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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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who at that time was the head of the administration of the president of ukraine, in the early 2000s, i remember this time very well, well, i looked at these temniks, they are actually made of zalikals from those distant times and are very similar to these temniks, mrs. evgenia, have you in your humanitarian and information policy committee already considered the question of what actually happened in ukrinform, whether there is a fact of censorship or whether there is a fact of interference. in the work of journalists by the now former heads of ukrinform and who actually produced these documents that were published last week in ukrainian pravda. well , our team did not ask us to consider this issue, we are open to cooperation with the new head of ukroinform, and i talked about it as the head of
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the information policy subcommittee with our head of the committee, so that it would be good to have a meeting with the newly appointed the head of the ukrainian forum to discuss all the issues that, of course, concern not only deputies, but journalists and society in general. i would still not compare this situation with the times of medvedchuk, because even the very fact that you are asking these questions, that this article by ukrpravda came out, that... we see this sharp reaction of society and the rejection of any signs that write, i don't know, unwanted speakers, people who do not have water supply or what was in these plates, this is also a certain criterion, and democracy is, well, built up, so are all these pillars of democracy, one of them is freedom of speech, it is built up over time, and as far as i am concerned, ours.. . society is more
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democratic than in the times of medvedchuk, yanukovych and so on, so i would like it to fix of course, in a country that is joining the european union, it is not possible to have any signs with desirable and undesirable speakers, if we talk about the verkhovna rada, then it seems to me that the parliament, well, responds most sensitively to all issues related to the protection of freedom of speech, and the corresponding committee started working. and we in our information policy committee also constantly consider the issue of social and general non-interference in editorial policy, but i would also like to look more broadly at this problem, because we have literally several days will be the journalist's day, but would such articles appear about private media, or is there interference of private owners in editorial policy. in private media, well
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, let me make an assumption that there is, but it does not cause such condemnation, and i understand why, it is because the state media, it is wrong, i also think that we should get rid of it as much as possible, and there is temptation, especially during martial law, but the question of non-interference in editorial policy is broader than some questions about kerinform, well, look, i’m not for that... you i ask the question, is there interference in editorial policy in private media, i work in private media, i can tell you, on a private tv channel, i can say that there is no interference in my work, that is, i calmly formulate questions to all our guests, communicate with all the guests on an equal footing, and no one prescribes such temniks to me: oh, yevgenia kravchuk must be asked about such and such, or mykhailo sebaliuk. it shouldn’t
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be, please, or it shouldn’t be, i don’t have such instructions at all, i’ll tell you who has it, i don’t know who has it, that is, if there is, people should leave and to say that they have, if former employees of ukrainform came out and said that they have dark people, well, then there is, especially since the state agency and interference and censorship in the state agency is a certain marker. for our western partners, why am i asking about this in fact, not because i want to show there that there is something in ukrinform, it is not in some private eu project, mr. yaroslav, no, well, well, sorry, colleagues, let’s go either to prove the truth of the discussion, or it is better to move on to another topic, there were dark people in ukrainform, everyone saw them, to be honest, from the people who managed, or managed from the office of the president of ukremform, i don't... anything else, well, i'm sorry, they
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can't manage telegram channels, do all the channels that are included in the marathon, except extra time social, yes. well, look, i'm a deputy, i'm already enough, well, i know many people from the media market, they say directly, sorry, we want to include you, i'll suggest someone else, we can't be banned from the office, do the representatives of the president's office call the same radio station, well, he's ready to open the interview. they call, they ask not to show someone there or to show less, the only problem is that it is conditional now, or not a problem, the only thing is that we are... well conditionally saved from worsening, yes, significant in these dungeons, and once again people who this is what they are doing, excuse me for the parliamentary expression, they are stupid, well, they do it the same way as everyone else does because of one place, and that is why they certainly do not succeed, please tell me, we are correct,
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yevgenia and you are talking about the channel council, which only during the war 290 million transferred budget money to mindych's company, kinokkid. together with kyril tymoshenko, our money, state taxes, so i honestly have no complaints against any owner of a private channel, because, well, he does it for his own money, the oligarchs there did it, probably for lobbying, now i hardly understand profitability in general of the media market, but this is not done with my money, not with tax money, but with the rada channel, which practically does not show the opposition in normal prime time, so in cuts, right? who rushes to open it there, the media monitoring did not even cut it himself, but through the firm of mindich and kyril tymoshenko and other representatives of the shadowy office of the president, 290 million, even more, that is the whole difference, so once again, when you want to tell that
