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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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the level of training, the conditions in which the mobilized are trained, roman, let's start with you, as i estimate where, in the training centers for the mobilized, who are preparing to be sent to the front for combat missions, for the 151st training center i can say that i highly appreciate, i highly appreciate several training centers that were created there, maybe a little more, well, a year ago, a little more. but at the same time, there are old elementary centers where people just spend a month in tents and that’s all, and they basically come out raw, therefore, this is an incorrect question, because in principle, i can say what i see, and the consequences of how people come, because we are often approached by brigade commanders, and they send people to us for training, this it's called like that, so in principle , if, well... basically the problem is, well,
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that's why we called you to share your experience, but we just had people's deputy fyodor venislavskyi, he says, well, the assessment can be different to be, somewhere very good, somewhere there are two, three or four educational centers on a five-point scale, he says that's how you can evaluate somewhere, mr. andriy, what is your opinion, or from your experience, again from the experience of those military personnel who told you about the training centers over the last two years, they are for the most part. how do they look i agree with mr. roman that those young training centers, those that were created already during the great war, the approach there is different in such a, you know, more intensive way in that the team there is fresh, the instructors are still fresh and motivated only from combat, and they seeing what is happening in the war, they are very motivated to invest a lot in the training of cadets, about those training centers, you know, so old... uh, they are powerful, from
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the point of view of the material base, they have large territories, a lot of different resource, but it is, one might say, a technique or planning, so there may be some objections to this in the sense that, you know, large organizational systems are not always able to quickly adapt to new conditions, so this is the difference that mr. roman said, i am also watching her, and these centers are newly created training, they look better there because... these are people who are currently involved in the war there, they work there as instructors , including because there is some kind of, i don’t know, help from partners, so in this sense they are somehow , well, more there logical approach or from military experience, why is this happening? i would say more from the point of view of enthusiasm that the instructor, who has just returned from the military, even with a weak material base, he will invest in training as much as possible, because literally a month ago he was there... he knew, he knows what awaits people there,
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he is motivated to teach them, perhaps, and the same centers that are old, you say, well, they also look good in the sense that they have a material base developed over many years, large training grounds, many different teaching aids, but enthusiasm, that's the difference i feel, i would describe it as enthusiasm, roman, what is the difference for you, again from your experience, you say that on retraining brigade commanders send... you military, maybe they shared with you their not so good experiences where they were not taught very well in their opinion? well, since i was 16, i have been training people in different, let's say, conditions, so the main problem is basically irresponsibility, it's total irresponsibility, when people are not responsible for anything, that is, they send people to the army, people are not trained , and basically that's it. that is, people who for years, they
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continue to do the same thing, and no one is responsible for it, mr. venislavskyi, who before that told how they go somewhere, he is lying with a blue eye, because no one controls any of this, that is , there is no punishment, it’s just that, it ’s not there, just like no teacher, no instructor, after having released there, for example, a battalion or a platoon or a company of untrained people, he has nothing for it , there is simply nothing. they falsify in principle, as if, the initial control, people arrive not ready for this and before, and in principle it all gets away, now we have a situation where we shout for six months about the fact that it was necessary to scale, that it was necessary to increase the capacity and get ready, because to the law on mobilization, in principle, we have a lot of departments that have reported, that is, they have reported on their readiness. everything is now, and now
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we are faced with the fact that, in principle, people have nothing to prepare, and the training centers that currently exist, which are capable, are basically being cut. the task of increasing the capacity to train people by two or three times, that's the same, that's the same, there are some people, they have some salaries, they are some colonels, they, they, they are something, well, they have to do something, they have to bear liability if a man cannot train people, he must either fight or cook, that's it, it 's different, it's not fair, it's different, it won't work, then we choose people from the infantry in the instructor, these guys know, in principle, they know, they came out, they went through hell, and people are sitting. who have never fought, they have a certificate, someone was there once, and in principle they know that they will never be in the trenches, well, that is wrong, roman, and then whose responsibility is it here for those people who were not there, who do not have a military experience directly at the front, but have
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rank, as far as i understand and from what you 're saying that they're just giving a bad base and they should be aware of that, or their leaders, or who should be responsible for that, who should... be responsible for that, we have a structure that did not change, that is, it did not change at all, for example, in our military academies, let’s take the lviv academy, the odesa academy, which train these officers, in principle, there is a minimum, i say a minimum, 30% of teachers do not have combat experience, another 30-40 percent - he was somewhere there, that is, somewhere there in the headquarters i was sitting there in atoshechki, and in principle it’s, well , it’s... a big problem, people are not motivated, you know, in principle, there are very simple things, we have a lot of instructors, we just have this, well, a total trouble, we have instructors not trained, i.e. they, our instructors are taught without checking their capabilities, without
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checking them, in principle, what they can, they are simply sent, relatively speaking, to the training center to prepare to become instructors, they are taught methodology, they are taught how you have to teach the material. but they are theorists, they are they themselves do not know how to do what they teach, and when they are there , people who come to the army have questions, these instructors float, they cannot give anything, and in principle, and slowly, slowly, you understand , yes, that every body, in principle, strives for a state of rest, this is physics, there is the sixth grade or something, the same about people, that is, a person comes, if there is no control, how a person does his work, he optimizes processes, she... begins, as it were, to increase the zone for herself comfort and this, well, this cannot be done, that is, an important message, roman, you also sent that people in the position of instructor should have combat experience, and not just theorists, and this is such an important point, mr.
