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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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hepatrombin gel - 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio sahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the reverse. connection, you can express your
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opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine, so what will happen to the dollar and how will the tariffs affect the prices of consumer goods. oleksandr morchuvka will talk about beauty in the section money during the war. alexander, good evening. i hope i didn't confuse anything. please. congratulations vasyly, congratulations viewers indeed, this is exactly what i will be talking about in the next few minutes. also find out about the situation on the ukrainian-polish border and what decisions the verkhovna rada made to fill the state budget. more on that in a moment. i am oleksandr morchevka. hello, this is a column. about money during the war, so
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for a short time it was calm on the ukrainian-polish border, in particular , polish protesters blocked the movement of trucks from you to the exit from ukraine, we are talking about the rav ruska crossing point. 12 cars are allowed to enter for 12 hours, and also four trucks transporting humanitarian aid per hour reported this to the state border service. well, i announced this promotion the day before. but the farmers there, the protest will continue until june 6. the participants demand to reduce the import of grain crops to the territory of poland. well, we see, once again money for fish, vasyl, it seems that the polish government did not hold the situation in their hands for a short time. well, either the government did not control the situation, or someone found some new arguments for the farmers, or maybe something is happening to the farmers in their business, well, it’s hard to say here, but during such a hot period for... people who
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work on the land, for agricultural producers, well, obviously they have some possible problems, they are trying to solve them again, to solve them at the expense of ukraine, well, i so it seems to essentially undermine budget revenues from the export of grain, well, if we talk about the state budget, then the increase in the excise tax on tobacco products was discussed today in the verkhovna rada, and the parliament supported the changes in the first reading to the tax code, according to the draft law, the excise tax on cigarettes will be tied to the euro, not to the hryvnia, people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak said about it. in the next year, the collection will increase by as much as 23%. this year, the price will increase only in case of devaluation. due to the changes next year , more than 600 million hryvnias should be added to the budget. let's listen to the direct speech. the rate will not be in hryvnias, but in euros. this is also normal, because if our foreign currency is correspondingly more expensive, we are more. we will receive money in the budget,
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and you don't need to do indexing all the time. secondly, this will be a conditional grid of excise tax rate increases for several years, as we have not indexed the excise tax rates for a long time, which is prescribed by law, the first year, the 25th year will be slightly more indexed. well, vasyl, we see, has been a people's deputy for several years. says, there will be a stretching of the increase in the excise tax on tobacco products, as i understand it, a similar model applies to fuel as well, there is also such a gradation, but some experts say that the increase in the price of fuel in the long term may lead to budget, but this is a separate topic, regarding cigarettes, i just know and have seen it many times now, well , always, when they became more expensive, the trade in counterfeit products became more active near the subway, well, the question is to control it, because this way you can increase the excise tax, people will pay more, in general i am
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for everyone to quit smoking, because it harms health, it absolutely harms health to one degree or another, well, but someone else will crush, as they say, the trade in counterfeit products, and also on make money with it. that the share of the tobacco industry did not go into the shadows, it is already at a significant level, from time to time we see that the bureau of economic security tells about the fact that in one or another region they really covered up a workshop for the production of excise goods, but experts say that such point stories not enough to really reduce the shadow market of cigarette production, well , there may be no light on hot topics. for 7 hours in kyiv , electricity supply restriction schedules will be extended, the general director of yasno serhiy kovalenko announced this, well, he says that the main reasons - this is the planned repair of two power units, nuclear power plants and the reconstruction of the line for
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the import of electricity from slovakia. indeed, ukraine is going to increase its purchases of foreign current from the european one. union, such a decision is already being worked on in the cabinet of ministers, the russian strikes have indeed led to the loss of as much as 9 gw of power generation capacity, the enemy continues to attack the energy infrastructure, therefore ukrenergo is forced to turn off the lights, said the head of the government , denys shmyhal. so far , a five-point strategy has been developed to improve the situation in industry, in particular, the strengthening of air defense, repairs of damaged equipment, development of protection against. assistance of partners and decentralization of the energy system. let's listen to what was said in the cabinet. removal of customs and bureaucratic barriers for importing generators, solar panels, storage devices, inverters and other equipment and parts for such equipment into ukraine.