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there is no censorship here, there is no censorship and so on the rest, well , it’s not true, well, it’s a complete lie, sorry, it’s a lie, which, well, no, no... we understood your point, mr. mykhailo, how do you assess these attacks on freedom of speech and attempts to regulate it? no, it’s not military censorship, it’s not about military censorship , first we need to complete denationalization of society is one thing. significantly, and i think that if the state of ukraine finally completes this reform, thanks to god for the victories and glory of the armed forces of ukraine, we are sure that after our victory we will be able to complete the denationalization of all countries so that everyone
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is on equal terms. next, we need to talk about something else, whether the state has a full-fledged information policy, information security, information hygiene. during the operation of the special regime of martial law, which was first introduced during the years of independence, there is a big problem in this, and as for the temniks, well, here it is necessary that both the journalistic community and law enforcement agencies conduct an honest investigation of it, and that after that it would not be acceptable for anyone to do such things. because of that, there should be shared responsibility, and everyone should remember that the word is a weapon, and especially during the operation of a special martial law regime , it should also be used very carefully. thank you, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, evgeniya kravchuk and yaroslav
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zheleznyak were guests of our program today. thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us today. during this broadcast, we are about us surveys were conducted. you about this, whether you understand the principle of reservation from mobilization, let's look at the results of the television survey: 5% yes, 95% no. these are the results of today's survey, it was the verdict of serhiy rudenko program. come to the verdict tomorrow at 20:00, it will be interesting as always, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. goodbye. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on mevycar ic 10% in pharmacies psyllium pam and oshchadnyk. there are times
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when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts that are not hackable. plantain in pharmacies, save money. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes, that change the country and each of us. ukraine
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should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at... espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, and repairs. winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with torrential fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together.
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suzana osman and 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. all these girls disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and it has been quite a long time time cannot find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help, and, of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the kherson region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that you have problems with the broadcasting of ukrainian tv channels, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. hence. please look carefully into the faces of the missing girls. anastasia kucherenko looks about 16
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years old, she has dark blond hair and brown eyes. a child disappeared in the jubilee rural community of the kherson region in the village of nova mayachka the beginning of the occupation. since then , there was no news about nastya kucherenko. suzanne osman. the girl is 12 years old. she has dark hair and dark eyes. the child lived in the village of bekhteri, that is... khadovsky district of the kherson region, which is still occupied. the search for the child continues from february 2023. and this is 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. the girl lived on the right bank of the kherson region in the boryslav district in the village of dudchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 it was liberated and it was during this period that the disappearance became known angelina. where the girl may be for... no one knows, maybe the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe
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even to russia in general, that is why your help is very important. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of anastasia, susana and angelina, or maybe just saw these girls somewhere, please let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. the magnolia children's search service can be called at any time of the day using the short number. 1630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators free of charge if you suddenly find yourself in a temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot service. search for children in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of the children were found and now everything is fine with them, but, unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown. and help them
