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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name. september, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norban, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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meanwhile, the ceo is clear that this is a company that has not understood why it collects money for electricity, not a detector, not ukrenergo, but clearly, the general director clearly decided to spoil the morning, he says that today there will be no electricity for 7 hours, the outages will be longer today, well , the fact that they are longer is true, because i actually received a message that it was also longer than the schedule is, we do not have electricity today, but now we will talk about something else, about... why our electricity is cut off, specifically about the russian shelling . expert. mr. anatoly, glory to ukraine. glory. mr. anatoly, as soon as september ended, we were just looking at the map, right? the alarm to almost half of ukraine, ballistics, has just ended. again, two crelats over the dnipro, and one ballistic iskander over odesa. we say every day, here's the adda. we have one battery
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of patriots, but the sampti has already arrived, well, but we have tragic arrivals, that is, they are somehow being dragged to the front, or are we still getting protection for big cities? well , again, we are talking about the fact that in order to significantly strengthen our anti-aircraft system defense, we need at least 25 systems like the abot, because in fact we see how the vorak is actively used. sometimes ballistic missiles and strikes are carried out on civilian places and on strategically important objects of civilian strategic important objects, so in fact we are saying that it is necessary to increase the air defense system and do it not only at the expense of ground systems, but also the account, for example, of aerial objects, aerial, i.e. airplanes, now we will soon receive two two from sweden long-range detection aircraft, which will be able to significantly help us in... solving a certain
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number of issues, because again it is necessary to say that it is necessary to distribute countermeasures against cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, anti-ballistic missiles should be strengthened precisely by more modern patriot systems. extreme massive rocket attacks, in fact, the one that happened on the night of saturday, and what was characteristic of that was the very strange trajectory of the flight of those rockets, when the message appeared that it was flying to mukachevo, this is probably the first time we... saw such a message, and then suddenly , after all, the mood turned, and we observed a lot of such maneuvers in the monitoring channels, they still try to find some new options to attack the same objects that remain their target from the beginning spring, and whether they can succeed in any of that, whether our current airspace is sufficiently protected, in fact about the same air defense systems, now i ask further, let's start with the fact that... in fact
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, we see recently that the enemy has concentrated on point shots one at a time city, that is, the majority of all the weapons, that is , all the missiles or even the same fireballs fly to one place, this significantly loads our system against. of air defense, and since the systems, the number of systems is limited at one object, we see certain difficulties in working against this, against this influx, and here, but here it should be noted that, for example, the last flight of such missiles took place close to the borders with poland, or with ours with european countries, i would like to recall that, in principle, recently we very strongly hear from our western partners permission to use western models of equipment on the territory of the russian federation. and therefore, in fact, in my opinion, precisely such pereets, rockets happened at the expense of something to complain about our western partners, then we should also mention the report of the polish air force, which noted that it was a very difficult night due to the fact that this is probably the first , when polish pilots really
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worked in the airspace and protected the territory of poland for the time being, but they really worked and did not just patrol while in our country there is no f-16 yet. we can only theoretically ask you for using these weapons that we have as of now, well, for example, the same shadow storm or scalps, plus long-range artillery, this is what we can use from the west on the territory of russia, i mean how many kilometers we could make such a demilitarized zone. now without the f-16. well, again, we are talking about the maximum action, for example, the same hymers, that is, it allows us to hit somewhere close to there, well, up to 80 km, let's do it. again yes, but here it must be understood that heavier weapons such as
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atacoms rockets are still needed, because we saw how atacoms rockets were used on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and how effective it was after strikes by groups of such a complex. strike by using a storm shelter, by using atacans, due to the use of our reconnaissance air defense systems. therefore, in fact, if we talk about, for example, our attempts now, then we are trying to drive away such weapons, which are engaged in shelling, rocket fire on the territory sumy or kharkiv region, directly in these cities, so we have to talk about... the use of airplanes, when using heavier weapons in order to still deliver to such airfields as baltimore, to remote warehouses in order to complicate enemy logistics. by the way, here it should be recalled that, for example, the netherlands allowed us to use f-16 aircraft, not only, not
