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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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the role of the commander in the process of carrying out the mission or task, whether there were unique cases when everything went according to plan, or whether each operation is actually an adaptation and response to reality, which is sometimes completely different from what was planned before the exit. you see, we had an operation that was still going according to plan, the commander of the reconnaissance group was seriously wounded, he... was evacuated according to plan, that is, several plans are being worked out at once, that is, such special operational actions that under certain conditions, they are practiced and performed before someone the operation must carry out effective reconnaissance, study the moral and psychological state of the enemy, the position of firing points, main firing positions, enemy artillery, reserve positions, enemy artillery and then carry out, if we conduct effective reconnaissance, then er... professional planning
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of this task, then everything always goes according to plan, for example, there was such a conversation, and once we carried out tasks of assault operations together with units of the armed forces of ukraine, i said the following thesis that, for example, in my reconnaissance group i am ready to suffer losses one dead, two wounded, and then we will leave, and he tells me like this, there was a young commander there, but he is professional, we then interact professionally to perform tasks, he says, i don't even want to think about it. i say: look, if we do not discuss this situation now, then when we have wounded or dead, we will not perform the operational actions that the situation requires, we will not be able to effectively evacuate the wounded, and we will not save his life if we do it now let's talk, with a cool head and if with a hot heart, we will plan personnel for the evacuation of these wounded, then everything will be efficient and everything will be fine, mr. vitaly, and what is the average age in your unit and the oldest... the first and
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the youngest of the military, the youngest when i was the commander of the zvodroskoe special forces, it was 19 years old, the oldest was 54 years old, and i had both women and men in my units, and i always say that the most important thing for a scout is intelligence, the intelligence that he has, and that is, a scout, is intelligence , regardless of age, regardless of gender, and i, as a commander, do not care who will carry out these or other tasks. tasks and most importantly, that it was effective with the preservation of life and health of these servicemen. and input from this issue of mobilization, replenishment, how does the own recruiting work in the brigade, which specialists are most needed, what about junior officers, what about sergeants, how is this link replenished? eh, look, when a mobilized person arrives, he immediately goes to basic military training, that is... immediately i want such a speech that
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all at once into the trenches, all military personnel first undergo training, because unprepared persons are in the composition, it is not useful for the commander, because trained fighters perform their tasks much more efficiently, and they return from battles alive, and in the future there is no need to call up new ones and we do not lose our citizens, because the lives of our citizens are the most valuable, and recruiting is taking place, we have a very high range of positions in our brigade and in general... in the defense of ukraine, starting from, as an infantryman, an attack aircraft, gunners, we need a lot of people with technical education, these are technical means of reconnaissance, some technical means of defeat, that is , now all warfare is concentrated on technical means so that we, the defense forces of ukraine, our brigade can save the most lives of its personnel and effectively destroy the enemy mr. officer, thank you for your service, for your service. your
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brothers, i will remind our viewers that the spresso channel aired an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh operational brigade of the national guard, a hero of ukraine vitaliy lytvyn and i remind you once again about the assembly of this brigade. the brigade is collecting funds for drones and fpv drones, it is necessary to collect uah 3 million. you see the queercode on the screen, so donate and support these brave fighters. that's how they were. the day's top military updates, and more international and economic news later on, so stay tuned to espresso. thank you very much to sergiuets, thank you to his guest, i also ask you to join the gathering, which i believe we will be able to complete in the near future. so, we ask you to join us collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and za...