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support for consumers who will install their own generation, in particular through the provision of soft loans. each regional center should be equipped installation for powering critical infrastructure, we are talking about dozens of mini thermal power stations throughout the country, well, a really great strategy of five points, it seems to me, at least 10 points, vasyl, but it seems that denys shmyhal once talked about the system of protection of energy facilities , and it was also very beautifully described, and it has three levels, and now we have just a disaster in the industry, and then they said that it turns out that there was only protection from drones, in general, how much money was spent on its construction, even the money of international partners , which could really to go point-by-point to specific goals, well , it seems to me that it is very well written, here i just don’t understand, well, i understand on the one hand, on the other hand, at this very time everything coincided, and there we have to increase the throughput and now scheduled repairs , that is
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, everything in us is done according to a strategy right before the lights are turned off, and if you just have to remember that many people, let's say, have certain problems with going up, down, if you turn them off for... 7 hours , well it can beat quite seriously and for the health of many citizens, by the way, how much does the increase in american money affect ukrainians, how much does the increase in electricity tariffs affect the expenses of ordinary citizens, we will talk about this with boris koshniruk, economist, head of the expert-analytical council of the ukrainian analytical center, he joins our conversation, good evening, good evening, mr. boris, well, here are two questions really. in fact, the dollar continues to rise for several weeks, if i'm not mistaken, the national bank continues to arrange fluctuations, but is there a limit and to what extent such fluctuations are really predicted, and well, it will not affect the rise in prices, will not affect anything, and you just need to monitor, for the sake of monitoring, because
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the national bank says, that there are no traditional problems, but i would say that the problems are more with the nation itself, but with its politics, because it is opaque and unpredictable, i have repeatedly said that keeping the hryvnia exchange rate against the dollar at an unchanged level, and this obviously stupidity, and because internal inflation is still happening, that is, the company's costs are increasing, so if you keep the rate unchanged, then it means that you have increasing costs in dollars, both for competition in the domestic market and in the foreign market, thus a certain slow. and the growth of foreign currency in relation to the dollar or the devaluation of the hryvnia there, it is not only possible, but also appropriate, but taking into account that the exchange rate in our country now completely depends on the national bank, because it is essentially a non-seller of the currency on the market, it
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forms 30, 40, sometimes 50% of all sales currencies, according to what the national bank will do, will depend on what will happen to the exchange rate, if the situation is like this, it will be like this for the next few years, because we will have a very large volume trade balance, foreign exchange balance, so everything depends on , which makes us a bank a. if he, it depends entirely on him, then in this case he not only has to, he has to explain how he is going to carry out the devaluation, and i have just been a supporter, i keep stressing that the national bank has said, we believe that it is necessary to spend devaluation during the year by 5% or by 10% or by 7%, and we will do it according to schedule every month, by half a hundred, by 0.75%, but the whole business, forever. everyone should know what is happening, when they say that we are only removing some, let's say, pressure and
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so on, well, it's all a delusion, because i emphasize, the exchange rate at the moment is completely dependent on the national bank, the national bank will, it will be 35, he wants, he will be 50, and it completely depends now not on what is happening on the market, but on of the actions of the national bank, and they are currently opaque and will create. opportunities for corruption abuse, this is, unfortunately, what we have with the situation with the national currency exchange rate, we really need to be transparent here, well, in particular, as we are told, excise taxes on tobacco products will indeed be graduated for several years , the increase will be stretched, the same with fuel, the national bank should react to the devaluation of the hryvnia in the same way, saying that it cannot be avoided, we cannot avoid it now during the war during such a number risks, and indeed the hryvnia will fall there in a certain period as much. i support you here, but how much the hot topic of rising electricity tariffs will hit
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the inflation rate. the national bank has already admitted that the prices of goods and services may rise in the near future, how much will the tariffs hit the wallets of ukrainians? well, look, you already need to understand that it is about the fact that when prices in stores go up, it means that costs go up. it's not about tariffs for the population, it's just objective, given that electricity costs are increasing, and we have to buy a lot of additional electricity outside of ukraine, which is many times higher in price than in ukraine, so this puts a burden on production enterprises, and then they are forced to apply it to the price of their products, therefore. so, there is a problem of two types of inflation, inflation related to the goods and services