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only weapons on the territory of the russian federation, but directly allowed the aircraft to be used on the territory of the russian federation federation. that is, the fact that they are now building hangars, protection for their own. planes as far as 300 km from our border, this may somehow temporarily help them, will it be necessary to push back, push back, how far will they have to move back so that their planes are not so threatened, well, first of all, let's start with , that the hangars they are building will not save the russian planes, it should be noted here that our intelligence will have to be added here, which will help us to... find out exactly in which hangar the planes are located in order to target them on these hangars. regarding the distance, well, again, if our western partners provide us with f-16 aircraft with jasons missiles, which can fly on average up to 950 km, then we can note that in principle, the enemy will not
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be able to reach a distance of 1000 km, for example , deploy tactical aircraft or strategic aircraft, because it will understand that it can be under significant attack from our side. that is, as they say, to the, to the very, to the komi ssr and all the way to the north , that thousand goes out, if you put it on the map, we are closing significantly important objects, this arsenal 53, which is engaged in the construction of cabins, is the raduga and avangar plant. near moscow , korolevo, that is, these are all those strategic objects that are part of putin's company, which produces weapons, such essential weapons, which are used to shoot across the territory of ukraine. it is important to understand that we need to mine a hundred-kilometer zone around the borders with ukraine, where there will be no weapons
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of the russian federation, this will be a gray demilitarized zone on the territory of the russian federation, and 1,000 km, where there will be no tactical aircraft or heavy weapons from side of the russian federation, this can really be done by using all the equipment that should be given to us, that is , these f-16s and the saab long-range radar detection. this is also the permission to use, for example, the attackers themselves, that is, we will be able to significantly affect the enemy's logistics and remove the enemy from the territory of ukraine, because the front line will not be equipped, neither weapons, nor fuel, nor even the same the food itself, and we shall see the gestures of goodwill which we saw at one time when the enemy retreated from kharkiv, from the kharkiv direction or from kherson, so the main task now is to significantly strike directly at the russian logistics rock. and at the same time to hold the front line in the place where it is now, because now the main task
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is to cut the supply chains, mr. antolia, i would still go back to what is happening in the west, because there is a concept that, after all, the western to close ukraine, our partners helped us, and is there already any understanding, vision of how to synchronize our system and their anti-aircraft systems of defense, so that they work synchronously together... to recognize their own, if this is actually how it will happen, that all this will work, that their planes will take off from the airspace of those countries that will help us, i don't know, poland , romania, whoever is there, we have already seen, the two countries have indicated that they want to build a single air defense system in europe, and this is a very positive moment, because it must be said that this air defense system is possible. to join ukraine, and then we will say that we are certain countries are responsible for certain sectors of the airspace or ground systems,
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ground support in order to cover all the air of europe, and then we can say that, for example, certain countries, there poland cover part of the rovinj, lviv region there, the countries of romania cover there chernivtsi or odesa oblast, that is, we are saying that due to... the implementation of a general air defense system, we can develop a general air defense system and then our western partners, that is to our european countries, it will be clear that even if russia tries to use tactical nuclear weapons, which they treat the whole world with, then ukraine, together with europe, can protect the airspace of any european country, due to the fact that most of the requests will be for russia to fly on the territory of ukraine, because they will definitely shoot at belarus. there will not be, but nevertheless, here we must talk about the creation of a unified air defense system, this will allow
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strengthening the airspace of ukraine, and there will already be a question about the number of aircraft the f-16s that we will receive will not be so hot here, ah, because it will be due to strengthening at the expense of european countries, and you can say that, for example, some systems, ground air defense systems, which are on combat duty, for example, on the eastern borders of europe, will be moved closer, for example, to the dnipro on the territory of ukraine. mr. natoria, in conclusion, i was just studying the map here, and i remembered yesterday's videos, where the tatars repeat forgotten russian matyuks with such a tatar accent, and this is a sermon, and these are the regions where they even involve children and students there to collect their eyes... shahedy, to what extent we can work there in such a way as to break