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my directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so in order to urgently restore and return the damaged one to the battlefield. military equipment, in particular we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair groups to the combat zone quickly and more or less safely, as well as panneumohydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment, our goal remains the same, 630,000 hryvnias, and as of now we were able to collect 404,695 hryvnias, i ask you to join us, let's close this collection and thank you for every hryvnia you give today for... protecting our country, for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore for the needs of all of us, those who are not on the front line today. well, we will start our conversation with the guests, we invited khrystyna kolyushak peltyk, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. mrs. khrystyna, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. well therefore, the enemy launched missile attacks on both
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the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region. i know that there are casualties as a result of these strikes. please tell us in more detail about the consequences of overcoming, children were also affected. after the enemy attack, what is the situation with them, what is their state of health, well-being, please, at 5 o'clock in the morning dnipro itself was attacked, with two rockets, two rockets were shot down, actually both rockets were shot down, but the debris fell on private houses for development, and in principle , there is a lot in that area, and not only is it the private sector, it is also high-rise buildings, and hospital and school. and the school, and houses, and cars, and the hospital were also damaged, but somewhere around 12 o'clock in the hospital, they assured me that they had already received several people,
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seven people were injured, two of them were children, a little boy, one month old, he is at home, a 17-year-old boy was treated. operation and he remains in the hospital at the moment, also the woman is still in the hospital, the others are being treated at home on an outpatient basis, well, and also, yes, please, please, continue, er, in addition, there were also rockets, rocket there was a backlog and - a blow was struck along kryvori in kryvorizh, kryvorizh district, there is also a victim there, he is now. and besides kryvorizhye, i know that there were also airstrikes in the dnipropetrovsk region, that there are also wounded people there, and if there is information about this, how significant the destruction was, and again, the enemy attacks with ballistics, attacks with missiles, attacks with some other means
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damage, is there more information about this, we know, literally, please, literally two two minutes, that's how they warned that the missile... on the dnipro and how the explosion happened, well it was two minutes at the most and the explosion was quite powerful and loud and it was heard, uh, it was, according to preliminary information, it was iskanders, uh, maybe it was just ballistics, and well actually that big rockets, that's why we see. 30 houses were damaged and a hospital, well, that is, very big consequences, that is, it continues the terror of the civilian population, residential buildings, residential infrastructure and social infrastructure, as far as i understand, this is exactly
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the goal the enemy sets before himself, because , well, obviously he aims where he and tried to kiss, yes, it is quite such a densely populated area there, in addition to hospitals and schools, there are also, well, let's say, private enterprises, and there is a lot, let's say, of what there is, where to kiss, so where did it fly , one can only guess, the locals may guess, but it fell, where it fell, unfortunately, i will address you as a deputy. of the dnipropetrovsk council, because perhaps you also have more information on this matter, we spoke with the leadership of the nikopol region, but of course they are quite careful about this situation comment, although there are many questions, because we have the opportunity to get information from local residents and understand so little,
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we are talking about this water pipeline that was pulled to the nikopol region, and after the kakhovka hydroelectric plant was destroyed, people were without water for a long time , well, there is either technical water, or it was delivered somehow, now this one... it is supposedly ready, but they say, i say again that this is not not not a fact, that it is so, but they say that the problem allegedly lies in , which does not dare, or some other... the reasons why this water main is not taken into account and not started, that is, if it is ready, people need water, the question of the tariff for this water, what is the problem, because it is a large number of people, it is certainly not only about people, but also about certain areas that also need water, why there why, first of all , it’s cool that they did it at all and it is there, but it’s very important that it be done quickly, it’s a big, big thank you, big respect, but well the question is that it should work, what, what is the problem, that... the water starts to hum in fact, and serving it to consumers? well, first of all
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, i can't really answer this question right now, because this question is related to the profile , specifically to the administration, then the deputies of the regional council are divided into groups, into commissions, it's called, according to our documents, we are all divided into commissions, and this the question is more for... the profile commission, and it is possible that these are just some technical points, the solution of these technical issues, er, they are, as always, technical issues, they take time, deadlines, er, maybe in the near future it will all be resolved, i really hope i also hope for that, because nikopol, it seems to me, is already suffering every day, and the lack of water, and the heat, now again, summer has begun and the lack of electricity, every day shelling, so i
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agree with you that it is very important question. yes, well, i can't help but ask you about, well, again, we don't talk about where it's done, how it's done, but regarding the construction of fortifications, we perfectly understand that dnipropetrovsk region is also a desirable target for the enemy, and actually the enemy can also target his own or gather certain forces for in order to... carry out offensive actions specifically in dnipropetrovsk region, and here the question is whether after what happened in kharkiv region, and the main thing is that as a result of this , a temporary investigative commission was created, which should clarify these issues, therefore, until they are fully clarified, whether the works are ongoing, whether there is any possibility to understand that they are taking place , and if so, the region, the city will be protected, if such information arrives, at least...