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andriy, from your experience in general, can you tell me how it should be when it is a good training center, when it is commanders who understand how training should take place, instructors who understand about... what they say, what they can teach, in a good sense, with a good an example of what to expect a newly mobilized person, to a man or a woman, in order for them to understand, yes, it's okay, it's professional, for example, to wait a few weeks for the moment when they give you a weapon, shoot it, take it apart, teach in this sense, it's ok or not ok, they give her a weapon already in the first week, this is a good sign, because with a weapon you have to not only shoot, you have to... get used to the fact that you have a weapon, er, you have to get used to this feeling that something always has to be hanging on you, and ee cadets bring to the point that, you know, they didn't forget that machine somewhere in the kitchen, then he should form a sense of weapons, of responsibility for weapons, that is, weapons are
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not only about shooting, that is why they are given quite early in the educational process, about combat experience, what mr. roman said, i want to support, that the general idea... in that the instructor must have combat experience, and that is absolutely correct, there are only two dangers, uh, it happens that a person has combat experience, but, for example, during his combat actions, he did everything, you know, wrong , not in terms of tactics, not in terms of technique, and miraculously was not injured, and such a person becomes instructor, and confident that, well, what she's teaching makes sense, even though it often doesn't. other instructors, but this is what she teaches, this is one danger, and another danger is that there are very talented instructors, of a respectable age, often they have not had the opportunity to gain combat experience yet, but they have quality knowledge that they can pass on, then such people are also valuable. i
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will refer to and quote stanislav asiyev, a journalist and writer who spent 31 months imprisoned by the militants of the so-called dpr group, now he is serving in donetsk, he went... he could formally not go to the army, he went to the army and he described his experience of studying in uchepka in a column on radio svoboda. in short, he found the condition of the premises to be terrible, and he had to wait just a week to be allowed to shoot. the food is sometimes very bad, not meat, there are some sausages, not very useful, there is equipment, but it is not of high quality, all the buttons break, everything gets loose, that is, it is not impossible, it is better to have your own, he wrote, and if you even have relation to the brigade or recruiting took place there and you can be taken to the specific brigade you want to go there, but they can come and take you from a completely different place, he already solved some such problematic points through the general staff there, as he writes . and at the training he also noted many patients, including there was even a homeless man with rotting legs, and for some reason these problems were not
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noticed there at the vlk and even then the ambulance and doctors who saw this man during this training, and this can be said sub objective experience, it is not very positive, even that is very negative, but there are such and such reviews as well, what to do with it, if mobilized or as you gentlemen already with your experience see it to whom? you can contact , how does this system work in general, the hotline, well, how can this situation be corrected, you say that there are instructors who give the wrong knowledge at all, and who to contact, mr. romanu, you have experience, you say with 2016, look, the instructor they give for that experience, this is not an instructor, this is a survivor's mistake, relatively speaking, yes, this is a person who by some miracle, it’s just there, we don’t have such instructors, we just have them, well , before the instructor comes to the center, he goes through... stages of training, namely training in the center and three stages of selection, so
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this is a problem, but it is a problem when people are simply poured in, contact, well , a hotline, publicity of some kind, as much as possible, in principle, you understand, the armed forces are such a wooden machine, which is very inert, so in principle, when people there took a relationship or letters of recommendation and beyond they got to the wrong place. or wherever you wanted, now this situation has been slightly changed, there is a list of priority crews for manning, where people are there, well, that is , they can be guaranteed, but again, you have to understand, we have a little bit of it, we are trying to to impose a peacetime state on the war, for example, we had situations when people entered the training center, well, it was... already people with combat experience, people were from the bzvp, and they did not finish their studies, because in principle,
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if it was necessary to stabilize the line front, that is us, we must know, especially, for example, in our country, that is, this is the kharkiv region, and that is, at any moment we can find ourselves in a trench, and this must also be understood, yes, that there are parts that must to complete now, there are parts that are, well , such a glaring problem, that’s why here... ugh, mr. roman, thank you, and andriy, what do you advise the mobilized, who see that the conditions are completely inappropriate and everything is not as you say , here you are on this air, how should it be, who to contact, what to do, is it possible to correct this situation, well, hotlines are the a tool that corrects the situation in that a call to the hotline is registered and then the command of the relevant unit is attacked by inspections from higher headquarters and this changes something. regarding instruction, if the cadet does not like the way the instructor teaches him, then
