing the opinion of russian society that ukraine is developing and these drone strikes will continue, they can no longer hide it, that these are no longer pranks, so we must understand that the phase of the war is currently hot, these two months will be hot, because the russians have seized the strategic initiative, but we will also use this tactic of a thousand cuts to eventually disrupt all the logistics that the russians have built for themselves over these six months. you think it is precisely a strategic initiative, not a tactical one, in terms of striking in the deep rear? well, you say that the russians intercepted it. a strategic initiative, i always believed that it was some kind of tactical initiative intercepted, not strategic, i'm just clarifying, i could be wrong, the russians are currently putting pressure on us, and so far we, well, can't move to active counter-offensive actions, because they have accumulated forces and resources, we grind them every day, if western weapons and armaments
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are provided to us in full and we really get everything that the westerners promised us. then we can say that by autumn we will be able to gradually seize the initiative, but to achieve this there is, of course, a lot, but. tell me, please, what do you think is happening in the positions of the allies regarding strikes on the sovereign territory of russia, you can somehow summarize it, and they have a general position, maybe some are ready, others are not ready, some are ready so that we are only on near the russian border, another is further than the border, how to understand the situation? there is a certain fear of escalation, we have to understand that the russians get it every time the map and are rattling nuclear weapons, although what our intelligence records, that the russians are not currently taking any real steps to use nuclear weapons, we see, as we have seen since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this gradualism in the provision of western aid, we remember all these stories, how they didn't want to give us leopards for a long time, didn't want to give us
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cheetahs, how we actually conducted powerful information campaigns for measures to get... to fight for this or that weapon and, unfortunately, certain figures still maintain this position, that, regarding the gradual provision of all this aid, that is why we actually see the continuation of this policy, but if the western allies are afraid of escalation in terms of strikes on russian territory, then we should not forget that the russians consider the crimean occupied territories to be theirs for a long time, and we have not seen any extraordinary escalation, because the russians have actually already used everything, they have the only thing left... this is an argument for a nuclear strike, which they are unlikely to go for and it is unlikely that anyone in russia will carry out such an order. but you say that everything has been used, you think that in russia has no military-technical potential, so... then why, say, united states secretary of state anthony blinken accuses china of helping to restore that potential? the russians are all the same, what we see and record
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is that their stocks are running out due to the strengthening of actual cooperation and the introduction of china as a full-fledged player in this war, this is, of course, a threat. if russia convinces that in ukraine there is actually a struggle between two worldviews and two systems, autocracy and democracy, then of course it will worsen our situation. china really is. provides all these semiconductors and electronics, which russia is now trying to get for its defense industry in reduced forms by circumventing sanctions, but at the moment we cannot say that china has already started full military aid, this has not yet come, so when i i am actually talking about my forecasts, i am saying that in order to achieve success, we still have a lot to do, but also a lot of challenges, but now they are talking about what the united states is keeping. it is forbidden to attack by air defense systems on the territory of the russian federation, like you do you think we can get these restrictions lifted? i think that yes, we will be able to achieve, because the portions of aid that we
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receive, unfortunately, are not enough yet. we see that this russian offensive is gradually decreasing a little, its intensity, they are exhaling, but considering that we do not achieve parity in any type of weaponry, in terms of the number of ammunition, in terms of the number of personnel, then... in fact, our allies westerners have no other choice but to gradually remove all prohibitions and warnings, therefore that if we do not resort to some more extraordinary steps, then it will be very, very difficult to withstand such an onslaught, given that the russians do not spare their people, so i am sincerely convinced that this, too , will be lifted a few weeks ago there were a lot of skeptics that we would be allowed to use western weapons at all, our main ally... i mean on russian territory, but now we see that the first step in this direction has been taken. it can be said that the west has also started to play with russia in the escalation that russia has always
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used to strengthen its position in this war? i don't think that this is an escalation, i think that here we need to understand more, well, in my subjective opinion, that we are getting weapons so far not in order to win or even seize the initiative, so far it is the ammunition and. .. which we receive in order not to die, so that somewhere there are not such significant changes in our line of defense, so i do not think that this is a game of escalation, i will remind you that the blows that we inflicted on the occupied territories are for the russians , it's just as punches, strikes on their territory, so there is no escalation here, these are steps so that we hold our defense line and nothing more, but in general the attack on kharkiv oblast, in your opinion, is this really a desire to capture some specific territory in kharkiv oblast, or is it still after all, it was primarily an attempt... to withdraw our main forces from donetsk region and luhansk region? i am convinced that this was an attempt to actually stretch our forces, plus we all have to understand that the strike on kharkiv oblast