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every hryvnia, every penny has been sent specifically for defense needs, for the military, for aid to the military, to help families, i.e. the military budget was the maximum, er, we will wait, they report, the administration, as a rule, reports before our votes , the process is underway and i think that we will soon, we can hope, we believe in the fact
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that everything is happening in accordance with the norms, because the situation in the kharakiv region, of course, which showed a very unfortunate incident, not only unfortunate, but probably much worse, and there should be an investigation, and it is not only an investigation into the military, but also according to the builders themselves, because i think that everyone knows who follows this situation, that not only criminal cases according to the builders and to the responsible persons, but also to the military, who somehow or not somehow left their positions, i.e. such moments need to be understood and not to find the extreme, as they say, but to bear the easy learned such, i apologize for such a moment, lessons learned, and dnipropetrovsk region must necessarily take this into account. well, i'll be
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very brief, literally, we know that now, say, the gap in the state budget is up to uah 200 billion between revenues and needs, and the regional budget, how is it now possible to cover the most significant needs, at least protected articles, are there any problems with this, because this is important for the work of the enterprise, not everything is working efficiently now . the process can change, well, i thank you very much, dad, i thank you very much, ms. khrystyna, for joining, and thank you for your comments, take care, khrystyna kalyusha, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. the enemy launched a rocket attack today and across the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk oblasts, and if i have the opportunity, i will call you once again, let's support the armed forces of ukraine, i won't say much now, just now a qr code will appear, we are collecting for our military, who are in zaporizhzhia and solodarsk directions, we need a machine that will efficiently transport specialists to
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the front line, in fact, where there is damaged equipment, you all understand very well that damaged equipment is just... but it does not protect, it does not kill, it is not effective. quickly repair equipment on the battlefield or near the battlefield, this is to give a chance, firstly, to the survival of the armed forces of ukraine, our troops, the defense forces, secondly, to effectively strike at the enemy, thirdly, to simply transfer personnel, infantry, whoever is there, and that is why it is important to do it quickly, not to go under fire for a long time to these repair crews, we just have to buy a minibus that will transport these people, they will quickly repair it, well... will they repair it quickly, and this bmp, armored personnel carrier, it it will work again, tanks, it will work again, we collect for this, we need uah 630, i understand, the situation is difficult now, by the way, today, but what we can, let's do it, we will give, today oleksandr morchivka will talk about precisely the increase of the dollar, about how the growth will affect tariffs for pricing, for the main consumer goods, and already now we need
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to think about what we will save on, well, i mean each of us, and where it is possible to... build, put, say, if it is possible, individual meters, by the way , now there is an opportunity to put dual-rate, there three-phase, two-phase electricity meters, so that you will be counted at the full cost during the day, and there from 11 o'clock, let's say until 7 o'clock in the morning, in my opinion, i don't remember which one exactly, you will be counted the night tariff, well, of course, you have to invest a little in money, there we are talking about thousands of hryvnias, but not even 1000 hryvnias, but this, for example, will give you some savings, that is, we must understand certain perspectives today, and so on. .. of course oleksandr will talk about it, but even under such difficult conditions, we always have those amount, and sometimes we may not have it, but we want to give there 100-300 hryvnias, someone, well, everyone has their own, of course, there are profits for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, so i ask you to join, now
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i understand that we have a guest now ... it doesn't work, well, the situation is not easy, maybe there is no light somewhere, maybe there is no connection, in any case, for now, i will propose the plot for your attention, i will propose the plot for your attention, so come on, let's watch it, now one second, comprehensive recovery for young ukrainians before the international day children's protection in lviv opened an updated rehabilitation department unbroken kids, in this city they will help children aged from a few months to adulthood, as a therapist, the girl is recovering in the hospital after an accident. on march 11, well, i fell out of the window from the fourth floor, well
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, i was hit by the window, i fell, i arrived at this hospital, they put an external fixation device on me. with whom i spent two months, well, i was in bed for two months, and now i am here for two weeks for rehabilitation. vasylyna, one of the first patients of the children's department unbroken kids rehabilitation. the updated center was opened at the lviv st. nicholas hospital. here, children from all regions of ukraine who suffered from the war and those with particularly difficult diagnoses can receive comprehensive medical care in one place. the war gave gave an impetus to the absolute change of approaches to rehabilitation, and the rehabilitation that was before, it did not meet the requirements that we faced, so it was necessary to update absolutely everything, we work with children with mine-explosive trauma, with shrapnel injuries injuries, with children after stroke, craniocerebral injuries, with spinal