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the hotline will not help here, he should contact the relevant commander of his training unit, eh, because the responsibility for the quality of teaching rests with the instructors directly in the training center, if, for example, the quality of food, the quality of the premises, then this is a training center strongly relies on support from other units, other headquarters, from the command, while the quality of training is where the training center has the maximum power to change something, to transfer suitable instructors, not immature instructors, to mature, to retrain them, it is an educational the center is doing just that, and for all other questions, the hotline and the publicity, there are currently two of them, what works, what works can somehow change the situation, thank you gentlemen for joining and sharing your experience in this an extremely important topic, because the preparation of the mobilized is understandable. that the matter of his survival and roman donik, the head of the instructor-teaching group of the 150th and
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151st training centers and andriy zayets, the teacher of psychological training of the 150th training center of the tro forces of the armed forces of ukraine, were guests of our program, i just once again i urge the viewers, if you have some experience, there are either positive or negative moments with this experience, you can share them, by all means, contact our journalists and we will discuss these important topics on the air, gentlemen, thank you. such was this broadcast of svoboda ranok, watch us every day on youtube radio svoboda, on the air of the tv channel, you must write comments, be sure to subscribe to this resource and... set the bell so that you do not miss important streams, and know that you can also influence, inform, write to our journalists, important information that you have, and we will ask these important, acute questions on the air to the speakers who join us, my name is kateryna nekredcha, i and the whole team of freedom of mornings, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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4 million hryvnias, it seems like a lot, but we can overcome it all as a community. meanwhile, we gather our thoughts. guests, and we are in touch with the people's deputy of ukraine, the first deputy chairman of the committee of ukraine on law enforcement, andriy osachuk, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, good morning, from the latest news related to updating data in tsk through the reserve plus application, there is information that those men who are abroad, if they updated their data in the application in the reserve, and saw the wanted status, must return to ukraine. to appear at the tsc to update your data, and we understand that now there may be a wave of indignation, rejection , and so on. mr. andiyu, it is logistically difficult, yes, it can actually be logistically difficult, because people can have completely understandable reasons and have the right to stay abroad and not be in ukraine. mr. andrii, will there be any more in this direction?
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finalization, is it possible to make certain... also take place online, or is this already the final version of the operation of the reserve plus and the entire system in general? well, you and i are reaping the fruits of the great haste of all processes related to the strengthening of mobilization, including the reserve plus application. in fact, what you and i were promised at the very beginning has still not happened, and not only for those who are abroad, but also for those who are in... the country, and the main idea was that the data is updated, you there a barcode is assigned, and this barcode is similar to the one that is pasted into a military ticket in... ttsk, i'm sorry, but in reality it 's still not there, it doesn't work like that, and we're only promised that it will somehow improve, on the other hand, we were all
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initially promised that the reserve plus would be an official application, at the moment everyone, well, in the general staff of the ministry of defense, takes the position that it is some kind of simple appliqué, which by and large does not carry any official status. at least at the border it is not enough, so we are here again in a situation where neither i, nor you, nor our viewers know the answers to a huge number of questions that everyone constantly has, and this is my key claim to the ministry of defense and personally to minister umerov, that how could it be done that neither a month or two before the verkhovna rada adopted amendments to the legislation, nor the month after the vote in the verkhovna rada, you... remember, there was a month for the law to enter into force, we voted on april 18, the law entered into force on april 18 in may, during this entire period, not a single extended one was held
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press conferences, where they would call you, all journalists, all media workers, where they would talk about it all in detail for a couple of hours, give answers to all questions and so that journalists could spread verified information, and we are now already in the month of june and we are spreading our thoughts our speculations, possibilities, and so on, that's totally unacceptable, i sincerely expect that somehow the ministry of defense will get their head around it, and from what i've heard, again, you see how i have to tell you, what i heard i heard that yes, it will be improved as a reserve plus, because the way it works now absolutely does not suit anyone, and i also know for sure that at the moment there is a very, shall we say, emotional discussion in the verkhovna rada regarding... improving the reservation , because in the third year of the great war, everyone finally understood that the tsk are military guys, they have to
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carry out the recruitment plan, and they have no ability to find out whether there is a critical position held by a conscript or not, they have an idea to take everyone, who corresponds to the age, health and professional position there, but as someone told me... the head of the tsc in kyiv, well, if i take away the train drivers in the subway, the subway in kyiv will probably just stop stupidly, and by the way, mentioning the subway, already since last week, it seems that the intervals in kyiv between metro trains have increased, precisely due to the lack of a sufficient number of personnel in the kyiv metro subway, that is, now they have realized that it is necessary to do some other reservation procedure, even for those... for whom it is provided, but the procedure must be spelled out, so that these people are guaranteed to be able to remain, relatively speaking, at his job
