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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:00 p.m.: 10, with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, then, what will happen to the dollar and how tariffs will affect the prices of consumer goods, and oleksandr morchuvka will talk about this and other things in the column money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, i hope i didn't confuse anything. please. i congratulate vasylya, i congratulate the audience, indeed, in the next few minutes i will talk about this very thing. also find out about the situation on the ukrainian-polish border and what decisions the verkhovna rada made to fill the state budget. more on that in a moment. i am oleksandr
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morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, it was not long on the ukrainian-polish border. in particular , polish protesters blocked the movement of trucks from ukraine to ukraine. the word goes about rav ruska crossing point. 12 cars are allowed to enter for 12 hours, as well as four trucks carrying humanitarian aid for an hour, the state border service reported. well, the day before this action was announced by local farmers, the protest will last until june 6. the participants demand to reduce the import of grain crops to the territory of poland. well, here we see money for fish again, vasyl, it seems that the polish government did not hold the situation in their hands for a long time. well, either the government did not contain the situation, or someone found some. arguments for farmers,
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or maybe something is happening with the farmers in their business, well, it's hard to say, but during such a hot period for people who work on the land, for agricultural producers, well, obviously they have some possible questions, they are again trying to solve them for account of ukraine. to essentially undermine budget revenues from the export of grain, well, if we talk about the state budget, then the increase in the excise tax on tobacco products was discussed today in the verkhovna rada, and the parliament in the first reading supported changes to the tax code. according to the bill, the excise tax on cigarettes will be pegged to the euro, not the hryvnia. people's deputy yaroslav zhelizniak told about it. in the next year, the collection will increase by as much as 23%. this year, the increase will take place only in case of devaluation. due to the changes next year , more than uah 600 million should be added to the budget. let's listen to the direct speech. the rate will not be in hryvnias, but in euros,
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this is also normal, because if our foreign currency is correspondingly more expensive, we are more we receive money in the budget, and there is no need to constantly do indexation, secondly, this will be a conditionally grid of increases in excise rates for several years, since we have not indexed excise rates for a long time, which is prescribed by law, the first year will be the 25th year a little more indexation, well, vasyl, we see, for several years, people's deputy zheleznyak says, there will be a stretching of the increase in the excise tax on tobacco products, as i understand it, a similar model, it also applies to fuel, there is also such a gradation, but some experts say that price increase for fuel, in the long run, income to the budget can be added, but this is a separate topic, as for cigarettes, i just know and have seen it many times now, well , always when they became more expensive.
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the trade in counterfeit products has also increased near the subway, well, the question is to control it, because this way you can increase the excise tax, people will pay more, although in general i am for everyone to quit smoking, because it harms health, it absolutely harms health to one degree or another, but someone else will crush, as they say, the trade in counterfeit products, and also on this to make money, the main thing here is that the share of the tobacco industry does not go into the shadows, it is already at a significant level, from time to time we see that the economic bureau... security tells about the fact that in one or another region they really covered up a shop with production of excise goods, but experts say that such point stories are not enough to really reduce the shadow market of cigarette production. well, to hot topics, there may be no electricity, in general, for seven hours in kyiv, the electricity supply restriction schedules will be extended. it was reported ceo. yasno serhiy
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kovalenko, says that the main reasons are the planned repair of two power units of nuclear power plants and the reconstruction of the line for importing current from the word. act indeed, ukraine is going to increase purchases of foreign electricity from the european union. the cabinet of ministers is already working on such a decision. the russian strikes did lead to the loss of as much as 9 gw of electricity production capacity. the enemy continues to attack the energy infrastructure. therefore, ukrenergo is forced to turn off the lights, he said head of the government denys shmyhal. so far, a five-point strategy has been developed. to improve the situation in the industry, including strengthening air defense, repairing damaged equipment, building defenses against drones, helping partners and decentralizing the energy system. let's listen to what was said in the cabinet. removal of customs and
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bureaucratic barriers for importing generators, solar panels, accumulators, inverters and other equipment and parts for such equipment into ukraine. support for consumers who... will install their own generation, in particular through provision of soft loans. every regional center must have facilities for powering critical infrastructure. we're talking dozens of minnie tetz across the country. well, it's a really great five-point strategy, it seems to me, at least 10 points, vasyl, but it seems that denys shmigal once talked about the system of protection of energy facilities, and it was also very beautiful. partners who could really focus on specific goals, well, here i think it is very well written, here it is simple, i