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injuries, children after injuries, children with body burns, children after... amputation of limbs. in the new department, a physical therapy hall was equipped: a swimming pool, an occupational therapy kitchen, a psychologist's office, a room for restoring nursing skills, and a room with vr technologies. the ward fund is designed for 20 beds. 42 patients can undergo rehabilitation at the same time in our department. considering this, the load on our specialists. that is why we work in a structure multidisciplinary team, in including physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, prosthetists, orthotics, speech therapists, rehabilitation nurses, 90 benefactors, joined the opening of the updated rehabilitation center and spent more than uah 100 million on furnishing offices and purchasing equipment. without thinking, we supported the rehabilitation department, this is one
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of our main areas of work, we invested more than 40 million, not only here, but also van brovkin for adults. every year, almost half a thousand patients receive help here from rehabilitation specialists and with a renewed department. this number will increase to... in order to get treatment at unbroken kids , you need to have an electronic referral from a doctor, rehabilitation is free for children under the program of medical guarantees of the national health service of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. so, i want to say that today, june 4, the world celebrates the international day of innocent children victims of aggression. this date is one of the ways to attract the attention of the world community. people, especially those who can these questions to solve and stop this aggression on the problem of aggression and violence that children face, we will talk about ukrainian children who, actually, from the age of 14, and now
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to an even greater extent, face aggression, murder, torture, abduction by child trafficking, a lot of trouble is caused by the enemy, and sometimes not only the enemy, but a hidden enemy, and we will talk about it with daria kasyanova, she is the program director of the charity. organizations of the sos. mrs. dario, i congratulate you. good day. yes, there is time, i will not ask such long questions. we are talking about ukrainian children, who are actually innocent victims of this aggression. let's talk about what kind of trouble the enemy has caused, how many children are suffering in captivity today, kidnapped, how many children the enemy has killed, so that we understand these terrible statistics. which led to the fact that putin and this classmate of his are even accused in the international criminal court of the un, precisely because of the abduction of our children. please? well, in fact, it must be said that
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we do not know for sure how many children were affected by this war, which began back in in the 14th year, and we, as sos children's town ukraine, and our partners in the ukrainian network for children's rights, these are organizations that have been working since... the 14th year with children affected by the war, and we understand , that today the number of children who are considered dead, yes, it is 590 children, in fact, 790 children, yes, 550 from 2022 and 240 children are children who died from 2014 to the 20th year, we have such statistics, then in fact these are those... those children for whom we have confirmation, and so we we definitely understand that the number is much higher, and this includes children who have been injured, yes, who need rehabilitation,
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long-term rehabilitation, these children who have been raped, these are children who have been deported, who are still in the occupation, who have not yet returned to deportations, unfortunately, very large numbers, scary numbers, and well , actually. well, it's very difficult to say how big the problem is, you and i still understand it today. today, i read in the telegram channel of my friend and journalist andrii tseplienko about what i managed to collect information, these are negotiations, correspondence of the russian elite, well, we call the elite, these are people who are in power at the top, either financial or political, about the trade in ukrainian children, the purchase of di. abduction of children with the aim of adopting them there or selling them abroad, i.e. ukrainian children are priceless for them, they have become either a commodity or an opportunity to
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have this child for some purpose, it is certainly possible, if all this happens, these are facts, these are correspondence, these are telephone conversations , and if all this is really confirmed, this is another file, maybe more than one file of the criminal desk the un court, but the question is whether you believe that such information can really be collected and whether this information will have any significant impact? to punish the guilty, because here it is necessary to really answer for it to those people who commit such and such. well, since we were involved and collected this evidence, as a result of which, in principle , this arrest was granted, yes, by the international criminal court, then i understand that it is possible, but we really need to have evidence, it is very important for us to have witnesses who are ready to it's to speak, to testify, and... it's actually very difficult, very difficult, because people are scared, and even if we talk about the adoption of our children, who were taken away not only, i emphasize once again in the 22nd year yes.
