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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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greetings, my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live, how will the situation at the front change after the armed forces received permission to attack targets in russia, how will somalia change. clash and whether there is a prospect of returning vovchansk, part of which is currently controlled by russia. for example, this is what the city of vovchansko-kharkiv region currently looks like. i will remind you that it is located very close to the border with russia. before the full-scale war, about 17,000 people lived here. this video was published by the lut national guard brigade, from 50 to 80% of the housing stock of vovchansk was destroyed and not are subject to recovery, say the analysts of the deep state project. in may , russian troops. went on a new offensive in
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the kharkiv region and tried to occupy vovchansk. currently, fighting continues for the city, the armed forces say that ukrainian troops control 70% of vovchansk. during the battles for the city, the armed forces of ukraine restored some positions, geolocation footage, in particular, published on june 2, shows that ukrainian forces restored positions on dukhovnaya street in the center of the city. location footage from june 3 recorded the battle between the russians and ukrainian forces on the spiritual ones, which indicates ... a counterattack by the ukrainian military, this is what is said in the current report of the american institute for the study of war. well, in fact, we can say that now there are battles going on for every street. at the same time, in another part of the russian offensive, in the north of kharkiv oblast, russian forces are advancing in the direction of the village of liptsi. this is also mentioned in the report of the institute. it was the situation in the kharkiv region, where russian troops are on the offensive, that convinced the united states authorities states, to allow the ukrainian military to inflict. strikes on targets on the territory of russia
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by american weapons, we are talking about a small radius of action, 70-80 km, and as the washington post writes, the russian army can still fire at kharkiv with some types of weapons, since the white house, as before, insists on so that ukraine does not use the most modern systems for strikes on the territory of russia. given this, russia will be able to continue, for example, to use aerial bombs, they are launched with a bomb. builders are deeply in russian territory, and it is extremely difficult to intercept them in the air, this is stated in particular by the authors of the publication in the washington post. vitaliy lytvyn, a hero of ukraine, an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh brigade, joins our broadcast. i welcome you, dear studio, dear tv viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start from vovchansk, as far as i understand, there is now a fight for every street, or do you you know what the situation is there now, i would tell you, there is a fight for... not that
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there is a fight for every street, for every house, because the enemy desperately wants to get these houses, and our positions, he constantly destroys with guided aerial bombs if he cannot capture this or that observation post or stronghold of the force defense of ukraine. that i, for example, a lot of people hear theses that the national police does not fight, but this is the frame that we are watching now, it is... the national police , the people's brigade. the enemy is constantly pressing, but we have already stabilized in vovchansk and in the future we can already improve our tactical position. you said that the united states of america has given permission to strike on the territory of the russian federation, is that all right, i hope? yes yes. everything is fine, everything is fine. it also, it also improves our situation, meaning we can destroy their reserves. as we have already seen in many telegram channels when we destroyed s3 complexes. these missiles will not
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hit kharkiv and, temporarily , the defense forces of ukraine, which are located in vovchansk, that is, this is an improvement in our situation, but this distance is not very sufficient for such strikes, because the enemy can move certain s-300 complexes or its reserves to a deeper distance, further, so where we cannot apply, vitality, vitality, we will now talk about it separately, can i more. yes, i, i still want to ask about vovchank, how, please explain in perspective, if now ukraine even takes control of the whole city again. am i correct in my understanding that there is no question of life in it while the war is going on, because it is completely destroyed, or 80% destroyed there. see russian federation is now waging such a war, one can draw parallels with the settlements of mariupol, bakhmut, rubizhnye, that is, he completely destroys and makes it impossible for me. this is a place for people to live,
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that is, we see footage that the city of vovchansk has been completely destroyed, that is, people have nowhere to return to, but we also have the prospect of deoccupying part of vovchansk... and the deoccupation of kharkiv oblast, temporarily occupied territories, as well, because, as i said, we have stabilized the situation, and we are already making improvements in some areas, tactical improvement of one's position, and it is already possible, we can talk about prospects and further advancement, because the state department of the united states of america gives permission to strike, you see, that is, everything is very connected, you say, we will return, but now we will return, i i just hope that maybe, maybe we will be watched by people who love us. that is, not to make any promises, well, not to make empty promises, that is, even if the armed forces of ukraine return the territory of the city under their control, there is no question of life in the city, as it was, for example, after the liberation of kharkiv oblast in the 22nd year, when people could return and live close to the russian border. i would