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that are offered to us, and costs related directly to electricity as a commodity for the population. unfortunately, the general rate of inflation will also increase in our country, which is connected, among other things, with the increase in prices for the population, and there will be an increase in the prices of products, because the prices, costs... of enterprises will increase, and prices will increase accordingly. i don’t dare to give a forecast, because again, i constantly emphasize in your program that the so-called inflation is the average temperature in the ward, for different segments of the population, it will have different meanings if you are low-income people, then in this case it is definitely much more important for you that the price of food will be, and therefore you look at all the prices, in fact, after two or three... well, the important indicators of the prices of products, of food products, of prices
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of communal services, prices of medicine, doctors , medical products, everything, everything else, you are not counted in the big picture, if you are a more wealthy person, you have a different structure of your expenses, therefore, accordingly, for you, inflation may not be as significant as for the poor, it is not for nothing that there is a saying that inflation is a tax on the poor, that is, in this case, it is the poor who will feel it much more than the wealthy. is more prosperous stratum of the population. thank you for the thorough analysis, although it is disappointing, but it is transparent and, as always, of high quality. borys kushniruk, head of the expert-analytical council of the ukrainian analytical center was in touch. and i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. well, thank you very much to oleksandr morchivka, and... now i will invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation at 8:00 p.m. the
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verdict program will start and why he will devote his main attention today, and who will he invite as a guest. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. good evening, vasyl. we start at 20:00 , traditionally the verdict. in the first part of our program, we will talk about how the russians are trying to turn kharkiv into aleppo, shelling critical infrastructure and residential areas. uh, kharkiv, how can ukraine protect itself from this, well, and most importantly, the first strikes by hymers on the territory of the russian federation precisely from... two s-300 and s-400 installations were destroyed on the russian-ukrainian border in the belgorod region, precisely those that shelled kharkiv. pavlo narozhny, a military expert and volunteer, will comment on everything related to military topics on our broadcast, let's talk
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with him about how far missiles can fly. of foreign production, which ukraine has already received permission to use on the territory of russia, among today's topics, the global peace summit and the absence of china at this peace summit, the position of the russian federation, as well as the position of the united states of america, 106 countries have already applied to participate in the peace summit, which will discuss the formula zelenskyi, the peace formula. er , we will talk with diplomat oleksandr khara about all events related to international politics, in particular biden's statements regarding ukraine's membership in nato, which he voiced in an interview with the magazine, and with ihor reiterovych, a political expert , we will also talk about how in
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ukraine has to confront russia with the current situation. how should society be united, how should political forces be united, because it is absolutely obvious that the goal of the russian occupiers is to destroy ukraine and ukrainians, how should society be united again and due to which, what is the role of the authorities in this, and president zelensky personally. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, yevgenia kravchuk, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and... yaroslav zheleznyak, we will talk about mobilization, about the nuances that are currently being revealed during the registration of those who are booked in the tsc, because, for example, employees enterprises of the military-industrial complex came to
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the tcc, they were immediately handed summonses on who should regulate and in what way. the question of reservation from mobilization, how to secure those who work for objects of critical infrastructure or performs special tasks, such as soldiers of the state emergency service, actually and most importantly, is the procedure of booking from mobilization transparent, we will talk about all this with the people's deputies of ukraine, we will also talk about attempts. to introduce censorship in one of the largest state information agencies, ukrainform, what is behind it, why does it happen at all, how can censorship be avoided, and not only that, the actual censorship is not about
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military censorship, it is about civilian censorship, and here many questions arise. i hope that the people's deputies of ukraine will answer all our questions, so we start at 20:00, we will have two hours, at 20:00 the first slot and at 21:15, stay tuned to our channel, vasyl ama's big broadcast continues, vasyl, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, the issue of mobilization is very important, by the way, the people's deputies of ukraine want to call the leadership to the walls of the parliament for a conversation. by the allied forces, which actually take care of the tsk to speak in order to extend the renewal period data from 60 days to 150, because, let's say, people, let's say, now having an electronic queue can come, but there will be other people waiting for those who brought them, found them somewhere, well , it is different in different tsc, i know to a greater extent, let's say the work of the sykhiv tsc, there are 200