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was accompanied by a powerful informational and psychological operation, all our social networks were buzzing that there might be a threat to kharkiv, many skeptics were buzzing that we were not ready for this, but i would like to remind you that from kharkiv to kharkiv to the district road and to the border along various roads from 30 to 40 km, if we really were not ... were ready, then the russians would be at the district in a matter of hours and we would have to stop them there, so we were preparing for this, but taking into account, we do not forget that the hottest directions are pokrovsky first, followed by kurakhivsky and the northern direction, there the russians continue to press, because they still in the 22nd year and even earlier, several times they announced how they must finally capture the territories of donbas, and they do not abandon this plan, that is why the kharkiv direction... has so stirred up ukrainian society and our western partners, but everything - after all, it was done more to stretch the forces and to sow panic. if they, having accumulated their reserves,
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and we estimate somewhere that it is about 50,000 men, which they have not yet put into active combat, plus the troops being transferred from the training grounds and from other areas of the front, try to carry out a similar breakthrough in sumy oblast, especially since information circulates in open sources that there are so-called kadyrov units in that grouping. from which there is little military sense, but they are skilled in war crimes, and this is actually also to strengthen this informational and propaganda effect and to sow panic, so russia wants us to stretch our operational zone as much as possible, to stretch our troops as much as possible so that to finally achieve breakthroughs in the areas they prioritized. so you mean what if even they will go to sumy oblast, this is also in order for us to transfer troops there to protect the north. yes, precisely donetsk. for them is an important, key, strategic goal, all these actions that they take are in order to stretch the power, sow panic, and to the fact
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that the russians are now actively rushing about victories, about offensive, about the way they proudly capture all the new and new territories, they now have this kind of bravado, bravado, and now they are trying to squeeze everything out of this situation as much as possible, to capture the territory as much as possible, while western weapons are coming to us, so yes, to stretch the forces in order to achieve success in their main directions of attack, this is their goal in my opinion, well, they, as the vice-speaker of the state duma said russian federation. they want to save coffee for christ's sake, their plans are not limited to the donetsk region, yes, but this is the first stage that they have not yet completed, taking into account the losses they are bearing, and this has already overwhelmed them in half a million, those losses in combat equipment, the weapons that they are constantly deconserving, and the quality, if not the quantity, then the quality of these weapons is falling, plus they are squeezing the most out of the contracts with their satellites and north korea,
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at least the capture. for donbass, it is important for them to fulfill what they loudly announced to the whole world, and then, in order to move on to other issues, grunt at the godfather and the like. you know, right away it is important for you and i to decide, one might say, at this stage. i have always believed that this fascination with donetsk region, which began back in 2014, just like us we all remember that this is to a certain extent a bridgehead, a bridgehead for a further attack on another ukrainian region, you now have it... i think it is also quite logical that this is no longer a bridgehead, but simply a desire to prove one's ability, so to speak, we declared the donetsk people's republic, annexed it to russia, let's at least take it away so that we can say that we won, so the bridgehead turns into a target now, simply because there are no other options? er, that's a tricky question, they need to deliver on what they've declared because there are extremely huge losses, we
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must understand that, for example, if we compare the previous wars of russia, there, if we take the chechen wars from the 90s, then we must understand that the losses for half a million are ten times exceed the losses they had, so yes, we need to somehow justify these losses, because we understand that a defeat for the russians will be the beginning of irreversible processes on the territory of the russian federation, and they need to bring this matter to an end. regarding what you say, mr. vitaly, i completely agree with you, the russians will stop only where we... stop them, they are not going to stop anywhere on the territory of ukraine, if the west will continue to provide us with help in this way , fearing that russia will not collapse, then definitely, that this movement will continue, but this step, as number one, they need to be done in order to move forward. well, aren't we exaggerating the possibilities, you know, if they are floundering in the donbass for 2.5 years, i apologize, then to which poland, to which...
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they can reach at this rate for 100 years, then we have to go, we have to understand that the invasion itself and its first stages were illogical, illogical in many ways, and the effect they wanted to use the crimean scenario, it failed, we have to understand that the machine that was launched in russia that flywheel of propaganda that works, that system of security forces, these are already things that are very, very difficult to stop, and only some extraordinary events on the territory of the russian federation. for example, prigozhin's rebellion, which took 500 thugs, but the whole of russia listened, we remember and the trenches that were bathed near moscow, and the escape of the leadership, and the capture of the headquarters of the southern military district, such things can, of course, lead them out, until such extraordinary things happened, until we received and do not achieve parity in offensive weapons and armaments, this whole machine will continue to work, and they will not say anything else, we will never hear anything else from moscow and krypl.
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thank you, thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro zhmailo, the executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was on our air, and so were we they talked about the latest events on the russian-ukrainian front and the plans of the russian federation regarding its possible further actions on ukrainian soil, both strategic and tactical plans. now we will literally break for a few minutes, but i ask you to stay with us, do not switch, because you and i still have a long way to go. possible dialogues verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to
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10 p.m. espresso. congratulations!


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