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even say such a thesis that in general it is not at all desirable for civilians to be somewhere in the border area with the russian federation, because it is sad. sabotage and reconnaissance activities of units of the armed forces of the russian federation do not stop. air bomb strikes, artillery strikes in the chernihiv region, constant artillery strikes and mortar strikes on the border area, as well as and on the battle line, i.e. it is not recommended for civilian residents to leave where active hostilities are taking place from the border towns, unfortunately it is also better to leave in order to protect the very precious lives of our citizens of ukraine. well, now about weapons. in principle, i can probably state for sure, i don’t know if you will confirm or deny now, that if ukraine had the opportunity to strike with american western weapons earlier, then perhaps this repeated offensive would not have happened, or is this a false assumption, you know that, it can be opinions
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different citizens, different experts, as they call themselves, but the enemy had the goal of stretching our reserves, our weapons, and to... the use of artillery ammunition, and i think they would still have struck like this because they suffered losses 138 brigade forces of the russian federation suffered losses in several battalions. these battalions were formed from servicemen, from other brigades who refused to carry out certain orders of their commanders, and thus they struck in the direction of kharkiv. we can say that they have cleared their ranks of their armed forces by people who refuse to follow orders and... and we see that they have achieved this effect, they have stretched 77 km of additional line of active hostilities, these are our reserves, these are our ammunition, these are our equipment and weapons, which they she was dragged away. are you already striking russian territory, because the permission was
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received at the end of last week and the american media wrote that ukraine will start using weapons there in the coming hours or even days. well, almost. hours in the coming days, as we can see, there are already shots of burned equipment, the task of strikes on russian convoys, that is , everyone should draw their own conclusions and read the official sources of the ministry of defense of ukraine. that is, the strikes are being carried out, and what have you noticed in recent days, how has the behavior of the russian troops changed, what, in principle , has changed during this time? look, the reserves, they pulled up, for example, in this direction. military reserves of their remote-assault troops, that is, they directly let them into battle. they keep the main reserves at a distance of 90 km, volodymyr already said that zelensky also emphasized that we cannot fight. we can attack the main convoys that leave , but some convoys still
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arrive, there are a very large number of them, and we do not have such a large amount of ammunition and western-style weapons, and we do not have active areas of hostilities only on kha it is the kupyan, lyman direction, it is the pokrovsky direction, and also in the kherson region we need to restrain the enemy who is constantly conducting assault operations. then you can clarify, perhaps for people who are not related to the military, that this permission gives the ukrainian military, it is an opportunity to buy time, it is an opportunity simply to slow down this offensive, a chance to weaken the russian troops, it is a chance to weaken, it is unanimously all theses. what you said, first of all, it is these servicemen who will be destroyed, it is the servicemen of the russian federation who were destroyed on their territory, they will not reach our temporarily occupied territories, because all the reserves are in kharkiv oblast, they are entering precisely from the territory of the russian federation federation, and in this way we can destroy them
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while on the march, we can destroy their control points, and that means these servicemen will no longer come into direct contact with our defense forces of ukraine, which will save the lives and health of my brothers and sisters who now they are performing an official task in the kharkiv direction. i, i will now quote the deputy commander of the third assault brigade maksym zhorin. and he suggests that now russia is pressing not only in the direction of kharkiv, but has also intensified the fighting in the east, in the east, and he says that if the russian forces, military personnel, understand that they do not have enough strength to advance in the east, they will stretch the front line in the kharkiv region even more, including preparing there for an offensive in the direction of sumy, whether you or you are you seeing any signs to prepare for the line to stretch any time soon? of the front there in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, look, now in modern