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do not understand, well, i understand on the one hand, from on the other hand, it was at this time that everything coincided, and there we have to increase the carrying capacity and now there is a planned repair, that is, everything is done in a planned way. that there are many people who, let's say, have certain problems with raising descents, if they turn it off for 7 hours, well, it can seriously affect the health of many citizens, by the way. how much does the increase of american money affect ukrainians, how much does the increase in electricity tariffs affect the actual expenses of ordinary citizens, we will talk about this with borys koshniruk, economist, head of the expert... analytical council of the ukrainian analytical center, he joins our conversation. good evening, good evening. mr. boris, well, here are two questions, in fact, in fact, the dollar continues to grow for several weeks, if i am not mistaken, the national bank continues to arrange fluctuations, but is there a limit and to what extent such
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fluctuations are really predicted, and well, it will not affect either the rise in prices will not affect anything, and you just need to monitor, for the sake of monitoring, because in the national bank is told that... well , problems do not exist traditionally, but i would say the problem is more with the nation itself, and with its flight, because it is shameful and unpredictable, i have repeatedly said that to keep the exchange rate of the hryvnia in relation to the dollar unchanged levels, that's obviously stupid, and because domestic inflation is all the same, that is, the costs of the business are increasing, so if you keep the exchange rate, that means that... you have increasing costs in dollars, as to compete domestically market, and on external, thus, a certain slow growth of foreign currency in relation to the dollar, or there a devaluation of the hryvnia, it is not only possible, but also appropriate, but given
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that the exchange rate in our country now completely depends on the national bank, because it is a net seller of the essence of the currency on the market, it forms 30-40-50% of all sales, respectively, depending on what the national bank will do, it will depend on what will happen to the exchange rate, if the situation is like this, and it will be like this for the next few years, because we will have very large volume trade balance, foreign trade balance, so everything depends there on what the bank does in our country, and if everything depends entirely on him, then in this case he not only has to, he is obliged to explain how he is going to do it. devaluation, and i was just a supporter, constantly emphasized that the central bank should say, we believe that it is necessary to carry out a devaluation during the year by 5% or by 10% or by 7%, and we will do it according to the plan every month by half a percent, by fifty percent, but by 0.75%, but the whole business,
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the population, everyone should know what is happening, when they tell us that we only remove some... let's say pressure and so on, well, it's all a delusion, because i emphasize, the exchange rate at the moment completely depends on the national bank, the national bank will, it will be 35, it will, it will be 50. and it completely depends now not on what happens on the market, but on the actions of the national bank itself, and they are currently opaque and create opportunities for corruption abuse, this is unfortunately what we have with the exchange rate situation national currencies, we really need to be transparent here, well , in particular, as we are told, excise taxes on tobacco products will indeed be gradually increased for several years, the same with fuel, the national bank should probably react to the devaluation of the hryvnia in the same way, telling us that this is not the case. .. avoid, we can’t avoid it now during the war, during the time of so many risks, and indeed
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the hryvnia will drop there in a certain period by so many percent, here i support you, but how much the hot topic of the increase in electricity tariffs will hit the inflation rate. the national bank has already admitted that the prices of goods and services may rise in the near future, how much will the tariffs hit the wallets of ukrainians? well, look, it is necessary to understand that it is actually, when the prices in stores increase, it means that the costs of enterprises increase, it is not about the tariffs for the population, just objectively, given that the costs of electricity are increasing, and we have to purchase a lot of additional electricity outside of ukraine, which is many times higher in price, than in ukraine, it falls accordingly. to manufacturing enterprises, respectively, then they are forced to apply it to the price of their
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products, therefore, there is a problem of two types of inflation, inflation related to the goods and services that are offered to us, and costs related directly to electricity as a commodity for the population , unfortunately, the general inflation rate, which is related to it, will also increase. for the population, and there will be an increase in the prices of products, because the prices and costs of enterprises will increase, accordingly, the prices will also increase, giving i don't take a forecast, because again, i constantly emphasize in your program that the so-called inflation is the average temperature in the ward, for different segments of the population, it will have different meanings, if you are low-income people, then. .. in this case, it is undoubtedly much more important for you what the price of food products will be, and therefore