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everyone can find it. believe me, it can be just a minute of your time. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. and now about the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often just run away. we talked on this... with psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can definitely prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is about the importance of talking with children not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about your own feelings, experiences and fears. frankness, according to experts, will help not only open up to the child, but also sometimes even get support and help. show
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sincere interest in the child's personality, because often all our conversations with children and teenagers boil down to a few topics: cleaning, grades, maybe some other material moments, but they something completely different is important, it is important for them to talk about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about how everything is arranged, on the other hand, they may not be ready to be the first to do it, and here it is your turn, you should be the first to speak about your fears, about your doubts, about your hesitations and feelings, and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, not only will it allow the child to open up to you in the future, but it will also help you get support, get help, feel needed and loved in to his own family. we have created a resource thanks to which you you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time,
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just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. end stop ua. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. ormen. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresnem. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, i hope you can see us and there is definitely light in at least a certain number of viewers, this is the big ether on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zamaya, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues are with you. so, did biden say how he sees peace in ukraine? in a few days, macron will announce the appearance of french instructors on the territory of our country, prices are rising, how do tariffs affect this, and the dollar is growing, oleksandr will talk about it. ramorchavka in addition, there is a lot of important information, klitschko was searched by the state bureau of investigation, who is being searched and what is being searched for, as well as a report on the events at the front, and also the weather. didenko, when and how will it be flooded and why did they decide to deviate from the schedules and return to emergency power outages. what is the real situation? we will
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talk about all this, but now i will give the floor to serhiy sgorts about the situation in the key areas of the front line and everything related to the war. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today in our column we will talk about strengthening. air defense, and more details about the new missiles for the arrow-10 complex in the continuation of the frankinsam projects, about the expectation of the italian sumpti and about combat operations on the front line in a conversation with our military about this in a moment. let's start our column with the topic of the search for new weapons capabilities that... lie, that is, fight, but remain unnoticed, and then unexpectedly still fall into the frame. the armed forces of ukraine, more precisely, the belotserk
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anti-aircraft missile regiment, showed a video of the anti-aircraft missile system of the osa, which received new missiles. this air defense system is now actively used primarily to destroy such enemy targets as enemy cruise missiles, drones, in particular eagles. this is usually done with the help of more. in fact , not so much, but this video shows that in addition to standard missiles for the osa air defense system, this complex is equipped with short- range air-to-air missiles r-73, this is actually another a manifestation of that already known concept of frankens, when things are combined that were previously incompatible, because the r-73 missiles are actually... a close combat missile for aircraft, but now it has been attached to zerkaos and it can be assumed that it is now from this complex it is possible to shoot down air targets and somewhere at
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a distance of 12 km, the main thing is that the homing warhead captures the enemy target, and the 73 missile can be manufactured in ukraine, because both the homing warhead and some other things can be produced by our enterprises, so i think that this project can be scaled, and now we are ... waiting for the addition to the osa air defense system, which is a short-range air defense system, other anti-aircraft missile complexes that are already long-range from our partners, we are talking about what has now been announced about that italy will give us another battery or complex called sampt, this is one of the most modern models of long-range air defense systems, it is ... adapted to fight both aircraft and cruise missiles, and most importantly even ballistic missiles like the russian dagger , and with separate indicators, this sam
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even better than the petrio because it's more mobile, it has a range of 150km to kill there planes and ballistics as far as 35km which is even better than the patriot when we get it here... interesting thing because relatively speaking, the italian press, in particular getal stampa wrote that this complex has already been handed over, on the other hand we know that there have been reports that this complex will be handed over, at least soon enough before the 13th of june before the meeting of the g7 countries, so we hope that in fact, these are our reinforcements air defense will be enough...quickly, then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, where last day there were 137 combat clashes, the day before yesterday there were 60, the last day was 137, that is, it