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warfare, decisions must be made suddenly, because any movements of large columns are tracked by satellites, photographs, that is, intelligence works both on our side and on the enemy's side, it also works, and there were clusters specifically in the sumy region, and kyrylo budanov said about this, and they can transfer these reserves, for example, to the kharkiv direction and active hostilities, as zhorin said. do not stop in the kupyan direction, in the lyman direction and in the bakhnytsky direction, they stretch our reserves, our ammunition, we have additional ammunition consumption on the contact line in kharkiv region, it is 77 km, so we take ammunition from other directions, and the enemy is carrying out assault operations, as i already said, in the kupina, naliman direction, in some directions, he has tactical success there, tactical improvement of his position, and the last question i have for you today. the sbi reported that in the case they are dealing with the breach of the border by russian troops in
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the kharkiv region, and that the investigation is currently studying documents, including secret documents, more than 100 witnesses have already been interviewed, please tell me whether it was possible to interview any of the military personnel who do you know, and do you have do you have any expectations regarding the results of the investigation, what do you think about it in general, uh, no one personally questioned my acquaintances. which, the security service of ukraine and all other bodies, law enforcement agencies did not carry out, because our brigade, it went there when the enemy began to break through the border and was already performing their official task, that is, they entered the battle from the march, then stabilized the situation, and now we we are engaged in tactical improvement of our position, that is, now we are already successful in that direction, we have an advantage and we we use, regarding the investigation, i mean, regarding the fortifications that were there. well, probably, yes , yes, probably, i think that the investigation should
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deal with those, because there were engineering and fortification structures in our direction, but they were unfinished, that is, i think that simply the terms were incorrectly set or set, or someone correct, but this is honestly my subjective opinion, it cannot be an expert regarding the delivery of certain terms to certain construction contractors according to engineering and paving, i can say that they were on our site. i thank you very much, vitaly lytvyn, a hero of ukraine and an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh brigade of the national police of ukraine, was on radio liberty. thank you very much. well, the other day, then we will show you material about how the russian volunteer corps fights near vovchansk, again kharkiv region, together with belarusians and other fighters of the foreign legion. this is a special report of radio svoboda from kharkiv region. take a look. why did you
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decide to go to ukraine to fight? actually there are many reasons, one of them is that i do not support putin's regime, i do not support lukashenko's regime, and i understand that if putin does take over ukraine, belarus will follow and russia will become a very large state, and what is possible after that, i.e. which? the consequences are hard to even imagine, that's why i thought that i want to help in some way, and to help from belarus, unfortunately, it is financially prohibited, that is, it falls under the criminal article, and if you are already going to europe and helping from there, then why not already come to help yes, and if you are already going to europe is being helped from there, so why not come and help like this? rdk took part in operations on all available fronts. rdk took part in operations on all fronts that exist, including on fronts in which... ordinary units do not particularly take part, that is, now in kharkiv, although there
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are also vokhtyrs and so on, in the operation in kozynki, in order for it to be in a more stable version, in order for it not to pose a threat to the rest of the world, just the western countries and the usa and so on, you just have to look for those who can prevent it, and it is immediately clear that it is not putin and not the nomenklatura, they cannot do this, because they will lead to it. that is, it is one way or another, and we may be some other opposition, but first of all, of course, we are. i and my family, i have brothers. i'm from a family, i have brothers and sisters, i can't. imagine how i invade them and start to change something in their family, and this is just an analogy, as they say, here are the ukrainians, our brothers, and then you go first in the 14th year to crimea, donbass and now with the war, this slippers, as our commander denys rex says, is important to us to create a safe zone of ukraine so that this does not happen again in the future, and
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good neighborly relations are important to us, which will be very difficult to build in the future, a very long time will have to pass for at least something... here, here, apparently, this is the main goal, independence from russia , so that the war would not be repeated again, the deaths of both civilians and soldiers would not be repeated again, and everyone could live peacefully, independence from russia, so that the war would not be repeated again, the deaths of both civilians and military would not be repeated again, everyone could live peacefully, he already taking revenge, he sends all possible forces to calculate. sends all possible forces to calculate when the rdc is involved in some operation, it sends all possible forces to find out where they are specifically, to send as many forces there as possible to destroy us directly, this is the first priority for any putin's similar operations, regarding the fact that the goal, not the goal, is still a method, that is, the targets are in the rdc, they