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people every day, but in the queue, you come and they are there, your queue works, somewhere it doesn't work, somewhere different stories, many incomprehensible things, many such moments when people have to take vacations , not coming to work and everything else, so it is necessary to either normalize it work and make it so that you are in the electronic queue, you come and you, in turn, go in and do what you have to do, update the data, let's say, or go to the plc, i don't know, or if it doesn't work here in a specific tsk of some kind there, well, maybe it’s not working somewhere, then let’s extend the deadline, for sure, if the problem is not with people, then, well, then, well, we must really extend this deadline, because not everyone works, not everyone works there... effectively, well, but now about culture: do ukrainians know enough about the dissident movement? the answer of experts is not too rosy, for example, publisher and researcher leonid finberg claims that schoolchildren can usually name only... one name, that of vasyl stus. our art viewer lina chushenina will tell us what to do with this problem. lina, you have a word. good evening. good evening, vasyl, good
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evening to our viewers, in a second i will tell you about what the publishers and in general all the people who take care of our dissidents have decided, the answer is the same as in other spheres, to unite. so, about the association of people who are interested in preservation of this dissident heritage and our memory of them, restoration, maybe memory, but the fact is that we do not have enough people who are professionally engaged in this, so we need to expand the circle, this is what the publisher leonid finberg says, he says, that there are quite a lot... we have different photos, correspondence, very interesting, which would be great to publish, but first of all, we do not have
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enough human resources, so that is why we wanted to show you part of the conversations that took place here, unfortunately, we did not we can show because we have it's bad enough, unfortunately, now the internet, everything here, everything just falls, and that's why i 'll tell you... in his own words, mr. leonid, for example, says that we really lack work with young people, with schoolchildren, for example, because how did you actually tell vasyl that if you ask an average schoolboy who you know from the dissidents, they will name stus, perhaps, in particular, thanks to the film, which is criticized a lot, but which at least was a rumor, and no one else will be named, this is a big problem , and that's why... he says that it is necessary to publish more copies more books, and i will say that it is necessary to arrange even more actions of some kind, because , for example, the interest in the 20s, in
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the shooting revival is simply incredible, it somehow arose and it is supported by some mass actions, musicians, rappers, cinematographers, i i think that the same thing should be done with the 60s, i was also here in the museum of printing, by the way, we are in the territory. of the pochersk lavra, here was the grandson of the dissident zenovy antoniuk, danylo, but he works with the legacy not only of his grandfather, but also of others dissidents, here he tells that it is necessary to publish, again, various correspondences and various testimonies, some memories of all these people, because this is not enough, here he says that it is necessary to republish what was published before, because there, for example , the same zenova antoniuk, he is not... not so well known to the general public, although it is very useless, because he had wonderful ideas, which , as his grandson says, are relevant to this day, and it would be nice
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to talk about them , of course , in general, well, i will say what actually they also talk about the problem of memorialization and the fact that in our country, mr. leonid finberg also said that, for example, the badzio family or leonid plyushch, is not immortalized enough, for example , where... in some public space, this means monuments there, and some signs, and street names, and so on, and also the representative of the ukrainian cultural fund talked about digitalization, because really different texts, for example, the correspondence of ivan svitlychny, for example with his wife, speak about him as audibly and about extremely interesting, and it should be available so that every person who wants to can read it on the internet, but actually this is also a large part. work that requires material resources, human resources, and actually here they are trying to understand how much money is needed for this, and when we will have all these materials in sufficiently large
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quantities, well, i hope that our communication was not as bad as we think, because really now the problem with the internet is colossal, that's why i finish, vasyl, i'm talking to you. thank you very much to lina chechen, well, what now we will find out what kind of weather we should expect, well, at least for the next day, natalka dlyadenko is next to me, ms. natalya, please have the floor. thank you, vasyl, a huge hello to everyone, our dear viewers, now we will talk about the weather, about the forecast, about meteorology and also about the climate, but literally in a few seconds. today, our conversation will begin with memories and predictions, we will talk about powerful phenomena such as el niño. and la niña.