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as a subway train driver, but all this is happening now, that is, we have, well, probably the worst scenario of increased mobilization, when on the one hand the military must fulfill their tasks, and this must be respected, and on the other hand, the entire civilian infrastructure, bodies of the state authorities, they are just... who are now somehow trying to cover all the holes and create such conditions that those military obligations that are critically needed at their workplaces, so that they continue to work, because i hope already everyone understood that this populist phrase that sounded somewhere from the end of last year, that everyone will serve, it is actually completely untrue, because if everyone goes to serve, then the country will stop, there will be no money for the army, i... overthrow also using the opportunity that we have huge problems with money for the army, which we finance exclusively from our taxes, this too, i hope, everyone has learned, and i
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think that in the next month, the cabinet of ministers of the verkhovna rada will have to accept, again there are some additional ones in the fire department solutions for, on the one hand, finding additional resources, and, on the other hand, limiting expenditure items. which will have to be reduced, mr. andriy, but we can already see, and various excise taxes have been increased and even calculated billions, how much it should bring, well, it is clear that this is all on the march, that is, you say the reserve plus is also in the process of some kind of development, what we don't know for sure is in what process the temporary special commission was tortured in the parliamentary battles, i emphasized this word so as not to be mistaken, this temporary... special commission had to give the answer to very sensitive things, not so much about a billion trees as about a million drones, not so much about the second or third line as the first line, in particular
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on kharks. why there were no mines and guns and in general there were many questions when the kharkiv section of the front appeared. where is this tsk, temporary special commission, where, what are you working on? well, you are very right that you emphasize the word special in the letter c of this acronym, and the audience should understand that this is a huge commission, the difference between a special commission and an investigative commission, because in fact super respect the investigative commission has. but a temporary special commission with the rights of a committee was created in the verkhovna rada, which should take care of the issues of drones, fortification and rebu. look, again, we all really like miracles and for something to happen immediately, but i, as a person who at one time headed the investigative commission in, i remember, the kyiv city council, in the verkhovna rada, had a relationship with several temporary special commissions . i 'm just telling you that it's happening very
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not... quickly, in fact, we're just a commission created two weeks ago, so there are various constituent processes, god forbid, if they held the first constituent meeting, i don't know for sure, because i'm not a member of this special commission, and i can authoritatively tell you that not earlier than a month in one and a half we will find out some preliminary results, because again, we don't need any populist statements or appeals. these guys and girls who joined this commission must first demand a huge amount of information, a huge amount of figures, a huge amount of reports, then this everything must be analyzed, it must all be discussed, responsible officials must be invited to the meeting, and there will be a lot of them here, we are talking about dozens and dozens of officials involved, who must give explanations about certain aspects
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of the relevant documentation, and that too.. . believe me, it does not happen in a day, in two or in a week, just any conversation is more or less objective, even with one official, it takes several hours according to my experience, and maybe 3-4 hours, that is, in a heap that civil control, which should be carried out by the verkhovna rada, it is carrying it out, but it all happens very slowly, therefore, in matters of fortification , it remains a critical task for the executors, who see the dissatisfaction of politicians, dissatisfaction. the public, and they should work on it, and you and i should all remember that this issue is generally covered by a military secret, we usually turn it into some kind of public discussion, but where which, of what quality of fortification, this should be known in general according to the idea , only the military, so i think, all of them the civilian military-civilian administrations that are supposed to build them have already received a very strong signal from parliament from the public that we are not happy with the way you have things working,
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so they need to improve. and without tsk, but tsk, i think, somewhere in a month and a half, it will come out with specific data and reports, but it will be about the past, you understand, it will be about the past, it will be about how we might not have done in the past periods, and maybe it will give grounds to bring someone to justice there, but it is unlikely to have a direct impact the quality of the construction work is there right now, so i would not associate the work of tsk itself with the quality of construction. now, i think everyone who is responsible for this needs to understand how serious parliament is, and it's just that we'd be less interested in prosecuting somebody, and more than anything, we'd like to see that the work is being done and that those the fortifications ordered by the military are properly built , we hope that there is an induction effect, even if the creation of the tsk itself will force chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast don't mess around and
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work. with some transparent procedures, but unknown spacers that appear before construction and then disappear into thin air. mr. andriy, thank you for the details, for the conversation, andriy osadchuk, people's deputy, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on law enforcement, was with us. khrystyna porobiy is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. christina, you have words. thank you, colleagues, the number of wounded in the dnipro increased after the russian one shelling of the city. meanwhile, a few minutes ago , explosions were heard in odesa, i will tell you about the situation in ukrainian cities in the release, as well as about the work of our air defense, wait a moment.


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