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speaks of an increase in dynamics along the entire length of the front, and before moving on to our guest, i would like us to announce another fundraiser that our channel is holding, we are inviting you to join the new fundraiser for the aerospace fighters. rubizh national guard brigades need mavics and fpv drones. required amount - this is 3 million hryvnias. now you see qr codes on the screens, which you can use to transfer funds, and your help to the region is important. and now we are joined by vitaliy lytvyn, an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh operational brigade of the national guard of ukraine, a hero of ukraine. he is the golden star of the hero. received in june of the 22nd year, mr. vitaly, i welcome you to the espresso channel, i am glad to see and hear, eh, dear studio, dear tv viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i spoke with
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the officers of your brigade and we mainly talked about the situation in the bakhmut direction, your unit is special, it can be used and applied in other directions in view of the needs of the military command, so i would like you to give a description of the direction you are in and where your unit now has to perform the lion part of the tasks, eh, i want to say that... our brigade of the offensive-robizh guards is currently deployed in several directions, namely the kharkiv, kuplian and lyman directions. and that is, we perform the lion's share of tasks on all of these in three directions, because each of these directions is very important, and we teach there completely 100%. as we can see, our aerial reconnaissance of our brigade collects fpv drones and maviks, i want to explain a little to the tv viewers how we use them, that is
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, we use maviks 3t for... artillery, so that the enemy, when conducting assault operations, cannot get close to our units, to our defensive positions, to destroy it directly on the approach to these positions, and we use fp buckets because we understand, i want to explain, when fpv drones like this became popular when we had a shortage of artillery ammunition, and we realized that fpv drones could compensate for the lack of this ammunition, and effectively destroy dugouts, destroy equipment, equipment that moves and burn this equipment. during assaults carried out by the enemy. now we can see the footage of our second operational battalion, this is the lyman direction, the enemy there used armored vehicles during the assault, there is another video of us on the internet, you can watch, he used a tank, that’s what they called the shed, it was flanked on all sides, and as we all laughed at those braziers at the beginning of the full scale invasion, but they turned out to be pretty effective against fpv drones, and if you didn't use a boost munition,
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those tanks... which you can't even destroy, and they are getting very close to the front edge of ours, and this tank was destroyed by our infantrymen with direct shots from 50 m of convenient anti-tank grenade launchers, we fired two shots and this tank was destroyed, and here it is fpv drones and mavics, they help in destruction of the enemy on the approach to our positions. mr. vitaly, what are the features of the enemy's actions now, is the number of armored vehicles decreasing, or on the contrary increasing, well, in particular. in comparison there a month or two ago, because there are different assessments of the situation, now it is said that the enemy still uses manpower without the support of armored vehicles? you know, it can be followed not even by time, but from direction to direction, for example, in the liman direction, the enemy carried out controlled actions with the support of tanks, bmp and other armored vehicles, such as tanks in the direction of kharkiv, where our units are also moving, the enemy will not
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attack armored vehicles there. he used a very large number of infantry there, for example, in the direction of kupyan, the enemy there wants to use his sudden actions and he used buggies there, that is, he sends one buggie with a detachment of infantry, if they are successful, they send two more buggies with infantry, and they storm further, that is, improve their own, develop, so to speak, success, if they there is no success, just one buggy with infantry is destroyed and the enemy stops conducting assaults, that is, the enemy’s army is very experienced, the commander of the brigade level up to... they have witnessed combat operations behind the shoulders of leading in the temporarily occupied territories of our country, this is syria, there are also many the servicemen of their crimea took combat operations in chechnya, in georgia and in other countries, that is, they are experienced commanders, and they can very cleverly use their means, both manpower and equipment, suddenness, that is, they approach this, so to speak, as artists, as they see, they use it that way, and in the kharkiv direction, i want to dwell on it now,
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the enemy is there, there was such a thing on the internet that abti alaudinov, this is kadyrov's deputy, said that he wanted to use , he will honorably use his units where the russian federation wants to use them there, and as for me, this is an indicator of the low morale of the troops of the russian federation in the kharkiv direction, because when we faced akhmat's units, they stood behind units, the main units of the russian federation and controlled them so that they did not run away, and now we... we can see, there were cadres in vovchansk, i don't remember which unit, that simply russian, the russian federation, their servicemen were simply moving towards of the defense forces of ukraine with raised hands, and yuri botusov had many videos where he interrogated servicemen of the defense forces of ukraine, interrogated prisoners, and they also emphasized the low moral absolute state of the russian troops in the kharkiv region. mr. officer, i would like to ask you about
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such a thing. from personal training.


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