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are in moscow, for the rest of us, this is a method, measures in bielgorod, in other regions, all this is necessary. in order to reset completely putin's power and establish an acceptable regime of life, regain our home, we monitor the movements of the enemy, make sure that he does not enter any borders, warn the armed forces and other units that he is going somewhere, so that they can prepare and repel the attack, adjust artillery and so on, there are currently no active battles in vovchansk, everything is at its limits. currently, the artillery war is going faster, that is, the hot phase. the offensive has been stopped, which means that the hot phase of the offensive has been stopped, guys, you are alive, yes, it is necessary to evacuate from here, after the shelling, we're
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just waiting, first we're waiting, first we're waiting, let's get the gas out, we need to get it out, right? just a few hours ago , a cap 250 or f 250 aircraft flew over us. the whole house is on fire, everything was simply demolished by twisting, the guys were working, fortunately all the targets are unharmed, we will evacuate from here, not only the united states, but also germany, despite
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the prolonged opposition of chancellor scholz, allowed ukraine to use its weapons to strike at the troops. targets on the territory of russia. what will happen if russian fighter jet will be shot down by western weapons in russian airspace? - journalists asked the chairman of the bundestag defense committee. listen and yet the question remains, what will happen if a russian fighter jet is shot down in russian airspace by western weapons? this means that it was shot down and there was one less flying plane. our broadcast is joined by mykhailo jerokhov, a military expert, mykhailo, good evening, good evening, today we are talking about, so to speak, the first consequences or results of how ukraine uses, uses western weapons to launch strikes on russia, which has changed in
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the last few days there, since ukraine received this. permission, well, before that we had a military serviceman and he hinted that he said, look, you see that it is flying towards various russian targets and draw conclusions, but you want a more detailed picture, which maybe you, as an expert, can see, wider? well, first of all, it is very difficult to expect any strategic consequences after four days of use, i think that the operations are just being worked out, so that for us now the main thing is pri'. or to reduce raids by russian aircraft, and for this it is necessary to either destroy aircraft at the base airfields, there are up to several airfields, i mean, first of all , varonizh, baltimore and kursk, halina, where russian attack aircraft are based, which strike at the kharkiv region , and
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the second is to shoot down these planes in the airspace of the russian federation. the second task, it is so difficult and you need to calculate everything, especially since our military already has such experience. if you remember, 2023 year, when several russian planes and helicopters were destroyed by patriot missiles in the bryansk region. as i remember then, the western partners did not like it very much, and they asked ukraine not to do it again, at least the western media wrote about it. do you think that now the patriots will be actively used to attack air targets on the territory of russia? and absolutely exactly. it is necessary to distinguish between what is said officially and what is happening in reality, because such an operation, as we saw on may 23, can be carried out without
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american help was, well, let's say difficult, or impossible at all, the americans monitor all moments of the use of american weapons, starting from 2018, when you remember, they gave where... a few javelins, and this control was total, i don't think , that something has changed in recent years, and now it is obvious that such a permit has already been granted to us, we will now return to the prospect of shooting down aerial targets, i also want to ask about ground targets, but now we are talking about a radius of 70- 80 km, firstly, what can be under attack in the first place, so it's the team. these are headquarters, these are warehouses, and secondly, here again , a military serviceman was in front of you on our broadcast and he said: well, this does not completely solve the issue, because they simply
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take the installation, relatively speaking, further than 80 km away and continue use it? well, first of all, you need to understand that there are thousands of such targets on the territory of the russian federation, but we have not been given missiles, well, certainly not thousands. therefore, now our command, it develops a certain strategy for the destruction of certain objects which will be the most effective, in relation to this, they move this equipment, the further they move the equipment, i mean even artillery, the less effective it becomes, because artillery has this and rockets, they have such a feature, the further they shoot, the more they are... well, less accurate, let's put it this way, relatively speaking, and that's why now is a very important period, i think that now
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in the general staff and lower-level staffs, they are currently developing some kind of methodology that will allow the most effective use of the means that we have there are, i repeat once again, them not enough to, you know, destroy... the maximum number of russian facilities, because there are literally thousands of these facilities, even within a radius of 70 km, relatively speaking, even within a radius, if we are talking about military facilities, if we talk about objects of military infrastructure, there is rap, and artillery, and anti-aircraft missile complexes, you, what i see now, we see, well, i, for example, see, i see the preparatory stage, because in recent days, if you saw, several s-300 and s-400 complexes were destroyed in the belgorod region, the preparatory stage with from the side of ukraine from the side of ukraine, first of all