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the production cycle itself, we need many strikes, we need to multiply them, are these more symbolic strikes and they have no strategic meaning, of course, all these strikes by drones, which are currently taking place on the alabuz or by other means, such as long -range relocation of long-range relays along... beyond the horizons, i'm sorry, but we are talking about that these are more strategic strikes that have both and physical consequences also have psychological consequences, and for the sake of understanding, if we are talking about the remote work of our drones, then we are saying that our drones can fly with a fairly good payload, up to 100 kg for eight, the guy just right we lost contact with the number, so i understood 800, or something or now. so it was interrupted at the most interesting
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point, the light is turned off, so the internet is a little bad , we can work for a distance you said how much 3 km, 3000 km with a payload of up to 100 kg, and when we hear that there are our drones flew to vistan 100 km 1500 1800, this is what we confirm that we can fly to... that is, this is not another ukrainian record, there is already a ukrainian record of 300 km, and we say that we can work, we confirm that we are working, and we are already showing destruction. ok, but if in the end it’s just me, if i even lay out a route , whether they fly over the kursk or belgorod region, or over lipetsk and voronitsk, then over tambov, sarativ, penzovsk, and only then do all these elabogs appear, or over samara, they still go to
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tatarstan, that is, what does this mean that on this entire route, one way or another, they have a glorious p... well, let's go back to the case when such a beautiful plane called in on red square in the soviet union, so in fact, not much has changed since those times, russia is showing an active new modern rles, but nevertheless we see how missiles are being used for attacks, so there are certain doubts about the tactical and technical characteristics, that's why i keep saying that in view of the way he fights russia in quantity, not quality. our victory lies in our quality and high-precision weapons that we can make, or we will receive from western partners, that is , the efficiency of use is much better than the quantity of use. thank you, mr. anatoliy, anatoly hrabchynskyi, deputy general director of the company for the production of equipment, rep and aviation expert was with us, now we have invited a different kind of expert to the conversation. mykhailo yakubovych
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, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher, joins our broadcast of the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg, it. germany. mr. mykhailo, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good morning. we ended our previous conversation with words about victory, and the steps to victory often go through various meetings, summits, peace formulas, the highest of which will take place in a little more than a week. and ukraine invited two countries, israel and palestine, to such a peace forum in geneva. for roman and i, such an invitation came as a surprise, but not for you, it was not a surprise for me, although you know, in the context of talking about victory, we probably don't need a summit of measure, but a summit of war, that is, an anti-putin coalition, the fact is that very often the ukrainian community is a discovery, for example, the existence of certain ties between ukraine and palestine, i
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will remind you, ukraine recognized, then the ukrainian ssr recognized the declaration. palestine on independence without defined territorial boundaries in 1988 , yasir-arat visited kyiv at the end of the 90s, a ukrainian representative office was opened in ramal, it is still active, and also, of course, ukraine has relations with the state of israel, that is, it works with both sides, as well as, for example, with more than a hundred countries of the world that recognize both palestine and israel at the same time, it's easy to understand. that with palestine, its statehood is a much more complicated issue than israel's statehood. currently, president zelenskyi was on a tour of the countries of southeast asia, he is inviting to this peace summit there, since many countries refuse to participate at the level of the first persons, it is not clear whether someone from brazil will go, it is unlikely that someone from china will go,
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issues with saudi arabia, the cis, even with india, which are key countries of the global south. to the countries that are less influential, they may come, but since they are less influential, their participation is purely symbolic, and here, since there is a high level of support in the global south, specifically for palestine and criticism of israel's actions, president zelensky decided to play somewhere on this front. another issue is that neither the israeli media, nor the palestinian media, nor the arab media, in principle did not react to this, that is, for them it. the fact does not reveal anything new, and to be honest, the interest in these events in switzerland is extremely lower than, for example, what happened at the time in jeddah, although it was such a closed meeting at the level of political advisers, so there is room for work here, but again it depends on what the goals are, because we all understand very well