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and now, but the children who were taken out since the 14th year, they were taken out, adopted, even to the territory of russia, children from the crimea who were adopted, it is very important for us to have these facts proven, and our lawyers, rights activists are working on this organizations, and we provide them with such facts, yes, every returned child , in fact, now i see our children who, whom we returned, as a ukrainian network for children's rights, sos children's town, then... this is really evidence for international institutions that have to prove these criminal crimes against our children and against ukraine, i know, well, not to the point of personal pain, but it is simply important for understanding that , how this war affects children, a war that directly affects them, i am also talking about children in front of their eyes, whose parents were killed, who were kidnapped, who
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, well, even allegedly, if you are in some conditions. they brought good people, but you were kidnapped, your parents were killed, you were taken away, this is with children, who are returning either from russia or from the temporarily occupied territories or have experienced even minimal violence, but violence for a child, it can be huge, what for adults can seem like, well, that's why i'm leading to how difficult it is with these children to work, that is , the first meetings, the first conversations, how to determine what the child needs, how to help him, how involved are our western partners who may have experience, the possibilities of these children... to accept, support, carry out this rehabilitation, i.e. how much is it difficult bring the child back to life, bring back her childhood, maybe? well, actually, you, you're absolutely right when you say that deportation or illegal transfer is one of the circumstances, yes, that the child has faced, and we know of so many cases where the child has hid his mother by herself, when the child died in front of her, the father and brothers died, we
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know... the situation when the child was first in the family, then the child was placed in a residential institution, taken to the territory of russia, then this child was returned to the occupied territory, and how they fought for her relatives who tried to take her, so really, when these children come to ukraine, when they return, and sometimes they return nowhere, yes, only to ukraine, i want to say that what we see, they sometimes kiss the ground, they cry, these are very strong emotions. these are very strong feelings, what they experienced, yes, they are not ready to talk about it right away, and very often they try to keep such calm, but our specialists are working, social work specialists are necessarily working, involved in such work, psychologists are involved , is happening right now the rehabilitation of the second group of children who were deported, who were in the occupation for a long time,
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so this is really a trauma, a very... a big trauma , and we are sure that work and help for these children will be needed for a long time, and not only while they children, yes, already when they become adults, this support and help will be extremely important to them. dari, we literally have 30 seconds, i can't ask if the vatican, the countries of the middle east that say they are involved in the process of humanitarian exchange of children, if this work really exists, just yes or no, does it really make a difference. it affects, yes. thank you very much, daria kastyanova, program director of the charitable organization sos. here i would tell a story about the fact that for children with a very plastic, very plastic psyche, who remember all these imprints of the war very much, it can very often remain for all, all, all, all their lives, this is a very difficult story, and everything must be done to, firstly, return these children, and secondly, return them, if not their childhood, then at least their future life, this is a very difficult job, and
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a great honor to those people who... today fights for our children and fights for their future. literally shut down the news.


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