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it is necessary, well, as the book says, well, which are studied at the military academy, is it you, you have read such books, it is necessary to first knock out the air defense system, so that these missiles, which or means, which will be used so that they operate as effectively as possible, after that... to strike, because the russian air defense system, let's not say, is one of the most powerful in the world, and so, well, some part, even most of these missiles, she still goes astray to the systems air defense systems, now these air defense systems are being knocked out and knocked out at a frantic pace, and by the way, again, i will quote the western press here, it was said over the weekend, i can’t remember the name of the publication now, maybe it was from the new york times or a politician. they wrote that it is possible that ukraine will coordinate every attack, every strike with its allies, but whose weapons? well, i think that
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anyway... most of the military operations in '22, they adjust with the western allies because it takes a certain number of ammunition, equipment, personnel, and therefore it is consistent with the supplies of western aid, for us it seems that they gave now, then they gave in a week, but in fact this is a schedule that is also maintained by the westerners. allies and our command, how it turns out already on the battlefield, is another question, but it is fortune, and the lottery for the most part. another question i have concerns air targets, but today, or rather the day before, an edition from the washington post wrote that despite the presence of such a permit, the russian army can still to fire at kharkiv with some types of weapons, and what if the white house, as before,
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insists on... that ukraine does not use any ultra-modern and super-powerful systems for strikes on the territory of russia. first of all, what kind of weapons are we talking about here, atakamse, is it possible that i am wrong, and if, as before, russia will have immunity, conditionally speaking, for the kabis, yes, then will it be correct to say that russia will continue to be able to use them without hindrance to use these aerial bombs without any obstacles, or if... if i'm not mistaken, the patriots are unlikely to be able to counter them, will they be able to, and the question is that the most powerful modification of the takamsa that we have is 300 km, that is, hitting the target, these americans have not yet given permission, and those atakamsa of the previous modification, which have 165 km, which have a shorter shorter range, they have given permission to use, and if now we
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can ... very effectively hit the airfields where the russian aircraft are based, then we will have an advantage, the advantage is that the russians will continue to use cabs, but these planes will take off from distant airfields, that is, the time to detect them and the time to react to these strikes will increase, which means that the people in kharkiv, the military air defense will have, well, not the conventional eight... minutes, but 18:20, in which it is possible to understand where the planes are flying from and from which direction the strikes will be made, which means redirecting the air defense system and radar stations in order to repel this attack more effectively, this is what we are talking about, that we will not give the russians but reduce the time , but now very quickly, they take off and almost immediately drop the cab,
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to react to this... well, any air defense system, even, i think, israeli or american, it will not be able to, especially our air defense system, so this is what is being discussed now conditionally from afar, further from the russian border, in order for us to have time and opportunities to repulse these airstrikes . and in this context, i want to ask you, what about your own weapons? well , look, we are very often shown gur and and... the sbu, how their drones fly to russian targets in the depths of the country, these are not only airfields, but also airfields, these are oil refineries, and in 1000 km and even further, well, relatively speaking, why could such a weapon not have been used for this purpose, to neutralize there, including those airfields from which these cabs take off, there are critically few of them, they are easy to detect, they are not suitable , why
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it was so critical now... to get the permission of the united states, and ukraine very much wants to use western missiles, and not some of its own developments and drones. it is necessary to understand that, firstly, our drones, they still have a very limited combat unit, 10 kg combat unit - this is not enough to destroy even some target on the airfield. secondly, airfields have always been and are now covered by the system. idps, that's why our drones, which have a fairly low speed, they find them very quickly in the sky and destroy them with their, ah, tunguskas, everything they have, shells, this, that's all, and therefore for strikes choose objects that are not covered by the air defense system. now we are receiving ballistic missiles, we will say directly that
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the attacker is ballistic. missiles, what are they enough.


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