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well, first, some such statistics and interesting information. the fact is that for according to the world meteorological organization, which on june 3, just a few days ago, reported that the elnio phenomenon, which is usually characterized by an increase in air temperature around the world, may change to a cooler doe by the end of the year. well, i will remind you that lnino is a natural increase in air temperature, the surface. i apologize to the ocean in the eastern and central parts of the pacific ocean and has an effect, as i have already said, on the entire globe, and the doe, on the contrary, is characterized by the low temperature of the ocean in the equatorial part of the pacific ocean and it is actually related to floods and drought, and according to the calculations of the world meteorological organization , the probability that the fallow season will begin from july to september is 60%, then even these percentages will rise to 70, although the deputy
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secretary general of the wmo. barrett, mr. barrett said that the end of the el niño does not mean the pause in long-term climate change that everyone is talking about, because our planet still continues to warm due to the spartite gases actually receiving the heat. well, scientists claim that despite the fact that in the period from the 20th to the 23rd year saw a cooling effect of the doe, yet the last nine years were the warmest on record. these are el niño and la niña. we are moving on. to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, magnetic storms, which are usually very, very interesting to everyone, and now we will look at the forecast chart together with you, we are already looking at it, you can see that tomorrow there will be activation, especially at the beginning of the day, well, whatever please, in the near future, that is , at night, the next night, so who is responding negatively on the active behavior of the earth's magnetic field, please pay more attention to yourself, well, actually we are moving on to...
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the weather forecast for june 5 and we will traditionally start from the western regions and now together we will look at the maps and i will of course tell you which will be this weather, so the west continues to receive the palm of the crown, so to speak, from the lowest air temperature of 22-25 , well, comfortable, excellent air temperature, for me, and short-term rains and thunderstorms in some places , even heavy showers, hail and gusty intensification of the wind in the north in the north. in ukraine, in zhytomyr region, kyiv region, sumy region and chernihiv region , the air temperature is 25-26, 25-27° and also short-term heavy rains and during thunderstorms, especially, hail and squalls are possible. be very, very careful. in the east of ukraine tomorrow , no significant precipitation is expected, it will be hot up to 30-30°, 30-33° above zero and, as i said,
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no precipitation. in the central part of ukraine: in the central part of ukraine, if there are rains, they will be local, but they are also likely, well, you see that the air temperature will heat up from 26 to 31°, dnipropetrovsk region will be the hottest, the southern part of ukraine will also have hot weather tomorrow, this is a real summer, not very hot yet, but still 30-33, this is already a serious application for such a real heat, without precipitation, a lot the sun, well, and kyivans... i wouldn't advise putting out umbrellas from bags at all in the near future, because short-term rains and thunderstorms, during thunderstorms in different areas there can be squalls and hail, the air temperature is a wonderful 25-26° above zero. this is the nearest synoptic perspective, it will be warm until the end of the week, somewhere even the heat, and from the beginning of next week , from june 10, it is expected to cool down in ukraine. keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. by the way,
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i don’t have an umbrella, can you give it to me, i’m joking, of course, thank you very much, ms. natal snidenko, it was the velikiy eter program, i ’ll forgive you until tomorrow, literally in a few moments the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, meet, good evening , we are from ukraine, today. in the verdict program with serhii rudenko, kharkiv is being made the second aleppo. the russians are systematically destroying the infrastructure of one of the largest cities in ukraine. how to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and is the state ready for a long war of attrition? hymars missiles flew to russia. for the first time, ukraine took advantage of the permission to beat for...


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