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you look at all prices in fact through two or three important indicators: prices for products, prices for food products, prices for utility services, prices on li doctor, medical supplies, everything, everything else you have the big account does not count, if you are a wealthier person, you have a different structure of your expenses, therefore, accordingly, inflation may not be as significant for you as for... low-income people, it is not for nothing that there is a saying that inflation is a tax on the poor, that is, in in this case, it is the poor who will feel it much more than the wealthy, the wealthier stratum of the population. thank you for a thorough analysis, although it is disappointing, but it is transparent and, as always, of high quality. borys kuchniruk, head of the expert-analytical council of the ukrainian analytical center, was in touch. and i will finishing the column about money during the war, but there is a big broadcast going on, more to come. see us. well, now about culture, do
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ukrainians know enough about the dissident movement, the answer of experts is not too rosy, for example, publisher and researcher leonid finberg insists that schoolchildren can usually name only one name, that of vasyl stus. what should we do with this problem, our art watcher lina chuvchenina will tell you a word, good evening, good evening. vasyl, good evening to our viewers, in a second i will tell you about what the publishers, in general, all the people who take care of our dissidents decided, the answer is the same as in other spheres, to unite, that is , to unite people who are interested in preserving this. which heritage and the restoration of our memory about them, maybe the memory,
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but the fact is that there are not enough of us who are professionally engaged in this, so we need to expand the circle, the publisher leonid finberg says about this, he says that there are enough we have various photos, correspondence, very interesting, which would be great to publish, but first of all, we don't have enough human resources, that's why actually... and that's why we wanted to show you part of the conversations that took place here, unfortunately, we can't show it, because ours is bad enough, unfortunately, now the internet here is all simple is falling and therefore i will paraphrase in my own words, mr. leonid, for example, says that we do not have enough work with young people, schoolchildren, for example, because you actually said to vasyl that if you ask an average schoolboy who you know among the dissidents , they will call stus,
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maybe, in particular, thanks to the film, which is criticized a lot, but which is at least a rumor, and no one else ... will not be named, it is a big problem, and therefore, for example, he says that we need to publish even more books, and i will say , that it is necessary to arrange even more actions, because, for example, the interest in the 20s, in the russian revival is simply incredible, it somehow arose and it is supported by some mass actions, musicians, rappers, filmmakers, i think that the same should be done and with the sixties. also here was here in the museum of printing, by the way, we are in the territory of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, here was the grandson of the dissident zenovy antonyuk, danylo, he works with the legacy of not only his grandfather, but also of other dissidents, here he tells what needs to be published, again, various correspondences and various testimonies, some kind of memories
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of all these people, because this is not enough, here he says that it is necessary to republish what... was published earlier, because there, for example, the same zenova antoniuk, he not so well known to the general public though it is very in vain, because he had wonderful ideas, which, as his grandson says, they are relevant to this day, and it would certainly be good to talk about them in general, well, i will say that actually they also talk about the problem of memorialization and the fact that in our country, mr. leonid finberg also said that, for example, the badzio family or... leonid ivy is not immortalized enough, for example, somewhere in some public space, meaning there are monuments, and some plaques, and street names, and so on , and also a representative of ukrainskyi of the cultural fund, digitization spoke, because really different texts, for example, the correspondence of ivan svitlychny, for example with his wife, are spoken of as wonderful and
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extremely interesting, and it should be available so that every person can read it as he wants it is on the internet, in fact, this is also a large part of the work that requires material resources, human resources, and here, in fact, they are trying to understand how much money is needed for this, and when we will have all these materials in a large enough number, well, i hope that our connection was not as bad as we think, because really now the problems with the internet are colossal, so i'll finish, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much lina chechenina and well, now we will find out what kind of weather we should expect, well, at least in the next day, natalka dlyadenko is next to me, mrs. natalya, please give me the floor, thank you vasyl, a big hello to everyone, our dears viewers, now we will talk about the weather, about
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the forecast, about meteorology and also about climate, but literally in a few seconds. today, our conversation will begin with memories and forecasts, we will talk about powerful phenomena such as el niño and la niña. well, first some such statistics and interesting information. the fact is that according to the world meteorological organization, which is literally on june 3. the other day i reported that the el niño phenomenon, it is usually characterized by an increase in air temperature all over the world, may be replaced by a cooler la niña by the end of the year, well, i will remind you that niño is a natural increase the temperature of the air, the surface, excuse me, the ocean in the eastern and central parts of the pacific ocean and has an effect, as i have already said , on the entire globe, and the doe is characterized