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what the arbitrary small country x from africa or asia is deciding at this summit. and the presence of big players who have something to put pressure on russia decides, that is why it is so diplomatic attempt, and even more so, taking into account even the opposition to israel's actions in the west, this statement is logical in principle, but it does not add anything new to the context of ukraine's policy in the middle east. mr. mykhailo, but what surprised us was the lack of presence and availability. er, the state of the state institutions of the palestinians, these are basically their problems, like the fact that the invitation is double, but it should be triple, you yourself mentioned yassig arafat and about one part. palestine, in the second part live his enemies yasser, who would like to kill him, then it was necessary to make a triple invitation and invite hamas from the gaza strip, is it illogical from
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this point of view to get into this big confrontation? in fact, everything looks quite logical here, because ukraine was recognized as the part that now belongs to fatah. to say that now, for example, the west bank of the jordan river is absolutely against everyone in gaza, that is, that the west bank of the jordan river is sitting and waiting for hamas to be destroyed, this is not true. in fact, the situation with gas is a more partial fragment of the reality that exists in relations with the west bank of the jordan river and , in general, the same mahmud abbas and all others. the external representation of palestine, it is actually coordinated in many ways. with gaza and the same is said on behalf of gaza, and the fact that, for example, the question, again, is whether hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization in ukraine, ukraine does not recognize it as a terrorist
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organization, unlike the european union, it generally recognizes terrorist organizations a big question, that's why this uh-uh situation, i won't call it a civil conflict, but a situation the division of the palestinians is largely projected by the palestinians themselves on... the fault of the west, that it was israel's policy of division, and this is a logical reaction, whether it is true or not, but they even blame the countries for their division, for their internal disputes of the west, so in this case , ukraine is simply acting as, for example, those countries that have now recognized palestine, there, say, spain and all the others, but all this is happening in that diplomatic canvas, which has been watching for years. in the world, that is talks about palestine despite the lack of real statehood, and that is why here, well , it is the same voice, that is
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, ukraine is not trying to invent anything new here, on the contrary , to play a kind of peacemaker somewhere, even there zelensky said that he could be a mediator, but remember, for example, what was declared after the attack of hamas on israel, the politics and solidarity were a little different... it was primarily with israel as such , for you it was surprising that now you actually, well, the first statement and the second contradict and diametrically the opposite, well, i don’t see anything strange in the fact that zelenskyi’s statements contradict each other, he is not the only one like this and not the first time, especially regarding such complex topics, and ukraine has never had any clear balanced policy regarding the near east, to be honest, we have very... often new governments that came, new presidents, minus what was. let's not forget that , for example, when i first visited saudi arabia in 2010, i was generally
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asked whether ukraine was an independent state, that is , we were associated with a part of russia, and now associated with the part of russia that was torn off by the west and on whose territory it is waging war against russia itself, something must be done with this narrative and done with it very powerfully, especially. dialogues with such players as qatar, the emirates and so on, so here, on the other hand , the reality is that we cannot be uniform and consistent, but the time has come for some separate forum, for example, ukraine-middle east, ukraine africa, to to invite the key actors, it is important to watch, so that at least once in 30 years and say something sensible, and not just leave white spots on a large world map, mr. mykhailo, thank you for the analysis. commentary: mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences and researcher at the department of oriental studies at the university of freiburg. in a few minutes, do not miss the news on the espresso tv channel, and then roman and i
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plot. only from 799 hryvnias. offer is limited, call. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time . khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. already eight wounded in dnipro due to the morning attack. among the injured are two children, a one-month-old baby and a 17-year-old boy, the regional emergency service reported. the rescuers finished extinguishing the fire, which arose as a result of falling fragments of downed missiles. the russians attacked the city in two
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