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by the opposite, low temperature of the ocean in the equatorial part of the pacific ocean. and it is actually related to floods and droughts, and according to the calculations of the world meteorological organization, the probability that lania will start from july to september is 60%, then even these percentages will rise to 70, although deputy secretary general of the wmo baret, mr. barrett said that the end of el niño does not mean the pause in long-term climate change that everyone is talking about, because our planet continues to heat up anyway due to the strontium gases, which are actually...getting heat, and scientists say that despite the fact that in the period from the 20th to the 23rd year there was a cooling effect of the doe, still the last nine years were the warmest in the entire history of the world. these are el niño and la niña. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, magnetic storms, which usually everyone is very, very interested. and now
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we will look together at the forecast chart. here we are already looking at her. you see that tomorrow there will be an activation, especially at the beginning of the day, well , please, in the near future, that is , at night, the next night, because who reacts negatively to the active behavior of the magnetic field. land, please pay more attention to yourself, and actually we are moving on to the weather forecast for june 5, and we traditionally start with the western regions, and now we will look at the maps together, and i of course, i will tell you what the weather will be like, so the west continues to receive the palm of first place, so to speak, from the lowest air temperature of 22-25, well, comfortable, excellent air temperature, in my opinion, and short-term rains and thunderstorms, in some places even strong with... . hail and gusty strengthening of the wind. in the north, in the north of ukraine, in zhytomyr oblast, kyiv oblast, sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, the air temperature is 25, 26, 25, 27° and also
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short-term heavy rains and threats, especially possible hail and squalls. be very, very careful. in the east of ukraine tomorrow just in time, significant precipitation is not expected, it will be hot up to 30-30°. 30-33° above zero and, as i said, no precipitation. in the central part of ukraine. in the central part of ukraine, if there are rains, they will be local, but they are also likely. well, you see that the air temperature will increase from 26 to 31°. dnipropetrovsk region will be the hottest. in the southern part of ukraine , the weather will be hot tomorrow as well, this is a real summer, not very hot yet, but nevertheless 30-33 is already a serious application for... such real heat, no precipitation, a lot of sun, well , i would not advise kyivans to put out umbrellas from bags in the near future, because short-term rains and thunderstorms, during thunderstorms in different
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areas there can be squalls and hail , the air temperature is excellent 25-26° above zero, this is the nearest synoptic perspective, it will be warm until the end of the week, sometimes even hot, and from the beginning of next week, from june 10, a cooling is expected in ukraine, keep a close eye on... our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. i have by the way, there is no umbrella, you can give it to me, i'm joking, of course. thank you very much ms. natal snidenko, it was the big ether program, i forgive you until tomorrow, literally in a few moments, the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, see you. good evening, we are from ukraine. silya maleik, welcome
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to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atp and the tv channel, i, gulsom khalilova, and my colleague andrinii yanitsky work for you in the studio. today , as usual, we will tell you about the first military results of last week in the crimea, and we will talk with army general, head of the foreign service. from where in ukraine in 2005-2010 by mykola malomuzhe. mr. mykola, congratulations. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, mr. mykola, of course, we would like to start this broadcast with the latest and most current news. as you know, yesterday gurmo of ukraine reported on the successful operation it conducted in the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula and it became known that the russians were destroyed there. and what does this mean for
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us, why did the russian occupiers use these boats, to what extent is this really a very powerful blow to russia, the russian black sea fleet? well , first of all, we should talk about the fact that we destroyed the logistics route, it's just the ferry crossing, it's more. our second question, well, what boats, because the enemy has two routes: the eastern one, we know this, donetsk region, the zaporozhye direction and the crimean direction, this is the kerch bridge, which is currently used to a limited extent for the delivery of equipment and armed ammunition, and ferries, they they expect that at some point we will destroy the bridge completely, so we worked out the full logistics through the ferry crossing, which we actually disorientated and destroyed a huge part of little. moreover, there are a number of blocks that have become so bad that it is almost impossible to carry out repairs now, it simply blocked the movement of ships and at the same time we destroyed the security, just like that.
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these two tunas, it was protection from our underwater, sea, surface-type and air-type drones, so it was precisely these kotors that were destroyed in the format, so to speak, of a joint, both of the logistical path and the protection of this path, this is the surviving result that we now the supply of weapons and equipment has been stopped, supplied ammunition in this way to the territory of the crimea, kherson, and zaporizhzhia regions, and one more point, lowers the level of combat capability of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, it consists of strategic, respectively, ships, frigates, missile systems, so that you repeatedly drop, well, of course, these boats, which provide precisely the protection of strategic objects, including steam crossings, and it is possible to use them in the format of conducting some remote operations, that is, they will no longer
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pose a real threat to us, mr. mykola. well earlier there was a lot of talk about the need to destroy the kerch bridge, over which armed russians were also thrown, but recently, well, probably because there is so much in the media about the destruction of the bridge, they stopped, at least transporting heavy equipment over this bridge, about this investigative agency , such as molfar, reported that from satellite images it is clear that heavy equipment is not being brought across the bridge at the moment, it is protected and... and accordingly decided to strike at the ferry crossing, which means that the bridge will no longer be struck, the bridge it's simple, our next goal is to come , our special services and our contacts with them will conduct preparatory special operations, but i think that today we will neutralize practically on the territory of crimea, in which the black sea is all strategic objects,
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these are launchers . missile systems and , accordingly, such as the triumph, these are rockets , they have reworked ground strikes and air forces, these are onyx, these are radar systems, which literally this night also hit the territory of crimea, these are ships, these are, accordingly, the grouping of troops, therefore precisely the restrictions activities and the bridge, this once again lowers the combat capability, but when we will destroy it, as this is the main issue, i will say frankly, today we have to stand at the front. we do this in strategic directions, destroying 1,200 to 1,700 enemy reserves every day, and in a week it is 12,000, it is three brigades at least in a month, it is 30,000, an entire army, and this is a powerful explosive of russia, no matter who says it, that does not undermine, undermines, i know well that the russian army is a powerful blow to its so -called offensive aggressive positions, but we are in the second stage, i think, the second half of the year, the end of the year, we are moving to...
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strategic offensive operations, this is a new strategy of waging war, but having received weapons, ammunition from the usa, europe, purchasing from foreign markets and our own military equipment, destroying these are objects on the territory of the crimea, we will proceed to strategic strikes along the border and enter the crimea and at this moment cover the kerch bridge once, whether they will rebuild or not the steam crossing , then the crimean peninsula will transform not to the fortress, to the great west'. no one will be able to escape there either by a bridge or a ferry crossing, we cannot with a small number of ships, the more so we destroy them today every day, and we will destroy precisely the strike groups, these are airfields, well, like belbek, we have already spoken more than once, including various types of planes, bombers, missile planes, especially 31 of them, which launched missiles and daggers, which fly even to kyiv
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for a few minutes, and we simply destroyed them. airfield infrastructure, aircraft, diopatori in the same way, in other places, other military facilities, ammunition warehouses, control headquarters, rails, which control all the equatorial regions, practically the entire state, so at the moment it will be a one-moment, powerful, complex strike by foreign means, strom shadow, scalps, respectively , attacks, our systems, just , these are ionics, these are drones of various types, including. and naval, of course, these are different types of weapons that are used during the liberation of the peninsula, this will be a moment of truth for the kerch bridge as well, it is simply destroyed out of respect. mr. mykola, i have another one question, yesterday the russian occupiers, it was simply an unprecedented situation, when they raised 32 times into the sky.


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